Annual training for the marathon 42. Preparation for the marathon. Training plan. Run. Alcohol before training

Running a marathon is the dream of many athletes. In this article we will talk about what to pay attention to when drawing up a preparation plan for these competitions, as well as what open sources to use - books, recommendations of famous coaches, online resources with ready-made preparation plans.

What will help you make a plan?

Reading books about running

Undoubtedly, a very large wealth of information and recommendations is contained in books about sports (primarily running), which came from the pens of famous people. Let us present to you a brief description of the most famous of these books.

Grete Waitz, Gloria Averbukh “Your first marathon. How to finish with a smile."

According to reader reviews, this work is quite enough to get answers to many questions about the marathon from beginners. The book will also help in planning preparations for competitions and will give answers on how to successfully reach the finish line.
In her work, the famous winner of many titles, Grete Weitz, shares her experience. The athlete tells, first of all, why you should run, what a marathon is and what its features are. She notes that this competition is a powerful emotional experience that can change your life forever.
The author also provides answers to all the basic questions that beginners may have when preparing for a marathon.

"Running with Lydiard"

This work, written by the famous trainer and popularizer of jogging Arthur Learyard, is both motivating and educational. The author explains why running is better than other types of physical activity and what effect it has on health.

Also for those who jog, the work presents training programs for competitions at various distances - from ten to twenty-one kilometers, for steeplechase and cross-country. At the same time, a gradation has been made for athletes of different genders, ages and sports experience, as well as advice for beginners. In addition, the book talks about running itself, choosing equipment,

Jack Daniels "From 800 meters to marathon"

This is a fundamental and serious book written by a famous trainer and based on his own experience. The work is suitable for an athlete of any level who wants to draw up a training plan himself. The first part of this work talks about the principles of training and their planning, sports form, what the body’s reaction to training is.

The second part lists types of training such as easy and long running, marathon pace, and threshold, interval and repetition training. The third part contains plans for health training, and the fourth contains plans for preparing for various competitions: from 800 meters to the marathon.

Pitt Fitzinger, Scott Douglas "(distances from 5 km to marathon)"

According to reader reviews, this is a serious book that is intended for athletes who are seriously involved in running.

The first part of the work talks about the physiology of running, giving definitions of what it is:

  • MPC and base speed,
  • endurance,
  • during running training,
  • physiological features of training athletes of the fair sex,
  • How to avoid injuries and overuse.

The second part of the book presents training plans for different distances, and for each there are several plans, depending on how serious the athlete’s aspirations are. Practical examples from the lives of professional runners are also given.

Online resources with preparation plans

On various online resources you can find tips, recommendations and ready-made plans for preparing for races at various distances, including marathons.

On this resource you can create a training plan to prepare for competitions over a certain distance. To do this, you should indicate your age, gender, as well as the results of the race over a specific distance. All this can be done without registration and completely free.

As a result, you will receive a plan that will contain the following cycles:

  • Preparation,
  • trial run,
  • reduction in volumes,
  • race,
  • recovery.

Training plans from various manufacturers of sporting goods and equipment

Various plans may appear, for example, on the websites of manufacturers of various gadgets:, Garmin, and so on. At the same time, you can immediately start tracking the implementation of the planned plan (using purchased gadgets, for example, sports watches); you do not need to keep a separate diary with reports.

This service offers paid, fairly detailed training plans. For example, a marathon training plan will cost about $30.

There is also a free SmartCoach service, with which you can actually develop a short training plan for a specific distance by entering the following data:

  • distance,
  • your current result,
  • planned mileage for jogging per week,
  • difficulty level.

Training programs on various marathon sites

When registering for a specific competition on the official marathon website, you can download a training plan from there, depending on your level of training.


These calculators will be needed to calculate the level of maximum oxygen consumption MIC). Thanks to it, you can determine the pace of your training.

Ready-made marathon training plans

Marathon Training Plan for Beginners

The plan is designed to prepare for 16 weeks, classes should be carried out daily.

  • On Monday During the first five and last two weeks we run a distance of five kilometers. Within 6-9 weeks - seven kilometers, within 10-14 weeks - 8 kilometers.
  • On Tuesday- rest.
  • On Wednesday We run a distance of seven kilometers during the first three days, and eight kilometers during the next three. Weeks 7-8 we run 10 km, week 9 – 11 km. In weeks 10-14 we cover 13 km per workout, in week 15 – 8 km, in the last week, week 16 – five.
  • On Thursday We run five kilometers for the first five weeks, seven kilometers for the next four weeks. During weeks 10-14 – eight kilometers, in week 15 – 5 km. We end the last week by walking three kilometers.
  • On Friday rest. No need to lie on the couch. You can walk, swim, bike ride, jump rope.
  • Saturday– the day of the longest distances, from 8 to 32 km. At the same time, in the last week of training, the final stage is overcoming the marathon distance.
  • On Sunday- rest.

Training Plan for Intermediate Runners

We present to you an eighteen-week training plan for experienced runners.

During it, you will have quite difficult weeks in which you will have to actively work on endurance. There will also be some fairly easy weeks at the end where you need to recover.

When preparing for a marathon, you need to follow a diet, eat protein foods, healthy fats, and slowly digestible carbohydrates. But fast food, sweets and other “food garbage” should be refused. You should drink more water, eat fruits and fresh vegetables.

The workout is broken down by day of the week:

Monday- this is time for recovery. On this day you need to move actively: ride a bike, swim, go for a walk in the park, jump rope, go for a slow half-hour jog. With the help of such activity, decay products will be removed from the leg muscles after a long workout, and recovery will be faster.

On Tuesday Short training sessions are planned. With their help, you can develop your running technique, hone your speed and overall endurance.

The training consists of the following phases:

  • 10-minute warm-up, easy slow jogging.
  • We run five to ten kilometers at a speed of sixty to seventy percent of the maximum.
  • five minute cool down.
  • stretching.

At the beginning of the plan, a short workout should be done at a distance of 5 kilometers, then gradually increase to 10 kilometers, and then decrease to 6 kilometers

Also, for 18 weeks, include strength training in your workout five to seven times, do exercises for the leg muscles, pump up your abs, do lunges and squats (three sets of ten to twelve times). If possible, visit the gym for strength training.

On Wednesday Interval training is planned. They will help you develop muscle strength, increase endurance, accumulate “fuel” for further exercise, and hone your running speed.

Training may include the following:

  • Ten minute warm up.
  • The interval is performed at seventy percent of your maximum effort. We run a maximum of four times for 800-1600 meters, then jog for two minutes. We keep the pace, especially towards the end.
  • five-minute cool-down, at the end - mandatory stretching.

On Thursday– again a short workout of five to ten kilometers plus strength training (on your own or in the gym).

On Friday vacation planned. You should definitely rest! This will provide an opportunity to unload the muscles and blood vessels, and to relax psychologically.

On Saturday We conduct a short training session over a distance of five to ten kilometers at the pace of a marathon runner.

On Sunday– long training, the most important. During it, your body must get used to working for a long time.

The training consists of the following:

Let's look at each of the phases in more detail.

Phase 1. Basic quality

During it, the following activities take place (in fact, the foundation is laid):

  • easy jogging.
  • the volume gradually increases.
  • short speed segments are added 3-4 weeks after the start of training.
  • The main thing is to get used to the regularity of your training schedule. We introduce running into our usual lifestyle.

Phase 2. Early quality

During this phase, the main thing is to hone your technique and breathing.

For this:

  • In addition to light running, we conduct high-quality training twice a week, focusing on intervals and running on hilly terrain (especially if the marathon in which you are going to take part will not take place on flat terrain).
  • Training volumes should be moderate and amount to approximately 70% of the maximum.

Phase 3. Transitional quality

According to runners, this phase is the most difficult in the entire preparation process. During it, we pump up the systems that are important to us during the marathon.

  • Quality training is still carried out twice a week, but the mileage during the week should be increased.
  • Training volumes at the end of this phase (in the last two weeks, as a rule) should reach peak values.
  • There are no intervals, but the distances of threshold exercises should be increased.
  • We also add training for a long time at the pace of marathon runners.

Phase 4. Final quality.

The finish line in the preparatory stage for the competition.

During it we carry out:

  • two quality workouts per week.
  • We reduce mileage from peak values ​​to seventy, and then sixty percent of volumes.
  • We maintain the training intensity at the same level, leaving threshold training.

Using the tables from the books, you should create an individual training plan for each week, as well as a diary template.

According to users, the training plan described in this book is not boring, demanding and balanced.

Training Plans for Marathon Prep

Rating: 4.3 3 votes

We looked at the basics of the Hanson marathon method in , and today we’ll look at a marathon training plan for beginner-level runners.

I would like to note on my own that being a beginner does not mean that you should enter the world of running from this level! The marathon is a story for which you need to prepare the base and should not be taken on in the first year of running at all. You can prepare for shorter distances first. So this is a plan for “marathon newbies.”

I will add that the volumes in it are not so small, although, of course, more advanced runners run more for the marathon, as a rule, but these volumes may be enough for a decent result. With volumesas we said , everything is very individual.

The plan is right for you if:

  • You haven't run a marathon, but have already competed in other distances;
  • We ran a marathon, but did not train systematically, doing several intense workouts a week.


The plan is for 18 weeks, with 1-2 rest days, one speed workout (segments), one tempo workout and one long workout.

The plan can be opened/downloaded as a Google Sheet using the link.

The volume for the week in the plan is indicated taking into account warm-ups and cool-downs. They should be 3-5 km as recommended by the authors.

The number without additional comments is the number of kilometers of easy running.

The speed at which you need to run the segments

For sections up to 1200 meters— calculated based on your time for 5 kilometers (the authors suggest in their tables the time for results for 5 km from 15:30 to 30:00):

  • 400 meters- in 1:15 if you run 5 km in 15:30, 1:18 if in 16:00, 1:20 with a result of 16:30 and so on, adding 5 seconds to the segment for each minute of the result on the top five.
  • 600 meters- 1:52 for five at 15:30, 1:55 at 16:00, 1:59 at 16:30, 2:03 for 17:00 and so on (for every extra half a minute we add 3 seconds, then three times 4 seconds for every next half minute, then again 3-4-4-4).
  • 800 meters - It's easier here. If you run 5 km in 20:00, you need to run the 800-meter segment in 3:15. If you run 30 seconds faster (19:30), the time in the segment decreases by 5 seconds (3:10), and vice versa. That is, with a result of 22:00 in the top five, you need to run the segment in 3:35.
  • 1 kilometer- at the pace at which you run 5 km in a competition (if in 24 minutes, that means 4:48 kilometer segments in training).
  • 1200 meters- in 3:42 for a result of 15:30, 3:50 for 16:00, 3:57 for 16:30 and so on (add alternately 7 and 8 seconds for every half a minute on the five).
  • 1600 meters- in 5:00 for a result of 15:30, then add 10 seconds for every half a minute on the five (if you run 5 km in 19:00, then you need to run 1600 meters in training in 6:10).

If the algorithm scares you, you have questions, or you want to know the time for your exact result, write to me. Well, or - if you feel that you like the plan and are ready to work on it - why not buy the book Hansons Marathon Method, everything is there in detail and in tables. True, there is no book in Russian.

For sections from 2000 meters- 10 seconds per mile faster than your goal pace for a future meet (you can use calculators like this one to convert from miles to kilometers and calculate your pace based on the result).

The rest between segments is jogging. It is indicated in the plan through a slash.

Tempo for tempo training

Tempo races need to be run at the same pace as planned for the race, based on the target time.

Pace for Long Workouts

If you haven’t been running for very long and you don’t have a lot of long training behind you, run them at the same pace as light ones. That is, so that it is subjectively easy for you, so that you can speak relatively comfortably while running, if there is an interlocutor nearby.

If you have experience, you can run at moderate intensity, 15-20 seconds per kilometer slower than marathon pace.

For many, the first half marathon becomes that very step, after overcoming which you mutate, turn into and become seriously hooked on this business :)

The distance of 21 km 97.5 meters is rewarding: long enough for it to be cool and perceived as a challenge, but at the same time physiological and easily “digested” by a prepared body. In addition, preparing for it is not as time-consuming and time-consuming as preparing for a marathon, and fits well into the schedule of normal life.

For those who are thinking about their first half, I’m sharing my thoughts on when to take aim at her, what a sane plan looks like, and what else needs to be taken into account when preparing. As always, everything is based on personal experience and does not pretend to be true. At the end, I will share the preparation plan for the first half-marathon from Runners World, which I used 4 years ago so that the “flight into space” (as 21 km was perceived at that time) became.

At what level should I start preparing for my first half marathon?

Today the trend is quick results: to hop! and already a beautiful achievement, which can be proudly boasted on social networks. All kinds of training programs “from scratch to half marathon” in a month or two for amateur beginners are just from this series.

In principle, a half, unlike a marathon, is a distance that some are able to overcome on pure foolishness :) But the chance of doing this without negative consequences for an ill-prepared body is not very high.

Even with the dumb program “from zero to 21 km in 7 weeks,” you will most likely crawl halfway, but switching to a walk and in the end hating all this running and yourself at the same time.

As a bonus, the title of half marathon runner may include:

  • injuries, especially knee, hip and ankle joints, ligaments. They may not appear immediately - many of them are cumulative.
  • heart problems
  • decreased immunity

Whether the imaginary achievement is worth the risk, everyone decides for themselves.

Creating a normal base + 2-3 months of targeted preparation for a half marathon significantly reduces all these risks, and also turns the event into a much more pleasant and joyful process. It won’t be easy in any case, but the distance will become feasible physically and mentally, and will not cause much stress to the body.

Half Marathon Training Plans in 8-14 Weeks usually designed for runners with an existing starting base, and not for those who are starting completely from scratch. By “zero” we mean the original form of an ordinary normal person with an office lifestyle, unaffected by regular physical activity. The ritual purchase of a gym membership before the beach season and even several visits do not count. In this case, it is more logical to start preparing for the five, then for the ten, and not aim straight from the couch to ultramarathons.

What does it include base, with which it makes sense to prepare for the half:

  • regular running for at least six months (some will need more time, others less - it depends on the individual characteristics and condition of the body)
  • comfortable weekly volume - 15-20 km
  • ability to run 8-10 km as a long-term workout
  • all this without injuries or other negative consequences in the form of pain in joints and ligaments. Moderate muscle pain (krepatura) is the norm.

Plus, if you practice the right approach, then it is advisable to undergo a medical examination - at a minimum, do an ECG and make sure that there are no critical contraindications from the heart.

My experience:

  • running experience at the start of training: 10 months
  • weekly volumes in the last months before preparation: 13-23 km
  • long: 10-12 km. By that time I was running ten more or less comfortably, but slowly (more than an hour), 11-12 km - hard and struggling with myself

Choosing a training plan for your first half marathon

There are a huge number of training plans for beginners whose goal is simply to finish in the halfway mark. Popular options:

  • My Asics
  • plan by Hal Higdon
  • plans from different trackers: Runkeeper, Endomondo, Garmin Connect, Gipis, Runtastic

A sane plan, with the help of which a beginner with an initial base can prepare for a distance of 21 km without getting killed (a prerequisite: use not only the sign, but also the head), usually has the following peculiarities:

  • 3-4 workouts per week, one of them is long.
  • maximum weekly volume: 40-45 km. This is enough to finish successfully. For half, the result is not enough, but such a goal is rarely relevant for amateur beginners who are running the distance for the first time.
  • volumes are increased gradually, by no more than 10% per week. The growth is not linear - the plan includes “unloading” periods with reduced mileage.
  • 7-10 days in advance - eyeliner, reducing volumes for complete recovery before the start.
  • maximum continuous mileage: 15-19 km. There is no need to “rehearse” the full distance in advance; at the beginner level this is unnecessary stress. It is believed that if you can run 15 km, you can complete a half marathon.
  • Long-term mileage also does not increase every week; during fasting periods there is a “rollback” to a shorter distance.
  • speed training- may be included in the plan (usually once a week), but may not be present. With them, the result will be better, but in the process it is important for beginners not to overexert themselves, listen to how they are feeling and control their pulse. For just finishing, such training is not critical; you can do without it, but for further development and variety, it is necessary.

Preparation for the first half marathon is aimed at gradually developing the necessary endurance and adapting the musculoskeletal system and the body as a whole to covering the distance. This is achieved through a gradual increase in the volume of light running and the mileage of long-term training, also at an easy pace.

What else to consider when preparing


To run economically and non-traumatically, you need to strengthen not only your legs, but also your core muscles - your back and abdominals. Ideally, even at the stage of mastering the first 5 km, it is worth incorporating regular, as well as more targeted running and short hill runs. In reality, of course, few people do this from the very beginning, but a little later the need to connect the power ones still becomes obvious.

You can seriously kill yourself with strength training even with your own body weight. Prefabricated dumbbells are also a useful thing

My experience is almost a standard beginner: only running with irregular inclusions in the gym. Clever terms like SBU at that time seemed to be the lot of professional athletes. True, after switching to minimalist shoes, I did exercises 2-3 times a week to strengthen my feet.

Warm-up and cool-down

They are required, period. It’s best to immediately make it a habit, at least in the shortest form.

Warm-up needed to prepare muscles, ligaments and the cardiovascular system for stress. This is done with the help of simple dynamic exercises (as in physics lessons) and warming up in the form of light jogging or fast walking.

Target hitches- smoothly transition from the load to a calm state and slightly stretch the muscles, returning them to their resting length. Again: at the end we don’t stop abruptly, but slowly jog or walk, and then carefully and without unnecessary zeal we do a moderate stretch.

Selection of shoes and equipment

Oh, this is the stage of unexpected discoveries! What is quite suitable at distances of up to ten can already present not always pleasant surprises at 15 km. So, when I started preparing for the half marathon, I discovered that my running shoes should have more stock, especially for the summer. Hello, first black nail. In addition, the sneakers that I had been running fine in before turned out to be too narrow in the front. But in the process, you begin to clearly understand what your legs need.

Clothes are less critical, but a bad choice can also bring a whole range of unique sensations due to chafing and discomfort.


  • you need normal running sneakers, selected taking into account the characteristics of your feet and technique, with a margin in size (over long distances, your feet get larger)
  • be sure to “run” them in advance, testing them during long training sessions
  • All clothes and equipment in which you are going to start must also be checked in advance during training.

Drinking and eating while distanced

Here, too, you need to try everything in advance. To be honest, I am not a supporter of turning a half marathon into a picnic, when people run around covered in gels and isotonics. But if the planned time to cover the distance is more than 2 hours, it is better to take care of some minimal recharge. Otherwise, there is a risk of hypoglycemia - an unpleasant thing when glycogen reserves (fuel for running) in the body come to an end, and weakness sets in.

To avoid this, some use a gel, others use regular high-carbohydrate foods (bananas, dates, raisins, sweets). In any case, you need to experiment with nutrition in advance - during one of the long training sessions. Digestion on the run is a separate sore subject, very individual.

In warm and, especially, hot weather, you need to drink while running. Practice drinking from a glass in advance: if you pour a third of the water out of it and squeeze the top, leaving a small hole, you can do this without stopping or taking a step.

Rest and recovery

In a primitive understanding, progress happens like this: moderate stress (training) - rest - recovery and adaptation - stress again, but at a new level, and so on. Rest is no less important in this chain than the training itself - the body needs time to recover and adapt to the increasing load.

Even if you’re “rushing” and want to work hard without days off, giving your best, you shouldn’t skip rest days, just like you shouldn’t run too fast during light workouts.

It doesn’t hurt to listen to yourself either; religiously following a plan can sometimes do harm. If you are not feeling well, you have no strength and energy, or something causes discomfort, it is always better to take an additional day/two/three complete rest and skip the workouts as planned.

One of the indicators of the state of the body is changes. If it is 5 or more beats higher than normal for you, then you need to rest.

Especially for fellow control freaks and perfectionists: a missed workout is not “ahh, everything is gone, preparation failed!” Plan completed 80-90%- that's good and enough.

Training plan for your first half marathon from Runners World

  • duration: 10 weeks
  • volumes: 22 - 40 km per week
  • number of workouts per week: 4
  • long training: from 8 to 19 km

If you want to run a marathon (42km. 195m), first of all you need to understand why you need it. A marathon, like a half-marathon, is not a distance that you can just want to go out and run. It's really quite hard and it puts a lot of stress on the body. On the other hand, from experience I can safely say that with proper preparation and motivation, anyone can run a marathon.

So just decide why you need this - to prove something to yourself? Prove something to someone? Just to be among the 1% of the population of planet Earth who have run a marathon?

Once you have decided on your motivation and goal, you should begin preparing:

Decide on a start date.

Running is in fashion now, so finding and choosing one of the amateur races in the nearest city will not be difficult. The main thing to remember is that you should start preparing for the marathon 3 months in advance. And it doesn’t really matter whether you are preparing from scratch, or have already run 10 km. As I already said, the marathon is a really serious test, so you need to prepare for it seriously. That is, if you start preparing right now, you should choose from the marathons that will be held in September.

Buy equipment.

One of the biggest myths about running is “Running is cheap.” This is wrong. Good equipment (clothes, shoes, accessories) are expensive, and it is very important not to skimp on it. Think for yourself - the only thing that can help you overcome the marathon distance, protect you from injuries and allow you to run “for pleasure” is sneakers. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to save on sneakers, but choosing the right ones is extremely difficult.

The choice of a suitable model is influenced by the following parameters - weight, pronation of the foot (the presence or absence of flat feet), foot parameters (shape of the arch of the foot, width of the foot, height of the foot), physiological preparation of the muscles of the legs and feet. Therefore, there is no need to run to the nearest store of a famous brand and buy the most expensive running model. If you have friends who are athletes, ask them to help and take them to the store with you. If this is not possible, just carefully study the information on the Internet. There is no one ideal site where you can enter all the necessary parameters and get the desired shoe brand and model as a result. Therefore, just read more about running shoes on sites like watch reviews of models that interest you on YouTube.

Find a company.

Running is a lonely sport. Especially long distance running. Some people enjoy it, for others this pleasure comes over time. But believe me, at the first stage, especially during the three-month preparation for the first marathon, the company will only help. Find like-minded people among your friends, or just on the Internet. Now there are a huge number of running clubs - associations of people who get together several times a week to run, chat and have a good time. This will help you not to give up training for the marathon, because in 3 months you will want to quit several times, believe me.

Start of training.

You can find a huge number of marathon training options on the Internet. And among them there are no good or bad ones. Remember, the main goal of your first marathon is to run it. Don’t think about the result, don’t try to set too high standards for yourself, just finish the race.

The most important thing in preparing for the first marathon, with the main goal of “running it without suffering, injuries and other problems,” is to gain volume. That is, in 3 months you will simply need to run as many kilometers as possible so that the body gets used to monotonous long-term physical activity. The volume should be counted week by week, and each week it should be gradually increased. Go for several runs during the week and one long run (that is, a long distance run) on the weekends. A very (!) important point - the peak volume should be 1 month before the planned start. After this, the volume and loads should be reduced to give the body a rest before the start. Another equally important point is that you must have time to do at least one long run of 35-37 kilometers. This will help the body prepare for the main event - the 42-kilometer start.

Some good videos about warming up before running and about running in general:

To better understand everything written above, below is an approximate preparation plan:

1 week – 25 km

Week 2 – 27 km

Week 3 – 30 km (for example, runs Mon-Wed-Fri 6 km and a long run on Sunday 12 km)

Week 4 – 35 km

1 week – 40 km

Week 2 – 50 km

Week 3 – 57 km (for example, runs Mon-Wed-Fri 10 km and a long run on Sunday 27 km)

Week 4 – 65 km (for example, runs Mon-Wed-Fri 10 km and a long run on Sunday 35 km)

1 week – 47 km

Week 2 – 40 km

Week 3 – 35 km

Week 4 – 30 km

Now there are a large number of mobile applications that, according to the parameters of your level, make up a good preparation program for a specific start, reminding you about jogging with push notifications. I would recommend using one of two:

The final part.

I repeat once again - the main goal for the first marathon in life should be the goal of “running.” Run without suffering, cramps, injuries, or health problems. To run and get pleasure, not relief from the finish.

Always remember - you need to be honest with yourself. If you neglect your preparation and remember about it 3 weeks before the marathon, please do not go to the start line. If you get an unpleasant injury 2 weeks before the marathon, please do not go to the start line. Remember - playing sports (including running) should be beneficial, not harmful. This won’t be your last opportunity to run a marathon, so just accept that you won’t be able to run this time, and calmly choose the next suitable start and start preparing. The main thing is health.

And the most important thing. I wrote a lot of things that can scare you away, make you stop believing in the reality of your idea, and think about whether all this is necessary at all. I can confidently say one thing - the emotions you get after crossing the finish line, with 42 kilometers behind you, are incomparable to anything. This is worth running a marathon for.
