Hunter's calendar. Hunter's calendar Bird hunting in Belarus

Since ancient times, it has been considered a desirable prey for hunters in all countries. This forest animal is very smart and cunning, always ready to defend itself and therefore is often very dangerous. - a strong, very fast and active animal, and is hunted by hunters for its delicious meat. The fangs of this interesting animal are considered a valuable trophy among hunting experts.

April 1 - September 30 Hunting is allowed for males over 2 years old and young animals up to 2 years old of any gender during the day. The hunting method is rifle, from ambush, from the approach. Permitted hunting weapons: for adult males over 2 years old - rifled hunting weapons with a muzzle energy of a bullet over 3000 joules, smooth-bore hunting weapons using cartridges loaded with a bullet, hunting bows and crossbows; for young animals up to 2 years old - rifled hunting weapons with a muzzle energy of a bullet over 1500 joules, smooth-bore hunting weapons using cartridges loaded with bullets or buckshot, hunting bows and crossbows.

- the largest animal living in the territories of our country. The height at the withers is about 1.7-2.3 m, and the length of the entire body is 2.2-3 m. We must also pay tribute to the spade-shaped horns. Their span is 180 cm, and their weight is about 20-30 kg.

August 20 - September 30 Hunting in Belarus is permitted for adult males of trophy quality and selected animals of any gender and age. Type and method of hunting: gun drive, from ambush, from the approach, including with hunting dogs.

October 1 - January 31

belongs to the deer family. It is considered its smallest representative. Almost always this animal stays in the undergrowth. After rainy weather, I got used to going out to dry at the edge of the forest. This means that the hunter can be very lucky.

May 15 - September 30 Hunting is permitted for adult males of trophy quality and selected animals of any gender and age. Type and method of hunting: from ambush, from the approach, with luring (on a wad).

October 1 - January 31 Hunting is allowed for animals of any gender and age. Type and method of hunting: in a pen and with dogs - during daylight hours; from an ambush, from the approach - within 24 hours.

One of the most valuable trophies in the world of hunters is. The length of the animal’s body is approximately 1.9-2.4 m, the height at the withers is from 1.2 to 1.4 m. 180 kg is its average optimal weight. It can be 340 kg. Deer are approximately 35% larger than cows.

August 20 - September 30 Hunting is permitted for trophy-quality males and selected animals of any gender and age. Type and method of hunting: from ambush, from the approach, with luring (on a wad).

October 1 - January 31 Hunting is allowed for animals of any gender and age. Type and method of hunting: driven and with dogs - during daylight hours; from an ambush, from the approach - within 24 hours.

February 1 - March 31 Hunting is permitted for adult males of trophy quality and selected animals of any gender and age. Type and method of hunting: from ambush, from the approach.

They are known and widespread throughout our homeland, so this dangerous animal is hunted all year long. The wolf is well adapted to environmental conditions and even harsh climates. Despite constant hunting, their numbers do not change at all.

January 1 - December 31 It is permitted to hunt animals of any sex and age from ambush, with luring, from the approach, from the entrance, from a drive, including with hunting dogs and birds of prey.

Bird hunting in Belarus

In blue-eyed Belarus it is widely known and widespread spring and autumn waterfowl hunting various types, additionally and on , . But do not forget about endangered species, taken under special control by the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus. The best hunting period in our country is mid-spring (April) and the very beginning of autumn (September).

09.03.2019 - 12.05.2019 Hunting of any gender and age during daylight hours is permitted only from a stealth or ambush using a camouflage robe and only with luring using a decoy and a decoy goose (geese), and (or) profiles, and (or) stuffed goose. To search for and serve hunted game, it is allowed to use hunting dogs: terriers, dachshunds, pointers, spaniels, retrievers, water dogs.

16.03.2019 - 12.05.2019 Hunting for male woodcock is permitted from 18:00 to 22:00.

09.03.2019 - 12.05.2019 Hunting for drakes during daylight hours from an ambush is allowed only from a concealed position or using a camouflage robe and only with luring using a decoy duck(s) and/or a stuffed animal(s) and a decoy.

10.08.2019 - 14.12.2019 It is allowed to hunt waterfowl and swamp game, including woodcock, during daylight hours from ambush, with luring, from the approach, from the entrance (small vessels without an engine or with an inoperative engine), including with hunting dogs (except for greyhounds , hounds).

Hunter's calendar or at what time it is allowed to hunt feathered game (birds) and animals. In this topic, we will provide you with information regarding the period of hunting for various types of game animals, but we warn you that the time indicated is approximate and, depending on many components, the start and end seasons of hunting in different regions and republics, according to orders and regulations, may change. We recommend that you read


In January, the snow cover reaches large sizes, which makes life worse for animals. For example, due to deep snow, many ungulates reduce their daily movement, or generally remain in one of their feeding territories. During this period, the hunting season for ungulates ends. In January the main hunting animal is the fox.


February, like January, is a snowy month, which makes hunting with hounds difficult. The hunting season for fur-bearing animals ends in February.


In the south of Russia, hunting for male ducks and geese begins, in mid-March hunting opens in Rostov, and at the end of March hunting opens in the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions.

In April, drake hunting opens in the central regions of Russia, but the duration of such a hunt is no more than 10 days in a row. During this period, it is prohibited to shoot a duck in the summer; hunting takes place from a pre-prepared hut or shelter for a dead duck. We recommend that you read


Hunting is prohibited during this period and remains open only in the northern parts of Russia. May is good for training her dogs.


During this period, hunting is prohibited for any species of game, except for the hooded crow and wolf, since hunting for these species is permitted all year round. Nesting and raising of chicks takes place in June. Dog training is permitted in areas specially designated for this purpose.



Perhaps this is the month most anticipated by hunters, since almost all types of hunting open in August. In mid-August, duck and drake hunting opens; unlike spring duck hunting, you are allowed to shoot it at dawn and summer. For lovers of hunting large animals, a brown bear hunt is open.


In September, hunting for deer, elk, hazel grouse and geese opens, and bear hunting continues. Perhaps September is one of the most interesting months for hunting, as it is still warm, there is no snow, and hunting is allowed for many game animals.


In October, migratory birds begin to fly south, so in October there is less and less game birds, but this month opens up no less interesting hunting for hare and fox, you can start hunting with hounds and check how well you have trained your four-legged friend. We recommend that you read


Hunting is no longer a way to obtain food. This is entertainment for people. No one is going to ban hunting animals yet. However, today there are a number of rules for hunting this year. In 2010, the order “On approval of hunting rules in the Russian Federation” was signed, and during this time it has undergone certain changes. Every hunter must know his rights and responsibilities, otherwise it will be punishable.

When reading this article, be extremely careful, and if you have any additional questions, be sure to consult a specialist.

General rules of hunting in the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment created Order No. 512, which establishes certain requirements regarding hunting. All this is done to preserve natural resources. Official rules do not apply to wild animals living in places owned by legal entities or individuals.

What a hunter should have with him while hunting:

  • hunting license;
  • weapons permit;
  • permission to extract hunting resources;
  • if a hunter hunts in hunting grounds, he must have a permit with him;
  • permit for birds of prey.

Every hunter must have these documents with him, otherwise, if an official demands them and there are no documents, punishment will follow. If the game was obtained illegally, they have the right to confiscate it. You can hunt individually or in a group. In the second case, a responsible person is initially appointed who will keep control of everything that happens, while carrying the relevant documents.

During the hunt it is prohibited:

  • use weapons at a distance of less than 200 meters from the nearest populated area;
  • use weapons in poor visibility unless you are absolutely sure that you are aiming specifically at the target;
  • open fire on game near electrical wires;
  • open fire on information signs;
  • drive the game in such a way that the other participants in the hunt are located on different sides.

Hunting rules 2019: new edition of hunting rules in the Russian Federation

As you know, a hunting permit has its own expiration date, as well as a limit on the production of a particular type of game. In 2015, an innovation was introduced into the law, according to which the hunter undertakes to notify the employees of the place where the permit was obtained about what kind of game he caught and how much. That is. maximum detailed information
A number of changes also affected the rules for hunting ungulates and bears.

The following deadlines remain valid for 2019:

  • 10.07-24.07 - hunting with the use of firearms and pneumatic weapons is prohibited;
  • 07.25-11.15 - hunting with weapons, hunting dogs and birds of prey is permitted.
  • 10.07-31.12 - hunting for field game is allowed using dogs, without the use of weapons;
  • starting from 01.08 - hunting for waterfowl with dogs is allowed, without the use of weapons;
  • starting from -1.08 - hunting foxes and hare with dogs is allowed, without the use of weapons;
  • starting from 25.08 - hunting for fox and hare with dogs and using weapons is allowed;
  • 01.07-31.07 - hunting for marmot-baibak is allowed;
  • 01.10-28.02 - hunting for European beaver is allowed.

Check with our consultant for details.

Citizens can train a hunting dog at any time. There are specially designated places for this, namely, areas for racing and special places for training animals. Please note that any type of hunting in such places is prohibited.

One of the changes is that it is allowed to be with dogs without a leash in the areas for driving and training animals in hunting grounds at any time.
You can train a hunting dog at any time, but without the use of firearms, bladed weapons or pneumatic weapons.

If you go hunting with a specially trained hunting dog, you are required to have with you a document about the origin of the animal and a veterinary passport with a note from the state veterinary service stating that the dog does not have rabies, is vaccinated, etc. The document must be confirmed by the current year.

There have been a number of changes in terms of hunting periods for roe deer, bears, moose, and wolves. Hunting for saiga was banned, while the period for hunting bears in the spring was increased, expanding it.

Those hunters who open fire at information signs will be subject to administrative punishment.

Hunting legislation

Punishment for non-compliance with hunting rules

Article 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation regulates liability for violation of hunting rules in the Russian Federation.

If the rules were violated once, the hunter faces a fine of 500 to 4,000 rubles, depending on the violation. There are also penalties such as deprivation of hunting rights for up to two years and possible confiscation of hunting weapons.

If the rules are violated again, they may be fined from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles with deprivation of the right to hunt for up to three years.

If the established hunting deadlines are violated, the violator may be prohibited from hunting for a period of 1 to 2 years. The same punishment awaits a hunter if he fails to provide the necessary documents and permits upon first request.

If damage to a state reserve was caused during the hunt, liability doubles.

Employees of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Environmental Safety pay close attention to the prevention of diseases of wild animals, as well as to the source of their occurrence. Therefore, if, as a hunter, you find an animal that behaves unusually, or a dead animal, you must notify the above authorities about the find. They, in turn, will try to identify the cause of the problem and its source, and then decide how to proceed further.

Rules for hunting with rifled weapons 2019

A very pressing question regarding the use of rifled weapons when hunting. Even today, many seasoned hunters continue to argue about this. However, there is a solution to the basic legislation.

Paragraph 53.3 states that it is prohibited to use hunting rifled long-barreled weapons and combined weapons on game birds, not counting hunting upland and mountain game.

Hunting 2018 - when, where and who to hunt in 2018 22.08.2017 17:03

People who revere law and order are increasingly taking to the hunting path, while rangers and hunting inspectors still have to wage a real war against poachers who grossly violate hunting rules.

Hunter's calendar for 2018. When and who to hunt

Not only do they mercilessly destroy animals, violating the laws of nature, such hunters endanger those around them, since most of them have no idea what the rules of hunting are, but also when they can hunt.

Hunting for animals throughout the year occurs in 3 periods:

  • Spring - Spring hunting of game is the shortest and lasts only 10 calendar days.
  • Summer-autumn - its duration is a little more than three months. This is the longest of all hunting periods.
  • Winter - hunting in winter is allowed for 30 days.

Each period involves shooting a certain type of animal. In regions, hunting dates may shift somewhat, and animals that cause harm may be shot throughout the entire period. Crows, foxes, and wolves fall under this category. But even in this case, special permission is required to shoot them.

Spring hunting season 2018

The spring hunting season opens in Russia from the beginning of March and ends in mid-June - the exact dates are regulated in each region individually and the spring hunt lasts ten days.

Hunting for goose and woodcock is prohibited this year. Geese and woodcock are often shot in the tens of thousands, so if action is not taken this season, in 5-7 years you may be left without any game at all.

The specificity of spring shooting is the prohibition of shooting females. During this period, only males of certain birds are allowed to be shot for a few days. Prohibited measures are related to concerns about preserving and increasing the number of animals.

For example, hunting geese in the spring is prohibited, since there is a high probability of shooting a goose. Geese are practically indistinguishable from geese in plumage and habits.

Shooting at wood waders is prohibited. They instantly fly out from under the hunter’s feet and it is very difficult to distinguish a female from a male in a matter of seconds.

In the spring, you cannot hunt partridge and hazel grouse, despite the fact that the color of the cockerels is different from the females. The fact is that males actively participate in raising their offspring.

Shooting at flocks of ducks is prohibited. The probability of shooting a female is very high.

Summer-autumn hunting season

Many people look forward to the opening of the summer-autumn period, and this is marked by hunting for waterfowl and swamp game. No one has canceled the tradition: everyone is waiting and preparing for the second Saturday of August - this is the beginning of the hunt. In different parts of the country, shooting dates may shift slightly in one direction or another.

In autumn, hunting for wild geese, snipe, and corncrake is allowed. Interesting and exciting shooting of quail in the summer-autumn period. It begins immediately after the wheat is harvested from the fields. In some regions, at the end of this hunting period, it is allowed to shoot a hare.

Fans of hunting ungulates also unsheath their guns. At the end of the season, shooting at elk, wild boar, deer and roe deer is allowed in a number of regions. Usually they go after the trophy through the first snow. Shooting of raccoon, badger and fox is allowed.

Winter hunting season

The most favorable time for shooting fur-bearing animals. The hunt for artiodactyls does not stop. In winter in 2018, it is allowed to shoot squirrel and marten.

What animal can you hunt during the year?

The hunter's calendar for 2017-2018 is divided according to the shooting of animals and the timing of harvest. There are certain restrictions on shooting of one type or another.

  • Hunting for wild boar, red and sika deer is allowed from mid-2018 to the end of the year.
  • You can shoot elk from the first days of November to the end of December.
  • Fallow deer are hunted from mid-September to December inclusive.
  • From the beginning of May to mid-September, shooting of male roe deer is allowed. The female can be caught in October, November and December.
  • In 2018, hunting for duck, greylag goose, sandpiper and wild pigeon is allowed from August 15 to December 31. Quail can be harvested from mid-August to late October. They are not subject to shooting in November and December: shooting is prohibited.
  • Gray partridge, pheasant and partridge are taken from the first days of October to the end of December.
  • All fur animals can be shot in November and December. The 2018 hunting calendar allows marmot hunting from July to the end of September.
  • You can hunt a brown bear from April 1 to May 31 and from August 1 to November 30, and a Himalayan (white-breasted) bear: from August 1 to November 30.

The hunting year is full of various types of shooting wild animals. You need to carefully prepare for every hunting trip. The preparatory process includes checking documents, preparing weapons and inspecting camouflage.

The calendar forces not only hunters to prepare for the opening of the season, but also farms that receive long-awaited guests. Knowing the calendar and observing it is the business of everyone who took up arms and went hunting.

Organizing a hunt is a difficult task, because the future of our children and future generations is at stake, and the authorized bodies must take into account many factors, including the characteristics of a particular region.

In this regard, the government decided that the governor of the region or region should set the dates of the hunt and approve other parameters of the upcoming hunt. This means that in different regions the timing of hunting may differ significantly, while regional authorities themselves can introduce shooting standards and determine the types and methods of hunting.
