How to learn to stand up from a bridge. The bridge is the true strength of the back. Training program. Exercises to warm up joints and back muscles

Well, who hasn’t dreamed of standing on the bridge and demonstrating their flexibility and flexibility?! Almost all. What is the problem?! Let's together, with the help of this article, step by step review all the necessary exercises that will prepare our body for this. Don't give up on your dreams! Dream, take care of yourself, your body and you can easily achieve the desired results.

Play sports and!

The gymnastic bridge looks very nice from the outside and you will soon be able to show off your flexibility and excellent physical shape.

Before standing on the bridge, you need to stretch the muscles of your back and shoulders, that is, do a warm-up. Later, you will be able to do a bridge quickly and without special preparation, but for this you need to make this exercise familiar and ordinary to you. A must for beginners.

So, in order to quickly and painlessly learn how to perform a bridge, you need to master special exercises that very well develop back flexibility.

Exercise No. 1. Lie down with your arms stretched up. Raise your arms and legs together, bending as much as possible. Keep your knees straight. It is necessary to fix the position for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise No. 2. Lie on your back, bend your knees and straighten your arms along your body. Raise your pelvis as high as possible, hold for 5 seconds and smoothly lower onto your back.

Exercise No. 3. While kneeling, place your feet hip-width apart. Slowly bending back, reach your heels with your hands. The back should be arched and the head tilted back.

Exercise No. 4. Lie on your stomach, grab your ankles with your hands. Bend over, lifting your head, chest and legs. Hold for a few seconds.

No. 5. Bridge on fitball. Lie on your back on the fitball. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms and try to reach the floor.

Exercise No. 6. Lie on your stomach. Place your arms straight at hip level. Arch your back. Now your task is to touch your head with your toes, bending your knees and raising your head. Try holding for 30 seconds.

Exercise No. 7. Bridge from a prone position. Lie on your back. Next, bend your legs and arms, place your hands close to your shoulders, pointing your elbows up. Now try to bridge from this pose by straightening your legs, arms and arching your lower back. When you feel that you cannot bend further, hold the pose at your limit for a couple of seconds. When you get good at this exercise, make it more difficult by moving your hands as close to your legs as possible. Rock back and forth.

Do these exercises every day. If you have them, you will quickly forget about them if you are not lazy, and soon you will be able to easily get on the bridge no matter how old you are.

The bridge is an exercise familiar to many from school: we all once did it in physical education lessons.

Of course, at 10-12 years old it was easier for us to stand on the bridge than now, when we grew up: it’s no secret that children are much more flexible than adults. It’s not without reason that good stretching and flexibility are associated with youth and good health.

That's why it's especially impressive when a woman over 30 can easily, without any effort, do a handstand and stand on a bridge.

But the problem is that only a well-trained person can perform it correctly without causing harm to the back.

How to make a bridge in 3 steps

If you have never been involved in fitness or have done it without paying attention to exercises for your back and stabilizer muscles, you can perform a bridge only after at least three weeks of special training.

At the same time, you must be healthy - our intensive complex will not be suitable for a person with a problematic back or after an injury.

For simplicity, we will refer to a week as a “step”.

Expert commentary

Viktor Sychev, director of the “Group programs” direction of the network of fitness clubs “Territory of Fitness”, master of sports in artistic gymnastics, master of sports of the International class in sports aerobics

“To perform a bridge, it is very important to have good stretching, strong muscles in the arms, back and abs. To strengthen your back, I recommend going to the pool.

If there is no pool, special back exercises will help you strengthen your back. You can work the stabilizer muscles - those responsible for correct posture, a toned stomach and improve balance - using a classic plank. It will also help strengthen your hands.

Basic strength exercises such as crunches and push-ups will also be very useful. Well, moderate-intensity cardio training will help you get rid of excess weight and thereby make it easier to do the bridge: running, brisk walking.”

Step 1

Start preparing to perform a bridge with regular 20-minute gymnastics in the mornings or evenings, after work: with its help you will make your body more flexible.

First, warm up by running in place for 5-10 minutes. Next, perform the following complex: rotation with your arms, then with your hips. Bend forward, then back. Bend your back as much as possible, but be careful if you have problems with blood pressure: do this exercise without unnecessary zeal.

  • Shoulder bridge. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body, bend your knees. Raise your hips off the floor so that your thighs, stomach and chest are in the same plane (see photo). Lower your hips to the floor. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
  • "Swimming" on your stomach. Lie on the floor on your stomach. Take light dumbbells (500 g each) in your hands and stretch them forward. Now raise your arms slightly above the floor and move them back as if you were swimming. Your legs can be slightly lifted off the floor. Try to work your back muscles by bending backwards. Return your arms to the starting position forward. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

At the end of your workout, sit on the floor and stretch your feet, then do a couple of stretches.

Step 2

In the second week, do all the exercises listed above, adding to them the classic plank to work the stabilizer muscles.


  • Plank. Take a push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart, feet together, heels off the floor. Make sure that your hands form a right angle with your wrists. As you exhale, tighten your abs and straighten your body along the floor line (to do this, mentally imagine that a straight steel string is stretching through the top of your head). Relax your shoulders, face looking at the floor. Hold this pose for 60 seconds (or as long as you can). Take a break and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Trainer's tip: if you are well prepared, hold the plank for 2 minutes or 3 sets of one minute, if you hold more, you can increase the time.

Step 3

In the third week, perform exercises to strengthen your arms - push-ups.


  • Push ups. Place your palms on the floor, hands directly under your shoulders. Bend your elbows and lower your body as close to the floor as possible, then straighten your arms again. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times. If you find it difficult, do the exercise with your knees on the floor.

Finale: making a bridge

After three weeks of preparation, you can try to make a bridge. The easiest way to do this is from a supine position. So.

  • Lie on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet approximately 20 cm from your hips. Feet - shoulder width apart. Bend your elbows, lift your elbows up, and place your palms on the floor.
  • Push up with your arms and legs, tighten your abs and lift your hips up. The back is arched. Ideally, your arms and legs should be as straight as possible. This is the classic bridge.
  • Lower yourself to the floor with your elbows bent and your knees bent.

An exercise known to many people called the “bridge” perfectly trains the flexibility of the spine, muscles of the arms, back and hips. But, before you get such an impressive result from training, you should find out how to get on the bridge and what to do in order to prepare your body to perform this gymnastic exercise.

How to learn to stand on the bridge?

To begin with, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. It is required to develop the spine and back and increase the strength of the arm muscles. To do this, regularly perform simple exercises such as push-ups or pull-ups for 2-3 weeks. This will help train your arms.

Also include stretching exercises in your training plan. You can do the “Swing”; to perform it, lie on your stomach, clasp your ankles with your hands and try to pull your feet towards your head.

If you do the exercises mentioned above for 2-3 weeks, this will help you both quickly get on the bridge and strengthen and stretch your muscles. Just don’t rush, the main thing is not to harm yourself.

How to stand on the bridge from a standing position?

Now let's try to climb onto the bridge from a lying position. To begin with, you should do exactly this, it is much safer than performing the exercise in the classic version. Lie down on the mat, take a stance and try to rise using the strength of your arms and legs. For greater safety, ask a trainer or friend to back you up when performing the exercise for the first time. This will help avoid injury.

How to stand on the bridge while standing?

When the lighter version of the exercise is already easy, you should proceed to the second stage. Stand up straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, carefully begin to bend your back and try to reach the floor behind you with your hands. If you feel pain in your back, stop the exercise immediately.

How to quickly and safely stand on the bridge while standing?

In order to speed up the process, you should devote more time to push-ups and developing back flexibility. Do not forget to follow the safety rules, use a gymnastics mat, ask for someone to back you up at the beginning of classes, do not perform the exercise if you are experiencing or your arms are not trained enough to support your own weight.

Also note that the bridge should not be done by people who have had a spinal injury or those who experience dizziness. These ailments are contraindications for such training.

Hello, friends. How to stand on a bridge from a standing position is not an idle question. There are many nuances in the rules for performing this seemingly simple exercise.

We will deal with them today. And at the same time we’ll find out why this element is so important for our health.

Important, necessary and useful

You noticed? — in our gyms no one does bridges. Train or, pump up your abs or – that’s always welcome. But this gymnastic element is not.

Meanwhile, the bridge is not only and not so much entertainment from childhood, but a completely serious exercise that

  • increased blood flow to the cartilage tissue located between the vertebrae
  • works the deep back muscles
  • expands the chest
  • Helps restore spine flexibility

And thanks to this, as a result:

  • salt deposits are reduced
  • eliminates the possibility of vertebral displacement
  • lung volume increases
  • improves joint function and coordination

When performing an element, literally all the muscles of the body are involved: arms and legs, shoulders and neck, abdominal and chest muscles, knees and hips work.

In general, the element perfectly strengthens the musculoskeletal corset, which protects the spinal cord - the second most important organ in our body after the brain.

A weak spine means a high risk of injury and displacement of the vertebrae, resulting in a bunch of diseases.

Thanks to the bridge, we stretch very well, and stretching helps to lose weight.

Do you see how much benefit there is? So, hurry to the bridge!

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

However, there is no need to rush in this matter, friends. If you are an untrained person, do not be friendly with the flexibility of the spine - instead of benefit, there will only be harm. Initially, you need to properly prepare for the element.

And first, let's study

Four rules of the bridge

  • Smooth, deep breathing

The smoother you breathe, the more accurate your technique.

  • Straight body, maximally arched back

The muscles are weakened, the emphasis is on the limbs.

  • The pelvis is much higher than the head

If the buttocks are located below the pelvis, or even almost touch the floor, the position is incorrect.

  • Straight arms and legs

If possible, the limbs should be as straight as possible.


This stage consists of one or two stages. You can skip the strength exercises described below, but it’s better not to do so.

Strength exercises

If you have never done this element before, experts recommend first training at least your knees, hips, waist and arms.

Do squats, hanging leg raises, push-ups, and abdominal exercises.

And only when you perform these simple exercises without shortness of breath, calmly and confidently, move on.


Second phase. Beginners cannot do without it under any circumstances.

Warm-up includes exercises for the shoulder girdle, back, and lumbar region. Including:

  • Rotations with straight arms in different directions.
  • Tilts the torso while simultaneously stretching the raised arm towards the tilt.
  • Back bend with arms raised up in a lock - the body leans forward, arms back.
  • Circular rotations of the body. The back is straight.
  • Exercise “cat” - standing on all fours, arch your back with maximum amplitude up and down.
  • “Crawl under the crossbar” - the crossbar is virtual. Imagine her standing on all fours. You arch your back as if you are trying to crawl under this obstacle.
  • “Basket” - lying on your back, grab your legs with your hands and, as if “growing”, lift your legs up with your hands.
  • Swing your legs. Standing on your knees, alternately wave your legs, bending your lower back.

We stand on the bridge

Well, now it’s finally the turn to start training your back.

And, before you do it from a standing position, you should learn how to climb it

From a lying position

The technique is simple:

  • Lie on the floor (mat).
  • Knees bent at the knees, heels next to the buttocks.
  • Palms at the very shoulders.
  • Leaning on our hands, we bend our back and try to stand up.

On fitball

Let's call this stage “intermediate”. It helps to better train your back flexibility.

Lie on your back on the fitball. Feet at shoulder level, pull your arms forward and down, trying to reach the floor.

“Intermediate” stages also include climbing onto the bridge from your knees or from a large pillow. The rules for their implementation are approximately the same as in the case of a fitball.

From a standing position

And here it is, the moment when we came close to our cherished goal.

There are several ways to do this gymnastic element from a standing position.

Back to the wall

Stand about 80 cm from the wall, feet shoulder-width apart.

Raise your arms up and start leaning towards the wall.

Resting against the wall, slowly go down it with your hands.

Having lowered yourself to the floor, freeze in this position for a few seconds, then rise up.

Rely only on yourself

Well, and also for someone who agrees to insure you for the first time.

This is done without relying on the wall. At first, you can sit down on the bed rather than on the floor.

The technique is the same as in the case of the wall.

At the same time, remember the main rule - you should go to the bridge with your hands. Not your back and shoulders. Stretch your arms forward, lowering your torso down.

When you reach the floor, freeze for a few seconds, then rise up.

Tip: the closer your feet are to your hands, the better - this way your bridge is as stable as possible.

Repeat several times.

Option for warming up and getting up from a standing position

By training a couple of times a week, you will soon be able to easily stand on it without outside help and extra effort.

What to remember

  • The bridge is a great opportunity to train your back muscles, become stronger, more flexible, make your joints more functional and remove salt deposits. It's also a great stretch to help you lose weight.
  • Get ready if you haven't exercised in a while. Warm up thoroughly before doing it. Let a trainer, massage therapist or your friend back you up.
  • At the same time, remember that if you have problems with the joints, spine, as well as other contraindications such as blood pressure, heart disease, stomach disease, you should never engage in such training on your own. In all these cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Do you like this element, friends? Do you know how to do it? Are the tips collected here useful? Share in the comments! And with this I say goodbye to you. See you again in new blog articles!

For a typical city dweller, it is practically inactive, performing only a supporting function. As a result, the cartilage of the discs becomes rougher, and the ligaments grow excessively and limit the movement of the vertebrae relative to each other. If your back doesn’t hurt, but you can no longer bend back and see the wall, bend over with straightened legs and touch the floor with your fingers, you urgently need to restore the flexibility of the spine with exercises. For example, at home it is not difficult to learn how to stand on a bridge.

How to test the flexibility of the spine

To check the degree of flexibility of the spinal column, you need to attach a mark to the wall or door at shoulder level.

Test 1. Stand with your back to the mark at a distance of one step. Bend your back back and try to see the mark.

Test 2. Turn on your left side, raise your straightened right hand up and try to touch the mark. Repeat the test for the other side.

If the movements can be performed easily, the flexibility is excellent; with effort, it is good; if it does not work out, it is bad.

Warm-up exercises

Before developing flexibility of the spine and standing on the bridge, it is necessary to warm up the body properly.

Warm-up of the shoulder girdle:

  1. Rotate your straightened arms forward and backward simultaneously or each in turn.
  2. Left arm bent at the elbow at chest level, forearm parallel to the floor. Rotate your upper body to the right, twisting your spine. Repeat with the other hand to the left.
  3. Raise your arm up, bend it at the elbow, with your forearm behind the back of your head. With the other hand, pull the raised arm to the side and down. Execute for the other side.
  4. Straightened arms below in the lock. Raise them up, bending in the shoulder girdle and back.

Warm up the shoulder girdle and lumbar region:

  1. Palms on the lower back. Bend your back back while throwing your head back.
  2. Bend the upper body forward while simultaneously extending the closed and straightened arms parallel to the floor.
  3. Close your hands and bend your torso parallel to the floor. Swing your straightened arms above the back of your head, tilt your torso, and touch your fingers to the floor.
  4. Place your palms on the crossbar or back of a stable chair at a height of , legs straight. Bend the spine and shoulder girdle down as much as possible.
  1. Torso rotation. Your back and legs are straight, try to describe a circle with your upper body.
  2. Straight legs shoulder width apart. Tilt left and right, simultaneously straighten your upper arm parallel to the floor.
  3. Get on all fours. Arch your back up and down with maximum amplitude, like a cat.
  4. Standing on all fours, imagine a crossbar in front of you, located close to the surface. Perform movements as if crawling under an imaginary crossbar.
  5. Lie on your stomach, palms clasped at the back of your head. Bend your upper body at the lower back as far as possible.
  6. Lying on your stomach, extend your clasped arms forward, bend your spine back in an arc. Roll on a gymnastic mat from your hips to your chest and back.
  7. Leaning your palms on the floor, hips on the floor, bend at the lower back. Throwing your head back, try to touch the back of your head with your toes.
  8. While lying on your stomach, raise your straightened arms and legs as high as possible. Try to stay in this position for some time.
  9. Get on your knees, hands resting on your heels. Bend your torso at the lower back.
  10. While kneeling, perform leg swings, bending at the lower back and neck. Try to see your foot above your head. Repeat for the other leg.

After performing spinal bending exercises, you need to remain in position for some time to arch the spine:

  • Sit on your knees, buttocks on your heels, stomach on your thighs, back arched upward, arms outstretched, palms on the floor.

How to perform a bridge while lying down

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, heels near your buttocks.
  2. Palms on the floor above the shoulders, fingers facing the torso.
  3. Tighten your leg muscles and lift your pelvis.
  4. Leaning on your hands, bend your back, try to straighten your legs.

When returning to the starting position, first the shoulder blades touch the floor, then the buttocks.

Repeat the exercise several times.

Typical beginner mistakes

If there is a lack of flexibility in the shoulder girdle, you can stand on the bridge by relying mainly on your legs. This position is unstable because the body weight is unevenly distributed. In addition, the feet and palms are located at a considerable distance from each other, which increases the load on the muscles of the upper and lower extremities.

When performing a bridge correctly, straightened arms and legs are perpendicular to the back.

To develop flexibility of the spine and shoulder girdle, in the bridge position you should try to straighten your legs and arch your back. It is also useful to alternately rock slightly in the direction of your feet and head.

As flexibility increases, it is necessary to reduce the distance between the feet and palms. In this position, the arms and legs experience less stress and therefore standing on the bridge is much easier.

How to stand on a bridge from a sitting position

  1. The back is straight, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor.
  2. Place your right palm back on the floor, turning your torso slightly.
  3. Leaning on your feet and right hand, lift your buttocks off the floor and, describing an arc with your left hand, place your left palm on the floor, stand on the bridge.

To return to the starting position, perform these sports movements in the reverse order.

With increasing flexibility and fitness, it is useful to master inversions from the “bridge” position:

  1. Rotating your upper body to the left, move your right hand behind your left, then your right leg behind your left, ending up in a position where your back is up and your body rests on the floor with your palms and feet.
  2. Almost simultaneously, move your left arms and right leg to stand on the bridge again.

Then you need to learn to roll over to the right side.

How to stand on a bridge while standing

Those who have learned to do a bridge while lying down and sitting, and have mastered rollovers, need to practice near the wall bars before attempting to perform the exercise from a standing position. Bend your back back and gradually lower yourself lower.

If there is no wall bars, a regular one will do at home. You need to bend over and, moving your palms, lower yourself as low as possible, then return to the starting position. It is important that the shoes and the floor are not slippery and do not allow you to fall on the back of your head.

When, as a result of these trainings, you manage to touch the floor with your palms, you can stand on the bridge from a standing position:

  • Bend at the waist, bending your knees and leaning your torso slightly forward.
  • Bend your straightened arms back so that your palms touch the floor first.

How to return from a bridge to a standing position:

  • Move your body forward, bending your knees.
  • Lightly push off the floor with your hands and straighten your torso.

Many beginners forget to bend their arms back; their shoulders come first. You need to make sure that your hands go first and don’t be afraid - you will succeed!

Modified: 08/11/2018