Hammer throwing technique. Throwing How much does a hammer weigh for women?

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Hammer throwing technique

Hammer throwing is considered a purely male event. Women mastered shot put, discus and javelin throwing a long time ago, almost simultaneously with men, and hammer throwing was for a long time banned for women.

Hammer throwing came from throwing a blacksmith's hammer, which was common in Ireland, and it was thrown not only at a distance, but also up - to a height. An engraving has survived that depicts King Henry VIII of England throwing a blacksmith's hammer. Hammer throwing in England replaced the previously common club throwing. Moreover, the hammer was thrown not only by ordinary people at fairs and holidays, but also by nobles and members of the royal family.

At first, the weight of the projectile was arbitrary, as was the place for the takeoff run. Only in 1860 in England was it decided to determine the weight of the projectile as 16 pounds - 7.257 kg, and in 1875 a place for throwing was established - a circle with a diameter of 7 feet - 2.135 m. The shape of the projectile gradually changed, from a hammer it turned into into the ball, from the wooden handle came to the chain, then -
to a steel wire with a special metal handle.

For the first time, hammer throwing competitions were held in the annual athletics competitions of the Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and then were included in the English championship. In 1866, the Englishman R. James won the championship with a score of 24.50 m. Then the USA won the hammer throw, where the national champion Mitchell threw the projectile at 42.22 m in 1892.

The hammer throw was first included in the Olympics in 1900. Then the champion was the Irish-American D. Flanagan, who overcame the 50-meter line, his result was 51.00 m. In 1952, the Hungarian J. Cermak threw the hammer over 60 m. In 1960 Mr. American
G. Connolly exceeds the 70 m mark - 70.33 m. And the first thrower to master the 80 m mark was the Soviet athlete B. Zaychuk - 80.14 m, setting a world record.

A large role in the formation and development of hammer throwing belongs to athletes and coaches from the USA, Hungary and the USSR. Representatives of these countries occupied podiums at many international competitions, setting world and continental records.

Currently, the world record belongs to the Soviet athlete Yu. Sedykh - 86.74 m, set in 1986.

The history of the women's hammer throw is shorter than the history of all other types of athletics. For women, it was included in the Olympic Games only in 2000. And for the first time, women began to compete in this athletics event in 1995. In the same year, the world record was updated four times: first, the Romanian M. Melinte threw the hammer at 66.86 m, and then Russian O. Kuzenkova sets the record three times, bringing it to 68.16 m. In 1999, M. Melinte brings the record to 76.07 m, which still holds today. O. Kuzenkova holds the Russian record - 75.68 m.

At first, the athletes threw the hammer from a standstill, then they began to throw from one turn. In 1900, throwing with two turns was used for the first time, and 36 years later German athletes demonstrated hammer throws with three turns. At this time, the modern technique of throwing with heel-toe turns was established. Its founder is a German trainer
Sh. Christman. Currently, throwers throw with three or four turns.

Recently, the results of throwers have approached the border of 87 m. For a long time there was a question about using four turns in throwing, since there was little advantage in acceleration, and the chances of performing a spade increased. The fourth turn gave a maximum increase to the athlete's result of only 70 cm. The use of four turns only complicated the hammer throwing technique, especially for throwers with large feet.

Hammer throwing also implements the basic principle of all throwing - “body whip”, which is performed by a helical (bottom-up) translational rotation of the legs, body and projectile ejection, due to the dynamic forces that arise. It must be clearly understood that the transfer of energy to the projectile is possible only with a rigid support. It is also necessary to ensure that the head and shoulders do not precede the rotation of the legs and pelvis.

The hammer throwing technique can be divided into the following points, convenient for analysis:

Holding a hammer;

Initial position and preliminary rotation of the hammer;

Turns of the thrower with a hammer (rotational-translational);

Final effort;


Holding a hammer. In order to avoid injury to the hand, the thrower is allowed to wear a glove on his hand. He holds the handle of the hammer on the middle phalanges of four fingers, the other hand is placed on top, covering the hand, the thumb of this hand is pressed against the hand of the lower hand, and the thumb of the lower hand is placed on top of this finger (Fig. 36).

Rice. 36. Holding a Hammer

If the hammer is released through the left shoulder, then the lower hand will be the left one, if through the right, then the right hand. This method of holding the projectile allows throwers to withstand centrifugal force of over 300 kg.

Initial position and preliminary rotation of the hammer. A circle with a diameter of 2.135 m is used completely by a qualified thrower, i.e. over the entire diameter. Before starting the rotation, the thrower stands towards the far side of the circle, with his back in the direction of throwing. The feet are placed slightly wider than the shoulders, so that the foot of the supporting leg (on which the rotation occurs) can perform a translational-rotational movement along a longer path, approaching the length of the diameter. Having assumed a stable position, the thrower squats slightly on his legs, his torso is slightly tilted forward. Then, moving the hammer to the left, then to the right, it begins to rotate, deflecting the body away from the hammer, i.e. holds it, gradually increasing the rotation speed. Typically, the pre-rotation speed of the strongest throwers reaches 14 m/s, the inclination of the hammer rotation plane is at an angle to the horizontal of 30–40°. When the hammer approaches the left shoulder, the arms begin to bend at the elbow joints, first the left, then the right. The arms pass above the head in a bent position. At the moment the hammer passes the right shoulder, their extension occurs, first with the left, then with the right arm. The arms are straightened in front of the chest, the torso is tilted back. Pre-rotation should be done freely, without unnecessary muscle tension. When performing a rotation and creating optimal conditions for starting turns, a major role is played by the movement of the thrower (mainly the pelvis) in the direction opposite to the action of the centrifugal force of the hammer (Fig. 37).

Rice. 37. Hammer pre-rotation

Hammer thrower turns. The purpose of all turns is acceleration. Moreover, the first turn is used for a smooth transition from preliminary rotations to rotational-translational movements in a circle, and the last one is used for better execution of the final effort. Entry into a turn is very important. In each of the subsequent turns, the angle of the hammer rotation plane gradually increases, reaching 44°.

The first turn is performed on the toe of the left foot, followed by three turns using the heel-toe variation, i.e. half a turn is performed on the heel of the left foot, half a turn on the toe of the left foot. Thus, the thrower moves two feet towards the sector. During the first turn, the thrower slightly bends the knees, the left foot rotates on the toe, and the right foot pushes off with the toe. The thrower turns around its axis on the left leg without using forward movement. Thus, in the first turn, the thrower does not use the area of ​​the circle at his disposal, but returns to the starting position. In this way, he can move on to the next turns with forward movements, and the possibility of a spade is eliminated. This is a variant of throwing with four turns, which places high demands on the thrower's technique. At the same time, the additional first turn in place allows the thrower to smoothly enter the acceleration of the projectile.

A simpler version of the hammer acceleration is from three turns, which is used by most athletes, especially when initially learning the hammer throwing technique (Fig. 38).

Rice. 38. Turns in the hammer throw

In this case, the athlete immediately begins a rotational-translational movement, from the first turn. It is very important that each subsequent turn is performed faster than the previous one. Rotation of the thrower, i.e. making a turn should be faster than moving the hammer in a circle. The thrower must lead the hammer and not spin behind it. Uniformly accelerated movement in turns should be smooth, without jerking. The angles of body inclination and flexion in the knee and hip joints change throughout all turns. Their change depends on the magnitude of the centrifugal force, changes in the position of the plane of rotation of the hammer and the speed of its rotation. When making turns, the thrower moves towards the opposite part of the circle one and a half to two feet for each turn. In this case, the right leg, performing a quick circular swing, approaches the left supporting leg, and the placement of the feet occurs not along two parallel lines, but along two converging lines. The head is held straight, as in the starting position.

When accelerating a projectile during turns, a distinction is made between double-support and single-support positions of the thrower. In a two-support position, the right foot pushes off the surface of the circle in order to accelerate rotation. In a single-support position, the thrower speeds up the movement by quickly swinging his right leg. During turns, the arms are always straightened at the elbow joints. In a single-support position, the deviation of the body to the side from the hammer is greater than in a double-support position. At the end of the turn, the thrower places his right leg with his entire foot in line with his left leg, while the hammer is to the right of the thrower at shoulder level. The active influence of the thrower on increasing the speed of the hammer occurs in a two-support position. The time of this position decreases with each turn, but the force impulse created by the muscles in a shorter time period increases, which increases the acceleration of the projectile. After the thrower has completed the third turn with his right foot on the ground, the final effort phase begins.

Final effort. After placing the right foot on the support, the thrower finds himself in a position with his back in the direction of throwing. The torso is slightly tilted to the left, and the hammer is on the left at shoulder level. When the hammer passes the bottom point of rotation, the torso straightens and the legs begin to straighten at the knee joints. After passing the lowest point and the middle axis of the thrower’s body, the hammer deflects the body back while simultaneously straightening the legs, performing a kind of deadlift. When the hammer is raised to the level of the left shoulder, the thrower turns sideways towards the sector, the left leg is fully straightened, the right leg, bent at the knee, rests the toe on the ground, the body leans back from the hammer. Next, the hammer continues to rise up and down, and when the hammer rises above the thrower, it is released from the hands (Fig. 39).

Rice. 39. Final effort phase of the hammer throw

First, the right hand releases the hammer, after a moment - the left hand, which only accompanies the hammer. The final force creates the optimal direction for the hammer to fly out at an angle of 44°. In this type of throwing, this angle of projectile departure is the greatest. After the projectile is released, the thrower is no longer affected by the forces of rotational motion and the mass of the hammer, and he begins to brake so as not to step outside the circle or fly out of it due to inertia. It should be noted that of all types of throwing, this type is completely supporting, i.e. If in other types of throwing the flight phase is observed in the acceleration phase of the projectile, then in hammer throwing there is always contact with the support.

Braking. After releasing the projectile, the thrower continues to rotate on his left leg around its axis to maintain balance, i.e. without moving forward. At the same time, with a swinging movement, he moves his right leg back closer to the center of the circle, tilting his torso away from the sector. The arms help perform the rotational movement. Some throwers perform a jump as when braking in other throws.

It must be remembered that without preliminary physical training of the thrower it is impossible to begin mastering the hammer throwing technique. The force at which throwing is performed reaches 300–500 kg for the strongest throwers; for beginners, naturally, it will be less, but still quite high. The athlete needs to prepare his muscles in order to successfully withstand this load.

Studies by some authors in the field of hammer throwing among women have not shown any differences in the rhythmic structure of movements, i.e. Some specific “female” throwing technique has not yet been formed. There are slight differences in the decrease in the total time of turns, and in women there is a more gradual decrease in the time of turns from the first to the third, i.e. increase in rotation speed: 7 – 6 – 3% - in women, and in men this figure is 19 – 3 – 1%. Apparently, this is explained by the greater mass of the hammer in men (they need to immediately quickly increase the speed of rotation of the hammer) or by the fact that the speed of preliminary rotations of the hammer is higher in men.

Anatomically, the female body is better suited to hammer throwing than to other types of throwing, since a long (relative to the legs) torso helps maintain balance in a rotational movement, and the shorter length of the foot facilitates the technical execution of four turns, leaving space in the circle. Women and men have approximately the same ratios of fast and slow muscle fibers, which makes it possible to talk about equal opportunities in the manifestation of speed abilities, other things being equal. If the voluntary strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and torso is 40-70% of male indicators, then the relative strength of the legs is often higher. This is of great importance, since the strength of the muscles of the lower extremities is a determining factor in throwing for achieving high athletic results. The lower weight of the apparatus in women, amounting to 5-6% of the athlete’s weight (7-8% in men), determines the predominantly speed-oriented development of physical qualities.

The movement of the projectile from above-right-behind occurs in a downward direction

arc to the bottom point. Subsequently, the thrower makes the same movements as in the first preliminary rotation. E. M. Shukevich and M. P. Krivonosov (1971) believe that significant bending of the arms creates excessive tension and reduces the amplitude of movement of the projectile. Preliminary rotations performed in the front plane are irrational, because they complicate the movement of the thrower and shorten the amplitude of the projectile. In addition, they cause the thrower to fall back into the circle (forced compensatory movement of the body back in order to tension the projectile), and a shift to the left of the lower point of the plane of rotation in subsequent turns. ,All this negatively affects not only the throwing technique (reduces the efficiency of hammer turns and final effort), but also the throwing rhythm.

The most common mistake in performing preliminary rotations is a significant displacement of the lower point of the rotation plane to the right and back, beyond the line of the toe of the right foot. Few throwers manage to get rid of this mistake in the process of subsequent movements. In this position, the thrower is forced to “pull” the projectile from one plane rotation to another, which is very difficult due to the centrifugal force that arises during the preliminary rotations, reaching 50 kg.

Turns. In the single-support phases of turns (frames 12-13, 17-18, 21-23), the athlete faces two main tasks: the first is to create optimal conditions for the least loss of projectile rotation speed acquired in the double-support phases; the second is to facilitate maximum possible overtaking in corners and final effort. The successful solution of these problems depends on the difference in rotation speed in the single-support phases of the thrower's body and the projectile.

The speed of the body must exceed the speed of the projectile. The observed difference in movement speeds is the result of active actions of the lower parts of the thrower’s body, especially the right leg, and a consequence of a decrease in the speed of rotation of the projectile after the end of the two-support phase. The increase in the speed of rotation of the lower parts of the body occurs due to the fact that after the axes of the pelvis and shoulders coincide in the frontal plane, the athlete remains in the two-support phase for some time and during this period of time can acquire the necessary speed of rotation due to the actively working muscles of the legs and pelvis. At the same time, the thrower is no longer able to influence the projectile and moves by inertia for some time, and then its speed begins to decrease.

Single-support phases of turns begin at the moment the right foot is removed from the ground and end at the moment it is planted. In the first part of the single-support phase, the thrower first turns on the toe of the right foot and the heel of the left foot approximately 60-90° relative to the starting position. After this, the rotation of the thrower-hammer system is carried out on the outer side of the foot and at the moment the projectile passes the highest point of the plane of rotation, it occurs already on the toe with further movement to the inner part of the foot.

At the moment of transition to the single-support phase, especially starting from the second turn, the athlete leans back somewhat (compensatory movement of the body associated with the need to maintain balance of the thrower-hammer system). Its value depends on the weight of the athlete (the greater the weight, the smaller the deviation), the degree of development of speed-strength qualities, the technique of performing this phase, the radius

rotation of the projectile and, of course, on the magnitude of the resulting centrifugal force.

During a significant part of the single-support phase, the projectile rotates by inertia, and the moment of inertia depends on the quantity and quality of movements performed in the double-support phase. The effectiveness of single-support phases depends entirely on the actions in the double-support phases, or more precisely, on the speed of rotation of the projectile, which must correspond to the physical and technical capabilities of the thrower. In this case, the athlete must actively influence the apparatus until the axis of the shoulders and the axis of the pelvis coincide in the frontal plane and the apparatus reaches the lowest point in each of the turns.

During the single-support phases, the thrower's left leg bends in some intermediate positions. Until the projectile passes the highest point of the plane of rotation, any sitting down on the supporting leg is harmful. E. M. Shukevich (1964) rightly notes that it reduces the tone of the trunk muscles and does not make it possible to control the movement of the projectile due to the lowering of the general center of gravity. But after passing the highest point of the plane of rotation, bending the supporting leg is necessary. By slightly bending the leg, the thrower actively influences the projectile, and due to this, its angular velocity of rotation increases even before placing the right foot on the ground. Squatting on the supporting leg is observed in hammer throwers of various sports qualifications: this is a natural compensatory movement of the body, due to which the path of active influence on the projectile increases and the smallest loss in the speed of rotation of the projectile is achieved.

However, the drop in the second part of the single-support phase of turns should be optimal, and in no case should it be increased deliberately. Significant undercutting on the supporting leg reduces the radius of rotation of the projectile, but does not negatively affect its angular velocity of rotation (V.N. Tutevich, 1969).

Particular attention should be paid to the work of the right leg in a single-support movement. It is difficult to agree with E.M. Shukevich (1964), who claims that it, actively rotating, slows down the angular velocity of rotation of the projectile and is one of the reasons for bending the right arm in single-support phases, and also does not contribute to the optimal movement of some parts of the thrower’s body. In the latter case, we mean the misalignment of the shoulder axis with the pelvic axis in the two-support phases.

In contrast to E.M. Shukevich, we believe that the right leg is the most active link in the system of body links in the single-support phase, if we take into account the degree of loading of the left leg not so much by the weight of the thrower, but by the inertial forces that arose during the execution of the double-support phases. The active work of the right leg makes it possible to create the necessary difference in the angular speeds of rotation of the projectile and the lower parts of the thrower’s body, which contributes to the least loss of rotation speed of the projectile and creates the necessary preconditions for its greatest overtaking. This can be easily verified if you stand on the toe or heel of your left foot and, with a swing of your right foot, try to make a turn to the left from a static starting position.
We will see that the more active the swing movement of the right leg, the greater the turn will be.

As for bending the right arm, this error is explained by the fact that in a two-support position the athlete stops accelerating the projectile long before the axis of the shoulders coincides with the axis of the pelvis in the frontal plane and pulls the hammer behind him, as in discus throwing.

After passing the upper point of the plane of rotation, the speed of the projectile does not decrease for some time, and sometimes even increases slightly. Apparently, such an increase in speed occurs due to the created moment of inertia, because in a single-support position the thrower has nothing to influence the projectile and his task is to overtake the projectile as quickly as possible and resist the resulting centrifugal force (compensatory movement).

A. M. Samotsvetov (1968) is not entirely right when he unreasonably recommends overtaking not only by actively twisting the body, but also by slightly braking the projectile in single-support positions. The thrower does not slow down the projectile *in single-support phases and practically cannot do this, and the rotation speed of the hammer drops due to the fact that the athlete has nothing to influence it with, unless, of course, you count deliberately sitting down on the supporting leg. The proposed braking is also impractical because until the moment of passing the highest point of the plane of rotation, the centrifugal force acquired by the projectile is the leading link in the thrower-hammer system. However, in the future, A. M. Samotsvetov rightly notes that the athlete should reach maximum twisting shortly before placing the right foot on the ground, somewhat later than the moment of passing the highest point of the plane of rotation (twisting too early is irrational).

The single-support phase ends with the placing of the right foot on the ground. As the projectile moves to the lower point of the plane of rotation, the body weight first moves from the right leg to the left. When the axis of the shoulders coincides with the axis of the pelvis, the weight of the thrower’s body is evenly distributed on both legs, up to the moment the left leg turns on the heel to the left, and then is transferred to a greater extent to the right leg until it touches the ground. Let us touch upon another issue of the single-support phase. When placing the right foot on the ground, the athlete must avoid falling on this foot. Otherwise, it will no longer be an active stance of the right leg, but a fall caused by loss of balance.

Double-support phases of turns (Fig. 43, frames
8-11, 14-16, 19-20). Double-support phases of turns, as opposed to single-support, begin when the right foot is placed on the ground and end with its removal. During their execution, the thrower actively influences the projectile, giving it an optimal speed of movement, and also strives to create ideal conditions for further actions in the single-support phase.

In two-support phases, the angular velocity of rotation of the projectile increases with each turn in the presence of a rational throwing rhythm. It increases until the axis of the shoulders coincides with the axis
pelvis The exception here is the entrance to the first turn, but more on that later, but now we note that some authors, in particular A. M. Samotsvetov (1971), consider it unnecessary to remain in the two-support phase after the axis of the shoulders coincides with the axis of the pelvis. From the point of view of active influence on the projectile, this is true, however, we must not forget that in order to effectively perform single-support phases, the angular velocity of the thrower’s body and the projectile must coincide for some time (V.N. Tutevich, 1969), which is observed in the first part of the single-support position, which ends while passing the highest point of the plane of rotation. Subsequently, the thrower, with the help of actively working parts of the body, must acquire an additional rotation speed - greater than that of the projectile, and overtake it already in the second part of the single-support phase.

It is possible to create the appropriate prerequisites only in those short periods of time when the athlete, after the axis of the shoulders coincides with the axis of the pelvis, is still in a two-support position for some time.

A. M. Samotsvetov, stating the early removal of the right leg in each of the turns, which is currently observed among the strongest throwers in the country and the world, does not take into account the following. The speed-strength training of throwers of the seventies increased significantly, which is directly related to the duration of the two-support phases. And at any speed of rotation of the hammer thrower, the duration of the two-support phase in each subsequent turn is always less than in the previous one. In addition, the throwers named by the author, after the hammer passes the lower point of the rotation plane in each turn, rotate for some time on both legs. This is especially noticeable in the first turn. There is also no doubt that with the growth of sports results, the duration of the two-support phases will quite naturally decrease.

In this regard, V.P. Kuznetsov (1966) writes that against the background of the accelerating movement of the projectile, the athlete needs to push off with his foot earlier in each subsequent turn in order to prevent the projectile from overtaking himself, without, of course, disturbing the rhythm of throwing.

The speed of rotation of the projectile in the first turn, in contrast to subsequent turns, increases for quite a long time after the pelvic axis aligns with the shoulder axis in the frontal plane. This phenomenon is explained not only by the difficulty of transition from the double-support phase to the single-support phase, but also, apparently, by the insufficient speed of rotation of the projectile. This can be confirmed by such an experiment. Get into the starting position, make two preliminary swings and try, while aligning the axis of the shoulders with the axis of the pelvis (the hammer ball is opposite the bottom point), to remove your right foot from the ground, while rotating on the heel of your left foot and without moving to the outer or inner part of the foot. You will see that the higher the speed of the projectile in the preliminary rotations, the more rotation the thrower-hammer system will make in relation to the initial position. However, we must not forget that the speed of the projectile in preliminary rotations and, of course, in the first turn should be optimal, i.e., contribute to not early removal of the right foot from
soil, and above all the rational rhythm of throwing. In addition, too high projectile speed acquired in the first turn negatively affects the throwing technique in the future, in particular during the transition from the double-support phase to the single-support phase.

The speed of rotation in the first turn (two-support phase) increases after the axis of the shoulders coincides with the axis of the pelvis in the frontal plane due to the fact that the thrower, turning to the left 90° on both legs, engages the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms, pelvis, legs, especially right. At the same time, the weight of the body moves more and more from the Right leg to the left and at the moment of transition to the single-support phase falls completely on it. The body, together with the arms, turns to the left, and the ball of the projectile, after passing the bottom point of the plane of rotation, moves in an ascending arc to the left and up to the highest point. The rotation of the thrower-hammer system occurs around a vertical axis by 90°, with the axis of the pelvis coinciding with the axis of the shoulders, and the arms and the axis of the shoulders form the so-called isosceles triangle (E. M. Shukevich, 1964). The projectile is a continuation of this triangle, and the body weight is evenly distributed on both legs. The speeds of movement of the projectile and the thrower’s body must coincide in this position (V.N. Tutevich, 1969). Subsequently, the active removal of the right leg occurs, which, together with the inertial forces that arose during the execution of the two-support phase and moving the projectile, turns the thrower 270°.

In sports practice, the time spent in the two-support phase after the axis of the shoulders coincides with the axis of the pelvis is also conventionally called the entrance to the first and subsequent turns. A special role in this is played by the entrance to the first turn, which is rightfully considered one of the complex elements of the hammer throwing technique.

Entry into subsequent turns begins slightly earlier than the first. It always ends with the active removal of the right foot from the ground. The lowest point of the plane of rotation shifts to the left with each turn. So, in the first turn it is located against the toe of the right foot, in the second it moves to the left by 30-40 cm, and in the third it is at the level of the foot, but already of the left leg.

When entering the first turn, the right foot is removed from the ground at the moment the thrower-hammer system is displaced relative to the initial position by 90°, in the second - by 80° and in the third - by 75° (P. J1. Limar, 1965).

A common mistake when entering the first turn is to “pull” the projectile out of the circular path by moving the left shoulder straight to the left. It can be corrected by actively moving the projectile with your hands forward in front of you. Rotation on both legs to the left should be done immediately after the axis of the shoulders is aligned with the axis of the pelvis in the frontal plane and stop influencing the projectile in all turns except the first. The moment of removing the right foot from the ground in the first turn depends on the chosen entry option, on the shape and speed of movement (E. M. Shukevich).

An error in this phase of the movement will be a significant straightening of the left leg and a backward deviation of the torso, caused by a compensatory
movement of the body to maintain the balance of the thrower-hammer system. This error is a consequence of “pulling” the projectile from the circular path, premature removal of the right foot from the ground, and also the result of the projectile’s plane of rotation being too steep. The straightening of the left leg and a significant deviation of the body back is also explained by the fact that during the two-support phase the thrower begins to turn too early to the left on both legs, while trying to pull the projectile behind him, as is done in discus throwing. Premature rotation in the two-support phase on the legs, which begins much earlier than the coincidence of the axis of the shoulders with the axis of the pelvis in the frontal plane, leads to a decrease in the path of active influence on the projectile and a significant loss of the pain of its rotation. The angular speed of rotation of the lower links of the thrower's body (legs, pelvis) is currently higher than the speed of rotation of the projectile. The difference in angular velocities arises due to the fact that the speed of the projectile drops (the thrower stops actively influencing it long before the axis of the shoulders coincides with the axis of the pelvis in the frontal plane). As a result, in the future, the angular velocity of rotation of the thrower’s body not only does not coincide with the angular velocity of rotation of the projectile, but even exceeds it.

The observed difference in angular velocities is unfavorable (V.N. Tu-tevich, 1969), because it entails a number of significant and not always correctable errors during throwing - a decrease in the radius of rotation of the projectile, falling on the right foot at the moment it is placed on the ground.

Final effort. The final effort phase begins after the single-support phase of the third or fourth turn at the moment the right foot is placed on the ground (Fig. 43, frames 24-27). They are no different from the two-support phases of turns, up to the coincidence of the axis of the shoulders with the axis of the pelvis in the frontal plane. The only difference between them is that in turns the thrower turns to the left with optimally bent legs, and during the final effort he gradually straightens his legs towards the end of it. At the moment the projectile is released from the hands, the weight of the thrower’s body is evenly distributed on both legs, the arms are straightened. True, when placing the right foot on the ground, the weight is located to a greater extent on the left foot and, as the projectile moves to the lower point of the plane of rotation, it gradually moves towards the right until it is evenly distributed on both.

The final effort, as V.N. Tutevich writes, should flow from the turns preceding it and be their continuation, and not be some kind of new movement. It is performed along the maximum possible radius of rotation of the projectile without deflecting the thrower’s body in the direction of the movement of the projectile.

The leading throwers of the country and the world are currently demonstrating the technique of performing the final effort without significantly bending the body back. Such a movement not only has a negative effect on increasing the speed of the projectile, but also creates additional difficulties for the athlete to maintain balance after releasing the hammer. In the final effort, as in the entire throwing process, the speed of the projectile increases due to rotational movements alone, and its loss due to extension of the body with a backward tilt is not compensated by the forward movement. The effectiveness of the final effort depends entirely on the previous actions of the thrower in the process of performing preliminary rotations and turns with the hammer. The final effort is a kind of measure of the throwing technique as a whole, and its effectiveness can be judged by the stability of the thrower in the circle after releasing the projectile.

The hammer is thrown into a 60° sector from a cemented circle with a diameter of 2.135 m, bordered by a metal rim. Hammer weight for men 6 and 7, 257 kg, for boys 5 and 6 kg, length 122 cm. It is recommended to fence the circle with a safety metal mesh. Men and boys throw the hammer. A circle with any hard ground is suitable for studying and improving throwing techniques. The hammer is thrown in rubber-soled shoes.

The basis of the hammer throwing technique is accelerating turns (usually three, less often four), in which rotational movement is combined with translational movement.

When performing turns, the thrower's double-support positions alternate with single-support positions.

There are several ways to hold a hammer. The most common one is shown in the figure. The thrower places the hammer handle on the fingers of the left hand, and places the fingers of the right hand on top (the thumb of the left hand is placed on the thumb of the right).

In preparation for throwing, the athlete stands at the part of the circle farthest from the sector, with his back in the direction of throwing; Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. He places the hammer with his right hand on the ground from behind to the right so that the wire of the projectile is in line with his right hand. Then, slightly crouching, leaning forward and turning the shoulder girdle to the right, the thrower, without changing the position of the hammer, takes the handle with his left hand and places the right one on top (frame 1).

By straightening his legs and torso, he begins the pre-rotation necessary to accelerate the hammer and make quick turns. The plane of rotation of the hammer is inclined to the right-front and raised to the left-back.
After 2-3 circles of preliminary rotation (frames 1-4), turns are performed, during which the thrower moves all the time in front of the hammer, leading it behind him and increasing the speed of rotation. The arms are straight.

The first turn begins when the hammer is in front to the right of the body. The thrower performs the first part of the turn in a two-support position (on the left heel and right toe, the left foot turns in the direction of throwing). He continues the second half of the turn in a single-support position - on the front part of the left foot (frames 7, 8).

The second and third turns are performed in the same way as the first. However, their speed increases significantly. As the rotation speed increases, the thrust of the hammer also increases. In this regard, the thrower is forced to deviate more in the direction opposite to the hammer, otherwise the balance during rotation will be disrupted (frames 9-16).

Having completed the last turn and having reached the starting position, in which the hammer is to the right of the body at the height of the shoulder joints, the thrower performs the final effort.
Straightening his legs, torso and turning to the left, he carries the hammer with straight arms in a large arc, gives the hammer maximum speed and throws it to the left at the height of the shoulder joints at an angle of up to 43° (frames 17-20).
To maintain balance and stay within the circle, the thrower changes the position of his legs.

- an athletics discipline consisting of throwing a special sports equipment - a hammer - at a distance. Requires strength and coordination of movements from athletes. It is held in the summer season in open stadiums. Refers to the technical types of the athletics program. It is an Olympic discipline in athletics (for men - since 1900, for women - since 2000).

Competition rules

The hammer is a metal ball connected to a handle by steel wire. The length of the men's hammer is 117-121.5 cm and the total weight is 7.265 kg (= 16 lb). In women, its length ranges from 116 to 119.5 cm, and its total weight is 4 kg. That is, the weight of the hammer is equal to the weight of the core used by athletes of the corresponding gender.
When throwing, an athlete is in a special circle with a diameter of 2.135 m, within which he spins and throws a sports projectile. In order for the attempt to be counted, the athlete must leave the circle only after the hammer hits the ground and only from the back of the circle. In addition, the hammer must fall within the designated sector fenced with a grid.
Due to the danger that the flying hammer poses to athletes participating in other types of competitions, the angle of the sector was constantly narrowed. In the 1900s it was 90°, in the 1960s it was 60°, and currently it is approximately 35°. For the same reason, the hammer throw competition is often held at the beginning of an athletics program or moved to another stadium.


As a sport, hammer throwing originated in Scotland and Ireland, where it was originally a massive weight with a wooden handle attached. Since 1866, the first hard-handled hammer throwing competitions have been held in England. The first record was 24.50 m. Modern rules were established in England in 1887. Since 1896, a modern hammer with a handle in the form of a flexible steel cable has been introduced into training and competition practice. A significant contribution to the development of technology and popularity was made by the Irish athlete Flanagan, who emigrated to the USA in 1896. He became an Olympic champion three times (1900,1904,1908) and broke world records 14 times.
IAAF world records in the hammer throw have been recorded since 1913.
In post-war history, starting from the 1950s, the leadership among men was taken by athletes from Hungary and the USSR. In 1976-1988, Yuri Sedykh (USSR) won 2 gold and 1 silver medal at the Olympics, who still holds the world record (86.74m). Currently, athletes from Belarus, Poland, Japan, and Slovenia are leading in this event.
Starting in the 1990s, hammer throwing became popular among women. Since 2000, it has been included in the women's Olympic program. The leaders here are athletes from Russia, Cuba, Germany, and China.

Hammer throwing technique

The hammer throwing technique can be divided into the following points, convenient for analysis:

  • holding a hammer;
  • initial position and preliminary rotation of the hammer;
  • turns of the thrower with a hammer (rotational-translational);
  • final effort;
  • braking.

Holding a hammer. In order to avoid injury to the hand, the thrower is allowed to wear a glove on his hand. He holds the handle of the hammer on the middle phalanges of four fingers, the other hand is placed on top, covering the hand, the thumb of this hand is pressed against the hand of the lower hand, and the thumb of the lower hand is placed on top of this finger.

If the hammer is released through the left shoulder, then the lower hand will be the left one, if through the right, then the right hand. This method of holding a projectile allows throwers to withstand a centrifugal force of over 300 kᴦ.

Initial position and preliminary rotation of the hammer. A circle with a diameter of 2.135 m is used completely by a qualified thrower, ᴛ.ᴇ. over the entire diameter. Before starting the rotation, the thrower stands towards the far side of the circle, with his back in the direction of throwing. The feet are placed slightly wider than the shoulders, so that the foot of the supporting leg (on which the rotation occurs) can perform a translational-rotational movement along a longer path, approaching the length of the diameter. Having assumed a stable position, the thrower squats slightly on his legs, his torso is slightly tilted forward. Then, moving the hammer to the left, then to the right, it begins to rotate, deflecting the body away from the hammer, i.e., holds it, gradually increasing the speed of rotation. Typically, the pre-rotation speed of the strongest throwers reaches 14 m/s, tilt. Holding the hammer, the plane of rotation of the hammer is at an angle to the horizontal of 30 - 40°. When the hammer approaches the left shoulder, the arms begin to bend at the elbow joints, first the left, then the right. The arms pass above the head in a bent position. At the moment the hammer passes the right shoulder, their extension occurs, first with the left, then with the right arm. The arms are straightened in front of the chest, the torso is tilted back. Pre-rotation should be done freely, without unnecessary muscle tension. When performing a rotation and creating optimal conditions for starting turns, a major role is played by the movement of the thrower (mainly the pelvis) in the direction opposite to the action of the centrifugal force of the hammer.

Hammer thrower turns. The goal of all turns is acceleration. Moreover, the first turn is used for a smooth transition from preliminary rotations to rotational-translational movements in a circle, and the last one is used for better execution of the final effort. Entry into a turn is very important. In each of the subsequent turns, the angle of the hammer rotation plane gradually increases, reaching 44°.

The first turn is performed on the toe of the left foot, followed by three turns using the heel-toe variation, ᴛ.ᴇ. half a turn is performed on the heel of the left foot, half a turn on the toe of the left foot. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, the thrower moves two feet towards the sector. During the first turn, the thrower slightly bends the knees, the left foot rotates on the toe, and the right foot pushes off with the toe. The thrower turns around its axis on the left leg without using forward movement. Thus, in the first turn, the thrower does not use the area of ​​the circle at his disposal, but returns to the starting position. However, he can move on to the next turns with translational movements, and the possibility of a spade is eliminated. This is a variant of throwing with four turns, which places high demands on the thrower's technique.

A simpler version of the hammer acceleration is from three turns, which is used by most athletes, especially when initially learning the hammer throwing technique.

Braking. After releasing the projectile, the thrower, in order to maintain balance, continues to rotate on the left leg around its axis, i.e., without moving forward. At the same time, with a swinging movement, he moves his right leg back closer to the center of the circle, tilting his torso away from the sector. The arms help perform the rotational movement. Some throwers perform a jump as when braking in other throws.

Studies by some authors in the field of hammer throwing among women have not shown any differences in the rhythmic structure of movements, ᴛ.ᴇ. Some specific “female” throwing technique has not yet been formed. There are slight differences in the decrease in the total time of turns, and in women there is a more gradual decrease in the time of turns from the first to the third, ᴛ.ᴇ. increase in rotation speed: 7 - 6 - 3% - in women, and in men this figure is 19 - 3 - 1%. Apparently, this is explained by the greater mass of the hammer in men (they need to immediately quickly increase the speed of rotation of the hammer) or by the fact that the speed of preliminary rotations of the hammer is higher in men.

Anatomically, the female body is better adapted to hammer throwing than to other types of throwing, since a long (relative to the legs) torso helps maintain balance in a rotational movement, and the shorter length of the foot facilitates the technical execution of four turns, leaving space in the circle. Women and men have approximately the same ratios of fast and slow muscle fibers, which makes it possible to talk about equal opportunities in the manifestation of speed abilities, other things being equal. If the voluntary strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and torso is 40 - 70% of male indicators, then the relative strength of the legs is often higher. This is of great importance, since the strength of the muscles of the lower extremities is a determining factor in throwing for achieving high athletic results. The lower weight of the apparatus in women, amounting to 5-6% of the athlete’s weight (7-8% in men), determines the predominantly speed-oriented development of physical qualities.

Hammer throwing technique - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “Hammer Throwing Technique” 2017, 2018.
