Deadlift technique for women. Deadlift for girls: execution technique, video Barbell deadlift for girls

The passion for sports began to gradually gain popularity. A fit, slender silhouette, elastic buttocks, toned abs are the constant attributes of modern, fashion-conscious people. Thousands of men and girls flocked to gyms to get the figure of their dreams. Numerous sports sites on the Internet post on their pages fitness programs developed by experienced trainers for men and women who want to lose weight or improve overall body tone.

For the fair sex, there are special training sessions aimed at improving your figure and giving your body a seductive shape. Slender legs, elastic hips and buttocks - what girl doesn’t dream of this!

The list of exercises aimed at improving the shape of the hips and buttocks includes the basic ones: squats, hyperextension, lunges and deadlifts. The last exercise is ideal for women: it not only tightens important muscles, but also promotes weight loss.

Deadlift: efficiency and versatility

The deadlift is a multifunctional exercise using a barbell or dumbbells. She allows engage major muscle groups, including the back of the thighs, gluteal muscles, quadriceps, lumbar region, back muscles, shoulders and abs.

What are the benefits of deadlifting?

The energy consumption during a deadlift is colossal. According to experienced trainers, with the correct technique for performing the exercise, the body spends more energy than usual for a day or two after exercise. And a boosted metabolism is known to help you lose weight and get in better physical shape.

Exercise is considered anaerobic, especially if you gradually increase the load. Unlike cardio (running, fitness), deadlifting can help you lose weight faster.

When performing a deadlift, testosterone and growth hormone are produced - the main anabolic hormones that affect the processes of fat burning and muscle building. The waist area is narrowed, correct posture is formed by strengthening the core, and the appearance of cellulite is reduced.

Thus, girls who use deadlifts in personal training pump up the back and inner thighs, calf muscles, strengthen the back and abs, and tighten the gluteal region.

Different exercise options improve stretching. For example, deadlifts with straight legs are more effective than exercises on a block machine.

During the deadlift, the muscles of the back and lower back are used. This helps strengthen the back, straighten the spine, and remove fat folds under the shoulder blades.

Types and techniques of execution for women

The exercise has two types: on straight legs and on legs bent at the knees. Here are several options:

To achieve the “Brazilian butt” effect, deadlifts are performed on bent legs (this is how the lateral muscles of the buttocks are toned). If you need to pump up the back of your thighs, it is better to do deadlifts with straight legs. You can combine both of these types.

Beginners should start deadlifting with light weight. While the back is not strong enough, there is no need to overload it, otherwise there is a risk of injuring the spine and breaking the lower back. After several sessions with an empty bar, you can gradually load it. You can’t do without this, since only heavy weights will give a positive effect.

The following advice will help you perform the exercise correctly: the athlete does not lift the barbell, but his body; the bar and plates simply add additional load.

The number of repetitions depends on the experience of the athlete. For beginners, three approaches will be enough. 10 repetitions (with a barbell) or five sets of 25 times (with dumbbells) 2 days a week, interspersed with other exercises for the legs and buttocks.

There are many video trainings on the Internet demonstrating step-by-step execution of the exercise. Women should carefully study the technique of performing deadlifts so that it is as beneficial as possible for their figure and minimally hazardous to health.

Errors during execution

Deadlift– lifting the weight with a strong jerk of the hips. If you lift the weight with your back, you can break it. In the initial phase, you need to push, pressing firmly with your feet on the floor, while minimally using your back.

The movement is performed from the floor up, nothing else. That is, the initial phase is lifting the barbell. Some people start by lowering the bar down. It is not right.

It is a mistake to spread your legs wide, often this only interferes with lifting the barbell.

Don't bend your knees too early while lowering the bar. They bend them when the bar reaches them.

Do not tilt your body too much when lifting the barbell . Can be harmful to health.

The shoulders are practically motionless; you should not rotate them.

Romanian deadlift for girls

Very often, beginning athletes confuse the classic deadlift with the Romanian deadlift. But these two types are fundamentally different from each other.

In Romanian traction the movement starts from top to bottom. Less weights are used. The tilt of the torso on bent legs reaches only the level of the knees.

  • Come close to the bar, feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other.
  • Grasp the bar with a regular grip (slightly wider than shoulder width).
  • Bend your elbows, straighten your back, squeeze your shoulder blades together (the body is fixed and constantly motionless), slightly bend your knees.
  • Without spreading your shoulder blades, push your buttocks back, bend your back and, when bending, move your buttocks back a little more. The back is arched throughout the entire movement. When bending over, feel how the thigh muscles stretch. Do not round your back. Lift the weight with your hips and buttocks, not your lower back. Raise the bar slightly above the middle of your thighs. The head is raised, the gaze is directed forward.
  • Raise the bar straight up (holding the bar close to your feet, tilt your torso slightly) while pushing the floor with your feet (emphasis on your heels). If the muscles of the thighs are “burning”, and not the lower back, the deadlift is performed correctly.

Instead of a barbell, dumbbells

This version of the exercise differs from the barbell row only type of burden.

Take dumbbells (the weight is selected individually), stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, dumbbells at your sides.

Bend your back slightly and lower yourself forward, bending your knees a little more. Move your hands with dumbbells down to your feet (slide along your thighs). Exhale with effort.


Quite a rare variety of stanovoy. Differs from the classic one in the wider stance of the legs. Inner thighs work harder.


  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Curvature of the spine, intervertebral hernia.
  • Diseases of the joints of the arms and shoulders.
  • Hypertension and heart disease.

What are the most useful exercises for the fair sex? Powerful! But many girls try to avoid them, and this is in vain. One of these is the deadlift for girls. With its help you can perfectly tighten your entire body. And with the help of various variations, focus attention on the legs and buttocks.

This will require a minimum of equipment, and the effect will be maximum. You can work in the gym and at home. You can use a barbell, including a Smith machine, as a projectile.

Deadlifts are a great help in developing elastic and strong buttocks.

The deadlift remains an unremarkable exercise for most of the fair sex. As practice shows, the exercise is quite useful.

In addition, regular execution will increase strength in various deadlifts, preparing the body for strength work. Special attention should be paid to strengthening and strengthening the stabilizer muscles.

Should girls do deadlifts?

Deadlifts are an excellent solution for girls to strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Allows you to effectively and efficiently pump up your legs, buttocks and back, and regular work will significantly change your silhouette.

However, many are worried that they can overpump. But, if you work with small weights in a certain range of repetitions and approaches, the effect for girls will be as positive as possible.

In addition, the arms, shoulders and back are actively worked in the process. Therefore, speaking about harm, it is worth noting that there is more of the former in the exercise than the latter. As for harm, there are 2 reasons - incorrect technique or pathology in the form of injuries.

Deadlifts and sumo will bring maximum benefit to the fair sex.

The main benefits of deadlifts for girls:

  • Strengthens and develops the whole body;
  • Improves coordination;
  • Allows you to achieve a balance of stabilizer muscles;
  • Effectively fights fat deposits;
  • Activates metabolism;
  • Strengthens the thighs and buttocks in different variations.

Deadlift for girls: what muscles work?

The work involves 3/4 of the muscle groups of the whole body, namely the back, legs, lower back and arms. The back and lower back take the main load. With different variations, you can emphasize the load. The exercise can be performed in three variations, and the load will depend on each variation.

  • Classic. The lower back, in particular the spinal extensors, inner back and quadriceps, takes an active part in the work. Also included are the glutes, arms, and lats.
  • Sumo. The buttocks and quadriceps, as well as the adductor muscles of the thigh, work actively. The hamstrings receive a load as a stabilizer, and the spinal extensors experience a static load.
  • On straight legs. Almost the entire load falls on the hamstrings and buttocks.

The stabilizer muscles in the exercise are the abs and calves.

Types of deadlifts for girls

Deadlift with a barbell is a rather traumatic exercise, so it requires strict adherence to the execution technique. Compliance with it is an excellent guarantee of safety that the process of implementation will produce the most positive and not negative effect. Therefore, many people ask the question - how to do deadlifts with a barbell correctly?

  • The first step is to choose the appropriate weight. It’s better to start small and gradually increase the load.
  • It is imperative to warm up, this will warm up your muscles and prepare them for work. Also, avoid injury.
  • It's best to start the first few sets with light weights to warm up.

Let's look at the classic deadlift technique for girls:

  1. Starting position: We take equipment in our hands - a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebell, etc. Keep your back straight while making sure to arch in your lower back. Feet stand shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned to the sides for greater stability. The bar is located along the body, perpendicular to the quadriceps and can come into contact with it. The head is positioned level, looking forward.
  2. On the exhale: The body smoothly lowers down while simultaneously moving the pelvis back. As soon as we feel the tension in the lower back, we begin to squat with the help of our legs. We lower ourselves to the point where the body and floor are parallel. The barbell or apparatus should be positioned as close to the body as possible. They don't have to touch the floor itself.
  3. On inhalation: We take the starting position again, maintaining an even position of the body. We don’t linger at the bottom point.

Sumo deadlift: how to do it correctly

This variation is characterized by a wide stance of the legs. The technique of performing with any apparatus, be it a barbell, kettlebell or dumbbells, will be the same. The main goal of the exercise is to work the inner part of the leg, in particular the adductor muscles of the thigh.

Can be performed both with a barbell and with dumbbells - the execution technique is identical. Its advantages are that it allows you to work out the inside of the legs well and strengthen the stabilizer muscles. Therefore, the wide stance of the legs in the sumo style is much better than the classic deadlift for girls.

Sumo deadlift technique:

  1. Starting position: We place our feet shoulder-width apart. We turn the socks at an angle of 45 degrees in different directions. It is due to this rack that the load is shifted. The grip of the barbell is slightly wider than shoulder width. The back is straight.
  2. On the exhale: We begin to lower ourselves down, smoothly bending our knees, maintaining the position of the body. It is very important to keep your knees and feet at the same level. You can't bend your knees. Leaning your body forward as much as possible, we begin to work with our legs. We work on the same principle as in classical traction.
  3. On inhalation: We quickly rise up, pushing ourselves with our feet. Don't pause at the bottom.

Romanian deadlift

A good solution for evenly working out both the top and bottom. This result is achieved due to slightly bent knees, making the Romanian deadlift for girls a universal exercise. How to do it correctly:

  1. Starting position: Same as classic. The knees are slightly bent, while the body should be pulled back.
  2. On the exhale: We lower ourselves down, while moving our buttocks back. The movement is tilting the body to the point of strong tension in the buttocks and hamstrings. Therefore, the range of movement will depend solely on the flexibility of the athlete.
  3. On inhalation: We return to the starting position. The hamstrings are always tense.


Its peculiarity is a special position of the body, in which the load is accentuated on the back of the thigh and buttocks.

Deadlifts with a barbell are an excellent solution for women and girls who want to get attractive legs and slender buttocks.

Improper execution technique can lead to injury. An important point is complete control of all movements.

Deadlift on straight legs - correct technique:

  1. Starting position: The position of the legs is slightly narrower than shoulder width, chest forward, natural arch in the lower back. We press the projectile in our hands as close as possible to the body.
  2. On the exhale: We descend smoothly. At the same time, we move the buttocks and torso back. The movement is tilting the body to the point of strong tension in the buttocks and hamstrings. Your knees should not bend throughout the entire exercise.
  3. On inhalation: We return to the starting position. The biceps of the thigh is always under tension, and at the top point it may not fully straighten.

What equipment can you use for deadlifting?

The classic technique is to use a barbell. However, to diversify your training, it is recommended to pay attention to other equipment. This will help shift the load angle a little and give good results. Today the most popular are:

  • With a fingerboard. A classic option that is used in any strength sport.
  • In Smith. It turns off the work of stabilizer muscles, suitable for beginners or those recovering from injuries. Suitable as an additional exercise, but it is better to work with free weights.
  • Weight. Due to the shift in amplitude, more load is placed on the middle of the back and forearms.
  • With dumbbells. Similar to a kettlebell, the load moves closer to the center and also engages the forearms.

Should girls do deadlifts with dumbbells?

Deadlifts using dumbbells are a fairly unremarkable exercise for many. As practice shows, it is quite useful, in particular for girls, beginners and those who are recovering.

Regular execution will increase strength in various deadlifts. This is achieved due to the high load of the stabilizer muscles. This prepares the body for heavy strength work.

The main “trick” of deadlifts with dumbbells is to increase the amplitude by a couple of centimeters. Thanks to this, more muscle fibers take part in the work and the muscles stretch better. The technique is identical to the classic one with a barbell.

A large selection of weights will allow everyone to find a working option. This will be especially useful for girls. Because it will not only strengthen the muscles, but also allow for good stretching. This minimizes the risk of injury.

What weight should women deadlift with?

Very often girls ask this question. But there is no clear answer to this. How many kg to do is an individual question. It all depends on your goals, wishes and physical capabilities.

As a rule, the working weight is from 20 to 40% of the one-time maximum. This is quite a comfortable weight for many girls. But it is better if he is selected by an experienced coach, taking into account all the wishes.

What are the possible contraindications?

All heavy basic exercises that work several or more muscle groups have contraindications for a certain group of athletes. An axial load is placed on the spine, which can lead to a worsening of the situation for those experiencing problems.

Therefore, the exercise should not be performed by those who have various back diseases. These include intervertebral hernia, curvature of various parts of the spine.

We strongly recommend that you consult with an experienced trainer before attempting this exercise.

What are the common mistakes?

As a rule, when performing deadlifts, especially in the first approaches, many people make mistakes, so it is advisable to have someone experienced from the outside observe the execution technique. Here are the main ones:

  1. Uneven back and lower back. A very common mistake, particularly among novice athletes. Under the weight, the back hunches heavily and an unnatural deflection occurs in the lower back. Risk of injury.
  2. Projectile position. Many beginners make a common mistake - holding the barbell or dumbbells in front. With a lot of weight, the shoulder blades anatomically drop down and force the upper back to round. The result is a hump, in which the exercise becomes ineffective and traumatic.

I’ll say right away that I am a fan of deadlifts, and, therefore, I know quite a lot about this exercise. For the first time, the deadlift interested me not so long ago, when I was doing a circuit training (setup + deadlift (40 kg) + burpees; 8 circles of 12 reps) and noticed that what exhausted me the most were the ones that were not scary to everyone who encountered them, burpees, namely a deadlift with a rather symbolic weight. But I did it slowly, observing the rules of breathing and technique, which in theory should have made my life easier, but no! This struck a chord with me, and I began to little by little find out useful information on the Internet, which allowed me to draw one interesting conclusion: deadlifts for girls who want to lose weight, get toned and become stronger are simply a universal exercise. Why? Read on.

Deadlift and a little anatomy

We all remember very well that to perform an exercise well, you need to study its technique in detail, right? There are several variations of the deadlift, but I'll tell you about the two most popular techniques and what muscles they work:

  • Sumo deadlift– this deadlift for girls is simply ideal, for the simple reason that it is the least traumatic and at the same time allows you to work out several important muscle groups for any girl: legs, rectus dorsi, buttocks and abs. An auxiliary factor when performing a sumo deadlift is the deltoid and forearm muscles. In other words, all those muscle groups that our fair half of humanity has always tormented in fitness centers are present in one single exercise! Yes, and it’s quite simple to do. Legs are placed wide apart, almost next to the barbell plates, hands between the legs, slightly wider than the shoulders. Take the barbell with a grip that is comfortable for you, crouching down and bending slightly, after which, with a clear movement of the legs, and then the back, we lift the barbell. That's all the simple technique.

Important! Girls' deadlifts, and especially sumo deadlifts, require your muscles and ligaments to be well-warmed up. Do not attempt this exercise without a preliminary warm-up and a preparatory approach with an empty bar.

  • Deadlift on straight legs– if in the previous version of the deadlift the work was done to a greater extent by the legs and back, then straight-legged deadlift is a completely different story. Here you will pull the barbell using the combined force of your hamstrings, glutes, and rhomboid dorsi. The technique is as follows: the legs are straight, straight (not maximally, a slight bend of 2-3 degrees in the knees is allowed), the back is straight, taut as a string, the gaze is directed in front of you. Perform an incline, take the barbell and rise to the initial point of amplitude. This technique is more dangerous, since the body position in this case is unnatural and there is a constant desire to sit down. You should select the weight very carefully, since the back muscles in this case will take a long time to get used to this kind of load, but the butt and legs will respond to the exercise from the very first day and you will definitely see the result!

Important! Keep your back straight, because if you bend, you will not only deform your spine and risk tearing any of the three muscles listed above, but you can also easily get a hernia.

The benefits of deadlifts for girls

I have already mentioned that the deadlift for girls is a universal exercise, but I meant not only the volume of muscles that work during this exercise, but also the effect that the deadlift has on our body:

  • - Low intensity work allows the cardiovascular system to work without exceeding its normal limits and, at the same time, you will need a lot of oxygen. As a result, we get two bonuses at once: we expand the chest, which lifts the chest, and also train the heart and blood vessels;
  • — The large volume of muscles worked when performing deadlifts requires a large amount of energy, and, therefore, the body will consume this energy from accumulated fat, which will lead to a rapid decrease in the percentage of subcutaneous fat.

But be careful! And this is especially true for those who have not previously performed deadlifts at all, because this exercise has one side effect. Due to the strong tension of the muscles during the deadlift, the tissues are worked deeper and torn over the entire area of ​​the muscle mass. In other words, the next day it will hurt you to walk and sit. And all because of sore throat, but a hot bath and massage will solve your problem, and subsequently the pain will not be so obvious.

Watch this short video to get the basic training points for the sumo deadlift.


Hello everyone. Our article today will be devoted to the most famous exercise among all powerlifters and bodybuilders - the deadlift. For girls, and it is for you that we are writing this article, this is the most effective exercise that will help you tone and pump up the muscles of your legs and buttocks. Well, let's talk about everything in order.

Deadlift- This is a universal exercise that works a huge number of muscles, and at the same time requires a minimal amount of equipment. When performing a deadlift, in addition to the legs and buttocks, the muscles of the back, arms and shoulders are involved. To perform a deadlift, you need dumbbells or a barbell. Moreover, very light weight equipment is suitable for girls, since there is no need for you to lift huge weights. Even doing deadlifts with dumbbells weighing 12 - 15 kilograms will perfectly load your muscles.

Deadlift is one of the main exercises, performing which your buttocks will become elastic and beautiful.

There are several types of deadlift execution: classical, sumo And on straight legs. Here we will look at the latter option, since it is this deadlift technique that uses the muscles of the legs and buttocks that girls need. In fact, there is no difference between deadlifting with a barbell or with dumbbells, but we will still talk in detail about how to do it with both apparatus.

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Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell

So, first, let's draw your attention to the most important points that you should always pay attention to. These are the key points that will help you deadlift correctly. After all, doing the deadlift incorrectly may not only not help you, but also make your condition worse.

The first and most important thing you should pay attention to is your posture. Your back, throughout the entire exercise, there should be perfectly flat. Imagine that instead of a spine you have a metal rod that cannot be bent.

Although the name of the exercise says “on straight legs,” you don’t need to take it literally; on the contrary, throughout the exercise, your legs should be slightly bent at the knees and only at the end of the exercise you need to straighten your legs.

« Look only forward!“- this phrase sounds in my head every time I approach the barbell. My coach always repeated these words to me. If you look forward all the time, this will allow you to easily keep your back straight, and as you already understand, a straight back is the key to correct posture.

And most importantly, feel your muscles working. Don’t do the exercise mindlessly, focus on the muscles of your legs, on your buttocks, imagine their contraction. This may sound crazy, but it really allows you to perform the exercise well.

Straight-legged deadlift for women

Now let's turn to the exercise itself. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and grasp a barbell (A) in your hands. The weight of the bar should not be very large. Now lean down, don’t forget about your posture and look “only forward” (B). Bend over until the bar is just below your knees. At the same time, do not forget to slightly bend your knees (C). Then we return to the starting position (A).

Now let's look at the mistakes that you may have when performing deadlifts on straight legs:

1. So-called, squatted, that is, a strong lowering of the pelvis down. Remember that when performing a deadlift, your pelvis should only move back, neither up nor down, but only back. In any position, yours should be an extension of your back.

2. You put all the stress on your heels, and the socks come off the floor. This is a very serious mistake that you should never repeat. Remember: you should always rest on your full foot, as if you were glued to the floor.

Do you want to know ? All about training your legs and buttocks at home in this article.

Do you want to pump up, but you can’t go to the gym? Then about training at home is for you.

And at this address you can find out a lot of information about the properties of protein foods.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Let's figure out whether performing a deadlift with dumbbells is different from performing it with a barbell.

In fact, there is no difference, so if you don’t have a barbell at home, but only dumbbells, then you can do deadlifts the same way without any problems. Get into the starting position, take dumbbells (A) in your hands. Lean forward with your knees slightly bent (B). Lower the dumbbells to a point 5–6 centimeters below your knees and return to the starting position.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this exercise. The most important thing is to remember all the tips that we have outlined for you in this article and practice. By the way, about training. Perform deadlifts 2 – 3 times a week. This exercise can be combined with other exercises for the legs and buttocks.

Video of deadlifts for girls

Good afternoon, dear readers of our site! Today we want to tell you about a very popular exercise that no bodybuilder can do without - the deadlift. You can find out how to perform this exercise correctly in order to avoid injuries and achieve excellent results, and what its benefits are for the fair half of humanity in this article.

What is a deadlift and why is it needed?

The deadlift is a basic barbell exercise that uses a large number of muscles: erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, upper back, forearms, glutes, hamstrings, adductors and hips.

The secondary load goes to: trapezius, serratus and rhomboid muscles, shoulder muscles, deltoids, abdominal muscles, thigh muscles, gluteal and hamstring muscles, lower leg, gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior muscles. Moreover, deadlift is useful for both men and women, as it strengthens the entire body, helps burn unnecessary fat and develops the muscles of the whole body.

There are several options for performing deadlifts:

  • Classic deadlift;
  • Straight-legged deadlift (Romanian deadlift);
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Romanian deadlift with dumbbells on one leg;
  • Sumo deadlift.

Why deadlift is effective and useful for girls

Some girls in the gym avoid this exercise, considering it too difficult and only for strong male hands. And in vain! It is not at all necessary to immediately take on heavy weights; at first it is enough to use not very heavy dumbbells or a barbell.

Deadlifts are one of the most energy-intensive exercises, so they are great for getting rid of fat deposits and getting rid of cellulite, especially in the thighs. It will also help tidy up the muscles of the buttocks, inner and back thighs. After all, every woman dreams of a beautiful and inflated butt, so not a single workout for the lower body will be complete without this exercise.

Also, by loading your back muscles, you can make your back straight and toned. Therefore, you can always confidently wear currently fashionable dresses with an open back.

Deadlift technique

Since there are several techniques for performing this exercise, we will consider them all.

Classic deadlift:

The position of the squat determines which muscles will be subject to greater stress. When the back is parallel to the floor (Fig. 1), the back muscles are more loaded, since the exercise begins with raising the back to a vertical position. If you take a position with your thighs parallel to the floor (Fig. 2), then the main load will be on the legs and buttocks, since the exercise begins with straightening the legs.

Rice. 1 Rice. 2

  • Crouching, grab the barbell with an overhand grip, palms slightly wider than your pelvis;
  • The back is completely straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, there is a slight arch in the lower back;
  • Straighten up completely, smoothly and without jerking. At the same time, make sure that your back and spine are completely straight and your shoulder blades are brought together;
  • Hands at this moment should not pull the barbell, they act as cables;
  • The bar moves vertically, as close as possible to the hips and shins;
  • Look straight ahead;
  • When lowering the barbell, you must begin by bending your knees and moving your pelvis back.

Straight Leg Deadlift (Romanian Deadlift)

This version of the deadlift works equally well on the buttocks and back of the thighs, as well as on the back muscles.

Romanian deadlift

  • While standing, grab the barbell with an overhand grip, palms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart;
  • The back is straight with a slight arch in the lower back, the shoulder blades are brought together;
  • Look straight ahead throughout the entire exercise;
  • We begin to lower the body smoothly, by tilting the back and moving the pelvis back;
  • You can keep your legs straight, or you can bend them a little;
  • The barbell is lowered vertically, as close as possible to the hips and knees;
  • We bring the barbell to the middle of the shin and return to the starting position.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Classic deadlift with dumbbells Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

This version of the deadlift can be done both in the Classic way and in the Romanian way. You can hold dumbbells in front of you (like a barbell) or at your sides. This method is especially suitable for beginners or those who practice at home. The execution technique is no different from the previous options.

Romanian single leg deadlift

To perform this exercise, it is best to use a dumbbell or other convenient weight, not a barbell.

  • Standing on one right leg, grab a wall or other convenient vertical surface with your left hand;
  • We hold a dumbbell in our right hand;
  • With a straight back, we lower the body down, move the thigh of the left leg back until it is parallel with the floor;
  • Look straight ahead;
  • We return to the starting position;
  • We change sides.

Sumo Deadlift

This version of the exercise uses the muscles of the legs and buttocks more, and especially the adductor muscles of the thighs.

Sumo Deadlift

  • In this exercise, the legs are positioned much wider than the shoulders, toes to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The back is completely straight, with a slight arch in the lower back, the shoulder blades are brought together;
  • We take the barbell with an overhand grip, palms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart;
  • The thighs at the lowest point are parallel to the floor, the angle at the knee is 90 degrees;
  • We lift the barbell off the floor with a push from the hips, smoothly straighten the body, at this moment the arms are straight, look ahead;
  • We return to the starting position.

How to Avoid Injury When Deadlifting

In fact, this is an effective exercise that is not dangerous if you follow all the rules of the technique. But mistakes are also common, especially among beginners who practice on their own.

Let's look at the main execution errors that can lead to various injuries and will not bring any positive results for your figure:

  • Performing the exercise without warming up.

We will not tire of repeating that you should always start any type of training, especially with weights, only after a good one. It is better to use minimal weight to begin with to prepare the muscles and joints, and then take on more.

  • Using too much weight.

The weight should be such that you can perform 3-4 sets of 15-20 times, while feeling tension in the muscles, but not severe overexertion and, especially, pain.

  • Rounded lower back, stooped.

It is very important! If you cannot keep your back and shoulders straight and your shoulder blades retracted, then you should reduce the weight you are training with. If you train with a barbell, remove all weights and train with an empty bar. If this doesn’t help, then dumbbells will always come to the rescue.

And be sure to keep your gaze straight ahead at both the lowest point and the highest.

  • Pulling the shoulders back and strongly arching the lower back at the top.

Bending too much back can be harmful to your lower back, and pulling your shoulders back can even cause chronic pain and injury to a joint, ligament, or muscle. Therefore, it is not advisable to perform these movements. At the top point you should be standing straight, shoulder blades retracted, knees straight.

Powerlifters can do this, but this does not mean that it is correct and safe.

  • Bend your arms at the elbows.

There is no need to bend your elbows at all. Your arms should be completely straight, hanging under the weight of the barbell or dumbbells. Only the muscles of the hands and shoulders work. The biceps and triceps are completely relaxed and stretched.

  • Sudden movements.

All bends and lifting should be smooth without sudden jumps and movements, otherwise it is fraught with injuries, and you will not be able to lift normal weight.

That's all for today. We hope that we have told you enough about such an effective strength exercise as the deadlift. Train regularly, work on your body and then it will work for you!
