Raising the torso in a Roman chair technique. Crunches and sit-ups on an incline bench or Roman chair. Hyperextension on a Roman chair

Today we will talk about such a wonderful exercise that is performed in a Roman chair, it is called lifting the torso.

Apart from the fact that trained abdominal muscles are very impressive in the anatomy and very attractive, they have physiological benefits, being muscle stabilizers, performing various types of movements and performing exercises in the gym. Take the same rectus abdominis muscle, which is part of the muscle corset, which in turn supports the human internal organs and the lumbar spine. Lifting the body on a Roman chair is one of the main and most effective exercises for training the abdominal muscles, as it allows you to increase the range of motion, unlike simple twists. This exercise will help you.


1.Take your starting position by sitting on the seat. Rest your shins on the special foot bolsters (as shown in the picture). Place your hands on your chest and keep your legs straight. This will be your starting position.

2.Before starting the exercise, take a deep breath, hold your breath and lower your torso down. Lower your torso until it is just below hip level (almost parallel to the floor).

3.After reaching the bottom point, slowly lift your torso while simultaneously doing a twist. When lifting, gradually exhale after overcoming a difficult section.

4.Complete the intended number of repetitions. The exercise should be performed slowly and smoothly, without jerking.


1. Do not lower your torso very low. This causes a large arch in the lower back and the back receives a large load, which can lead to injury.

2. Also, do not keep your back straight when you do the sit-up. Be sure to twist your back while doing regular crunches. This way you will avoid unnecessary stress on your lower back.

3. The correct position of the pelvis in this exercise plays a very important role. To avoid injuries, increased stress on the lumbar region, etc., you should take the correct position. The correct position is when the pelvis rests completely on the seat, then the target muscles will be loaded, and it will be easier to bend the spine.

4. I would not recommend using additional weights to complicate the exercise, at least for beginners. Since exercises on a Roman chair already have a greater amplitude than regular crunches on the floor, additional weights will also complicate the work. In this case, the hip flexor muscles will be involved in the work, and the load on the abdominal muscles will weaken.

Hi all. Today we will talk to you about another exercise for developing the abdominal muscles called.

It's no secret that to work out your abs you need to have enough patience and work hard every day, doing various exercises and following a diet. Only in this case will you have your treasured six pack abs.

There are a huge number of different programs for developing abdominal muscles, including a variety of exercises. But they all come down to two main types - these are various leg lifts and body lifts, as well as their combinations. Today we will look at lifting the torso in a Roman chair.

As the name implies, we will need this very Roman chair. It is an inclined bench with special foot rests. In my opinion, it has nothing in common with the throne of the Roman emperor. In the picture you can see Arnie working on building ripped abs using a Roman chair.

This exercise targets top part abdominal press. In addition, there are options for performing it with the torso turning to the sides, while the oblique abdominal muscles are included in the work. I also use additional weights on my chest.

So, let's get into the simulator. We place our legs under special supports (pre-adjust their height to suit your height). We cross our arms over our chest or put them behind our heads, depending on your level of fitness. The torso is positioned vertically. This is our starting position.

We take a deep breath and slowly lower ourselves back to approximately parallel level. Then, as you exhale, we return to the starting position, rounding the back in the lower back (as when doing) and tensing the abdominal muscles as much as possible. Then we perform the next repetition.

Nuances of technology

I have met a huge number of athletes who recommend lowering themselves onto the bench completely. They motivate this by the fact that in this position the abdominal muscles are maximally stretched and the intensity of the exercise as a whole increases. This may be so, but we must remember that this significantly increases the load on the lumbar spine.

I've tried both options. After the second, my lower back hurt wildly, so much so that I completely forgot about the gym for a month. So, I chose the first option for myself. Everyone is different, you may like the second option, but be mindful of your lower back. She is already subjected to serious loads, for example, during.

In addition, the first option allows you to focus as much as possible on the upper abdominals. At the top point you should feel the tension in your upper abs. With this option, the load on the front surface of the thighs is eliminated, which also enhances the isolation of the upper abs.

Today you learned how to do lifting the torso in a Roman chair. This exercise should be performed together with other abdominal exercises. You need to do 3-4 sets of 20-25 repetitions.

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PS. By the way, I advise you to read nuances of technology basic exercises in.

Roman chair sit-ups– one of the most popular abdominal exercises in bodybuilding. Performing this movement does not require the athlete to have any special knowledge of technique and helps to quickly build abdominal muscles, which is why experienced athletes often recommend it to beginners. In addition to the fact that sculpted abs look very aesthetically pleasing and attractive, they also have physiological benefits, being a stabilizer for various types of movements. The rectus abdominis muscle is part of the muscular corset that supports the internal organs and lumbar spine, so training on a Roman chair will not only give you the abs you want, but will also improve your health.

Technique for doing sit-ups on a Roman chair

How to Use Roman Chair Raises in Your Workout

Roman chair sit-ups are not the most difficult abdominal exercise; they are very good for warming up or for “finishing off” tired muscles at the end of a session. Hanging leg raises are a more complex movement due to the increased amplitude; we recommend performing this movement after warming up on a Roman chair.

You should not train your abs more than once every 3 days, the abdominal muscles are no different from the rest, they also need time to recover and grow. Roman chair raises are recommended to be performed in 3-4 sets of 15-25 repetitions. This volume of load is quite enough to fully load your muscles, but you must monitor your technique. The last repetitions should be very difficult for you, if you don’t feel it, then you need to take additional weight.

Let's take a closer look at what a workout for the abdominal muscles should look like:

  • Raises of the body on a Roman chair (2 warm-ups + 3-4X15-25);
  • Hanging leg raises (3-4X10-15);
  • (3-4X10-15);
  • Body lifts on a Roman chair (3X15-25).

After completing this list of exercises, you will simply shock your abdominal muscles, from which they will probably begin to grow. Warm-up sets on a Roman chair are done in order to prepare your abs for work, warm them up, to do this, perform 10-15 repetitions without additional weight. At the end, body lifts on a Roman chair are done for a cool-down in order to finish off already tired muscles.

Approach doing abdominal exercises very responsibly, study the movement technique and all its features; there have been cases when athletes suffered serious back injuries while training their abdominal muscles. When lowering your body, do not make any jerks down; all movements should be smooth; a competent approach to training is the main component of success.

Difference between bench crunches and Roman chair crunches

Do you need to remove your belly, pump up your buttocks, straighten your back? An exercise with the complex name “hyperextension” will help with this.

But can it be done at home? Let's find out!

Let's look at the correct technique, common mistakes, contraindications, and even reviews about the exercise.

For athletic back strength

The uniqueness of hyperextension is that the work involves muscles associated with the spinal column, for which all other exercises are ineffective.

Hyperextension is included in the training program of athletes because strengthens the lower back and lower back, protects against injuries to the spine and tendons. This is important in power loads - for example, when performing, since lifting the bar off the floor requires a strong lower back. There are also benefits for novice athletes, since the joints are not stressed, and the back is strengthened without the risk of injury, which occur during vertical loads on the ridge.

This is a solution for those who dream of beautiful posture, and also do not want to face the problems of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.

The exercise is recommended for women: With regular exercise, the waist becomes thin, the buttocks become elastic. People who move little should include this exercise in their workouts - this will restore elasticity and strength to the muscle fibers and improve posture.

"Roman Chair"

Hyperextension, “Roman chair”, back extension machine - all these are names for one sports equipment. The design is an iron frame, in the lower part of which there are bolsters for the legs, in the upper part there are pillows for the front part of the thigh.

The axis of the projectile (can be inclined or horizontal) is adjusted to the height of the athlete. It is this apparatus that is used in gyms to perform an exercise with the same name - hyperextension.

Correct technique

Before starting classes, adjust the height according to your height. The top edge of the hip pads coincides with where the hips and lower back flex, and the bottom pad is just above the Achilles tendon.

Starting position: legs are placed behind the lower support rollers, the torso is placed in line with the legs.

Strongly straining the muscles of the buttocks, tilt the torso forward so that the angle between the upper and lower parts of the body does not exceed 60 degrees. The back should be slightly rounded. At the lowest point, arms are crossed over the chest. Then, smoothly, without growling, they lift the body up, and again take the starting position and linger in it for a second, after which they lower the body forward again.

Breathing mode: when lowering - inhale, when rising - exhale. To make it easier for beginners, it is allowed to place the hands on the back of the head, the angle between the elbows should be 180 degrees.

5 mistakes athletes make

    Lower the body more than 60 degrees. Only people with strong muscles and a healthy spine can afford this.

    Arching of the back when lifting the body.

    Work of the body according to the pendulum type. Then the athlete makes the mistakes described above.

    Incorrectly positioned limbs. The legs do not bend at the knees - they need to be straightened, so that the whole body resembles a stretched string. Hands are bent at the elbows and pressed to the chest.

    Use of weights by beginners or heavy weights. Until it is perfectly mastered, weighting agents cannot be used. And even experienced athletes It is not recommended to take loads heavier than 5 kg.

Three ways to hyperextension at home

Not always and not everyone can visit sports clubs or purchase a machine for home training. But you can do it at home, using available items. Here are some ways.

Method No. 1

Hyperextension is performed on a bed, stools lined up in a row. The chosen surface should not be too soft, but high enough to allow the “moving” part of the body to hang freely. Additionally, you will need an assistant to hold your legs.

Starting position: lying face down. Feet on a bench (sofa), body straightened in one line. Perform the exercise using the technique described above.

Method number 2

The exercise is performed on the floor. As a leg brace, use a radiator, the bottom edge of a sofa, an armchair (if there is a gap between the pieces of furniture and the floor), or ask loved ones for help.

As you inhale, gently raise your head, lift your body off the floor, arching your back. In the top position they linger for 2 seconds and smoothly return to the starting position. Don't lift your hips off the floor!

Video hyperextension exercises at home

Method number 3

For this method you need (a gymnastic ball).

Starting position: place the ball in front of you, kneel down. The upper part of the pelvis and stomach are placed on the ball, the legs are straightened, the toes touch the floor. The body and legs form a straight line, the back is slightly arched.

The head and chest are lowered down until it feels like the muscles of the back of the thigh are stretched to the limit, then, straining the lower back, they return to their original position.

This and the previous ones exercises are performed in 2–3 sets of 15 times.

Reverse hyperextension

The difference with the previous performance is that now the legs are raised, and the torso remains motionless.

Starting position: lie on a bench with your stomach up to your pelvis, legs hanging down, but not touching the floor. The shoulder blades are compressed, hands hold the edges of the support.

Exhaling, raise your legs horizontally or slightly higher, hold for 1-2 seconds, strain your buttocks and smoothly return to the starting position.

Video exercises reverse hyperextension

And this exercise is performed at home in three ways.

Method No. 1

Home furniture is used as a supporting surface. The exercise is performed as described above.

Method number 2

Starting position: lie face down on the floor, arms extended along the body. The head, shoulders, and arms are raised simultaneously with the legs so that the silhouette resembles a boat. They linger for a few seconds, then lower their torso and legs. To increase the load, use a ball that they try to lift with their feet. and don't miss it in the top position.

Method number 3

For reverse hyperextension, a fitball is also used.

Starting position: rest your hips on the ball, rest your hands on the floor in front of the apparatus. Legs are straight, toes touch the floor.

The legs are raised to line up a straight line with the body, held for 2-3 seconds, and returned to the starting position.

Per workout, perform up to 3 approaches, 15–20 exercises in each.

Hyperextension is prohibited!

For a number of diseases, strengthening the back in this way is not recommended. Contraindications include injuries to the lumbosacral spine or coccyx. If you have had or have diseases of the spine, you should consult a doctor before classes.

Mild forms of hyperextension are allowed even for pregnant women in the early stages, but only if the gynecologist finds no contraindications.

Does hyperextension help? Reviews

Vlad, St. Petersburg:“In my opinion, hyperextension is the best exercise for beginners. It also strengthens the lower back. When I was diagnosed with “acute osteochondrosis,” hyperextension helped me get back into shape.”

Marina, Voronezh:“The exercise is very effective. If you round your back a little, they become stronger, and with a deflection - the back. It is important to bring your shoulder blades together in the upper position. I also like to do reverse hyperextensions on the floor, pretending to be a skydiver in free flight - fun and useful.”

The Roman chair is a simulator with which you can pump up your abs and also strengthen your back muscles. It can be found in any gym, but many also buy it to use at home. Exactly what exercises can be performed on it will be discussed in this article.

Types of Roman chair

There are several types of Roman chair. Here they are:

Whatever type of exercise machine you choose, the principle will be the same - lifting the torso or legs to pump up muscles.

What exercises can you do on a Roman chair?

The Roman chair is a machine on which you can do exercises such as twisting and hyperextension.

Roman chair crunches

You can do abdominal crunches on a Roman chair. This exercise pumps up almost all the abdominal muscles. Only with the help of it alone can you achieve the appearance of a beautiful relief on the press. The key to success in this case is to do body lifts correctly and regularly. The technique for performing twists is as follows:

  • Sit on a bench. Place your feet behind the rollers located at the bottom of the machine;
  • Lie down on a bench with your arms behind your head or crosswise on your chest.
  • Exhale and lift your torso. In this case, you need to monitor the position of your back. It should be twisted. You cannot lift your torso without twisting your back, i.e. with a straight body, otherwise problems with the spine may occur. Try to touch your knees with your forehead.
  • At the top point, hold for 2 seconds and slowly lower your body back. All movements must be smooth. No jerking is allowed.
  • Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, do 3 approaches. When the technique is mastered, the number of repetitions should be gradually increased to 25.

You can pump up your abs on a Roman chair in other ways. There is a type of exercise called oblique crunches. In this case, lifting the body should not be done straight, but with a deviation to the side. In this case, one hand should be placed behind the head, and the other should rest on the thigh. When lifting the body, you need to touch the opposite leg with the elbow of the hand that is located behind the head.

There are also reverse crunches. In this case, you need to perform not lifting the torso, but lifting the legs and pelvis. In this case, the head should be located on the Roman chair where the legs should have been. In this case, you should grasp the soft rollers with your hands. As you exhale, you need to raise your legs and pelvis. When you inhale, you should return them back.

Whatever type of crunches you choose, the exercises must be performed regularly. At the same time, you should know that cubes will appear only if the layer of fat on the abdomen is minimal. Such exercises are not suitable for weight loss.

Hyperextension on a Roman chair

Hyperextension is an exercise that is performed on a Roman chair. Their main goal is to pump up the muscles of the back, abs and buttocks.

You need to do these exercises as follows:

  • Take the starting position on the simulator: sit on the seat, move your feet behind the lower rollers. Cross your arms over your chest.
  • Inhale and tilt your body back, rounding your back. In this case, the torso should lower by 60 degrees.
  • Inhale and come back. Perform 20-25 repetitions and 3 sets.

Hyperextension has rules for execution. First of all, you should not allow your body to tilt too low. If you hold your back at an angle of 90 degrees, the spine will receive a strong load and problems may eventually arise.

In addition, you need to control the deflection itself. So, if you keep your back straight, then again there will be too much stress on the spine. You also need to watch your feet. You can't bend your knees. The legs should only be straight, otherwise the exercise will be performed incorrectly.

Hyperextension can be performed in another way. In this case, you should be placed face down on the simulator. In this case, the seat should be located under the hips, and the feet and legs should be placed behind the soft bolsters. Next, also follow the downward bends, rounding the back. It is not recommended to tilt the body too low. 60 degrees of inclination will be enough.

Roman chair at home

As already mentioned, exercises on the Roman chair can be performed at home. To do this, you will need to purchase this simulator. This can be either a bench for crunches or a machine for performing exercises such as hyperextensions. The technique will be the same as when training in the gym.

At home, exercises can be performed daily. However, you need to remember about safety precautions. No one can back you up at home. Therefore, experts recommend training on a Roman chair only in the gym.

Exercises on a Roman chair help to quickly and effectively pump up your abdominal and back muscles. Training can be done both in the gym and at home. The main thing is to try not to miss classes, do everything correctly and remember safety precautions.
