Pump up the vastus lateralis muscle. Exercises to develop the vastus medialis muscle. Basic exercises for leg muscles

My respect, dear comrades!

Today we are waiting for the final article from our epic series called basic exercises for gaining mass, and we will increase muscle volume in such a group as the legs. After reading, you will find out what exercises (from a scientific point of view) are the most effective for working them out, and what a training program called “making thighs like Masha’s” should look like :).

Put all your affairs aside for a while and get ready to absorb interesting information, let's go!

Basic exercises for gaining leg muscle mass, what are they?

If you know at least a little about anatomy, then you know that the legs are the largest muscular layer of the human body; in theory, it should account for about 45% total body weight. In practice, it is this muscle group that is the leanest. And the point here is that it most often gets hammered (at least from the male gym population) due to its inconsistency. The latter means that most often when removing clothes they look at the shoulders, arms, abs, etc. the legs are at the bottom, sometimes it just doesn’t reach them. In addition, you can always hide your legs behind wide pants, which in most cases is done by guys, due to the reluctance to pump them up, because you must admit, it’s convenient when you can hide the hardest pumping leg behind a piece of material (and therefore lagging behind) muscle layer It’s much easier to take a dumbbell and pull it on your biceps - the work isn’t hard, and the dividends in the form of a big “can” are good.

For women, legs are, perhaps, their calling card, because it is no secret that the main mission of the fair sex is to please others (men). And our brother most often evaluates the young lady from the bottom up, i.e. first the gaze falls on the legs, then the hips, waist and then higher and higher. In connection with this fact, legs become important in the primary assessment of the attractiveness of a female subject.


The man has enough 8 seconds to assess the attractiveness of a woman, but she, in turn, needs much more time (about 45 seconds) to determine if a partner is suitable for her.

Since we have such a “legged” article today, I can’t help but say that our rocking chair has always had legs (and remain to this day) not in honor. They swing sluggishly, reluctantly and very rarely, so the vast majority of guys go to the gym in pants, due to the incompetence of their lower body (meaning legs :)). I will also say that at one time I also gave them a hard time, but then I realized that I couldn’t do that and, having revised my schedule, I began to devote a full day to them.

Yes, legs grow slowly, yes, this is not the most representative muscle group (if you are not a performing athlete), but downloading them is vital. Actually, we’ll talk about this, namely, what basic exercises exist for gaining weight.

Well, we will start, as usual, with a little theory - a consideration of the muscle atlas of the legs. The main muscle groups include:

  • quadriceps (quadriceps femoris)- powerful extensors of the knee joint; important when walking, running, jumping and squatting; the strongest and thinnest in the human body;
  • adductor muscles (adductors) – located on the inside of the leg;
  • abductors (abductors) – located on the outside of the leg;
  • gluteals - three muscles that make up the buttocks: gluteus maximus/medius/minimus;
  • biceps femoris - hamstring, includes the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, short and long heads of the biceps femoris;
  • calf;
  • soleus.

Now let's look at the most effective exercises (based on electromyography results) for all significant muscle groups of the legs, and we will start with...

No. 1. The best exercises for the quadriceps.

I think you are familiar with the concept of isolation - this is when any part of a muscle (eg external head) takes on the largest part of the load and exercise. Therefore, when further referring to the best exercises for the internal, external or any other part, this indicates a relative increase in the intensity of EMG activity in this part of the muscle over the rest.

So, here is a list of the most effective quadriceps exercises with standard equipment:

  • hack squats, knee angle 50 gr;
  • hack squats, knee angle 90 gr;
  • 70 gr;
  • barbell squats, knee angle 90 gr;
  • barbell squats, knee angle 40 gr.
  • angled leg press 45 gr, knee angle 90 gr;


Hack squats are the most effective and safest (at a knee angle of 50 degrees, unlike the standard one, 90 ) exercise for quadriceps.

EMG activity of all four quadriceps heads during hack squats, leg presses, squats, and leg extensions (variations) compared with barbell squats to parallel (angle at the knee joint 75 gr).

As can be seen from the data presented, the differences between the most effective (hack squats, knee angle 50 gr) and the least effective (leg extension) exercise are huge. During the study, an interesting fact was recorded - when performing the classic “butt to the floor”, the EMG activity of the quadriceps decreased by 10,34% . It turns out that the smaller the angle of the hip joint (this is, in most cases, equivalent to a more upright sitting or lying position in a car), the less EMG activity of the quadriceps femoris muscle.

Training the inner and outer quadriceps.

Almost every bodybuilder dreams of building powerful legs in the form of riding breeches. (or, as they are called in foreign literature, teardrops). To realize this, it is necessary to develop the internal (vastus medialis), medial (intermedius and rectus femoris) and the outer (vastus lateralis) part of the thigh.

The core is maximally activated by performing various variations of horizontal leg presses and hack squats with lighter weights when the knee joint angle is less 70 degrees and with heavy weight, when the angle at the knee is more than 70 degrees.

Relative EMG activity of the outer quadriceps during barbell squats and single squat variations compared to knee angle squats 90 degrees, looks like this.

As you can see from the data presented, when it comes to the outer part of the quadriceps, things are completely different. Standard squats at high loads provide maximum muscle stimulation of the outer part (vastus lateralis), even if you do not go down to parallel to the floor (knee angle 70 degrees). Performing a full squat (butt to the floor, corner 40 gr) with light weight reduces muscle stimulation by 18% .

Similar results can be observed when performing single-leg isolation squats, where maximum stimulation is also achieved with heavy weights and large knee angles. (without passing parallel to the floor). In addition, greater weights and a smaller angle of inclination will help avoid various injuries.

Training the medial part of the quadriceps.

We have already said above that hack squats and leg presses are among the most effective exercises for the medial part of the quadriceps, i.e. they are good for the intermedius and rectus femoris muscles.

(vastus intermedius & rectus femoris) quadriceps during selected exercises compared to hack squats (angle at knee 50 gr), as follows.

The data obtained suggests that there is a special exercise (from the arsenal of football players), which surpasses even hack squats in terms of activation of muscle fibers, and it is called a kick (when you kick the ball). EMG activity when performed on 19% higher compared to hack squats.

So, we gradually came to the most favorite part of the female legs, this...

No. 2. The best exercises for the gluteal muscle.

The following data should be a little surprising, because a simple exercise on a simulator is a pendulum (hip abduction back and up) activates the gluteal muscle in 2,3 times more than a deadlift.

Relative gluteal EMG activity during selected exercises compared to deadlifts (using your own body weight), as follows.

No. 3. The best exercises for the hamstrings.

For the hamstrings, the best exercise has always been and remains the lying leg curl. It uses different intensity methods such as: partial stretch position or peak contractions raised to 134% And 112% (compared to the standard version) EMG activity values.

The relative EMG activity of the hamstring muscles during the selected exercises, compared to the standard prone leg curl, is as follows.

Based on the data obtained, we can draw the following conclusion: to develop the hamstring muscles, it is not enough to perform standard leg extensions in the simulator; their muscle activity is quite low. Therefore, it is necessary to perform various variations of extensions, coupled with exercises with your own weight. (such as kicking your leg back on a bench).

So, we looked at heavy artillery - i.e. the most massive muscle groups of the legs, of course, this is not the end, but the article has already exceeded the indecent number of characters and therefore, by a strong-willed decision :), it was decided to split it into two parts. Therefore, do not be upset, but subscribe to updates and wait for the continuation.


Today we were engaged in scientific pumping of legs, or rather, we looked at basic exercises for gaining mass of this large muscle group. Not everything that was planned was implemented in this note, but it’s for the better, because 2 always better than 1 .

That's all, thank you for investing this time in yourself, see you again!

PS. Don't hesitate and ask questions through the comment form, let's go!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

It's time for a serious and smart approach to training your legs. Learn how your lower body works to improve your performance in the gym!

If you are serious about building an attractive physique, then you need to work on your leg muscles. Not only will this help them look great, but it will also give you a strong and sustainable base for increasing your performance and strength levels. In my opinion, legs are the most important part of the body to train.

Let's face it - you can't build strength and mass without using your legs. They literally take up half of our body.

I will tell you about the muscular and skeletal anatomy of the legs. I will also teach you how to choose exercises that will help you build strong, defined lower body muscles. We'll combine science and workouts to help you get the toned legs you've always wanted!

The legs are made up of a large number of muscle groups, joints and bones. To better target specific muscles and increase overall lower body strength and performance, you must understand anatomy and how each bone, joint, and muscle works together. Let's start with the muscles.

Quadriceps femoris (quadriceps)

The quadriceps are made up of 4 main muscle groups (hence the prefix “quad”, meaning “four”). These are the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and rectus muscles. They work together to extend the knee.

Vastus lateralis muscle

Many bodybuilders and fitness athletes try to achieve definition in the muscles of the front of the thigh. This is achieved by developing the lateralis muscle. The muscle originates at the top of the femur and passes into the tendon of the knee joint.

Vastus medialis

Do you want to have a teardrop-shaped inner thigh? Then you should work on the large medial muscle. It originates at the top of the thigh and attaches to the patella tendon. The notorious “drop” is located just above the knee on the inside of the leg.

Vastus intermedius muscle

The intermedius muscle is located deep in the central part of the thigh. It is not visible because it is covered by the rectus femoris muscle, but it also originates on the femur and attaches to the patella tendon.

Rectus muscle

The rectus muscle is unique in that it is the only quadriceps muscle that runs through the entire thigh. It starts in the pelvis and also attaches to the tendon of the knee.

If you want to build bigger quadriceps, then you definitely need to work on the muscles in the back of your thighs. This area consists of 3 main muscle groups: biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus. These muscles are involved in knee flexion.


The long head extends from the ischial tuberosity to the fibula. The short head originates at the back of the femur and also attaches to the fibula.

Semimembranosus muscle

This wide, flat and deep muscle begins at the ischial tuberosity and attaches to the tibia.

Semitendinosus muscle

The semitendinosus muscle passes from the ischial tuberosity and attaches to the tibia. It is distinguished by the presence of a long tendon part, which is partially removed when replacing a torn anterior cruciate ligament.

Gluteal muscles

We all love beautiful and toned buttock muscles, but it is worth noting that they also play an important role in maintaining the torso in an upright position. That is, you should develop these muscles not only for aesthetic reasons. The gluteal muscles consist of the large, small and medium muscles.

Gluteus maximus muscles

These are the largest of all the gluteal muscles, which athletes spend the most time developing. The gluteus maximus muscle originates on the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine) and the psoas fascia (the connective tissue in the lower back) and inserts into the iliotibial band and the outer thigh.

Gluteus medius muscles

People usually don't worry too much about developing the gluteus medius muscles because they are located underneath the gluteus maximus muscles and are not visible, but they still need to be worked on. The middle muscles play the role of stabilizers of the hip and thighs. They start from the top of the pelvic bone (iliac crest) and attach to the outer thighs.

Gluteus minimus

Even deeper than the medius muscles are the gluteus minimus muscles. These small muscles begin on the outer surface of the iliac wing and attach to the anterior edge of the greater trochanter of the femur.

Adductor muscles

The adductor muscles play a very important role in the body. Here we will talk about 5 muscle groups that originate in the pubic bone and attach to the inner thigh. These muscles are shaped like a fan.

The adductor muscles are important for stabilizing the body. They are not actively involved in the movements we perform most often, so it is very important to work on them individually. Strong adductor muscles will help stabilize your body position when performing unilateral exercises. Their work also plays an important role in the performance of squats.

Pectineus muscle

Starts at the pubic bone and inserts at the top of the thigh

Adductor brevis muscle

It is located next to the pectineus and is attached to the lower part of the femur.

Adductor longus muscle

It begins at the pubic bone and is attached below the adductor brevis muscle.

Adductor magnus muscle

This is perhaps the largest of the adductor muscles. It originates at the pubic bone and is attached along almost the entire length of the femur.

Thin muscle

This adductor muscle is long. It originates at the pubic bone and attaches to the tibia (shin bone).

You won't be able to get beautiful legs if you don't work on the muscles in the back of your lower legs. The two main muscles in this area are the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. They work when you stand on your toes or pull them towards you.

Calf muscle

Originates from the popliteal surface. The gastrocnemius muscle has 2 heads (lateral and medial), which converge and attach to the Achilles tendon at the ankle.

Soleus muscle

Located deeper than the gastrocnemius muscle. It starts from the tibia and fibula and attaches to the Achilles tendon.

Bone anatomy

When it comes to such an important part of the body as the legs, knowing only about the muscles is not enough. Let's learn more about the bones and joints that are involved in walking, running and squatting.


The basin is shaped like a bowl. It binds the lower body together, and is responsible for 2 main movements - bending the torso forward and backward.

Hip joint

The hip joint is where the thigh bone connects to the pelvis, forming something like a hinge. This connection gives us greater freedom of action - we can bend, extend, bring and spread our legs, as well as perform rotational movements with them.


The knee joint also allows us not only to bend and straighten our legs, but also to rotate them. It plays a crucial role in almost every leg exercise.

Ankle joint

Controls 2 main movements: foot extension (when you stand on your toes) and foot flexion (when you pull your toes towards you).

Muscle functions

I want you to have a good understanding of how your bones, joints, and muscles work together to create smooth, coordinated movements. Let's look at the functions that muscles perform in the gym.


The quadriceps are responsible for extending the legs. They are worked out in exercises such as squats and leg extensions in the simulator. I want you to pay special attention to the rectus femoris muscles because they pass through 2 joints - the hip and knee. The rectus muscles help you flex your hips. You can develop them by running or doing step ups.

Hamstring muscles

These muscles are involved in hip extension. They are worked out while performing any type of deadlift, leg curls in a machine, hyperextension and squats. The muscles of the back of the thigh are also involved in bending the knees.

Gluteal muscles

The gluteal muscles are activated when the hips are loaded. Deadlifts with heavy weights will help effectively work the gluteus maximus muscles, and a unilateral exercise like split squats will use the gluteus minimus muscles as stabilizing muscles.

Adductor muscles

The adductor muscles serve to provide stability and control in movement. They are strengthened by exercises such as lunges.

Muscles of the back of the leg

To better work your calf muscles, perform calf raises while standing. The soleus muscles are most active when the knee is bent, so to develop them, perform calf raises while seated.

Basic exercises for leg muscles

We can talk about muscles for a long time, but to change them, we have to work hard in the gym. Here are some great exercises to help you tone your leg muscles to build a strong base and build a balanced physique.

Exercise 1 Front Squats

The main advantage of this exercise is that it works almost all the muscles of the legs. When you squat, you stretch your quadriceps and also tighten your hamstrings and glutes. If you are thinking about which exercise to start working on your leg muscles, I recommend this one.

Place the barbell high on your chest, almost at the base of your throat. This is an awkward position, but it is the best for bar placement. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly out to the sides. Keep your body weight in the center of your feet and straighten your back. Squat until parallel to the floor or slightly lower, and then rise to the starting position.

Exercise 2 Romanian Deadlift

This is a great exercise that isolates your glutes and hamstrings. When doing this, focus on moving your pelvis back. Keep your knees slightly bent and your back straight. When you move your pelvis back, the muscles in your buttocks and hamstrings stretch. Finish the repetition by returning your pelvis back to the starting position. Full range of motion will ensure muscle growth and development.

Exercise 3 Lunges

Exercises performed on one leg in a different way put stress on the muscles and also force you to maintain balance. Stand up straight, step forward with one leg and lower into a lunge position. Push your front foot off the floor and return to the starting position.

We chose lunges because they work all the leg muscles. The quadriceps will work as you extend your leg as you return to the starting position. The hamstrings and glutes will help lower the body during a lunge, as well as return to the starting position. You use not only the large muscles, but also the small ones, such as the gluteus minimus and adductors, to stabilize the knee and control movement.

Exercise 4 Standing calf raise

You can use your own body weight, dumbbells or barbell. The main advantage of this exercise is that it is difficult to do incorrectly. Keep your legs straight to stretch your calf muscles and Achilles tendons. In the lower phase of the exercise, hold the stretch for 1-2 seconds before moving into the upper tense phase.

The best results in leg training with a scientific approach

You've learned a lot, but I hope you've learned just how important leg training is. If necessary, go back to the beginning of the article and watch the video. I want you to get the most out of this article. Analyze the knowledge gained, and you will understand why we spend so much time working on the leg muscles. To build an attractive physique, we must exercise them.

Before you go to the gym and start training, watch training videos. Remember that you must combine the work of your muscles with the work of your mind to build a beautiful body.

The quadriceps is made up of 4 different muscles that work together. That is why they have a common name. When performing squats with a barbell, the quadriceps works longitudinally. As a result, the legs in the lateral projection become wider. Along with the side projection, there is also a frontal one, which should also have a decent appearance. How to achieve this? You need to pump up the adductor muscles, which are located on the inner surface of the thighs. According to physiology, these muscles account for up to 30% of the total volume of leg muscles.

However, there is one more subtlety here - the lateral muscle, which is part of the quadriceps, is shifted outward from the central axis of the thigh. The development of this muscle forms the so-called “breeches”, visually increasing the volume of the leg. It turns out that you just need to pump up this muscle? That's right, all that remains is to choose the right exercise for this.

In general, there are two best exercises for pumping up the quadriceps:

  • Lunges;

Which of these exercises will allow you to pump up your riding breeches? Let's figure it out.

Hack squats

When performing this exercise, the buttocks are actively involved in the work, which work together with the lateral muscle. Their work is identical to the work of the back and biceps or the chest and triceps. That is, the lateral muscle receives a good share of the load. However, standard hack squats are not suitable here. To engage the lateral muscles, you need to slightly change the exercise technique - place your feet at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

Lunges with a barbell

This exercise also involves the buttocks, but they are helped by the adductor muscles of the inner thigh. At the same time, the wide lateral ones are almost completely freed from the load. This exercise is not suitable for us.

Video on the topic: "Performing hack squats in the machine"

The leg muscles are the largest muscle group and require the most time and effort to work. Many people split their leg training over several days, but it is still recommended to devote one day to the thigh muscles. In this article you will learn how to build up your thigh muscles.

Anatomy of the thigh muscles

The structure of the thigh muscles is very complex. Thanks to the interweaving of ligaments and muscle bundles, our legs are provided with such versatile mobility. Now we will consider only the main muscle groups of the legs, leaving behind the small muscles.

Muscles of the anterior thigh:

  • Iliacus muscle;
  • Iliopsoas muscle;
  • Pectineus muscle;
  • Adductor longus muscle;
  • Tonka muscle;
  • Tensor hip;
  • Quadriceps femoris muscle.

Why do we mark different muscles with different colors? And all because they are divided into groups according to their similar functions and the same location.

The first five muscles (the muscles of the inner thigh) are located in the upper part of the leg under the groin. Their main function is to adduct the leg.

The tensor femoris (green) is located on the outside of the thigh under the femur. Its main function is leg abduction.

Quadriceps femoris muscle - anatomy:

The quadriceps muscle occupies the largest area of ​​the thigh and consists of four bundles, each of which starts from the knee. Two side bundles form the familiar “droplets” above the knees, and two bundles in the middle continue to the pelvis.

Muscles of the back of the thigh:

  • Biceps femoris muscle;
  • Semimembranosus muscle;
  • Semitendinosus muscle.

The main functions of these muscles are extension of the thigh at the hip joint, flexion of the lower leg, and abduction of the leg back.

Exercises for general hip development

The first and most important exercise for developing the hips is squats with a barbell. This is a basic exercise that primarily works the quadriceps, or quadriceps, but also works all the thigh and calf muscles. If you want to shift the focus to your quadriceps, then place pancakes under your heels.

Technique: Proper technique is vitally important in this exercise, as if it is violated, you can get severe injuries to the spine or knees. During a squat, you should always keep your back straight and your pelvis back. Your knees should be turned in the same direction as your toes. The head is in line with the knees. The bar should not lie on the neck or fall to the middle of the shoulder blades. The most comfortable and safest placement is on the trapezius muscle.

The second general hip exercise is the leg press. Here all the thigh muscles are also included in the work, but more emphasis is placed on the quadriceps femoris muscle. The exercise allows you to isolate your back with the correct technique.

Technique: The leg press machine is adjustable, so you need to adjust it to suit you (the inclination of the seat and platform). The back should be completely pressed against the seat, the lower back should not come off. When performing a bench press, we do not straighten our legs completely, since the knee joint should not slam shut. You can adjust the load by placing your feet down, in the middle or up of the platform, wide or narrow.

The next exercise for the comprehensive development of leg muscles is dynamic lunges with dumbbells. That is, in such lunges we walk, and do not stand still. As in previous exercises, the emphasis is on the quadriceps, but the entire leg is developed.

Technique: This is a technically difficult exercise, but a rewarding one. It is better to perform it with dumbbells, as this will help you maintain balance. The back should be straight, legs bent at 90 degrees. When sitting down on your leg, do not rest your knee on the floor.

Exercises for the quadriceps femoris muscle

One of the most common exercises for developing the front of the thigh is leg extensions in a machine. This is an isolation exercise that allows you to maximally work the lateral heads of the quadriceps femoris muscle, and this is the answer to the question “how to pump up the medial thigh muscle?” Perhaps there is no better exercise for the medial muscle.

Technique: There are exercise machines with or without a backrest. If there is a backrest, then adjust it so that the lower back is firmly pressed against it. If there is no backrest, then try to keep your back straight. For fixation, hold on to the handles located at the edges of the exercise machine. Extend your legs all the way.

How to pump up the quadriceps femoris muscle in isolation? The second useful exercise for this purpose is the hack squat. This exercise isolates the back, which is convenient for many athletes. Also here you can sit down as deeply as possible.

Technique: Your back should be pressed tightly against the back of the machine, and always keep your hands on the clamps. You can squat as deep as possible only if you do not have problems with your knees.

How to pump up the back of the thigh?

When talking about how to pump up your hamstrings, you should never leave out this exercise—the deadlift. Technically, the exercise is quite difficult and traumatic. If performed incorrectly, it can lead to various spinal injuries and a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which has its own consequences.

Technique: It is necessary to perform deadlifts with a straight back, the stomach should be tucked, and the abs should be slightly tense. To maximally work your hamstrings, it is better to perform deadlifts with straight or slightly bent legs.

The second exercise in the topic of how to pump up the hamstring muscles is bending over with a barbell. This is similar to the deadlift, but it is performed with a barbell on the shoulders.

Technique: The back should be straight, the legs should also be straight. When bending, we move the pelvis back.

Another exercise on the list of how to pump up the back of the thigh is hyperextension. It is done in a special simulator.

Technique: The exercise machine is adjustable, so install the leg bolsters to suit you. The knees should be half outside the support, the stomach should be above the pelvic bones and hang freely. Bend over with your back slightly bent to reduce stress on your lower back.

The last exercise for pumping up the back muscles of the legs is bending the legs in the simulator. This is an isolated exercise for the hamstrings, which allows you to work them best.

Technique: The angle of the machine must be adjusted to suit you, your knees should extend slightly beyond the bench, and the roller should be placed on the heel tendon. When bending your legs, your pelvis should not leave the bench. You need to raise your legs twice as fast as lowering them, but you don’t need to lower them all the way.

How to pump up the muscles of the inner thigh and hip tensor?

There are a lot of exercises for the inner thigh, but almost all of them are performed without weights. We will tell you how to most effectively develop this muscle group.

The first and second exercises for the adductor muscles of the thigh are adducting the leg while standing in a block and bringing the legs together.

Technique: Put a special cuff on your leg and hook the block carabiner to it. Move your leg to the side. Bring your leg to the maximum.

The second exercise is bringing the legs together in the simulator. This is an isolating exercise that will help pump up the inner thigh muscles the best.

Technique: The lower back must be pressed closely against the back of the exercise machine, and the legs must be placed on the holders. Bring your legs to the maximum and also spread them to the maximum. On the last repetitions, you can help yourself with your hands.

Exercise for the hip tensor - leg extensions in the simulator. For this there is a special simulator, the opposite of the previous one.

Technique: We press our lower back closely to the back of the exercise machine, and place our legs on the fastenings. Spread your legs as far apart as possible without bringing them all the way together.

Another exercise for the hip tension is leg abduction in a block.

Technique: Put a special cuff on your leg and hook the block carabiner to it. Move your leg as far as possible to the side, trying to keep your body straight.

Well, we have answered your questions “how to pump up the inner muscles of the legs, the front of the thigh and the back.” Remember that you need to train your legs no more than once every 6-8 days. Use as many exercises as possible to better work all the thigh muscles.

The best exercises for training the muscles of the anterior thigh for men and girls. Find out how to pump up your quadriceps in the gym.

The quadriceps is a large muscle group that responds quite readily to stress. Today we will look at how to build massive and strong quadriceps.

Anatomy of the quadriceps

The quadriceps, also known as the quadriceps femoris muscle, consists of the following parts:

  1. Rectus femoris muscle;
  2. Vastus intermedius;
  3. Vastus medialis;
  4. Vastus lateralis muscle.

Together, these muscles are responsible for extending the knees and tensing the hips. Thus, quadriceps exercises bring the front surface of the thigh from an extended position to a contracted position due to flexion of the knee joint. When the quadriceps is well developed, it forms most of the volume of the thigh.

How to effectively train your quadriceps?

There are many opinions regarding how to properly train the quadriceps. Some say that just doing squats is enough. Others believe that you need to do a lot of isolation exercises. Some people believe that the key to growth is high . For some, lifting heavy weights is more effective, for others, separate training of the quadriceps and hamstrings is more effective, and still others believe that you should always train your legs at a time. Based on the experience of a large number of athletes, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Squats and classic squats are two of the best exercises for quadriceps growth.

If you do these exercises correctly, they also involve the hamstrings, but the main load falls on the quadriceps. And they work great.

  • Heavy compound movements are better for gaining muscle mass and increasing strength.

High rep range work can be included in your quad workout, but it won't give you the same results as free weights.

  • One hard quad workout per week is enough.

An important aspect of the training process is weekly volume (the number of repetitions you perform weekly).This is especially important when you do a lot of leg exercises during the week.

The higher the working weights, the less volume you can do in a week without driving yourself into state .

This especially applies to compound movements like deadlifts or squats. The body will take longer to recover from these exercises than from lighter pull-ups on a horizontal bar or leg extensions in a machine.

When you're lifting really heavy weights (80-85% of your one-time max), the optimal weekly volume is 60-70 reps. This applies not only to the quadriceps, but to all other large muscle groups.

When it comes to quadriceps training, it is important to understand that they are involved in one way or another in all hamstring exercises. For example, Bulgarian squats are a great exercise for the hamstrings, but they also work the quadriceps. It is necessary to vary the amount of work on the quadriceps and hamstrings so that the legs develop evenly. Then the body will quickly recover after leg training.

The best exercises for quadriceps

One of the most significant obstacles separating you from the result is information from incompetent sources. If you've ever searched the internet for anything related to burning fat, gaining muscle, or increasing strength, you know what we're talking about. You quickly realize that you find yourself in a society of countless “experts” and “gurus” who will do anything to be in the spotlight and make money from it.

All it takes to grow is to focus on progressing on the hard compound lifts. Then you will build unreal legs.

But before we look at the exercises, let's discuss the issue of equipment.

Why shouldn't you use a Smith machine?

The following principle works in training: the easier the exercise, the less effective it is. Of course, there are exceptions, but in most cases this is true.

So, it's not surprising that research shows that working with a Smith machine results in less growth than working with free weights. The reason for this lies in the fact that in Smith the bar moves strictly vertically. This makes the exercises easier and reduces the load on the stabilizer muscles needed to hold the barbell and balance.

For example, an athlete who squats 100 kilograms in Smith for several repetitions will have difficulty handling an 80-kilogram barbell.

Free weight squats can be done just as safely as Smith squats. A power frame is useful for this.

How to squat with a barbell in a power rack?

In training, there is absolutely no need to reach failure on every set. But it’s better not to do squats without insurance. There are situations when you can squeeze out one or two more repetitions than usual if you are sure that someone will back you up.

A power frame is perfect for this. It allows you to squat and bench press heavy weights without relying on a training partner for help. You just need to correctly place the safety racks on which you can place the barbell.


If you don't do some form of squats during your workout, it means you're not really building your legs. Of all the variations of squats, the most effective are classic squats with a barbell on the back. They have a reputation as the most effective exercise for building muscular and strong legs. And with good reason.

In fact, this exercise is designed to develop the entire body (except perhaps the pectoral muscles) - of course, if done correctly. But many don't.

The most common mistake that athletes make when performing squats is a small range of motion. The shorter the amplitude, the less effective the exercise will be.

There are a few technical details worth noting:

  • The hips are below parallel to the floor, the buttocks fall below the level of the knees;
  • The head position is neutral, the gaze is directed ahead;
  • Keep your back straight;
  • The chest is raised, the shoulders are laid back.

This is the starting position from which each repetition begins.

The next aspect is the depth of the squats. The benefits of full-range squats are obvious - the legs and gluteal muscles do more work, but there are also disadvantages:

  1. Deep squats require good lower body flexibility, which many people don't have.
  2. Deep squats require better technique than parallel squats, which will be more difficult to maintain when lifting heavy weights.

Therefore, beginners are not recommended to perform full-range squats - they are not flexible enough for this and do not have the proper technique. But don’t worry, squats to parallel will also fully load your leg muscles.

People usually fail to maintain proper squat technique due to the following reasons:

  1. Poor flexibility in the hips.
  2. Tightness in the back of the thigh.
  3. Tightness in calves and ankles.

Front squats with barbell

Front squats are a variation of squats that focus on the quadriceps and core muscles. They require less flexibility to perform at full range. Also, front squats reduce the load on the spine and knees, which is especially useful for those who have back or knee problems. From a biomechanical point of view, this exercise is very similar to classic squats, but here we hold the barbell differently.

Useful article: " complete guide"

Lunges with a barbell or dumbbells

This is a simple but effective exercise that everyone should include in their training routine. It makes your leg muscles stronger and improves your balance. Since this exercise works one leg at a time, it can correct imbalances. If you have never performed lunges before, it is recommended that you start with dumbbell lunges. Barbell lunges are a more challenging version, but can use heavier weights.

Leg press

Some people believe that the leg press is an inferior exercise compared to the barbell squat. This is wrong.

Not only does the leg press require less technical skill (making it more suitable for beginners) and stabilizing muscle strength (which allows you to increase weight), it's also great for increasing leg strength because you can do so in a variety of ways. emphasize the load.

Hack squats

Like the leg press, this exercise targets the quadriceps more, but requires less technical skill and stabilizing muscle strength than free weight squats. You can safely use heavy weights. Hack squats are good for working to failure. When you are exhausted, you can simply sit down without risking injury.

Stepping onto a bench with a barbell or dumbbells

Like lunges, step-ups are a great quadriceps exercise in which you work each leg separately. In the past, many trainers had their trainees do step-ups instead of squats, and the results were stunning. As with lunges, the best way to start this exercise is with dumbbells. As you get stronger and want to increase the weight you can use, start doing barbell step-ups.


If you're surprised that sprints are on this list, then you've never really done sprints before. They'll just explode your quads. They are also great forhigh intensity.

The principle of load progression

The most important principle of gaining muscle mass is this: you don’t just need to do exercises, but increase your results in them. It is important for natural bodybuilders to adhere to the principle of load progression - constantly increasing working weights. If you want to build muscles, they must first become strong. If you do this and eat right, your muscles will grow.

Quadriceps strength training in the gym

Before creating a leg training program, let's answer the following question: why separate leg training into quadriceps and hamstrings? Why can't you do everything at once?

There are several reasons for this:

  1. You are a fairly experienced athlete, but your legs are not increasing in volume. By dividing your leg workout into two parts, you can fully load each muscle separately.
  2. Your quadriceps or hamstrings are underdeveloped or overdeveloped. Dividing your leg workout into two days will allow you to focus on working the muscle that is lagging behind in development.
  3. You'll enjoy this more than traditional leg training. This approach is easier to adapt to.

How much you enjoy a particular workout program plays an important role in your end result. If you are new to the sport, do not have an imbalance in the development of your legs, or simply do not want to stretch your leg training into separate quadriceps and hamstring workouts, then you should not do this. You can stick to the traditional approach and progress well.

You should train your quadriceps and hamstrings once a week with a break of three days, for example on Mondays and Thursdays. This will give your legs enough time to recover.

Start with the muscle that you like to train most.

A good quadriceps workout should contain at least one heavy compound movement and one or two additional isolation exercises. The quadriceps responds well to work in a high rep range, but you also need to do strength work to to avoid . The workout presented below is built on this principle; it is perfect for both men and girls.

Many girls do not have serious experience in performing heavy “bases”. It is difficult for them to work with a weight almost equal to their one-time maximum. When they become stronger, you can safely include strength work in your training process. However, if you are a girl with serious experience in the gym, follow the same recommendations as men.

Do this workout once every 7 days for 8 weeks, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results:

  1. Barbell squats - 2 sets of 4-6 reps (about 85% of one-time max) for men and 8-10 reps (70-75% of one-time max) for women.
  2. Front squats - 2 sets of 4-6 reps (about 85% of one-time max) for men and 8-10 reps (70-75% of one-time max) for women.
  3. Stepping onto a bench with a barbell or dumbbells - 2 sets of 4-6 repetitions (about 85% of the one-time maximum) for men and 8-10 repetitions (70-75% of the one-time maximum) for women.
  4. Leg press – 2 sets of 8-10 reps for everyone.

As soon as you complete the given number of repetitions in one approach, increase the working weight. For example, if you squatted a 100-kilogram barbell for 6 reps, add 2.5 kilograms on each side on the next set. If you did 4 reps with 110kg on your next set, that will be your new working weight to aim for 6 reps at and move on. If you only did 3 or fewer reps, drop the weight to 105 kilograms. If that doesn't work, go back to the 100-pound barbell and work it until you've done two sets of 6 reps. Then increase the weight.

Rest 3 minutes betweenand 1 minute when working for 8–10 repetitions. During this time, the muscles will have time to fully recover, and each approach will be as productive as possible.
