What do bows and satin have in common? Satin and Luka – antipodes or kindred spirits? LITERATURUS: World of Russian Literature

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Quotes from the play “At the Lower Depths” by Gorky: sayings, aphorisms by Luka, Satin, Bubnov, Pepla, etc.

The play “At the Lower Depths” is one of the most famous works of the outstanding Russian writer M. Gorky.

This article presents quotes from Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths,” statements and aphorisms of such heroes as Luka, Satin, Bubnov, Vaska Ash, etc.

Luke Quotes

". This is how it always turns out: a person thinks to himself – I’m doing a good job! Grab - and people are unhappy..." (Luke)

". People are becoming smarter, more and more entertaining... and even though they live, they get worse, but they want to get better... they are stubborn. "

". It is, perhaps, lordship - like smallpox... and a person will recover, but the signs remain. "

". How many different people on earth are in charge... and they frighten each other with all sorts of fears, but there is still no order in life... and there is no purity..."

". If someone has not done good to someone, he has done something bad..."

". A person lives differently... as his heart is adjusted, so he lives... today he is good, tomorrow he is evil...”

". Why love them? To love - we must love the living... the living..." (Luke about the dead)

". You - beware of the living... that's what I say..." (Luke about the dead and living people)

". It’s not the word that matters, but why the word is said? - that's the problem. "

". If you believe you had true love... that means you had it! Was. "

". It’s never harmful to caress a person...”

". Girl, someone needs to be kind... you need to feel sorry for people! It's time to feel sorry for a person... it happens well. "

". Prison will not teach you goodness, and Siberia will not teach you... but man will teach you... yes! A person can teach goodness... very simply. "

". It’s true, it’s not always because of a person’s illness... you can’t always cure a soul with the truth...”

". He who seeks will find... He who really wants will find. "

". There are people, and there are others - people..."

". That is why every person must be respected... we don’t know who he is, why he was born and what he can do... maybe he was born for our happiness... for our great benefit. "

". Children especially need to be respected... children! Children need space! Don’t interfere with the children’s lives... Respect the children. "

Quotes from Satin

". What is the truth? Man is the truth. "(Satin about the truth)

". There is a comforting lie, a reconciling lie... A lie justifies the weight that crushed the worker's hand... and blames those dying of hunger... I know the lie! Those who are weak at heart... and who live on other people's juices - those who need lies... some are supported by it, others hide behind it... And who is his own master... who is independent and does not eat someone else's - why does he need lies? Lies are the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man. "(Satin about truth and lies)

". Human! It's great! It sounds... proud! Human! We must respect the person! Don’t feel sorry... don’t humiliate him with pity... you need to respect him. "(Satin about a person)

Quotes from Bubnov

". It turns out: no matter how you paint yourself on the outside, everything will be erased... everything will be erased, yes. "(Bubnov)

". And whoever is drunk and smart has two lands in him..."

". I was honest, but the spring before last. "

". Such a life that just as you got up in the morning, you started howling..."

". Everyone wants order, but there is a lack of reason. "

". It is better. It's always better to leave on time. "

Quotes from Vaska Ash

". A woman must have a soul... We are animals... we need... we need to be taught. "(Vaska Ash)

". Work if you like...what is there to be proud of? If you value people for their work... then a horse is better than any person... it carries and is silent. "

Actor Quotes

". Education is nonsense, the main thing is talent. And talent is faith in yourself, in your strength...” (Actor)

". There is no talent... no self-confidence... and without it... never, nothing..."

Quotes from other heroes

". All people have gray souls... everyone wants to brown up..." (Baron)

". It’s not enough to know, you understand. "(Natasha)

". I know that a person is not free within himself. "(Vasilisa)

". Do not offend a person - that is the law. "(Tatar)

". Crooks are all smart... I know! They are crazy - impossible. A good person, even a stupid person, is good, but a bad person must have intelligence. "(Medvedev)


Dispute about truth in the play “At the Depths” by M. Gorky

The genre of Maxim Gorky's play “At the Lower Depths” can be defined as a philosophical drama. In this work, the writer managed to raise many problematic questions about man and the meaning of his existence. However, the dispute about the truth in the play “At the Bottom” became key.

History of creation

The play was written in 1902. This time was characterized by a serious economic crisis, as a result of which, due to the closure of factories, workers were out of work, and peasants were forced to beg and beg. All these people, and with them the state, found themselves at the very bottom of their lives. To reflect the full extent of the decline, Maxim Gorky made his heroes representatives of all segments of the population. This is a Baron who became an adventurer, a former Actor, a prostitute, a locksmith, a thief, a shoemaker, a merchant, a rooming house owner, and a policeman.

And it is in the midst of this decline and poverty that the key eternal questions of life are asked. And the conflict was based on a dispute about the truth in the play “At the Bottom.” This philosophical problem has long become insoluble for Russian literature; Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and many others took on it. However, Gorky was not at all frightened by this state of affairs, and he created a work devoid of didacticism and moralizing. The viewer has the right to make his own choice after listening to the different points of view expressed by the characters.

Dispute about the truth

In the play “At the Lower Depths,” as mentioned above, Gorky not only depicted a terrible reality, the main thing for the writer was the answers to the most important philosophical questions. And in the end, he manages to create an innovative work that has no equal in the history of literature. At first glance, the narrative seems scattered, plotless and fragmented, but gradually all the pieces of the mosaic come together, and a clash of heroes unfolds before the viewer, each of whom is the bearer of his own truth.

A topic such as the dispute about truth in the play “At the Bottom” is multifaceted, ambiguous and inexhaustible. A table that could be compiled to better understand it would include three characters: Bubnov, Luka and Satin. It is these characters who lead heated discussions about the need for truth. Realizing the impossibility of answering this question, Gorky puts different opinions into the mouths of these heroes, which are of equal value and equally attractive to the viewer. It is impossible to determine the position of the author himself, therefore these three images of criticism are interpreted differently, and there is still no consensus as to whose point of view on the truth is correct.

Entering into a dispute about truth in the play “At the Bottom,” Bubnov is of the opinion that facts are the key to everything. He does not believe in higher powers and the high destiny of man. A person is born and lives only to die: “Everything is like this: they are born, they live, they die. And I will die... and you... Why regret it..." This character is hopelessly despairing of life and does not see anything joyful in the future. The truth for him is that man cannot resist the circumstances and cruelty of the world.

For Bubnov, lying is unacceptable and incomprehensible; he believes that only the truth should be told: “And why do people like to lie?”; “In my opinion, leave the whole truth as it is!” He openly, without hesitation, expresses his opinion, without looking at others. Bubnov’s philosophy is truthful and merciless to man; he sees no point in helping his neighbor and caring for him.

For Luke, the main thing is not truth, but consolation. Trying to bring at least some meaning to the hopelessness of the daily lives of the inhabitants of the shelter, he gives them false hope. His help lies in lies. Luka understands people well and knows what everyone needs, based on this he makes promises. Thus, he tells the dying Anna that peace awaits her after death, inspires the Actor with hope for a cure for alcoholism, and promises Ash a better life in Siberia.

Luka appears as one of the key figures in such a problem as the dispute about truth in the play “At the Bottom.” His remarks are full of sympathy and reassurance, but there is not a word of truth in them. This image is one of the most controversial in the drama. For a long time, literary scholars assessed him only from the negative side, but today many see positive aspects in Luke’s actions. His lies console the weak, unable to resist the cruelty of the surrounding reality. The philosophy of this character is kindness: “A person can teach goodness. While a person believed, he lived, but he lost faith and hanged himself.” Indicative in this regard is the story of how the elder saved two thieves when he treated them kindly. Luke’s truth is in pity for the person and the desire to give him hope, albeit illusory, for the possibility of something better, which would help him live.

Satin is considered Luke's main opponent. It is these two characters who are leading the main debate about the truth in the play “At the Bottom.” Satin’s quotes sharply contrast with Luke’s statements: “Lies are the religion of slaves,” “Truth is the god of a free man!”

For Satin, lies are unacceptable, since in a person he sees strength, resilience and the ability to change everything. Pity and compassion are meaningless; people do not need them. It is this character who pronounces the famous monologue about the man-god: “Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain! It's great! It sounds proud!”

Unlike Bubnov, who also recognizes only the truth and denies lies, Satin respects people and believes in them.

Thus, the dispute about truth in the play “At the Bottom” is plot-forming. Gorky does not give a clear resolution to this conflict; each viewer must determine who is right for himself. However, it should be noted that Satin’s final monologue is heard both as a hymn to man and as a call to action aimed at changing the terrifying reality.

Spores bows and satin table

The genre of the play “At the Bottom” can be defined as a socio-philosophical drama. The main philosophical problem of the play is the dispute about truth. The dispute about truth is revealed primarily in the conversation of the characters, when the word “truth” is used in its direct meaning as an antonym to the word lie.

However, this does not exhaust the meaning of this philosophical problem. A dispute about truth implies a clash of different life and philosophical positions of the heroes, primarily Luka, Bubnov, Satin. It is the clash of worldviews of these heroes that determines the development of the philosophical conflict.

Are white lies justified? Gorky poses this question by revealing the image of Luke. Having appeared in the shelter, Luka has a great influence on all its inhabitants. Luke gives birth to faith in many heroes. For example, after a conversation with Luna, Anna begins to believe that with the death of the body the soul goes to a better world and dies calmly. Luka feels sorry for the inhabitants of the shelter and, while consoling them, often tells lies. The Actor believes Luka’s fictional stories about a hospital where they are treated for alcoholism. Luka makes Natasha and Ash believe in the possibility of their clean life together in Siberia. For the kind Luke, driven by love for people, the main thing is that faith and hope live in a person, and in what way this will be achieved is unimportant. Luke believes in a person in the possibility of his resurrection with the help of faith. And this is Luke’s philosophical position, his truth, which is opposed in the play by Bubnov’s Position.

“But... I can’t lie! For what? In my opinion, give you the whole truth as it is! Why be ashamed? - speak, Bubnov. Bubnov admits only the bare fact, everything else is a lie for him. He doesn’t understand why Luna deceives the inhabitants of the shelter with her beautiful stories, why she feels sorry for them. Bubnov's truth is cruel, merciless, it is based on indifference to people, it excludes any hope of changing a person. In comparison with Bubnov’s truth, of course, Luka’s position wins.

In the play, truth is correlated with faith; a person’s faith, if he really believes, becomes his truth, the truth of his life. Nastya believed that she had true love, and Baron and Bubnov laughed at her, believing that she was lying and just wanted to “embellish her soul.” Luka is the only one who understood Nastya. “Your truth, not theirs. if you believe, you had true love. that means it was her!” The loss of such faith can turn into a tragedy for a person, Luke speaks about this when telling the parable of the righteous land. However, the same thing happens to the Actor as to a person who believed in a righteous land. Luka disappears from the shelter at the most important moment for its inhabitants, when many of them began to believe in something better. The heroes lose their newly acquired faith, and this turns into tragedy for many. The actor commits suicide, Ash is sent to prison, Natasha ends up in the hospital. By developing the plot of the play and its sad ending, Gorky shows that Luka was wrong. Luke was not able to completely save and revive the inhabitants of the shelter, since his truth, that is, the position of consolation, was based on pity for people, on mercy, it did not give the heroes faith in themselves. Listening to Luka, the inhabitants of the shelter begin to believe in something. But as soon as the person who consoled them, who made them believe, disappears, they immediately lose this faith and sink again. However, Luka still changed many of the inhabitants of the shelter for the better, making them think about their lives. Luke had the strongest influence on Satin. “It affected me like acid on an old and dirty coin...” says Satin about Luke. From an immoral, indifferent person who hates people, turn Satin into an author's reasoner. Satin pronounces his monologues in the last act only under the influence of Luke. Satin is the only one who fully understood Luke's position. From the philosophy of Luke, Satin takes faith in man (“Man is the truth! He understood this.”), but faith without pity and mercy. A person must be respected, and not pitied - this is what now becomes the main thing for Satin. Satin says that one must believe in a person’s own strengths; for a strong, proud person, pity and mercy are not needed, they are needed only for the weak. “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the god of a free man” - this is how the philosophical dispute about truth in the play “At the Bottom” is resolved.

Thus, from the author’s point of view, Satin’s truth becomes true in the play “At the Bottom,” and Luke’s truth turns out to be only an intermediate step to the real truth. Gorky rejects Bubnov’s cruel truth, but he also does not accept Luka’s consolation, based on pity for people. A person must believe first of all in himself - this is the main idea of ​​the play “At the Bottom”.


Two truths (images of Luke and Satin in M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”)

“At the Bottom” is a complex, contradictory work. And, like any truly great creation, the play does not tolerate a one-line, unambiguous interpretation. Gorky gives in it two completely different approaches to human life, without clearly showing his personal attitude towards any of them.
The main characters of this work are Luka and Satin. They express two truths, two points of view on human destiny. As much as these two truths differ from each other, the images of their bearers differ just as much.
Luke is a wanderer who has come from nowhere and is heading to nowhere. He is soft both in speech and in movements, affectionate and kind to everyone, does not have and does not want to have enemies. The only words coming out of his mouth are words of comfort. And the hero finds such words for almost every inhabitant of the shelter. Luka tells thief Vaska Pepl about the happy life that a free person can lead in Siberia. To the chronic drunk Actor - about a wonderful clinic that provides free treatment for alcoholism. For poor Anna, dying of consumption, the old man finds other words: “So, you will die, and you will be at peace. nothing else will be needed, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Death - it calms everything. If you die, you will rest. “But these consolations did not help anyone, since the hero did not strengthen a person’s faith in his own strength, did not prepare him for life’s struggle. For example, before her death, Anna, despite Luke’s assurances about a happy afterlife, dreams of living at least a little. Ash will have to go to hard labor for the murder of Kostylev. After the old man left, the actor lost the faith he had found and hanged himself. The wanderer's weakness is obvious. But we must not forget about his positive role in the play. It was he, the “old yeast,” as Satin called him, who “fermented” the inhabitants of the shelter, aroused in them all the good things that lay dormantly, and above all, a sense of human dignity. But does Luke himself believe his own words? No, he does not believe, and does not believe in the possibility of a decisive restructuring of life, because he believes that a person is weak from the very beginning. Based on this worldview, the hero strives not to change social foundations, but to lighten the cross that ordinary people bear. His truth is a comforting lie.
A completely different human type, a completely different life position is shown in the image of the tramp Satin. Satin is a fighter for truth. He went to prison only because he stood up for the honor of his sister. Human injustice and years of terrible need did not embitter the hero. And he remembers this easily, with love for the girl: “Nice, brother, I had a little human sister!” He sympathizes with people no less than Luke, but does not see a way out - alleviation of suffering - in the simple consolation of people. And although it cannot be said that this hero acts as a supporter of more radical aspirations, it is in his mouth that the writer puts a monologue in defense of man and human rights: “Man is free, he pays for everything himself.” The image of Satin leaves an ambiguous feeling, a feeling of contrast between high thoughts, noble aspirations and the general passive existence of the character. Satin likes to drink and play cards. He is superior to everyone in intelligence and strength of character, but still feels comfortable in the Kostylevo shelter. What is his truth? Satin does not have any positive program, but, in contrast to Luke’s position, the hero resolutely and irrevocably denies lies, calling it “the religion of slaves and masters.”
Thus, two truths coexist in the drama: the truth of Luke, with its impersonal kindness, Christian humility, with its “holy lie,” and the truth of Satin, somewhat cruel, but proud - the truth of the denial of lies. And the internal conflict of these two positions, so different from each other, was resolved by history. History has shown that the world can only be remade by strong means and that words of consolation will not help people become happier. But, it seems to me, this does not mean that Satin’s path is the best, this is simply the structure of our ruthless world, where even goodness “must be with fists.”

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Dosshouses' dispute about a person (analysis of the dialogue at the beginning of Act 3 of M. Gorky's play "At the Lower Depths")
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Thoughts about Man in M. Gorky’s play “At the Bottom.”
Disputes about man in Gorky's play “At the Depths”

/ Works / Gorky M. / At the Lower Depths / Two truths (images of Luke and Satin in M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”)

See also the work “At the Bottom”:

Satin or Luka - the main character (Gorky Maxim)

Maxim Gorky’s philosophical and social play “At the Depths” expresses two contradictory views on life - the philosophy of the wanderer Luke and the gambler and sharper Satin.

Luke's "truth" is twofold. The first is “you need to feel sorry for people”: Luke consoles the night shelters, instilling in them that they are at the “bottom” due to external circumstances. The second thought is that you can kill with the truth, but a lie for the greater good: Luka tells Vaska Ash about the good life of a free man in Siberia, the Actor about a free hospital for alcoholics, Anna about peace after death. Luke gives them hope for a serene life.

But Gorky himself does not consider Luka positive: he disappeared during the turmoil associated with Natasha, Vasilisa and Kostylev. At the most tense moment, when I could witness what happened, help Vaska Ash, tell Natasha that Ash and Vasilisa did not agree.

Because of Luka's departure, the Actor lost faith in his recovery and hanged himself.

But Luke’s role is that he influenced the night shelters, in particular Satin, who was more educated than the rest: “He affected me like acid on an old and dirty coin.” Satin expresses the author's position: “man is above satiety.” He prefers to accept the bitter truth and not lie to himself or people: “Whoever is weak at heart. and those who live on other people's juices need lies. Some she supports, others hide behind her. Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the god of a free man!” Satin, unlike Luke, believes that “one must respect a person”: “Don’t feel sorry.

Don't humiliate him with pity. must be respected!” Satin believes that nothing exists except man, the whole meaning of the universe is in him.

In my opinion, Satin and Luka are both the main characters of the play. And although the old man brought illusions with him - he gave false hope to the shelters, with his humanity he managed to warm their souls for some time, awakened the consciousness of Satin, therefore, Luka cannot be called an exclusively negative hero. Luka sympathizes with his kindness, compassion, humanity, and Satin - with his love of truth and rationalism. On the other hand, Satin makes no attempt to act or change anything in his life, as he understands the hopelessness of his situation.

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  • The genre of Maxim Gorky's play “At the Lower Depths” can be defined as a philosophical drama. In this work, the writer managed to raise many problematic questions about man and the meaning of his existence. However, the dispute about the truth in the play “At the Bottom” became key.

    History of creation

    The play was written in 1902. This time was characterized by a serious economic crisis, as a result of which, due to the closure of factories, workers were out of work, and peasants were forced to beg and beg. All these people, and with them the state, found themselves at the very bottom of their lives. To reflect the full extent of the decline, Maxim Gorky made his heroes representatives of all segments of the population. This is a Baron who became an adventurer, a former Actor, a prostitute, a locksmith, a thief, a shoemaker, a merchant, a rooming house owner, and a policeman.

    And it is in the midst of this decline and poverty that the key eternal questions of life are asked. And the conflict was based on a dispute about the truth in the play “At the Bottom.” This philosophical problem has long become insoluble for Russian literature; Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and many others took on it. However, Gorky was not at all frightened by this state of affairs, and he created a work devoid of didacticism and moralizing. The viewer has the right to make his own choice after listening to the different points of view expressed by the characters.

    Dispute about the truth

    In the play “At the Lower Depths,” as mentioned above, Gorky not only depicted a terrible reality, the main thing for the writer was the answers to the most important philosophical questions. And in the end, he manages to create an innovative work that has no equal in the history of literature. At first glance, the narrative seems scattered, plotless and fragmented, but gradually all the pieces of the mosaic come together, and a clash of heroes unfolds before the viewer, each of whom is the bearer of his own truth.

    A topic such as the dispute about truth in the play “At the Bottom” is multifaceted, ambiguous and inexhaustible. A table that could be compiled to better understand it would include three characters: Bubnov, Luka and Satin. It is these characters who lead heated discussions about the need for truth. Realizing the impossibility of answering this question, Gorky puts different opinions into the mouths of these heroes, which are of equal value and equally attractive to the viewer. It is impossible to determine the position of the author himself, therefore these three images of criticism are interpreted differently, and there is still no consensus as to whose point of view on the truth is correct.

    Entering into a dispute about truth in the play “At the Bottom,” Bubnov is of the opinion that facts are the key to everything. He does not believe in higher powers and the high destiny of man. A person is born and lives only to die: “Everything is like this: they are born, they live, they die. And I will die... and you... Why regret it..." This character is hopelessly despairing of life and does not see anything joyful in the future. The truth for him is that man cannot resist the circumstances and cruelty of the world.

    For Bubnov, lying is unacceptable and incomprehensible; he believes that only the truth should be told: “And why do people like to lie?”; “In my opinion, leave the whole truth as it is!” He openly, without hesitation, expresses his opinion, without looking at others. Bubnov’s philosophy is truthful and merciless to man; he sees no point in helping his neighbor and caring for him.

    For Luke, the main thing is not truth, but consolation. Trying to bring at least some meaning to the hopelessness of the daily lives of the inhabitants of the shelter, he gives them false hope. His help lies in lies. Luka understands people well and knows what everyone needs, based on this he makes promises. Thus, he tells the dying Anna that peace awaits her after death, inspires the Actor with hope for a cure for alcoholism, and promises Ash a better life in Siberia.

    Luka appears as one of the key figures in such a problem as the dispute about truth in the play “At the Bottom.” His remarks are full of sympathy and reassurance, but there is not a word of truth in them. This image is one of the most controversial in the drama. For a long time, literary scholars assessed him only from the negative side, but today many see positive aspects in Luke’s actions. His lies console the weak, unable to resist the cruelty of the surrounding reality. The philosophy of this character is kindness: “A person can teach goodness. While a person believed, he lived, but he lost faith and hanged himself.” Indicative in this regard is the story of how the elder saved two thieves when he treated them kindly. Luke’s truth is in pity for the person and the desire to give him hope, albeit illusory, for the possibility of something better, which would help him live.

    Satin is considered Luke's main opponent. It is these two characters who are leading the main debate about the truth in the play “At the Bottom.” Satin’s quotes sharply contrast with Luke’s statements: “Lies are the religion of slaves,” “Truth is the god of a free man!”

    For Satin, lies are unacceptable, since in a person he sees strength, resilience and the ability to change everything. Pity and compassion are meaningless; people do not need them. It is this character who pronounces the famous monologue about the man-god: “Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain! It's great! It sounds proud!”

    Unlike Bubnov, who also recognizes only the truth and denies lies, Satin respects people and believes in them.

    Thus, the dispute about truth in the play “At the Bottom” is plot-forming. Gorky does not give a clear resolution to this conflict; each viewer must determine who is right for himself. However, it should be noted that Satin’s final monologue is heard both as a hymn to man and as a call to action aimed at changing the terrifying reality.

    Dispute bows and satin table

    The play “At the Lower Depths” is one of the most famous works of the outstanding Russian writer M. Gorky.

    Luke Quotes

    ". This is how it always turns out: a person thinks to himself – I’m doing a good job! Grab - and people are unhappy..." (Luke)

    ". People are becoming smarter, more and more entertaining... and even though they live, they get worse, but they want to get better... they are stubborn. "

    ". It’s not the word that matters, but why the word is said? - that's the problem. "

    ". It’s never harmful to caress a person...”

    ". Prison will not teach you goodness, and Siberia will not teach you... but man will teach you... yes! A person can teach goodness... very simply. "

    ". It’s true, it’s not always because of a person’s illness... you can’t always cure a soul with the truth...”

    ". He who seeks will find... He who really wants will find. "

    ". What is the truth? Man is the truth. "(Satin about the truth)

    ". There is a comforting lie, a reconciling lie... A lie justifies the weight that crushed the worker's hand... and blames those dying of hunger... I know the lie! Those who are weak at heart... and who live on other people's juices - those who need lies... some are supported by it, others hide behind it... And who is his own master... who is independent and does not eat someone else's - why does he need lies? Lies are the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man. "(Satin about truth and lies)

    Quotes from Bubnov

    ". It turns out: no matter how you paint yourself on the outside, everything will be erased... everything will be erased, yes. "(Bubnov)

    ". And whoever is drunk and smart has two lands in him..."

    ". It is better. It's always better to leave on time. "

    ". A woman must have a soul... We are animals... we need... we need to be taught. "(Vaska Ash)

    ". Work if you like...what is there to be proud of? If you value people for their work... then a horse is better than any person... it carries and is silent. "

    ". There is no talent... no self-confidence... and without it... never, nothing..."

    ". I know that a person is not free within himself. "(Vasilisa)

    ". Crooks are all smart... I know! They are crazy - impossible. A good person, even a stupid person, is good, but a bad person must have intelligence. "(Medvedev)

    "The essence of the dispute between Luke and Satin"

    1. The history of the appearance of M. Gorky’s play “At the Depths”.
    2. Innovation of the play.
    3. General characteristics of the residents of the shelter.
    4. Luke's position.
    5. Contrasting the ideas of two heroes - Luke and Satin.

    Man is free. he pays for everything himself: for faith, for disbelief, for love, for intelligence. A person pays for everything himself and therefore he is free.
    M. Gorky

    The play “At the Lower Depths” by M. Gorky is one of the most striking and dramatic works of the writer. The play was first shown on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater in 1902. The play was the greatest success in the theatrical life of that time. Over time, it was staged in other theaters in Russia and Western Europe. The main problems of M. Gorky’s creativity in the early 1900s are shown in the play “At the Depths”. Here the writer again, as in his earlier works, turns to the world of the outcasts, although he views them a little differently.

    What is the innovation of M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”? The theme of the human “bottom” itself is not new in literature, and the novelty of this play lies not in the theme itself, but in its new solution. M. Gorky, depicting the suffering of people at the bottom, exposes the bourgeois-property world and shows the whole society in miniature. The writer’s position towards tramps has also changed; he is already trying to look into their destinies and understand the essence of existence, to reveal social psychology. Describing the terrible pictures of the life of the inhabitants of the shelter, M. Gorky at the same time shows the powerful strength of these people, which is capable of resisting the social conditions that influence a person and disfigure him. The heroes of the play “At the Bottom” are trying to figure it out and understand what are the reasons and meaning of the fate that is prescribed for them. They argue about the truth, about simple human happiness and, most importantly, about the individual himself, about his place in this world. Each character in the play has his own opinion and his own answer to these questions.

    People living in the shelter have completely different characters, different origins and ages, but they are all brought together by one fate. And they perceive their position just as differently. Mortally ill Anna and Tatar came to terms with their situation. The only thing the Baron can do is useless ridicule of the people of the “bottom” just like him. Nastya is angry, the thief Vaska Pepel is rebelling, Luka is trying to console all the inhabitants of the shelter, and Satin philosophizes a lot, but does absolutely nothing to somehow realize his ideals in life. Tick ​​worries more than anyone about his fate; he constantly dreams of one day breaking out of the captivity of the shelter and starting to live by honest work.

    But one of the most important disputes in the play “At the Lower Depths” is between two residents of the shelter - between Luka and Satin.

    For Luke himself, all people are selfish, pathetic, worthless, and they only need consolation in their lives. Luke's role is precisely that of a comforter for all the inhabitants of the shelter. For Luke himself, there are a huge number of truths, as many as there are people in the world. He tells various stories to the residents of the shelter: about extraordinary love, about a righteous land, “in that land, they say, special people inhabit. good people! They respect each other. - they help,” he talks to Anna about the wonderful life in the next world.” and you will be at peace. There will be nothing more to be afraid of and nothing! Silence. " The elder informs the actor about a free hospital where alcoholics are cured: “. Nowadays there is a cure for drunkenness. Free treatment, brother. This is how the hospital is set up. so that, therefore, they can be treated for nothing. " But such lies from Luke did not help the residents of the shelter, but on the contrary, only harmed them. Thus, the Actor, who for a moment believed in Luke’s fairy tale about an extraordinary hospital, very soon realized what his fictitious stories were worth. And it’s not for nothing that the Actor quotes P. J. Beranger:

    Gentlemen! If the truth is holy
    The world doesn't know how to find a way -
    Honor the madman who inspires
    A golden dream for humanity!

    These poems by Beranger from the lips of the Actor sound like a mockery of illusions. He does not want to live in a fictional world and as a result commits suicide. As a result, it turns out that all of Luke’s sermons do not improve a person’s life, but, on the contrary, only push him to the edge. Gradually, life itself and harsh reality expose all of Luke’s comforting lies. In M. Gorky's play, Luke's position is contrasted with Satin's monologue. He calls for every person to open their eyes to life's problems and see the real reality, and not the fictitious one that Luke offers. According to Satin, “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the god of a free man!” But all the heroes of this play are absolutely not like free people. These people are losers, they are stupid, they are those “who are weak at heart. and those who live on other people's juices need lies. Some she supports, others hide behind her. And who is his own boss. whoever is independent and doesn’t eat other people’s things, why does he need lies. " But it gradually becomes clear that there is no one in the play who could become his own master.

    Satin speaks out against Luke, against his sermons - patience and consolation: “I can’t get it out of my head. this old man. Don't offend the person! And if I was once offended - for the rest of my life at once! What should I do? Forgive? Nothing. No one. " Satin argues that you should not humiliate a person with pity for him, you just need to respect him. For Satin, a person “is not you, not me, not them. No! It's you, me, them, the old man, Napoleon, Mohammed. in one! This one is huge. Human. It sounds. proudly! We must respect the person! Don't regret it. Don't humiliate him with pity. must be respected!”

    In the play “At the Bottom,” M. Gorky tried to show how different social conditions of life, incompatible contradictions of reality can push every person “to the bottom.” M. Gorky sees a way out of this situation only in a decisive and merciless struggle against all these living conditions.

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    Quotes from the play “At the Lower Depths” by Gorky: sayings, aphorisms by Luka, Satin, Bubnov, Pepla, etc.

    This article presents quotes from Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths,” statements and aphorisms of such heroes as Luka, Satin, Bubnov, Vaska Ash, etc.

    ". It is, perhaps, lordship - like smallpox... and a person will recover, but the signs remain. "

    ". How many different people on earth are in charge... and they frighten each other with all sorts of fears, but there is still no order in life... and there is no purity..."

    ". If someone has not done good to someone, he has done something bad..."

    ". A person lives differently... as his heart is adjusted, so he lives... today he is good, tomorrow he is evil...”

    ". Why love them? To love - we must love the living... the living..." (Luke about the dead)

    ". You - beware of the living... that's what I say..." (Luke about the dead and living people)

    ". If you believe you had true love... that means you had it! Was. "

    ". Girl, someone needs to be kind... you need to feel sorry for people! It's time to feel sorry for a person... it happens well. "

    ". There are people, and there are others - people..."

    ". That is why every person must be respected... we don’t know who he is, why he was born and what he can do... maybe he was born for our happiness... for our great benefit. "

    ". Children especially need to be respected... children! Children need space! Don’t interfere with the children’s lives... Respect the children. "

    Quotes from Satin

    ". Human! It's great! It sounds... proud! Human! We must respect the person! Don’t feel sorry... don’t humiliate him with pity... you need to respect him. "(Satin about a person)

    ". I was honest, but the spring before last. "

    ". Such a life that just as you got up in the morning, you started howling..."

    ". Everyone wants order, but there is a lack of reason. "

    Quotes from Vaska Ash

    Actor Quotes

    ". Education is nonsense, the main thing is talent. And talent is faith in yourself, in your strength...” (Actor)

    Quotes from other heroes

    ". All people have gray souls... everyone wants to brown up..." (Baron)

    ". It’s not enough to know, you understand. "(Natasha)

    ". Do not offend a person - that is the law. "(Tatar)


    Dispute about truth and dreams In M. Gorky’s play “At the Depths” - presentation

    Presentation on the topic: “The debate about truth and dreams in M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”” - Transcript:

    1 Dispute about truth and dreams In M. Gorky’s play “At the Depths”

    2 The relevance of Gorky’s work, written a century ago, is not surprising, because the author highlighted one of the main questions of human existence: on what and how can relationships between people be built and what will come of it?

    3 The central idea of ​​the play is a dispute about a person, about what a person is, what he needs more - the truth, often cruel, or a beautiful dream. The choice between an “uplifting” truth and a “comforting, reconciling” dream, and at such a level that human life depends on it, is the problem that the author raises in his work.

    4 Particularly important and interesting for the writer are the positions of Luke and Satin as bearers of the main ideas.

    5 Luke’s position This is the idea of ​​compassion for people, for their misfortunes, the idea of ​​active goodness that consoles a person, arousing in him a faith that can lead him further, which will allow him to withstand the burden of the “truth of life.”

    6 Luke consoles Anna, promises her an afterlife. Luka pretends to believe Nastya. The old man gives hope to the Actor. Luka believes that a person needs to be given support in life, to “inspire a golden dream” of dreams. With the appearance of Luke, the main conflict of the play arises. A dispute about a person ensues between two heroes: Satin and Luka.

    7 Luke comforts Anna

    8 Luka pretends to believe Nastya

    9 Luke gives hope to the Actor

    10 Satin’s position Satin does not accept Luke’s position, but still thinks about it. “He's smart. It... acted on me like acid on an old and dirty coin..." exclaims the hero. Next he pronounces his famous monologue.

    11 Satin says that a real person, free, strong, is worthy of the truth (“truth is the God of a free person!”), that the truth opens up opportunities for a person to think realistically, soberly.

    13 Thus, Luke did not improve anyone’s life, his consolation does not last long: the truth again makes everyone disappointed. But at the same time, Luka did not lie about the existence of hospitals for alcoholics, and the Actor himself could not find the strength to undergo treatment. And when the time came to wake up from the “dream” inspired by the wanderer, the hero crashed against the harsh “truth” of Satin, falling from the height of his dream. Illusions only temporarily lull and calm people down - this is the meaning of the entire play.

    To the question: Are Satin and Luka antipodes or kindred spirits? given by the author Olenka Fairy)) the best answer is The heroes of Gorky's play "At the Lower Depths" Satin and Luka are in many ways antipodes: they have different views on life, different social circles, but, at the same time, they can be called kindred spirits.
    In the play “At the Bottom” there were only two people who, unlike the others, understood each other. One of them is Satin - a former thief and swindler, a low person, frivolous. Any appearance of him on the street ends very badly for him - everyone starts chasing him, greets him with insults or simply spits in his direction, so in the story we more often meet him in a dark and cramped shelter than on the street, that is, if he wants to take a walk , then first he will think, is it worth it? After all, no one is waiting for him there and does not understand, almost everyone will persistently explain that it’s sickening here without him. He is not considered a person - he is persecuted precisely because of his misdeeds in the past, which ruined his whole life. All this was reflected and now affected the attitude of the people around him towards him. The cunning, which has not yet disappeared in him, reminds of itself, which makes Satin even more dangerous in the eyes of people, which is why they shun him and avoid him. But most of this happens to him on the street, and in the shelter he is even considered one of his own. People here are used to it. Satin does not miss the opportunity to chip in at cards in the evening with the Tatar and the Baron, which he learned while in prison for murder. Prison left its mark on his life - it’s probably where he gets into the habit of distorting words, for example, for him the nose is something like a “sniffer”, the body for him is an “organon”. If someone from the shelter does not like something about his actions, then they immediately begin to persistently remind him who he is (a thief), which is not very pleasant, which may be why that cynicism towards people is born in him. The death of a person is a trifle for him! Which if it doesn’t concern him, then he doesn’t pay due attention to it. When Anna dies, Satin claims that these are Kleshch’s problems, which means he must solve them himself.
    And then Luka appears - a wandering old man looking for warmth. And where it’s warm, there’s the Motherland, in his opinion. Luka has no problems in relations with all the martyrs of the shelter; the prostitute Nastya even falls in love with him, although he is old enough to be her great-grandfather! But the owners don’t understand what he found here in the form of a homeland, and they want him to move out as soon as possible. A rotten mushroom – that’s what, in Vasilisa’s opinion, Luka is. But Kostylev doesn’t want to and can’t stand him at all. In the shelter, everything becomes more correct, more interesting, with the arrival of Luka, problems are solved better - for the most part, they respect him, but they do not believe his fairy tales. It doesn’t make it any tighter in any way.
    Satin will penetrate Luka with the warmest feelings. He finds something of his own, dear, warm. All representatives of the bottom were surprised when they saw that Satin respects and treats Luke well. Nobody expected this from him, it was so incredible. Satin begins to understand, after communicating with the old man, that everything in life is possible, you just have to want it.
    Luka and Satin are different people in their lifestyles, in their communication, but they have one thing in common – they are human – that’s true. Satin wants to become a man, he wants that old hatred towards him that stuck to passers-by on the street to disappear, but apparently it’s too late to change anything, this remains his dream!
    Luke can be considered such a person. He is a believer, which means he is not very used to sins. Truth doubts whether there really is a God.
    Luke’s goal in life is to live as best as possible, with benefit mainly not for himself, but for people. The more he helps, the brighter the life of the person he helped becomes. Apparently, the owners do not understand this help and ensure that the Old Man disappears on time, which he considers correct! The only one who tried to somehow hold Luka was, of course, Satin, feeling that he was losing a close friend. Having learned that he left after all, Satin resigns himself and continues to live, but with a slightly different outlook on life - positive.

    Luka and Satin in Gorky's drama "At the Lower Depths"

    In the play "At the Bottom" Gorky shows people broken by life, doomed to death. Heroes, their inner world is revealed not from actions, but from conversations. Each hero carries his own philosophy, his own idea.

    The main philosophical problem of the play is the dispute about truth. These disputes take place between the inhabitants of the shelter throughout the play and, above all, between Luka and Satin. Luke's philosophy is faith in man: "Man must be respected." Faith can replace the real truth, as it helps a person escape from the terrible reality into the world of beautiful illusions. With Luka's arrival, the atmosphere in the shelter became more humane.

    Luke strives to give perishing people at least some hope: “Everyone thinks that he lives for himself, but he comes out for the better,” brings relief to the inhabitants of the “bottom,” consoles them, awakens the Man in everyone. The Baron, having escaped from the world of things, exclaims: “But for some reason I was born.” He calms Anna down with conversations about blissful silence after death, Ash seduces with pictures of free life in Siberia, Natasha with possible love, he tells the Actor about a hospital for alcoholism, and he believes: “I worked today, swept the street, but I didn’t drink vodka!” Luke sows words of comfort and hope, but all his promises are false. By telling the parable of the righteous land, Luke shows how sometimes saving lies are for people and how dangerous the truth is.

    But at the most important moment for the inhabitants of the shelter, when many began to believe in something better, Luka disappears. People awakened by Luka come into conflict with the outside world and cannot change their deplorable situation: the Actor hanged himself, Ashes is in prison, Natasha is missing, Anna is dead. With this tragic ending, Gorky shows that Luka was wrong. Throughout the play, Luke lies, supposedly for the benefit of other people, although in fact this lie only destroys them.

    Why is he lying? Perhaps, in order to further establish himself in his belief in what he says, Satin rejects the philosophy of Luke: “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the god of a free man!” From the philosophy of Luke, Satin takes faith in man: “Man is the truth!”, but without pity. Satin is a philosopher, talks about the meaning of man: “Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and brain.” Sometimes he can be cynical and it is this cynicism that reveals the dirt with which Satin himself and all the other inhabitants live side by side .

    Satin, a card sharper, is not afraid of either life or death. He lost his name, his job, but he is independent of circumstances and values ​​freedom: “It’s good to feel like a human being!” But Satin is not suitable for the present case. Satin’s words, instilling faith in a person, in his mind, only had a temporary effect on the night shelters, united by a common fate, expressed in the prison song: “He wants to be free, but I can’t break the chain.” The tragedy of the unrealizability of hopes, the futility of words, is reflected in everyone hero. The burden of general powerlessness drags all of Gorky's characters to the bottom.

    Which of them is the more inspired comforter? The easy way of contrasting heroes walking through the entire character series of the play, drawn involuntarily into the central event of the play (Vaska Ash’s murder of the owner of the flophouse, Kostylev), is in many ways a deceptive way. And not because Luke was the first, as we noticed, to feel: the tireless joker, the mockingbird Satin, who sometimes speaks cruel, cynical words (“I’ll give you advice: don’t do anything! Just burden the earth!”), is not a hypocrite who deceives himself himself, and also a sufferer.

    “You are cheerful, Kostyantin is pleasant! “- says Luka, softly, unpersistently asking him about the path with which he “went crazy.” Luka feels that both of them are comforters, having nothing at their disposal except words and considerable life experience. Only their words of consolation are different. In Luke lives a righteous man, a bearer of ideas of compassion, while in Satin there are many embedded ideas of the future technocratic, intellectual renewal of humanity, ideas about the greatness of the human mind. Seeming antipodes, Satin and Luke, behave almost identically in many cases.

    Both Luka and Satin are trying to save Vaska Pepel and Natasha, seeing what an insidious intrigue was planned by Vasilisa, Ash’s mistress, Kostylev’s wife. Even after Luke’s departure, a departure usually interpreted as the flight of a liar, a sower of illusions, as his collapse (although the old man did not promise anyone to stay here!), it is Satin who passionately defends him: “Dubier keep silent about the old man! (Calm down.) You, Baron, are the worst of all! You don’t understand anything and you’re lying! The old man is not a charlatan!

    “Perhaps now, without smoothing out the opposition of many motives of consolation (the theme of Luke) and the odic, rhetorical praise of man (the theme of Satin), one should see in the heroes the dual, contradictory, rebellious soul of Gorky of those years, not yet shackled by dogmas? Later, already in the play “Enemies” (1907), especially in the story “Mother” (1906), this spirit of quest, doubt, and “Hamletism” that saves talent will not be in Gorky. But there will be no life, no multidimensionality of the heroes. As, indeed, the polyphony of passions. The play “At the Bottom” captured the turning point in Gorky’s entire fate.

    He, as if afraid to lag behind the revolution, from its militant, categorical laws, generously scatters remarks condemning Luke throughout the text. The play partly builds a whole line of condemnation, even ridicule of Luke. Gorky's talent resisted the schematic division of heroes into “positive” and “negative”. Now it is completely obvious that such a scathing judgment is not justified by anything: “People of the bottom first of all lose their name, and this circumstance becomes one of the leitmotifs of the play. All the inhabitants of the shelter once had it. All who have lost their name are dead.” 5 . Is this true in a wonderful play? Even the choice of names for the characters, their original meaning is not very simple.

    The name Luke, of course, is associated with the word “evil one.” But it also means something completely different: “light.”

    The name Constantine, given to Satin, means “constant”, in this case a stable reasoner, who, even mimicking the Actor (“organism Organon”), remembers: organon translated from Greek means “organ of knowledge”, “reasonableness”. It is not the body that is poisoned by alcohol, but the organ of knowledge, the source of intelligence, that is damaged. Other names are equally significant: Vasilisa (“reigning”), Nastya (“resurrected”), Natalya (“consoled”) 6 . The construction of the play, extremely compressed, often turning into a polyphonic chorus, the entire basement area divided into human cells, parallel developing conflicts that unite the characters in pairs and triangles, made it possible to pull together many of the drama’s contradictions into an amazing whole.

    And these springs, the “clockwork” of the play, have not been relaxed to this day. Each act ends, for example, with the death of Anna, Kostylev, the Actor (it was he who “ruined the song”), but not one of the deaths carries a cleansing catharsis. The reader and viewer will probably never fully figure out: does the fate of the heroes in the play move entirely along an inclined plane, does only evil triumph, does the “shipwreck” continue? Or something else is happening in this hold - the affirmation of new values, the rising of the sun (remember the song “The Sun Rises and Sets,” heard in the play). Concluding the analysis of the verbal matter of the play, its replicas, pay attention to the aphorism, the abundance of everyday formulas, speech gestures, to the dotted line of leitmotifs that speak of the legitimacy of the “dream”, “faith”, and the high destiny of man.

    It should be emphasized that Gorky seemed to be afraid of cold coinage, the external shine of phrases. In any episode of the play, as signals of a difficult ascent to the truth, which is not given from above, ellipses, pauses, a kind of failures, breakthroughs in the chain of communication, flash. There is anguish of speech in Satin’s monologues, in Kleshch’s tongue-tied protests, and in Bubnov’s difficult speech production. All this speaks of how difficult the path of the heroes of the shelter and Gorky himself was to sober truth and to a life-enlightening dream. Questions for independent analysis of the play
    1. Luke and Satin: antipodes or kindred spirits?

    Why does Satin unexpectedly defend Luka (“The old man is not a charlatan!”) at the trial of the inhabitants of the shelter after the old man left? 2. How is the hidden meaning of the name Luka (“bright”) revealed in the wanderer’s relationships with Vaska Ash and Natalya, Actor and Anna, Bubnov and Satin?

    What are the features of Gorky’s psychologism, embodied in fairy tales, parables, edifying parables, and in Luke’s figurative speech? 3. Are Satin’s monologues about man, about truth - the god of a free man, a transitional link from the former romantic beliefs of Gorky (the images of Danko and Sokol) to the future worship of reason and scientific knowledge? 4. Is the etymology of the names reflected in the behavior of the characters in the play: Luka (“bright”), Nastya (“resurrected”), Vasilisa (“royal”), Konstantin (“permanent”), etc.? 5. Why were a series of aphoristic statements and rhyming remarks as the most important feature of the style of “At the Lower Depths” inevitable? What is new about the aphoristic style in debates about Truth and Man at the turn of the 20th century?

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    Satin and Luka – antipodes or kindred spirits?

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