Physical education lesson plan for volleyball. Summary of a physical education lesson on the topic “Comprehensive training in the basic elements of the game of volleyball. on the topic "Volleyball"

in physical education from the volleyball section

head of physical education

GBOU SPO RME "Agricultural Construction College"

Konovalov Andrey Serafimovich

The date of the:

Location: gym GBOU SPO RME "AST";

Group: 211;

Start of the lesson :

Duration : 45 minutes;

Program topic: "Volleyball";

Lesson topic: Improving previously studied elements of technology


Personal methodological topic: Formation in students of the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle;

Lesson objectives: 1) Educational - A) Further improvement of the upper ball transmission;


2) Developmental – development of dexterity, accuracy, speed, strength, coordination abilities, reflection.

3 ) Educational – instilling in students strong-willed and moral qualities, perseverance, endurance, conscious discipline and attention, a serious attitude towards physical education and sports;

Lesson type: Lesson on improving and consolidating skills;

Lesson formats: 1) Warm-up;

2) Work in groups;

3) Game;

Teaching methods: 1) Practical;

2) Verbal;

3) Demonstration method;

5) Gaming;

Intersubject connections: 1) Medical training - prevention


2) Occupational safety – injury prevention;

3) Industrial training and production

practice – increasing labor productivity;

Within subject connections: 1) Warm-up;

2) Development of strength;

3) Transfers;

4) Serving the ball;

5) Game;


1) Volleyballs; 3) Mats;

2) Volleyball net; 4) Whistle;

3) Mats;



Organizational and methodological instructions


Preparatory part:

1. Construction;

2. Report the topic, objectives of the lesson, safety rules;

3. Warm-up:

1) walking on toes;

2) walking on heels;

3) walking on the outer arches of the feet;

4) walking on the inner arches of the feet;

5) walking in a half squat;

6) walking in a full squat;

7) regular running;

8) running with side steps on the right side;

9) running with side steps on the left side;

10) running backwards;

11) running with your hand touching the floor, alternately on the right and left sides;

12) running with high hip lifts;

13) running with the shin choking;

14) a lot of hopping;

15) walking on hands;

16) running with acceleration;

17) transition to walking;

18) restoration of breathing;

4. Perform body lifting in 1 minute;

5. Transition to the main part of the lesson;

Main part:

1. Further improvement of the ball's top drive

1) rebuilding in two columns;

2) formation in two ranks;

3) story;

5) performing overhead gears and exercises;

6) formation in 2 ranks, on opposite sides of the volleyball net;

7) story;

9) performing overhead passes of the ball through the net;

10) performing overhead passes of the ball moving along the net;

2. Improving the top serve of the ball;

1) formation in 2 ranks behind the end lines;

2) story;

4) serving into the opponent’s zone;

5) performing a serve with counting hits in the opponent’s zone;

6) summarize;

Final part:

1. Construction;

2. Organization of the game;

3. Game between two teams;

4. Summing up;

7. Homework;

discipline, checking appearance, readiness for class, marking those who are absent, reminding them to be attentive to each other, maintaining distance;

Before starting the warm-up, ask the guys a question: Why do you need a warm-up? Listen to answers 1,2,3, etc., draw a conclusion, summarize: “Prepare the body for the main work”;

developing correct posture;

remind you that these exercises help prevent flat feet;

hands in a “lock”, 2 movements with hands forward, 2 upwards;

hands in a “lock”, kneading the hands by rotating the wrist joint;

hands on the belt, keep your back straight;

hands on the belt, legs half-bent, keep your back straight, do not slouch;

hands on knees;

monitor your breathing, even breathing, inhale for 3 steps, exhale for 5 steps;

arms diagonally in front of you,

moving in a lower stance;

keep your distance;

look over your left shoulder;

diagonally, performing side steps to the left, right;

hold your hands as during normal running;

try to do it as often as possible;

performing a wide running step;

perform in pairs, first one, then the other, gently release your legs; change;

diagonally, reach maximum speed;

command: “Step, march!”;

hands up - inhale, down - exhale;

put 2-3 mats on the floor;

from a lying position, hands with a cross on your shoulders;

perform in pairs, some lie down, others hold, then change;

tell each other the result;

formation in one line;

command “Right, left, bypass, step-march”!

command: “Through the middle in a column of two, march!”

form 2 columns;

command “to the right, to the left”! form 2 ranks along the walls, facing each other, along the entire length of the hall;

students in one of the columns take volleyballs in their hands and, when the whistle blows, begin to perform overhead passes of the ball over themselves, the other line at this moment performs 10 flexions and extensions of their arms;

after the whistle, the balls are passed to those standing opposite, by overhead passing the ball;

having switched roles, they perform these exercises, then the balls are again passed to 1st line, the opposite line without balls performs 10 jumps up from a deep squat, clapping hands above the head;

hang a volleyball net,

in pairs, try to follow the same trajectory, observing safety precautions;

in pairs, one pair has completed, goes to the end of the line, the other begins;

divide the group in half and place them on both sides of the court behind the end line;

the balls are taken by one of the ranks, and at the whistle they begin to perform the top serve of the ball, after everyone has completed the serve and the other rank takes the balls in their hands, the whistle is blown for them, etc.

keep track of the order;

keep track of the accurate serves of each of the ranks of teams, 1 point for getting into the zone;

determine the winner;

in one line, form 2 teams, by counting on the first, second;

by lot to determine the sides of the teams and the serve.

announce the score, determine the winner;

for raising the body in 1 minute, according to the standard;

Place the middle finger, ring finger and little finger of the right hand on the bottom of the wrist of the left hand, feel the pulse and, on command, count the number of beats in 10 seconds, then multiply by 6;

draw conclusions about recovery;

pull-up on the bar;

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

State Public Enterprise "Higher College, Kokshetau"

at the Department of Education of Akmola region

Development of a physical education lesson

on the topic "Volleyball"

Physical education teacher

N. Radjabova

Routingphysical education lesson

Date ___ _______________ group ______ ________________________

Discipline ___Physical Culture___________________ ________________________

Lesson No. ____ _____

Subject __ VOLLEYBALL . Receiving and passing the ball. Improving the attacking strike and block. Educational game.

Purpose of the lesson

educational ____improving the skills and abilities of playing volleyball ____

developing___ development of speed qualities, movement coordination, agility, endurance, thinking. _

educational _____ fostering a sense of camaraderie and real personal self-esteem _

Type of activity _______ combined_ ____________________________________________

Providing classes

a) Tests and control standards used


b) TSO/sports equipment____ volleyball net, volleyballs, whistle, stopwatch, chips, jump ropes__ ______________________________________________

Intersubject communication _physics, physiology, ____________ _____________________

Literature for the lesson:

Y. Kleshchev "Sports Games" (Moscow "Higher School" 1980)___p. 72-74.77_

Progress of the lesson


Lesson stages



Introductory and preparatory part

25 min

    Formation, greeting, checking those present, communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson;

    Remind safety precautions when playing volleyball;

    Varieties of walking;

    Varieties of running: (side step, cross step, high hip lift, back shin whips, straight legs forward, straight legs back, hops, deer step);

    General developmental exercises on site;

    Jumping rope;


Pay attention to appearance.

Main part

5 5 min

    Passing the ball overhand with two hands;

A) watching video lesson No. 1 (5 min. 30)

B) work in pairs - lift the ball above you with both hands, then pass to your partner.

    Receiving and passing the ball from below with two hands

A) watching video lesson No. 2 (6.10)

B) work in pairs - lift the ball above you with both hands from below, then pass to your partner.

B) Work in pairs. One player performs a one-handed kick towards his partner's feet. The partner tries to receive the ball with both hands from below.

    Forward kick

Watch video lesson No. 3 (5 min.)

Will be built in one column. Alternately perform an attacking strike.

    Blocking. (explanation of the position before the jump and during the jump)

    Educational game

Rack reminder:

Explanation and demonstration.

Make sure you perform the exercises correctly.

explanation of the position before the jump and during the jump

Final part

10 min

    Formation in one line.

    Summing up the lesson. (what worked, what didn’t)


    Praise the best.

    Remind mistakes in technique and tactics.

    Remind the rules.

    Reflection____ breathing exercises or attention exercises____ ______________

    D homemadee assignmentse implementation of a weekly motor regimen

    Organized care

Teacher _____________________


in physical education

for 10th grade students

on the topic "Volleyball"

Developed by:

Zhukov N.V.,

Physical teacher

Cultures and life safety

MKOU secondary school No. 2

Barabinsky district

Novosibirsk region

year 2014

Brief summary:The development of a lesson on physical education is intended for 10th grade students on the topic “Volleyball”. A lesson in improving the technical actions of volleyball players on the court and during the training game. The lesson promotes the development of coordination, speed-strength abilities of students; fosters a sense of collectivism, group work and teamwork.

Target : Development of basic physical qualities through volleyball



Improve technical and tactical training in volleyball classes


Develop students' coordination abilities

Develop dexterity and coordination movements


Foster a sense of teamwork and mutual assistance

Cultivate patience and determination.

Technologies: gaming and health-saving technologies are used to develop dexterity, endurance and coordination of movements through the sports game of volleyball.

Method of implementation: frontal, continuous, individual, group, game.

Location: School gym.

Inventory: Volleyballs, volleyball net



Organizational and methodological instructions

Preparatory part


Organized entrance to the gym

Formation, report, greeting.

Reporting the objectives of the lesson.


30sec 30sec

The duty officer submits a report to the teacher about the class's readiness for the lesson.

Pay attention to posture

On-site drills


Activating students' attention

Walking and its variations in a column one at a time

a) on your toes, arms to the side;

b) on the heels, hands on the belt;

c) in a half-squat, hands on the belt;

d) in a squat, hands on knees;

e) squat jumps, hands on knees

1 min

Pay attention to your posture

Do not bend at the hip joint

Keep your distance

Even running:

a) in a column one at a time;

b) running “snake” (along the lines of the court);

c) movements (“snake”) in the middle stance of a volleyball player, with side steps on the left, right side, with imitation of passing the ball with two hands from above;

d) running in a column one at a time, jumping up at the basketball backboard, touching the backboard with your hand.

2 minutes

Self-monitoring of students' breathing

Keep your distance

Imitation of passing the ball with two hands from above;

jump up with both feet

Walking in a column one at a time while performing exercises to restore breathing


3-4 times

1-2 – Hands up - inhale

3-4- Bend forward, arms down - exhale (voice)

Outdoor switchgear in motion without objects:

1) I.p. - arms to the sides, hand into a fist:

A) - rotation of the hands forward;

B) - rotation of the hands back;

2) I.p. - arms to the sides, hand into a fist:

A) - forward rotation at the elbow joint;

B) - backward rotation at the elbow joint;

3) I.p. - arms to the sides, hand into a fist:

A) - rotation in the shoulder joint forward;

B) - backward rotation in the shoulder joint;

4) Walking in lunges, forward - to the side, with hands supporting the knee of the exposed leg.

5) Walking, bending the body forward;

6) Walking with straight leg swings:

I.p. - arms forward to the sides

1- step with the left, swing with the right, touch with the left


2.- I.p.

3. step with the left, swing with the right, touch with the left


4.- I.p.

1min 30sec

12 times

12 rub.

12 rub.

6-8 r.

6-8 r.

6-8 r.

Watch your posture and perform the exercises correctly

Imitation of rotation of a jump rope. Range of movements is wide.

Imitating the movement of a drummer

Simulating the movement of eating

Do not tilt your shoulders forward. Keep your torso straight.

Do not bend your legs at the knee joint, touch the floor with your hands.

Hold your arms forward to the sides

Do not bend the supporting and swing legs.

Jumping over (2) gymnastic benches:

a) I.p. - o.s., bench on the right

Jump up left and right with

Moving forward (M and D);

b) I.p. - stand with legs apart above the bench:

Jump onto the bench, dismount -

Moving forward (D);

Jump up, connect over the bench

Feet together, landing - foot stance

apart with a bench between your legs (M).


2 times

2 times

2 times

Do not bend your legs over the bench at the knee joint, move your arms from bottom to top.

Legs above the bench are straight.

The movement of the hands is from bottom to top.

Walking, performing exercises to restore breathing



1-2 – Hands up - inhale

3-4- Bend forward, arms down - exhale.

Rearrange by turning on the spot in two ranks (at a distance of 5-6 m from each other).

Exercises are performed frontally, in pairs.

Main part


Improving the technique of performing an attacking strike.

1.In pairs:

a) - throwing and catching the ball left and right

Hand from behind the head.

b) - throwing the ball by bouncing off the floor with the left and

With your right hand from behind your head.

c) – strikes with the right (left) hand on the ball,

Lying on the outstretched palm

Forward-upward left (right) hand,

Directing it to the floor from a place;




The arm is straight, after the throw it moves freely along the body

The blow is delivered with a straight hand

Be careful and control the movement of the ball

2) Exercise in pairs:

Another receives the ball from below, directing

To his partner for another blow.

2-3 min.

It is advisable to perform the exercise continuously, without catching or losing the ball. The ball flying at the level of the chest of the head is taken with both hands from above, at the level of the belt – taken from below. After 1-1.5 minutes. students change roles.

3) In pairs: (option)

One student after throwing the ball

Performs an attacking kick from a place,

The other, receiving the ball from below, performs

Pass overhead and deliver

An attacking blow towards a partner,

Which repeats the exercise.

2-3 min.

Remind about the correct use of legs and arms. After 1-1.5 minutes. students change roles.

4) Attacking kick from a partner’s pass

Zone 3, zone 3 player passes two

Zone 4 player.

3 min.

5) Attacking kick from a partner’s pass

Zone 6 player throws the ball to the player

Zone 3, zone 3 player pass two

From above leads to an attacking blow

Zone 2 player.

3 min.

Transition after task completion

Consolidation in the technique of performing single blocking

1. In pairs.

Players are positioned on opposite sides

Sides of the grid. Moving side by side

Stepping and jumping up touch

Palms of each other over the net.


Sloping mesh

2. In pairs.

Players are placed in pairs on both sides

Mesh sides. Alone, standing on the floor with a ball

In his hands, jumps up, shows the ball on the top rope without letting go of his hands,

Palms and pushes the ball onto

Single blocking.


While standing in front of the net, monitor the actions of your opponents.

Determine the location of the proposed attack. Move there. Jump out a little later than the attacker (when passing the ball for a strike along the middle trajectory). He straightens his arms. The fingers are spread wide and the hands are slightly tense and positioned above the net. After the block, join the game.

3) In pairs.

Players are also placed in pairs on both sides

Mesh sides. Alone, standing on the floor,

Throws the ball onto the top rope of the net,

The other, jumping up, substitutes

Palms and pushes the ball onto

The opposite side, performs

Single blocking.


You need to try not to let the ball fly to your side.

Block the ball on the opposing side or over the net.

Movable blocking

Improvement in technical and tactical training in the game of volleyball.



4) Game task.

Zone 6 player performs long

Overhead pass to zone 6

The opposite side of the site.

Zone 6 player throws the ball

Zone 3 player. Top zone 3 player

Passing the ball leads to the attacker

Zone 4 player kick.

Zone 2 player on the opposite

The platform is performed by a movable block.

After completing the game task

All players do

Move around the site clockwise.

3 min.

Double-sided educational and training game

5 minutes.

Improving playing technique in various game situations. Play with three touches of the ball. The second pass from zones 1,6,5 to zone 3. From zone 3, bring out players from zones 2 and 4 to attack. Practice a single block in zones 2,3,4.

Top direct ball serve for girls (at a distance of 5-6m from the net).


Final part


2. Attention game “Class”

3. Summing up the lesson

4. Homework

5. Organized departure from the hall


2 minutes.

Organized exit from the hall

Lesson summary on physical education.

Curriculum section: Sport games.

Lesson topic: Volleyball.

Target lesson : popularization of volleyball among students, attracting students to systematic physical education and sports.



1. Improving the technique of passing, upper and lower direct serves.

2. Improving the skills and abilities of playing volleyball.

3.Development of speed-strength qualities, agility, endurance.


1. Education of correct posture.

2. Training in self-control of physical activity.


1. Developing willpower, independence, organization, discipline, and attentive attitude towards comrades.

2. Developing collective action skills in students in the game of volleyball.

Method: group, frontal, game, individual.

Inventory and equipment: volleyball net, volleyballs, whistle.

Location: college sports hall.

Time spending: Lesson 5 (45 min.)

Teacher: Zhukova T.V.


Exercise dosage

Organizational and methodological instructions

    Preparatory part

12 min

    Reporting lesson objectives

    Drill exercises (right, left, circle)

    Varieties of walking:

Normal walking

Walking on toes

Walking on the outside of the foot, on the inside of the foot

Normal walking

    Types of running:

Normal running

Running with running and jumping exercises

    Breathing exercises:

1-4 – inhale, arms up, across the sides

5-8 – exhale, arms down, across the sides

Checking students' readiness

Back straight, shoulder blades pulled together

Inhale as deeply as possible, exhale slowly and smoothly

Outdoor switchgear without items

    I.P. hands on the belt, circular movements of the head

1-4 – circular movements of the head to the right

    1. circular movements of the head to the left

2. I.P. hands on the belt, head tilted:

1 – forward

2 – back

3 – left

4– right

    I.P. legs together, arms to the sides, hands in fists

1-4 – rotation of the hands inward

    1. outward rotation of the hands

    I.P. – O.S., arms to the sides

1-4 – circular movements with forearms forward

1-4 – circular movements with the forearms back

    I.P. – O.S., arms to the sides

1-4 – circular movements with arms forward

5-8 – circular movements with arms backwards

    I.P. feet wider than shoulder width, bend forward:

1 – to the right leg

2 – to the left leg

3 – in the middle

4 - I.P.

    I.P. – O.S.

1 – sit down

2 – jump out

3 – sit down

4 – jump out

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

Do bends smoothly

Smooth bends, head touching shoulder, chest

Arms straight

Elbows 90° at chest level

The amplitude of arm movement is as large as possible

Try to touch your forehead to your knee, palms to the floor

Jump as high as possible

Special exercises

    Circular movements with the hands in the “lock” position.

    Rubbing hands.

    Exercise "snake".

    Circular movements of the legs at the ankle joints.

2 minutes

Perform the exercises one after another at the command of the teacher

Monitor range of motion

    Main part

28 min

    Improving the technique of receiving the ball and serving the ball.

    Distribution of students into pairs

    Work in pairs.

A.Passing the ball overhand with two hands:

- lift the ball above you with both hands, then pass to your partner.

b. Receiving and passing the ball from below with two hands

Raise the ball above you with both hands from below, then pass to your partner.

- one player performs a one-handed strike towards the feet of a partner. The partner tries to receive the ball with both hands from below.

Make sure you perform the exercises correctly.

    An educational game of volleyball with elements of pioneer ball.

Double-sided educational and training game

Ensure compliance with the rules of the game.

Improving playing technique in various game situations.

    Final part

3 min.


    Lesson Analysis

    Message d/z

    Organized exit from the hall

Reporting grades for the lesson.
