Deadlifts with straight legs or bent legs. Deadlift on bent legs for girls. Confusion in concepts

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Perform this exercise using the muscles of your legs, not your back. Fully straighten your legs only when you lift the barbell to hip level. Purpose: This exercise works well the muscles of the lower back, buttocks and back of the thighs, due to which your rear view is noticeably improved. In addition, strong muscles will help you perform more efficiently in sports that require running and jumping.

The deadlift is considered a formative exercise.

And that's why. By involving the muscles of almost the entire body, the deadlift causes incomparable training stress, which subsequently causes adaptive changes on the part of the human body in the form of an increase in the level of anabolic hormones, an increase in strength and muscle mass. Thanks to these qualities, the deadlift is recommended as a mass-building exercise in almost all training systems, often even very different from each other. But the deadlift in all of them acts as a leading exercise along with heavy squats.

But when talking about “deadlift”, it is important to understand that this term can hide various options for performing this fundamental exercise. In essence, they all represent one or another version of the main training movement, but with a specific shift in the target load to the desired area of ​​the muscle. In turn, a shift in emphasis allows you to more specifically work on various skeletal muscles, without going beyond the basic traction movement performed with an impressive weight. Let's take a closer look at each of the existing deadlift options.

Athletic deadlift

A special feature of the athletic performance of the deadlift is that in it the barbell is held with a grip wider than the legs, and the movement itself in the lower part is performed with bent legs, like a squat. The grip “wider than the legs” is explained by the fact that initially this exercise had a preparatory nature in the training of weightlifters, mainly working on lifting the barbell to a position above the head. Athletic deadlift also has a peculiarity, which is manifested in the fact that the force developed must accelerate the barbell strictly vertically upward, again so that the movement can be continued above the waist. In bodybuilding, the athletic deadlift is often called the bent-leg deadlift or deadlift.

Sumo style deadlift

Varieties of deadlifts (sumo, athletic, Romanian, straight legged) This version of the deadlift uses a very wide stance of the legs, while the grip, for obvious reasons, is narrow (shoulder-width or slightly narrower). This starting position, reminiscent of a Japanese wrestler's stance, allows you to straighten up with the weight in your hands, going a shorter distance. Which ultimately forces you to do less work and, therefore, all other things being equal, lift more weight. But in general, competitive preference for the Sumo deadlift should be given only if the skeleton has favorable proportions, or it should be used exclusively for training purposes.

Romanian deadlift

Another version of the deadlift, which came from weightlifting, and more precisely from Romanian weightlifters. The nature of the deadlift here is somewhat different. Balancing a heavy barbell is carried out due to an accentuated transfer of body weight to the heels (by 70%) and a pronounced extension of the pelvis back when lowering it. In this version, the slightly bent knees are practically motionless throughout the entire exercise; the weight is lifted due to the lever created by technically moving the pelvis backwards. It is advisable to start getting acquainted with the Romanian deadlift with small weights, honing the technique of balancing the weight of the barbell by moving the pelvis back.

Deadlift on straight legs

Despite the name, this deadlift variation does have your legs slightly bent at the knees. True, the exercise should not change the angle of the knees throughout the entire approach. The great thing about the straight leg variation is that it is primarily used to target the hip flexors and glutes. The weights are 30-40% less than in heavier versions of the deadlift, which is explained by the increased load on the lumbar spine and the inability to feel the work of the hamstrings under excessive load. Often, straight-legged deadlifts are performed on a stable stand that allows the bar to be lowered slightly below floor level, allowing for more targeted hip flexor work. At the top of the trajectory, the movement is not completely completed, but stops as soon as the back extensors begin to engage. It is better to work on the latter with other deadlift options.

Bent leg deadlift

The regular deadlift does not work the hamstrings, pelvis, and lower back muscles as well as the straight-legged deadlift. But it combines the load on these muscles with a colossal load on the whole body. This is a great exercise for stimulating overall muscle growth.

Proper technique makes bent-leg deadlifts safe and super effective. But if you make technical mistakes, overuse low reps, or try to lift a weight that's too heavy for you, you'll be in serious trouble. Either do this exercise correctly or don't do it at all. Before moving on to heavier weights, learn how to deadlift smoothly (as with squats), and then slowly increase the load, carefully monitoring your technique. Here are some technical guidelines:

Your heels should be slightly closer together than your toes; in other words, the socks need to be turned out a little. The legs should not be spread too wide; Your hands should be the width of the outside of your ankles or a little further, so that when you pull the barbell, your hands do not bump into your hips. Arms from shoulder to hand should be strictly vertical. The arms should remain straight throughout the exercise and not “overtake” the body’s efforts to lift the barbell by bending the elbows.

Don't wear shoes with a noticeable heel, otherwise you will have difficulty maintaining your balance; the heels will cause you to lean forward. Wear shoes with no heels or very low heels. In addition, the soles should not slide on the floor.

Before starting a bent-over row, your knees should be bent properly (your pelvis is well below your shoulders). The back should be straightened, the head should be tilted forward. The pull is performed using the joint coordinated effort of the legs and back.

Raise the barbell smoothly and leisurely - you can deliberately walk the first few centimeters more slowly. The load should fall exactly on the middle of the feet and heels, and not on the toes. As you begin lifting the barbell, try to wiggle your toes. If it turns out that this is impossible, and you lean hard on your toes, then in this case the barbell will “lead” forward as you rise, and this means the risk of overstraining your lower back. Do not jerk the barbell up. In response, you will be “thrown” forward, and if you work with maximum weight, you can easily “break” your lower back,

As soon as you start lifting the barbell, begin to move your shoulders and head back. Then your shoulders will always be in the correct position and your back will not be too hunched. (However, throwing your head back too quickly is not recommended.) It will also prevent your pelvis from rising too quickly, which would cause your center of gravity to shift forward. The bar should move along the legs, almost close to them. If he deviates even a couple of centimeters from this path, you could be in trouble, especially when working with low reps. At medium to high reps, slight deviations of the bar from the correct path are not so dangerous.

Once straightened, do not lean your pelvis forward and do not pull your shoulders too far back. These movements cause hyperextension in the lower back and can cause serious injury (see point "j" in the list of notes regarding stiff-legged deadlifts). When performing any type of deadlift, you should stand straight and never lean back.

I have described here the usual bent leg deadlift style. The sumo-style deadlift (where the legs are spread wide and the bar is grasped between the legs) is practiced in weightlifting competitions as a single exercise with maximum weight. If you are going to compete in weight lifting, you will need to train with sumo deadlifts, as this technique will probably allow you to lift more weight. However, for the typical hobbyist, I advise sticking to the conventional style.

As with straight-legged deadlifts, bent-legged deadlifts should not be performed to the point of complete muscle failure. (You should also not use forced or negative repetitions.) Watch yourself and never do the last, “killer” repetition. If, at full strength, it takes you 10 seconds or more to complete the last ten centimeters of the row (especially when working with a small number of repetitions), then your lower back can be considered to be extremely overloaded, especially if you are also rounding your back. All this could end very badly. Be careful!

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Bent leg deadlift for girls

Video: proper execution of deadlifts

Bent-legged deadlift for girls is a common name in Russian-language literature for bending forward with a barbell in straight, lowered arms or the so-called “Romanian deadlift.” In some sources, the classic deadlift from the floor appears under this name, when the lift of the projectile occurs due to simultaneous extension in the knee and hip joints.

Objectives of the exercise

The deadlift version with the exception of part of the amplitude of movement (without the barbell plates touching the floor) is considered the least traumatic and is widely used in fitness. The goal of the exercise is to develop strength and endurance of all muscles of the “posterior chain” - from the hamstrings and calf muscles, to the extensor spinae, trapezius and rhomboid muscles. The gluteal muscles also work in the exercise. For this reason, movement is often included in women's training. There are options for performing the exercise with a barbell, kettlebells, dumbbells, and also in a Smith machine. Sometimes something like a deadlift is done with a T-bar.

Muscles that work

The entire gluteal group, hamstrings, latissimus and rhomboids dorsi, and also the erector spinae.


For fitness

The projectile is taken with a straight grip shoulder-width apart, palms under the shoulders. It is possible to take with a weightlifter's grip, when the fingers cover the thumb, but this is not necessary. The bar is located on racks, at a level below the athlete’s knee, at an accessible depth.

A tight fit is performed - the latissimus dorsi muscles are tensed, the shoulders are moved away from the ears, the stomach is tightened, then the projectile is removed from the racks and taken two steps back.

The feet are located under the pelvic bones; a slight natural turn of the toes to the sides is allowed if this will make the position more stable. Accentuated turns of the feet to the sides should not be performed, as this puts the ligaments of the knee joint in an unnatural position.

After passing the extreme point, lifting occurs due to extension in the hip joints. An accentuated pull with the back at the top point of the movement is not allowed. You need to bring the movement to a neutral position and leave the barbell on your hips. Having completed the required number of repetitions according to plan, you should walk back to the racks and lower the projectile onto them.


In powerlifting, this exercise is used as an auxiliary exercise for the classic deadlift, and is performed from the floor on standard competition plates. The lift is carried out mainly by the back muscles; the legs participate only slightly in the movement.

In fitness, this exercise is performed in 8-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets; in powerlifting, options with five-rep or low-rep sets are possible; singles are usually not practiced, and the final volume is calculated based on the volume in the main movement.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date of: 2015-09-17 Views: 30 237 Grade: 5.0 All people are divided into 3 types:
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What a wit I am!)) Lifters lift sumo style, weightlifters do push and pull. Amateur girls, in pursuit of convex buttocks, also do deadlifts with dumbbells and a barbell. Men bust their backs on deadlifts in pursuit of muscle mass and strength. Yes, even people who have never trained in their lives also do deadlifts. Lifting a bag of potatoes from the ground is also a deadlift) I think this article will be interesting to both men and women. Now I will talk about six types of deadlifts that are common among ordinary amateurs. They all have different effects on the muscles of the legs, back and buttocks. And they have their own nuances. There are many more options for deadlifts, but the remaining options only make sense if you are involved in a specific sport.

1. Classic barbell deadlift

If you do this variation of the deadlift correctly, your back, hips, and glutes will work roughly equally. This option is universal and suitable for everyone, regardless of gender and training goals. However, girls in my gym almost never do this option. I find that this type of deadlift is good for developing maximum strength and overall muscle mass. And few girls dream of great strength and large muscle mass. Requires glutes and moderate strength. And the following 3 options will cope with this quite (and even better).

2. Deadlift on straight legs

She is “dead”, she is also “Romanian”. In general, the name is not entirely correct, since it is not correct to do it on completely straight legs. You need to bend your legs a little to protect yourself from unnecessary injuries. The effectiveness of the exercise will only increase. After all, the angle in the hip joint will become sharper, which means the buttocks will work harder. The back should not be lowered below the pelvis. That is, the back should be either parallel to the floor or slightly higher. This option works well on the buttocks, back and back of the thigh. That is, by doing such a deadlift, you will not weaken your legs, but you will be able to enlarge your buttocks. But there is one minus. The load on the spine here is maximum. This means that you must have a more or less healthy spine and you must do this exercise only with a straight back.

3. Deadlift with dumbbells

Performed in the same way as the previous version, but with dumbbells. Technically, this is easier, since the dumbbells can be placed on the sides of the body, thus bringing their center of gravity closer to the center of gravity of your body. The exercise is ideal for beginners. The downside is that the weights with dumbbells are always less than with a barbell. Accordingly, the load is less. But girls don’t need heavy weights. Therefore, I use the barbell version mainly for men, and the dumbbell version for girls.

4. Standing deadlift

It's a pull from the pit. It is performed in the same way as the classic version, but the legs are placed on a stand. Thus, the barbell must be pulled and lowered to a lower position. The amplitude increases - the efficiency increases. The height of the stand is 5 – 10 cm. Discs, boards and anything that you can confidently stand on are suitable. The exercises are difficult to perform and are only suitable for experienced athletes. But it is extremely effective for the buttocks. I would put it in first place in terms of effectiveness for the butt among all pull-downs. But there is one caveat. You need to bend your legs and lower your pelvis quite low (much like in the video). And then you will feel your butt right to the bones. By the way (applies mainly to girls), if you do deadlifts with small-diameter discs, then you don’t have to stand on a stand, but simply lower the barbell all the way to the floor. The effect is the same. This refers to discs whose diameter is smaller than the standard diameter of 15, 20 and 25 kg discs.

5. Sumo deadlift

The main difference from the classics is that the legs are placed 1.5 - 2 times wider than the shoulders. With this option, the load on the buttocks is less, and on the inner thigh – more. My opinion is that if you are not into powerlifting, then you simply don’t need this option. The amplitude is shortened - the effectiveness in terms of muscle training decreases. And this position of the legs is uncomfortable for the joints.

6. Pull from plinths

It is performed both classical style and sumo. In this version, the bar is placed on plinths and, thus, the movement is shortened. As with the sumo deadlift, if you're not into powerlifting or weightlifting, you can forget about this option. It can only help increase muscle strength, but not in their mass.


Table of muscle work on a 10-point scale
Option Back Hips (back) Hips (front) Hips (inner part)
Classical 6 6 6 6 3
On straight legs 8 8 8 2 2
With dumbbells 8 8 8 2 2
Standing on a stand 10 8 6 8 3
"Sumo" 5 6 5 5 6
From plinths 5 5 5 5 3
So, the most effective form of deadlift for the glutes, in my opinion, is the standing deadlift. Then comes straight leg rows and dumbbell rows. These same two rows are the most effective for the back and hamstring extensors. I advise girls to choose exactly the 3 options listed above. Moreover, it’s better to start with dumbbell deadlifts. And for more experienced people, you can also connect the traction while standing on a stand. I advise men to do classic deadlifts, straight-legged deadlifts, and standing deadlifts. By the way, you should not consider deadlifts as the only means for training your legs, buttocks and back. Add lunges to these exercises (