Who are juniors in sports? Boxing rules. See what “junior” is in other dictionaries

Bodybuilding, in essence, knows neither gender nor age restrictions. Along with adult, experienced athletes, competitions are also held around the world among young bodybuilders. They have their own specifics and rules. The procedure for holding such tournaments is regulated by the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB).

Features of performances

Bodybuilding competitions among juniors are, according to the standards of sports competitions, bodybuilders aged 18 to 21 years, those younger are considered to be youths. Upon reaching the maximum permissible age, the athlete is still classified as a junior or, if desired, competes in the adult category.

There is also a gradation among the juniors themselves - depending on the country where the tournament is held, athletes differ in weight. In Russia, bodybuilding among juniors is divided into two categories, namely up to and over 75 kg. Juniors at the same time compete in the absolute category. As you can see, there are not many categories in bodybuilding for juniors.

In turn, bodybuilding competitions among juniors are held in such categories as “Classic Bodybuilding” and “Fitness”. In both, male juniors are represented by absolute categories that do not impose height restrictions. But fitness and body fitness require classification of girls: below and above 163 cm. The World Junior Championships last for 4 days

Classic bodybuilding

As a sports discipline, classical bodybuilding was formed relatively recently - in 2005. The difference between these competitions lies in the assessment of the proportionality and relative moderation of the muscle mass of the participants. Whereas other types of bodybuilding often set as their goal precisely the increase in its volume. Juniors compete quite often in classical bodybuilding.

The key criterion for assessing a candidate is the optimal ratio of the athlete’s weight and height. It is calculated using the formula: maximum weight = height – 100 (+2-10 kg depending on height). Thus, within the framework of classic bodybuilding for adults, there are three main categories:

  • 170 cm (up to and inclusive);
  • 180 cm (up to and inclusive);
  • over 180 cm.

Juniors also compete in the classic bodybuilding category. The categories for them are slightly different:

  • 170 cm (up to and inclusive);
  • 178 cm (up to and inclusive);
  • over 178 cm.

"Pros and cons"

This trend in bodybuilding has both its supporters and opponents. Perhaps the main disadvantage of discipline is its strict regulations. The fact is that failure to meet the above criteria leads to inevitable disqualification of the athlete. There are no compromises here. When you consider the age of junior bodybuilders, the question sometimes arises as to whether it is wise to take steroids so early.

At the same time, the very idea of ​​classical bodybuilding contradicts the use of steroids and puts the harmonious development of the body, its aesthetics and individuality at the forefront. The formula for calculating the optimal ratio of weight, height and muscle mass is applied even before training. In this regard, the target muscles of such an athlete seem to be the most natural for him.

Today I would like to continue the once started topic of classifying dancers, and continue it with the topic of classification by age groups. If last time we talked about, today we will finish this matter by talking about classification in ballroom dancing by age.

Very often in my articles I mention various festivals and types of competitions. You may also have noticed the presence in my texts of such words as “amateurs” and “professionals”. It happened that the categories “Juniors” or “Seniors” were not clear to everyone... In general, I won’t beat around the bush, try to be smart and express myself eloquently, but I’ll get to the point, and then we’ll talk about classification of dancers in ballroom dancing by age groups.

In accordance with the Rules of the World Dance Sports Federation (WDSF), the following age categories have been introduced in the STSR (Dance Sports Union of Russia):

* NOTE! Added age category "C-4" (Seniors-4). Age for this category is 65/60 years and older.

As we all know, one of the distinguishing features of ballroom dancing from others is that it is paired. Therefore, speaking about classifications in ballroom dancing by age groups, there is a rule that the second partner in a couple can be younger than the lowest age limit of his age category. For the categories "Children - 2", "Juniors - 1", "Juniors - 2" and "Youth" - this is for a maximum of two years, and in the category "Adults" - for a maximum of five years.

And one more important point . Organizers of competitions at all levels, from club to international, are required to use age category designations in oral announcements, official documents and other printed materials (click on the picture to enlarge it):

For example, until the end of 2013, there was a rule that both partners in the Senior 1 category could not be younger than 35 years old. On January 1, 2014, this rule was rewritten, and not only in this part.

Don’t be surprised when you come across the “Children of War” category. Competitions in this category are provided exclusively for athletes born between 1941 and 1945, but over time there are practically no such competitions left, and the category itself will remain a thing of the past.

A particularly important rule in sports ballroom dancing is the influence of age category on the ability to take part in certain dancer training classes. For example, if your child turns 11 years old this year (!), he accordingly falls under the “Children - 2” category, and you are sure that he can already participate on equal terms in “world” competitions (that is, in “S “or “M” class) – I have to inform you that the highest class in which your child could compete is “C” class.

Perhaps this rule will cause absolute misunderstanding and indignation for some of you, but you must agree that at the age of 11, not all children are able to technically perform the Latin American and European ballroom dancing program for “S” or “M” class. However, I have always said and will continue to say: there are exceptions!

I would also like to note that according to these rules, tournaments in the “M” class are available to dancers who have reached the age groups “Youth-2”, “Adults”, “Seniors-1”, “Seniors-2”, “Seniors-3”.

I will give you a table that clearly explains what has been said:

* NOTE! The age category "C-4" (Seniors-4) also has permitted classes: "E", "D", "C", "B", "A", "S", "M".

Actually, one rule gives rise to another, and another gives rise to a third, and so on until, conditionally, the last flows into the first! A kind of vicious circle on which any discipline rests. Sports ballroom dancing is no exception, in which the classification of dancers in ballroom dancing by age groups affects the ability of certain classes of dancers to participate in competitions, and each training class provides a specifically permitted outfit for the dancer, which is a prerequisite for participation in competitions.

However, the topic of clothing is a separate conversation, to which you should definitely pay your attention! I invite you to learn more about what sports ballroom dancing exists today.

I DO NOT say goodbye to you! See you tomorrow!

With respect, Denis Panchul

The International Skating Union divides skaters into several age groups. The main ones juniors(Junior) and adults(Senior). Some international competitions also include competitions in younger age groups, e.g. Novice.

Age restrictions in singles and pairs figure skating and ice dancing

  1. Only those athletes who are 15 years old as of July 1* can take part in adult international tournaments;
  2. Athletes whose age as of July 1* meets the following requirements can take part in international junior tournaments:
    1. over 13 years old*;
    2. in single skating: under 19 years old*
    3. in pair skating and ice dancing: the partner is under 19 years old* and the partner is under 21 years old*.

* Verbatim "by the 1st of preceding July"(“on the 1st day of the previous July”). This date was chosen because July 1 is considered the beginning of the new season in official ISU documents.

Confusion often arises with these concepts, since in a number of countries, for example in the USA and Canada, the terms Junior and Senior correspond not to age, but to the level of the athlete and are approximate analogues of the Russian categories “candidate master of sports” and “master of sports”. In these countries, skaters who pass the Junior Test or Senior Test, respectively, have the opportunity to take part in the national championship in the Junior or Senior categories. The difficulty is that at the World Junior Championships and stages of the Junior Grand Prix series, these countries are usually represented by skaters who competed in the Seniors category at the national championship, but meet the “international” age criterion for junior athletes. At the same time, a situation may well arise when the winner of the “adult” national championship, due to age, cannot compete not only in adults, but also in junior competitions. An example of this is the 2009 Russian champion Adelina Sotnikova, who won the tournament at the age of 12 and for a long time could not compete at the international level, even as a junior.

Age restrictions were introduced at the 1996 ISU Congress. Many associated the introduction of the new rules with a series of successes of young athletes, including Oksana Baiul and Michelle Kwan, at major competitions in previous years, and with the ISU’s desire to avoid the image of a teenage sport, similar to that of artistic gymnastics. However, a number of skaters who had already competed at the senior world championships before the introduction of new rules, for example, future 1998 Olympic champion Tara Lipinski (she competed at the 1996 world championships at the age of 13), were given the opportunity to continue to compete at major championships, despite their age and did not fit into the new framework. At the world championship that followed the introduction of restrictions, it was Lipinski who won, whose age still did not meet the rules.

Until 2000, the rules provided for an exception that allowed athletes who had not yet reached “adult” age to compete at adult championships if they became medalists at the World Junior Championships. Among those who managed to get to the World Championships by taking advantage of this opportunity was 2002 Olympic champion Sarah Hughes, who made her debut at the World Championships in 1999.

A year before the Olympics in Turin in 2006, two athletes appeared on the world stage - Yu-Na Kim and Mao Asada, whose birth dates did not allow them to participate in the Olympics, but whose programs were quite competitive at the adult level. The Japanese Federation tried to get the age restrictions lifted, especially after 14-year-old Asada won the Final of the Adult Grand Prix Series, but their endeavor was not successful.

Before the 2014-2015 season, the age requirements for participants in the ISU Championships (15 years old on July 1) differed from those for other adult tournaments, including the stages of the Grand Prix Series (14 years old on July 1).

JUNIOR JUNIOR (Latin junior - junior), an athlete, usually aged 19-22 years (for example, in tennis - 19-20 years). In many sports, competitions are held among junior teams (youth teams), including European and World Championships.

Modern encyclopedia. 2000 .


See what "JUNIOR" is in other dictionaries:

    - [lat. junior junior] sport. an athlete under the age of 18 participating in competitions among athletes of his age group. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. junior (lat. junior junior) participant in sports competitions in one of ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Young athlete, youth Dictionary of Russian synonyms. junior noun, number of synonyms: 2 athlete (139) young man ... Synonym dictionary

    - (Latin junior) athlete, usually aged 19-22 years (for example, in tennis 19-20 years). In many sports, competitions are held among junior teams (youth teams), including world, European and Russian championships... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    JUNIOR, a, m. A young athlete, a participant in competitions in his age group. Junior finals. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Junior: Junior participant in youth sports competitions. "Junior" is a hockey club from Belarus, which is the farm club of the hockey club "Yunost Minsk". “Junior” is an all-Russian competition of scientific works for schoolchildren, held annually in ... Wikipedia

    A; m. [from lat. junior] Participant in sports competitions in one of the youth age groups; young athlete. Junior team. Junior competition. * * * junior (lat. junior junior), athlete, usually aged 19-22 years... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Who are the juniors? What age is appropriate for this category? This will be discussed in this article.

In world competition practice, athletes are divided into age categories. This is done so that the competitions are more transparent, and the participants themselves are inspired by fair struggle with their peers to achieve high results. After the youth (school) age, where you can clearly see active athletes who have seriously decided to continue practicing in their chosen sport, there comes the next age class - juniors.

Junior age

According to established rules in the International Federation of Athletics Federations (IAAF), the age of the junior category is limited to 19 years and younger, but not older. A participant in the competition is considered a junior if his age is under twenty years old on the date of December 31 of the year of the competition. In other sports in the junior category, the age can be lower or even up to 22 years. This depends on the speed at which the athlete reaches peak fitness. In some sports it is gained faster, in others slower, so the division into youths and juniors is established differently in different federations.

Since 1986, official junior championships have been held in Asia. In Algeria, since 1994, competitions among junior youth have also been held every two years.

In America, two federations hold competitions. Since 1974, the Central American and Caribbean Athletics Federation began holding championships for juniors. The first starts took place in Venezuela. And in Sudbury (Canada) since 1980, under the auspices of the Pan American Athletics Association, junior competitions began to be held.

The most famous junior of our time in athletics, who switched to big-time sports, becoming a multiple world record holder in the 100, 200 meters, and the 4 x 100 meter team relay, is Usain Bolt (from Jamaica). The whole world now knows this legend. He is on the junior list with the 200m world record of 20.13 seconds, set in 2003 at the championships in Bridgetown (Barbados). Today, the “Lightning Man” has joined the adult lists of world record holders.

In some countries, there are entire schools for training young athletes. The Junior Sports club has been operating in Kyiv (Ukraine) since 2014.
