High-intensity outdoor games for children in the preparatory group. Pre-computer games Outdoor game above your feet

© Book Club “Family Leisure Club”, edition in Russian, 2015

© Book Club “Family Leisure Club”, artistic design, 2015


Classic tags

The players run away, the driver (kvach) catches up with them and tries to touch them with his hand - to touch them. If he succeeds, the saluted one becomes a kvach, loudly announcing this to all participants. Sometimes the kvach starts chasing the weakest participant. Then everyone else chants: “It’s not a race for one – you’ll catch a pig!”

Salki "I'm in the house"

Before starting the game, one or more places are selected - “houses”: a sandbox, a place under a children’s slide, etc. You can draw circles with chalk on the road or lay them out on the ground with sticks. Next, a kvach is selected using a counting machine. The players run away, the kvach tries to insult them. The player can jump into the house - he is safe there. But you can’t stay in the house for a long time. There is a variant of the game when there are fewer houses than participants, and a rule is introduced: two players in one house cannot escape.

"Higher than your feet off the ground"

The game begins as usual tag, only a new rule is introduced: the escaping player can sit on any bench, swing, log and raise his legs or hang. The main thing is that your feet do not touch the ground. In this case, he becomes inviolable. You cannot remain in a position with your legs raised for a long time. If all the players have their legs suspended, the kvach can kill anyone.

Tulle crossings

The game begins as usual tag, only a rule is introduced: if a kvach is chasing someone, and another player crosses his path, then the kvach changes direction and chases the player who interfered with him.

“Sorcerers”, or Salki “Tea-tea-help out”

The driver is selected. The players run away. When a kvach insults someone, the player freezes, spreading his arms to the sides, and shouts “Tea-tea-help out.” Another player can run up to the “bewitched” one and, by touching him, free him. The game ends when all players are bewitched.

Triple tags

A new rule is added to the usual tags: the player whom the driver touches three times in a row is considered to be tagged, while shouting: “One, two, three!”

Squat tag

They are reminiscent of the “Higher than your feet off the ground” tag, but in these tags you cannot tag a player who has managed to squat down.


Players are divided into two teams: “Cossacks” and “robbers”. The robbers need to not only hide themselves within a certain time, but also hide the “treasure” - some kind of object. After this, the Cossacks scatter in search of all the robbers and the treasure. To confuse the Cossacks, robbers are allowed to draw arrows on fences, asphalt and walls - both in the right and wrong directions. After the robbers and the treasure are found, the teams switch places.

Team tagging

Participants are divided into three teams. The first team catches the second, the second - the third, the third - the first. Each player has a piece of team-colored paper attached to their back. The goal is to catch up with a player from the opposing team and rip the piece of paper off his back. The team that collects the most pieces of paper from the opponent wins, and the one that collects the fewest pieces of paper loses.

"Mouse Hunt"

All players are divided into pairs. One pair becomes “cat” and “mouse”. The remaining couples stand in a circle - at the back of each other's heads, forming two circles: outer and inner. The distance between the pairs should be such that you can run between them. The cat's task is to catch the mouse. But she can “hide” in a hole - stand in front of any couple in the circle. In this case, the player who is third in the pair becomes the mouse. If the cat touches him when the mouse has already paired up, and he has not yet had time to start running, then he becomes a cat.

Single leg stand

The driver cannot salute a player who has managed to take the “standing on one leg” position. The other leg, laid back, can be held with both hands.

"Hare Without a Home"

The players, except for the two drivers, become pairs facing each other, hold hands and position themselves around the court. Between the pairs there is a third one - a “bunny”.

One of the drivers is the “hare”, the other is the “hunter”. The hare, fleeing persecution, stands in the middle of the pair, displacing the bunny located there.

If the one chasing has stained the one escaping, they change roles.

"Help from a Friend"

Two players are chosen - one becomes the driver, the other runs away from him. The remaining players stand in a circle one step away from each other. The runner and the driver run along the circle. If the runner feels that he is being overtaken, he can ask for help from any player by shouting his name. Then the named player leaves his place and runs in a circle, and the player who ran away before takes his place. However, this place can also be taken by the driver, then the player who did not have time to take it becomes the new driver.


To play you will need clothespins (bright, multi-colored). Players are divided into two teams: “hunters” and “deer”. Clothespins are divided into equal piles and given to hunters. They attach clothespins to their clothes. After the signal, the hunters begin to catch the deer. Having caught a deer, the hunter attaches a clothespin to it and releases it. The hunter with no clothespins left wins.

“Catch the sparrow!”

Children stand in a circle and choose “sparrow” and “cat”. The sparrow is in a circle, the cat is behind the circle. She tries to run into the circle and catch the sparrow. The rest of the players try not to let her in.

"Bridge over a stream"

A driver is selected and runs after the other players. The one who was insulted freezes in place. But if he can reach another frozen player and hold his hand, then they form a “bridge”. If one of the players (“a trickle”) runs or crawls under the bridge, then the frozen players are freed. The winner is determined by the number of frozen players at the end of the game stage (for the driver) or by the number of freed players (for the “trickle”).

"Sick Cat"

One player is the “healthy cat” who tries to catch everyone else. Each player who is tainted must place their hand on the exact spot where they were tainted. He also becomes a cat, but a sick one, and helps the healthy cat when catching. A sick cat can only stain with its healthy hand. The player who is not tainted wins and becomes the healthy cat for the next round.

"Wolf in the Moat"

Two parallel lines about a meter wide are drawn in the middle of the site. The “ditch” can be lined with skipping ropes. One or two “wolves” are selected. They stand in the ditch. All other players - the “goats” - are placed on one side of the site, in the “pasture”. At a signal, the goats run to the other side, jumping over the ditch. The wolves, without leaving the ditch, try to kill as many goats as possible. The wolves change after 2-3 runs.


From the players, two are chosen - the “shuttle” and the “weaver”. The rest stand in pairs, facing each other, forming a semicircle. The distance between pairs is 1–1.5 m. Each pair takes hands and raises them up, forming a “gate”.

Before the start of the game, the “weaver” is with the first pair, and the “shuttle” is with the second. At the signal, the “shuttle” begins to run like a “snake”, without missing a single gate, and the “weaver”, following his path, tries to catch up with him.

If the “shuttle” manages to reach the last pair without being caught, then together with the “weaver” he becomes the last pair, and the first pair continues the game. If the “weaver” manages to stain the “shuttle”, he becomes a “shuttle”, and the player who was the “shuttle” goes to the first pair and chooses a pair for himself from the two. This pair stands at the end of the semicircle, and the one left without a pair becomes the “weaver”. The game ends when all the pairs have run.

"Crucian carp and pike"

The site is divided by two lines at a distance of 10–15 m from one another. The driver, the “pike,” is selected and stands in the center. The remaining participants - “crucian carp” - are located on one side of the site behind the line. At a signal, the crucian carp run to the opposite side, trying to hide behind the line, and the pike catches them by touching them with their hand.

When 3-4 crucian carp are caught, they form a net, holding hands. Now, running from line to line, the crucian carp must run through the net (under their hands). When 8–10 people are caught, they form a circle-basket, and the rest of the crucian carp must run through it (pass under their arms twice). The winner is the last crucian carp caught.

"White bears"

A circle or oval is drawn in the middle of the site - an “ice floe”. Two “polar bears” are chosen from among the players and they stand on the “ice floe”. The rest of the players walk and run freely outside the ice floe.

At a signal, the polar bears, holding hands, go “hunting” - they try to grab one of the players with their free hands. They take the caught player to the ice floe. When two players are caught on the ice, they become the second pair of polar bears. The game ends when most of the players have become polar bears.


The driver is selected - the “molecule”. All players are “atoms”. They scatter around the court in a random order, and the driver begins to catch up with the players. The one who was insulted takes the driver by the hand, and the two of them catch up with the others.

The game ends when all the players and the driver hold hands, that is, everyone is caught.

Counting books
* * *

We're going to play.
Well, who should start?
One two Three -
You start driving!
* * *

A ram walked along steep mountains,
He tore out the grass and put it on the bench.
Who will take the weed?
He'll drive!
* * *

The cuckoo walked past the net,
And behind her are small children.
The cuckoos are asked to drink,
Come out - you'll drive!
* * *

The bear climbed into the deck,
He wanted honey.
Who doesn't believe - look
And get out of the circle.
* * *

One kana; another kana,
The woman sat on the ram,
I went to visit
Broke bones.
* * *

The lamb was walking in the meadow,
The lamb lost its horns.
A hungry wolf walked by
He clicks the lamb with his teeth!
* * *

Over the seas, over the mountains,
Behind the iron pillars
There is a tower on the hill,
There's a lock on the door,
Go get the key
And unlock the lock.
* * *

One two three four five,
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
He shoots straight at the bunny.
Bang Bang! Missed -
The little bunny ran into the forest!

How to diversify the usual catch-up games? Just add additional rules and you get a game of “Higher than your feet off the ground.” Change, complicate or simplify the conditions. Don't be afraid to experiment!

The game also has another name: “Bird in the tree, dog on the ground.” It develops the child's physical abilities, his speed, attention and endurance.

Age and number of participants

5 or more people 5-12 years old

Additional preparations

Not required

Where can I play?

Any spacious area in the gym or on the street.


This entertainment is an analogue of “Salok”. Using a counting rhyme or lot, participants choose a driver. All the other guys scatter around the yard. Their task is to lift their feet off the ground. You can climb a tree, climb a slide, a ladder or a bench. If a player does not touch the ground, he cannot be greased. The driver’s task is to catch the participant who did not have time to find “shelter” and transfer his role to him.

How to make the game more difficult?

For variety, you can set a condition: “safety islands” can only be metal (wooden, stone).

It is important to consider that:

  • players should stay in one place for no more than 20-30 seconds;
  • The driver cannot stand near one player and wait until he touches the ground.

Children love to jump, run and hang on the bars. Find the nearest playground for them and keep their fidgets busy with a fun game!

3 or more people play. By lot or by calculation, one driver is chosen - the “salka”. Everyone scatters within the established boundaries of the playing area. At the signal, the driver begins to catch the players. The one who is touched by the “salka” begins to drive, that is, to catch, and the former “salka” runs away with everyone. The game has no definite ending.

Varieties of the game

"Tag with the house." For those escaping, a “house” is drawn on the ground where those escaping can escape from the “tag,” but they do not have the right to stay there for a long time.

"Salki - feet off the ground" . To escape from the “tags”, the players must lift their feet from the ground, pull themselves up on a tree, sit down or lie down, raising their legs up. In this situation, the “salka” has no right to salt them.

“Salka - give me your hand” . In this option, the person running away from the tag shouts: “Give me your hand.” If one of the players takes his hand, then the driver has no right to salt them. If three people hold hands at once, then the “salka” can make any of the last ones look bad.

"Salki - Crossers" . Those running away can help each other out by running across the road between the “tag” and the one running away. As soon as someone crosses the road, the driver must catch him. Here again someone tries to help out a friend and runs across the road. The game is that the driver must quickly switch and catch a new player who has crossed the road.

"Tag on one leg" . The driver, like the other players, jumps on one leg. You can change the leg on which you jump, but not more often than after 5 jumps. The driver's task is to make fun of any player by jumping on one leg. The salty one becomes the driver.

"Wolf" . They play in the same way as ordinary “tag”, only each player, except the driver, the “wolf,” has a bunch of grass in his hands. When the player being chased by the “wolf” sees that he is being caught up, he can throw the grass on the ground and say: “Your grass, wolf.” The driver must pick up the grass and only then continue to pursue the runner. You can only throw grass once. The one caught by the “wolf” leaves the game, and the last one caught in the next game becomes the “wolf”. You can appoint two drivers.

Based on materials from the book “Active Leisure” by N. Gureev (Moscow, “Soviet Sport”, 1991)

Rules of the game: Above your feet from the ground

This game is best played on a playground or in a forest park, where there are many places where you can sit, jump, or hang by your hands with your legs up.

First, the driver is selected using counting rhymes or drawing lots.

The game starts as normal tag, only a new rule appears: the running player can sit on any bench, swing, log and raise his legs or hang. The main thing is that your feet do not touch the ground.

In this case, he becomes untouchable and the water runs after other players. You cannot remain in a position with your legs raised for a long time. If all the players have their feet suspended, the water can get dirty on anyone.

The question often raises a lot of controversy: is it possible to sit on the ground and raise your legs. Therefore, this should be agreed upon at the very beginning of the game.

There are variants of these slips " metal tags" And " tags on a tree" In this case, the object granting immunity must be metal, stone or wood.

Elena Zolotova
High-intensity outdoor games for children of the preparatory group

High intensity outdoor games for children 6-7 years old.

Crucian carp and pike.

Purpose of the game: to develop attention and intelligence.

Progress of the game. 2 groups are participating. One is built in a circle - these are “pebbles”, the other is “crucian carp”, which “swim” inside the circle. The driver - “pike” is located away from the players. At the command “Pike!” The driver quickly runs into the circle, and the crucian carp hide behind the stones. Those who do not have time to hide are spotted by the pike. Caught crucian carp are temporarily eliminated from the game. The game is repeated with another pike. At the end of the game, the best driver is awarded.

Rules of the game. Crucian carp should not touch the stones with their hands.

Ball up.

Goals: to train children in catching a ball with both hands and throwing it in the target direction.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle, the driver goes to the middle and throws the ball with the words: “Ball up!” At this time, the players try to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” Everyone must stop, and the driver, without leaving his place, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The stained one becomes a driver. If the driver misses, then he remains to drive and the game continues.

Rules of the game. The driver throws the ball as high as possible and only after the words: “Ball up!” The driver is allowed to catch the ball from one bounce from the ground. If one of the players after the words “Stop!” continued to move, then he must take three steps towards the driver. 4. When running away from the driver, children should not hide behind buildings or trees.

Instructions for carrying out. Children stand in a circle close to each other. It is better to outline the place of the driver in the center of the circle with a small circle. If the driver did not catch the ball, which rolled far, before shouting: “Stop!”, he needs to catch the ball and return to his place.

Bears and bees.

Goals: to train children in climbing stairs, to develop the ability to navigate in space.

Progress of the game. Children are divided into two groups: “bears” and “bees”. On one side of the hall there is a beehive, and on the opposite side there is a meadow. To the side there is a den of bears. At a conditioned signal from the teacher, the bees fly out of the hive (they get down from the heights, fly to the meadow for honey and buzz). The bees fly away, and the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (climb onto an elevated platform) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the signal “Bears!”, the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away into the den. Those who do not have time to hide are stung by the bees (touched with their hands). Stung bears miss one game. The game is resumed, and after it is repeated, the children change roles.

Rules of the game. You cannot climb onto the ladder with your feet higher than the second rail, or jump off the ladder.


Goals: to develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity; practice running, squatting, forming in a circle, walking in a circle; promote speech development.

Progress of the game. The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. The smaller one forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest are mice, they are outside the circle. The players pretending to be a mousetrap hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

Everyone gnawed, everyone ate.

Beware of the cheat,

We'll get to you

Let's put a mousetrap here -

Let's catch everyone now.

Children stop and raise their clasped hands up to form a gate. The mice run into the mousetrap and run out of it, according to the teacher’s word “Slam”, the children standing in a circle lower their arms and squat - the mousetrap has slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children change roles.

Rules of the game. Lower your clasped hands using the word “clap.” After the mousetrap has slammed shut, you must not crawl under your arms.


Progress of the game. Players line up in 2–3 lines around the perimeter of the court. On command they disperse or scatter in different directions, and at the sound signal they form a line in their place. The team that lined up faster and more smoothly is recognized.

Rules of the game. Line up only in your team, the order in the line does not matter.

Hunters and ducks.

Purpose of the game: to develop dexterity.

Progress of the game. The duck players are on the court. 2 drivers - “hunters” stand on opposite sides of the court facing each other, one of them has a ball in his hands. Hunters throw the ball, trying to hit the ducks with it. The ducks run from one side of the court to the other, trying to dodge the ball. Players who are hit by the ball are temporarily eliminated from the game. The game lasts 5 minutes, then the caught ducks are counted and new drivers are selected.

Rules of the game. Throw the ball at the back or legs of the players.


Purpose of the game: to develop creative imagination.

Progress of the game. The players (bugs, spiders, mice, butterflies) are on the playground, the driver, the “owl,” is sitting in the nest. With the words “The day comes - everything comes to life!” players move around the court performing simulated actions. With the words “Night comes - everything freezes!” the children stop and freeze in a motionless position. The owl goes hunting and takes with it those players who move.

Rules of the game. The owl cannot watch the same player for a long time.

Fishermen and fish.

Purpose of the game: to form coordination of motor actions.

Progress of the game. The fish players are on the court. A pair of players - the drivers - form a “net” (they hold hands - one hand is free). At a signal, the fish run around the site, and the fishermen catch up with the fish and clasp their hands around them. The fish caught in the net joins the fishermen. The game continues until the net breaks or all players are caught.

Rules of the game. The fish should not collide, the fishermen should separate their hands.

Wattle fence.

Purpose of the game: to cultivate self-organization.

Progress of the game. Players from two teams line up in 2 lines on opposite sides of the court and form a “network” (bending their arms cross in front of their chests, holding the opposite hands of their neighbors on the right and left). At the signal, the children let go of their hands and run away in different directions, and at the command “Weave!” are built in their places, forming a fence. The team that can line up the fastest is awarded.

Rules. The order of players in the line may not be observed.

The Snow Queen.

Purpose of the game: to develop speed and agility.

Progress of the game. The players are on the court, the driver is the “Snow Queen” away from the players. On command, the players scatter around the court, and the Snow Queen tries to catch up with them and stain them.

Rules of the game. Anyone touched by the “Snow Queen” turns into a “flake of ice” and remains standing in place.
