Horse horoscope by month. Horoscope from Pavel Globa

HORSE (1966.1978.1990.2002.2014)

Horoscope 2018 for Horse

Horses in 2018, on the one hand, will be energetic and proactive, and on the other, self-confident. And, if the first will help them move by leaps and bounds towards success, then the second can lead to annoying mistakes that will force them to stagnate hopelessly and become nervous. In such a situation, you cannot do without the help of the Mistress of the Year... And the Dog will be ready to meet the Horses halfway, leveling the influence of negative circumstances on them and pushing them in the right direction. True, she will not lend her “shoulder” to them right away. At first, he will look with surprise at the throwing and ambitions of Horses, and a little later, having become accustomed to their outpouring of energies and ideas, he will be imbued with wise understanding and positivity towards the representatives of this sign.


An important topic for Horses in 2018 will be taking care of immunity. To solve this problem, they must try to get a vacation during the warm season. Artificial vitamin complexes alone cannot cope with this. And, frankly speaking, they will be of no use to Horses at all. But visiting environmentally friendly places and systematically consuming natural foods rich in vitamins and minerals is just the thing.

Horses will have to pay great attention to their psychological state. The intense emotional life that they will – voluntarily or unwittingly – lead will inevitably begin to lead them to problems. For some this will happen earlier, for others later, but the recipe for preventing this kind of difficulty with well-being is the same for all Horses. It consists of the following: Horses must learn to seek joy in simple things. It’s definitely not worth it for them to have an extraordinary and expensive vacation, because “price and quality” will clearly not be in favor of the latter. But a leisurely walk or reading a good book will absolutely help them.


In 2018, many Horses will be faced with the fact that their income, although it will be enough to meet their immediate needs, will, however, not be enough to realize what they consider desirable. Understanding this state of affairs will not be the easiest, but since the period of time during which it will continue will not be too long, the Horses will probably be able to get through it without critical consequences for themselves, having found an acceptable solution.

Those Horses who are planning to make some kind of major purchase must first collect as much information as possible about the object of purchase, and if the opportunity arises, also consult with competent people. This caution is due to the fact that this “object” may potentially not meet your expectations.

In the spring, a period of great financial success will begin for Horses. It will extend to the implementation of original ideas. Of course, Horses should not invest money recklessly and only because their idea is unusual. You need to think about your idea thoroughly and thoroughly. But the individuality of the project significantly increases the chances of success.


In 2018, Horses must pacify their pride and try to see first the advantages in the people with whom their work activities bring them together and only then, out of forced necessity, the disadvantages. And they will have many opportunities to be convinced that the shell and content of a person often differ significantly from each other. Moreover, this will mostly turn out to be a positive experience for Horses. Moreover, it is with such people that they will often be able to move forward along the career ladder.

As for career trends, it is not possible to clearly identify them, because in the professional sphere, Horses will alternately face ups and downs. The reason is a personal perception of circumstances, which will not always be logical and appropriate to the situation. Hence the loss of good opportunities, rollbacks, etc. And those Horses who try to look for the “hand” of the Mistress of the Year in this will turn out to be wrong; She can only be “blamed” for the fact that her logic differs from theirs.


Horses who have already started a family in 2018 may face the problem of testing their understanding of true values. Many temptations will await them and, as a result, the risks of breaking up the relationship. This is undoubtedly dangerous, because their relationship is real and promising, and the temptations are empty and momentary. And therefore, attention, care and romance towards their partners on the part of Horses will not be superfluous.

On the other hand, Horses may, during this period of their lives, come to the conclusion that the people with whom life brought them together are not their destiny. Well... if this is really the case, then they can safely break off such an alliance, because the Dog will definitely help them find their soul mate.

Lonely Horses will certainly have the opportunity to make new interesting acquaintances. But a prerequisite for this is the presence of their own initiative. They must demonstrate to the Dog that they are really interested in organizing their personal life, because the Mistress takes such things very seriously. Therefore, Horses must always be charming, positively disposed, and sociable.

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The eccentric Dog, which rules the coming period, gives the Horse representatives complete freedom. Not so long ago, representatives of this zodiac constellation were tense due to constrained relationships or unstable situations in the service, but now the time is coming when everything can be completely changed. As the eastern horoscope for 2018 indicates, the Horse will have an excellent opportunity to reconsider personal priorities in life and arrange their future in the best possible way. But in order to receive all the blessings of fate, representatives of the star sign will have to work hard.

General forecasts

The horse loves to work, and this can be both work on his work responsibilities and work on himself. In the coming period, representatives of the zodiac world will decide that they need to dramatically change their destiny in order to receive even greater benefits from life. What awaits the Horse in 2018 according to the eastern horoscope? As the stars indicate, the coming time will be quite favorable and positive for representatives of the zodiac world, but the latter will have to work hard to achieve what they so much desire.

The dog will give the representatives of the zodiac confidence and determination, so they can safely bring all their secret ideas and thoughts into real life. A very good time for climbing the career ladder or for active actions aimed at your own material well-being. In family life, representatives of the zodiac are predicted to experience changeable situations. On the one hand, they succeed in everything, but the other side of life indicates that it is not enough to be content with the blessings of fate, one must also strive for new achievements.

Women's horoscope

Representatives of the fairest half of humanity, according to the Horse woman’s horoscope for 2018, will be able to realize their plans at this time. The time is good for career ups and renunciation of unnecessary people.

Ladies can take care of their own image; it is recommended to change something in their appearance in order to mentally tune in to positive moments in life. The main thing that is required of Horses is to approach all situations with a clear head and, in uncertain situations, rely on their own intuition.

Men's horoscope

But the Horse man’s horoscope for 2018 is sure that representatives of the star world must act sharply and decisively. The time is great for unusual decisions and non-standard situations, but you should not engage in criminal or too risky operations.

During this year, the Horse needs to find time that can be devoted only to its loved ones. There is no need to devote all the joys of life only to yourself; relatives can also share the happiness of the representatives of the zodiac.

Horoscope for Horse for January 2018

The first New Year period will give representatives of the zodiac self-confidence. They see success in almost all matters, mainly in their personal life. If there is a real opportunity, then Horses, together with their significant other, are recommended to go on a short vacation. It will definitely give a lot of impressions for both and will perfectly strengthen love relationships.

At work, you can begin to actively implement previously conceived plans. January gives representatives of the zodiac determination and positivity, so everything that the Horse touches will definitely end in a positive result.

But the area of ​​health will require close attention. Despite the activity of the epidemic, representatives of the zodiac will not be susceptible to colds. Trouble may lurk on the other side; at this time, Horses are at risk of injury.

Horse Horoscope for February 2018

A successful period of life continues. Representatives of the zodiac are recommended to spend most of their free time outside their own home. All the best moments of fate can be shared with your loved ones. The latter will not remain in debt and will generously reward the Horses with tender care and sincere love.

But at work, unusual situations may arise related to misunderstandings of colleagues. These days, gossip and gossip can bring a lot of nervous experiences to the representatives of the zodiac.

The risk of injury in Horses continues. It is important to exercise special caution on the road and in places where there are few people.

Horoscope for Horse for March 2018

Green spring brings some changes in personal life to the lives of representatives of the star world. Unfortunately, they will be of a negative nature. These days, the Horse will be subject to changeable moods, so it will become completely confused in its own desires and personal capabilities. Such changes will have a negative impact on mutual relationships with your life partner. But there is no need to despair; a short break from each other will help restore a stable situation.

At work, everything is inexplicable and unclear. It seems that everything is going as usual, but the representatives of the zodiac will be missing something. The Chinese horoscope for 2018 for Horses strongly recommends that the latter pay off their debts.

My health is fine. Kidney colds can cause trouble. In addition, representatives of the star world need to be wary of hypothermia.

Horse Horoscope for April 2018

A somewhat uncertain period in the fate of the representatives of the sign. This month the Horse will show stubbornness, so it can put a lot of pressure on its life partners with its own opinion. If the Horse is one of the lonely representatives of the zodiac, then this time is not very suitable for finding a soul mate or developing a serious relationship.

During the service, representatives of the sign will experience a little fatigue, which will make them apathetic and passive. Such fatigue and indifference can cause displeasure on the part of management, so the Horse is advised to overcome himself and continue to perform his job duties at the proper level.

Liver problems will disturb representatives of the star sign. At the first manifestations of the disease, the latter must urgently contact the appropriate medical institution.

Horoscope for Horse for May 2018

In the final moment of the green spring, the Horses will not be bored. It seems that fate rejoices along with the representatives of the sign, therefore it opens up all the most beautiful horizons for them. A wonderful time for romance and love. Family Horses can be actively involved in strengthening the marriage union. But lonely Horses can start a positive search for their life partner. At the same time, representatives of the sign must act only with the most serious intentions, otherwise all their work will end in failure.

At work, it is important to take a wait-and-see attitude these days. There is no need to strive for anything, you can only complete previously started tasks.

Minor disruptions in the body will lead to the fact that representatives of the zodiac will begin to closely monitor their diet. This is a good time to go on a diet or start a sports lifestyle.

Horse Horoscope for June 2018

The initial month of summer is ideal for strengthening partnerships. Representatives of the star constellation need to learn to understand the desires of their partner so that the relationship will stabilize and improve in the future. Lonely Horses will go through a huge number of acquaintances, where they will definitely acquire new comrades, and, possibly, loyal fans.

Careers do not develop in the summer, so it is best for Horses to look for possible places for a future vacation. If there is a real opportunity, then you can start relaxing already in these first summer days.

No health concerns are expected; the month is good for hardening and restorative procedures. The daily menu will require a little attention, in which, if possible, it is necessary to include more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Horoscope for Horse for July 2018

Personal life will become a little troublesome, and this situation will be created by the representatives of the constellation themselves. You need to forget about stormy relationships, passions and fun days for a while, and devote the July days to your relatives, children or parents. Intrafamily relationships will definitely be successful if both parties understand how important they are to each other.

The hot period is not conducive to intensive work, but you cannot forget about your official duties. Horses need to work, otherwise laziness and apathy will negatively affect the financial situation of the latter. The moment is very good for resolving property disputes.

This is a good time to take care of your own appearance. Representatives of the zodiac are recommended to be exposed to the rays of the July sun more often, but at the same time, do not forget to use protective products for the skin.

Horse Horoscope for August 2018

The closer autumn is, the more representatives of the zodiac want peace and solitude. During this month, you don’t need to engage in noisy fun or gambling, but you shouldn’t completely give up communicating with people. If possible, then Horses need to retire for a while and think about real life. There may be a chill in your relationships with partners. In order to normalize communication and family life, the latter need to show concern for loved ones.

Negotiations with new partners and old companions will end with unexpected material well-being. The time is good for implementing risky plans or starting a business.

In the harsh rhythm of fate, you may not notice the first manifestations of colds. Representatives of the zodiac are advised to take care of their immune system.

Horoscope for Horse for September 2018

The unstable situation remains a thing of the past, but now the time has come to actively establish and strengthen personal relationships. The period is ideal for romantic evenings. Family representatives can go on a joint trip with their loved ones, and lonely constellations are recommended to start improving their family life. There is no need to skimp on gifts for your loved ones; we must not forget about romantic evenings and trips to restaurants.

The career side of life will require improvement. The period is well suited for improving your own qualifications or acquiring a new specialization.

Horse Horoscope for October 2018

Representatives of the star world continue to be lucky. The horse is in a great mood and is determined to receive only positive impressions. Such activity and positivity will give representatives of the zodiac an excellent opportunity to meet their happy future. Family Horses can start preparing for New Year's surprises that their spouses will be happy to receive.

At work, the Horse will be offered new projects that cannot be refused. A new job is necessarily associated with good material rewards, which is very necessary for representatives of the sign.

In autumn, many people suffer from frequent headaches. Such failure will not bypass the representatives of the zodiac. The latter need to fight nervousness using folk methods. It is also recommended to monitor blood pressure.

Horoscope for Horse for November 2018

The time is good for rethinking the mistakes made. Perhaps something can still be corrected, which is what the Horses need to do. If there are minor misunderstandings or discord in the family, then reading specialized literature on the psychology of life will help to improve this situation.

Towards the end of the year, representatives of the zodiac need to slowly complete previously started tasks. These days it is not recommended to take risks or enter into uncertain situations. This month is good for earning extra money.

A hectic life can provoke the appearance of nervous disorders in representatives of the star sign. When the first signs of depression or nervous disorder appear, the Horse is recommended to begin a course of taking sedative medications.

Horse Horoscope for December 2018

Some representatives of the star zodiac will need to feel free. They will not want a serious relationship and will want to indulge in the joys of flirting and casual relationships. Such a period is dangerous for the development of family quarrels, disagreements, and misunderstandings. If you do not take the necessary actions here in a timely manner, then such moments in life can end in divorce.

You can relax at work. The time is not suitable for very active and decisive actions, and representatives of the zodiac can start solving previously started matters in order to have time to submit all reports before the end of this year. It is not advisable to make any plans for the future.

If a Horse is predisposed to thrombosis or diseases of the blood or blood vessels, then they are advised to urgently treat them.

Already in January, great opportunities will open up for Horses. Exciting and emotional meetings, adventures and new acquaintances will not allow you to sit still for even a minute. Horses will literally be overwhelmed by the whirlpool of events, forcing them to move forward faster and faster every day.

After the New Year holidays are over, hardworking and persistent Horses will receive a tempting and profitable offer that is worth carefully considering. Many individuals will start 2018 with a new position, thanks to which they will gain greater financial opportunities, and at the same time there will be a change in social status.

2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

If Horses find like-minded people, any idea and idea will quickly come to life, the main thing is not to doubt and not be afraid of the difficulties that will definitely appear on their way. Single projects will practically not bring results. In addition, independent work can negatively affect the health of the Horses and they will not reach the finish line.

In winter and spring, stars advise paying more attention to older relatives and not refusing to help loved ones when they ask. Of course, it will be difficult for many Horses, as they will literally be torn between family interests and personal employment, but this will help avoid quarrels and conflicts in the family, which can lead to global consequences.

The second half of the year is a favorable time for large purchases, but you can invest money only if the financial situation is stable.

Horse love horoscope for 2018

Everything that has a connection with the sphere of romantic and family relationships in 2018 depends precisely on the representatives of the sign themselves. During this period, the Dog will not resist the Horses in any way and allow them to easily and quickly achieve the object of love, but even for this they will have to try hard to attract attention to themselves.

Family Horses may be at risk, since due to their own selfishness and pride they will lead to an aggravation of relations with their other half. Already at the end of the year, the marriage will crack; the greatest likelihood of such a situation will be in those couples in which the relationship was maintained only by the efforts of the chosen one of the Horse, who tried in every possible way to smooth out rough edges and misunderstandings.

If representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar want to save their family, the stars advise them to be more responsive to their other half. Otherwise, there will be someone who will do it instead of the Horses. You should not avoid homework, you need to pay less attention to friends and spend more time with your family, and take a direct part in the process of raising children. Thanks to this approach, the partner will not even think about breaking off the relationship.

Those individuals who have only recently created a couple, in order to maintain the relationship, should show less jealousy and pay more attention to their other half. Horses often display a dominant style, but this will only be considered caring at first. But very soon such behavior will acquire a despotic character, because of which the relationship can be completely destroyed.

The stars advise Horses to completely trust their soulmate, because it is thanks to this that they will be able to build a long, happy and harmonious relationship.

In 2018, single individuals will have many opportunities to start relationships. But in order to create a happy couple, you should take a closer look at your surroundings and pay attention to the person who has been showing signs of attention for a long time.

Horse career and work horoscope for 2018

In the sphere of work and career, Horses will not experience stagnation, but at the same time they will not have to count on gradual progress. Representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar will move forward purposefully and persistently, overcoming barriers and obstacles encountered on their way.

The Dog will provide a wonderful end to the year for those Horses who show perseverance and show the ability to work with full dedication. Even if you don’t have the opportunity to move up the career ladder, you don’t have to worry about the state of the financial sector, since the situation here will be quite favorable.

Office workers need to learn to get along with colleagues and try to find compromise solutions even in the most difficult issues. The stars advise Horses, at least for a while, to forget about their pride and not be afraid to ask for help, especially when there is a feeling that a trusted project may fail. You shouldn’t take on too much of a burden just to show off in front of your superiors, because such behavior will not lead to anything good.

The right decision would be to share success with a team of like-minded people rather than fail an important and major project alone. Those individuals who try to simultaneously cover the entire volume of work risk not only receiving a severe reprimand, but also going down several steps on the career ladder, and will not have to count on a promotion in the near future.

In 2018, ambitious Horses will discover their creative abilities. Perhaps your favorite hobby will soon become a good source of income. Therefore, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with information on how best to promote your pages on social networks or take part in one of the many crafts fairs where you can exhibit your work. A small hobby can soon become a stable business generating good income.

Horse financial horoscope for 2018

Many Horses in 2018 will have to give up their habit of living large. During the reign of the Yellow Dog, it is better to refrain from ordinary squandering, so already in the first days of the year you need to start switching to saving on various and completely useless things. Thanks to this approach, Horses will have the opportunity to implement more global plans.

The stars advise representatives of this sign to give up shopping, since most of the things purchased at sales are never needed, and therefore continue to be quietly stored in the depths of closets.

Financial horoscope for Horses

The stars also advise against vacationing at very expensive resorts, but this does not mean that you need to completely forget about your vacation. For example, you can purchase a last-minute tour at a more reasonable price or relax at a resort within your country. Many Horses will be able to understand that a high-quality and memorable vacation does not always completely empty the wallet.

2018 promises to be very successful for translators, as they will have the opportunity to do not only work, but also freelance, which will allow them to discover an additional and quite stable source of income. However, for this you will have to give up evening rest and sleep less, but a decent reward will help you quickly forget about all the sacrifices. By the end of the year, many Horses will be able to save quite a large amount for a long-awaited purchase.

This year, the horoscope does not recommend that representatives of this sign make serious transactions related to the purchase or sale of real estate, as there is a high risk of contacting scammers. If you had to move to a new apartment, but the old one remained empty, it is better to rent it out rather than rush to sell. Most importantly, you must carefully check the reputation of the realtor with whom you plan to work. It would not be a bad idea to conclude an agreement with the tenant; it is also better that it is not a relative, but someone from the outside, since it will be difficult to get rid of a loved one.

Horse health horoscope for 2018

Problems at work and the constant race in 2018 can negatively affect the health of representatives of this sign. As a result, Horses risk being on the verge of physical and mental exhaustion. That is why astrologers advise devoting sufficient time to rest and not forgetting that the body needs to restore wasted strength and energy.

Weekends in front of the TV will not give the desired result. It’s best to change your usual surroundings, at least for a couple of days, and go on a picnic outside the city. A walk in the fresh air is a good way to relieve stress.

A Finnish sauna or steam bath will bring health benefits to Horses, so it’s worth looking into a good spa center and visiting it periodically. The main horoscope advice for representatives of this sign is to significantly reduce the amount of alcohol they drink in 2018. You should not expect that daily consumption of alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities, will pass without negative consequences.

In the second half, Horses who neglect these tips may experience serious liver problems. The stars recommend purchasing a juicer and pampering yourself with fresh fruit and vegetables every day.

Regular consumption of natural juice will help not only normalize, but also significantly improve the immune system, as well as the functioning of all internal organs. In 2018, you should not use too strict diets, as such a principle of nutrition can cause serious harm to health.

Horse health horoscope

If Horses want to lose weight and get in good physical shape in 2018, they should limit the number of calories they consume and not forget about physical activity, which will help them quickly and safely get rid of extra pounds. Those individuals who begin to deplete their body with constant strict diets risk ending up in a hospital bed by the end of the year. A weakened and exhausted body has practically no protection from viral and colds.

Horoscope for a Horse woman for 2018

Horse women in 2018, more than ever, will need the admiration of others. Beautiful representatives of the sign love to catch the admiring glances of men and the envious sighs of women.

A beautiful and bright Horse needs to regularly receive colorful emotions, so the Dog will try to do everything possible to provide it with everything it needs. There are a lot of interesting acquaintances ahead for single individuals who will have a romantic proposal.

Horse women will be able to stand out from their colleagues, and they will also have the necessary finances to regularly please themselves with new clothes, jewelry and cosmetics.

Horoscope for the Horse man for 2018

For Horse men in 2018, work will be the most important. And for their efforts, efforts and determination, strong representatives of the sign will receive a worthy reward.

At the beginning of the year, Horse men will have an excellent opportunity to take a stable position in the workplace, and the most persistent individuals will climb the career ladder. The most important thing is that now you need to be extremely careful and try not to miss the chance sent by fate, and this will be possible due to the male self-obsession of Horses.

Horse horoscope for each month of 2018

Horse Horoscope for January 2018

At the beginning of the year, Horses will notice that relationships in the family and with a loved one have become cold. Therefore, this month it is worth taking a closer look at this issue. You need to spend more time with your family and your significant other.

Horse Horoscope for February 2018

This month there may be certain changes at work - a change in management is quite possible. Now the main thing is to be patient and try to demonstrate your professional qualities in front of your new bosses.

Horse Horoscope for March 2018

Things may get heated at work. Now you can’t give in to panic attacks, you need to try to improve relationships in the team and avoid unnecessary quarrels and conflicts that will not lead to anything good.

Horse Horoscope for April 2018

Relationships with your loved one may become tense this month. To avoid numerous quarrels and reproaches, you need to be patient and try to curb your own jealousy.

Horse Horoscope for May 2018

At the end of spring, many Horses will wait for a salary increase for all the work and effort they have shown. There is also a possibility of career advancement. But having received the long-awaited promotion, you should not relax, because even greater success awaits you.

Horse Horoscope for June 2018

The stars advise representatives of this sign to show initiative and activity at work, which will bear fruit very quickly. Positive changes await Horses in the area of ​​their personal lives - lonely signs will have a chance to meet an interesting person.

Horse Horoscope for July 2018

This month, many Horses will think about changing their field of activity or working conditions. Those individuals who decide to make such changes will be completely satisfied not only with the new position and higher salary, but also with the friendly team.

Horse Horoscope for August 2018

In August there is a chance to meet your first love. Lonely representatives of the sign may succumb to feelings and try to renew the relationship, but as a result, such actions will only lead to a broken heart and disappointment. Therefore, you should not go back to the past, but you need to live in the present.

Horse Horoscope for September 2018

The stars advise Horses to show all their prudence and restraint. This month, individuals in relationships run the risk of succumbing to temptation and having an affair on the side. But soon this secret will become known to others, which will lead to a complete break in the relationship. Therefore, before deciding to take such actions, you need to think about whether the risk is worth it or not.

Horse Horoscope for October 2018

In October, hardworking and persistent Horses can count on making good profits. Most likely, it will be a big bonus at work or just winning a large amount in the lottery. But the stars do not advise spending the funds received on various nonsense.

Horse Horoscope for November 2018

In November 2018, single individuals will experience casual relationships, which can pose a serious health hazard. Regarding the family representatives of the sign, this month they can learn the happy and long-awaited news about a new addition to the family.

Horse Horoscope for December 2018

In December, Horses will feel the New Year's mood and joyful anticipation of the holidays. But it’s too early to relax; now we need to take stock of the past year and analyze the mistakes we’ve made and try to prevent them in the future.

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Year of birth: 1930,1942,1954,1966,1978,1990, 2002, 2014

What awaits the Horse in 2018?

The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be eventful for the Horse; it will bring a lot of new and useful things. Since the mistress of the year favors representatives of this sign, there is no need to expect a catch. First of all, the economical and homely Dog will help the Horse improve its living conditions. Purchasing real estate, moving to a more prestigious area, or high-quality renovations are not excluded. All this will require large financial costs, but the Horse will cope with this problem, since things in the service are easy and money arrives regularly.

Since the Horse will be constantly busy taking care of his home, he may completely forget about his personal life. But even here the Dog will help her. An unexpected acquaintance, which can happen completely by chance and unplanned, will eventually develop into a tender affection. Moreover, the Horse will not even need to make an effort for this.

A new friend will appear unexpectedly and at the same time will be very useful - he will take on some of the Horse’s worries so that he has time for himself.

Horse love horoscope for 2018 Year of the Rooster

Family Horses will arrange their lives, while not forgetting about rest. Trips to the resort with the whole family will be successful. They may have to worry a little about their children - some will have to take exams, others will have to prepare to enter a university.

Adult children may have a dear friend. Don’t look at your son or daughter’s new passion under a microscope; let events go the way the universe wants them to. Understand the simple truth - children grow up, let them swim freely and interfere in their personal lives as little as possible.

Lonely Horses have every chance of meeting the one they have been waiting for all their lives in the fall. But you don’t need to force things yourself, for example, by registering on a dating site. Everything will happen by itself. Your efforts in this direction may become not only unnecessary, but even harmful. After all, this can distract you from the main meeting.

The only thing that Horses should do is take care of their appearance in order to be one hundred percent ready for the meeting. Get rid of a couple of extra pounds!

Finance and money Horse in the Year of the Earth Dog 2018

Last year you were not very lucky financially; many Horses accumulated debts. But this year the situation should stabilize. Moreover, improvement will come unexpectedly - someone may have an old, almost forgotten, debt returned to them, someone will be able to profitably sell their ideas, and someone will receive an inheritance from distant relatives.

It is quite possible that right now you will decide to open your own business. Well, there’s no better time! Take reliable, proven friends as partners - and go ahead! Luck is on your side.

You can win a trip, or manage to buy a tour at a dumping price, or agree to the invitation of your friends. In short, you don’t have to spend fantastic money on your dream trip!

Health of the Horse in the Year of the Dog 2018

The horse likes to shoulder not only his own problems, but also the worries of his environment. It is very difficult to transport this cart. Moreover, representatives of this sign are characterized by sympathy for people, so they often become involved emotionally, experiencing other people’s failures as if they were their own. If you take absolutely everything to heart, problems may begin for you.

Shattered nerves and insomnia - this is what awaits you by the end of the year if you do not moderate your desire to help everyone.

Think about yourself: “Healthy as a horse” is just a figure of speech. But in fact, you need care, attention and rest.


If we're going to be generous, do it with all our hearts. The Dog can give the Horse a wonderful journey this year. Distant exotic islands, other continents, unknown cultures - haven’t you been dreaming about this for a long time? How will this happen? Also in the most unexpected way - you can simply

Your current state is like that of a general deciding when it is best to launch an offensive. Be careful, choose people with good intentions as your allies and, although luck is on your side at the moment, do not forget about precautions.

You will receive unexpected news, or an unexpected visitor will visit you. The present time is full of romance for you, which, however, will not prevent the emergence of discord with a loved one. Plan all future affairs carefully and judiciously.

CELEBRITIES BORN IN THE YEAR OF THE HORSE Stars: GeneHackman, Rita Hayworth, Jimi Hendrix, Janet Jackson, Paul McCartney, Barbra Streisand, John Travolta

Zodiac Stone: Golden Topaz

Totem plant: Rose

Best time: from 11 am to 1 pm

Season: Summer

Favorable colors: orange, white, yellow

Lucky numbers: 1,3,4,8,13,14,41,43

The equivalent in Western astrology is:

Interesting events will happen in the lives of Horses in 2018 that will open up new perspectives. Luck will burst into their lives from the first days of the year. In the professional field, you will receive a lucrative offer that will allow you to demonstrate your abilities. Thanks to hard work and diligence, Horses will earn respect in the eyes of colleagues and superiors.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be rich in meetings and acquaintances. Influential people will appear in the new environment, who will provide incentive for social and career growth.

Spring will be a favorable period for cash investments and large purchases. In the summer, those born under the sign of this animal will arrange their homes and change the interior. Repair costs will not entail major losses. Taking care of family comfort will unite household members.

At the end of the year, health problems will arise. The reason for this will be overload at work and chronic fatigue. A vacation will help you regain your strength. It is better to go on vacation with your loved one or children.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Horse woman

For Horse women, 2018 will be a favorable period, full of bright events and emotions. These ladies will think about their feminine side. They will decide to change their image and become frequent clients of fashion boutiques and beauty salons. External changes will be reflected in social status. These women will attract the attention of the opposite sex and will begin to be popular among colleagues.

Things will improve in the work sphere. Your boss will trust you with complex, interesting tasks that you can easily handle. Success at work will be supported by material rewards.

Harmony and mutual understanding will be established in the families of these ladies. They will feel needed and loved, which will give them a feeling of happiness.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Horse man

For Horse men, work will come first. They will focus on their professional field. On their way they will have a chance to realize their abilities and receive the calling of their colleagues. The management will evaluate the well-performed tasks and offer a promotion, which will entail an increase in wages. They will use the profits to buy gifts for friends and family. Improving the financial situation will make it possible to make repairs, update household appliances and furniture.

The horoscope advises men born in the year of this animal to postpone their vacation until the end of the year. Summer vacation will be interrupted by work issues and will not bring the desired pleasure.

Love horoscope

For Horses, the Year of the Dog will be a favorable period in the love sphere. Interesting meetings await free men and women. They will have a high chance of starting a new relationship. In the fall, you will have a desire to go on a trip together with your lover. The trip will strengthen the couple.

Family individuals will find harmony and understanding with their life partner. They will see reliable support in the second half. They will be happy to return to a cozy family nest. Planning repairs and home improvement will help strengthen relationships.

Horse Woman. Free Horse women will be the center of attention among people of the opposite sex. The admiration of men will give them self-confidence and raise self-esteem. In order for a new acquaintance to develop into a serious relationship, you will have to show charm and initiative. Family ladies will find peace and tranquility. They will feel needed and loved. They will be able to establish relationships with household members and children.

Horse Man. Single Horse men will find their other half. They will decide on long-term relationships and cohabitation. A joint vacation will allow you to study the habits of your beloved. Married men will find support and support in the family. The spouse and household members will support you in all your endeavors and help you overcome difficulties.

Business horoscope

For Horses, 2018 will be a bright period in the professional sphere. From the first days, interesting offers and profitable deals will begin to arrive. Those born under the sign of this animal will show determination and resourcefulness, which will be appreciated by their superiors. Envious colleagues will try to ruin your reputation. Self-control and honesty will help you overcome obstacles and put your ill-wishers in their place. Persons who are thinking about changing their workplace will receive a favorable offer. There is no doubt that the changes will be for the better. A busy schedule and heavy workload will not cause inconvenience, but will only be a joy.

Money horoscope

Success in the professional field will lead to an increase in wages. The authorities will appreciate the efforts of the Horses and will be generous with a good bonus. During the year, small amounts will be received from additional sources of profit: gifts, repaid debts, sale of unnecessary trash. 2018 will be a profitable time for cash deposits. Before making a decision, the horoscope advises to study the area of ​​investment and consult with specialists. The bulk of the expenses will be related to the needs of loved ones and housing issues.

Health horoscope

The Year of the Dog does not foretell serious health problems for Horses. In the first half of the year they will be full of strength and energy. Excellent health and good spirits will allow you to overcome difficulties and cope with complex tasks. In summer it is recommended to strengthen the immune system. A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables will help with this. At the end of the year, colds will bother you and weaken the body's strength. The horoscope advises to beware of exacerbation of chronic diseases and to consult a specialist if you experience symptoms of malaise.
