Fitball for pregnant women. What are the benefits of fitball for pregnant women? A set of simple exercises on a fitball for pregnant women

Exercises on the ball strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which will undoubtedly help as the baby passes through the birth canal.

Therefore, many women who do not have pregnancy complications or chronic diseases are recommended to exercise on a fitball. This is the best option for physical activity, which does not involve strength training and excessive overexertion.

From the 27th week of pregnancy, you should pay attention to a set of Kegel exercises on a ball, because it is thanks to it that the muscles are prepared for childbirth and it will be possible to avoid ruptures or episiotomy. Moreover, fitball is actively used in the birth process at the stage of contractions.

Correctly performed exercises help relieve pain in the lower back, which is the most common occurrence in women in labor.

And soft jumping helps to open the cervix by increasing blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

What's the benefit?

The benefits for the expectant mother’s body from exercises on the ball are as follows::

  • back muscles relax;
  • blood flow in organs improves;
  • the muscles of the abdominal wall are strengthened;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the vestibular apparatus is trained;
  • exercise helps avoid gaining extra pounds;
  • the cardiovascular system is toned;
  • exercise relieves stress;
  • the pelvic floor muscles become stronger.

Fitball exercises will also be beneficial for your child:

  • blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, due to which the baby receives more oxygen;
  • The mother's good mood has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the fetus.

Possible harm

Any sports training can cause injury. Although exercising on a fitball does not involve dangerous or overly active exercises, the risk of falling from the ball is quite high.

Especially if a woman has no prior sports training and only decided to take up gymnastics in the last trimester.

To minimize the possibility of falling from a fitball, you should choose the right ball. The ball must be designed for the weight of the pregnant woman and selected according to height. Exercising on a fitball can harm the expectant mother only if she does not follow safety precautions and invents the exercises herself.

If you fall, you can get a hematoma, dislocation, or fracture of a limb if you fall without regrouping (and this is almost impossible to do with a sufficiently large belly). From the point of view of harm from a fitball for a child, it cannot be unless the mother is injured.


Despite the fact that fitball is a safe form of gymnastics, there are a number of contraindications for practicing it:

  • first weeks of pregnancy;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the presence of an obstetric pessary on the cervix;
  • incorrect presentation of the fetus - pelvic, transverse;
  • threat of premature birth;
  • history of miscarriage and antenatal fetal death.

Before you start exercising on the ball, you should consult a gynecologist. to avoid negative consequences.


There are no special restrictions during exercises on the ball. You just have to be mindful of your pregnancy and don't lean on your stomach.

It must be remembered that the position on the fitball should be comfortable, so that the center of gravity does not shift and there is constant support on the feet.

Swinging on the ball should be done with low amplitude and very slowly, because regularity is the main principle of any gymnastics during pregnancy.

If you experience any discomfort, you should immediately stop exercising.(if there is nagging pain in the lower abdomen, your back hurts or bleeding begins). These symptoms may be the beginning of labor, so it is better to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital.

Exercises with the ball, which involve lying on your back for a long time, are contraindicated in the third trimester, because The vena cava may be compressed. In this case, the child does not receive additional oxygen, and the expectant mother experiences dizziness. If such a situation arises, to alleviate the condition, you should turn on your left side and lie on it for 10 minutes.

Gymnastics at home

Before childbirth, it is worth giving a small load not only to the pelvic muscles, but also to all the others - arms, legs, lower back and abs. The body must be in shape for the birth process to proceed without delay.. The complex is designed for half an hour, maximum 40 minutes.

It should be performed twice a week on an empty (but not empty) stomach. The best time for sports is before lunch; it is in the first half that a surge of strength and energy is noted. Let's imagine a set of exercises on a ball from 27 to 40 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. For hands: sit on a fitball, place your feet shoulder-width apart, your back should be straight - stretch the top of your head up. You can take small dumbbells or 500 g bottles of water in your hands. Your arms should be bent and unbent at the elbows, you can do this simultaneously or alternately. Number of repetitions – 5-6 times.
  2. For the chest: Without changing the starting position, you should bend your arms with dumbbells at chest level in front of you. Spread your limbs apart and return to the beginning of the exercise. Repeat 8 times.
  3. For the buttocks: lie down on a gymnastics mat, bend your left leg at the knee, place it on the ball. The right leg should rest completely on the foot. You need to slightly straighten your left leg and roll the fitball forward. Do the same exercise on the other leg. Repeat 15 times.
  4. For the back: you need to stand in a knee-elbow position, your back should be rounded, then lean on the ball with both hands, your head can be bowed on your hands. Stand like this for 5 minutes.
  5. For balance: while sitting on the ball, you should do light rocking left and right and back and forth, there is no need to lift your buttocks off the fitball! 15 times on each side will be enough.
  6. For the pelvic floor muscles - Kegel exercises: you need to sit on the ball, spread your legs wider, but there should be support on your feet.

    The vaginal muscles should be “pulled in” to the maximum, and then held for 4 seconds at the peak.

    Slowly relax and lower the muscles, as if pressing them into a fitball. Repeat 5-10 times.

Each lesson should end with breathing exercises. The inhalation should be deep and slow, and the exhalation should be gradual. To improve blood circulation, you should raise your arms up while taking in air and lower them as you exhale.

This straightens the chest and gives the baby extra space. During breathing exercises, you should pay attention to your posture.– the back should be straight, but not tense.

If you experience nausea, dark vision, or dizziness while performing any exercise, you should stop exercising on the ball and consult your gynecologist.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video that presents a set of exercises for a pregnant woman in the trimester of pregnancy:


Fitball exercises in the last trimester are not only a good option for keeping fit, but also excellent preparation for childbirth. Exercises on the ball help relieve back tension, prepare the cervix for dilation, improve mood.

Plus, a woman who became acquainted with a fitball during pregnancy will know how to correctly take a comfortable and most relaxing position during contractions. And this is an invaluable benefit in facilitating the birth process.

What is fitball?

Fitball is a ball. But the ball is special, designed for gymnastic exercises. It's big and bright. Made of special rubber with a built-in Anti-Burst System (ABS - anti-burst system). Thanks to this same ABS, the fitball does not deflate suddenly and does not burst due to mechanical damage. What protects you from injury while training with a Swiss ball. This is the second name for fitball. Because it was invented in Switzerland.

No matter how much you weigh, you can confidently trust the strength and shock absorption of the fitball.

The advantages of this type of gymnastics. Why should you prefer fitball exercises to other types of gymnastics during pregnancy?

Specialists from various gyms and correctional centers have noted that vibrations during these exercises and the shock-absorbing properties of the Swiss ball have a positive effect on the metabolism of expectant mothers, improve blood circulation in their internal organs and strengthen all muscle groups. The fitball relaxes, relieves tension, relieves stress on the spinal column, strengthens the muscles of the abdominals, hips, and perineum. Pregnant women need all this not only in order to bear and give birth to a healthy child without any problems, but also for the speedy recovery of already accomplished mothers after childbirth. And thanks to Kegel exercises, designed to work out the pelvic muscles (which cannot be strengthened in any other way), when the time comes, your baby's head will turn exactly as it needs to in order to pass through the birth canal smoothly.

Before you start doing gymnastics on a fitball, you should definitely consult about this with the gynecologist you are seeing. And only after he confirms that you have no history of contraindications to training, can you begin to exercise with a clear conscience.

How to choose a ball?

When looking for a fitball for pregnant women, how to choose the right ball is what should interest a woman first of all. So, everyone knows that balls differ in size. Which one is right for a woman? If fitballs are inflated in a store, the best option is to simply sit on top of it and look at the position of your feet. If the knees are bent at a right angle, the ball is created specifically for this woman. But what to do if the fitball is packaged in a box on retail shelves? To do this, you just need to find out its size and compare it with your height. So, if a lady has a height below 152 cm, she needs a ball with a diameter of 45 cm. If her height is from 153 to 165 cm, so to speak, average, it is better to take a ball with a diameter of 55 cm. For tall women whose height is above 165 cm, the size will be suitable fitball 65 cm. It is also important to remind you that it is better to buy any sports equipment, including similar balls, in certified stores. This is the only way to protect yourself from counterfeiting, and your health from various injuries when using low-quality products.

Basic poses

So, what could be the basic exercises (fitball for pregnant women)? In the videos that various trainers actively offer women, it can be seen that there are not so many poses for practicing with the ball. First: lying on the ball (stomach or back). This is necessary in order to strengthen the muscles of the back and abs. Second: sitting on a fitball. This is an excellent pose that helps train the pelvis and also works as a preventive measure for kidney problems and early uterine prolapse. Third: kneeling and lying on a fitball with the front of your torso. This pose is great for relieving back and lower back pain and also improves blood circulation. It is also important to say that all exercises on a fitball for pregnant women can be divided into three main large groups: these are muscle strengthening and stretching exercises, relaxation exercises, as well as Kegel exercises (training the deep muscles of the perineum, which is very useful during childbirth).

Simple exercises for pregnant women on a ball

    • While sitting on the ball, swing to the sides and back and forth. Make rotational movements with your hips - first clockwise, then counterclockwise. It may be more convenient to place the ball against the wall so you can stick to it.

Any swinging on the ball causes blood flow to the pelvic area and relieves tone. During pregnancy, if there is no threat of failure, such exercises can be done to eliminate tension and pain in the lower back and relax. During childbirth, movements on the ball will speed up the opening and facilitate the movement of the baby along the birth canal.

    • Lean on the ball, kneeling, and relax your lower back, finding the most comfortable position. Get down on your knees and lie on the fitball with your arms crossed (the upper torso should be comfortably placed on the ball). Now relax the muscles of your back, pelvis and abs as much as possible - this will relieve pain in the abdomen and back. During childbirth, this exercise will ease contractions.
    • The ball is convenient for doing exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, that is, straining and relaxing the muscles of the vagina and perineum.
    • Sit on a chair with a fitball in front of you between your legs. Squeeze the ball with your knees as if you were trying to push your legs together. This movement stretches and strengthens the muscles of the perineum.
    • Bends to strengthen your back and abs. Sit on a fitball with your legs spread apart for stability. Keep your hands on your waist and bend to the sides, then slowly turn your body left and right 15 times in two passes. Muscle pain during exercise is not allowed.
    • Take light – up to 1 kilogram – dumbbells. When balancing on the ball, bend your arms - they need to be strengthened, because you will have to withstand the stress of childbirth, where you will need strong arms, and then you will need to carry the baby often and a lot.
    • We sit down cross-legged, take the fitball at chest level and squeeze it with our hands, straining the pectoral muscles. Elbows point out to the sides. For the muscles of the chest and arms, it is also good to raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides while sitting on a fitball.
  • Now we lie on our back, keep one foot on the ball, and “ride a bicycle” with the other. The same starting position, but we lean on the floor with one foot and roll the ball back and forth with the other. These exercises provide an outflow of venous blood and are good for varicose veins and edema.

Important!During exercise, it is permissible to lie on your back for no more than 5 minutes so that the large vena cava is not compressed by the uterus.

How to use a fitball to prepare for childbirth

The structure of the ball, unlike a chair or armchair, helps relax the muscles of the back, pelvic floor and abs. That is why it can easily replace a sofa or chair. Sit on the ball and rock slightly while reading, watching TV, or just chatting.

With the help of the ball, it is convenient to master different positions for childbirth - while you are still pregnant, you can determine your sensations and the most comfortable positions. A fitball will help train vertical positions, and using the ball shortens the duration of labor by about an hour.

Some maternity hospitals practice the use of fitballs. You may be able to take your ball to the birth. After discharge, be sure to wash him with warm water and soap.

How the ball will help

  • The ball softens the pain of labor: if you move on the ball in rhythm with the contractions, they are easier to bear.
  • You can lean on the ball while kneeling. These positions ease the pressure on the pelvis and give the baby room to maneuver - he can lower himself with each contraction.
  • On your knees, hug the ball. Rock your hips from side to side.
  • Lean on the ball while standing (the ball lies on the bed or table).
  • When you sit or lean on an exercise ball, your partner can massage your lower back during contractions, which can help relieve pain.

Fitball after childbirth

  • After childbirth, it is more comfortable to sit on a lowered ball than on a chair (especially if there are still painful sensations or stitches).
  • It is healthier for posture to feed your baby while sitting on a fitball than on a soft sofa.
  • Swinging on the ball can not only improve your figure, but also calm your baby.
  • You can use a fitball to work at the computer instead of an office chair, and for a growing child, the ball will become one of the fun things to do.

Watch your diet, avoid physical and emotional stress, get plenty of rest and think about pleasant things - every pregnant woman hears such advice literally every day. However, minor physical activity is still needed. Such loads include exercises on a gymnastic ball, known as a “fitball”. Let’s take a closer look at the features of this type of fitness for pregnant women and tell you about the sets of exercises developed for each trimester of pregnancy.

What are the benefits of exercising on a fitball for pregnant women?

Fitball is a special large ball for fitness training. Almost everyone can do it. The initial reason for its creation was the search for optimal gymnastics options for pregnant women. As a result, sets of exercises on a large gymnastic ball were developed.

Did you know?This sports equipment is also called a gymnastic, orthopedic, fitness ball, as well as an anti-stress ball.

Gymnastics with a fitball is a source of benefits for the body of pregnant women.

Such activities help:

  • strengthening the nervous system, relieving stress and completely relaxing the body;
  • reducing muscle blockages;
  • improving metabolism;
  • stabilization of the spine, as well as reducing the load on it;
  • improving blood flow (which is useful for feeding the fetus, preventing stagnation of venous blood, and, accordingly, the formation of hemorrhoids), as well as the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, internal organs, and respiratory system;
  • strengthening and toning the muscles of the abdomen, lower back, back, chest, legs;
  • relieving back pain, which is especially important for pregnant women;
  • improving posture;
  • immediately before childbirth, an orthopedic ball helps to open the cervix and relieve labor pain;
  • the oscillations and vibrations of the ball have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, stomach, and adrenal glands.


The list of contraindications for exercising on an orthopedic ball is much smaller than the list of advantages, but there are still risks.
Exercises on a fitball are contraindicated for the following pathologies:

  • the presence of a risk of miscarriage or premature birth (women should be especially careful in the 1st and 3rd trimesters);
  • increased uterine tone;
  • abnormal position of the fetus;
  • severe spinal diseases;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • if the expectant mother suffers from kidney disease, pneumonia or heart disease.

Did you know?The birthplace of fitball is Italy and Switzerland. It was there that around the second half of the twentieth century an anti-stress ball appeared, which quickly won the hearts of both doctors and their patients.

How to choose the right ball

When selecting sports equipment for activities while expecting a child, it is important to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of doctors and trainers:

  1. The best place to purchase fitballs are specialized sports stores to avoid purchasing low-quality products. In the markets they may offer a fake that can burst during exercise, and this is fraught with the possibility of injuring the woman.
  2. Give preference to a durable ball with a smooth surface on which the seams are almost invisible.
  3. The ball must come with a pump. The fact is that during exercise the fitball may deflate a little, and a pump is needed to inflate it again.
  4. Focus on models that can withstand a weight of 150 kg (optimally 300–500 kg), since your husband may want to keep you company.
  5. Don't be tempted by the low price of inventory. Cheap balls are usually of poor quality. Firstly, they can burst and their service life is short. And, secondly, the cheap rubber that is used to make them often has a strong, toxic odor.
  6. The diameter of the ball can be 45–75cm. Its size must be chosen depending on the woman’s height. If it is less than 152 cm, buy a ball with a diameter of 45 cm. For those with a height of 152–156 cm, the optimal diameter is 55 cm. For women with a height of 165–173 cm, a diameter of 65 cm is suitable. And for those who are taller than 173 cm, doctors recommend a diameter of 75 cm. These parameters may fluctuate, it all depends on how comfortable the woman will feel using such equipment.

How to choose a fitball: video

Important! To make sure the stability ball is the correct size,sit down on it and bend your legs so that the angle is 90°. If your feet are loose on the floor- this is your size.

A set of exercises during pregnancy

A set of exercises with a fitball has its own characteristics in each trimester of pregnancy. The classes are united by a general rule: each workout should be preceded by a small exercise (warm-up). It is important for warming up the muscles and preparing the body for, albeit minor, loads.

Let's take a closer look at the features of the exercises for each period of gestation and the technique for performing them.

In the 1st trimester

Be sure to discuss your decision to use a fitball with your doctor. In the first period of waiting for the baby, it is important not to overload the body and not forget about rest.
The set of classes for this stage includes the following:

  1. Sit on the ball and rotate your pelvis in a circle in different directions, about 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other direction.
  2. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, extend your arms up above your head, placing the fitball on them. Try to make circular movements with your body clockwise, then in the other direction. The main rule of this exercise is a perfectly straight posture.
  3. Sitting on the floor, hold the fitball between your legs and do the following movements: alternately squeeze and unclench the ball with your feet (about 20 times).
  4. If your stomach is not yet enlarged, try lying down on the equipment with your feet on the floor and slowly ride it from your lower abdomen to your chest and vice versa.
  5. In a sitting position, lean in different directions. At the same time, remember that your back should be perfectly straight, your legs should be shoulder-width apart, and your arms should be in different directions. You only need to bend over while exhaling. One approach includes 10 inclinations (2 approaches are recommended).

Important! Keep track of your training time, it should not exceed 10 in the first trimester-15 minutes. Optimal time- 8 minutes. Keep your movements slow and smooth. Jumping and stretching are strictly prohibited.

Fitball exercises in the 1st trimester: video

In the 2nd trimester

The best time for training is the 12th–14th week. During this period, the woman’s condition normalizes and attacks of toxicosis decrease. It is recommended to perform each movement approximately 10 times, 2-3 approaches. Exercises during this period are aimed at training muscles.

  1. While sitting on the ball, place your hands on your shoulders and alternately align them in front of you. At the same time, you should move forward a little with the fitball. The main rule is a perfectly straight back.
  2. The “bending back” exercise is also done while sitting on a ball. It consists of moving your arms back and bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible, bending back a little.
  3. The set of exercises of this period includes turns. They are done while sitting on your heels. The equipment must be held at arm's length. Rotate your chest to the left (as you inhale), doing the same manipulations with the fitball in your hands. After returning to the starting position (as you exhale), turn to the right.
  4. Lie down on the floor and “hug” your wayward exercise machine with your knees bent. After this, tilt your legs to the right and left, but at a slight angle so as not to strain your abdominal muscles. In a similar position, you can do another exercise: here you need to tilt your legs one by one and place them back on the equipment.
  5. Sitting on the ball, spread your legs in different directions, and lean your hands on your equipment. Try to lean as far as possible to the left, then to the right. In this case, you need to balance with your legs and arms to maintain balance.

Important! For this stage of pregnancy, abdominal exercises and those that are accompanied by heavy loads on the back are contraindicated.

Exercises for pregnant women 2nd and 3rd trimester: video

In the 3rd trimester

During the last period of pregnancy, carefully monitor your well-being and listen to your body’s signals. You can’t overload, it’s better to do fewer exercises, but do them regularly.

Here are examples of what can be done if there are no contraindications:

  1. Lie on your side with your head on your arm. One leg is bent at the knee, place the other on an anti-stress ball. Roll the equipment with your foot towards the perineum area, while bending your leg.
  2. Sit on the ball and try to breathe shallowly like a dog.
  3. Taking a comfortable position, sitting on a fitball, alternate contraction and relaxation of the vaginal muscles.
  4. Standing perfectly straight, place one foot on the ball and easily move the foot with the ball in a circle. Then do the same with the other leg. If you have difficulty maintaining your balance, you can use your hands to support yourself.
  5. Take the ball in your hands and lift it above your head, then move your hands with the ball back a little, while alternately putting your right and left leg back.
  6. Do the exercise called “rolling” while leaning on a wall. The ball must be held between the back and the wall and slowly lowered down (while rolling the fitball) until the legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90°. Then climb back up.

Important! If you experience the slightest deterioration in your health, contact your doctor immediately.

Fitball exercises in the 3rd trimester: video

Class Rules

There is a list of rules that a pregnant woman who decides to do exercises on a gymnastic ball must adhere to:

  1. It is recommended to conduct training in a special center under the guidance of experienced specialists.
  2. If you decide to practice at home, then choose the most spacious room and remove any sharp or cutting objects that could puncture the ball.
  3. Beginners are advised to cover the base of the ball with towels to avoid falls if they lose their balance.
  4. It is important that your breathing is moderate while exercising and balancing on the ball.
  5. Make sure that your equipment does not overheat, that it does not lie close to heaters or in the open sun.
  6. If your health has worsened (fever, dizziness, stomach ache, nausea), exercise is strictly prohibited.
  7. You cannot overload the body: exercise should be moderate.
  8. It is important to monitor your heart rate and pulse rate.
  9. It is recommended to do the training in the morning or in the evening, before going to bed.
  10. In the 1st and 3rd trimesters, the duration of training can be 10–15 minutes, in the second - up to 30 minutes.
  11. If you did fitball before pregnancy, then forget the exercises you did. A pregnant woman is strictly prohibited from performing complex gymnastic exercises - only the recommended set of exercises.

So, a fitball can be called the optimal fitness equipment for pregnant women. Classes on it will help you properly prepare for childbirth and train muscle groups that will be involved in the birth process. The main rule of such training is to strictly coordinate it with your doctor and choose the right set of exercises, provided that the pregnancy proceeds without problems.

Thanks to the invention of the fitball by the Swiss, pregnant women around the world can now effectively train muscle flexibility, without any strength loads. The idea that when carrying a child, you need to carry yourself like a crystal vase and spend most of the day in bed has sunk into oblivion. Thanks to the fact that expectant mothers began to lead an active lifestyle during this difficult period and included gymnastics on a fitball for pregnant women, the duration and pain of the childbirth period was reduced. The recovery of the mother's body also goes faster if, even after the birth of the baby, this miracle ball is not pushed into the far corner.

Where to buy a fitball for pregnant women?

The purchase of this ball must be taken with full responsibility, because if you purchase a low-quality fake, there is a risk that it will not withstand the load and will one day burst under you, and this can lead to an injury to the tailbone, or even worse, to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Cheap fitballs on the markets are only externally identical to high-quality ones, but they are produced using conventional technology and can burst in a moment. The right fitball can withstand a load of up to 300 kilograms and, if damaged, deflates rather than bursting like its Chinese counterpart. Therefore, when purchasing, go to a sports equipment store, where the product is certified and has a guarantee.

How to choose a fitball for pregnant women?

If your height does not exceed 152 cm, then the diameter of the ball should be no more than 45 cm. If your height is up to 175 cm, the size you need is 65 cm. But for tall ladies, the ball can be 75 cm.

In terms of color, of course, every woman chooses the one she likes - bright colors make you be active and improve your mood. If you are at a loss, then ask a consultant how to choose a fitball for pregnant women. You may be advised to use balls with a rough surface to prevent slipping, or it may be divided in half - half smooth, the other rough. But mostly, there are ordinary ones with a ribbed rubber surface.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women

You can use a gymnastic ball in different ways - just sit on it, using it instead of a chair or computer chair, relieve muscle tension through relaxation and relaxation, or do fitness on a fitball for pregnant women. It is enough to master a few simple exercises to keep your body in good shape throughout your pregnancy.

Classes can begin when the threat of miscarriage has passed, and if there are no contraindications. In addition, now you can start training movements that will be useful during childbirth. After all, every maternity hospital now practices the use of fitball by women in labor, most of whom speak very positively about it.

A set of simple exercises on a fitball for pregnant women.

When exercising on a fitball for pregnant women, do not forget about safety precautions. Lower yourself down onto it slowly with your legs spread wide, placing your arm back for support. When you are just learning the ball, ask your loved ones for backup or hold on to the back of a chair.

Gymnastics for pregnant women with a fitball in pictures

During pregnancy, light physical activity won't hurt at all. For example, gymnastics for pregnant women using a fitball is a very gentle and enjoyable way to maintain excellent physical shape! A set of exercises is presented by fitness instructor for children and expectant mothers Ekaterina Leonova.

Gymnastics on a fitball is an excellent option for pregnant women who want to stay in good physical shape.

    A fitball is a convenient device for fitness. When a person sits on such a ball, his spinal column is aligned correctly, the load is removed from the spine, the back muscles relax, the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems improves, and blood circulation is activated.

It is useful not only to perform exercises on the ball, but also to simply sit on it instead of a chair.

Each exercise is performed 3-4 times.

Before performing exercises, consult your obstetrician-gynecologist.


I. p.: Sitting on the ball.
Bend forward with your arms stretched out in front of you, then straighten up and raise your arms up and slightly to the sides (it is not recommended for pregnant women to hold their arms directly above their heads!).

For relaxation

I. p.: Sitting on the ball.
Bend forward, resting your elbows on your knees. In this position, the back relaxes well.

Side turns

I. p.: Sitting on the ball, arms extended and lying on the ball.
Turn to the right, place your left hand behind your right leg. Lock the position. Then do this exercise facing the other way. It stretches the back muscles well.

Bends towards the leg

I. p.: Sitting on the ball, legs bent at the knees and standing on the floor.
Extend your right leg, placing it on your heel. Reach towards it with your whole body, touching the toe with your hand. Perform the exercise in the other direction.


I. p.: Standing, right foot forward, left foot back, left hand holding the ball.
Bend your left leg at the knee (while resting your left hand on the ball) and straighten up again. We do the same in the other direction.

Side bends

I. p.: Sitting on the ball, the right leg is moved to the side.
Stretch your right hand towards your right leg. Return to the starting position, perform in the other direction.

Roll the ball

I. p.: Standing, back bent, hands resting on the ball, feet shoulder-width apart.
Using our hands, we roll the ball forward, then return back. This exercise is very beneficial for the back muscles and shoulder joints.

Lying on the ball

I. p.: Sitting on the ball.
Try to lie with your back on the ball, with your legs slightly apart. This exercise relaxes the back muscles well and strengthens the legs.

"Active sitting"

I. p.: Sitting on the ball, hands on hips.
Let's try to ride a ball: with springy movements we move on the ball, first back and forth, then left and right, and finally, perform circular movements.

Keep the ball

I. p.: Standing, the ball in your arms outstretched forward.
Squeezing the ball in your hands, try to bring it as close to you as possible, and then move it away from you again. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the back and arms.

How to choose a ball for fitball?

    When buying a ball, pay attention to its size. You can check if the ball fits you in the following way: sit on it with your feet next to it. The resulting angle between the thigh and lower leg should be 90-100 degrees. If you do not have the opportunity to try on the ball, adhere to the following rule: for women with a height of 152 cm, a ball with a diameter of 45 cm is recommended, with a height from 152 to 165 cm - 55 cm, with a height from 165 to 185 cm - 65 cm.

Buy fitballs in stores, not in markets, otherwise you risk encountering a counterfeit: such balls are inferior in properties to quality products and may have a toxic rubber smell.

Do not store the fitball near radiators and heating devices, on the balcony in winter, near sharp objects.

To inflate the fitball, you will definitely need a pump.

Video. ball exercises for pregnant women
