Presentation on water safety in summer. Presentation on water safety. Adults have a responsibility to prevent

Dear parents and teachers When going on vacation at sea (or any other body of water), introduce your children to the dangerous situations that they may encounter on the water. Read the poems and show your child pictures that clearly show what dangerous situations should be avoided. Use Internet resources. Teach your children to take care of their lives and health!



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Zashchepenkova Natalya Mikhailovna instructor in physical education (swimming) GBOU school No. 41 DSP No. 2

Educational area: SAFETY Age of participants: senior preschool age (5-7 years)

Practical significance of the project: As a result of the project, children and parents will know the rules of safe behavior on the water. A system of interaction between preschool teachers and parents will be developed to ensure the safety of children on water bodies. The risk of accidents with children on summer holidays near a pond will be reduced.

Dear parents and teachers When going on vacation at sea (or any other body of water), introduce your children to the dangerous situations that they may encounter on the water. Read the poems and show your child pictures that clearly show what dangerous situations should be avoided. Use online resources Teach your children to take care of their lives and health!

Swim only in designated areas. Do not get too cold or overheat. After eating, take a break of 1.5-2 hours. Do not swim in water temperatures below 18 degrees or in air temperatures below 22 degrees. Do not stay under the scorching rays of the sun for a long time.

On the high bank, Children do not play! The earth will disappear from under your feet Maybe, just know that! And you’ll fly straight down from the cliff into the water... And you’ll be left screaming: “People, help!!!” »

When thunder rumbles around and lightning flashes, do not go into open water! After all, anything can happen... And if you get caught in a thunderstorm, don’t swim, don’t swim... As soon as the rain begins to patter, get out to the shore!

I would like to say to both adults and children: You should not dive in an unfamiliar place! The river may turn out to be very shallow... But it’s dangerous to stick your head into the sand! Branches, stones, glass Hid at the bottom - They are difficult to notice in the depths of the water

If you're having fun on the water, make sure that the joke doesn't lead to trouble... Don't drown someone else - it may turn out that your friend swallows water, he panics, starts to struggle - and he pulls you under the water with him! And the game will end so sadly... We don’t want you to drown in the river!

Waves are rolling from boats with ships... It can cover your head with water, It can take your breath away... There is no point in arguing with such waves! Avoid them if possible, don’t swim close to the boats: It’s very difficult to see a swimmer from above, It’s impossible to slow down on the water The ending will probably be sad: It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get back... There’s no point in arguing with such waves!

The beach is surrounded by buoys from ships, snags and waves. This means you can swim here and have nothing to fear. Have fun as you want, But please keep in mind: To avoid losing your life, don’t swim behind the buoys!

There is no need to be disgraceful and make holes in the circle; It’s not worth risking your life, neither for a friend nor for a girlfriend. But if you, but if you are a Naughty and an evil prankster - Trouble is not far away: The Leaky Circle is dangerous.

Don’t swim near a sewer pipe It might pull you straight into the pipe And it won’t work, no matter how hard you try. Come up to breathe air... It’s very dangerous, remember, brothers! Have fun next to the sewer!

The boys are riding on a homemade raft on the water, chasing their dreams. Three sailors, one captain are rushing in search of fairy-tale countries... The logs in the raft just moved apart - And the boys did not catch up with the dream... It is very dangerous to joke with the river And sail on a raft after a dream.

Children have fun swinging on the waves on colored mattresses and inflatable rings. But you must definitely find out: You don’t have to swim far into the water! The circle or the mattress may become leaky... Who will have time to save you from the abyss? And it’s easy to capsize on the waves... So we don’t recommend swimming far!

If you want to sail in a boat, then be sure, children, keep in mind: You can ride all day, until sunset, Just don’t rock the boat, And don’t reach for a beautiful flower - The boat might capsize... You won’t be able to float up - then there will be trouble! Always be careful on the water!

First aid instructions

Saving a drowning man Saving a drowning man is not easy even for an adult. You shouldn’t rush headlong into the water. The first thing you should do when you see a drowning person is to attract the attention of others by shouting “The man is drowning!” Then see if there is a rescue device nearby. It can be anything that floats on the water and that you can throw to a drowning person: a lifebuoy, a rubber bladder, etc. Try, if possible, to reach the drowning person with your hand, a stick, a thick branch, or throw him a rope. If there is no one nearby, you can try to save the drowning person by swimming up to him from behind and grabbing him by the hair, and then returning with him to a safe depth. But this is only possible as a last resort and if you are a very good swimmer. Follow the rules of behavior on the water!

Transportation to shore. Remove the victim from the water. To do this, swim up to him from behind and swim with him to the shore, grabbing him by the collar of his clothes or hair. The drowned person's head should be above the water. Under no circumstances should you swim up to the victim from the front or try to pull him out of the water.

Everyone should know about this, SAFETY IS IMPORTANT!

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“Safety measures on water bodies during floods and in the summer” Mingaleva S.V. teacher 1st "B" class 2013

Summer is a great time to relax. And in order to relax by the water with benefit for yourself and your health, you need to learn to communicate with water, be able to swim, remember well and follow the rules of behavior on the water.

You cannot swim in the water for a long time - you can easily catch a cold. If you feel chilled, get out of the water immediately and take a short but vigorous jog along the shore. The duration of swimming depends on the air and water temperature, air humidity and wind strength. The most favorable swimming conditions are clear, windless weather, air temperature +25 °C or more. You should start swimming at a water temperature of at least +18 °C

It is recommended to swim no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating. It is best to swim at children's beaches: they are well equipped and provided with the necessary means to prevent accidents. Please remember that children are only allowed to swim in the presence of adults.

A medical center is equipped on the beach, fungi and canopies are installed for protection from the sun. During children's bathing or other activities on the water, a rescue boat equipped with a lifebuoy is patrolled

To avoid trouble, all children must strictly follow a number of simple rules of behavior on the water. Remember: – you can swim only in permitted places and in the presence of adults; – you should not dive in unfamiliar places – there may be submerged logs, stones, and snags at the bottom; – you should not swim in wetlands or where there is algae or mud;

– under no circumstances should you swim on inflatable mattresses, inner tubes, or inflatable toys—the available equipment may turn out to be faulty, break, and the person will suddenly end up in the water, and this is very dangerous even for those who know how to swim well; – you cannot cling to boats or climb onto navigation equipment signs (buoys, buoys, etc.); – you cannot swim up to passing vessels, swim behind the buoys that limit the swimming area, and swim out into the fairway;

– you cannot swim in stormy weather or in places with strong surf; – if you find yourself in water with a strong current, do not try to swim against the current, you will not have enough strength to cope with it; in this case, you need to swim with the flow, but in such a way as to gradually approach the shore; – if you get into a whirlpool, don’t be scared, take in more air, dive in and try to turn sharply away from it; – if you have a muscle cramp, lie on your back and swim to the shore, while trying to rub the cramped muscles; – do not hesitate to call your comrades and adults for help; – You cannot raise false alarms.

HOW TO ACT DURING A FLOOD Actions in the event of a threat of flooding: Listen carefully to information about the emergency situation and instructions on the procedure, do not use the phone unnecessarily so that it is free to communicate with you. Stay calm, warn your neighbors, provide assistance to the disabled, children and the elderly. Find out from your local government the place where residents will gather for evacuation and prepare for it. Prepare documents, clothes, the most necessary things, a supply of food for several days, and medicines. Put everything in your suitcase. Keep documents in a waterproof bag. Disconnect all electrical consumers from the electrical network and turn off the gas. Move valuables and food items to upper floors or up to high shelves.

Actions in a flash flood zone during flooding: Stay calm, don't panic. Quickly collect the necessary documents, valuables, medicines, food and other necessary things. Provide assistance to children, disabled people and elderly people. They must be evacuated first. If possible, leave the flooded area immediately. Before leaving the house, turn off the electricity and gas supply, and turn off the fire in the stoves. Close the windows and doors; if you have time, cover the windows and doors of the first floor with boards (boards). Go up to the upper floors. If the house is one-story, occupy the attic space. Until help arrives, stay on the upper floors, roofs, trees or other heights, and signal to rescuers so that they can quickly find you. Check if there are any victims nearby and, if possible, provide assistance to them. First aid to people picked up on the surface of the water is as follows: they need to be changed into dry underwear, wrapped warmly and given a sedative, and victims removed from under the water need artificial respiration. Once in the water, take off heavy clothing and shoes, look nearby for objects that you can use until you receive help. Do not overfill life-saving equipment (boats, boats, rafts)

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Basic water safety rules: 1. Before entering the water, look for any prohibiting signs. 1. Before entering the water, look for any prohibiting signs. 2. before going into the water you need to check the bottom 2. before going into the water you need to check the bottom 3. at the bottom of any body of water (pond, river, lake, sea) there may be piercing and cutting objects (stones, glass, driftwood, iron) 3. at the bottom of any body of water (pond, river, lake, sea) there may be piercing and cutting objects (stones, glass, driftwood, iron) 4. before swimming, you need to look around (you may find factories, industrial enterprises) 4. before swimming, you need to look around (there may be factories and industrial enterprises nearby) 5. you should not swim after eating 5. you should not swim after eating 6. you should not swim when not sober 6. do not You should swim while not sober

Don't panic, try to turn your back to the wave; - press your arms bent at the elbows to the lower part of your chest and take several sharp exhalations, helping yourself with your hands; - then clear the water from your nose and make several swallowing movements; - having restored your breathing, lie on your stomach and move towards the shore; - if necessary, call people for help. If you choke on water

1. If there is a boat, swim up to the drowning person and pull him over the stern so that the boat does not capsize. 2. If there is no boat, swim to the drowning man. 3. As you approach, grab him by the shoulders from behind so that he cannot grab onto you. Then you will be unable to move and may drown with him. 4. If the drowning person continues to frantically cling to you, hindering your movements, take him under the chin with one hand and pull him towards you so that his head is level with yours, face up. 5. With the elbow of the same hand, firmly grasp his shoulder to prevent him from rolling over, and move towards the shore on his side or on his back. 6. If a drowning person is unconscious, drag him to the shore, holding him under the chin with your hand so that his face is constantly above the surface of the water. Help for a drowning man

SAFETY MEASURES WHEN SWIMMING When warm sunny days arrive, people tend to the water. At this time you need to be especially careful. You should remember the following rules: it is better to swim in the morning or evening, when the sun is warm, but there is no danger of overheating. The water temperature should not be lower than 17–19°. You can swim in water for no more than 20 minutes, and this time should increase gradually, from 3 to 5 minutes. You can’t bring yourself to the point of chills. Hypothermia may cause convulsions, respiratory arrest, and loss of consciousness. It is better to swim several times, and during breaks play outdoor games: volleyball, badminton; do not enter or jump into the water after prolonged exposure to the sun. Peripheral vessels are greatly expanded for greater heat transfer. When cooling in water, a sharp reflex contraction of the muscles occurs, which entails cessation of breathing; Do not enter the water while intoxicated. Alcohol blocks the vasoconstrictor and vasodilator centers in the brain; If there is no equipped beach nearby, you need to choose a safe place for swimming with a hard sandy bottom, not clogged, and a gradual slope. Enter the water carefully. Never jump in places that are not specially equipped; don't swim too far, because... You may not calculate your strength. If you feel tired, do not get lost and strive to swim to the shore as quickly as possible. You need to “relax” on the water. To do this, be sure to learn how to swim on your back. By turning over onto your back and supporting yourself on the surface with light movements of your arms and legs, you can rest;

If you are caught in the current, do not try to fight it. You need to swim downstream, gradually, at a slight angle, approaching the shore; don’t get lost, even if you get caught in a whirlpool. You need to take in more air into your lungs, plunge into the water and, making a strong jerk to the side, emerge; in reservoirs with a lot of algae, you should try to swim close to the surface of the water, without touching the plants or making sudden movements. If, nevertheless, your arms or legs become entangled in the stems, you need to stop (take a “float” or “float” position) and free yourself from them; Do not swim on air mattresses, inner tubes or inflatable toys. They can be carried very far from the shore by the wind or current, or washed over by a wave, air may escape from them, and they will lose buoyancy. Swimming with a mask, snorkel and fins requires special caution: you should not swim with a snorkel in very rough seas. You only need to swim along the shore and always under constant supervision so that help can come in time; do not allow gross pranks in the water: swim under swimmers, grab their legs, “drown” them, give false signals for help, etc.; Do not leave children near the water. They may stumble and fall, choke on water or fall into a hole; do not swim beyond the restrictive signs, because they limit the water area with a proven bottom, a certain depth, where the absence of whirlpools is guaranteed, etc. There is no need to sail far from the shore or swim across a body of water for a bet. You can prove your swimming ability by swimming the same distance several times near the shore; do not swim close to passing ships, boats and boats

MEASURES TO ENSURE CHILDREN'S SAFETY IN THE WATER Adults are obliged to prevent: children from swimming alone without supervision; swimming in unauthorized places; riding on equipment or objects that are not suitable for this purpose. It is better to choose areas of reservoirs for swimming children with a gently sloping sandy shore. The bottom should have a gradual slope to a depth of 1.5 m, without holes, ledges, algae, snags, or sharp stones. In the area for swimming and teaching swimming to children of preschool and primary school age, a special place is equipped (“paddling pool”, with a depth of no more than 0.7 m), which is fenced with a picket fence or surrounded by a line of floats on cables. Children aged 12 years and older and only those who are good swimmers are allowed to swim in reservoirs with a depth of up to 1.5 m. This place is fenced with buoys. For bathing children during hikes, walks and excursions, choose a shallow place with a flat and clean bottom. The swimming area must be inspected by well-swimming adults. All children must remember the rules: swim only in specially designated areas; do not swim close to ships, boats and boats; do not allow pranks on the water; do not give false alarms; do not swim on inflatable mattresses, inner tubes, or boards; do not dive into the water in unfamiliar places, from boats, steep banks, piers; do not swim in water at temperatures below +18ºС; do not throw cans, glass and other objects that are dangerous for swimmers into the water; do not ride on homemade rafts; swim only in the presence of elders.

OVERCOOLING OF THE ORGANISM. FIRST AID MEASURES Its main causes are prolonged exposure to water or even short-term exposure to ice water. A person’s reaction to hypothermia is determined by the degree of adaptation of the body to cold. To prevent it when swimming, it is necessary to limit the time spent in the water and regulate the breaks between entries into the water. Water temperature, ºС Permissible time spent in water 40 minutes 15 minutes swimming is not allowed Break between entries into the water (hours) 11.5 These recommendations are designed for healthy and physically fit people with a sufficient degree of training. Healthy preschool children can be bathed in open reservoirs at water temperature °C for 1-3 minutes and no more than 2-3 times a day, because Too sudden and frequent temperature changes are harmful to the child’s body. Healthy school-age children can start swimming at a water temperature of ° C. Moreover, the time spent in water should be increased gradually, from 3 5 to min. Children of any age should not swim until they are chilled.

With mild hypothermia, chills, muscle tremors, general weakness, difficulty moving, and pale skin appear. The victim must be dressed warmly, given hot tea or coffee, and forced to perform intense physical exercise. Further swimming on this day is stopped. The average degree of hypothermia is characterized by bluish lips and skin, weakened breathing, the pulse becomes slower, drowsiness appears, and the ability to move independently is lost. With severe hypothermia, convulsions, dizziness, and possible loss of consciousness appear. Vital functions gradually fade away. In case of moderate and severe hypothermia, the victim should be rubbed with a woolen cloth, warmed up under a warm shower (if he is placed in a bath, the water temperature is increased gradually, from 30-35 ° C to 40-42 ° C), and a massage of the whole body. Then dress warmly, put her to bed, and warm her with heating pads. Warming should be gradual so that there is no sudden temperature change. UNITED RESCUE SERVICE telephone number 01

REMEMBER! When near the water, never forget about your own safety and be ready to help someone in trouble. When swimming, it is unacceptable to swim in an unfamiliar place, under bridges and near dams, to dive without knowing the depth of the reservoir and the bottom topography, to swim behind buoys and fences, to approach ships, rafts and other watercraft, to jump into the water from boats, boats, piers, to organize games with the capture of body parts.

When using a boat, it is unacceptable to rock the boat, stand up to your full height, or get on board. Swim into places where ships pass, or mass bathing. Grab tree branches and other objects while moving. Before sailing on a boat, make sure: - that the boat is in good working order; - life-saving equipment is available.

Rules for crossing water bodies of ice Every year, dozens of people die under thick ice. Going out on the ice of a reservoir is always dangerous. In any case, the decisive factor in ensuring safety is the ability to predict extreme situations. Therefore, when going out on the ice, you need to be prepared for any surprises. Cross a body of water on ice only when visibility is good. When skiing, unfasten the bindings, remove the pole straps from your hands. Take a long stick, a rope of at least 5 meters. Descend where there are no gullies or bushes frozen into the ice. Walk carefully, checking the ice in front of you. Do not lift your soles off the ice

If you need to overcome a dangerous section of a frozen pond, do it in the presence of a belayer. You need to move on thin ice in a sliding step. You should be especially careful after snowfall. Cracks, holes and ice holes will not be visible under the snow, and the ice under snow drifts is always much thinner. In such cases, you should move around holding a pole or long stick in your hands, using it to test the strength of the ice in front of you. If you fall through the ice, a long stick or pole will help you get out of the hole. When approaching a dangerous area on skis, remove the backpack from one shoulder, unfasten the ski bindings, and take the poles in one hand. If necessary, you can quickly free yourself from the load and skis, and with the help of poles it is easier to get out of the hole if you end up there. Don't panic, almost 90% of people have gotten out of similar situations. In order to predict the occurrence of extreme situations on ice, you need to know the factors that contribute to the occurrence of danger. Everyone knows that the lower the temperature, the stronger the ice. When going out onto a frozen pond, pay attention to the snow. If it crunches, it means the ice has not melted. And if the snow is wet and easily falls through, leaving water in its tracks, then going out on the ice is dangerous! On polluted water bodies, especially in areas where technological waste is discharged, the ice is very thin. In the early morning the ice is usually strongest, and in the afternoon, especially in spring, it weakens. The thinnest ice is where the river turns, where the current is faster. The coastal zone of the reservoir poses a great danger in spring. If the water level in a reservoir drops, voids form under the ice, into which it is easy to fall. Knowing these factors will help you anticipate danger and avoid it. UNITED RESCUE SERVICE telephone number 01
