Izoton - what is Izoton: benefits of exercise and contraindications. Isoton, isotone system, isotone exercises What is isotone in fitness

Fitness is the most important part of the life of every person who values ​​their beauty and tries to maintain it for as long as possible. What are the benefits of Izoton fitness practice? and why should you pay attention to this particular direction?

What is Izoton fitness practice

Isotone is a very effective and long-known practice of healing the body, invented back in the nineties of the 20th century. The forgotten trend is again gaining momentum and calls for strengthening not only your body, but also your psycho-emotional health. A worthy replacement for an identical direction - yoga. No other areas have been invented that cover the general health of the body.

The technique was developed in 1992, within the walls of the laboratory of the Institute of Physical Culture, by Professor Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov. Even then, a specialist scientifically proved that Isoton is incredibly effective and can be used not only for private training, but also as a basis for training student-athletes.

The name of the practice speaks for itself - isotonic exercises were taken as the basis, training not only muscles, but also perseverance and fortitude.

Let's look at the practice in more detail.

What is Isoton fitness practice based on and what is it aimed at?

The system is based on a completely logical concept, which states that only a physically healthy organism can be happy and fully satisfied.

The immune and endocrine systems, muscle tone and health of internal organs (heart, blood vessels, etc.) are the secret to the success of a self-sufficient person.

Objectives of fitness practice:

  1. Initially, Isoton pursues the most important goal - increasing human performance. The result is achieved quite quickly, just a few months of systematic training, the main thing is to follow all the rules and recommendations. As a result, you will quickly strengthen your muscles and reduce the layer of subcutaneous fat. Your body will become more resilient and strong.
  2. When the first “level” is passed, it is important to maintain the achieved result. At the second stage, you will have to spend much less time and effort on training, because your body is already in great shape. The main thing is not to indulge yourself and not allow laziness to delay the breaks between workouts. In just a year, you will notice that your body itself needs training, and you will begin to exercise with genuine pleasure.

What reward awaits you?

  • Good health and literally uninterrupted functioning of the endocrine and immune systems.
  • Normalization of the heart and circulatory system.
  • Emotional uplift and psychological health.
  • Waking up in the morning with a smile on your face and cheerfulness throughout the day.
  • Getting rid of excess weight and hated subcutaneous fat.

As a result, you get a body that you can be proud of and unshakable fortitude that will save you in any life situation.

Required level of physical fitness and minimum permitted age

Experts have been arguing for years about the age at which one can engage in fitness and sports. As for strength training, which includes Isoton, it is important to wait until the bones acquire the necessary strength and the body reaches the stage of adolescence. It follows that minimum acceptable age – from 14 years.

As a rule, there is no maximum threshold; the main thing is that the person does not suffer from serious chronic diseases and consciously wants to strengthen his body. There have often been cases where fitness practice attracted retirees who later achieved enviable success. It's never too late to learn and take time to maintain a healthy body. Physical training can also be of any kind; specialists in the fitness room will help you with your own exercise program.

What exercises does the system include and what equipment is needed?

The main principle of Izoton practice is to constantly maintain muscle tension. The exercises are performed slowly and smoothly, all muscle groups work. It is important to perform actions even through force, when a burning sensation takes over your body and it seems like you can’t hold on for another second. Within a month you will be surprised to discover the enormous potential of your body. Only with effort “to failure” will your training be effective and productive.

It is also important to remember about proper nutrition, because any sport is beneficial if your efforts are comprehensive.

The training program includes the following exercises:

  • Warm-up is necessary in any sport to avoid injury. Before starting exercise, your muscles should be warmed up.
  • Slow squats from a position where your feet are shoulder-width apart and your hands are fixed at your waist. It is important to keep your back straight and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Crunches – Legs bent at the knees and the body in a lying position. The upper part of the body comes off the floor, thereby straining the abdominal muscles. When returning to the starting position, it is important not to lie down completely on the floor. Twisting can be both direct and reverse.
  • Delayed forward lunges.
  • Raising your hips from a lying position - your arms should lie parallel to the floor, your legs should be bent at the knees. Gradually raise the pelvis and strain the buttocks. Return to the starting position without relaxing the muscles.
  • Push-ups on your knees - hands slightly wider than shoulders, straight back and slowly lowering the body to the floor without touching its surface. It is important to complete the return to the starting point without jerking.
  • And, of course, the elbow plank, when the arm forms a right angle and the hands touch the floor. It is important to raise your body on your toes and keep it in a “string” position. The exercise is performed until a burning sensation is felt, like all the others.

Try to perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then give your body a little rest for about half a minute. As a rule, this practice does not require any equipment; for all exercises it is enough to acquire a gymnastic mat, although Exercises on the floor are more than acceptable.

Class form

For any sport you need a uniform in which you will be comfortable performing exercises. Even at school, teachers require that you bring replacement shoes (sneakers or sneakers), breathable T-shirts or tops, comfortable leggings or pants to physical education classes. Remember shoes should not slip off your feet or slide on the floor. Otherwise you may get injured. The fabric of clothing must breathe and absorb sweat released by the body. No synthetics - only natural material. Try not to wear wide sweatpants: there have been cases when a person caught his pant leg and was injured.

Whatever you do, always follow the golden rule - never come to the gym after a hearty meal. It is also not worth tormenting the body on an empty stomach.

The ideal time to exercise is two hours after eating. As for the time of day, try to visit the gym in the first half of the day, while you are full of vigor and enthusiasm. If you work and can only go to the gym in the evening, there are no prohibitions on this, the only thing is that your body is already tired and will exercise less intensely.

Contraindications for Izoton fitness practice

Refrain from Isoton fitness practice in the following cases:

  • If you suffer from serious chronic diseases.
  • If you are sick and have not yet passed the acute stage.
  • Children's age up to 14 years.

Try to do everything comprehensively and measuredly. Additional helpers will be a balanced diet, massage and even a visit to the bathhouse, when your muscles will completely relax and recover faster.

Since training does not require additional and inaccessible equipment, you can practice at home on your own. The main thing is to take precautions and be systematic.

However, you should start exercising at home only after you have mastered the correct execution of exercises with a trainer, only then can you be confident in your own results and productivity.

If you are interested in the Izoton practice, please note that the program is practiced in . You can combine pleasant relaxation and sports, completely rebooting your mind, and also meet people who share your interests and love for a healthy lifestyle.

The “Isoton” training system is the author’s development of Professor V. Seluyanov, intended not for athletes, but for ordinary people who want to train only a couple of times a week and pursue goals such as getting rid of excess weight, back pain, correcting posture, scoliosis and improvement of well-being. Gymnastics is structured in such a way that, if desired, the exercises can be done at home without weights, but they are practiced according to similar principles and with equipment in the gyms.

The system has its own certification of trainers and official gyms; in addition, those interested are advised to familiarize themselves with the work of Seluyanov himself.

How is isotone different from shaping and fitness?

Shaping is a training system based on the use of a multi-repetition method. Its authors creatively rethought the same legacy of Soviet sports medicine as Professor Seluyanov. The only difference between shaping is that it is aimed at a female audience and therefore is aimed more at weight correction than at correcting muscle mass. Exercises in both systems are performed in similar modes, until “failure”, complete fatigue, and burning in the muscles.

The good thing about the multi-repetition method is that it helps you get aerobic exercise in addition to conventional strength training. More modern studies prove that an athlete who performs exercises in a high-repetition mode trains the cardiovascular system as a priority, and the muscles only become toned, but no significant growth occurs. This served as the basis for the use of variable techniques in modern fitness. Simply put, non-professional training does not have to be high-repetition all the time.

Amateurs can use almost the same annual cycling training process as professionals and do not have to always train in a strength-endurance regime. Moreover, cycling helps avoid the typical problems of aerobic exercise enthusiasts:

  • reduced muscle mass compared to normal;
  • high risk of joint and ligament injuries due to the abundance of repetitive stress;
  • overload of the heart muscle due to large volumes of work (this applies to those who combine isotope and running training);
  • significant stress on the nervous system due to a large amount of the same type of work.

Professor Seluyanov believes that in amateur training at low volumes, these disadvantages of aerobic work do not manifest themselves in any way. Western studies prove that if the volume is exceeded, such training will contribute to a decrease, rather than an increase, in muscle mass, and the occurrence of a so-called slowdown in metabolism. It is worth noting, however, that all this does not threaten the ordinary fan of isotone, because he will perform exercises only twice a week. But if you train in this way every day, you may encounter significant health problems.

Why isotone gained second popularity

The system has been known since the 90s of the last century, but has never been as trendy as classical fitness, shaping or aerobics. The thing is that the static-dynamic style of work proposed by Seluyanov is rather poorly tolerated by amateurs who are not accustomed to the sensations of muscle pain and burning. If in the same shaping exercises the muscles are used primarily in isolation, and the discomfort during multi-repetition leg swings is not as strong as it manifests itself during squats in the same style. In general, isotone, with all its focus on amateurs, is quite serious in terms of load.

The popularity of this system in the modern world is associated with only three information reasons:

  1. article in the magazine “Iron World”, in which prof. Seluyanov announced to the whole world that local fat burning is possible. He bases his statement on studies of groups of athletes in strength-speed and cyclic sports. Examples include runners who have almost no fat deposits on their legs, and skiers who have this quality throughout their entire body. The article has gained enormous popularity on social networks, because it actually tells us: “Do static dynamics, and you will be able to lose fat faster than if you do not exercise in this style, but stick to classic strength training schemes”;
  2. the growth and development of numerous channels on YouTube, the authors of which need to come up with some “tricks” to attract the target audience and really want to come up with something that would help, for example, to lose weight only in the legs and stomach, but not in the chest and arms;
  3. popularization of static dynamics as a method by a number of bodybuilding stars. Several athletes are making videos about this because they are in a difficult situation due to the impact of this sport on their health.

In fact, to say that isotone will help you lose weight in problem areas and will do nothing with “problem-free” areas is too broad a generalization. Gymnastics has completely different advantages:

  • there is no need to involve complex equipment. Exercises for the whole body can be done in any kind of gymnastics (squats, push-ups, pull-ups on a low bar and simple abdominal crunches will form a complex for an amateur for all muscle groups), or “isolating” ones with an expander or small weights, in general, you can start with what already exists;
  • The training mode allows you to get some load on the cardiovascular system, so if there is no particular goal to develop endurance, you can get by with this gymnastics as the only type of physical activity;
  • isotone can be performed at home, you only need a timer.

The protocol is very simple. You need to do a joint warm-up, and then perform regular gymnastic exercises in the “spring” style in the zone of maximum muscle contraction for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Do 3 such approaches, after that - walk for 5 minutes at a pulse of 100 beats per minute. Then - again a cycle of 3 sets of the same exercise, rest again, and another cycle.

The workout can be done in 3-4 exercises for the whole body, and there is no need to isolate small muscles;

Isoton has one more advantage over traditional types of fitness - it practically eliminates the load on the joints and minimizes the stress on the spine and ligaments. There are no jumps, but at the same time, you can train both your heart and local muscle endurance.

Disadvantages of isotone gymnastics

The most significant one is a rather painful protocol; many are simply psychologically not ready for this type of load “just for the sake of fitness.” Gymnastics has virtually no effect on strength indicators, “pumping up” muscle strength endurance as the main physical quality. It will not help if the goal is to increase strength, for example, for sprinting. And the calorie consumption per session, compared to regular fitness, will be quite average.

Isoton is difficult to use as the only way to create a calorie deficit, so those losing weight will still have to follow an additional diet and not rely only on gymnastics.

Among the shortcomings, the reviewers note rather monotonous training sessions, the lack of an element of surprise and games. However, if you want more isotone complexes, you should read a book about it, or attend classes in fitness clubs or specialized clubs for this gymnastics, fortunately, there are quite a lot of them today.

The article was prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)

Any health-improving systems that involve the use of physical exercise as the main means of influence should be developed on the basis of the Theory of Health-improving Physical Culture (HPE), which should clearly indicate:

  • the concept of “health” as the ultimate goal of physical training;
  • biological and psychological determinants that determine the state of human “health”, as the basis for understanding the mechanisms of maintaining and improving “health”;
  • the very mechanisms of maintaining and improving health, as the basis for understanding the place and possibilities of physical training in human health;
  • mechanisms of the healing effects of physical exercise on the human body, as the basis for choosing means, methods and forms of physical exercise when developing practical technologies for improving health, taking into account gender, age and other characteristics of people;
  • practical health technologies for different age and gender groups;
  • criteria for adapting health technologies, allowing them to be modified in accordance with the individual characteristics of people as a necessary component of personal training - the highest form of physical therapy practice.

Unfortunately, at present the OFC theory has not yet been created.

However, the main principle of the creation of I3OTON - scientific validity - required the development of some of the above-mentioned aspects of the OFC theory.

Below are the results of this work, which, of course, cannot yet claim to be complete and complete due to the limited factual material and theoretical developments, but which nevertheless turned out to be useful for a better understanding of the mechanism of influence of physical training on the factors on which it is believed that human health.

What is health?

There is no strictly scientifically based and generally accepted definition of the concept of “health”. The World Health Organization defines health as “not only the absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.”

In the Russian Theory of Physical Culture, health (physical) is defined as the full physical development of an individual. And the tasks of guaranteeing health are solved together with the education of physical qualities and physical abilities derived from them, especially those whose development leads to an increase in the level of functional and adaptive capabilities of the body. It is emphasized, however, that solving problems of improving health and developing motor abilities has its own characteristics.

In some cases, it is useful to focus on more specific signs of health, indicators of which are: excellent health, high mental and physical performance; relatively short duration of sleep, easy and pleasant awakening with a feeling of optimism and a desire for active activity; absence of irritability, lethargy, loss of strength, need for additional stimulation with doping agents (tea, coffee, tobacco, other drugs and biostimulants); no feeling of fatigue in the evening even after the most tiring day; desire and ability to work actively and creatively, relax and love; a constant feeling of “agreement with oneself”; no signs of poor gastrointestinal tract function; absence of symptoms so-called diseases of civilization: acute respiratory infections, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, arthritis, osteochondrosis, cancer, etc. and a small probability of their occurrence; pink smooth skin, clear eyes, clean tongue, fresh breath, triple figure, easy gait, ability to control your body, etc.

It is generally accepted that rational physical training allows you to quickly and effectively achieve many of the signs of health listed above.

The effect of exercises increases significantly if they are combined with proper nutrition, daily routine, psychoregulation techniques, the use of hygienic health-improving measures, that is, everything that is called a “healthy lifestyle” and which, when used in a comprehensive and targeted manner, can be called a “health system.”

However, what is the essence of the healing effects of physical training?

Our body is an integral system. High performance, good health, and absence of illnesses are only possible if all systems and organs are functioning normally. This means that not a single cell of the body, group of cells, organ or system has areas where the genetic code is damaged, innervation or supply of oxygen, hormones, amino acids, energy substrates, etc. is disrupted, and the cells themselves generally have high reserves. contingency capabilities."

But certain damage and deviations from normal functioning in different parts of the body occur constantly.

This occurs under the influence of external and internal disturbing factors, the main of which are:

  • infection;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • poor nutrition;
  • violation of mental hygiene;
  • lack of optimal physical training.

Under their influence, “micro-disturbances” accumulate in tissues and their reserve capabilities are reduced. This leads first to a decrease in physical, mental and mental performance, which is a sign of impending diseases (and not old age, as is commonly thought), and then to the appearance of the diseases themselves.

In modern conditions, it is difficult to protect yourself from infection or toxins; many find it difficult to eat right or spend time mastering psychoregulation techniques, regularly visiting the sauna, breathing fresh air, etc. In this regard, properly organized physical training often turns out to be the ONLY effective and reliable means of compensating for disorders that occur in the body and maintaining its high reserve capabilities.

This is explained by the fact that physical activity can have a normalizing effect on almost all organs and systems of the body, since initially, phylogenetically, they all arose to serve physical activity as a guarantee of the survival of the species.

In the most condensed form, the healing effect of training is associated with:

  • primarily with the normalization of control and regulation processes of the triad: central nervous system (CNS) – endocrine system – immune system;
  • with the regulation of trophic and metabolic processes in cells by eliminating damage in DNA and, consequently, in cell organelles;
  • with activation of synthetic processes in tissues. This leads, in particular, to hypertrophy (increase in size) and hyperplasia (increase in number) of some cellular organelles and the cells themselves, increased activity of key cellular enzymes, changes in the properties of membranes and many other phenomena, which are generally expressed in an increase in the functional and reserve capabilities of life. important organs and systems of the body.

To achieve the listed effects, it is necessary (at least) periodically, according to a certain program, to force the body systems where there may be cellular structures with reduced reserve power or signs of disorders:

  1. Function more intensively by enhancing neurogenic (along nerve pathways) and humoral (blood flow) stimulation, as well as mechanical impact:
  2. Achieve an increased flow of hormones (which provide synthesis) and amino acids (what proteins are made of) to these cells during and after exposure;
  3. After a “period of increased activity,” create conditions for full recovery.

It is important that physical training provides these conditions!


The “trigger” function is performed by the central nervous system. Its signals increase the intensity of functioning of the cells of the executive organs and activate the hormonal system. Following this, the activity of supply systems increases, accelerating the delivery of oxygen, energy substrates, amino acids and hormones to tissues. The role of oxygen and energy substrates is simple - to ensure increased tissue activity during the work itself. The main changes in the body, including those of a healing nature, are stimulated and provided by the endocrine system.

This mechanism can be represented as follows.

The penetration of hormones through the membranes of cells of active tissues; their accumulation in cells accelerates the processes of both expedient destruction and synthesis within cells.

Understanding this consequence of physical training is the key to understanding the healing, rejuvenating and preventive effect!

In this case, in particular, the following phenomena occur:

a) urgent and long-term increase in the protective reactions of the immune system against antigens (foreign factors) and its own “incomplete” proteins; b) acceleration of synthesis in cells is equivalent to acceleration of the update of the correction (repair) of DNA - hereditary information on which the health of the cell “globally” depends; c) the renewal of the cellular structures themselves (membranes, enzymatic complexes, etc.) is accelerated, and thus the likelihood of deep damage occurring inside the cells, leading to dysfunction - disease, is reduced.

In one phrase, this mechanism can be formulated as follows: physical training helps to replace weak and “broken” cellular structures with new, younger and more viable ones.

The described effects of physical exercise are the basis for preventing the occurrence of many diseases, including the most dangerous ones, such as atherosclerosis, and possibly cancer.

It is impossible to determine exactly where the weak link is located, in which a “dangerous concentration” of genetic and other types of damage has currently accumulated, therefore conditions for accelerating synthetic processes must be regularly created throughout the body, in all systems and organs.

At the same time, the tasks of strengthening muscles, increasing their elasticity and endurance, and improving mobility in joints are solved. And this is the basis of our good health, activity, high performance and, ultimately, excellent mood and optimistic attitude, which, together with the absence of diseases and ailments, creates a feeling of health and a happy life.

The reasoning presented above is the BASIC FORMULA AND MECHANISM OF HEALTH. To one degree or another, they are realized during any physical training. The only question is efficiency. This is where one training system differs from another.

Requirements for health-related occupations

Based on the arguments presented above and numerous studies of the physiological effects of various types of exercises and modes of their implementation, let's try to formulate the requirements of an “ideal” training system in relation to health.

    During training, two main processes are activated, controlled by intracellular mechanisms, the nervous and endocrine systems.

    First. The body's main energy resources (carbohydrates, intramuscular and subcutaneous fat reserves) are mobilized (made available for use) and amino acids and protein structures of tissues (for example, in muscles, lymphatic system) are broken down. Moreover, both necessary for the body and obsolete, worn-out, “broken” proteins of membranes, cellular organelles, enzymes in vital organs.

    Second. Synthetic processes are launched, which are also the basis for increasing the functional power of tissues, updating DNA (hereditary information) - correcting errors in it. These processes underlie the healing and rejuvenation of our body.

    That is, there is a balance of destructive (catabolic) and synthesizing (anabolic) processes.

    This type of training will have a great healing effect, in which the protein structures of the body are rapidly synthesized in comparison with the processes of destruction - catabolism. Such training should be to the greatest extent stimulate the synthesis and release of hormones that cause anabolic(i.e. accelerating expedient synthesis) Effect.

    Research has found that the vast majority of Russian citizens have muscle strength and endurance below the “biological and social optimum.” Hence many diseases, poor health, low performance, activity, etc.

    In addition, the main systems of our body serve muscle activity (including smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs). Therefore, if a person regularly engages in physical education and has trained muscles, then, as a rule, we can say that he has a higher level of performance of all systems, including endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous, supporting (spine, joints), etc. .

    Consequently, rational health-improving training should effectively solve the problem of increasing the endurance strength of almost all muscle groups, without leaving any “weak links.”

    Recent studies show that:

    • the best way to develop endurance (so-called aerobic performance) is a combination of strength and aerobic training of a certain type, carried out on different days;
    • The best way to develop strength and increase muscle mass sufficient for ordinary life is isotonic, static-dynamic or (to a lesser extent) static exercises performed “until it hurts” or at least until severe fatigue (what bodybuilders do). Such training should not be mixed with other physical activity.

    You also need to remember the following:

    • Aerobic training can improve endurance, reduce fat and muscle mass (with a certain diet);
    • strength training can reduce fat mass, reduce muscle mass, or increase muscle mass and strength (with a certain diet).

    If there is a need to combine both types of exercises in one workout, then aerobic exercises are performed first, and then strength ones. This order is effective for training both endurance and muscle strength.

    The opposite combination will be rational for creating a catabolic effect (reduction of fat and muscle mass), but is obviously less effective for creating an “anabolic climate” in the body, that is, improving endurance and muscle strength, as well as health. In addition, the risk of overtraining increases.

    Among the systems in which disturbances directly lead to loss of health, the first place is taken by the digestive system, including the glands that serve it (liver, pancreas, etc.). Therefore, the system physical exercise should contribute to the improvement of this important part of our body. This can be achieved by:

    • reducing deposits of intra-abdominal fat;
    • “massage” the intestines with surrounding muscles and tissues, including the diaphragm, to prevent the accumulation of deposits in the large intestine;
    • relaxing (sympathetic) effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), which occurs during physical activity;
    • neuro-reflex stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract by influencing reflex zones and the acupuncture system - this effect is achieved by performing certain exercises;
    • relaxing effect of training on the mental sphere;
    • improving the immune system;
    • organizing nutrition with a gentle diet for individual digestive functions, if there are medical indications for this.
  1. Many diseases are associated with diseases of the spine, which in turn are caused either by trauma (organic damage), or by hypertonicity of the back muscles (more than 80% of cases), or by a lack of movement in this part of the musculoskeletal system. Rationally structured training should ensure the prevention of spinal diseases. At the same time, it must, of course, be injury-free, stimulate the general “anabolic background” in the body, as mentioned above, include a sufficiently large number of slow movements with a limited amplitude in all parts of the spine to improve the trophism (nutrition) of the intervertebral discs, involve ligaments, contract and stretch the deep muscles of the spinal column to eliminate their “spasms”, strengthen all muscle groups of the back and abdominals to create a natural corset for the spine.

    The centuries-old experience of yoga and Chinese health gymnastics leaves no doubt about the importance of breathing exercises and training the ability to mentally concentrate on natural or imaginary objects.

    The benefits of breathing exercises during physical training can be determined by the following:

    • You should breathe only through your nose, regardless of the type and intensity of the workout. The air passing through the nasal sinuses reflexively affects many systems and organs;
    • intense air flow passing through the nasopharynx has a hardening effect;
    • excursion of the diaphragm (deep “abdominal” breathing) is an additional massage of the abdominal organs;
    • rare deep breathing increases the amplitude of the partial tension of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. This allows you to increase the peak concentration of both gases, which helps relax the smooth muscles of blood vessels and improves tissue trophism;
    • rhythmic deep breathing balances mental processes.

    The ability for stable mental concentration and the associated ability to manage one’s mental state is a vital skill of a modern person. If the nature of physical training allows you to concentrate attention on certain muscle groups or currently active areas of the body for a sufficiently long time, then a conditioned reflex skill is formed that allows you not only to steadily fix attention on an object, but also to cause the required vegetative reactions in the body (the basis of psychophysiological auto-training). This skill is the basis of any psychoregulatory training. In addition, training to fix attention on the deep muscles of the pelvic floor and abdominal wall develops the ability to voluntarily control their work, which is the most important condition for their regular training and, as a consequence, the healthy state of the organs of this area of ​​the human body.

    Consequently, sets of physical exercises for health purposes should allow the use of breathing exercises and the development of concentration skills.

    Eliminating excess fat reserves and forming a beautiful figure is the most significant incentive for physical exercise training. And although the goal of losing weight cannot and should not be the main one when drawing up an exercise program, health training should effectively change body composition for the better.

    A workout that quickly and healthily reduces fat reserves must meet the following requirements:

    • contribute to the normalization of the functioning of all organs and systems. on which metabolic processes in the body depend;
    • help increase muscle strength, endurance and elasticity to ensure greater mobility and activity of a person in daily activities, improve well-being and self-esteem;
    • highly activate neuro-endocrine mechanisms that promote the release of hormones and neurotransmitters during training, promoting the mobilization and “burning” of fat from subcutaneous fat depots, as well as increasing basal metabolism (resting energy expenditure) in the period after exercise - this period lasts from one up to two days;
    • “relax” the psyche, create a feeling of peace, satisfaction, stability and harmony with the environment as a counterbalance to the psychological dependence on the need to constantly consume “tasty and healthy food” in large quantities;
    • Studies show that “burning calories” during exercise is the least significant factor for reducing fat stores. Rather, on the contrary, it can be argued that training should not be very energy-intensive. This is explained by the fact that high energy consumption significantly reduces the body’s carbohydrate reserves, and this does not lead to anything good except the development of increased appetite after exercise. In addition, increased “burning” of calories during training is almost completely useless if the goal is a stable and long-term reduction of fat reserves. Fat is “burned” after training when the basal metabolic rate is increased and a low-calorie diet is used;
    • in special cases, with sufficient psychotherapeutic support, “soft” long-term cyclic aerobic training in the morning on an empty stomach is indicated, but only necessarily as part of a system in which other types of exercises should take place.

    In general, when organizing exercises aimed at long-term improvement of body composition, it is necessary to remember the main principle: we must strive not to reduce fat reserves in any way, but try to help the practitioner become a “different person” - healthier, stronger, more active, change his habits , lifestyle, food ritual, attitude towards food, etc. In other words, physical training will only be effective if it is part of a broader program of work with a person seeking to “lose weight”, which focuses on psychological and social aspects rather than training, since ultimately a stable decrease in fat stores is determined by almost only by improving health and reducing the amount of food consumed.

    Consolidation in the “achieved positions” is theoretically possible only from the standpoint of physiology, but this process is very long and is associated with deep endocrine, enzymatic and morphological changes in the body and is rarely implemented in practice.

    Training can be called health-improving if it takes place against a positive psycho-emotional background, distracts from obsessive (usually negative) thoughts, helps to “relieve stress” and “relaxes” the psyche, causing a state of peace and comfort after the lesson.

    It is possible to organize an activity in which the listed signs of a “health-improving activity” would be realized to one degree or another using many types of physical exercises, although, of course, the “health-improving” task will be solved differently with a different selection of exercises.

The impact of isotonic training on the body of those involved

The goal of any training session is to cause appropriate immediate training effects in the body of those involved. In turn, planning the type and depth of immediate training effects is determined by those delayed training effects (LTEs) that are required to be obtained to solve the problem of improving physical condition and health in general.

Let's look at the immediate training effects of isotonic and other strength exercises, the method of application of which is described below.

As defined below, with the correct technique of strength exercises, the speed of muscle contraction is small, the degree of tension is 30–60% of MVC (maximum voluntary strength), the amplitude is average or full, there may be pauses or even elements of static hold in the movement cycle. The muscles usually don't relax until the very end of the set.

The main distinguishing feature of this type of muscle work is a violation of local blood flow, which, in combination with a sufficiently high degree of muscle tension, quickly (within 15–30 seconds) creates hypoxic conditions (lack of oxygen) inside muscle fibers (MF). This sharply accelerates anaerobic glycolysis not only in fast glycolysis, in which its speed is always high, but also in slow, oxidative glycolysis, as a result, in all types of CF, the concentration of CrP (creatine phosphate) significantly decreases, hydrogen ions, lactate, free creatine accumulate, Other physiological and biochemical phenomena occur that are typical of traditional strength training with heavy weights. The duration of the approach for each muscle group is such that it leads to significant muscle fatigue and quite intense pain in the tired muscles, which the practitioner strives to overcome due to mental stress, trying to bring the approach “to failure.” In this situation, activation of the sympathoadrenal and other parts of the hormonal system is inevitable, causing the release of a group of hormones into the blood during and after training (ACTH, GH, testosterone, insulin, opioid hormones), which, together with the accumulation of metabolites, create a so-called anabolic effect in the body, then They contribute to the activation of the genetic apparatus of cells and the accelerated synthesis of certain proteins.

For example, in order for synthetic processes to be activated in muscles as a result of training (muscle hypertrophy begins), at least the following conditions are necessary:

  1. The contractile apparatus must function. For reasons still unknown, it is the contractile activity of muscles that is the key factor in the manifestation of the anabolic effect in them.
  2. The products of anaerobic reactions - free creatine, hydrogen ions, lactate - must accumulate inside the CF to a high concentration.
  3. Anabolic hormones should quickly penetrate into the muscle fibers and accumulate there.
  4. In the blood and intracellularly there must be a sufficiently high concentration of free amino acids as building materials for protein synthesis.

In order for processes to be activated in muscles that lead, in addition to MV hypertrophy, to an increase in capillary density (as a prerequisite for improving aerobic abilities, normalizing blood pressure, etc.), training should consist of several approaches to the same muscle group. In this case, the alternation of a sufficiently long hypoxic state of active muscles during the approach and maximum blood flow through the muscle tissue after its completion activates angiogenesis - the proliferation of the capillary network.

Essentially, hypertrophy of the contractile elements of muscles, proliferation of the capillary network and the creation of an anabolic background in the body after the end of training are the main goals and effects of isotonic training.

The last factor - anabolic hormonal levels, which can persist for 1-2 days after training - is its most important effect. Since it is believed that this leads to accelerated synthesis (and/or accelerated replacement) of tissue-specific proteins not only in muscles, but also in all tissues that have receptors for these hormones, in particular cardiovascular, hormonal, immune, and some parts of the digestive systems and others no less vital.

Above, we suggested that this mechanism is one of the main ones that causes the healing effect of isotonic, static-dynamic and a number of other physical exercises.

In addition, during static-dynamic training:

  • there is an alternation of mental tension (at the end of the approach) and relaxation during rest pauses;
  • a high partial tension of carbon dioxide in the blood is maintained for a long period of time as a result of the activation of anaerobic reactions;
  • the combination of an increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, which irritates the respiratory center, and deep “diaphragmatic” breathing through the nose increases the amplitude (during inhalation and exhalation) of the partial oxygen tension in the blood.

These immediate effects contribute to the normalization of mental processes (the effect of mental relaxation) and the normalization of vascular reactions. For example, it has been shown that in hypertensive and hypotensive patients normalization of blood pressure occurs within several (up to 12) hours after using a set of isotonic exercises.

In addition to those described, the positive delayed effects of such training include the fact that these exercises promote hypertrophy of not only fast, but also slow muscle fibers (with a certain diet).

For the practice of health training, this is important from the following points of view.

During daily human activity and during aerobic training of any type, slow MVs perform the bulk of the work, since fast MVs are activated at full power only in fast movements, when overcoming or maintaining significant resistance, or when a strength or intense exercise continues “until refusal." However, this type of exercise is relatively rare in health training or daily activity. Consequently, a person’s physical performance ultimately depends on the “readiness” of both strength (that is, hypertrophy) and aerobic (that is, oxidative potential, capillarization) slow muscle fibers; the amount of energy that a person can expend during the day; the ratio of fats and carbohydrates spent on energy supply; the effectiveness of natural" prevention of hypokinesia and many others. Thus, the combination of isotonic exercises, hypertrophying slow muscle fibers (that is, increasing their strength) and aerobic exercises (on another day), increasing their oxidative potential, most effectively solves the problem of training precisely those structures of the executive apparatus that are most needed by a person in everyday life. activity.

When developing a system of physical training in ISOTON, the authors were guided by the above considerations and the physiological characteristics of isotonic training. Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that in its present form this training system has at least the following effect on the body.

    Isotonic training creates a state of so-called controlled stress in the body, which, together with a targeted effect on the muscular system and ligamentous apparatus, effectively increases the functionality (performance) of cellular structures, on which the level of feeling of “health” directly depends. This:

    • pituitary, sympathoadrenal, fern-like and androgenic sections of the endocrine system, on which the resistance and adaptive capabilities of the body to any type of impact (physical, thermal, hypoxic, toxic, psycho-emotional), as well as physical, emotional and sexual activity depend;
    • bone marrow and other organs of the immune system (thymus gland, lymph nodes, etc.);
    • contractile elements of muscles (their strength); oxidative capacity of muscles; structures serving muscle contraction - microvascular bed, reserves of energy substrates, etc. All this applies equally to the pelvic muscles, as well as the respiratory and cardiac muscles;
    • bones and joints (primarily the spine) and the ligamentous-tendon and muscular apparatus that serves them.
  1. The selection of exercises in ISOTON, the entire system of movements and postures provide a consistent “working out” of all the main muscle groups, fascia, ligaments, tendons and can be considered as a soft, most physiological mechanical and reflex effect on the internal organs and on the main nerve centers reflexively associated with them . Neurogenic activation of these organs, together with the creation of an “anabolic hormonal background” in the body, accelerates regenerative processes in them. Thus, isotonic training can be considered as a “reflexology session” to normalize the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous and vascular systems, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, genitals, hormonal glands responsible for metabolism, as well as the immune system as a whole.

  2. The creation of local hypoxic areas in the body and bringing working muscles to the point of fatigue contribute to the release of acidic metabolic products into the blood and an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide. This is a means of regulating the reactions of the peripheral vascular system and improving blood microcirculation.
  3. The normalizing effect on metabolic processes, on the one hand, and the maximum possible degree of stimulation of the mechanisms that mobilize fat depots during training, on the other, make it possible to actually change the amount of fat reserves in the body. And the high anabolic potential of isotonic training combined with targeted regulation of nutrition or the use of “catabolic” techniques of local influence (for example, stretching tired muscles) allows you to change the volume of selected muscles in the required direction. This brings ISOTON closer to bodybuilding in terms of the effectiveness of shaping the figure of the practitioner.

The listed points allow us to characterize isotonic training as a program of sports training, therapeutic physical education, corrective gymnastics, massage and reflexology combined. ISOTON uses the most natural means of influence, and the influence itself is carried out comprehensively. This largely eliminates the threat of creating various kinds of imbalances and disorders in the body that can arise from the local influence of any other means (especially pharmacological).

Issues of occupational safety are of paramount importance in OFC. As studies have shown, according to all the main criteria, isotonic training is one of the safest, and therefore accessible to the widest category of exercisers. For example, children, young people and the elderly can train together with virtually no changes in training methods. This is due to the following physiological indicators of a typical activity:

  • Heart rate – no more than 130–140 beats/min;
  • SBP – does not exceed the initial value by more than 30–40 mm. rt. Art.;
  • peak energy consumption – no more than 4–6 MET;
  • the amount of muscle tension does not exceed 60–70% of the maximal maximum. There are no:

    1. Straining and holding your breath, pinching of the carotid arteries, rush of blood to the brain, etc.;
    2. Twisting of the torso, limbs, movements and positions of the body, in which the spine and joints can be damaged;
    3. Fast, sudden, ballistic (uncontrolled) movements;
    4. Movements in which there is a sharp stretching of tense muscles (eccentric contraction of high power);
    5. Fatigue and exhaustion of a “global” nature;
    6. Impaired motor coordination associated with low blood sugar levels.
  • after classes:

    1. Relaxation and normalization of mental processes take place;
    2. In most cases, normalization of blood pressure is observed within 3–12 hours (in hypotensive patients it increases, in hypertensive patients it decreases);
    3. There are no post-workout muscle pains, soreness, deterioration in well-being, or deep depletion of carbohydrate resources.

The safety of the activity does not reduce their effectiveness.

With 2 training sessions per week (duration 50-55 minutes), significant (in terms of functional tests) and well-felt effects from training are observed after 3-5 weeks; after 2-3 months there is a “qualitative” improvement in physical condition. These changes are especially noticeable if isotonic training is combined with aerobics performed 2 times a week.

Isoton is a system of health-improving physical culture, developed at the Problem Laboratory of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture in 1991-93. Isotone classes have as their ultimate goal the improvement of well-being, performance, “physical health,” appearance (body shape, body composition), social, household and work activity of men and women of a wide age range.

The system received the name “isotone”, firstly, from the type of physical exercise that occupies the central

place in the lesson - isotonic, i.e. those in which constant tension is maintained in the muscles and the main effect that is achieved as a result of its use is a constantly high “vital tone” of the person doing isotone.

This system is based on the concept that the basis of a person’s biological well-being (as a decisive condition for health) lies, first of all, in the normal state of the endocrine and immune systems, as well as other physiological systems of the body (muscular, cardiovascular, etc.), playing, however, a subordinate role in solving the health problem.

When developing and justifying the basic principles of isotone, computer simulation of the functioning of physiological systems and biochemical processes of the body was used, as well as analysis of a wide range of physical effects on humans. Then the most effective means and methods for improving physical condition (physical health) were developed, selected and combined into a single system by increasing the functionality of vital systems of the body (hormonal, immune, digestive, cardiovascular, muscular, etc.). As a methodological basis, we used experience in the field of sports training, the achievements of Eastern health systems (hatha yoga, qigong), modern Western techniques (all types of aerobics, callanetics, bodybuilding, etc.), as well as domestic physical therapy and health work with the population ( including non-traditional methods of healing).

Isotone is a holistic complex of healing effects, each element of which is logically connected with the others. The guaranteed effect is achieved only if all requirements are met. This, of course, does not mean that you cannot use individual components of the system, for example, physical training or nutrition principles, but in this case the final effect will depend on the qualifications of the student and, to a large extent, on the quality of his instructor.

Isotone is usually used to solve two problems:

1. Rapid (2-3 months) improvement in well-being, performance, body composition (ratio of fat and muscle mass), normalization of organ function

digestion and other vital systems of the body, improvement of psycho-emotional state, etc. 2. Maintaining good physical condition and appearance with a relatively small amount of effort and time spent. There are several forms of isotone classes:

1. Classes in health centers and health clubs. The duration of the lesson is 50-80 minutes, similar to how it is carried out in aerobics and shaping halls. Monitoring of the condition is carried out through functional and anthropometric computer testing.

2. Classes in offices and industrial premises. They can be carried out according to shortened training programs, the alternation of which makes it possible to achieve a pronounced improvement in the well-being, physical condition and performance of people engaged in sedentary work associated with high neuro-emotional stress.

3. Individual lessons using teaching materials, videotapes, audiotapes.

Isotone as a system includes:

A combination of types of physical training (isotonic, stretching, aerobic, respiratory);

Means of psychological relaxation and adjustment;

Physiotherapeutic means (massage, sauna, etc.);

Hygienic cleansing and hardening measures;

Organization of rational nutrition;

Methods for monitoring physical development and functional state. The central place in the system is occupied by isotonic (statodynamic) training, which distinguishes isotone from other systems classified as health-improving physical culture and ensures its high efficiency.

Main components of the isotone system

1. Testing. Like any physical training, isotonic training requires determining the initial indicators of physical condition and monitoring its changes. Monitoring the condition of students involves the use of computer programs and tools developed for these purposes and includes:

Anthropometric study to determine the constitution, type of build, tissue composition (bones, muscles, calamus), body proportions;

Functional testing to assess the state of the cardiovascular system, muscle endurance and calculate the so-called physical condition index (PSI) - essentially an integral indicator of “physical health”.

2. Physical training. In isotone, it can include five main components:

a) Isotonic training (I.T.), in which

Isotonic, statodynamic and static exercises are used, i.e. those in which there is no muscle relaxation phase. I.T. occupies a central place and is used: to increase or decrease volume

muscles, changes in their strength and endurance, improvement of hormonal mechanisms responsible for the response to stress, reduction of fat deposits, creation of a general, so-called “anabolic” background to ensure positive changes in the body; reflex and mechanical effects on internal organs in order to normalize their functioning; training vascular reactions and improving tissue nutrition; improving the trophism of intervertebral discs and reducing hypertonicity of the deep muscles of the spine, creating a “muscle corset” to prevent its damage, etc.

b) Aerobic training (A.T.) of various types: cycle

personal exercises, basic, funk, step and other types of aerobics, sports games, etc. A.T. used to improve aerobic muscle performance, activate metabolism, improve coordination of movements, and choreographic training.

c) Stretching - as a means of improving flexibility, elasticity of muscles and tendons, “gymnastics of joints”, a way to regulate the volume of muscle and fat mass; the activity of the endocrine glands, internal organs and nervous system - by reflex; relaxation.

d) Asanas (postures) - borrowed from hatha yoga and adapted to the requirements of the isotope training program. Used to regulate the activity of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, internal organs and psychoregulation.

e) Breathing exercises are used to normalize the functioning of the abdominal organs, prevent pulmonary diseases, and psychoregulation.

3. Power system. It is known that rational nutrition is one of the most important factors in improving the health of the human body, improving its performance, activity, figure, skin condition... The isotone emphasizes that the combination of physical training and nutrition, organized in a certain way, is key moment of the system.

The principle of catering is as follows: selection and

the dosage of exercise is determined, firstly, by the object of influence (i.e. which body system, muscle or part of the body is targeted), and secondly, conditions are created for the synthesis or catabolism of tissues; the organization of nutrition, in turn, ensures the flow of processes that ensure the “ordered” changes.

For example, various tasks can be set, namely: normalizing the functioning of a particular internal organ system, reducing the fat component, reducing muscle volume, increasing muscle volume, increasing muscle strength and endurance without changing their volume and the fat layer above them, etc. P. Often these problems can be solved with the same set of exercises, but with a different selection of food products. In some cases, you can go through changes in physical training with a fairly stable diet.

This interpretation of the relationship between the “contributions” of training and nutrition is unconventional. This is explained by the fact that isotonic training was purposefully designed to create an exclusively “anabolic background” as the main condition for the healing effect.

Regulation of nutrition in isotone usually implies not a simple limitation of the amount of food and its calorie content, but a certain selection of products and their combinations to ensure, firstly, a balance in the intake of various food ingredients (mainly essential amino acids and fatty acids, vitamins and microelements), and secondly, to stimulate and ensure the required changes in the body.

4. Non-workout components of isotone. There are many known ways to influence the body, improve-

describing the physical condition and appearance of a person. Ego - a variety of types of massage, sauna, electrical and biomechanical stimulation, hardening, psychoregulation, etc. The problem is how to combine these types of influences with physical training to obtain the desired effect.

Isotone, developed on the basis of taking into account the internal mechanisms of the functioning of the human body, allows you to use the above methods of influence expediently, within a single system, taking into account the summation or, conversely, blocking the effects of other influences.

Factors of the healing effect of isotone

1. Isotonic training creates a state of so-called “controlled stress” in the body, which, together with a targeted effect on the muscular system and ligamentous apparatus, effectively increases the functionality (productivity) of cellular structures, on which the level and “feeling of health” directly depends. " These include:

Various sections of the hormonal system, on which the body’s resistance and adaptive capabilities to any influence (physical, thermal, hypoxic, toxic, psycho-emotional), as well as physical, emotional, sexual activity depend;

Bone marrow and immune system organs;

Contractile elements of muscles (their strength), oxidative capabilities of muscles; structures serving muscle contraction: microvascular bed, reserves of energy substrates, etc. All this applies equally to the pelvic muscles, respiratory and cardiac muscles;

Bones and joints (primarily the spine) and the ligamentous-tendon and muscular apparatus that serves them.

2. The selection of exercises in isotope, the entire system of movements and postures ensure the consistent development of all major muscle groups, fascia, ligaments, tendons and can be considered as a “soft”, most physiological mechanical and reflex effect on

internal organs and the main nerve centers reflexively connected with them. Neurogenic activation of these organs, together with the creation of an “anabolic hormonal background” in the body, accelerates regenerative processes in them. Thus, isotonic training can be considered as a “reflexology session” to normalize the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous and vascular systems, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, genitals, hormonal glands responsible for metabolism, as well as the immune system as a whole.

3. The creation of local hypoxic areas in the body and bringing working muscles to the point of fatigue contributes to the release of acidic metabolic products into the blood and an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide. This is a means of regulating the reactions of the peripheral vascular system and improving blood microcirculation.

4. The normalizing effect on metabolic processes, on the one hand, and the maximum possible degree of stimulation of the mechanisms that mobilize fat depots during training, on the other, make it possible to actually change the amount of fat reserves in the body. And the high anabolic potential of isotonic training, together with targeted regulation of nutrition or the use of “catabolic” techniques of local influence (for example, stretching tired muscles) allows you to change the volume of selected muscles (increase or decrease). Ego brings isotone closer to bodybuilding in terms of the effectiveness of shaping the figure of the practitioner.

The listed points allow us to characterize isotonic training as a program of sports training, physical therapy, corrective gymnastics, massage and reflexology combined. Isotone uses the most natural means of influence, and the effect itself is comprehensive. This largely eliminates the threat of creating various kinds of imbalances and disorders in the body that can arise from the local influence of any other means (especially pharmacological).

Practice isotone

The above effects of isotone are provided mainly by physical training.

which, the central part of which is the so-called “isotonic training”, built in accordance with the following rules:

1. Managements are local in nature, i.e. At the same time, a relatively small mass of muscles is involved in the work. The lower the preparedness, the fewer muscles should be involved in each control.

2. Muscle tension within 30-60% of the maximum must be maintained in all exercises. The mode of muscle contraction is isotonic, statodynamic or static (the latter sometimes), i.e. without muscle relaxation. This is achieved by a slow pace of movements, their smoothness, but constantly maintaining muscle tension. For example, this exercise: starting position - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders, toes spread as far apart as possible, arms extended upward and intertwined, shoulder blades pulled together, back straight, pelvis moved forward, buttocks tense. Without relieving muscle tension, slowly squat down, spreading your knees as far apart as possible, and slowly stand up, without fully extending your legs. Continue these steps until your thigh muscles become very tired.

3. Exercises are performed “to failure”, i.e. inability to continue due to muscle pain or inability to overcome resistance (this condition is a major factor in creating stress). This moment should occur strictly within the range of 40-70 seconds after the start of the exercise. If fatigue does not occur, the exercise technique is incorrect (there is likely a muscle relaxation phase). If the failure occurred earlier, the degree of muscle tension is above 60% of the maximum (see point 2).

4. All major muscle groups are consistently exposed.

5. Exercises in each series (8-25 minutes) are performed, as a rule, using the “non-stop” method, i.e. no rest breaks. Rest between series is filled with stretching. Training duration is 15-75 minutes.

6. In most cases, it is recommended to use a kind of isotonic super series, used in two variants: 1) alternating two or three approaches for two muscle groups; 2) changing the starting position or the exercises themselves, re-load the same muscle groups to work them out more fully.

With a huge selection of training systems, it would seem difficult to surprise an experienced athlete with something new. But in fact, we want to remind you of one undeservedly forgotten training program, which is aimed not only at strengthening the muscles of the whole body, but also at developing mental strength. No, this is not yoga! This is the “Isoton” system, which was developed by the Russian scientist V.N. Seluyanov back in 1992 and was effectively used to train students at physical education institutes. Now you can use it at home to lose weight and improve your health.

The difference between the Isoton system and other loads

Scientists first spent a long time and painstakingly studying and analyzing various training systems: yoga, bodybuilding, aerobics, callanetics, as well as the developments of physical therapy. The result is a new system that is aimed at healing the body by normalizing the immune and endocrine systems, the site agrees. She helps:

Improve performance. This can be achieved over a short period of two to three months, during which excess fat deposits are burned and lean body mass increases.
. Use a small amount of time to achieve maximum effect. This factor, in conditions of its constant shortage, is also quite important.

Therefore, by adhering to this program, you will eventually get the opportunity to:

Strengthen your health and maintain all body systems in normal working order.
. Normalize the psychological and emotional situation;
. It’s easy to get up in the morning and forget about the loss of strength;
. Gain normal weight;
. Get an attractive body and feel good about it.

The main difference of this system is the static-dynamic training mode, that is, all exercises are performed very smoothly and slowly, constantly keeping the muscles in a state of tension. A workout is considered effective when each exercise is performed to failure, i.e. to the feeling of being unable to overcome resistance.

However, paradoxically, this system does not cause subsequent muscle pain and promotes rapid recovery.

Features of training using the Isoton system

As already mentioned, training occurs until the muscles burn. The pace of execution is very slow, you need to act according to the 30/30 scheme. Those. 30 seconds are allotted for exercise, and 30 for rest. We use it three times for one exercise. If your training does not allow, you can reduce the load by doing 20/40.

When your level increases, you can use circuit training, i.e. perform exercises without rest, then break for 1-2 minutes. Then repeat this circle 4 times.

Isoton training program for home

First we work on the large muscles, then we train the smaller ones:

1. Half squats. In the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, legs slightly bent. Slowly squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then slowly return. There is no need to straighten your legs in the starting position; they should always be tense.

2. Lunges. Standing, we take a long step with our feet, hands on our belts - starting position. We begin to slowly lower ourselves down until the knee almost touches the floor (but there is no need to put it on the floor). Now let's go back.

3. Raise the buttocks. Lie down on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees and place them near your buttocks, arms along your body. Raise your pelvis gradually, without jerking, until it is in a straight line with your body. We return back, but do not place our buttocks on the floor, maintaining tension.
4. Knee push-ups. We kneel down, hands at a distance wider than shoulders. We begin slow push-ups to the floor. When returning, we do not fully extend our arms; they must maintain tension.

5. Reverse push-ups. Use a stool or other support. We turn our backs to the support, rest ourselves with our palms, and bend our legs slightly. We shift our body weight onto our palms and heels, hovering above the floor. Let's start push-ups. We go down and rise back up, without straightening our arms completely.

6. Twisting. Lying on the floor, legs bent, resting on the foot. Cross your hands on your chest. We raise our head and shoulder girdle at the same time, lower ourselves back, but our shoulders and head remain suspended.
7. Reverse crunches. Lying on your back, raise your bent legs to a 90-degree angle. The back and pelvis are pressed to the floor, then we raise the pelvis, while the legs move toward the chest, and return to the starting position. Watch your abs, they are tense all the time.
8. Plank. Lie down on the floor. Support yourself on your arms and toes bent at the elbows. Raise your body and hold it for as long as possible. Maintain a completely level position.
