A recording of Bruce Lee's MMA fight has leaked onto the Internet. Bruce Lee fighter actors With crowns and striped pants. How Russian and foreign artists dressed many years ago

Bruce Lee is a kung fu master or just an actor? and got the best answer

Answer from YouperFan Messi[guru]
Bruce Lee is the greatest fighter in history. He is INVINCIBLE. Recently the question was asked: “Who is stronger in the ring, Bruce Lee or Mike Tyson? Everything is allowed in the ring except low blows.” The answer is clear - BRUCE LEE. He would beat Tyson. But.Bruce has lightning speed and kicks. It seems to me that there would be little room for him in Brehring. In open space, Lee threw the enemy back 2-3 meters with one inch blow. Lee has speed—Tyson wouldn’t have hit him—but if Bruce had fired a kick at Mike’s chin, Mike wouldn’t have come to his senses. Personally, my opinion is that no one would beat Bruce Lee! Neither Tyson, nor Jackie Chan, nor any other fighter. I mean with fists and kicking. Because there are still all sorts of fighters who will grab your hand and then won’t let go and win. Bruce Lee fought on the streets of Hong Kong and beat boxing boys who were 3-4 times larger than Bruce. Because they couldn’t do anything against strikes with elbows in the ear and kicks in the solar plexus. And when Lee grew up, he defeated Chuck Norris in the finals of an American martial arts tournament (Norris was invincible). Bruce Lee also honed his fighting skills in a few seconds. One day he was challenged by a very cool martial artist (I think from Japan) and challenged him to a duel. 12 seconds after the fighters met, the Japanese master lay on the ground, unable to move his arm or leg. Other masters also challenged Bruce Lee and he killed them all IN SECONDS. As Bruce himself said, his task is to KILL THE ENEMY WITH LIGHTNING FAST AND WIN. HE WON IN SECONDS. Wikipedia has many achievements and records of Bruce Lee, but in my personal opinion Lee would have beaten Tyson, Emelianenko, and Van Damme because he knocked him out in seconds, turning his opponent into a motionless target. And people like Emelianenko, etc. walk around the ring, looking out. They took aim, and Bruce Lee hit right away and won.
And to the question that Lee did not fight in competitions. This is not true. (I already mentioned this in passing above) In the late 60s, Bruce went to the USA for an open karate tournament (the champion of which for the SEVENTH time in a row was... CHUCK NORRIS. Both easily beat their rivals and made it to the finals, in which he won Bruce Lee He didn't give Norris a chance.

Answer from Bauyrzhan Tendikovich[newbie]
Bruce Lee is a master of Wing Chun, officially a master of Shinmu Hapkido, Taekwondo and Judo. He is also an athletic gymnast and bodybuilder.

Answer from Anatoly B.[guru]
the master paid for it

Answer from Arthur Nee[newbie]
He is a master, believe me! This is the only person who had unreal speed, even the cameras couldn’t keep up =)

Answer from Igor[guru]
Bruce Lee: Kung Fu master, actor, writer, philosopher, motivational leader, creator of a new style of jet kune do, innovator...

Answer from Azer Ramazanov[guru]
he was a master

Answer from Www[newbie]
Li Xiaolong was first and foremost a philosopher, and then a kung fu master. In his entire life, he really never took part in official competitions. Several times he simply demonstrated his skills. Xiaolong never refused a challenge, that's true. He was beaten several times, but he always came back and defeated those he could not defeat immediately. As for the snot with Chuck Norris, there was a fight, but don’t lie about the championship)) LIES. There was a friendly fight, and Bruce beat Chuck, but this did not affect Chuck’s career at all; in life they were close friends.
Here the speaker above wrote that Xiaolong would have beaten anyone)) boy... have you seen the ring live? If there had been a fight with Steven Seagal, for example, they are both actors, at their very peak, it is very doubtful that Bruce would have been able to do anything at all. It is Seagal who is still considered a LEGEND, an unsurpassed master, with the highest dan among Europeans. This one really blew everyone away in Japan. As for Emelyanenko... it’s debatable, but the hulk Fedya might simply have torn Bruce apart. So far, no one has beaten Fedya so easily in a normal, clean fight.

14.06.2017 - 16:55

USA News. Recently, a recording of a real fight by Bruce Lee, whose films are loved by several generations, was posted on the Internet. The actor and fighter popularized Eastern martial arts in the United States and Europe. We have collected facts about the iconic fighter in one material.

He didn't lose a single fight. Bruce Lee never lost to his opponent either in street fights or in international competitions. Sometimes the fight would end without Lee getting hit. He only told about his secrets that

It is not enough to learn the correct blows; first of all, it is worth enriching the soul and mind.

Image: giphy.com

No one could come close to the speed of his blows. Lee inflicted the fastest defeat on an opponent in less than 15 seconds. The speed of the fighter’s blows was incredible - from a distance of one meter he could strike in 5 hundredths (!) of a second. For filming, Bruce was even asked to hit his opponents a little slower, because a regular camera could not capture it; they had to use equipment and film with a different number of frames per second.

Image: giphy.com

There are legends about his training. They say that in any position Lee could hold the press for about half an hour. One of the exercises was named in his honor - the “dragon flag”, where lying on your back you need to raise and lower your evenly tense body. It is impossible to get into this position from scratch - you need to train additionally just to be able to perform the element correctly. Lee's daily workouts included push-ups, which he could do on two fingers, leg raises, crunches and, of course, fighting practice.

It is said that he could catch grains of rice in flight with chopsticks.

Photo: pinterest.com

Photo: pinterest.com

He was interested in philosophical teachings and popularization of the culture of the East. Bruce Lee's wife Linda in the book Bruce Lee - a man only I knew"wrote that the actor had a huge library in his office, consisting of several thousand copies of books about the art of war - both ancient and modern. The study was the most important part of Bruce Lee's home. He spent almost all his time there, as Linda said, “ lived in the office" The fighter’s library contained books on physical training methods, various sports, filmmaking, and the philosophy of East and West.

Photo: pinterest.com

Linda Lee, wife of Bruce Lee:
He could lock himself in his office for several hours, reading and studying something. It was here that he worked on the scripts for the films "Way of the Dragon" and "Dragon Island", which later became his classic contribution to the depiction of the martial art of kung fu in cinema.

Image: giphy.com

Improved fight choreography. In his film works, Bruce Lee not only used existing elements, but also invented new ones. In the crime film “Way of the Dragon”, together with his colleague in martial arts, Chuck Norris, there was a scene of their fight, which remained exemplary and unsurpassed for many years. Lee was a true master in using nunchucks - many elements with these bladed weapons were invented by the legendary fighter.

Image: giphy.com

He was very temperamental. Linda Lee's book says that after the wedding, the young family bought a large bed that needed to be installed. According to the woman,

Bruce Lee did not know how to do anything around the house.

And after many hours of unsuccessfully installing the bed, the fighter threw the mattress into the wall with all his strength and broke through the plaster.

Linda noted that stress could cause him to lose his temper very quickly. But he treated his family with special trepidation. The couple had two children - son Brandon and daughter Shannon. Lee's wife recalled that her husband talked about love.

With my wife. Photo: pinterest.com

Bruce Lee, actor:
Love is friendship caught in fire. At first the flame is very colorful, hot and strong, but it is all just a slight flickering light. But with age, love becomes more mature and conscious, and our hearts are like coals, with their deep inner heat that cannot be extinguished.

The fighter’s son also became an actor, but in 1993 there was an accident on the set, during which Brandon was shot. Due to severe blood loss, the guy died in the hospital. The daughter became a singer and actress.

With son. Photo: pinterest.com

There were legends about his death. Bruce Lee died at the age of 33 due to swelling of the brain caused by taking a pill. Many fans believed that the actor was poisoned by his competitors out of envy or because he began to spend a lot of time teaching martial arts to Americans and Europeans. As Linda Lee wrote in her book,

Bruce was sure that he would not live to old age and told his brother that he hated the thought of one day becoming a helpless old man.

Image: giphy.com

The actor's wife wrote: “I won’t live as long as you,” he once told me. "Why do you think so? You have excellent health, God grant everyone to have such health,” I asked. “All this is true, but I don’t know how much longer I can endure this path upward.” Bruce is a man who in many respects could serve as a standard of physical perfection, a man who was in complete control of his body and possessed extraordinary abilities, despite all this, he subconsciously felt that he needed to do as much as possible, since he had so much time allotted few". His fans and followers still come to the actor’s grave in Seattle.

Photo: pinterest.com

With crowns and striped pants. How Russian and foreign artists dressed many years ago

Artists are very talked about people. Probably no one will consider it inappropriate if during a conversation you ask him: “ Who is your favorite artist?“This is almost the same as asking about your favorite movie, book, song.

Singers regularly attract attention both with simple trips to the store and with their images on stage. Sometimes performers have such unusual costumes that they are remembered for a very long time.

We chose five Russian and foreign artists each, whose outfits evoked rather contradictory feelings among people.

Philip Kirkorov

Photo: instagram.com/fkirkorov

Photo: vk.com/kirkorov_world

Boris Moiseev

Photo: vk.com/bmoiseevpro

Photo: vk.com/bmoiseevpro

Masha Rasputina

Photo: instagram.com/masharasputina_official

Valery Leontyev

Photo: vk.com/vleontiev

Photo: vk.com/vleontiev

Larisa Dolina

Photo: vk.com/larisadolinacom

Photo: vk.com/larisadolinacom

Igor Nikolaev

Photo: instagram.com/igor_nikolaev_music

Photo: screenshot from a video on the YouTube channel “Igor Nikolaev”

Mick Jagger

Photo: vk.com/jaggermick

Photo: vk.com/jaggermick

David Bowie

Photo: vk.com/goldenyears

Photo: vk.com/goldenyears

Michael Jackson

Photo: vk.com/mjelite

Photo: vk.com/mjelite

"Ah, it's not hard to deceive me
I myself am glad to be deceived..."
A.S. Pushkin

We bring to your attention a series of articles by expert Alexander Rodin on the topic “Myths and reality in the world of martial arts.” Part 1. Bruce Lee.

Today there are a lot of myths around such a popular topic as the martial arts of the world, and these myths in turn give rise to speculation, leading to the deception of many for the sake of enriching the deceivers. The emergence of these myths is primarily associated with the transfer of the product of cinema and advertising into real life without dividing into truth and fiction. In this regard, I would like to bring to your attention a number of excerpts from my manual, written for students of the Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture in 1992, in which we will talk about Bruce Lee, the Shao-lin Monastery, Wu-shu, Kung Fu , Aiki-do, Karate, Sumo, Cossack martial arts, Astral karate, etc.

Laziness is, perhaps, a universal and basic property of people. Everyone strives: to find a pill that, by taking it, will help them lose weight once and for all and be cured of all diseases; a book that, after reading, will gain wisdom; clothes and makeup that will make you irresistible; an injection, after which the body will be covered with voluminous and prominent muscles, etc., etc.
In our case, the dream is that there is some kind of mysterious style, the development of which does not require long and grueling training, but at the same time in the shortest time makes anyone an invulnerable and invincible fighter, and all that is needed for this is to find a mysterious master or, what is even simpler and more desirable, read a secret book.

Let's remember the 50s - 60s judo, 70s karate, jujutsu, 80s wushu, kung fu, ninjutsu, aikido, muay thai, etc. Each new trend became fashionable and acquired fans eager to learn that great secret that would finally make them a superman. But life took its toll, it turned out that in order to achieve the goal it was necessary to work a lot and hard, and in addition to have certain abilities, if you like, talent, and the fans who had lost faith with enviable enthusiasm embarked on new searches.

The real popularity of martial arts came from the fusion of two arts - the ancient, eastern martial art and the modern, Western art of cinematography. Cinema, as the most accessible and easily perceived means of information and advertising, spread the legends and real achievements of eastern fighters around the world. The work of popularization was completed by television, which introduced invincible heroes into every home, every family, the result was not long in coming all over the world (and our country is no exception) schools, clubs, sections, federations of all existing martial arts were opened. Today it is hardly possible to find a person who does not know Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal, Jean Claude van Damme, Cynthia Rothrock and many others.

The end of the Second World War opened up access for Western countries to the cultural and historical values ​​of the peoples of Southeast Asia. Film producers quickly discovered a new, untapped layer - hand-to-hand combat in the oriental style. Having started filming, the directors were faced with a very serious and, at first, simply insoluble problem.

The paradox was that those who wanted and were ready to star in their films did not know how to fight and had a very superficial understanding of martial arts. Those whose knowledge and skills were beyond doubt flatly refused not only to act in film, but even to act as consultants or demonstrate their art. Warrior monks could not violate religious prohibitions, and secular masters, according to tradition, had to keep the secrets of their clan. Thus, despite the fact that there were a lot of masters around, it was impossible to find a movie character for filming, and therefore the first films of this genre were pale, boring and unartistic.

Bruce Lee, fighter or actor?

Everyone sees the skin of a tiger,
few people see his bones.

A qualitative breakthrough was the appearance on the screen of Li Zheng Fan (Li Xiao Long is a child's name, Bruce Lee is a movie name). Bruce Lee, unlike the Chinese masters, could drink whiskey and smoke, he was not embarrassed by naked girls, he did everything that the directors demanded, he knew how to fight, he made no secret of the techniques he performed, he was educated, modern, spoke English , was artistic, had a pleasant appearance and, last but not least, was a US citizen.

So, a myth named Bruce Lee: “Champion among champions, the most perfect and unsurpassed fighter in the world, who never knew a single defeat, etc., etc.” Next we will get acquainted with his real biography.
On November 27, 1940, in San Francisco (where the Chinese Opera Theater was touring), the boy Li Zheng Fan was born, since he was born in the year and hour of the Dragon, he received the corresponding child name Li Xiao Long (Li Little Dragon), who became a citizen at his place of birth USA.

Lee Xiao Long first appeared in a movie at the age of 3 months ("The Girl with the Golden Collar"), and Bruce Lee himself considered the beginning of his film career to be the film "The Origin of Humankind" - 1946. As a film artist, Bruce Lee was very successful , until 1958, he starred in two dozen films, in addition, he successfully studied at a ballroom dancing school, in 1958 becoming the Hong Kong champion in Cha-cha-cha dance (Bruce Lee's only championship title).

At the age of 13, he began training in the Wing Chun style, at the school of master Ip Man, where, not without success, he studied for about 3 years (everyone who has encountered the traditional teaching system understands that during this time you can become, at best, a junior student). Due to the fact that Bruce Lee's youth was very turbulent, in 1958 he had to leave Hong Kong, the alternative was prison or death in a street fight. Before leaving, Ip Man reminds Bruce that the art of Wing Chun under no circumstances should become the property of outsiders, and especially foreigners. Lee swore allegiance to the teacher, the school and the covenants of his ancestors.

Having entered the Faculty of Western Philosophy at Seattle University, he immediately opened the only school of Wing Chun at that time to teach American students (Bruce Lee certainly could not open a school for the Chinese, since he did not have sufficient knowledge and experience for this; it was a different matter for the Americans who know nothing about Chinese martial arts). He soon realizes that he is exhausted and cannot give anything new to his students.

In 1965, he goes to Hong Kong, asks for forgiveness from his teacher and permission to continue his studies, he asks Ip Man to remove him while he is performing tao-lu (sets of formal exercises), so that he can continue his independent studies in the United States. Having strong convictions, Master Ip Man refused all of Bruce's requests. Lee begs to forgive him and offers to pay for his training at the highest level, to which the master replied: “Knowledge is passed on to the worthy from heart to heart, and not to the rich from hand to hand, like money.” Bruce Lee makes the same request to the master's son Ip Chun, but is refused there too.
There is a version that Ip Man, after some time, having opened his art to general study, introduced a number of changes to the teaching methodology that significantly emasculated it. Thus, only a very narrow circle of trusted students today study the authentic Wing Chun (I repeat, this is just a version).

Returning to the USA, Bruce Lee understands that he will not be able to study Wing Chun himself or teach anyone else Wing Chun, he has no knowledge and nowhere to get it from, he is at a dead end. But being an ambitious, talented and persistent person, he looks for a way out and, in the end, finds it. Having synthesized the techniques of Wing Chun known to him with elements of taekwon-do, karate, boxing, judo, jiu-jitsu, kung fu, in 1967 he introduced the world to a new style of Jeet Kune Do (the way of the leading fist), the essence of which he defined as “style without style” (in other words, a haphazard set of techniques pulled from everywhere). The style gained wild popularity, since it was presented by Bruce Lee himself, but it did not prove itself to be anything good, not for sports, not for special forces, not for the street.

In 1966, Bruce Lee got to film the television series “The Green Hornet”, and so began his brilliant career as a film character. But show business has its own laws and he unconditionally accepts them.
He creates a myth about an unsurpassed “inch punch”, available only to him, while the “fa-li” (force release) technique is studied and practiced by adherents of absolutely all internal styles, and tens, if not hundreds of thousands of fighters perform the “inch punch” no worse, and often much more effective, than Bruce Lee.

The hero must have an ideal figure, from the point of view of Europeans, and Bruce begins bodybuilding, using all available chemicals to improve performance, grow muscle mass, burn fat and remove moisture from the body.
The actor should not be forgotten and films with his participation are being released one after another: “Big Boss”, “Fist of Fury”, “The Chinese Connection”, “Enter the Dragon”, “Way of the Dragon”, in total he starred in 36 films. He is in a hurry to live, striving to gain all the fame and money in the world. The cost of one hour of training with him reaches $500; he is not only an actor, but also a director, screenwriter, fight scene director, producer, and since 1973, the owner of his own film studio, Concord.
And the body cannot withstand this race; on July 20, 1973, during the filming of the film “Game of Death,” he takes a pill for a headache, after which he begins to have convulsions and dies without regaining consciousness.

Death, like the life of an artist, gives rise to a lot of legends and rumors:
- Triad revenge for refusal to cooperate
- revenge of the Shaolin monks for disclosing secret knowledge (touching slow death)
- lover's revenge
- suicide, drugs, poisoning, etc., etc.

The most exotic, perhaps, was the following:

In 1971, Bruce Lee (Li Xiao Long - Little Dragon Lee) moves to Hong Kong and settles at Nine Dragon Lake. The version is as follows - nine dragons who lived there previously did not tolerate the appearance of another dragon on their territory and killed him. This is the version of experts in Feng Shui, the ancient science of interaction between man and the world around him.
An autopsy showed that Bruce Lee's death was the result of a disorder of brain activity that arose as a result of increased sensitivity to the chemical components included in the headache pill he took.

Bruce Lee's body was sent to the United States and buried in Seattle. His funeral was grandiose and tragic, several young people committed suicide, unable to survive the death of their idol, the girls swore not to marry, his death was perceived as a world tragedy.

So, let's summarize:
- How great is Bruce Lee’s contribution to the popularization of martial arts? They are huge; no one, perhaps, has done more.
- Was he an outstanding film actor? Undoubtedly.
- Was he a champion? Yes, in 1958 he became the champion of Hong Kong in Cha-cha-cha dance, but he did not take part in any competition, be it duels or performing Tao-lu complexes.
- Was he a fighter? Perhaps, but only one out of millions.


5 Inexplicable Mysteries from the Life of the Great Martial Artist Bruce Lee

Today, November 27, would have been the 75th birthday of the greatest martial arts expert, the wonderful actor and philosopher Bruce Lee.

Today, November 27, would have been the 75th birthday of the greatest martial arts expert, the wonderful actor and philosopher Bruce Lee.

Every boy of the 80s and 90s grew up watching his films with great action scenes for that time. Bruce Lee was considered the standard of a fighter. Thanks to him, millions of boys around the world enrolled in karate, kung fu, wushu, etc. sections.

There were many inexplicable moments in the life of the great founder of Jeet Kune Do, which are still being studied by historians from around the world.

Today, a number of events are taking place in Hong Kong and China in memory of Bruce Lee. Due to this, website tells about the most mysterious milestones in the life of the martial arts legend.

Physical skills

Although he did not have good physical abilities by nature, Bruce Lee managed to develop incredible speed of movement, reaction, strength and body control. It was he who made oriental martial arts popular in the West in the second half of the 20th century. He became a legend in the field of martial arts and inspired many imitators in film and television. About 30 films have been made around the world about his life and work, which is a record.
  • The hand strike time from a free position is 0.05 seconds.
  • Hold a 32 kg weight with your arm extended forward for 20 seconds.
  • Bruce Lee's punches were so fast that it was sometimes impossible to film them at 24 frames per second, so some scenes had to be filmed in 32 frames.
  • Hold your legs with a corner while resting on your hands for 30 minutes or more.
  • Throwing grains of rice into the air and catching them with chopsticks.
  • Bruce Lee could pierce an unopened can of Coke with his fingers (they were much thicker in those days).
  • Bruce Lee could do one-armed push-ups and pull-ups using only his thumb and forefinger to grip the bar.

  • With a side kick, Bruce could throw a 136-kilogram bag with such force that it hit the ceiling.
  • To demonstrate his speed, Bruce could replace a 10-cent piece in another person's palm with a 1-cent piece before the other person could squeeze it.
  • To amuse the child, he placed it on his abs. When he strained it, the child jumped.

Eternal training: while walking, while eating, while filming...

Bruce Lee's teacher was the legendary patriarch of the Wing Chun school, Ip Man.

Training was very difficult for young Bruce Lee, but he constantly improved himself.

He practiced striking on tree leaves and ordinary pieces of paper. While eating, he stuffed his hands by hitting the stools. While filming the movie, Bruce Lee did very intense physical exercise all the time and did not get tired at all. Many believe that Lee died precisely because his body simply could not withstand the physical exertion.

Bruce Lee - dancer, philosopher, actor, boxer, German

Bruce Lee is an extraordinary person. Everything he did in life took on its own character.

The great master studied dancing as hard as he studied martial arts: he danced beautifully, and in 1958, at the age of 18, he won the Hong Kong cha-cha championship. Bruce was also an excellent boxer, winning the boxing championship that year.

Surprisingly, Bruce has not only Chinese blood, but also German blood. His maternal grandfather was half German.

Many people believe that if a person practices martial arts, then he has straw in his head instead of brains. But Bruce Lee firmly refutes this unconfirmed fact. He attended the University of Washington, where he studied philosophy, specifically the philosophical principles of combat sports. As you might guess, in college Bruce earned money by teaching martial arts. He later dropped out and opened his own martial arts school.

Even after his death, Bruce Lee starred in films. As you know, he died suddenly during the filming of Game of Death. And what does the studio do? They rewrite the script so that Bruce's character fakes his own death to escape the mob, and uses actual footage of Bruce's funeral, including close-ups of the open casket showing his embalmed face. All this is inserted into the film.

The Mystery of Bruce Lee's Death

Bruce Lee died suddenly in Hong Kong on July 20, 1973, while working on the film “Game of Death”: he (according to one version) took a headache pill containing aspirin and meprobamate, which led to cerebral edema, as shown by the autopsy. No tests were taken, casting doubt on whether he died from the pill. After his death, rumors began to spread that another master had killed him, but they were not confirmed.

Another version of death. Bruce Lee practiced one of his tricks for a long time and could not achieve what he wanted. Suddenly, a stranger from the crowd approached Bruce and offered him a very effective version of the trick. Interested, Lee went with him to the set. They were standing opposite each other when the stranger suddenly dealt Bruce a short but very strong blow to the head. The actor lost consciousness and collapsed as if knocked down.

During the pandemonium, when everyone rushed to the prone Bruce, the man who struck the blow seemed to disappear into thin air. It turned out that no one knew him, and he was not registered as an extra. Later, one of the make-up artists recalled that that day a man came into the locker room, took his clothes and uttered a strange phrase: “He must die!”

Many believe that the stranger was a Triad killer who mastered the technique of delayed death strikes. After such a blow, a person can die either 2 months or years after the blow, it all depends on what program the death touch master introduced into the victim’s body. Perhaps it was this blow from a mysterious stranger that caused the death of Bruce Lee.

In addition to these two versions, there are also others, no less interesting. If you describe each one, you can write a book, and more than one. There is an interesting version that Chinese sorcerers placed a curse on Bruce Lee and his offspring. This version was born after the son of the great fighter, Brandon Lee, unexpectedly died during the filming of one of the films, repeating the fate of his father.

Bruce Lee's funeral turned into citywide mourning. Friends and thousands of fans came to pay their last respects to him. Bruce Lee's body was then flown to Seattle, where his family said goodbye and where he was buried. Martial arts lovers arriving in Seattle still go to bow to Bruce Lee's grave. And his last film was completed 5 years later with the help of doubles and caused a new wave of interest in kung fu and oriental martial arts.

Monument to Bruce Lee in Hong Kong

Chuck Norris - follower of Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee first met Chuck Norris in 1964 at the International Karate Championship. Over time, they became not only good friends, but also world-famous martial artists. Chuck Norris was the reigning karate champion. Between 1964 and 1968 he won numerous tournaments, including the World Professional Karate Middleweight Championship. In 1969, Black Belt magazine named him Fighter of the Year. Bruce Lee had a lot of respect for Chuck Norris. In the early 70s they spent a lot of time studying together and sharing ideas. In 1972, Bruce invited Chuck to play the role of the main bad guy in Way of the Dragon. Chuck accepted the offer, and together they began working on the most epic martial arts scene in cinema history.

After Bruce Lee's death, Chuck Norris became a martial arts movie superstar. He has received many awards not only for his acting, but also for his work as a stuntman. In 1990, Chuck Norris founded the anti-drug organization Kick Drugs out of America, and since then has spent a lot of time fighting against drugs and violence in schools.
