We learn self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis: immersion technique For the beginner user of self-hypnosis

We are used to thinking that hypnosis is the work of scammers and charlatans or just part of the show. Hypnosis is often compared to psychic abilities. In fact, it's not like that.

Surprisingly, hypnotists do not have supernatural powers. They simply use the necessary knowledge and skills, thanks to which they help people relax and immerse themselves in a state of trance.

You can try hypnosis on yourself.

And in this article, I will tell you that self-hypnosis is a technique that will help you fulfill your desires and find the happy life you dream of.

What are you dreaming about?

About a new car, increasing income, living in a happy marriage, going on a trip, meeting new friends? You have the right to want whatever you want.

Moreover, you can get everything you dream of. And this can be done with the help of self-hypnosis.

Important! I myself have been using self-hypnosis for a long time to fulfill desires: one lesson in my master class is devoted to this technique.

As a rule, I give students a script, after reading which they very easily immerse themselves in self-hypnosis with their eyes open. I learned this technique from an American psychotherapist.

In this article you will read another, classic technique of self-hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis: what is the benefit of it?

Self-hypnosis is a technique that is absolutely safe for health and is effective for self-influence and mental self-regulation.

Immersion in your own inner world makes it possible to know yourself and fulfill any desire. After all, no one knows a person better than himself, and by nature, this knowledge is deeply hidden from us.

Self-hypnosis- this is a conscious, controlled ability of a person to immerse himself in a hypnotic state, as well as the ability to realize various phenomena characteristic of a hypnotic state. The technique of self-hypnosis must include a component called self-hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis- this is the introduction into the brain of figuratively imagined commands or settings against the background of a hypnotic state of consciousness.

Read more about self-hypnosis in my article

As self-hypnosis, we can also use affirmations, which I wrote about in my articles:

Self-hypnosis is a whole mechanism that helps you independently manage physiological and mental processes, and do it consciously and for your own benefit.

By practicing self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis, a person receives a unique opportunity to program his own reality, fulfill desires, heal the body, and attract the right people and things.

This can only be done correctly by working with the subconscious, which is why the ability to put oneself into a trance state is desirable and useful.

Being in the moment between wakefulness and sleep, a person is freed from the factors that constrain him, the controlling function of consciousness is turned off, which will make it possible to focus on his desire and turn it into life.

Self-hypnosis: technique of wish fulfillment

Using self-hypnosis, you are immersed in a trance.

In a trance state, new commands and affirmations are remembered and perceived as one’s own much easier. A person changes and changes his life at his own discretion.

By regularly practicing self-hypnosis, you can achieve success in completely different areas of life:

  • get a certain thing;
  • V meet the right person;
  • increase income;
  • be happy in a relationship;
  • achieve ideal health;
  • achieve concrete changes in life.

Next stage is the implementation of the program. This is where work with attitudes and affirmations begins. Here you can imagine a pre-thought-out scenario. You mentally repeat to yourself the program you need. It can do anything, any desire you want:

  • I have a new, good car.
  • I love and I am loved.
  • I am happy in an ideal relationship.
  • I have perfect health.
  • Money comes easily.
  • I work at the perfect job.
  • I'm relaxing on the seashore in an expensive hotel.
  • I am a charismatic man.
  • I'm feminine and sweet.

Repeat the settings many times. Use your imagination: while speaking the program, imagine the image of your goal in detail and vividly. A figurative representation can greatly enhance the effect of suggestion, since the image itself is a suggestion. You can imagine pictures, sounds, tactile sensations, smells, tastes.

After you have mentally repeated your program several times in a trance state slowly and carefully, remain in a state of relaxation a little longer.

Then you need to get out of the trance state.

Not everyone can get out of it quickly. You may feel drowsy. There's no need to rush. Normal body sensations and thoughts will gradually return. You need to get out of this state as much as you need. Even if you fall asleep, there is no reason to worry. Often, self-hypnosis turns into a normal dream, after which you will wake up rested.

Trying to get out of the state of hypnosis, say the following phrases in your head:

The next time I want to practice self-hypnosis again, I will quickly achieve a state of peace and relaxation, and I will fall into a trance even deeper than now. And now I'm starting to wake up. My breathing quickens, my eyelids begin to tremble, my whole body awakens. The head is rested, and there are new bright thoughts in it. That's it, I open my eyes.

Important points to achieve the best results

If you find it difficult to relax

Try to remember those moments when you felt very good.

This could be a day from your vacation at sea, and then you can imagine everything that was there and how it was - see the sea and yourself relaxed, hear sounds, feel a light fresh wind, etc.

Try to remember and recreate in your imagination all the details, and your body and mind will obediently enter the state that you imagine.

Formulation for self-hypnosis

Must be positive and affirmative.

Eliminate words and particles such as “not”, “no”, “without”, “get rid of”, “throw away”. Replace them with positive wording, for example, instead of “don’t be late” - “come on time, be on time”, instead of “don’t get sick” - “be healthy”, etc. If you want to quit smoking, the suggestion may sound like “I lead a healthy life.” Lifestyle".

If the goal is big

If the goal is big, implement it step by step.

When you want long-term changes, it is useful to instill not a specific result, but a process for achieving it. For example, if you inspire yourself to feel good, instead of suggesting “I feel good,” it is better to say “my health is improving, it is getting better and better every day, every hour.”

Values ​​Alignment

The goals you strive to achieve must be consistent with your values, beliefs, and lifestyle.

For example, if you set yourself the goal of earning a lot of money, but are internally convinced that “money is bad”, “money spoils people”, “a lot of money only causes problems”, then the subconscious simply “will not miss” your suggestion and you will not get any results receive.

So that the suggestions you make in the session continue to work in your sleep, it is useful to give yourself the following attitude: “ I fall asleep quickly, easily, deep, sound, healing sleep. All necessary processes start automatically in a dream».

By regularly practicing self-hypnosis, you can learn to fully rest, deeply relax and improve sleep, improve your health, and fulfill any of your desires.

It is important to understand that self-hypnosis is a clear and scientifically proven technique to work on yourself and on your own specific tasks. It is not any kind of “magic” or magic pill.

Self-hypnosis is a skill, it is a natural and normal state of consciousness that can be used to influence your own subconscious and body.

By repeating the affirmations necessary to fulfill your desire during self-hypnosis, your life will begin to change for the better in order to quickly bring you what you so badly desire. And if you are interested in my experience, how I attract what I want, then come to the master class “How to learn how to quickly materialize desires?”>>>

The concept of self-hypnosis, as well as the main areas of its application on which it affects. Description of the basic aspects and methods of introducing yourself into hypnosis, methods of controlling your own mind against the background of altered consciousness.

Self-hypnosis is a common psychotherapeutic technique that consists of introducing oneself into a specific hypnotic state and influencing consciousness using various commands and settings. That is, a person must do all this independently without any outside help. It is absolutely safe and is not capable of causing harm to both the physical and mental components of human health.

Scope of self-hypnosis

Naturally, most serious mental or psychological problems cannot always be solved using this method. The severity of a particular condition is the main point in choosing effective psychotherapy. Self-hypnosis is rather an effective method to manage your life, set those criteria and formulations that a person really considers necessary, helps to get rid of subconscious fears and obstacles. At the same time, the scope of application of the self-hypnosis technique is quite versatile and covers most of all psychological problems.

The main areas of application of self-hypnosis:

⦁ Correction of the reaction to stress. You can use special settings that will help you take a more pragmatic approach to the problem of acute external factors on the human psyche. Promotes the correction of a specific reaction to stress, which is dictated by the temperament and character of each individual, destroys patterned behavior and builds new patterns, which helps to cope with problems more effectively.

⦁ Normalization of rest and sleep patterns. Due to an imbalance in this area, a person is unable to fully relax, therefore, performance and concentration decrease. With the help of self-hypnosis, you can instill in yourself specific goals for sound, restorative sleep and improve a person’s well-being. The condition is also corrected after a long rest, in which a surge of strength, energy and enthusiasm should be felt.

⦁ Getting rid of dependencies. Even alcohol abuse, smoking, and drugs can be eliminated from your life thanks to self-hypnosis. The correct attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and dependence on the constant desire to maintain one’s bad habits helps to improve a person’s well-being and get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal. That is, you can directly convince yourself that there is no feeling of dependence on a specific habit.

⦁ Setting for body weight correction. In most cases, the causes of obesity lie in the psychological state of a person, who thus reacts to unfavorable external conditions or copes with psychological stress. If this is so, then with the help of self-hypnosis you can change this option and put the wording on weight loss.

⦁ Getting rid of fears, obsessions, shyness and self-doubt. Any psychological characteristics of a person that create difficulties in routine life are corrected using self-hypnosis. You can tune yourself to a specific trend in behavior, eliminate pathological fears, thereby simplifying daily tasks and improving your quality of life.

⦁ Treatment of psychosomatic diseases. There is a category of diseases that manifest themselves as real symptoms of dysfunction of internal organs, but a detailed examination does not reveal any changes. That is, the cause of all signs of disease lies in the psychological characteristics of the reactivity of the human psyche. Most diseases in this category are chronic and sluggish nosologies that are difficult to treat and are prone to spontaneous remissions and exacerbations.

Main stages of self-hypnosis

Almost all techniques represent the same sequence of actions, differing only in small details. Absolutely all methods of self-hypnosis are effective if you follow the rules and nuances of immersion in and out of a hypnotic state. Therefore, several steps must be followed in order.

Step 1

Before embarking on the actual methodology, you need to develop the templates that will be instilled, or at least their basic principles. You should definitely express your own attitude to the problem and expectations from this procedure.

Example: “I want to stop smoking cigarettes.” A person must be determined to get rid of the habit and not rely on deceptive ways. It is necessary to evaluate smoking, take into account its positive and negative aspects, and make a decision with a dose of pragmatism. It is necessary to be categorical in your desire and formulate your attitude clearly and necessarily unambiguously.

It may take a few minutes to take the first step, and sometimes life is not enough to formulate your desires. A person who does not really understand what he is trying to achieve through self-hypnosis is unlikely to get the expected results.

Firm intentions and goals allow a person not to lose why he is performing self-hypnosis and his connection to reality. The decision must be made carefully and guided exclusively by cold reason and logic. It is advisable not to touch upon the emotional aspect of the problem, but only to display a specific goal.

For example, “I am confident in my abilities, I can do better” or “I feel good, my arm/leg/heart doesn’t bother me at all.” The second phrase is used to correct psychosomatic disorders.

It is best if the formulation of self-hypnosis is written down on paper. This way a person can relax and just read without thinking about what needs to be said. This is especially useful for self-hypnosis for beginners.

Step 2

At this stage, complete relaxation and tranquility are ensured. The ways to achieve such a state may be different, depending on the specific conditions, capabilities and characterological characteristics of the individual. The psychological state of a person at the time of self-hypnosis also plays an important role. Naturally, anxiety will only hinder the implementation of the second point.

A state of complete relaxation can be achieved using several methods that are quite well known in their application, but have several important features. Relaxation can be achieved more easily if you are alone in the room and no extraneous sounds will interfere with the procedure. It is best if the possibility of a sudden interruption of the self-hypnosis session is excluded.

Let's consider the factors influencing the effectiveness of self-hypnosis in more detail:

1. Venue. It is important that the room or room where a person is trying to achieve complete relaxation is not furnished provocatively or its interior is distracting. As mentioned above, it is impossible to achieve relaxation in walk-through rooms or where there is a possibility that someone could look in at any moment. Relaxation takes place exclusively in a complete feeling of safety of what is happening. The risk of being caught during the procedure greatly complicates this step of self-hypnosis.

2. Lighting. Complete relaxation of a person can also be interfered with by bright and cold light, which irritates the retina and prevents the brain from reducing its activity. Light sources in the room should not be conspicuous or distract from the procedure. The best perceived light is soft, warm, subdued light that does not attract attention. If the wording is written on paper, then the brightness in the room must be sufficient for comfortable reading.

3. Sounds. The self-hypnosis technique also welcomes the presence of sound. This is not necessary if classical melodies are alien to a person or if they are poorly perceived. The gold standard for audio accompaniment during self-hypnosis is classical compositions that are performed at a calm pace. Naturally, instrumental music is perceived better.

4. Muscle relaxation. It is important that every muscle in the human body feels the heaviness and relaxes. To do this, you need to carry out a simple exercise that is based on natural human reflexes. It is known that unconscious stretching before bed is a special human reaction to the need to relax the muscles. If this needs to be done at a specific time, you need to repeat the same steps. You should simultaneously tense all the muscles of the body in order to feel each of them. In this state, you need to hold out for a few seconds and relax. The normal physiological reaction of a muscle after work is done is relaxation.

Step 3

In addition to stating your goal, you can even write down an introduction. This is a short text written in the first person. It is necessary to affirm your own comfort, safety and gradual entry into a hypnotic trance.

Each self-hypnosis exercise consists of an introduction in 10 small steps:

⦁ “One. I am absolutely calm and relaxed, my eyelids are getting heavy.” You need to focus only on this phrase and not allow other thoughts into your consciousness, no matter how much you want it. If you repeat this phrase, at some point you will be able to concentrate exclusively on it and think only about what you need to think about.

⦁ “Two. I feel comfortable and safe." It is important to focus on this thought to allow your mind to turn off all its settings. You need to believe that you are truly safe and nothing threatens to disturb it.

⦁ “Three. I feel lightness and weightlessness in my arms and legs. Nothing worries me." Repeating this phrase will help turn off the need to worry about the state of the body; any somatic sensations will be erased.

⦁ “Four. My muscles are deeply relaxed. I feel pleasantly tired in my arms and legs.” At this stage, relaxation deepens and the person increasingly feels that it is now very difficult to move the limbs. You need to believe in these words and really accept that it is almost impossible to make any movements.

⦁ “Five. I feel serenity and peace." Nothing can disturb this state, only your own voice. Repeating this phrase gives confidence that nothing will interfere.

⦁ “Six. I am in a state of deep hypnosis. I only listen to my voice" . Concentration on a single sound source allows the human psyche to easily perceive incoming information.

⦁ “Seven. I am completely relaxed, I only trust my voice. I only listen to my voice" . Gradually, one’s own words become the only thing that the human psyche perceives.

⦁ “Eight. I breathe steadily and calmly. I only feel my breath. I am calm" . The person is in complete peace and carefully records his voice.

⦁ “Nine. I don’t feel my body, it’s completely relaxed.” . Then complete relaxation of the muscles occurs and their control is turned off. That is, attention is concentrated exclusively on the voice.

⦁ “Ten. I perceive only my voice. I am completely in control of my voice." . This is the last introductory phrase to anesthesia, which helps you tune in to the necessary wave and perceive the formulation of what is the purpose of the session as usefully as possible.

Important! Each phrase must be repeated several times until you can fully and unconditionally believe in it.

Step 4

At this stage, self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis actually occur. That is, the formulated goals of the procedure, which must be prepared in advance, are pronounced slowly and measuredly. It is necessary to repeat each one until there is confidence in its authenticity and obligatory implementation.

This formulation must meet several mandatory requirements that will allow the mind to easily and unambiguously accept the attitude:

1. Appeal. All necessary settings are pronounced in the first person. A person accepts a phrase or thought starting with “I” and considers it his own.

2. Time limit. Undefined time frames cannot be applied. All specified settings must be carried out currently and without restrictions.

3. Statement. The formulation should be a clear, confident statement of what needs to be brought into reality or taught to oneself.

4. Acceptability. Each phrase should not contradict a person’s inner beliefs and not radically change his opinion. That is, getting rid of bad habits, for example, should happen gradually, and not categorically in one session.

Step 5

The last stage of self-hypnosis can last from several minutes to one hour, depending on the reactivity of the individual person’s body. When the instructions are pronounced and the person accepts each of them, it is necessary to complete the self-hypnosis meditation. To do this, you must exit the hypnotic state by executing a certain command.

In a calm voice, you need to order yourself to wake up and try to open your eyes. Everything must be done slowly and without haste. In most cases, beginners do not immediately manage to open their eyelids; they are overcome by fatigue and drowsiness. Then it is worth repeating the command several times.

The sleepiness may be so strong that the person will feel a powerful urge to nap that is difficult to resist. This type of sleep can last up to one hour and is completely normal. After it, a person feels well rested and well-slept.

This procedure is quite complicated for beginners, and it is not always possible to get the desired effect the first time. But with regular use, the skills will gradually improve. There is no universal instruction on how to learn self-hypnosis. Everyone must discover an approach to themselves independently. At the same time, this psychotherapeutic tactic helps many to independently get rid of internal psychological problems, improve their well-being and gain control over themselves.

Since ancient times, people have known that the human brain is the center that controls our entire life and determines the reality in which we live. It is the brain (or rather, our subconscious) that has a strong influence on a person, and by working on it, many internal attitudes can be changed. But in a normal state it is quite problematic to do this, so it is necessary to achieve a state of altered consciousness, and self-hypnosis can help in many ways with this.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are very similar concepts, but have certain differences. Let's go back into history to find the starting point when they arose.

For the first time, the inhabitants of Ancient India started talking about states of altered consciousness and hypnosis. Somewhat later, approximately in the fifth century BC, the ancient Greeks came into fashion with the so-called “sleepy temples”, in which healing was carried out for many ailments. Almost all ancient civilizations had knowledge about the characteristics of the trance state.

Hypnosis became especially popular already in the 18th and 19th centuries - many famous European psychotherapists began to actively engage in it.

The technique of modern hypnosis was developed in the 2nd half of the twentieth century by Milton Erickson, the most famous hypnotist today. The technique got its name in honor of the founder.

But Erickson was engaged not only in ordinary hypnosis, but also paid enough attention to self-hypnosis. The doctor was able to prove that self-hypnosis helps to get rid of many pathologies, and also contributes to the realization of what you want. After all, it is by using the technique of self-hypnosis that you directly contact your subconscious, which contains truly incredible possibilities that many are not even aware of.

Erickson believed that anyone can master self-hypnosis if they wish. And if someone has difficulty immersing themselves in a trance state, then they should engage in changing consciousness together with a person you can trust.

Nowadays, self-hypnosis works real miracles - millions of people around the globe are achieving incredible success in curing deadly diseases, gaining self-confidence, fulfilling their deepest desires and doing much more.

The following video will tell you more about the secrets of self-hypnosis

How self-hypnosis works

Our subconscious is a powerful force with which it is difficult to compare anything. If you learn to use this power correctly, you can easily change your life in the most harmonious way.

At the same time, the mechanism for fulfilling desires is quite elementary. Our subconscious cannot distinguish real information from imaginary information. Therefore, when a new thought or idea appears in your head, it first takes root in the depths of our brain and only then begins to manifest itself in reality. This, in fact, is the main secret of self-hypnosis.

Therefore, if you are striving for some changes in your life, you need to first of all change your thinking.

It doesn’t matter which type of self-hypnosis interests you most - self-hypnosis for the fulfillment of desires, self-hypnosis for money, self-hypnosis for success or some other - before you start practicing, study the following recommendations.

  1. You need to find a quiet and peaceful room in which you will feel comfortable. Even minor extraneous sounds can greatly disturb you. Therefore, pay special attention to this aspect and be sure to turn off your mobile phone.
  2. Trust your body. It is likely that during a self-hypnosis session you will feel various unusual sensations in your body. This is a sign for you in which direction to move. Trust yourself and enjoy the process.
  3. For self-hypnosis to be truly effective, you will need to devote enough time to the practice. Regularity is very important, especially at the beginning. Therefore, plan your practices so that self-hypnosis sessions occur at the same time.

Self-hypnosis: immersion technique

Now we have come close to analyzing the technique of immersion into a state of altered consciousness. It consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation. Take a comfortable position on a chair or armchair, it is important to lean on the back and completely relax your body. Place your hands on your knees and place your feet so that your feet are completely on the floor.

It is better to be in a sitting position during self-hypnosis, rather than in a horizontal position. Otherwise, you risk becoming very relaxed and falling asleep.

  1. Muscle relaxation. The next stage is to find any point in the room and focus on it. Say to yourself the phrase: “My eyelids are becoming heavier and heavier, I am completely relaxed.” Repeat this wording many times. You need to feel the relaxation really wash over you. Then you will want to close your eyelids. Follow your body's prompts - it knows better what you need now.
  2. Trance state. The next step is to establish a connection with your subconscious. To do this, you need to mentally transport yourself to the elevator, which smoothly descends from the 10th to the 1st floor. You need to count each floor, visualize the situation as much as possible, feeling more and more relaxation.

When the elevator reaches the first floor, its doors silently open. You move forward and find yourself in a very cozy and comfortable room, in the central part of which there is a large and very comfortable bed. You need to go up to him, lie down on him and immediately fall into a deep sleep. Mentally you need to say the phrase: “I am falling asleep in a healthy sleep and will remain in this state until I return to the elevator and begin to move up.”

Secret– when you mentally move down in an imaginary elevator, your subconscious begins to awaken, and when you go up, you, on the contrary, return to our reality. This exercise is the basis of the self-hypnosis technique.

This is already a state of light trance, when you can begin to dictate certain settings to your subconscious.

Important point! Do not take up the settings right away; you can do this after two to three weeks of constant relaxation training, when you learn complete relaxation and can remain in this state for a certain time.

  1. Self-hypnosis and working with the subconscious. Active self-hypnosis is the most important part of self-hypnosis. Here you introduce the necessary settings into your subconscious.

Important detail– the work of our unconscious and consciousness is very different. The subconscious relies on images, not words. Therefore, when working with him, you need to use another technique - to instill ideas in the form of images.

For example, you want to get rid of extra pounds using self-hypnosis. Then don't just imagine how you do it, how much money and effort you spend on it. Just start visualizing your graceful, slender, beautiful body and inspire yourself with something like this:

“I find myself in the realm of my subconscious. Now it actively perceives information. I'm constantly losing weight. My fat deposits are melting every day, forming a slender silhouette. The whole body loses weight evenly. My body is filled with vital energy and light, I become light and airy.”

Repeat this affirmation many times, while visualizing an image of your ideal body. Make sure that the visual image is firmly embedded in the brain. After all, it is really much more effective to resort to self-hypnosis than to undergo liposuction.

Make all your self-coding affirmations as figurative as possible, formulate them clearly and beautifully so that they are easy to remember. This is the basis of successful self-hypnosis, which not everyone knows about, but it is precisely this that ensures the effectiveness of the installations.

Another important point is that when using self-hypnosis, choose only one goal. Give it one or a couple of weeks and only then start fulfilling your next desire. Immediately inspire yourself, for example, to lose weight, then - self-confidence, health, getting rid of illnesses, and so on. Only you control your body, so you can cope with any suggestions.

  1. We complete the trance. At the end of the self-hypnosis session, you should feel calm, confident, and know that in the very near future you will be able to achieve your goal and it will come true. At the end, use the consciousness-fixing phrase “Everything will be exactly as I decided.”

Then mentally get up from the imaginary bed. Slowly approach the elevator and enter it. Go upstairs, counting each next floor. When the cabin stops, you need to get out of the elevator and open your eyes. Sit still for a few minutes without making any movements until you finally find yourself in the real world. This is the final moment of the practice of self-hypnosis.

Don't worry if you don't succeed right away. You need to put in more effort, and you will be guaranteed a positive effect.

Self-hypnosis is a great power with which you will have the opportunity to change your life in the most dramatic way. Reviews of self-hypnosis are impressive - after just a few sessions, people become more self-confident, begin to lose weight, and solve many life problems that they have been forced to put up with for years. Try this miracle remedy for yourself and see how effective it is!

Defining what hypnosis is is quite difficult. There are a great many explanations for this phenomenon. However, due to the fact that the mechanism of this effect on the human body has not been fully determined, each description is directly dependent on the individual understanding of this condition. The definition of hypnosis can be as follows: this is a specific state in which various thoughts suggested to it produce a much greater effect than in a normal situation. Under the influence of hypnotic forces, attention is focused within very narrow boundaries. But the level of susceptibility is high. In this regard, suggested thoughts are sent directly to the subconscious. This process can cause emotional and psychological, as well as physical and chemical changes in the condition. Studies that have been conducted using hypnosis have proven the possibility of controlling those functions of the human body that do not respond to consciousness.

However, it is not always possible to meet a person who has hypnotic abilities. And not everyone can be trusted. In such a situation, you can use self-hypnosis. This process is similar to meditation. In both cases, similar principles are used. However, self-hypnosis, the technique of which is different from meditation, is mainly used for medicinal purposes. It has a beneficial effect on both the spiritual and physical areas of human life. Compared to meditation, self-immersion during self-hypnosis is much deeper.

In order to begin the process of controlling the subconscious mind, you need to focus on your thoughts in a quiet, calm environment. Self-hypnosis, the technique of which requires solitude, is impossible in crowded places. Another indispensable condition when immersing yourself is proper breathing. Inhalation should be done through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth. The breathing itself should be deep and slow. This is what will allow you to relax and get as close as possible to entering a state of trance. Self-hypnosis, the technique of which involves the use of fantasy, should give rise to thoughts about filling the body with enormous energy that spreads throughout the body. In the process of exhaling while counting “six,” it is important to imagine that fatigue and sadness, as well as stress and anxiety accumulated over a long period, are leaving the body. They are replaced by the joy and harmony of life.

The next stage of the self-hypnosis technique is a process that will enhance the relaxation effect. The body will be completely in your power after repeating the setting phrases indicating the successful achievement of the result. The relaxation process will be completely completed if:

  • no muscle tension;
  • the heartbeat slows down;
  • breathing becomes measured and deep.

Self-hypnosis, the technique of which involves setting a goal, should serve to create mental comfort or elevate mood, get rid of illnesses or establish mutual understanding with people around you. Why the immersion into the depths of consciousness is carried out, a person must determine in advance.

The most important and responsible stage of self-hypnosis is entering a trance state. At this stage of immersion, a change in attitudes occurs, with the help of which the world around us is perceived.

In practice, you can use various techniques to perform self-hypnosis. The most commonly used are:

  • eye rotation;
  • visualization;
  • a technique called “safe place”.

The final stage of self-hypnosis is exiting the trance state. This process is carried out with the help of consciousness or upon awakening. With any of the two options, a person feels cheerful and lacks fatigue, both spiritual and physical.

Self-hypnosis: immersion technique


Oleg Besedin

Self-hypnosis is a convenient and largely useful practice that allows a person to […]

Self-hypnosis is a convenient and largely useful practice that allows a person to independently induce an altered state in himself and control his subconscious. Moreover, if in the classical form of hypnosis the presence of a specialist is required to enter a trance, here the functions of the doctor and the patient are combined. Immersion in one’s own inner world, using special self-hypnosis techniques, gives anyone who wants it the opportunity to work on themselves, change for the better, and get rid of existing psychological and physical problems.

Self-hypnosis allows a person to personally explore the depths of his subconscious, find sources of trouble, control emotions, understand his thoughts and direct them in a positive direction. In a trance state, you can easily analyze any situation and find a way out of it, get rid of addictions and instill in yourself new positive attitudes.

For practitioners, the technique of self-hypnosis is an ideal tool for internal liberation, self-knowledge and personal development. The mechanism of action is quite simple and after short training such classes are available to everyone. The therapeutic effect of self-hypnosis is similar to the effect of meditation on a person; it can also be equated to specific methods of auto-training.

The effectiveness of this type of practice depends on the duration and systematicity of training. The longer a person works on himself, practicing self-hypnosis, the easier it is for him to find himself in a state of hypnotic trance and use all the possibilities of close contact with the subconscious to solve the problems he needs. The acquired skill helps to use the body’s internal reserves, correct behavior, launch renewal mechanisms and grow further. This technique is universal. Self-hypnosis can be used, if necessary, at any time convenient for the individual, without waiting for a visit to the doctor. The situation doesn’t really matter in order to quickly fall into a trance. You can induce an altered state in yourself at will. This also distinguishes self-hypnosis from its classical form, medical hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis: benefits

Life is complex and multifaceted. The reaction of the human psyche to what is happening around can be very diverse and not always positive. In addition, we all have small weaknesses, which, if not controlled, quickly turn into vices and addictions. To feel harmony with this world and move forward, you need to fight shortcomings and fears. This can be done using self-hypnosis.

Such practices are useful and absolutely safe for the human psyche. Immersion in your own inner world makes it possible to get to know yourself and find the keys to solving problems. After all, no one knows a person better than himself, but by nature, this knowledge is deeply hidden from us. Self-hypnosis is a mechanism that helps you independently manage physiological and mental processes, and do this consciously and for your own benefit.
By practicing self-hypnosis, a person gets a unique opportunity to program his own psyche, heal the body, and analyze any critical situations in life. This can only be done correctly by working with the subconscious, which is why the ability to put oneself into a trance state is desirable and useful. Being in the moment between wakefulness and sleep, a person is freed from the factors that constrain him, the controlling function of consciousness is turned off, which gives him the opportunity to focus on the very essence of the problem and find the only correct solution.
Self-hypnosis also allows you to set any goals for yourself, which is positively reflected in reality. A person changes and changes his life at his own discretion. In a trance state, new commands are remembered and perceived as one’s own much easier.

Thanks to the technique of self-hypnosis, anyone can:

  • learn to respond adequately to stressful situations;
  • fight depressive symptoms (asthenic depression);
  • monitor your emotional state;
  • increase the level of self-esteem;
  • free yourself from complexes, fears and doubts;
  • motivate yourself to achieve goals;
  • acquire desired behavioral skills;
  • get rid of bad habits.

Regularly immersing yourself in an altered state is also useful in terms of taking care of your health. If the origin of illnesses has psychological roots, self-hypnosis is exactly what can help in this situation. Self-controlled trance allows you to:

  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • calm the nerves;
  • regulate weight;
  • activate the immune system;
  • get rid of speech defects;
  • improve sound sleep;
  • reduce pain from injuries;
  • normalize hormonal levels.

But this is not all the positive aspects of self-hypnosis. This specific technique, thanks to working on one’s own shortcomings, allows one to expand social contacts, develop talents, and find hidden opportunities and reserves within oneself for further development. Hypnosis also helps to change attitudes towards traumatic situations of the past, overcome phobias, resolve family conflicts, and improve relationships with loved ones. During intense work, self-hypnosis is an excellent way to relax, rest and find the strength for further activities. It can also be recommended for people with a high degree of fatigue and those who are creative.

In fact, the scope of application of self-hypnosis is quite diverse, but in any case the technique gives excellent results. Positive reviews of self-hypnosis confirm its effectiveness.

Self-hypnosis: features of immersion

At the initial stage of working with self-hypnosis techniques, immersing yourself in your own unconscious inner world can be fraught with some difficulties. This happens because of the desire to immediately solve all problems and overload of the subconscious with a large number of different attitudes. This approach is ineffective; it is much better to choose only one setting for each self-hypnosis session and strictly follow it. Targeted actions will soon give the long-awaited result.

The technique of self-hypnosis is simple and includes 5 main components:

  • Determining the purpose of the impact. To do this, you will need to analyze the current state of things, gather together mental and physical resources to change the situation for the better. At the same time, a person’s mature decision to carry out self-hypnosis is crucial for hypnosis.
  • Actions to achieve relaxation and detachment from external stimuli. It is necessary to find a secluded place where no one can interfere with the session by unexpected appearance, dim the lighting in the room to a comfortable level and turn on calm music. Then you need to sit comfortably in a soft chair and carry out a set of exercises to relieve tension.
  • Entering a hypnotic trance on your own. To dive into the depths of your own “I,” you can use special techniques to achieve an altered state of mind: fix your attention on a specific object or image and focus on your feelings.
  • Realization of the chosen goal through the instillation of clear verbal formulas, mental visualization of the desired positive changes and elaboration of the flow of new thoughts and feelings. With self-hypnosis, the chosen intervention option may vary depending on the desired result.
  • Smooth return to reality from a hypnotic trance, awareness of the work done and the implementation in practice of the learned tasks to improve one’s personality.

On average, one self-hypnosis session takes 20 minutes. The final number of procedures depends on the number of questions you set yourself, the speed of change in internal processes and the ability to make efforts to achieve goals.

Self-hypnosis: special moments

Each word or concept in hypnosis has a specific meaning, and its principle of operation is based on the peculiarities of the work of the subconscious. Therefore, it is so important to correctly compose the text of suggestions, because the effectiveness of self-hypnosis sessions ultimately depends on the semantic load of phrases.

Here are the basic rules for competently creating speech patterns for effective immersion in a self-induced hypnotic trance, which will help you correctly influence your own subconscious:

  • All words must be formulated in the present tense and from the first singular. The subconscious simply does not perceive other options.
  • All sentences for self-hypnosis should be written in an affirmative form, without using the particle “not”. The human subconscious is designed in such a way that it understands only direct instructions, therefore phrases with a negative speech element are perceived by him as negative attitudes. Such formulations will not bring any benefit, but only harm.
  • Each statement used in your own self-hypnosis technique should be made concise, succinct and clear, reflecting one specific thought. This way it will be easier and easier for the subconscious to process and make new settings its own.
  • All self-hypnosis phrases must be given a positive connotation, made pleasant to perceive, so that they do not cause internal rejection. They also should not go against the person’s personal morals and values, otherwise the dive will end in nothing.

During a self-hypnosis session, it is recommended to use effective visualization and self-hypnosis techniques to quickly immerse yourself in a trance state.

  • Take a comfortable position, straighten your back, relax your arms and legs. Next, tense the muscles of your entire body for a few seconds and then relax.
  • Inhale slowly and deeply several times, so that the air fills the lower part of the lungs, and then exhale gradually.
  • Stop your gaze on some small stationary object, for example, a burning candle, and watch it for several minutes.
  • Do not allow extraneous thoughts that are not relevant to the matter to appear at this moment.
  • Speak phrases for self-hypnosis in a calm voice and at the same time imagine a positive final image.

To achieve a deeper and better immersion in a trance state, you should constantly practice self-hypnosis. It is necessary to start by working on simple and quickly solvable problems and gradually move on to more complex tasks. When working for the long term, it is advisable to use the desired process of achieving a goal in the context of suggestions, rather than transmitting the finished end result to the brain. This way self-hypnosis will work more effectively. To consolidate new attitudes in the subconscious, post-hypnotic formulas will also be relevant.
