New requirements for passing GTO standards by schoolchildren. How to pass the GTO standards - the procedure and benefits of completing the program. Changes in regulations

As a school-age child develops, like everything else in nature, two contradictory and interconnected processes occur: creation (assimilation) and destruction (dissimilation). During school age, the child’s body continues to develop, therefore, in this period, the ratio between assimilation and dissimilation is in favor of assimilation; in adolescence, this ratio begins to level out; after the end of the development of the organism, the process of dissimilation constantly increases.

The assimilation process is accompanied by the synthesis of a large number of proteins, which entails significant energy expenditure.

Physical activity activates skeletal muscles, metabolism and performance of the child’s body. Hypokinesia (insufficient motor activity) leads to a lack of energy necessary for the process of assimilation of the body. Therefore, physical exercises that increase motor activity are extremely necessary at all stages of school age. All types of physical activity and almost all tests of the GTO standards provide for an increase in physical activity.

For high school students, learning new physical exercises is of practical importance for preparing for the upcoming transition to military service, sports or work, because training in mastering certain movements when performing physical exercises teaches the student to automatically control the muscles to perform the movements necessary in the process of production or any kind of sport. Therefore, the standards of the IV and V stages of the GTO recommend the largest number of tests (11 pieces).

Physical activity increases the ability to assimilate incoming information, so physical exercise helps the student’s learning process and the formation of a moral personality.

Calendar school age is divided into the following age periods:

  • up to 7 years – first childhood, at this age a child can fulfill the standards of the bronze RLD sign of the 1st stage;
  • from 7 to 11 years (for girls) and up to 12 years (for boys) - second childhood (junior school age), compliance with the standards of the silver and gold sign of the GTO of the 1st stage, standards of the 2nd stage and the bronze sign of the 3rd stage of the GTO;
  • from 11 years (for girls), 12 years (for boys) to 15 years - adolescence (middle school) age, fulfillment of the standards of the silver and gold badge of the III stage and IV stage of the GTO;
  • from 16 to 18 years old - high school age, compliance with the standards of the V stage of the GTO.

Tables of GTO standards for schoolchildren:

To take into account the individual development of each student, age groups are more accurately divided according to the biological age of the student, which takes into account his rate of assimilation. Biological age is determined by assessing the factors of acceleration (acceleration of physical, sexual development) or retardation (deceleration of development). Factors of individual acceleration or retardation are taken into account by introducing three marks into the GTO standards - bronze, silver and gold. This allows schoolchildren of the same calendar age, taking into account their biological age, to receive the appropriate sign by performing more or less intensive tests. In addition, the TRP standards provide the opportunity to select tests or their variant from among the recommended ones.

The development of civilization influences the change in the average biological age of all schoolchildren in a certain region. For example, in Moscow today, compared to 1925, the height of middle and high school students has increased by 11.5 cm and body weight by 11 kg. In St. Petersburg, the first menstruation among schoolgirls of middle adolescence in 1930 was observed at the age of 2 months more than 14 years, currently - a month earlier than 13 years. Thus, in these regions, during the period under review, the biological age of schoolchildren of senior and middle school age was ahead of the calendar age due to the manifestation of acceleration factors. Accounting for changes in biological age in the long term is carried out through periodic changes in GTO standards. For example, in 2014, the Russian Federation developed GTO standards that took into account changes in biological age and external conditions compared to 1972, when the GTO standards were last adjusted in the USSR.

The process of assimilation of a schoolchild’s body in each age period has its own characteristics, depending on the degree of interaction with the environment. The effectiveness of this interaction depends on the development of the higher nervous system.

During the period of second childhood, the higher nervous system improves compared to the period of first childhood, nervous processes intensify, acquire greater mobility and the ability of internal inhibition, as a result of which the imbalance of interaction with the environment during the period of first childhood begins to fade away during the period of second childhood, and a conditioned inhibitor appears. In the second age stage of this period, conditioned reflexes become stable, but the student reacts sharply to stimuli, because the degree of internal inhibition is still insufficient. If a student experiences excessive external influence, internal inhibition can become prohibitive. These features must be taken into account by coaches and physical education teachers when preparing schoolchildren to pass the GTO standards.

During the period of second childhood, the functions of speech and thinking develop, and the ability to mentally evaluate one’s actions and express one’s movements in words appears. Physical exercises promote the interaction of speech and thinking with motor functions. This is achieved by various types of physical activity recommended for motor mode.

In adolescence, first in girls, then in boys, the processes of puberty occur in 3 phases (prepubertal, pubertal and postpubertal). The postpubertal phase ends at high school age. Puberty enhances the processes of excitation, inadequate irritation, weakens internal inhibition, mental stability and control of emotional behavior. These changes affect motor actions - unnecessary contraction of muscles, an increase in the number of uncontrolled movements. At this age, a coach or physical education teacher should be especially attentive to schoolchildren and, if possible, should refrain from making comments, especially in a harsh form.

At the beginning of high school age, phase 3 of puberty ends, after which the higher nervous system improves, the functions of internal inhibition, adequate response to verbal stimuli, analysis of external influences, and balanced behavior are enhanced.

In schoolchildren, energy expenditure is summed up for physical activity and growth processes. Therefore, during the period of first childhood, characterized by a more intensive growth process, a schoolchild needs to consume more high-quality proteins; in subsequent periods, the need for protein per 1 kg of body weight decreases. To meet the GTO standards, a schoolchild of every age must consume the standard amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, because a lack of proteins, an excess of fats with insufficient physical activity slow down physical development, and a lack of carbohydrates lowers blood sugar levels and reduces the amount of energy needed. Physical exercises for schoolchildren should be emotional, varied, playful, and not monotonous, worsening metabolism. Unfortunately, the recommended types of tests at all levels of the GTO include only hiking trips among the tests that meet this need, equating the types of tests for schoolchildren with similar tests for adults.

The GTO standards take into account that as the student’s age increases, the energy expenditure for the same muscle load when performing the same exercises decreases, and the efficiency of muscle activity increases. The longer the period of performing physical exercises, the less their effectiveness becomes, so the intensity of exercises must be increased as the age of the student increases. For example, the long jump standard for boys from the I to V stages of the GTO is 140, 160, 175, 200 and 230 cm, respectively.

As the student's age increases, the mass of his heart increases, and the heart rate (HR) decreases when performing the same work. Therefore, older schoolchildren can perform physical exercises of greater intensity, duration and a greater number of times. Therefore, the GTO standards provide for an increase in the intensity of each test and the duration of the minimum motor mode from the I to the IV stages of the GTO, respectively, 10, 12, 13 and 14 hours per week.

It is somewhat more difficult to take into account the peculiarities of changes in blood pressure in schoolchildren. With increasing age, the diameter of blood vessels increases and new vessels are formed, which improves blood supply to tissues. In schoolchildren who are actively involved in sports and physical exercise, the formation of new vessels occurs more intensively. As a general rule, blood pressure increases with age, but this rule does not include periods of temporary increases in pressure, after which it decreases. For example, the period of puberty is characterized by juvenile hypertension; after the end of the post-pubertal phase, blood pressure decreases. Recommended physical activity for each age should take into account these features of blood pressure changes. Apparently, it was this deviation that led to the need to replace the increasing duration of the minimum motor regime from stage I to IV of GTO with a decrease of 1 hour per week in stage V of GTO.

As the age of the student increases, the volume of the lungs increases, inhalation becomes shorter and exhalation lengthens, but children are not able to hold their breath and adapt to a lack of oxygen. Intense training helps you perform physical exercise without significantly increasing your breathing.

An analysis of the GTO standards developed in the Russian Federation in 2014 shows that these standards are well combined with the physiological characteristics of schoolchildren of all age periods.

As they say, “everything new is well forgotten old.” Today, as in the Soviet years, great attention is paid to human health. In 2013, Russian President V. Putin signed a decree on the return of a set of GTO standards for the purpose of physical education of the population. And in this article we will look at what the GTO is and the GTO standards by age 2018.

What is GTO - history

In Soviet times, our grandparents and parents were developed by such a social movement as the GTO - “Ready for Labor and Defense.” This movement guarded the health of Soviet citizens from 1931 to 1991. Throughout all these years, the GTO norms were not subject to change, and the GTO itself was in effect in schools, universities, factories and colleges.

Upon passing the standards, certificates were issued, as well as silver and gold badges. But the citizen who passed all the tests for several years was awarded an honorary TRP badge. By the way, schoolchildren who passed the GTO standards with excellent marks had benefits when entering sports institutions.

GTO tests and standards

Today, men and women aged from 6 to 70 years are allowed to pass the GTO standards. Passing the standards is a voluntary decision; no one has the right to force or force. But still, our citizens should think about it and not miss the opportunity to participate in the movement, because the incentive system will be high.

So, what do the modern GTO standards by age in 2018 include? Modern standards include 11 steps. They are divided by age; GTO standards by age 2017 for men and GTO standards by age 2017 for women have also been established; there are separate standards for children of preschool and school age. For each age, a table of GTO 2017 standards will be provided.

Norms and table of standards of the GTO 2018 for schoolchildren

All schoolchildren, starting from 1st grade, can take the GTO standards. For children of primary preschool age (6-8 years old) there are 8 exercises, of which 4 are mandatory (running, moving, bending over and push-ups) and 4 are optional. This could be long jumping, swimming, skiing, throwing a ball. For teenagers, more standards are provided that will help them develop their physical activity and not spend so much time playing computer games and TV.

GTO standards by age 2018 for men

Men's standards are divided into groups, depending on the age of the participant. It also includes compulsory and optional exercises. GTO standards by age 2018 for men are presented in the table.

GTO standards by age 2018 for women

Representatives of the fair sex can pass the standards up to 70 years of age. Each age has its own group:

  • groups for ages 18 to 25 and 25 to 29 years. For each age there are 6 compulsory exercises and 5 optional ones;
  • groups from 30 to 40 years old. At this age, women will have to work hard to pass all the standards perfectly;
  • GTO age standards in 2018 for women from 40 to 49 years old include 4 mandatory exercises;
  • group from 50 to 59 years old – 4 tests;
  • Women between 60 and 69 years old need 6 tests.

From this article you will learn where you can pass the GTO standards in Moscow, how to get a GTO badge that matches your training - gold, silver or bronze, and familiarize yourself with the table of GTO standards for men, women and schoolchildren.

Brief instructions: how to pass the GTO standards in Moscow

  1. Register and get your unique number on the official TRP website -
  2. Sign up for testing: select a testing center in your personal account, arrange by phone or in person to take the test
  3. Obtain medical clearance to pass the standards. Schoolchildren can do this at school, students - at the student clinic, adults - at the clinic at their place of residence.
  4. Appear at the testing center on the appointed day and present: identification - passport or birth certificate, medical clearance
  5. Perform tests of the complex and receive a record of the result in the protocol according to the type of test. The results will also be available in your personal account on the official website
  6. The testing center must inform the citizen about the time of the ceremonial presentation of the insignia - the TRP badge and the certificate for it. Information about the assignment of the insignia will be sent to the email address specified during registration.

Where to pass the GTO standards in Moscow

Reception of the standards of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) complex for residents of the capital is carried out at Testing Centers. Contact information and location can be found in your personal account after registering on the official website

GTO levels by age

Table of GTO standards

1st stage

2nd stage

3rd stage

4th stage

5th stage

6th stage

7th stage

8th stage

9th stage

10th stage

11th stage

Why take the GTO standards?

By reviving the GTO complex, the state declares the principle of voluntariness and pursues the following goals:

  • increase in the number of Russians systematically involved in sports and
    leading a healthy lifestyle
  • increasing the general level of knowledge and developing among Russian citizens
    conscious needs for health promotion, as a result -
    increase in life expectancy
  • education of patriotism and continuity of generations through physical
    education of the population
  • modernization within the framework of the program of mass physical
    education, increasing the number of sports clubs in educational

Applicants can receive additional points to their Unified State Examination results upon admission to a university, up to 10 points for a gold badge.

History of the creation of the GTO in the USSR

In 1927, an organization was created in the USSR - the Society for Assistance to Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction (OSOAVIAHIM). Under the auspices of OSOAVIAKHIM, shooting ranges and shooting ranges were built, military sports clubs and flying clubs were created.

In 1931, the first physical education complex “Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” (GTO) was introduced, which became the basis of the physical education system for the entire country.

The GTO standards were passed by factory workers, collective farmers and schoolchildren, competitions were held for the title of Champions of the GTO complex, which were not inferior in popularity to football matches. The GTO complex quickly became popular, especially among young people. Wearing a GTO badge was considered prestigious.

In 1972, innovations appeared - steps for different ages, which made it possible to expand the age range of the complex and cover the population from 10 to 60 years.

The modern Russian physical education complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” was launched on September 1, 2014.

Physical education plays an important role in the life of a person and society, and therefore in Russia there has been a GTO program since 2014 (2018 standards are easy to find on the Internet).

Its tasks include popularizing physical education and sports in the Russian Federation.

What is GTO

The abbreviation translates as “Ready for labor and defense.” This is a sports program on which the physical education of Russian citizens is based.

This concept first appeared in the Soviet Union: then the GTO was passed in general education, professional and sports institutions without exception.

Adults could participate voluntarily if they did not participate in sports sections - in the second case it was necessary.

The complex itself consisted of a series of exercises that had to be completed for time or quantity: for example, run 100 meters in a certain number of seconds, do pull-ups or push-ups a set number of times. The standards varied by age and gender of those involved. There were 5 steps in total; for winning you could get a silver or gold badge.

In 2013, it was instructed to “return” this practice, which is beneficial to the health of citizens, and develop new standards.

His return was due to such factors. How:

  1. The need to improve the health of Russians and increase the number of people involved in sports.
  2. Extend lifespan.
  3. Promote a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Increase the number of sports grounds and clubs throughout the country.
  5. To improve the situation of sports in Russia by attracting schoolchildren.

Its introduction occurred in 4 stages:

  1. Development of a legal framework and research of age groups to calculate standards for each.
  2. Testing and introducing the basics at different levels.
  3. Introduction of the GTO in all organizations, preparation for the participation of older athletes.
  4. Since January 2018, the implementation of the GTO in all groups.

The tests themselves are tests of speed, endurance, quickness and flexibility. They are physical exercises that must be performed for speed or number of repetitions. 5 exercises (100 meters and 3 km running, long jump, pull-ups, forward bend) are required.

Another 5 exercises are given to choose from. These include:

  • throwing a projectile weighing 0.7 kg;
  • swimming 50 meters;
  • 5 km cross-country or cross-country skiing;
  • shooting from an air rifle or electronic weapon;
  • hiking trip of 15 km.

To obtain bronze you must pass 6 tests (5 mandatory and 1 optional), for silver - 7 tests and 8 for gold. Self-practice in physical education and knowledge about physical education are also assessed. You can take the exercises for a whole year; you don’t have to do it all at once.

Take into account: There is only one attempt per exercise.

GTO standards by age

In the USSR, the entire GTO complex was divided into 5 stages, and the age spread between the participants was quite large.

Today the age of the participants was divided into 11 levels:

  1. 6-8 years or 1-2 grades.
  2. 9-10 years old or 3-4 grades.
  3. 11-12 years old or 5-6 grades.
  4. 13-15 years old or 7-9 grades.
  5. 16-17 years old or 10-11 grades.
  6. 18-29 years old.
  7. 30-39 years old.
  8. 40-49 years old.
  9. 50-59 years old.
  10. 60-69 years old.
  11. Over 70 years old.

It is worth noting: Since children and adolescents develop quickly, and a year apart can be decisive, it was decided to divide the young participants into narrower and more specific groups, which also made it possible to better develop the standards.

How to pass the GTO

Passing the GTO is a voluntary activity; all people involved in sports in a section or independently are allowed to take part in it.

To submit, you must register on the official website

To do this, you will need to fill out a form, indicating in it:

  1. Full name, date of birth and gender;
  2. Passport number and series;
  3. Address, telephone and other contacts;
  4. Place of work or study;
  5. Whether sports achievements or ranks;
  6. Which exercises from the given data does he want to take?

You must attach 2 photos measuring 3*4 to your application and select the date, time and place of taking the TRP. There are about 40 testing centers in Moscow. Once a participant registers, he will be assigned a number. Schoolchildren and students will be allowed to take the test based on the latest medical examination; adults will need to obtain additional permission from doctors.

It is important to know: passing the GTO is voluntary: no one can force a school or university student to pass the standard.

You can see all the requirements on the official website of the TRP, where there is also a table with standards for passing the exercises.

Golden TRP badge

Any badge received upon successful passing of tests is not only an award and achievements in the field of physical education, but also additional bonuses when applying for a job or at a university.

Students can also count on an increased state scholarship, and adults can count on additional vacation days.

Note: schoolchildren who performed best in school when passing the GTO will receive additional points on the Unified State Exam: for example, for “gold” you can get up to 10 additional points.

To receive a gold badge, it is not necessary to complete all the exercises at the highest level: if a citizen has sports knowledge or a level of at least 2 youth, then if he performs the GTO for “silver”, he will receive “gold”.

GTO or “Ready for Labor and Defense” is a set of sports events that existed in the Soviet Union and were revived several years ago. By passing sports standards at the required level, any citizen can qualify for a distinctive badge (bronze, silver or gold), as well as some additional incentives.

Watch the video that explains the features of passing the TRP standards:

1st stage covers preschool children and schoolchildren in grades 1-2.
Of the nine tests, 6 are mandatory and 3 are optional, of which 3 are multiple choice. To receive a bronze, silver or gold GTO badge, boys and girls must fulfill the standards of four, five or six tests, respectively, and the standards completed must include tests of strength (pull-ups on the bar, push-ups from a prone position on the floor, long jump), speed (running 30 meters, shuttle running 3x10 meters, skiing with standard time fixed), flexibility (bending forward) and endurance (mixed movement 1 km, skiing 2 km, cross-country 1 km). Table of standards.

2nd stage intended for boys and girls aged 9-10 years (schoolchildren in grades 3-4). At this stage, children (boys and girls) must complete five, six or seven tests out of nine proposed tests, respectively, in order to pass the bronze, silver or gold badge standards. Table of standards.

3rd stage The GTO is recommended for boys and girls aged 11-12 years (schoolchildren in grades 5-6). At this stage, the game exercise (throwing a ball) is retained, to which a hiking trip is added, and the intensity of the exercises and the duration of the recommended motor regimen continue to increase. At this stage, air rifle shooting tests appear, i.e. attention is paid to the beginning of preparation not only for work, but also for defense. Table of standards.

4th stage covers the age of 13-15 years, when the two phases of puberty completely end, boys and girls become young men and women. The intensity of exercises at this stage takes into account two opposing factors: energy expenditure on growth processes decreases, but puberty causes mental instability. Therefore, the intensity of the exercises, compared to the childhood stages, is increased, but the pressure on the psyche during the period of training and passing tests is eliminated. Playful and exciting types of exercises (ball throwing, hiking) are preserved. The number of tests required to obtain a bronze, silver and gold badge increases, respectively, to six, seven and eight out of eleven mandatory and optional ones. Table of standards.

5th stage GTO was developed for boys and girls aged 16-17 years (senior school age), characterized by the end of the third stage of puberty, balancing the psyche, improving the central nervous system, and reducing energy expenditure on growth processes. The features of the 5th stage make it possible to increase the intensity of all types of exercises, replace the game type of exercise (throwing a ball) with a power one (throwing a projectile), but the end of puberty is accompanied by the phenomenon of juvenile hypertension, which resulted in a reduction in the duration of the motor mode and maintaining the amount required to pass the standards at the 4th stage level tests.
