"Use of the relaxation method in the work of a preschool teacher" consultation on the topic. The use of relaxation in working with preschool children Aids for relaxation in kindergarten

Tatiana Pivovarova

Children are not always comfortable being in a large group; sometimes they want to be alone and relax. For this purpose, in our 2nd junior group "Dwarves" we created corner of relaxation and psychological relief.

There are 2 cats on the wall - “mood indicators”. A child can come up and “treat a fish” to a sad or cheerful cat - in accordance with his mood. Fish with attached flat magnets are attached to magnetic “bowls”

In that the corner is placed“house” is a tent where children play one or two at a time.

On the shelves are toys specially selected for relaxation and relaxation:

1. Water clock. Children watch colored drops slowly falling.

2. “Dry pools” with acorns, colored buttons, beads from Christmas garlands, a container with beads that can be strung on a string.

3. Homemade relaxation toys:

From a plastic bottle, food coloring with water and sunflower oil "Sea"

From plastic bottles and shower gel (of course, the bottles are tightly sealed, beads are added to one. Children love to watch how, when turning over the gel, an air bubble slowly runs up, and beads slowly and slowly fall down.

Second bottle (green) in the image below.

4. Kaleidoscope

5. Organ organ (monotonous calm music promotes relaxation and psychological relief)

6. Hourglass (issued for a short time and strictly under supervision)

7. Massage balls

8. Figure toys that fold when pressed

9. Logical toy "Snake"

10. Calendars with an iridescent image of a “Horse”. Stereo pictures are useful for eye: focusing your gaze on a specific object, tenses and then relaxes the eye muscle. This has a positive effect on sharpness vision: The percentage of vision increases, it becomes clearer.

11. Homemade tabletop sandbox “Masha and the Bear”

12. Sensory toy like a tabletop sandbox “Sea in a box”

13. “Mood glass” - when you are angry, you can say angry words into it and close it with a lid so that they don’t fly away. :)

I will be glad if it is useful to someone!

Lyudmila Viktorovna Namdakova
Relaxation exercises before and after naps

1. Exercise to relax the arm muscles(pronounced calmly, quietly)

I. p. - lying on the bed, on your back, arms extended along the body.

We can dance

Run, jump, draw,

But we don’t know everything yet

Relax, rest.

We have a game like this -

Very light, simple.

Movement slows down

The tension disappears...

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice!

We straighten our arms with force - (raise your arms, stretch them behind your head, stretch)

It's like we're growing up (deep breath. Pause)

And now we relax them,

Smoothly lower it gently. (as you exhale, lower your arms along your body)

2. Leg relaxation exercise:

What are these strange springs?

Have our backs straightened?

(pull your toes towards you, rest your heels on the headboard of the bed)

Pull up your socks

And watch, don't let go! (pause)

Legs relax (relax legs)

They are trying to rest.

3. Abdominal muscle relaxation exercise(put your palms on your chest)

Inflating the balloon (inhale, inflate your stomach)

We check it with our hands.

Our balloon is deflating

The tummy relaxes. (exhale, pull in your stomach)

4. Self-massage of the face and neck:

Let's rub our palms together

Let's warm them up a little. (rub your palms together)

And warm palms

Let's wash ourselves like cats (use the palms of both hands to run across your face from top to bottom)

Rake rakes away all the bad thoughts (fingers move from the middle of the forehead to the temples)

Fingers run up and down so fast (lightly tap your cheeks with your fingers)

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

5. General relaxation:

Eyelashes droop...

Eyes are closing...

We rest peacefully (2 times)

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

They get heavy and fall asleep (2 times)

The cervix is ​​not tense...

And she is relaxed...

The mouth opens slightly (2 times)

Breathe easily, smoothly, deeply...

We have a wonderful rest, close our eyes tightly (2 times)

These exercises have a positive effect on the physical condition of children, on the emotional atmosphere, and prepare children for proper rest.

Traditional awakening gymnastics:

And now we're all awake

Turned from side to side (turns from one side to the other)

Hands raised to the sun,

We played with him a little. (hands up, shaking hands)

Along the path following the sun,

They ran quickly, quickly. (a ride on the bicycle)

We sat on the beds, dangled our legs and smelled the flowers. (even breathing through the nose).

Exercising after a nap. Corrective exercises.

“People who know how to relax not only have greater mental flexibility, but are also better able to deal with stress.”

R. Copelan

In the modern world with huge information flows that have fallen on our children, most of them are characterized by an imbalance and mobility between the processes of excitation and inhibition, increased emotionality, and motor restlessness. In the process of development, education and training, preschoolers receive a huge amount of information that they need to learn. Active mental activity and accompanying experiences create excessive excitement in the nervous system, which, accumulating, leads to emotional overload. As a result, preschoolers develop fears, inappropriate behavior, anxiety, and lack of self-confidence. How can we help children avoid this?

It is known that during emotional stress, when a child is very excited, agitated, or depressed, excess tension occurs in certain muscle groups. Children cannot get rid of this tension on their own; they begin to get nervous, which leads to tension in new muscle groups. Children need to be taught to feel this tension, change its degree or remove it completely by relaxing certain muscle groups. When muscles relax, emotional tension weakens or disappears completely. .


Relaxation technique- this is the best way to learn to recognize the existing tension in the muscles and get rid of them.

Relaxation(from Latin relaxation - weakening, relaxation) - deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the release of mental tension. Relaxation can be either involuntary or voluntary, achieved as a result of the use of special psychophysiological techniques.

As you know, emotions and feelings are difficult to regulate by will. Adults need to remember this when faced with unwanted or unexpected childhood emotions. You cannot demand from a child not to experience what he experiences and feels; You can only limit the form of manifestation of his negative emotions. Our task is not to suppress or eradicate emotions, but to teach children to feel their emotions, manage their behavior, and hear their body.

Children really like doing relaxation exercises because they have an element of play. They, unlike adults, quickly learn the difficult ability to relax.

Having learned to relax, each child receives what he previously lacked. This equally applies to any mental processes: cognitive, emotional or volitional. In the process of relaxation, the body redistributes energy in the best possible way and tries to bring the body to balance and harmony.

By relaxing, excited, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, cheerfulness, and freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Such systematic work allows the child’s body to relieve excess tension and restore balance, thereby maintaining mental health.

Features of performing relaxation exercises.

Features of performing relaxation exercises by children of primary preschool age: - The time to complete one exercise is no more than 2-3 minutes. - Most exercises are aimed at relaxing certain muscle groups. - Relaxation includes both repeated performance of one exercise and a set of 3-4 exercises for different muscle groups. - End the relaxation only on a positive note.

Features of performing relaxation exercises by children of senior preschool age:

The time to complete one exercise is no more than 4-5 minutes.
- During one lesson, you can use exercises from different blocks, depending on the focus of the GCD.
- Relaxation includes a set of 3-4 exercises for different muscle groups.
- A session of complete relaxation is carried out with musical accompaniment and text aimed at calmness and restoration of strength.
- The main task of performing the exercises is to teach children recovery techniques for further independent use.
- End the relaxation only on a positive note.

Training session (basics of relaxation).

Choose a place on the carpet or warm floor where you can sit with your child. You are close, but do not touch each other.
1. You need to lie on your back so that you can relax comfortably and pleasantly with me for a few minutes. We'll just talk and relax and rest. You see that I am also here on the mat with you. Close your eyes and imagine that you are holding heavy sand balls in your hands. Squeeze the “balls” tightly in your fists, hold tight while I count to ten. Ten – release the “balls” from your hands. Do you feel how light your hands have become? Relax your hands, let your palm and fingers rest.
2. Imagine that your shoulders have become tiny, like Thumbelina’s. Squeeze your shoulders, make them small, press your shoulders as close to your neck as possible. I will count to ten, and at “ten” - straighten your shoulders, let them become free, like the wings of a bird. Feel how the tension (fatigue) leaves your shoulders.
3. Close your eyes again. Now we will relax the facial muscles, so open your mouth wide, as wide as possible, and I count - one, two, three - relax your mouth, close it. Is it really good? Lift the tongue in your mouth up and press it to the roof of your mouth, press it tightly and tense your jaw, hard! One-two-three - lower the tongue. The face became calm and relaxed. Now try to make a “scary face”! Wrinkle your nose, frown your eyebrows, purse your lips angrily! - One, two, three - Smile, you were just joking, right? All the muscles of your face have relaxed, do you feel how light your face has become?
4. Close your eyes again. Imagine that you need to run very quickly along a track. Your legs tensed, your tummy tightened, and you “ran”! I count to ten, and you keep your legs and tummy tense, as if you were still running. Ten – you’ve arrived, the end of the race, you’re first! Now you can rest and relax, your legs have become warm and tired, your tummy is soft and heavy - rest, let your legs and tummy also rest and relax. 5. Your eyes are closed. Listen to what I’ll tell you: You and I now find ourselves in a sunny clearing, where grasshoppers quietly chirp, colorful butterflies fly and birds sing faintly. The breeze easily touches your face, arms and whole body. You are very warm and pleasant, you are resting and relaxing. (Quiet relaxation music sounds - “Sounds of Nature”). 6. I will count from ten to one, and when “one” sounds, you will open your eyes, and all your strength will return to you, your mood will be joyful and cheerful.

Relaxation classes and relaxation exercises can be conducted not only by a psychologist, but also by kindergarten teachers and parents of children.

1. Before doing the exercise with children, try it yourself.

2. Do not forget that tension should be short-term, and relaxation should be longer. Draw the children's attention to how pleasant a state of relaxation and calm feels.

3. Before each exercise, set the children up and find a way to interest them.

6. Repeat each exercise no more than 2 - 3 times. Don't use different exercises at the same time.

7. New relaxation exercises should be learned systematically with children.


"Smile" Children lie down on the carpet. They close their eyes. “Who ran, jumped and skipped fast today. He, of course, is not tired, but his head is tired, It’s always time for her to think. You just need to lie down, remember the sun, the sea. Look inside yourself and see a star next to the moon. Here she is shining and smiling. And it lights up from the moon. If you saw this. Open your eyes, look at your friends, smile.

"Elephant" Place your feet firmly, then imagine yourself as an elephant. Slowly shift your body weight onto one leg, raise the other high and lower it to the floor with a “rumble.” Move around the room, alternately raising each leg and lowering it with the foot hitting the floor. Say “Wow!” as you exhale.

"Bell" Children lie on their backs. They close their eyes and relax to the sound of the lullaby “Fluffy Clouds.” “Awakening” occurs to the sound of a bell.

"Summer Day" Children lie on their backs, relaxing all their muscles and closing their eyes. Relaxation takes place to the sound of calm music:

I'm lying in the sun,

But I don't look at the sun.

We close our eyes and rest.

The sun strokes our faces

May we have a good dream.

Suddenly we hear: bom-bom-bom!

Thunder came out for a walk.

Thunder rolls like a drum.


Hush, hush, silence! You can't talk!

We are tired - we need to sleep - let's lie down quietly on the bed

And we will sleep quietly.


Children lie on the carpet with their eyes closed. “It suddenly became quiet, quiet. The sun fell asleep. The dandelion has been sleeping for a long time, and so has the grasshopper. But the cuckoo doesn’t care, she can’t sleep. Everyone is cuckoo-coo-coo, echoing behind the window. I’ll rest a little, and now I’ll look out the window.

"Friendly children"
The children are lying on the carpet. “There are friendly children in our garden, I really want to calm them down. Close your eyes friends and imagine. Lake, swans, beautiful sky. Well, now imagine a wave. I want to shower you with it. Scary? Not at all. Lie down some more. Well, now open your eyes together.”

Children lie face up on the carpet. There are stars on the ceiling. “Eyes look at the beautiful sky. See how many stars there are in the clear sky. You can count them, or you can choose one. And make your wish. One, two, three, accept my wish, little star!”

"Fish" Children sit and look at the panel “Fish in the Sea”. "The sea is agitated, the sea is agitatedetsya. I really want to fight the sky. The fish keep swimming and without stopping. Close your eyes and follow. Open your eyes and find the same fish.”

" Rain "
Children lie on the carpet, on their stomachs, with their eyes open. “The rain is dripping and dripping on the roof. I can no longer hear him. The eyes close and meet the sun. I see the sun in the distance and a boat on the river. The rain suddenly poured down like a river, I opened a large umbrella. The rain is running away, I open my eyes.”

1. “Parsley”: the whole body is soft, rag-like, relaxed (15-20 sec).
2. “Pinocchio”: the whole body is tense, hard and wooden (10-15 sec)
3. “Petrushka” again

Exercises to relax the whole body:

"Birds" Children imagine that they are little birds. They fly through the fragrant summer forest, inhale its aromas and admire its beauty. So they sat down on a beautiful wildflower and inhaled its light aroma, and now they flew to the tallest linden tree, sat on its top and felt the sweet smell of a flowering tree. But a warm summer breeze blew, and the birds, along with its gust, rushed to the babbling forest stream. Sitting on the edge of the stream, they cleaned their feathers with their beaks, drank clean, cool water, splashed around and rose up again. Now let’s land in the coziest nest in a forest clearing.

"Slow motion" Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place their hands loosely on their knees, legs slightly apart, close their eyes and sit quietly for a while, listening to slow, quiet music:

Everyone can dance, jump, run, and draw.

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have a game like this - very easy, simple.

Movement slows down and tension disappears.

And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!

“We stretched and broke” Stand up straight. As you inhale, stretch strongly upward, stretching your arms, tensing your body. Gradually exhale and relax your body. First, relax your hands, then your elbows, then completely (your arms fall down). Relax your neck (head drops to your chest). Relax your back muscles and bend in half. The body relaxed and sagged. Relax your knees and fall gently to the floor. Lie like this.

"Left and Right" The left hand is tense, the right is relaxed; the right hand is tense, the left is relaxed. The left leg is tense, the right leg is relaxed; the right leg is tense, the left leg is relaxed. Close your right eye, draw three circles clockwise with your left, three circles counterclockwise. Close your left eye, draw three circles counterclockwise with your right eye, and three circles clockwise.

RELAXATION FOR SENIOR GROUP CHILDREN. "Clouds" Imagine a warm summer evening. You lie on the grass and look at the clouds floating in the sky - such white, large, fluffy clouds in the blue sky. Everything around is quiet and calm, you feel warm and comfortable. With each inhalation and exhalation, you begin to slowly and smoothly rise into the air, higher and higher, towards the very clouds. Your arms are light, light, your legs are light. your whole body becomes light as a cloud. Here you are swimming up to the largest and fluffiest, most beautiful cloud in the sky. Closer and closer. And now you are already lying on this cloud, you feel how it gently strokes you, this fluffy and tender cloud... (pause - stroking the children). Strokes..., strokes... You feel good and pleased. You are relaxed and calm. But then a cloud dropped you into the clearing. Smile at your cloud. Stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes. You had a good rest on the cloud.

Waterfall" Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. Wonderful day, blue sky, warm sun. The mountain air is fresh and pleasant. You can breathe easily and freely. But our waterfall is unusual; instead of water, soft white light falls in it. Imagine yourself standing under this waterfall and feel this beautiful white light flowing over your head. You feel it pouring over your forehead, then over your face, down your neck... White light flows over your shoulders... helping them become soft and relaxed... (pause - stroking the children). Let the light stroke your hands and fingers. This amazing waterfall of white light flows around your entire body. You feel completely calm, and with every breath you relax more and more. Now stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes. The magical light filled you with fresh strength and energy.

Relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the muscles of the torso, arms, legs


Imagine that you are cubs and your mother bear is playing with you. She throws bumps at you. You catch them and squeeze them forcefully in your paws. But the cubs are tired and drop their paws along the body - the paws are resting. And the mother bear again throws cones to the cubs... (repeat 2 - 3 times)

Sun and Cloud” Imagine yourself sunbathing in the sun. But then the sun went behind the cloud, it became cold - everyone huddled together to warm up (hold their breath). The sun came out from behind the clouds, it became hot - everyone relaxed (as they exhaled). Repeat 2 – 3 times.

Playing with sand" Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. Pick up sand in your hands (as you inhale). Clenching your fingers tightly into a fist, hold the sand in your hands (hold your breath). Sprinkle sand on your knees, gradually opening your hands and fingers. Let your arms fall powerlessly along your body, too lazy to move your heavy arms (repeat 2-3 times).

Ant" Imagine that you are sitting in a clearing, the sun is gently warming you. An ant crawled onto my toes. Pull your socks towards yourself with force, keep your legs tense and straight. Let's listen to which finger the ant is sitting on (holding your breath). Let's throw the ant off our feet (as we exhale). Socks go down - to the sides, relax your legs: rest your legs (repeat 2-3 times).

Relaxation exercises to relieve tension from facial muscles

Bee" Imagine a warm, summer day. Expose your face to the sun, your chin will also sunbathe (unclench your lips and teeth as you inhale). A bee is flying, about to land on someone's tongue. Close your mouth tightly (hold your breath). When chasing away a bee, you can vigorously move your lips. The bee flew away. Open your mouth slightly and exhale lightly (repeat 2-3 times).

Swing" Imagine a warm, summer day. Your face sunbathes, the gentle sun caresses you (facial muscles are relaxed). But then a butterfly flies and lands on your eyebrows. She wants to swing like on a swing. Let the butterfly swing on the swing. Move your eyebrows up and down. The butterfly has flown away, and the sun is warming (relaxation of the facial muscles) (repeat 2-3 times).



"Balloon" Goal: relieve tension, calm children. All players stand or sit in a circle. The presenter gives instructions: “Imagine that now you and I are going to inflate balloons. Inhale the air, bring an imaginary balloon to your lips and, puffing out your cheeks, slowly inflate it through parted lips. Watch with your eyes how your balloon gets bigger and bigger. "As the patterns on it become larger and larger. Have you imagined it? I also imagined your huge balls. Blow carefully so that the ball does not burst. Now show them to each other." The exercise can be repeated 3 times.

"The Ship and the Wind" Goal: to get the group into a working mood, especially if the children are tired. "Imagine that our sailboat is floating on the waves, but suddenly it stopped. Let's help it and invite the wind to help. Inhale the air, draw in your cheeks strongly... Now exhale noisily through your mouth and let the wind break free pushes the boat. Let's try again. I want to hear how the wind rustles! "The exercise can be repeated 3 times.

"Gift Under the Tree" Goal: relaxation of facial muscles, especially around the eyes.
"Imagine that the New Year holiday is coming. You have been dreaming about a wonderful gift for a whole year. So you approach the tree, close your eyes tightly and take a deep breath. Hold your breath. What lies under the tree? Now exhale and open your eyes. Oh, miracle! The long-awaited toy is in front of you! Are you happy? Smile." After completing the exercise, you can discuss (if the children want) who dreams of what.

" Blind dance" (The game is played to music). Goal: developing trust in each other, relieving excess muscle tension. “Split into pairs. One of you gets a blindfold, he will be “blind”. The other will remain “sighted” and will be able to lead the “blind”. Now hold hands and dance with each other to light music (1-2 minutes). Now switch roles. Help your partner tie the headband." As a preparatory step, you can sit the children in pairs and ask them to hold hands. The one who sees moves his hands to the music, and the blindfolded child tries to repeat these movements without letting go of his hands for 1-2 minutes. Then the children change roles. If an anxious child refuses to close his eyes, reassure him and do not insist. Let him dance with his eyes open. As the child gets rid of anxiety, you can start playing the game not while sitting, but moving around the room.

"Tree" Standing or sitting at a table, place your legs together, feet should be pressed to the floor, arms down, back straight. Take a calm breath in and out, calm your breathing and smoothly raise your arms up. Hold them at ear level, palms facing each other, fingers together. Stretch your whole body. Focus your attention on your spine. Breathing is voluntary, calm. As you stretch up, imagine a strong, strong tree. Its roots are deeply rooted in the ground. A tall, slender trunk reaches towards the sun. Your body, like a tree, fills with strength, vigor, and health. Hold the pose for 15-20 seconds. Then gently lower your arms and relax, taking two or three calm breaths in and out, lengthening the exhalation.

"Swan" Goal: relieve tension in the back, strengthen the back muscles, improve blood circulation in the spine and mobility in the shoulder joints.
Sit with your back touching the back of the chair, or stand up straight. Lower your arms, pull your shoulders back. Clasp your hands behind your back and slowly lift them up without tilting your torso. Pay attention to the area between your shoulder blades, feel the warmth between them and smoothly lower your arms. Relax by taking a few calm breaths in and out.


The ability to relax helps some children relieve tension, while others help them concentrate and relieve excitement. Relaxation is induced through specially selected gaming techniques.

As a result of dosed use of relaxation exercises in the daily routine, children become more balanced and calm, increased anger, irritability, tension, anxiety and fears are eliminated, which contributes to a favorable psychological environment in the group.

List of used literature.

1. Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V. Restless child. – M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2002.

2. Kosheleva A.D., Alekseeva L.S. Diagnosis and correction of child hyperactivity. – M.: Family Research Institute, 1997.

3. Shmigel N.E. Relaxation is not just relaxation, but the path...to health! // "RiTM Psychology for everyone." - 2011. - No. 9. - P.11 - 14.

4. Shmigel N.E. If you control your breathing, you control your life // "RiTM Psychology for everyone." - 2011. - No. 10. - P.15 - 18.

Consultation for teachers with elements of a workshop

“Use of the relaxation method in the work of a preschool teacher”

As part of the health-saving direction, kindergarten teachers are faced with the task of promoting the emotional well-being of participants in the educational process: children and parents. One of the working methods used to solve this problem is the relaxation method.

Relaxation exercises can be used with the following children:

· hyperactive, because according to the observations of psychologists and doctors, such children not only have difficulty controlling their behavior, but also have poor control of their own body and do not feel it enough. Relaxation promotes the development of focused attention, differentiated motor and mental reactions, which imparts uniformity to the child’s psychomotor development. Thanks to relaxation, muscle hypertonicity and hypotonicity are normalized, and a sense of one’s body develops;

· prone to aggressive behavior, because they are often characterized by muscle tension, especially in the face and hands;

· shy, because these children, despite their outward insensitivity, experience the same storm of emotions as other children, but cannot express them or react outwardly. This contributes to the fact that children “boil” inside and often turn this negative energy onto themselves, which stimulates the development of auto-aggressive and neurotic manifestations (tics, pinching, etc.).

In addition, relaxation exercises are used in the preparatory group. They can be included in various activities to prepare children for school, to restore performance, and also for the purpose of the child’s emotional development. Active mental activity and accompanying emotional experiences create excessive excitement in the nervous system, which, accumulating, leads to tension in the muscles of the body. The ability to relax allows you to eliminate anxiety, excitement, stiffness, restore strength, and increase your energy supply.

To achieve the maximum effect from relaxation exercises, you must be able to choose the right musical repertoire. Music should be calm, calming, relaxing, it should not be stressful or irritating. These can be sounds of nature: the sound of the sea, the splash of water, the murmuring of a stream, the chirping of birds, etc. or just some light, unobtrusive motive.

Examples of relaxation exercises when working with children 4-6 years old

"In the clearing"

Imagine a forest clearing in which soft grass grows. You lie on it like on a feather bed. Everything around is calm and quiet, you breathe evenly and easily. A wildflower is bending over you, you can hear the singing of birds, the chirping of grasshoppers, you feel the gentle rays of the sun stroking your forehead, cheeks, touching your hands, stroking your whole body... (pause - stroking the children). The rays stroke... (name), caress... (and so on for each child). You feel good, pleased... Now stretch and open your eyes on the count of three. You had a wonderful rest.


Today my children did a lot of activities, played and were probably tired. I suggest you be a little lazy. You are lazy and bask on a soft, soft carpet. Everything around is quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. A feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation covers your entire body. You rest quietly, you are lazy. Your hands are resting, your legs are resting... (pause - stroking the children). The arms are resting at... (name), the legs are resting at... (name). A pleasant warmth covers your whole body, you are too lazy to move, you feel good. Your breathing is completely calm. Your arms, legs, whole body are relaxed. A feeling of pleasant peace fills you from within. You rest, you are lazy. Pleasant laziness spreads throughout the body. You enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch, shake off your laziness, and on the count of three, open your eyes. You feel well rested and in a cheerful mood.


You are in a magical winter forest. Wonderful frosty day. You are pleased, you feel good, you breathe easily and freely. Imagine that you are light, gentle snowflakes. Your hands are light and light - they are the thin rays of a snowflake. Your body is also light and light, as if it were woven from snow fluffs. A light breeze blew and snowflakes flew. With every inhalation and exhalation you rise higher and higher above the magical forest. A gentle breeze gently strokes small, light snowflakes... (pause - stroking the children). Strokes... (name), caresses... (name). You feel good and pleased. But now it's time to return home. Stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes and smile at the gentle breeze and fragile snowflake.

Game "On the Seashore"

Instructions. Children are invited to imagine that they are playing on the seashore, splashing in the water. Having swam to their heart's content, the children get out of the water and lie down on the sun-warmed sand... They close their eyes from the bright sun, spread out their arms and legs in pleasant bliss.

1. “Playing with sand” (for tension and relaxation of the hands).

Pick up imaginary sand in your hands (as you inhale). Clenching your fingers tightly into a fist, hold the sand in your hands (hold your breath). Sprinkle sand on your knees, gradually opening your fingers (as you exhale). Shake the sand off your hands, relaxing your hands and fingers. Drop your arms powerlessly along your body: too lazy to move your heavy arms.

Repeat 2-3 times.

2. “Game with an ant” (for tension and relaxation of the legs).

Imagine that an ant(s) has climbed onto your toes and is running around on them. Pull your socks towards you with force, legs tense, straight (as you inhale). Leave your socks in this position, listen to which finger the ant is sitting on (hold your breath). Throw the ant off your toes (as you exhale). Toes point down to the sides, relax your legs: they are resting. Repeat 2-3 times.

3. “Sun and Cloud” (for tension and relaxation of the torso muscles)

The sun has set behind the cloud, it has become fresh - squeeze into a ball to warm up (hold your breath). The sun has come out from behind a cloud, it’s hot - relax: you’ve gotten tired in the sun (as you exhale).

4. “Water got into the ears” (for tension and relaxation of the neck muscles).

Lying on your back, shake your head rhythmically, shaking water out of one ear, then out of the other.

5. “The face tans” (for tension and relaxation of the facial muscles).

The chin is sunbathing - expose your chin to the sun, slightly unclench your lips and teeth (as you inhale). A bug is flying, about to land on one of the children's tongues. Close your mouth tightly (hold your breath). The bug flew away. Open your mouth slightly and exhale lightly. To drive away the bug, you can vigorously move your lips. The nose is sunbathing - expose your nose to the sun, your mouth is half open. A butterfly flies. Choosing whose nose to sit on. Wrinkle your nose, lift your upper lip upward, leave your mouth half open (hold your breath). The butterfly flew away. Relax the muscles of your lips and nose (as you exhale). Eyebrows - swing; The butterfly has flown in again, let the butterfly swing on the swing. Move your eyebrows up and down. The butterfly flew away completely. You want to sleep, relax your facial muscles. Without opening your eyes, crawl into the shadows and take a comfortable position.

6. “Dream on the seashore.”

Listen to the sound of the sea. Imagine that you have a dream (the presenter tells its content - the dream options may be different, depending on what the children did during the lesson); you see in a dream what we did today... (this way, the acquired impressions and skills are consolidated). (Pause.) At a signal (according to the count, when the pipe starts playing, etc.) you will wake up. (Pause.)

Note. At the signal, children stand up energetically or, if the situation requires it, slowly and calmly.

When interacting with parents of students, relaxation exercises are used during:

· individual consultations;

· parent meetings or other events;

Exercise “Rainbow” for conducting at a parent meeting

Goal: relieving emotional stress.

Instructions: Close your eyes. Imagine that there is a screen in front of you. On the screen you see a rainbow - the colors that you like. Each color has its own mood and feeling.

The first color is blue. Blue can be soft and calming, like flowing water. Blue pleasantly caresses the eye in the heat. It refreshes you like swimming in a lake. What do you see when you think of blue?

The next color is red. Red gives us energy and warmth. It's good to look at when it's cold. Sometimes too much red makes us angry. Sometimes he reminds us of love. What do you think when you look at the color red?

Yellow color brings us joy. It warms like the sun and makes us smile. If we are sad and lonely, it cheers us up. What do you think when you look at the color yellow?

Green is the color of nature. If we are sick or uneasy, green helps us feel better. What do you think when you look at it?

Do you notice how different colors affect your mood and even your well-being? Try to see other colors too.

Questions for analyzing the state after the exercise:

· How did you feel while doing this exercise?

· Which color most effectively affected your well-being and mood?

In addition to special exercises, instructions are created for parents, which suggest possible ways to self-regulate their emotional state.

The need for relaxation exercises with parents is due to the importance of harmonizing parent-child relationships, and therefore it is necessary to: teach parents to communicate with children, taking into account the individual characteristics of each; to develop in them the ability to manage their emotions and feelings at critical moments. And this is difficult to achieve with the high workload of adults and their chronic fatigue. The teacher’s task is to teach parents to relax so as not to transfer their irritation associated with problems at work or with other people onto their relationship with the child.

Material for creating a memo for parents

I. How to help yourself

Step one

The most effective method of acquiring relaxation skills is autogenic training, i.e. relaxing the body muscles, regulating cardiac activity, influencing the breathing rhythm, etc.

Take the “coachman’s pose”: sit on a chair, relax, tilt your head slightly forward, put your elbows on your knees, and spread your legs. Say the following text: “I am completely calm. The heart beats steadily. Thoughts flow smoothly and slowly. I'm resting. I'm completely calm. Relax, calm down, rest. Let thoughts leave your head. Let your neck, chest and arms rest. Listen to yourself: warmth and light are already in you. They take away sorrows and bad moods. Listen to the silence. She is silent and tells you to rest.”

Step two

After general relaxation, you can perform the following exercises. "Breath"

1. Take a deep breath, slowly raise your arms up through your sides.

2. Exhale with an open strong sound “A-A-A”.

3. Inhale, arms up to shoulder level.

4. Exhale with a strong sound “0-0-0” (hug yourself by the shoulders, lower your head to your chest). Slow, deep breath.

6. Slow, deep exhalation with the sound “U-U-U” (put your hands down).

"Fingers in a fist"

Make a fist with your fingers, thumb inside. Exhale calmly, at this time clench your fist. Then, releasing the compression, inhale. The exercise is performed simultaneously with both hands (5 times).

"The Scent of Roses"

Imagine a bouquet of roses and inhale the aroma of imaginary flowers, enjoying their scent.


Imagine that your body is slowly “embracing” a warm ray of sunshine. It warms the head, face, neck, arms, legs. The beam moves, and wrinkles are smoothed out, tension in the back of the head, neck, and back disappears. You become calm and satisfied with life.

Step three

We relieve headaches, if any.


Imagine that you forgot your umbrella at home. It started to rain. Warm, calm, pleasant. You feel good in the rain. Light drops fall on your head and shoulders. Feel the raindrops on yourself, while using your fingertips to gently touch your head, face, neck - either slowing down or speeding up the pace.

Step four

Down with unpleasant thoughts! "Drawing"

Take colored pencils and, without thinking, draw abstract lines with your left hand. Take a closer look at what you have, try to find the outlines of one or more objects among the lines. Color them and admire what you have created.

Step five

“Ears on top of your head!”

Physiological scientists have proven that there are many points on the ears that are connected to the internal organs. By influencing them, a person is able to relieve physical pain, normalize the functioning of internal organs, and activate the body’s reserves for active life. Follow these steps:

Using the index fingers of both hands, simultaneously pull the ears, starting from the top edge and gradually going down to the earlobes;

Massage your earlobes first and then your entire ear. Finally, rub your ears with your hands.

2. Charging positive thinking “Today”

Say the following text to yourself every morning. Stimulate yourself to take action. Don't forget to tell yourself encouraging words. Think about happiness, strength and peace. I wish you success.

1. Today I will have a calm day, and I will be happy. Happiness is the internal state of every person. Happiness does not depend on external circumstances. My happiness lies within me. Every person is as happy as he wants to be.

2. Today I will join the life that surrounds me and will not try to adapt it to my desires. I will accept my child, my family, my job and the circumstances of my life as they are, and will try to fully comply with them.

3. Today I will take care of my health. I will do exercises, take care of my body, and avoid unhealthy habits and thoughts.

4. Today I will pay attention to my overall development. I'll do something useful. I will not be lazy and will make my mind work.

5. Today I will continue my moral self-improvement. I will be useful and necessary to my child, family, and myself.

6. Today I will be friendly to everyone. I will look my best, be kind, and generous with praise. I will not find fault with people and try to correct them.

7. Today I will live only with the problems of this day. I will not strive to immediately solve the problem of my child’s health.

8. Today I will outline a program of my affairs that I want to implement. This program will save me from haste and indecision, even if I cannot follow it exactly.

9. Today I will spend half an hour in peace and solitude, completely relaxed.

10. Today I will not be afraid of life and my own happiness. I will love and believe that those I love love and believe me.

Article. Relaxation for children in kindergarten

Children come to kindergarten and work like adults all day long. Educational activities and a large group of children often lead to the fact that the child’s body begins to get tired and the child’s need to relax and relieve tension appears.
The best way to relieve tension, fatigue, and distract yourself from the irritant is to relax. Relaxation is one of the non-traditional ways to improve the health of preschoolers. After all, systematic overexertion, fatigue, and irritation greatly affect the nervous system, the psychological state of the child and his health in general.
For relaxation in kindergarten, it is advisable to use games and exercises to relax both individual parts of the body and the child’s entire body.
Playing with sand and cereals is very relaxing. When a child picks up sand and slowly releases it through his fingers or carefully draws with his finger on a loose surface, small particles of sand are exposed to the surface of the palms. And as you know, on the human skin there are a large number of points responsible for the nervous and psychological state of the body. This results in relaxation and transmission of a signal to the brain that everything is fine and the child is distracted, fatigue and irritability are reduced.
Another relaxation method suitable for use by preschool children is music therapy. The sounds of nature, gentle melodic motifs bring us into a state of calm, the body begins to relax. It is advisable to use relaxation exercises with music when the child is in a comfortable position and there are no distractions. This exercise is very good to use when preparing for bed. The child, having settled down in his crib, closes his eyes and is transported with the sounds of music to the shore of the lake, where birds are chirping and a light breeze is blowing, the sun gently hugs his shoulders and it becomes so good... that the child involuntarily falls into sleep, during which the body will consolidate the healing that has begun.
Currently, the “Corner of Solitude” has become very widely used in groups. This is a limited space where a child can come to sit with his favorite toy and take a break from the hustle and bustle, look through his favorite book or photo album of the families of the pupils or group. In this corner the child feels protected from the outside world, relaxation occurs there.
In addition to the above, I would also like to highlight games with water and air. In water, negative energy is washed away and new energy is charged. When a child makes visual contact with water, its streams, and splashes, he is charged with positive emotions, which is several times stronger than negative manifestations.
You can play with air anywhere - at home, in bed, on the street... To do this, you just need to use your imagination a little. Children love unusual effects, such as launching balloons into the sky, traveling on an airplane carpet, and more. And at the same time, the child just needs to be directed to the correct breathing rhythm. You need to breathe smoothly, slowly, you can exhale a stream of air for a long time onto objects, inhale exclusively through your nose. With proper breathing, there is an influx of oxygen to the brain cells, which helps eliminate irritation impulses and the body relaxes.
Children also get tired and want to rest, the only problem is that they don’t know how to act in this state. The adult’s task is to provide all possible assistance in relaxing the child.
The health of our children is, first of all, the health of our nation. Let's not neglect it and do everything possible and impossible to improve the health of children.