Gymnastic ball for pregnant women. Fitball exercises for pregnant women by trimester. Fitball for pregnant women, Kegel exercises on fitball

Thanks to the invention of the fitball by the Swiss, pregnant women around the world can now effectively train muscle flexibility, without any strength loads. The idea that when carrying a child, you need to carry yourself like a crystal vase and spend most of the day in bed has sunk into oblivion. Thanks to the fact that expectant mothers began to lead an active lifestyle during this difficult period and included gymnastics on a fitball for pregnant women, the duration and pain of the childbirth period was reduced. The recovery of the mother's body also goes faster if, even after the birth of the baby, this miracle ball is not pushed into the far corner.

Where to buy a fitball for pregnant women?

The purchase of this ball must be taken with full responsibility, because if you purchase a low-quality fake, there is a risk that it will not withstand the load and will one day burst under you, and this can lead to an injury to the tailbone, or even worse, to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Cheap fitballs on the markets are only externally identical to high-quality ones, but they are produced using conventional technology and can burst in a moment. The right fitball can withstand a load of up to 300 kilograms and, if damaged, deflates rather than bursting like its Chinese counterpart. Therefore, when purchasing, go to a sports equipment store, where the product is certified and has a guarantee.

How to choose a fitball for pregnant women?

If your height does not exceed 152 cm, then the diameter of the ball should be no more than 45 cm. If your height is up to 175 cm, the size you need is 65 cm. But for tall ladies, the ball can be 75 cm.

In terms of color, of course, every woman chooses the one she likes - bright colors make you be active and improve your mood. If you are at a loss, then ask a consultant how to choose a fitball for pregnant women. You may be advised to use balls with a rough surface to prevent slipping, or it may be divided in half - half smooth, the other rough. But mostly, there are ordinary ones with a ribbed rubber surface.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women

You can use a gymnastic ball in different ways - just sit on it, using it instead of a chair or computer chair, relieve muscle tension through relaxation and relaxation, or do fitness on a fitball for pregnant women. It is enough to master a few simple exercises to keep your body in good shape throughout your pregnancy.

Classes can begin when the threat of miscarriage has passed, and if there are no contraindications. In addition, now you can start training movements that will be useful during childbirth. After all, every maternity hospital now practices the use of fitball by women in labor, most of whom speak very positively about it.

A set of simple exercises on a fitball for pregnant women.

When exercising on a fitball for pregnant women, do not forget about safety precautions. Lower yourself down onto it slowly with your legs spread wide, placing your arm back for support. When you are just learning the ball, ask your loved ones for backup or hold on to the back of a chair.

The main time for the formation of a woman and her transition to the status of a mother is precisely the period of carrying a baby in her stomach. During this period, you do not need to spend all your time on the bed. It's better to just find some active activity. Such a light physical activity can be aerobics, yoga, swimming, or working with a ball. By the way, we’ll talk about fitball today and talk to you in this article. However, before choosing one or another sport, you need to consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Now a gymnastic ball, that is, this ball, is a leader in preparation for childbirth. It also helps a woman maintain physical fitness while expecting a baby. It is worth considering that in the first trimester you need to be very careful with any physical activity. An exception may be those who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy.

Exercises on this device, like any other type of exercise, usually begin with a warm-up. After all, every person is responsible for the baby inside. Therefore, it is necessary to warm up the muscles so as not to get injured, stretch marks or tears. You need to walk a little, while changing the pace from faster to slower. You also need to alternately walk on your heels and toes and roll from heel to toe. Squats are good, but preferably no more than five times in a row. Particular attention must be paid to breathing. It should be deep and calm. With this warm-up, you can hold your breath while inhaling and exhaling, but no more than 3 seconds.

Lesson for expectant mothers

It is better to start classes for pregnant women with a complex for the back.

For this purpose you need to sit directly on the ball. At the same time, hold on to something and start moving, as if you were drawing a figure eight, back and forth, left and right. This activity should be done for at least ten minutes every day.

Fitball during this period is no less useful for many other muscle groups. For example, there is even a whole series of classes that can help expectant mothers strengthen the muscles of their buttocks and legs. Let's look at the most effective ones.

  • You need to lie on your back and put one foot on the ball. And with the other leg you need to imitate riding a bicycle. First, in one direction, and then in the opposite direction. You need to change the position of your legs no more than six to eight times.

  • While remaining in a lying position, you need to bend your left leg at the knee. At the same time, it should be raised, the shin should be parallel to the floor. In this position, you need to perform slow circular movements with your foot, periodically changing your leg.

To strengthen the arm muscles, you need to sit directly on our ball and make sure that your lower back does not sag. Take dumbbells in your hands, raise one arm at a time, then the other, to shoulder level. Do these exercises for pregnant women on a fitball up to ten times with each hand. Next, being in the same starting position, but with your legs wide apart, lean forward slightly, put one hand to rest on your thigh, and bend the other at the elbow about ninety degrees. To perform this exercise you need to bend and straighten your elbow joint. Repeat it eight to ten times. After which you should change your hand.

Stretching on a fitball also helps strengthen your chest muscles. To do this, you need to sit cross-legged, pick up the ball and try to squeeze it as tightly as possible. In this case, you need to ensure that your elbows are parallel to the floor. You need to do ten to fifteen repetitions.

After this, you need to sit on the ball again, keeping your back straight, take dumbbells in your hands. Then, holding the dumbbells in outstretched arms, slowly spread them to the sides and just as slowly return them to their original position. You need to make sure that your elbows do not bend. The same thing: no more than fifteen repetitions.

By the way, it’s worth paying attention to jumping on a special ball. This exercise can also be useful during childbirth, reducing pain during contractions. They can be varied in different ways. Start with pelvic rocking and end with jumping.

After childbirth

Fitball is a universal ball suitable for people of any age. It is very convenient to practice with this ball even after childbirth. You can even just rock your baby while sitting on the ball.

Unique exercises:

You need to lie on the ball located under the lower back, hands behind your head. While in this position, try to rotate your torso left and right. There is no need to rush anywhere. This exercise trains the pelvic muscles well. Another type is push-ups, with your knees placed on the ball. The back needs to be arched. And with each subsequent repetition you need to try to go as low as possible.

Also, after giving birth, you can perform the same set of activities that you did during pregnancy. In this case, the main condition remains to control the load on your body.

The effect of this ball lies in the magical vibrations that occur from its vibrations. These vibrations have an analgesic effect, they can increase intestinal motility and normalize the functioning of the stomach. As a result, the functions of the adrenal cortex are stimulated.

According to experts, during contractions, in order to relieve tension from the pelvic muscles, it is necessary, while sitting on a ball, to roll forward and backward, bending slightly, this exercise on a fitball helps to even out breathing, oxygen enters the body in large quantities and the pain subsides. In addition, this removes the load from the perineum, spine and pelvis. For the same reason, you should continue to swing on the ball without waiting for the next contraction. helping your baby get more oxygen.

You can find a more complete set of classes in the presented video.

Exercises on the ball strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which will undoubtedly help as the baby passes through the birth canal.

Therefore, many women who do not have pregnancy complications or chronic diseases are recommended to exercise on a fitball. This is the best option for physical activity, which does not involve strength training and excessive overexertion.

From the 27th week of pregnancy, you should pay attention to a set of Kegel exercises on a ball, because it is thanks to it that the muscles are prepared for childbirth and it will be possible to avoid ruptures or episiotomy. Moreover, fitball is actively used in the birth process at the stage of contractions.

Correctly performed exercises help relieve pain in the lower back, which is the most common occurrence in women in labor.

And soft jumping helps to open the cervix by increasing blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

What's the benefit?

The benefits for the expectant mother’s body from exercises on the ball are as follows::

  • back muscles relax;
  • blood flow in organs improves;
  • the muscles of the abdominal wall are strengthened;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the vestibular apparatus is trained;
  • exercise helps avoid gaining extra pounds;
  • the cardiovascular system is toned;
  • exercise relieves stress;
  • the pelvic floor muscles become stronger.

Fitball exercises will also be beneficial for your child:

  • blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, due to which the baby receives more oxygen;
  • The mother's good mood has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the fetus.

Possible harm

Any sports training can cause injury. Although exercising on a fitball does not involve dangerous or overly active exercises, the risk of falling from the ball is quite high.

Especially if a woman has no prior sports training and only decided to take up gymnastics in the last trimester.

To minimize the possibility of falling from a fitball, you should choose the right ball. The ball must be designed for the weight of the pregnant woman and selected according to height. Exercising on a fitball can harm the expectant mother only if she does not follow safety precautions and invents the exercises herself.

If you fall, you can get a hematoma, dislocation, or fracture of a limb if you fall without regrouping (and this is almost impossible to do with a sufficiently large belly). From the point of view of harm from a fitball for a child, it cannot be unless the mother gets injured.


Despite the fact that fitball is a safe form of gymnastics, there are a number of contraindications for practicing it:

  • first weeks of pregnancy;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the presence of an obstetric pessary on the cervix;
  • incorrect presentation of the fetus - pelvic, transverse;
  • threat of premature birth;
  • history of miscarriage and antenatal fetal death.

Before you start exercising on the ball, you should consult a gynecologist. to avoid negative consequences.


There are no special restrictions during exercises on the ball. You just have to be mindful of your pregnancy and don't lean on your stomach.

It must be remembered that the position on the fitball should be comfortable, so that the center of gravity does not shift and there is constant support on the feet.

Swinging on the ball should be done with low amplitude and very slowly, because regularity is the main principle of any gymnastics during pregnancy.

If you experience any discomfort, you should immediately stop exercising.(if there is nagging pain in the lower abdomen, your back hurts or bleeding begins). These symptoms may be the beginning of labor, so it is better to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital.

Exercises with the ball, which involve lying on your back for a long time, are contraindicated in the third trimester, because The vena cava may be compressed. In this case, the child does not receive additional oxygen, and the expectant mother experiences dizziness. If such a situation arises, to alleviate the condition, you should turn on your left side and lie on it for 10 minutes.

Gymnastics at home

Before childbirth, it is worth giving a small load not only to the pelvic muscles, but also to all the others - arms, legs, lower back and abs. The body must be in shape for the birth process to proceed without delay.. The complex is designed for half an hour, maximum 40 minutes.

It should be performed twice a week on an empty (but not empty) stomach. The best time for sports is before lunch; it is in the first half that a surge of strength and energy is noted. Let's imagine a set of exercises on a ball from 27 to 40 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. For hands: sit on a fitball, place your feet shoulder-width apart, your back should be straight - stretch the top of your head up. You can take small dumbbells or 500 g bottles of water in your hands. Your arms should be bent and unbent at the elbows, you can do this simultaneously or alternately. Number of repetitions – 5-6 times.
  2. For the chest: Without changing the starting position, you should bend your arms with dumbbells at chest level in front of you. Spread your limbs apart and return to the beginning of the exercise. Repeat 8 times.
  3. For the buttocks: lie down on a gymnastics mat, bend your left leg at the knee, place it on the ball. The right leg should rest completely on the foot. You need to slightly straighten your left leg and roll the fitball forward. Do the same exercise on the other leg. Repeat 15 times.
  4. For the back: you need to stand in a knee-elbow position, your back should be rounded, then lean on the ball with both hands, your head can be bowed on your hands. Stand like this for 5 minutes.
  5. For balance: while sitting on the ball, you should do light rocking left and right and back and forth, there is no need to lift your buttocks off the fitball! 15 times on each side will be enough.
  6. For the pelvic floor muscles - Kegel exercises: you need to sit on the ball, spread your legs wider, but there should be support on your feet.

    The vaginal muscles should be “pulled in” to the maximum, and then held for 4 seconds at the peak.

    Slowly relax and lower the muscles, as if pressing them into a fitball. Repeat 5-10 times.

Each lesson should end with breathing exercises. The inhalation should be deep and slow, and the exhalation should be gradual. To improve blood circulation, you should raise your arms up while taking in air and lower them as you exhale.

This straightens the chest and gives the baby extra space. During breathing exercises, you should pay attention to your posture.– the back should be straight, but not tense.

If you experience nausea, dark vision, or dizziness while performing any exercise, you should stop exercising on the ball and consult your gynecologist.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video that presents a set of exercises for a pregnant woman in the trimester of pregnancy:


Fitball exercises in the last trimester are not only a good option for keeping fit, but also excellent preparation for childbirth. Exercises on the ball help relieve back tension, prepare the cervix for dilation, improve mood.

Plus, a woman who became acquainted with a fitball during pregnancy will know how to correctly take a comfortable and most relaxing position during contractions. And this is an invaluable benefit in facilitating the birth process.

September 2, 2016

It is very important for every pregnant woman to maintain her physical shape throughout the nine months. But in this situation, it is necessary to select training complexes very carefully, taking into account all the physiological characteristics of the health of expectant mothers.

Fitball exercises are especially popular among doctors and trainers, as they have an extremely positive effect on a woman’s body.

Before performing any of the exercises, ALWAYS consult your doctor!

Fitball is a sports equipment in the form of a large ball, which is used when performing certain gymnastic exercises. It is made of polyvinyl chloride and special durable latex taking into account the anti-explosion effect of the Anti-Burst System.

Swiss balls are classified by size, shape and type. High-quality sports equipment should be porous and ribbed on top, which allows not only to perform high-quality exercises on it, but also prevents the accumulation of sweat and dirt on its surface. In addition, such gymnastic balls create a light massage effect.


  • The spine is unloaded, while forming correct posture.
  • Reduces muscle tone around the spinal column.
  • Helps strengthen blood vessels and stabilize the heartbeat.
  • Activates the activity of the circulatory system, which ensures complete oxygen enrichment of all internal organs, both mother and baby.
  • Helps in the development of muscle tissue of the perineum, thereby ensuring minimal likelihood of injury during childbirth.
  • Prevents the development of hemorrhoids, pathologies of the genitourinary system and kidneys, and also prevents prolapse of the pelvic organs, especially the uterus.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women help not only during pregnancy, but also prepare the body for the upcoming birth. In addition, immediately after the birth of the child, the body of an accomplished mother will recover faster.

The direction of all exercises on the Swiss ball for pregnant women:

  • Removing muscle tone.
  • Working out all muscle fibers, especially the deep pelvic muscles.
  • Stretching and strengthening the muscles of the perineum, abdomen and thighs.
  • Strengthening the muscle tissue of the pelvis, and especially its deep muscles.

Fitness specialists for pregnant women on fitball have developed entire training programs that should be done at different stages of pregnancy.

Taking into account the changes occurring in a woman’s body, all exercises, when performed correctly, guarantee high-quality training of all muscle groups that are involved during labor.

For successful training, it is very important to choose the right sports equipment. The Swiss ball is selected according to the woman’s height and the diameter of the sports equipment.

In the modern fitness industry, there is the following table of fitball sizes in relation to height:

  1. For girls under 150 cm tall, the diameter of the ball should not exceed 45 cm.
  2. The height of a woman is within the range of 150 – 160 cm, the diameter of the fitball is 55 cm.
  3. For those over 165 cm tall, the optimal size of the Swiss ball is 65 cm.
  • You can determine the size of the fitball by sitting on it. With the correct diameter of the ball, the legs should be bent at the knee joints at a right angle, and the feet should be completely on the floor.
  • For gymnastics for pregnant women, it is recommended to choose balls with a special coating and an anti-explosive system, which will make the exercises safe and guarantee the prevention of ball rupture.

What are the features of exercising on a fitball depending on the duration, what to pay attention to, and when to stop exercising.

Before starting training on a fitball, you should definitely consult with a leading gynecologist about the possibility of obtaining such physical activity.


  1. Early pregnancy.
  2. Increased uterine tone.
  3. Severe forms of any chronic pathologies.
  4. Polyhydramnios.
  5. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

If pregnancy is normal, the doctor can only recommend such useful exercises as exercise on a fitball.


  • First trimester

In the first trimester, vigorous physical activity is not allowed, as there is a high risk of miscarriage. Therefore, in the early stages it is worth limiting yourself to light exercises, with bends, rolls and turns.

All exercises should be aimed at working the hips, legs, and shoulder girdle, minimizing the use of the abdominal muscles. The exercises should be slow and smooth, excluding any jerking, jumping and stretching.

  • Second trimester

The second trimester is the optimal and favorable time for exercising with a fitball. During this period, the muscles of the back, abdominals and especially the pelvis should be worked out.

Experts advise exercising in a special bandage from the 17th week of pregnancy.

It is recommended to exclude exercises on the stomach, and perform no more than 2-3 exercises on the back. In this position of a woman, blood circulation may be impaired, the pudendal vein may be compressed, which provokes fetal hypoxia and even miscarriage.

  • Third trimester

The third trimester of gymnastics is aimed at teaching women how to properly use a fitball during childbirth. According to doctors, with proper use of this projectile, the process of dilatation of the uterus is accelerated. At this stage, you should listen carefully to your body.

The training complex should be reduced and gymnastics should be performed at least 3 times a week.

In order to conduct safe training for women in such a delicate position, it is recommended to use the services of professional trainers in specialized fitness centers.

Description of exercises

Exercises on a fitball are aimed at stretching muscle fibers and strengthening them.


Starting position: sitting on a fitball, legs bent at the knees, back straight. While maintaining balance, you should move your pelvis up and down, as if jumping on it. To make the exercise easier, you can straighten your legs.

2 sets of 10 times.


The starting position is sitting on the ball, arms out to the sides. Rolls are carried out from side to side, shifting the pelvis on the fitball.

2 sets of 6 times on each side.


Sitting on a fitball, take turns bending your body in different directions. At the same time, the hand is raised up and stretched towards the tilt of the body.

2 sets of 5 bends in each direction.


Starting position: lying on the floor on your side. One leg is raised on a fitbod. When performing the exercise, you should roll the ball with your foot as close to the perineum as possible, bending the knee joint. Return to the starting position until the leg is fully straightened.

2 sets of 10 times on each leg.


The starting position is standing, feet shoulder-width apart, the ball is between the wall and the back at the level of the lower back. Without missing the ball, you need to squat down until the ball is at shoulder level. To increase the load, you can take dumbbells weighing no more than 250 grams.

3 sets of 8 squats.


To stretch your back muscles, you need to kneel, straighten your arms and lean on the fitball. When rolling the ball forward, you should bend in the lumbar region. Then, without looking up from the projectile, you should return to the starting position.

4 times 5 repetitions.


Starting position: standing on one knee, the other leg extended to the side. We lean our body on the fitball, which is located on the side. One hand rests on the floor, and the other reaches up.

3 times 10 repetitions on each side.


Lying on the floor, feet are on a fitball. When rolling the ball towards you, you need to lift your pelvis up, while maintaining balance with your legs. At the extreme point you should linger for a couple of seconds. Then slowly lower your pelvis to the floor.

5 sets of 3 times.


Starting position lying on the floor on your side. One arm is extended upward, the other is leaning on the floor. The fitball is fixed between the legs. When performing the exercise, you should raise your legs up while holding the ball.

2 sets of 5 reps on each side.


To roll a fitball with your back, you should sit down with your knees bent. We lean our shoulder girdle on the fitball and, smoothly lifting the pelvis upward, roll the fitball along the back until the body is parallel to the floor.

2 sets of 10 times.


Relaxation is necessary at the end of every workout or even after a hard day. To do this, a pregnant woman should sit on the floor with her legs tucked under her. With your chest bent, you need to lean your elbows on the ball with your hands, resting your head on them. For convenience, your legs can be spread slightly to the sides.

  • The duration of one workout should not exceed 30–40 minutes.
  • Before starting classes, you should warm up well.
  • When performing exercises, it is very important to breathe correctly.
  • If the slightest ailment manifests itself: dizziness, weakness, nausea or pain in the abdominal area, training should be stopped immediately.

With a competent approach to gymnastics with a fitball, any woman can make the birth process easier for herself. In addition, such activities will help maintain good physical shape, both during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby.

Video: Exercises with a fitball for pregnant women

Active American gymnastics for pregnant women =)))

A healthy body means a healthy mind, and if you were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, then most likely all nine months of this important period of your life will be much easier for you than for women with a tender love for the sofa. But even if before pregnancy, the word “physical activity” made you break out in a cold sweat, and your favorite sport since childhood was chess, don’t be upset - all is not lost.

Physical activity during pregnancy can only be completely canceled by a doctor if you have serious reasons and health problems. In other cases, physical activity during pregnancy cannot be completely ruled out. You only need to choose a set of exercises or a direction in sports that suits you specifically, since certain exercises are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy (for example, abs). A good option for expectant mothers would be a fitball - it will not only improve your well-being, but also lift your spirits.

Fitball during pregnancy will help you maintain your figure and not harm your beloved baby. The advantage of a fitball is that it relieves stress from the spine, relaxes the back muscles, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and restores proper breathing. Pregnant women can even use the ball instead of a chair. Before you start doing exercises on a fitball, you should consult with your leading gynecologist.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women in the first trimester

Take note of several exercises that will be useful for you in the first trimester.
First of all, these are slopes. You need to sit comfortably on the ball, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and point your toes to the sides. As you inhale, you smoothly lean to the right side, raising your arm. Don't bend too deeply; four times in each direction will be enough to start with.

For the next exercise, you need to sit on the ball and hold it from behind with your hands. As you inhale, slowly slide down, maintaining balance, and return to the starting position.

For the third exercise, lie on the floor and roll the ball back and forth with your feet.

Exercise number four. Sit cross-legged, take the ball in your hands and lift it with outstretched arms above your head. Keep your back straight. Move your torso clockwise and counterclockwise.

Fitball exercise for pregnant women in the second trimester

Fitball for pregnant women in the third trimester slightly increases the load, but you need to clearly monitor your well-being.

So. First exercise. Sit deeply on the ball and place your hands on your shoulders. You should take turns extending each arm in front of you, leaning slightly on the ball. The back should remain straight.

Second exercise. While continuing to sit on the fitball, spread your arms to the sides. Pull your arms back, try to squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as possible, bending back a little.

Third exercise. Sitting on a fitball, spread your legs to the sides and rest your hands on the ball. Bend as much as possible in different directions, maintaining balance with the help of your arms and legs.

Exercise four. Take a horizontal position, throw your legs over the ball, as if completely hugging it. Next - bend to the sides while holding the ball, but the angle of rotation should not be large.

Fitball exercise for pregnant women in the third trimester

In the last stages of carrying your baby, take your health as seriously as possible, do not overexert yourself, do exercises systematically, but not intensively.
  1. Exercise one. Sit on a fitball and train your breathing. Breathe like a dog.
  2. Exercise two. While sitting on a fitball, spread your arms to the sides and make turns.
  3. Exercise three. Take a comfortable position on the ball. Contract and relax the muscles of your vagina alternately.
  4. Exercise four. Stand straight, place one foot on the ball, and make circular movements with your foot. Then you change legs.
  5. Exercise five. With your arms outstretched, bring the ball behind your back, lifting it above your head. Do not make sudden movements or strain.