Exercises for quadriceps thighs. Exercises for the quadriceps femoris The best exercises for the quadriceps femoris

My respect, dear comrades!

Today we are waiting for the final article from our epic series called basic exercises for gaining mass, and we will increase muscle volume in such a group as the legs. After reading, you will find out what exercises (from a scientific point of view) are the most effective for working them out, and what a training program called “making thighs like Masha’s” should look like :).

Put all your affairs aside for a while and get ready to absorb interesting information, let's go!

Basic exercises for gaining leg muscle mass, what are they?

If you know at least a little about anatomy, then you know that the legs are the largest muscular layer of the human body; in theory, it should account for about 45% total body weight. In practice, it is this muscle group that is the leanest. And the point here is that it most often gets hammered (at least from the male gym population) due to its inconsistency. The latter means that most often when removing clothes they look at the shoulders, arms, abs, etc. the legs are at the bottom, sometimes it just doesn’t reach them. In addition, you can always hide your legs behind wide pants, which in most cases is done by guys, due to the reluctance to pump them up, because you must admit, it’s convenient when you can hide the hardest pumping leg behind a piece of material (and therefore lagging behind) muscle layer It’s much easier to take a dumbbell and pull it on your biceps - the work isn’t hard, and the dividends in the form of a big “can” are good.

For women, legs are, perhaps, their calling card, because it is no secret that the main mission of the fair sex is to please others (men). And our brother most often evaluates the young lady from the bottom up, i.e. first the gaze falls on the legs, then the hips, waist and then higher and higher. In connection with this fact, legs become important in the primary assessment of the attractiveness of a female subject.


The man has enough 8 seconds to assess the attractiveness of a woman, but she, in turn, needs much more time (about 45 seconds) to determine if a partner is suitable for her.

Since we have such a “legged” article today, I can’t help but say that our rocking chair has always had legs (and remain to this day) not in honor. They swing sluggishly, reluctantly and very rarely, so the vast majority of guys go to the gym in pants, due to the incompetence of their lower body (meaning legs :)). I will also say that at one time I also gave them a hard time, but then I realized that I couldn’t do that and, having revised my schedule, I began to devote a full day to them.

Yes, legs grow slowly, yes, this is not the most representative muscle group (if you are not a performing athlete), but downloading them is vital. Actually, we’ll talk about this, namely, what basic exercises exist for gaining weight.

Well, we will start, as usual, with a little theory - a consideration of the muscle atlas of the legs. The main muscle groups include:

  • quadriceps (quadriceps femoris)- powerful extensors of the knee joint; important when walking, running, jumping and squatting; the strongest and thinnest in the human body;
  • adductor muscles (adductors) – located on the inside of the leg;
  • abductors (abductors) – located on the outside of the leg;
  • gluteals - three muscles that make up the buttocks: gluteus maximus/medius/minimus;
  • biceps femoris - hamstring, includes the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, short and long heads of the biceps femoris;
  • calf;
  • soleus.

Now let's look at the most effective exercises (based on electromyography results) for all significant muscle groups of the legs, and we will start with...

No. 1. The best exercises for the quadriceps.

I think you are familiar with the concept of isolation - this is when any part of a muscle (eg external head) takes on the largest part of the load and exercise. Therefore, when further referring to the best exercises for the internal, external or any other part, this indicates a relative increase in the intensity of EMG activity in this part of the muscle over the rest.

So, here is a list of the most effective quadriceps exercises with standard equipment:

  • hack squats, knee angle 50 gr;
  • hack squats, knee angle 90 gr;
  • 70 gr;
  • barbell squats, knee angle 90 gr;
  • barbell squats, knee angle 40 gr.
  • angled leg press 45 gr, knee angle 90 gr;


Hack squats are the most effective and safest (at a knee angle of 50 degrees, unlike the standard one, 90 ) exercise for quadriceps.

EMG activity of all four quadriceps heads during hack squats, leg presses, squats, and leg extensions (variations) compared with barbell squats to parallel (angle at the knee joint 75 gr).

As can be seen from the data presented, the differences between the most effective (hack squats, knee angle 50 gr) and the least effective (leg extension) exercise are huge. During the study, an interesting fact was recorded - when performing the classic “butt to the floor”, the EMG activity of the quadriceps decreased by 10,34% . It turns out that the smaller the angle of the hip joint (this is, in most cases, equivalent to a more upright sitting or lying position in a car), the less EMG activity of the quadriceps femoris muscle.

Training the inner and outer quadriceps.

Almost every bodybuilder dreams of building powerful legs in the form of riding breeches. (or, as they are called in foreign literature, teardrops). To realize this, it is necessary to develop the internal (vastus medialis), medial (intermedius and rectus femoris) and the outer (vastus lateralis) part of the thigh.

The core is maximally activated by performing various variations of horizontal leg presses and hack squats with lighter weights when the knee joint angle is less 70 degrees and with heavy weight, when the angle at the knee is more than 70 degrees.

Relative EMG activity of the outer quadriceps during barbell squats and single squat variations compared to knee angle squats 90 degrees, looks like this.

As you can see from the data presented, when it comes to the outer part of the quadriceps, things are completely different. Standard squats at high loads provide maximum muscle stimulation of the outer part (vastus lateralis), even if you do not go down to parallel to the floor (knee angle 70 degrees). Performing a full squat (butt to the floor, corner 40 gr) with light weight reduces muscle stimulation by 18% .

Similar results can be observed when performing single-leg isolation squats, where maximum stimulation is also achieved with heavy weights and large knee angles. (without passing parallel to the floor). In addition, greater weights and a smaller angle of inclination will help avoid various injuries.

Training the medial part of the quadriceps.

We have already said above that hack squats and leg presses are among the most effective exercises for the medial part of the quadriceps, i.e. they are good for the intermedius and rectus femoris muscles.

(vastus intermedius & rectus femoris) quadriceps during selected exercises compared to hack squats (angle at knee 50 gr), as follows.

The data obtained suggests that there is a special exercise (from the arsenal of football players), which surpasses even hack squats in terms of activation of muscle fibers, and it is called a kick (when you kick the ball). EMG activity when performed on 19% higher compared to hack squats.

So, we gradually came to the most favorite part of the female legs, this...

No. 2. The best exercises for the gluteal muscle.

The following data should be a little surprising, because a simple exercise on a simulator is a pendulum (hip abduction back and up) activates the gluteal muscle in 2,3 times more than a deadlift.

Relative gluteal EMG activity during selected exercises compared to deadlifts (using your own body weight), as follows.

No. 3. The best exercises for the hamstrings.

For the hamstrings, the best exercise has always been and remains the lying leg curl. It uses different intensity methods such as: partial stretch position or peak contractions raised to 134% And 112% (compared to the standard version) EMG activity values.

The relative EMG activity of the hamstring muscles during the selected exercises, compared to the standard prone leg curl, is as follows.

Based on the data obtained, we can draw the following conclusion: to develop the hamstring muscles, it is not enough to perform standard leg extensions in the simulator; their muscle activity is quite low. Therefore, it is necessary to perform various variations of extensions, coupled with exercises with your own weight. (such as kicking your leg back on a bench).

So, we looked at heavy artillery - i.e. the most massive muscle groups of the legs, of course, this is not the end, but the article has already exceeded the indecent number of characters and therefore, by a strong-willed decision :), it was decided to split it into two parts. Therefore, do not be upset, but subscribe to updates and wait for the continuation.


Today we were engaged in scientific pumping of legs, or rather, we looked at basic exercises for gaining mass of this large muscle group. Not everything that was planned was implemented in this note, but it’s for the better, because 2 always better than 1 .

That's all, thank you for investing this time in yourself, see you again!

PS. Don't hesitate and ask questions through the comment form, let's go!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The quadriceps is the largest muscle group in the entire human body. It includes four heads: straight, medial, lateral and middle. Usually they all work together, and when you need to pump up your legs, tighten your hip line, they do exercises for the entire quadriceps.

Many novice athletes, especially men, when they come to the gym, focus on the upper body and abs on the abdomen, forgetting that for a harmonious figure you also need to pump up your quadriceps femoris. Girls also do the buttocks, although in the second case the leg muscles are also involved, you need to remember about separate isolating movements on this part of the body.

So, we figured out what the quadriceps is, now we’ll look at where it is located and how to pump it up at home. This muscle group is located on the front of the leg, straight and slightly to the side of the kneecap. Its main function is to extend the leg at the knee, as well as bend the leg, lift the hips towards the chest, and maintain balance when tilting the pelvis forward.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which muscle of all four heads is more important and which one needs to do more repetitions. You need to download everything at once. It is the appearance of this muscle that determines how the leg will look from the side and from the front.

How and where to study?

Let’s note right away: if you are no longer new to sports, and want to know how to pump up your quadriceps and hamstrings as quickly as possible, go to the gym. The gym has equipment that you usually don’t have at home: special platforms, squat machines, and, of course, barbells. For active muscle growth, you need strength exercises with a small number of repetitions, but to the limit. Muscles burn and grow.

But women usually have a different task, and they need not to form a bulging muscle, which looks beautiful on male athletes, but to find a way not to swing their legs, and at the same time tighten their hips, make them elastic and slender. And in this regard, exercises at home are perfect.

To train at home, you will only need dumbbells, but in extreme cases you can do without them, using, for example, 1.5-liter bottles of water. If you are far from sports at all, and have never trained your legs before, you probably won’t even need dumbbells in the first 1-2 months, exercise with your own weight, the muscles will still work and strengthen.

We compose a set of movements

Monotony becomes boring not only for you, but also for your muscles. Experts recommend changing the complex every two months, choosing other effective exercises so that the load alternates at least a little. This will help you work your muscles more effectively.

So, we offer you the best options that you can use in various modifications, choosing how to reduce or how to increase your quadriceps.

In each case, it is important to do the maximum number of repetitions until you begin to feel a burning sensation in the muscles. Rest a little and move on to the next exercise. You should exercise twice a week so that your legs have time to rest.

Plan to spend about an hour training, and be sure to warm up and stretch your joints, especially if you work out with weights. Any load on the knees harms the joints, so control your zeal, especially at first. Increase the weight gradually.


It is most effective to do them with dumbbells. Hands down. back and forth so that your thigh is parallel to the floor, switch legs. It is advisable to do 15-20 repetitions. Lunges to the side are also good; in this case, we hold the dumbbell in the same hand where we lunge. If space allows, you can make the movement not in place, but as if stepping forward or backward.


The best exercise for the quadriceps femoris. And they are good because you can do them in different variations, depending on which part of the leg you need to work more strongly. If your feet are shoulder-width apart, the quadriceps swings evenly; wider than the shoulders, the inner part of the muscle works; narrower than the shoulders, the lateral head of the quadriceps tenses. Plan your workout yourself the way you like by choosing:

  • The simplest. Feet shoulder-width apart, narrower or wider, squat to an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Asymmetrical. One leg stands shoulder-width apart slightly in front of the other.
  • Lateral. Feet wider than shoulder width, squat to the side, transferring weight to one leg.
  • With springs. Regular squats, but at the bottom point we spring our pelvis 3 times, then we stand up.
  • With jumping out. Rising, we jump up, straightening our legs, then squat from the jump.

A regular squat can be made more effective if you place your heels on a small stand, 2-3 centimeters. This way, the gluteal muscles are less tense, and more load goes directly to the quadriceps. If you work out with dumbbells, try holding them near your chest, this will also increase the load.


To do this, you will need a step platform, a stand, or some kind of elevation. A sturdy box, low stool, or something similar. The left leg is bent at the knee and stands on an elevation. Right straight and on the floor. When performing the movement, we forcefully straighten our left leg and lift our right leg towards it. It turns out that you are standing on a support with one foot, the other is next to it, but is not supported, hanging in the air. Lower your right leg to the floor again and repeat. There are two variations aimed at the outer part and the entire quadriceps muscle:

  • Sideways to the stand;
  • Facing the stand.

Do the quadriceps exercise vigorously but gently to maintain balance. It may be more comfortable to lean against a wall, but don't use your hands to help yourself. The lifting should be due to the force of the leg.

By the way, walking up the stairs can be an analogue of climbing. Take a backpack, put at least 10 kilograms of something in it (dumbbells, bottled water) and walk up and down the stairs in the entrance several times (the number of passes depends on the height of the house, depend on your strength).


To keep muscles beautiful, especially for girls, it is important to do this after every workout. In addition, it will help reduce the pain of sore throat. Here are a few options from which you can choose the one that suits you. It is important to feel how the muscle stretches.

  • On the side. Lie on your left side, with your hand under your head. With your right hand, using springy movements, pull your right leg bent at the knee until it touches your buttocks. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.
  • standing. Stand straight with your knees together. We pull the leg towards the buttocks with our hand. If it is difficult to maintain balance, grab a support with your other hand.
  • In a backward lunge. Lunge back, placing your back leg on your knee. Pull it with your hand towards your buttocks.

When will the effect occur?

Quadriceps pump quite quickly. This is a strong muscle, and it is already used during normal activities - walking, running, squats, climbing stairs. For strengthening, 10-12 sessions are usually enough, after which the result is visible: the legs tighten and become slimmer.

If you want more effect, increase the load weight and the number of repetitions.

Put in the effort and your legs will look impressive!

The thigh muscles are the largest muscles in the human body. The overall physical shape of the athlete, his weight, strength indicators in various movements, and metabolic rate depend on their strength and mass. The influence of well-developed thigh muscles on the health of the genitourinary system, hip and knee joints is also undeniable. Therefore, it makes sense to thoroughly understand the structure and functions of the thigh muscles. This will give you a deeper understanding of the essence of the exercises performed in the gym.

Quadriceps femoris

As the name suggests, the muscle consists of four parts (bundles), and is also called the quadriceps. Many people may be missing one of the muscles (anatomical variation).

The main function of all parts of the quadriceps muscle is to extend the leg at the knee and flex the hip (bringing the thigh closer to the abdomen).

Vastus lateralis muscle (m. vastus lateralis)

The largest of all the muscles of the thighs. A flat, unipennate muscle that determines the roundness of the lateral part of the thigh.

It is located on the lateral surface of the thigh and extends to the front of the thigh in the knee area. The upper end is attached to the femur in the area of ​​the hip joint. Bottom - to the patella and tibia (tibia).
The top is covered by the fascia lata (a long, flat tendon on the side of the thigh that connects the muscles of the pelvis and lower leg).

The main function of the vastus lateralis muscle is:

extends the lower leg (extends the leg at the knee)

Quadriceps femoris is involved in exercises such as running, jumping, squats, lunges and in general in all movements in which the leg extends at the knee.

Vastus medialis (m. vastus medialis)

A thick, flat muscle located on the inside of the thigh, extending onto the front of the thigh near the knee. This muscle forms a rounded ridge on the inside of the knee, especially noticeable when you are sitting.

With its upper end, the muscle is attached along the entire length (from the inside) of the femur, and with its lower end it forms the suspensory ligament of the patella.

The main function of the vastus medialis muscle is:

Extends the lower leg (extension of the leg at the knee)

M. vastus medialis is involved in exercises such as running, jumping, squats, lunges and in general in all movements in which the leg extends at the knee.

Vastus intermedius muscle (m. vastus intermedius)

It is a flat lamellar muscle located between the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis. It is hidden under their edges and covered on top by the rectus femoris muscle (see below).

The upper end of the muscle is attached to the femur in the area of ​​the hip joint, and the lower end participates in the formation of the patellar ligament.

The main function of the vastus intermedius muscle is:

Extends the lower leg (extends the leg at the knee)

M. vastus intermedius is involved in exercises such as running, jumping, squats, lunges and in general in all movements in which the leg extends at the knee.

Rectus femoris (m. rectus femoris)

A long fusiform muscle located on the front of the thigh above all the other quadriceps muscles. With its upper end, the muscle is attached to the pelvic bone (lower anterior iliac spine above the acetabulum), and with its lower end it participates in the formation of the knee ligament.
This muscle is remarkable in that it is not attached to the femur. It is clearly visible on the front surface of the thigh, determining its roundness.

The main functions of the rectus femoris muscle:

Hip flexion (pulling the thigh toward the abdomen)

Shin extension (leg extension at the knee)

M. rectus femoris is involved in movements such as running, jumping, maintaining body balance, squats, and pulling the legs towards the body. Actively works in conjunction with the abdominal muscles when performing exercises for its development. It is an integral part.

Sartorius muscle (m. sartorius)

This is a narrow ribbon-shaped muscle up to 50 cm long. It runs diagonally from the outer part of the hip joint to the inner part of the knee joint. The muscle sits on top of other muscles on the front of the thigh and is clearly visible when there is low subcutaneous fat.

The upper end of the muscle is attached to the bones of the pelvis (superior anterior iliac spine of the ilium), and the lower end is attached to the tibia (shin). It is curious that this muscle is not involved in extending the leg at the knee, although it belongs to the quadriceps.

The main functions of the sartorius muscle:

Hip flexion (pulling the hip towards the body)

Abduction and external rotation of the hip

M. Sartorius is involved in movements such as running, walking, bending the legs at the knees, pulling the hips towards the body, and rotating the hips. Therefore, by performing exercises in which weight is overcome by bending the leg at the knee, as well as by flexing the hip (pulling it towards the body), you also develop this muscle.

Collectively, these muscles are called the biceps femoris. These muscles determine the shape of the back of the thigh, its roundness. They also partly influence the filling of the space between the thighs.

Biceps femoris (m. biceps femoris)

A long, spindle-shaped muscle that runs along the entire back of the thigh. It consists, as the name suggests, of two heads: long and short. The long head is attached at the upper end to the ischial tuberosity of the pelvic bone, and at the lower end to the tibia (tibia). The short upper part is attached to the back surface of the femur, and the lower part is attached to the tibia.

The main functions of the biceps femoris muscle:

Shin flexion (leg bending at the knee)

Hip extension (moving the hip back or straightening the torso from a tilted position)

Maintaining body balance

M. biceps femoris is actively involved in bending the legs, in all movements in which the hip needs to be pulled back, and in extending the body from a tilted position.

Lack of flexibility and strength in the hamstrings is often the cause of back pain, poor posture, and problems with the knee joints.

Semitendinosus muscle (m. semitendinosus)

A long, flat, tapering muscle lying medial (closer to the middle of the body) in relation to the biceps femoris muscle. The upper part of the muscle is attached to the ischial tuberosity of the pelvic bone. The lower one is to the tibia (lower leg).

The main functions of the semitendinosus muscle:

Shin flexion (leg bending at the knee)

M. semitendinosus is actively involved in leg flexion, in all movements in which the hip is required to be pulled back, and in extension of the body from a tilted position.

Semimembranosus muscle (m. semimembranosus)

A long, flat muscle located in the posterior inner part of the thigh. The upper end is attached to the ischial tuberosity of the pelvic bone. The lower end - to various parts of the tibia and fascia of the lower leg muscles.

The main functions of the semimembranosus muscle:

Hip extension (moving it back or straightening the body from a tilted position)

Shin flexion (leg bending at the knee)

M. semimembranosus is actively involved in leg flexion, in all movements in which the hip is required to be pulled back, and in extension of the body from a tilted position.

Muscles of the inner thigh

These muscles are generally called adductors. Their main function is to bring the femur inward.

Thin muscle (m. gracilis)

A long, ribbon-shaped muscle located on top of all other muscles on the inside of the thigh. Its upper part is attached to the pubic bone, and its lower part is attached to the tibia (shin bone).

Main functions of the gracilis muscle:

Shin flexion (bends the leg at the knee)

Rotate the shin inward

M. gracilis is actively involved in all leg movements: running, walking, squatting, maintaining body balance.

Pectineus muscle (m. pectineus)

A flat muscle, attached at the upper end to the pubic bone, and at the lower end to the inner part of the middle of the femur.

Main functions of the pectineus muscle:

Hip adduction (pulls it inward)

Hip flexion (pulls the hip towards the body)

M. pectineus is actively involved in all leg movements: running, walking, squatting, maintaining body balance.

Long adductor muscle (m. adductor longus)

Flat thick muscle. The upper end is attached to the pubic bone, and the lower end to the inner part of the middle of the femur.

The main functions of the adductor longus muscle:

Hip adduction (pulls it inward)

External hip rotation

M. adductor longus is actively involved in all leg movements: running, walking, squats, maintaining body balance.

Short adductor muscle (m. adductor brevis)

A flat muscle that expands downwards. Attached at the upper end to the outer surface of the body and pubic bone. The lower (wide end) – to the inner part of the femur.

The main functions of the adductor brevis muscle:

Hip adduction (pulls it inward)

Hip flexion (pulls the hip toward the body, moving it forward)

M. adductor brevis is actively involved in all leg movements: running, walking, squats, maintaining body balance.

Large adductor muscle (m. adductor magnus)

The largest of the adductor muscles, its volume determines the degree to which the space between the thighs is filled. The picture shows the rear view.

Its upper end is attached to the ischial tuberosity of the pelvis and pubic bone. The lower (very widened end) is attached to the inner part of the femur almost along its entire length.

The main functions of the adductor magnus muscle:

Hip adduction (pulls it inward)

Rotates the hip outward

Internal bundles are involved in hip extension (pulling it back and straightening the body from a tilted position)

M. adductor magnus is actively involved in all leg movements: running, walking, squatting, maintaining body balance.

Muscles of the outer thigh

Tensor fascia latae (m. tensor fascia latae)

In general, this is the only muscle, with the exception of the buttock muscles, that is involved in hip abduction.

This is a flat, elongated muscle, tapering downwards. The upper end is attached to the anterior iliac spine, and the lower end of this muscle passes into the fascia lata of the thigh - a long tendon that stretches to the lower leg. Being well developed, it gives a pleasant roundness to the lateral surfaces in the pelvic area.

The main functions of the tensor fascia lata are:

Tension of the fascia lata of the thigh (which is necessary for normal leg function when walking and running)

Strengthening the knee joint by stretching the fascia lata

Hip flexion

M. tensor fascia latae is actively involved when walking, running, and performing exercises on one leg.

Well, one last thing worth saying. that the muscles of the thighs and the muscles of the buttocks are interconnected anatomically and according to the functions they perform. A person is characterized by movements in which these muscles work in conjunction: walking, running, squats, bending. As a rule, exercises for developing legs also perfectly develop the buttocks.

Good day, dear subscribers of the sports blog sportivs. Today's topic is relevant for all athletes working out in the gym. In addition to an athletic torso, for beautiful proportions you need to have toned legs, so today we will touch on a topic that will reveal the main secrets of beautiful legs - exercises for the quadriceps femoris.

The thigh muscles are the largest in the entire human body. In general, the degree of their development affects the overall physical fitness of a person, as well as the level of endurance.
Before the set of exercises, let's cover the basic concepts of quadriceps - their functions and features.

Functions and Features

The quadriceps or as it is also called the quadriceps muscle consists of:

  • external;
  • average;
  • internal;
  • straight parts.

The quadriceps is attached to the tibia. There are two main functions of the quadriceps muscle - static and dynamic. The dynamic function is responsible for the knee joint, which is in a stable state during movement - running and jumping.

During rest or standing, the static function helps prevent the knee joint from buckling.

After you and I, dear friends, have learned about the basic concepts and functions of the quadriceps, let's look at a set of exercises that will help achieve good results.

Training complex

1. The first and main basic exercise will be. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, toes parallel to each other. You should squat to an angle of 90 degrees. The main role is played by technique, watch your back, remember that it should always be in a level position. You can shift the center of the load slightly to the inner thighs by placing your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, while pointing your toes out from the center.

Do not take too much weight, your quadriceps may not withstand the load and this is fraught with at least poor technique, in the form of bending your back. Otherwise, you may end up squatting and not getting up because the weight is too much for you to handle. Therefore, you need to treat this exercise with great responsibility and select the working weight individually. Girls can do squats on a Smith machine. This is a lightweight alternative that will increase the level of safety, however, the load will be no weaker than a regular squat.

2. The second, quite effective exercise is squatting in a hack machine. This type of squat is considered the best version that can replace classic squats. The big advantage is that the lower back and back are supported in the form of the back of the exercise machine, thereby receiving minimal load, while the quadriceps will be loaded to the maximum.

3. Developed leg muscles prevent damage to the knee joint.

4. To make your workout as effective as possible, perform 3-4 sets of each exercise. The optimal number of repetitions will be 10-12.

5. Don't forget about warming up. A good warm-up will help warm up your body well, and you can also protect yourself from the possibility of injury.

6. Stretch your muscles after each approach.

So we talked about the basic concepts and exercises that are most effective for pumping up the quadriceps. In order to achieve maximum results, give your legs the necessary rest, training them no more than 1-2 times a week.

Also, don’t forget about a balanced diet, thanks to which your muscles will begin to grow. In the diet it is necessary to pay attention to protein products or Buy ready-made sports supplements here inexpensively and delivered to your home to achieve maximum results, providing your body with all the necessary proteins, amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

The quadriceps femoris is the quadriceps femoris muscle, which is located in the front of the thigh region and has four muscle heads. Each head begins from an attachment point located on the body. But they all connect in the knee area and, passing into the tendon covering the patella, are attached to the tibial tuberosity.

The blood supply to the quadriceps muscle is provided by a large blood vessel - the femoral artery, which is a continuation of the iliac artery. Innervation of muscle tissue is carried out by the femoral nerve, which regulates motor ability.

What is the anatomy of the quadriceps femoris? In order to properly work on the quadriceps, it is necessary to study the anatomy of its structure. The main job of the quadriceps is to extend the knee joint while limiting knee flexion against the resistance of the extensor muscles.

The structure of the quadriceps. It consists of four heads:

  1. The rectus muscle is located between the medial and lateral muscles and overlaps the vastus femoris muscle. She takes part in abduction, flexion of the hip relative to the pelvis. Together with the lumboiliac, it innervates the femur in the hip joint. During tension, it moves the patella in two planes.
  2. The medial one runs inside the back of the femur, wraps around it from below, reaching the patella. The oblique muscle fibers of the medial and lateral have a balanced tension. By contracting, it limits the movement of the patella in two planes.
  3. The main part of the intermediate lies under the straight line, only slightly under the lateral. It begins in the anterolateral femoral region and is attached to the patella with the help of a ligament with the tibial tuberosity. The main role of the intermedius muscle is isolated knee extension (moving the patella upward).
  4. The lateral lata femoris is the largest and heaviest. It begins in the posterolateral region of the femur with a wide tendon plate and attaches to the lateral part of the patella and tibia. When it moves, the knee extends and the patella is stabilized with the participation of the vastus medialis muscle.

How to pump up your quadriceps femoris:

  1. Squats. The muscles of the thigh and buttocks sway. In addition, auxiliary muscles of the abdomen and back are involved. You need to warm them up before using them.
  2. Hack squats on a special machine that relieves stress from the back. The main emphasis is on pumping the quadriceps.
  3. The main basic exercise is the leg press on the machine. Mainly the quadriceps and glutes work.
  4. The classic one is lunges with a barbell or dumbbells. The main effect of the exercise is on the hips and buttocks.

When creating a training plan, you can choose one of these exercises.

When we pump the quadriceps femoris muscle, then, in addition to the main basic exercises, it is necessary to use isolated ones: leg extension on a machine in a sitting position, one-leg press on a machine.

Example of an exercise program:

  • barbell squats, 3 sets of 6 reps;
  • lunges forward with dumbbells, 3 sets, repetitions - 8;
  • leg extension in the simulator, 3 sets, repetitions - 12.

Exercises at home

The gym is ideal for bodybuilding and fitness classes. But if you have a barbell and dumbbells at home, you can make a workout plan at home.


  1. The simplest exercise is the lunge stretch.
  2. Strength exercise - squats with an expander.
  3. Stretching using a bench.
  4. Jumping in place using the technique of legs together, then apart.

What training pace should you choose? To build muscle mass and strength, the pace of your workout should be slow. Subcutaneous fat is burned at a rapid pace.

How many approaches should you do? The number of approaches must be at least 25. For example, 5 sets of 5 repetitions.

How many repetitions should you do in one approach? If you are working on burning fat, then it is optimal to do 3 sets of 8 repetitions or 2 sets of 15 repetitions. A special program has been developed to build muscle mass: the first day - 5 repetitions, the second day - 15 times, the third - 10 times. Classes are held every other day.
