Exhibitions for World Health Day. Practice of library institutions of the Russian Federation Name of exhibitions healthy lifestyle

On April 7, World Health Day, the “Healthy City” Ten Day of Sports started in our city. The city's municipal libraries have traditionally become active participants. Information support for the event - thematic book exhibitions in libraries. Such exhibitions were organized for their readers in branch libraries No. 2, No. 5, No. 9.

At any age, you want to be beautiful and slim. When you look in the mirror, you compare yourself to beauty pageant participants, popular actors, and famous athletes. And the comparison often turns out to be not in your favor. Why? The answer to this question can be found atbook exhibitionwith a life-affirming name“If you want to be healthy, be healthy!”presented in the reading roomlibrary branch No. 2. The exhibition is dedicated to World Health Day.

“Health is a person’s greatest wealth.” This statement by the ancient Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates perfectly expresses the main concept of the exhibition.

In the section “Your guidelines – beauty and health”
books are presented about the characteristics of the body, how to take care of your health in order not to get sick, to be strong and healthy, how to preserve your eyesight and hearing, and about proper nutrition. The reader can find information in the presented books and magazines about unique methods of healing the body.

In the section “Habits that take away lives” books are presented that contain information about bad habits and recommendations for their prevention. Readers can get acquainted with methods of combating nicotine and alcohol addiction. Advice for parents on how to protect their children from addictions is especially important.

The exhibition is very popular among readers; everyone tries to get answers to their questions regarding the preservation and promotion of health.

"Get strong and healthy"

On World Health Day in library branch No. 5 bookstore opened exhibition-call “Become strong and healthy”. It is timed to coincide with the city’s Ten Day of Sports “Healthy City,” which started in Yelets on April 7 and will last until the 17th.

This exhibition presents literature that reveals the main components of a healthy lifestyle, the laws of proper nutrition, rules for cleansing the body, methods of restoring the body in case of various diseases, schemes for developing healthy lifestyle habits and, of course, names the insidious destroyers of health. It is addressed to readers aged 14+.

On the opening day of the book exhibition, the test survey for library users “A healthy person is...”

On the first day, readers from 14 to 77 years old, both male and female (31 people in total), took part in it. The answers were the most unexpected, but all survey participants agreed with Herbert Shelton’s conclusion: “... we should not treat diseases - we should lead a lifestyle that would allow us to maintain health,” i.e. exercise and say goodbye to bad habits.

“Taking care of your health is the best medicine”

As part of the citywide Ten Day of Sports “Healthy City”, which started on April 7, in Library-branch No. 9 started working on the subscription book and illustrative exhibition “Taking care of health is the best medicine”, which will be valid until April 17.

The exhibition presents books on health, proper nutrition, raising healthy children, therapeutic physical education, hygiene and human ecology, etc., as well as sports equipment (jump rope, ball, hoop) that can be used by everyone.

The exhibition will be accompanied by conversations about a healthy lifestyle.

“Health is not everything,

but everything is nothing without health"


In modern socio-economic conditions, the problem of creating a health-saving culture and instilling healthy lifestyle skills in children is becoming acute. In a rapidly changing society, the social functions of the library are changing. It acts not only as an information center and leisure institution - the social and pedagogical content of its work is actively expanding.

Health is not a gift given at birth once and for all. It can be strengthened or destroyed. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is a general cultural and social task facing society.

The participation of the library in solving this problem is confirmation of its educational and pedagogical function. The work is carried out in close cooperation with educational institutions. The most acceptable forms of work are conversations, book exhibitions, screenings, reviews, health lessons, hours of reflection, etc. Publishing products are planned: memos, thematic recommendation lists of literature, etc.

The library, first of all, as information centers, should participate in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation.

In a very interesting and exciting way you can organizetrainingson developing healthy lifestyle skills. The trainings help develop the ability to defend one’s position in life and teach one to overcome difficulties. Among them:

· "Up the Staircase that Leads Down"

· “Believe in yourself - find your way”

· "In the name of life"

· “My health is the basis of my life”

· “Drugs – tragedy and pain”

To create a healthy lifestyle, you can use a visual form of work -book exhibitions :

· "On the edge of the abyss"

· "Stop and think!"

· “Bad habits are a fight!”

· "In a healthy body healthy mind"

· “Life is worth living!”

· “Choose life”

· “Health is more important than wealth”

· “Health is great!”

· "The Bitter Fruits of a Sweet Life"

· "How to avoid becoming a victim of drug addiction"

· “Say Yes to Life!”

· “the country of health, strength, beauty”

· "The right to live"

· "Know to Live"

You can also most actively organizeconversations, gamesentertaining:

· "Trouble Called Drug"

· “Healthy lifestyle: there is no alternative”

· "100 health tips"

· “Game is a faithful sister to health”

· "When a person is his own enemy"

In order to prevent asocial phenomena, carry out variousstock: Among them:

· "Day without smoke"

· "Youth - for a healthy lifestyle"

· "Youth - for a healthy lifestyle"

· "No Drugs!"

· “Together with the cigarette, the one who smokes it burns”

· "Teens Against Drugs"

Implement programs:“The ABCs of Health”, “Components of Health”, “Our health is in our hands”, “Healthy youth - healthy Russia”.

You can also organize poster exhibitions called“The bitter fruits of a sweet life”, “Ecology and us”, “I am for a healthy lifestyle!”, “A healthy lifestyle is the best choice for you!” . You can constantly organize meetings with leading experts on legal, anti-drug, and moral education of adolescents and young people.

In this regard, you should:

— lectures: “Health is a sign of well-being”, “What does it mean to be emotionally healthy?”, “Smoking and alcoholism are a disaster”;

— organize conversations on the topic: “Healthy lifestyle”, “Myths and truth about drugs”, “Ecology and health”, “Do good in the name of life”, “You only have one life!”, “They convince you of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle”;

— moral lessons: “Prudence and stupidity”, “Drugs ruin talent”, “If you sow a habit, you reap a character”, “What will save us?”;

— thematic discos: “Trial of tobacco”, “Being healthy is fashionable”, “Healthy lifestyle is better than cigarettes”, “So as not to find yourself in a nightmare”, “Everything is in our hands”, “The right choice is life without drugs” and many others.

The library takes part in developing in teenagers a sense of responsibility for their future. You can encourage them to think through Information Days, such as:

· "Day without smoke"

· "Stages of Health"

High results in promoting a healthy lifestyle can be achieved throughconferences:

· “Strategy for creating a healthy lifestyle for the younger generation”

· “Formula of the future: “Youth + health”

Within the framework of conferences it is possible to organizemaster classes, round tables, creative projects :

· "Youth against drugs"

· "Life without bad habits"

· “Know so as not to make mistakes”

· "Life is beautiful, don't ruin it"

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle is carried out in the form of participation in physical culture. For elementary school students, you can organize “Fun breaks”, “Fun starts”, a competition for the best physical exercise, nature excursions, walks to the park with a game program.

For high school students, conductsports events, games :

· "Travel on the Health Train"

· “Winter Fun”, “Hurray, Vacations!”

· “Mom, dad, I am a healthy family”

· "Knight Tournament".

In the library you can organize "Health corners":“Advice from Doctor Thermometer”, “Neboleyki” , where children receive knowledge of a valeological nature. Working in the corners helps the child get to know himself, get rid of complexes, teach him to analyze his state of health, well-being, behavior, give himself an objective assessment, and help him master the skills of maintaining and strengthening health.

In the “health corners” the material should be prepared: didactic games and manuals on the culture of behavior, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, rational nutrition, compliance with the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene rules.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle in library work should be preventive in nature: offering an alternative, the opportunity to choose one’s place in life; interest in a variety of hobbies. It is important that the younger generation understands that in real life there is a lot of exciting and interesting things. This is sports, passion for music, etc.

Scenario of the training “Promotion of a healthy lifestyle”

Target:To introduce the concepts of health and healthy lifestyle, to promote the formation of a value-based attitude towards one’s own health.


1) Give an idea of ​​the concept of health in the broad sense of the word: physical, social, mental aspects.

2) Contribute to the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

3) Create a favorable emotional environment.

Progress of the training:

1. Greeting.

- Guys, when we meet people, we say hello. We also want to say hello to you, but we will do it in a somewhat unusual way. Let's greet each other in different languages. What greeting words do you know? (children name words).

- And now we will go and say hello to those we meet.

- How are you feeling?

2. Introductory word. Announcement of the topic and tasks.

3. Getting to know the group: energizer “Getting to know the ball.”

4. Development of rules for group work.

- In today's lesson we will work a lot in groups. For the work to be effective, you need to adhere to certain rules. These rules must be followed by all group members. (Division into groups “Apple – banana – pear”). Each group develops its own rules and presents them.

5. Exercise "Associations". (Divide the children into pairs).

- Guys, you must write down one association on one piece of paper for each word I say.

1 word: Health.

2nd word: Health.

6. Each pair reads out their association words, which are written down on a piece of paper.

- And so, health for you is...

(list association words written on a piece of paper).

- And you will learn more about health from our story.

7. Mini-lecture.

So, guys, what is health? People have been trying to answer this seemingly simple question since ancient times. WHO gives the following definition: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being,” i.e. health is the normal state of the body, when all our organs work together, rhythmically, in harmony with each other and the environment (inhalation - exhalation, sleep - wakefulness).

Now we will discuss what health is from the perspective of three aspects and first consider physical health.

Physical health is related to the functioning of our body; it is important for us to know how our body should work. First of all, a person must have a healthy body, a correct, beautiful physique, sufficient weight, and height relative to his age. A person must have good physical fitness: this means strong muscle strength in the arms and legs, be able to withstand physical activity well, and not feel very tired or faint. Of course, a healthy person rarely suffers from colds and other diseases, i.e., he has a good protective function against viruses and microbes.

Now let's look at what it is social health?

Social health is related to how we perceive ourselves as individuals, how we communicate, what environment we live in? Since you spend most of your time at school, your social health is affected by the school environment: lighting, room temperature, humidity, noise, school furniture, which should match your height. Each student should know his height and sit at a desk with a specific color marking according to his height. Sit correctly at your desk, with your back straight, your eyes should be at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from the notebook. Do physical exercises during classes. Physical education classes are especially important and to develop active health, it is necessary to additionally engage in sports clubs and sections, and do exercises every morning. At home, living conditions are also important, i.e. the apartment in which you live should be warm, bright, comfortable.

It is also important what the ecological environment around your home or school is like..

Those. in which area do you live near industrial enterprises, highways, airports, in a village or city? Of course, in rural areas, where there are forests, fields, rivers, and no industrial enterprises, environmental conditions are more favorable.

The clothes we wear matter a lot. It should, first of all, be comfortable, made of natural fabrics, and not restrictive. Thus, narrow, tight trousers negatively affect the development of the genital organs; with tight clothing, their blood circulation is disrupted, which leads to congestive, inflammatory diseases and the result can be infertility.

Of great importance for the formation of health is adherence to a daily routine, alternation of mental work and physical rest, walks in the fresh air, watching TV no more than 2 hours a day, frequently airing the room, acquiring self-care skills, i.e. you must make your own bed, wash the dishes, clean the room, wash your things, work in the garden, and help your parents with housework. Alsothe basis of good health is the absence of bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, substance abuse, etc.

And of course, the basis of our health is also proper nutrition. We should eat as many vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, and dairy products as possible.

Finally, let's look at the third aspect of health - mental or emotional health.

By mental health we mean our feelings, i.e. mood (good, cheerful or sad, bad), a feeling of joy, friendship, love, mutual understanding, mutual respect, sympathy, empathy, but there are such emotional feelings as fear, oppression, humiliation, resentment, pain.

And depending on what their predominant feelings are, so will our emotional health. Important for a comfortable positive state of the body is the acquisition of good friends, a loved one, and the presence of a complete family (mom and dad).

It is very important that a person is understood by those around him, that he himself understands others, that he can not only express his complaints to others, but also give in to each other and not create conflict situations.

It's important to be okay with having many feelings., while understanding that some of them are quite acceptable, while others are not.

So, guys, we have looked at three main aspects of health that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

8. Exercise with word associations.

– So, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. You learned what physical health, mental health, social health are.

You have pieces of paper with words - associations. Please attach them, your pieces of paper, to the carriage which health you think this word means (on the wall there is a picture of a locomotive with three carriages: 1st carriage - social health, 2nd carriage - mental health, 3rd carriage - physical health).

- And most importantly, you learned what our health depends on. Our health depends only on us. And that’s why the motto of our lesson is “my health is in my hands.” Let's say the motto all together.

9. Energizer “I’m not a slowdown!”

All children sit on chairs in a circle. Presenter without a chair. He stands in a circle and explains the rules of the game:

“On the leader’s command, only those whom the leader had in mind should change places. Those who are not affected by the determination of the leader remain in place. Whoever is left without a seat stands in a circle and says “I’m not a slowdown!” All the children answered him “we noticed,” etc.


Exhibition "Sport is life!!!"

Our 21st century is a century of significant social, technical and physical transformations. Today it is fashionable and prestigious to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. People have known about the union of health and physical education since time immemorial. And our library has a huge number of books, newspapers and magazines on sports topics. The goal of the exhibition “Sport is Life!!!” is to reveal these funds and interest readers in sports literature.

The exhibition opens with stands with selections on the history of the Olympics “Movement to Achievement”. Presented here are such new sports literature as Igor Kurinny’s book “Games Pleased by the Gods”, dedicated to the very current issue of the origin, history and role in society of the famous Olympic Games. The author uses unique archival materials for research, allowing us to understand that for many years we have been indoctrinated with a distorted version of the history of the establishment and development of the Olympic movement.

Malov V.I.’s book “Secrets of the Olympic Games” is interesting because it shows the Olympics as an event that is followed with constant attention by people all over the world. After all, any day of the Olympic Games is both continuous competition in dozens of sports and a grandiose global holiday with a unique atmosphere of competition on the sports fields and friendship outside them. This is a bright colorful spectacle, an accomplishment that once again reminds us that we all have one planet, no matter where we live.

The XXII Olympic Games will be held in Sochi in February 2014. We will all root for our athletes, many of whom will rise to the podium and become Olympic champions. Our country has always been one of the strongest sports powers in the world. In 1908, Russia made its debut at the IV Olympic Games. And since that time, at the main sports competitions on the planet, our athletes have glorified their Fatherland, winning medals and setting records. Steinbach's book V.L. “Encyclopedia. Olympic Champions" is a complete collection of data on all the country's Olympic champions from 1908 to the present day.

The next section of the exhibition is dedicated to great people - legends of Russian sports. The sports life of Russia is one of the most successful in the world in terms of the number of outstanding athletes and coaches, the number and quality of awards won, the level of organization of competitions, the activity of fans at international and national tournaments; it is filled with unique traditions and outstanding achievements.

The shelves display books and articles about famous athletes of the century: Latynina Larisa Semenovna - the best gymnast in the world, Karelin Alexander Alexandrovich - the greatest Greco-Roman wrestler, Nikita Pavlovich Simonyan - the legend of our football. On the pages of the books you can find exclusive materials about their lives and sports careers, unique photographs from personal archives.

Viktor Asaulov’s book “Lev Yashin - Russian Genius” is dedicated to the great goalkeeper. Lev Yashin began his career at the famous sports club Dynamo, which celebrated its 90th anniversary in April of this year.

The healthy lifestyle section of the book exhibition, entitled “Sports for Soul, Mind and Body,” features articles from magazines and newspapers in the periodicals department. These are the magazines “Physical Culture and Sports” since 1943, “Sports Life in Russia”, “Sport – Region”, newspapers “Vestnik ZOZH”, “Sport – Express” and “Soviet Sport”.

The Tyumen region is one of the most developed regions of Russia, famous for its natural resources, innovative developments and economic potential. The achievements of Tyumen athletes are an additional reason for pride. Thousands of names have glorified Tyumen sports in recent years.

In the final section of the exhibition “Sports Elite Tyumen”, materials about skiers Maxim Maksimov and Valentina Invidimova, wrestler Rustama Tatarov, athletes of Paul Trainchina and Alexander Sigalovsky, about the famous paralympians Nikolai Polukhina, Elena Remeozova, Natalya Yakimova and Lyubov Vasilieva - Paraulmps are presented. Tsakh Igor Plotnikov and Igor Lukin.

The decoration of the exhibition is Olympic souvenirs, sports medals, cups, stamps and sports equipment from the home collections of library staff: V.V. Govorina, S.A. Ivanova, S.A. Begunova, E.S. Galkina, G.V. Shakhova. and Damirova L.V. The exhibition features 64 books and periodicals.

Why are libraries needed? After all, now you can find everything on the Internet, copy it to your phone and read it. It turns out that libraries are full of life. The function of this institution has not changed, only the form has changed slightly. Knowledge continues to be shared here, but in a new format.

The library's work to promote a healthy lifestyle

The library hosts interesting events. The book fund can provide answers to almost all questions. And if a modern problem arises, librarians invite specialists to illuminate the issue and provide recommendations on how to solve it competently. Everywhere, their annual program has recently included a “Healthy Lifestyle” plan. The event in the library does not follow a set pattern; the employees themselves develop the procedure for its conduct. There is already a wealth of experience in recent years, and the successes of colleagues from neighboring areas are known. But I want to do something special. To be remembered by visitors, to bring maximum benefit. After all, everyone needs health.

Scenarios for a healthy lifestyle in the library can consist of several points and be carried out throughout the year. The first day of winter is World AIDS Day. You can devote special attention to it. Otherwise, it’s good to stick to the established special days for 2018:

  • February 4 is World Cancer Day. Doctor's lecture on the need for preventive measures: annual examinations, proper nutrition, reasonable physical activity, giving up bad habits.
  • March 1 is World Immunity Day. Book table on the topic and showing videos about the formation of immunity and the importance of immunization.
  • March 22 is World Water Day. Conversation about the benefits of water. Webinar.
  • April 7 is World Health Day. Holiday "Health Day".
  • May 31 is World No Tobacco Day. Presentation of the oral journal “Throw the Cigarette.” Some pages: “A girl smoking”, “Wherever I want, I smoke there”, “Is smoking a sign of adulthood?”
  • June 26 - World Conversation “No to Drugs”. A local police officer and a drug policeman with a dog will talk about the dangers of drugs and criminal liability for their trafficking. The dog will demonstrate searching for objects.
  • August 11th is Sportsman's Day. Book table “Charging”, stand “Daily Routine”, performance by young athletes.
  • September 26 is World Contraception Day. Women's class of the School of Health. Webinar.
  • October 1 - International People. Senior class of the School of Health.
  • October 10 is World Mental Health Day. Book exhibition “Depression fight”.
  • November 15 - World Youth Class of the School of Health.

Events can be reported in the local newspaper, on cable television, or to subscribers via email. It is also a good idea to put up a poster or notice for library patrons in advance.

Health Day

You can organize a health day in the library if you stick to your own program. A rough scenario might consist of the following:

1. Opening of the holiday. Musical greeting.

2. Everything is on charge. An invited trainer demonstrates the exercises.

3. Eat breakfast yourself. Conversation by a nutritionist “Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle.”

4. Sleep is a cheap medicine. Video review on the topic of healthy sleep.

5. All diseases are caused by nerves. Showing videos about maintaining emotional health.

6. Final concert “A healthy mind in a healthy body” with the participation of local creative groups.

During the Healthy Lifestyle Day event, you can bring scales and a stadiometer into the hall, and place a small table with an electronic blood pressure monitor. All this is available in health centers and medical posts. They will not refuse help. Librarian assistants will be able to process data on a computer using an electronic calculator and print personalized BMI recommendations.

Here you can also put up a stand with information for visitors about the operating hours of the Health Center, medical pre-medical offices, and local physical education sections.

Scenario of the event “School of Health”

A program of lectures lasting several days, following the example of a large circle of organizers of such events, can be called a Health School. The invited specialists will be engaged in something unusual for them: not treating diseases, but talking about their prevention. For now, everyone is trying to stay healthy on their own, but with the arrival of doctors to meet with people, this will become more effective.

In order not to mix topics, it is better to divide them into several lectures: one per day. They will be carried out by specialists from medical centers, employees of medical schools and hospitals. If there is a Health Center in the city, the best thing to do would be to invite its employees. On average, this event includes several lectures for seniors, women and teenagers. Teenage health problems are often associated with the use of drugs and other harmful substances. Eating fast food, smoking, early abortions - all this undermines the health of the nation. It is advisable to invite law enforcement officials and a doctor to a meeting with the children. Several areas of the event can be noted:

1. Senior group classes.

  • Lecture “How to maintain health in adulthood.” Elderly visitors are informed about age-related risks, receive help in preventing type 2 diabetes, learn to monitor the condition of the cardiovascular system and avoid nervous overload;
  • Lecture “Movement is life.” An employee of a methodological physical therapy room shows exercises for the elderly.
  • Exhibition of books on nutrition for those who are retired.
  • Tea party with healthy products. Conversation with a nutritionist and tasting.

2. Women's classes. Lectures from a gynecologist, mammologist, and venereologist will help preserve women’s health.

  • Save my life. Book table on the topic of contraception and the dangers of abortion.
  • I'm a working mom. Conversation with a gynecologist about proper preparation for pregnancy.
  • Beauty is a terrible force. Video material about the dangers of tattoos, piercings, and out-of-season clothing for women's health. Doctor's speech.

3. Youth class.

  • Fast food is poison. Conversation with a nutritionist.
  • Is beer a fashion or an addiction? Doctor's conversation.
  • Sports are beautiful. Speech by a local trainer.
  • Drawing on the theme “Healthy lifestyle”, competition.

4. “Conversations about health” series.

  • About the benefits of water.
  • Eat to live.
  • About long-livers.

Some lectures can be combined. School does not have to be held once a year. In some cities it is held regularly at the local library.

Conversation about the benefits of water

As part of the Health School, a visiting doctor will talk about the benefits of drinking enough liquid. During the process, you will be asked to drink clean water, which should be placed well on the tables and take care of the glasses. This library healthy living event can be divided into sections:

  • the role of water in metabolism;
  • kidneys work on water;
  • the liver helps in cleansing of toxins;
  • enzyme synthesis occurs with the participation of water;
  • decreased appetite and weight in those who drink enough water;
  • prevention of diseases through drinking regime.

Listeners can be invited to familiarize themselves with the works of the world famous doctor Batmanghelidj, whose goal is to popularize healthy things. In particular, his brochures “Your body asks for water” and “You are not sick, you are thirsty.”

Library for children

To raise a healthy generation, efforts should now be made to inform children and adolescents about proper nutrition, the importance of a daily routine and good sleep. Physical education and hardening are topics that are best raised at an early age. The plan for working to educate the population necessarily includes work with children.

Not all localities have a specialized children's library. In this case, activities to promote a healthy lifestyle can be carried out in the reading room. Children are fidgety, so classes should not exceed forty minutes. Presenting information in a playful way, quizzes, competitions with awards for books on the topic - all this will find a response in young hearts.

Parental involvement can help. A family costume performance is a good way to promote health. For the competition “Mom, Dad and Me - a Healthy Family”, everyone is registered, the requirements for the contestants are determined and time is given for preparation. After which, family groups make a presentation in costume. The competition is judged by a jury.

Event script for children

Holding a children's party includes several stages:

  • Drawing on the theme of a healthy lifestyle - giving up bad habits. The premises are being decorated with children's works submitted to the competition in advance. The jury evaluates whether the content of the drawing corresponds to the theme of the event. First, second and third places are awarded with the issuance of certificates.
  • "Healthy and unhealthy food." Quiz for children in the form of questions. Conducted by Dunno. The most active child who knows the answers is awarded. He receives a Znayka diploma.
  • “Mom, dad and I are a healthy family.” Costume competition. In the form of a pop performance, the family justifies their health principles (they do exercises, exercise, go hiking, eat right, go to bed on time, know how to laugh and relax). The jury awards the family that best illustrates the topic of a healthy lifestyle.
  • “We take care of our health.” Gala Concert. Parents, children's groups, and amateur authors perform for visitors.

Scenario “We are against drugs”

Children of all ages can participate in this in the library, and parents are invited to attend. The presenter is a Superhero. He conquered colds, laziness, and gluttony. But he couldn't cope with drugs. And now they want to take over the world. The posters that the children drew in advance speak about his exploits. They decorated the room.

1. First, he greets visitors and asks them to help cope with the evil. The superhero says that drugs are very dangerous.

2. Show video materials on the topic. What are the dangers?

3. Those present draw the consequences of drug use (death, illness, family breakdown, tears). They express their position: “We are against drugs.”

4. The drawings are put into a box and the Superhero takes away all the bad things. When he returns, he assures those present that the trouble has subsided. But you need to be careful.

5. Speech by a youth group on the topic.

Family events

Proper nutrition is the key to health. A book exhibition on this topic will help create the right atmosphere. Anyone who cooks can be invited to this event. Most housewives still stick to old family recipes, even though the ingredients have changed. How to avoid mistakes in cooking? Healthy living events at the library can teach about healthy eating.

Tea party scenario:

  • An invited specialist will tell you in detail about the preservation of vitamins in foods, help you choose healthy and nutritious ingredients for lunch, and talk about the compatibility and incompatibility of foods. The librarian will help you select books on the topic.
  • A guest pastry chef will show you several ways to prepare healthy food from well-known products.
  • Tasting.

Completeness is the scourge of our century. A book exhibition about properly losing excess weight and maintaining the result will help combat this problem. A nutritionist will help you choose the basic principles of nutrition for those who are overweight. The cook will prepare several low-calorie dishes. The librarian will help in choosing cookbooks, books on dietetics, and transferring individual files to readers’ emails.

Scenario “Losing weight deliciously”:

  • The nutritionist will talk about the importance of meal times, maintaining a water regime, and avoiding overeating. Will answer questions that interest visitors.
  • The cook will show you several recipes for salads, cereals, and soups. He will teach you how to bake bread with bran and tell you the secrets of spices.
  • Salad tasting.

Book table

It is advisable to post especially valuable or rare publications separately. Then you won’t have to look for them, issue an order and waste time on it. Anyone can familiarize themselves with them in the reading room mode.

The topic for the display may correspond to the next day of the main program. If meetings with nutritionists are held on this day, books and brochures about proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle will be on the table. On the day dedicated to the fight against drugs, materials from the AIDS Foundation will appear. And during the lecture on the benefits of water, he will be occupied by plastic bottles with still mineral water and clean cups.

The benefits of the book table event cannot be underestimated. It itself is a showcase of the library. If there is no large table, you can move several small ones and cover them with a beautiful tablecloth and place a table lamp. The psychological aspect is important in teaching children to read books. The calm and pleasant atmosphere, the books opened on interesting pages invite you to get acquainted with them, no one is forcing anyone. In addition, people tend to read books that are recommended rather than looking for something on their own. Those who come to meet the lecturer will receive maximum information thanks to the book table. Which publications are the most interesting?

A must-have book for an event

There are a lot of books covering the topic of health. But there is one very successful textbook for children in American schools, translated into Russian. It was published by Mir Publishing House and contains all aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Lots of pictures and diagrams, information is presented honestly and with dignity. There are sections that have not yet been studied in domestic schools, but which do not become less relevant. Among them are a definition of depression, a detailed examination of mental health, coverage of the aging process of the body, healthy family life of men and women.

A healthy lifestyle book exhibition at a library will benefit from placing this valuable copy on a book table or display for visitors.

The ability of modern libraries to copy and distribute individual pages of publications will contribute to the acquisition of valuable knowledge by readers. You can help someone create their own email and subscribe to a specific topic. This will be very helpful for older visitors.

With good preparation, the healthy lifestyle holiday will be organized and effective.

Dear readers! From October 19, 2016 There is a literature exhibition in the reading room of the branch library "Healthy lifestyle".

In a healthy body healthy mind! This is what folk wisdom says. Health is what helps us achieve our goals, lead an active life, make our dreams come true and what helps us overcome difficulties. Healthy lifestyle is a set of consciously formed human habits aimed at preventing diseases, maintaining and strengthening health and creative longevity.

Exhibition sections:

  • Physical activity
  • Don't develop bad habits
  • Healthy balanced diet
  • Correctly combine work and rest

Everyone knows that the main factor is physical activity. Sports activities strengthen the body and prolong life. Regardless of age, you need to regularly make time for exercise.

Giving up bad habits plays an important role in health. You need to understand that by quitting smoking, a person increases the duration and quality of his life. If you allow alcohol to be in your life, sooner or later you will face problems. Be it on a social level, be it on a physical level. Alcohol affects all organs and systems of the human body. Significantly reduces life expectancy.

On the shelves of the exhibition, the reader can find information in books and articles from magazines about how to take care of your health in order not to get sick, to be strong and healthy, how to preserve your eyesight, about proper nutrition, about bad habits and recommendations for their prevention.

We invite everyone!
