Admission to competitions

But first, a little information for those who are little familiar with the sport of tourism. The main task of this type is the sports improvement of a person in overcoming natural obstacles. Sports tourism has historically developed in our country in the first years of Soviet power. Many tourists also engage in related sports: orienteering, rock climbing, mountaineering, rafting, mountain biking, skiing, sailing. You never know what hobby a passionate person has. Here, for example, are the mountains, which, if you believe the classics of the bard song “They call and beckon...”. Not everyone is ready to become a mountaineer or rock climber, but tourists must have the skills to climb mountains. These people are a kind of reserve for training rescuers in the natural environment. By the way, when passing the standards of the GTO complex, you need to go on a hike and test your tourist skills - there is such a condition. And this requires skills and craftsmanship.

To complete the distance, you must master the technique of working with ropes. The stages consist of ascent, organization of belay on the ascent, traversing the slope and descent. In the 2nd class rappel with a referee rope, they only organize the belay, and in the 3rd class they have to organize the rappel rails and organize the belay. The distances are difficult, the terrain is difficult, but the guys did it. The best time at the 2nd class distance was 10 minutes, at the 3rd class distance 15 minutes. It's a very good time.

For the competition, the organizers chose the Vityaz rock complex not far from the Orlyonok station, in the Shelekhovsky district. According to their plan, it corresponded to the categories of difficulty that the participants had to overcome. It should be taken into account that sports tourism, especially hiking, is a team sport in which the traditions of mutual assistance and mutual assistance, sports discipline, self-improvement and mutual transfer of knowledge and experience are strong. All these qualities increase significantly when mountains and rocks stand in the way of the team. The championship participants competed in completing several routes corresponding to difficulty levels of 2 and 3 classes. This requires the athlete to have versatile knowledge, skills, experience and good physical, technical and psychological preparation. But any competition is interesting because it contains intrigue and an element of competition.

Dmitry KONTORIN, participant of the sports tourism championship:

I also do hiking, orienteering, and we also go hiking. It's interesting, it's exciting. In general, sports tourism is an adrenaline rush that everyone likes. There is a goal to connect life with tourism. I am currently studying to become an industrial climber in the future.

Dmitry walked along the route together with Vladimir Rimarchuk, this duo was only two minutes short of the prize podium. And the winners in the men's second class matches were Alexander Ekimov and Evgeniy Alekseev. In the mixed category, the Angarsk tandem Dmitry Fedorov - Ulyana Kolesnikova had no equal. Dmitry did not stop there, and won another gold in the men's 3rd class, paired with Daniil Vanteev.

Dmitry FYODOROV, champion of the Irkutsk region:

This generally runs in my family, but, I don’t know, I’ve gotten used to the mountains since childhood. Here you have to think when you climb, what you are doing. Some dose of adrenaline, interest is life. I plan to complete the Master of Sports, now I’m going to get points, we’re going to go to Novosibirsk in a group.

In the mixed doubles, Irkutsk residents Evgeniy Alekseev - Maria Kholomyanskaya excelled. Angarsk residents have bronze, it was brought home by Anton Kazantsev and Nadezhda Nechaeva. The competition not only placed winners and runners-up on all steps of the podium, but also outlined the list of candidates for participation in the championship of the federal district, with subsequent access to the Russian championship.

Alexander FYODOROV, chief judge of the competition:

Qualifying rounds are taking place and a national team of the Irkutsk region is being assembled to participate in Russian competitions. In November, competitions between the Siberian Federal District and Russia will be held in Novosibirsk. When I set the distance I thought it would be very difficult, but the guys managed it. Some, of course, are not quite ready to complete this class of distances. But they still felt that they couldn’t, that they needed to improve. In general, I am satisfied with the results.

There is a chance to distinguish yourself and show all your skills and abilities in full glory! In addition to the ability to overcome rocks and ridges that get in the way, a real tourist must be able to provide first aid, have the skills to evacuate victims, select a location and set up a camp, work with ropes and technical means of crossing, belaying, movement techniques, and survival in extreme conditions . Useful skills include the ability to hunt and fish, handling animals and various equipment, useful knowledge in the field of geography, flora and fauna. Oh, there’s a lot more that a sports tourist should be able to do, especially if he’s from Russia!

Competition winners

Mixed ligaments (class 2)

  1. Fedorov Dmitry, Kolesnikova Ulyana (Angarsk) 18:56
  2. Alekseev Evgeniy, Shelepova Evgeniya (Irkutsk) 19:47
  3. Antonov Oleg, Antonova Anastasia (Irkutsk) 21:28

Male Ligaments (Class 2)

  1. Alekseev Evgeniy, Ekimov Alexander (Irkutsk) 11:22
  2. Vanteev Daniil, Verkhozin Arseny (Irkutsk) 15:29
  3. Shamasov Ruslan, Derbenev Evgeniy (Irkutsk) 16:01

Mixed ligaments (grade 3)

  1. Alekseev Evgeniy, Kholomyanskaya Maria (Irkutsk) 21:49
  2. Antonov Oleg, Antonova Anastasia (Irkutsk) 47:22
  3. Kazantsev Anton, Nechaeva Nadezhda (Angarsk) 48:49

Male ligaments (grade 3)

  1. Fedorov Dmitry, Vanteev Daniil (Angarsk) 16:55
  2. Shamasov Ruslan, Derbenev Evgeniy (Irkutsk) 21:20

The rules were approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated July 22, 2013 (current in 2016)

Part I. General provisions

Basic Concepts

1. Sports tourism (ST) is a sport consisting of two groups of sports disciplines:
- a group of “route” disciplines, competitions in which consist of completing sports tourist routes with overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks, rapids, canyons, caves, etc.);
- a group of disciplines “distance”, competitions in which consist of overcoming distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

2. The competition consists of identifying the strongest athletes and sports tourist groups while completing sports tourist routes and distances.

3. Official sports competitions in sports tourism on the territory of the Russian Federation are held in accordance with these Rules of the sport “sports tourism” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), which are mandatory for athletes, coaches, team representatives, judges and organizers of these competitions.

4. Issues of organizing and holding competitions and other sports tourism events that are not included in these Rules are regulated by the Regulations approved by the all-Russian federation for the sport “sports tourism”.

5. The organizers may introduce additional Conditions for the competition that do not contradict these Rules, which clarify the procedure for holding the competition and other information on the organization of judging. Relevant information about this is communicated to competition participants before they begin.

Types of competitions

6. Competitions are held in two groups of sports disciplines: “route” and “distance” in accordance with the All-Russian Register of Sports (VRVS) approved by the Federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

Part 2. Group of disciplines “route”

General provisions

1. Competitions in the “route” group of sports disciplines consist of passing sports tourist routes in the natural environment, including sections of obstacles categorized by technical difficulty (passes, traverses, peaks, rapids, canyons, caves, etc.) and identifying the strongest athletes and sports tourist groups.

2. Competitions are held among sports tourist groups on routes of the corresponding difficulty categories (hereinafter referred to as c.s.), which are determined in accordance with the technical Regulations of competitions and sporting events for the group of disciplines “route”, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations.

3. Sports tourist groups participating in competitions can travel routes in different geographical areas.

Types of competitions

4. Competitions are held among sports tourist groups in disciplines included in the VRVS.
In sports tourism, routes are classified:
- route – auto-moto (category 1-6);
- route – cycling (category 1-6);
- route – water (category 1-6);
rafting means - kayaks, kayaks, rafts, catamarans, etc.
- route – mountain (category 1-6);
- route – combined (category 1-6);
- route - horseback riding (category 1-6);
- route – ski (category 1-6);
- route – sailing (category 1-6);
- route – pedestrian (category 1-6);
- route – speleo (category 1-6)

5. Competitions can be held:
- both in one and several sports disciplines at the same time;
- for each sports discipline on routes of the same or different difficulty categories,
with the right to choose the type of program (difficulty category of the route) by competition participants depending on their qualifications. Sports disciplines and types of Programs for each discipline in which competitions are held are determined by the Regulations on the competition.

6. When holding competitions, sports tourist groups compete on routes categorized according to uniform principles in accordance with the “Classification of Tourist Sports Routes”. Each category of route difficulty in each sports discipline corresponds to regulated route parameters.

7. Competitions of sports tourist groups are held according to a unified judging methodology, ensuring equal conditions and competition between athletes at competitions of any level and any sports discipline.

8.1. Depending on the technical difficulty of local (passes, peaks, rapids, etc.) and extended obstacles (traverses, caves, cascades of rapids, canyons), as well as other environmental factors characteristic of each type of tourism (region, total elevation difference, autonomy etc.), sports tourist routes are classified from 1 - simple, to 6 - the most difficult class, as well as 1, 2 or 3 degrees of difficulty (st.s.).

8.2. The category of complexity of routes and the category of difficulty of local and extended obstacles are determined in accordance with the documents contained in the Regulations (“Classification of tourist routes”, “List of classified tourist sports routes”, Lists of obstacles by type of tourism, etc.).

9. Competitions differ in the status of the competition, which is determined in accordance with the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification.

10. Competitions of all-Russian status are held on routes 4-6 class, competitions of the status of federal districts - on routes 3-5 class, competitions of the status of subjects of the Russian Federation - 2-4 class, competitions of municipal status - 1-3 c.s. Competitions of all-Russian status in the age groups “juniors/juniors”, “boys/girls” are held on routes 1-3 k.s., competitions of the federal district status in the age group “boys/girls” are held on routes 1 k.s.

Regulations on competitions, applications

11. Competitions in the “route” group of disciplines are held in accordance with the Regulations on the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). The Regulations are the main document that, along with the Rules, guide the panel of judges and competition participants. The provision must not contradict these Rules.

12. The holding of competitions involves: submission of applications for participation by sports tourist groups to the Main Judicial Panel of the competition (hereinafter referred to as the GCJ), admission of athletes to the route and to participation in competitions, completion of the declared routes by competition participants, preparation of reporting documentation by tourist groups, assessment by the panel of judges of the groups’ passage of routes and summing up. Competitions are held with separate or joint starts for tourist groups.

13. The preliminary application (Appendix 1 to Part 2) indicates the sports discipline, geographical (administrative) region and timing of the route, route difficulty category, data on the composition of the sports tourist group, contact information.

14. The application for participation in the competition shall indicate:
- last name, first name, patronymic and passport details of the participants of the sports tourist group;
- date and year of birth;
- sports qualification;
- medical clearance;
- last name, first name, patronymic of the coach.
The sports qualifications of participants in a sports tourist group are confirmed by the athlete’s classification book issued by executive authorities in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as by certificates of routes traveled.
The doctor's visa (admission) must appear opposite each name. Instead of a doctor's visa, the application may include a certificate signed by a doctor and stamped by a medical institution, authorizing participation in specific competitions.
Knowledge of these Rules and the Rules for the organization and passage of tourist sports routes is confirmed by the signature of each participant in the competition.

15. Applications for participation in competitions must be signed by the executive authority in the field of physical culture and sports and/or the head of an accredited regional sports tourism federation or a regional branch of an all-Russian federation (sports club).

16. Re-applications (applications to change the application) are submitted to the GSK addressed to the chief secretary of the competition no later than 5 days before the start of the group (entry to the route). In this case, any changes in the composition of the tourist group and in the route must be agreed upon with the competition judges responsible for the admission of groups to the competition.

17. Only an official representative has the right to represent a sports group at competitions, submit preliminary applications, re-entries and protests, and receive certificates from the panel of judges on all issues related to the organization and conduct of competitions.

Admission to competitions

18. The preliminary application is submitted to the State Committee of the Competition within the time limits specified in the Regulations.

19. An official application for participation in competitions, route documents in 2 copies, as well as other materials (cartographic materials, satellite images, directions, photographic materials, etc.) necessary for admission to the route are submitted to the panel of judges no later than 2 weeks before the expected departure on the route. The following documents are presented along with the application for each competition participant:
- document proving the identity and age of the athlete;
- medical admission to competitions;
- athlete’s qualification book.

20. Monitoring of the athlete’s health before going on the route is carried out in medical institutions no more than three months before the day the athlete starts at competitions and is confirmed by a corresponding certificate or mark in the application.

21. Competition participants may also be subject to requirements that are not stipulated by these Rules, do not contradict them and are contained in the Regulations, Competition Regulations or in the Competition Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Conditions).


23. The age and sports qualifications of competition participants must meet the requirements of the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification. The minimum age of participants, the required sports tourism experience, the number of vehicles, the quantitative composition of the sports group, and other requirements for participants are given in the Regulations.

24. The result of the consideration of the documents submitted to the panel of judges of the competition is the conclusion of the panel of judges on the admission of the sports group to the competition (completing the declared route), which is recorded in the route book of the established form. Route books (hereinafter - MK) are certified with the stamp of authorized route and qualification commissions (hereinafter - MKK).

25. When released on routes 4 - 6 k.s. a system of interaction between the group and the panel of judges is agreed upon (schedule, method of communication, etc.) to carry out constant (regular) and effective control over the actions of the sports group during the route.

26. The first copy of the route book is issued to the representative of the sports tourist group and is the main document of the group on the route. The second copy is stored in the corresponding ICC Federation of Sports Tourism, accredited for the sport “sports tourism”.

27. The ICC and the panel of judges record the start and finish times of the sports group, as well as the passage of control points along the route, and the GPS coordinates of the points transmitted by the group via communications.

Competition participants

28. The composition of a sports tourist group can be male, female or mixed.

- comply with generally accepted standards of behavior for athletes, be disciplined and polite;
- comply with anti-doping rules provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
- know and comply with the requirements of these Rules, Regulations and other documents provided for by the Regulations. Ignorance of these documents does not relieve participants from liability for violations;
- observe safety measures;
- know about the degree of danger and risk to health and life when passing the route;
- know the route, its characteristic features, technical obstacles and ways to overcome them, backup options and emergency exits from the route;
- register the route with the local rescue service (Ministry of Emergency Situations or similar), and also inform this service, the panel of judges and the ICC about entering the route and completing the route;
- follow the approved route and follow the instructions and recommendations recorded in the MC by the panel of judges and the ICK;
- carry out the medical self-monitoring procedure while walking the route;
- take the necessary measures aimed at ensuring safety, up to changing or stopping the route in connection with the occurrence of dangerous natural phenomena and other circumstances that threaten the safety of participants;
- if necessary, be prepared to organize rescue operations, provide immediate assistance and accompany the victim;
- report the accident to the local rescue service, the relevant local authorities, the panel of judges and the ICC;
- when leaving the route, immediately report this to the panel of judges, as well as to the appropriate unit of the rescue service with which the group is registered.

30. Each sports group must regularly inform the controlling ICC and the panel of judges about the route (control points, identifying obstacles), the condition of the group, etc. via electronic audio or video communication.

31. On routes 4 - 6 k.s. the sports group must have a communication schedule with the ICC, approved by the panel of judges, which, if necessary (changes in weather, climatic, technical and other conditions, physical condition of participants, etc.), can adjust the passage of individual obstacles or the route as a whole.

- pass an obstacle or section of the route if for some reason its technical difficulty turns out to be higher than the existing sports qualifications or experience in passing classified obstacles;
- change the declared route in the direction of its complexity, the composition of participants or the numerical composition of the group without agreement with the panel of judges;
- interfere with the work of the panel of judges.

33. Members of a sports group may be removed from the competition for:
- gross violations of the Rules, Regulations, Regulations or Conditions as determined by GSK;
- failure to comply with the requirements of the panel of judges or the ICC;
- unsportsmanlike or unethical behavior of group members;
- actions that cause danger to members of one’s group or other groups;
- failure to comply with safety measures when passing the route;
- violation of rules for the protection of nature, cultural and historical monuments, etc.

34. For unsportsmanlike behavior and violation of these Rules and Regulations, by decision of the Chief Referee of the competition, the result of the participant (participants) in the competition may be canceled, participants may be warned or suspended from the competition.
The Ground Jury is obliged to inform the hosting organization and the regional Federation about facts of unsportsmanlike behavior of participants and may apply for disqualification.


Technical support for the group on the route

36. Participants of a sports tourist group must be provided with special personal and group equipment that allows them to complete the route without accidents.
The quantity and quality of the necessary equipment is determined by the characteristics of the route, its category of difficulty, obstacles, area, and season. The recommended list of special equipment is given in Appendix 2 (to part 2).

37. The group must be provided with technical means to determine location coordinates and means of communication to transmit them. The group’s special equipment must include a first aid kit, the composition of which corresponds to the category of difficulty and the nature of the route (see Regulations).

38. Responsibility for the completeness and quality of equipment lies with the participants of the sports group.

39. Technical means of transportation, rafting and equipment used by participants on the route must ensure the safety of the group when passing the route and carrying out insurance.

40. Technical vehicles are divided into:

40.1. Class Cars:
- serial cars used on public roads;
- off-road vehicles 4X4, specially prepared, cross-country vehicles are allowed).

40.2. Motorcycles class:
- road;
- enduro.

40.3. Class Scooters: scooters and mopeds.

40.4. Class ATVs: ATV and UTV.

40.5. Pneumatic class: cars with ultra-low pressure propulsion.

40.6. Snowmobile class.

41. The working volume of a vehicle engine is not limited. Participation in competitions of mixed classes (general classification) is allowed, which is stipulated in the Regulations on the competition.

42. Cars and motorcycles of competition participants must be registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, have a state registration plate, and be insured (MTPL policy). The driver must have a driver's license issued by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

43. ATVs, pneumatics and snowmobiles of competition participants must be registered with Gostekhnadzor, have a state registration plate, and be insured (MTPL policy). The driver must have a driver's license issued by Gostekhnadzor.

44. Competitions in the discipline “route - water (category 1-6)” are held on various types of vessels - kayaks, kayaks, catamarans, rafts, the requirements for which are specified in the Regulations. The specific classes of vessels for which competitions are held are specified in the Regulations on the competitions and in the Conditions of the competition. It is allowed to hold competitions in a mixed class.

45. Competitions in the discipline “route – equestrian (category 1-6)” are held on horses and horses of any breed. Veterinary control during equestrian routes is carried out by the owner of the horses rented for the route.

Interaction with government executive authorities, rescue services and insurance companies

46. The safety of the competition is ensured by interaction with rescue services, insurance companies, government and public organizations in whose territory the route passes.

47. Competition participants passing through the territory of the Russian Federation must register with the relevant rescue service of the region. When making a route abroad, registration of groups is carried out in accordance with the rules in force in the state in whose territory the route passes.

48. After receiving admission to the route, the head of the sports tourist group, no later than a week before departure for the route, informs the rescue service of the region where the route passes, information about the route, deadlines and composition of the group. The form of the Message is given in the Regulations.

49. The head of the sports group informs the panel of judges, the International Sports Committee and the regional rescue service by telegram, by telephone, e-mail or in person about the start of the route and the completion of the route.

50. All members of the tourist group for the duration of the route 5 and 6 categories of complexity must have medical insurance, including insurance of risks associated with the passage of the route in the natural environment, as well as search and rescue and evacuation work, if necessary.

51. If an insured event occurs during the route, the group, using communication means, consults with emergency medical services doctors and the relevant insurance company, and decides on further actions, up to termination of the route or evacuation of the participant or group. If it is necessary to provide emergency medical care, the current situation is reported to the rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Responsibility for the safety of competition participants

52. Ensuring the safety of competition participants is the responsibility of the competition organizers in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
The competition panel of judges is responsible for ensuring the safety of competition participants within the limits of their duties.
The organization holding the competition and the panel of judges are not responsible for incidents that occur during the route due to improper behavior of the participants in the sports group, as well as in the event of force majeure.

53. While passing the route, each athlete independently takes all necessary safety measures and bears full responsibility for his actions.

54. When driving routes on mechanical vehicles on public roads, all competition participants must comply with the Road Traffic Rules.
Drivers and passengers of motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, pneumatic vehicles and snowmobiles must use personal protective equipment: helmet, motorcycle boots, suit with protective elements, gloves, goggles, etc.
Each vehicle must have a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. The group must also have at least 1 vehicle equipped with a winch and cable.

55. When passing water routes, each sports group implements a set of safety measures, which includes:
- availability of individual rescue equipment for each participant (helmet, life jacket, wetsuit, line cutter, etc.);
- the minimum number of vessels must ensure the possibility of mutual insurance when passing the route;
- all vessels are equipped with the necessary equipment for insurance;
- thorough reconnaissance of identifying obstacles;
- the correct choice of the type of insurance - with an insurance vessel from the water below the obstacle, with a shore safety rope, with a rescuer - “Live bait”, etc.

56. Failure to comply with safety requirements during competitions entails liability up to and including exclusion from competitions and sports disqualification.

57. In the event of gross violations of these Rules, the requirements of safety measures that occur on the route, the GSK, together with the conducting organization, can form an expert commission to determine the causes and circumstances of the violations, determine the degree of responsibility, measures of influence and develop recommendations for improving safety and preventive measures to prevent injuries on the routes .
A brief report of the commission's work is attached to the Chief Judge's report on the competition.

Judicial panel

58. The organization holding the competition forms and approves the competition panel of judges, which is responsible for the preparation and conduct of the competition.
The work of the panel of judges is built in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and Regulations on competitions
For competitions of the status of a subject of the Russian Federation and below, the conducting organization can approve the Chief Judge and the Chief Secretary, and the remaining members of the panel of judges are approved by the Chief Judge of the competition.
The panel of judges of the All-Russian competitions is approved by the Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia.

59. The panel of judges includes: the Chief Judge of the competition, the Chief Secretary, their deputies, senior judges and judges for the event, senior judges and judges of teams for the types of programs (expert judges), the commission for admission to the competition.
Depending on the status and program of the competition, one or more deputies may be appointed to assist the Chief Judge and the Chief Secretary, who work under their supervision.
When competitions are held simultaneously in several disciplines (types of program), panels of judges may be created for these disciplines, subordinate to the main panel of judges.
The chief judge of the competition and the chief secretary cannot be part of the judging teams.

60. The main panel of judges - the Chief Judge and his deputies, the Chief Secretary and his deputies - decides all technical issues of the competition, is responsible for summing up the results of the competition, timely and correct information about the results of the competition.

60. Chief judge of the competition.

60.1. The chief judge of the competition heads the panel of judges and manages the conduct of the competition. He is responsible for the correct organization and smooth conduct of the competition in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. The orders of the Chief Referee are binding for judges, team representatives and competition participants.

60.2. The chief judge is obliged:
- before the start of the competition, conduct an orientation seminar or briefing for judges;
- distribute judges into teams taking into account their qualifications;
- make a decision on submitted protests within the time limits specified in the Regulations;
- hold meetings of the panel of judges before the start, during the process (if necessary) and at the end of the competition;
- at the end of the competition, make an entry in the sports judge’s book and give an assessment of the work of each judge;
- after the end of the competition, within two weeks, submit the report, protocols, protests filed and decisions made on them to the organization that held the competition.

60.3. The chief judge has the right:
- make changes to the competition program if, according to the conditions of their conduct, this becomes necessary;
- overturn the erroneous decision of the judge;
- remove from work judges who have made serious mistakes or failed to cope with their duties;
- remove tourist groups from further participation in competitions, as well as representatives who have committed gross violations of the Rules, Regulations, Conditions or sports ethics, and petition for their disqualification;
- cancel the competition or postpone the time for summing up the results of the competition.

61. Deputy Chief Judges supervise individual areas of work determined by the Chief Judge and sign the corresponding protocols. At the direction of the Chief Judge, in the event of his absence, one of the deputies performs the duties and enjoys all the rights of the Chief Judge.

62. Competition Secretariat:
- checks the completeness of the reporting materials on the completed routes specified in the Regulations on the competition;
- accepts applications from team representatives and checks that they are filled out correctly;
- prepares judging protocols;
- keeps minutes of the meeting of the panel of judges and draws up orders of the Chief Judge of the competition;
- keeps records of the work of judges;
- makes entries in the qualification books of competition participants.

63. An admission commission is created to admit athletes to competitions.
The Commission checks the correctness of the submitted Application, medical clearance, qualification books of athletes and other documents for compliance with their Rules and Regulations on competitions.
The functions of the admission commission may be assigned to the panel of judges.

64. The event judges review the route documentation and give an opinion on the groups’ admission to the competition.

65. Expert judges evaluate the completion of the declared routes by competition participants in accordance with the accepted methodology for judging competitions on tourist sports routes (see Regulations) and reflect the results shown by tourist groups in the judging report.

66. Expert judges do not have the right:
- participate in judging competitions of the type of program where the route covered by the tourist group with his participation or of which he is a coach is presented;
- be a representative of the team participating in the competition.

67. The judge-inspector controls the work of judges by type in admitting tourist groups to the route and in categorizing completed routes, as well as the results of expert judges in assessing the passage of declared routes by competition participants for compliance with the provisions set out in the judging methodology.

68. The composition, qualifications, and functional responsibilities of referee positions are defined in the Qualification Requirements for sports referees in the sport “Sports Tourism”.

69. The number of expert judges for a sport (sports discipline) at All-Russian competitions must be such as to ensure that no less than five judges evaluate the routes taken by competition participants in each type of program. At competitions, combining positions is allowed in accordance with the judge's qualifications.

Competition judging

70. Each sports tourist group is under the constant control of a panel of judges when passing the route. In accordance with the communication schedule approved when the group was released on the route, the panel of judges via electronic means of communication receives information about the passage of the route, checkpoints, etc., analyzes this information and compares it with the declared movement schedule.
This information, together with a technical description of the route (report, Appendix 3 to part 2), photo and video materials confirming the passage of the defining obstacles of the route, is the basis for judging the competition.

71. In addition, competition participants provide to the panel of judges:
- route books with marks on the passage of control points (marks of the visiting MKK, rescue services, organizations, authorities, etc.);
- control notes from passes, peaks, etc.;
- “ship roles” of the established pattern, with “arrival and departure” marks at border checkpoints (for sailing routes in border zones).

72. Information confirming the fact of passing the route is:
- photo and video materials confirming the passage by each participant (vehicle) of the route and obstacles that determine its technical complexity;
- readings of electronic means of monitoring the route - tracks, coordinate marks, heights of key points of the route and other parameters taken from navigators, trekkers and other electronic positioning system devices (GPS, GLONASS);
- SMS messages from a satellite phone with the coordinates of the point of departure and the date,
- photographs of the screen of technical measuring instruments during measurement,
- other information.
If necessary, the panel of judges may require the provision of additional photos, videos and other materials. There may also be other materials and evidence not specified here that confirm the fact that the participants have completed the route.

73. The provided photo and video materials must confirm the passage of the route and identifying obstacles by the group (vessels, vehicles). The date and time stamp taken is shown on the photographs.
Filming is carried out while passing obstacles, at key points along the route, if possible, against the background of known geographical objects:
a) when passing passes and peaks:
- photographs of the approaches (view of the obstacle from the ascent and/or descent side) with a drawn route;
- photographs on the ascent and descent (sections of various mountainous terrain - rocks, glaciers, overcoming cracks, etc.), reflecting the technical techniques used when passing difficult sections, their nature and steepness;
- photographs of the saddle, peak with identification of the surrounding landscape;
b) when passing water routes, photographs, filmograms (series of photographs) and video materials of key places of rapids as participants (vessels) pass them are provided;
c) when passing bicycle and auto-motor routes, photographs of road and information signs of geographical objects are additionally provided.

Determination of competition results and summing up

74. Competition judging is carried out using a point system.

75. The result of the judging is an assessment of the participants' completion of the sports routes in points.

76. An expert judge must evaluate the completion of routes by competition participants (sports groups) independently of other judges.

77. The expert judge must:
- impartially evaluate the completion of routes by participants in strict accordance with the Rules and judging methods;
- keep a personal protocol in which to record assessments and, if necessary, comments on them;
- give written or oral explanations to the senior judge about the given score, which is significantly different from the marks given by other judges.

78. The results of the competition are determined for each type of sports discipline program (among routes of the same difficulty category / among routes of different difficulty categories) in accordance with the Regulations on the competition.

79. The results of the competition are summed up according to the judging methodology (see Regulations), which determines the procedure for awarding points for completing routes. In this case, the value of each indicator is determined by the method of expert assessment. This technique applies to competitions of any status.

80. The result of a sports group in points for each indicator is determined as the average value of the sum of points assigned by the judges to the group for this indicator, calculated to the 2nd decimal place. In this case, two extreme scores - one highest and one lowest, if there are at least five judges - are discarded.

81. The final result of a sports tourist group in points is determined by the sum of points scored by the group for all indicators.
In this case, first place corresponds to the highest result in points, then places are distributed in descending order of results.
If for several groups the final result in points is the same (the same sum of points for all indicators), then the place occupied by these groups is indicated as an interval, for example 4-5.

82. Samples of referee protocols are given in the Regulations.


83. Protests signed by a representative of the sports tourism group are submitted in writing through the Chief Secretary of the competition or the discipline secretary addressed to the Chief Judge with the obligatory indication of the points of the Rules, Regulations or Conditions that the protester considers to have been violated.
The secretary must mark the time of submission on the protest, immediately familiarize the Chief Referee of the competition and the Deputy Chief Referee for discipline with it, and prepare the materials necessary for analyzing the protest.

84. All protests are considered at a meeting of the State Committee. The GSK has the right not to consider protests drawn up in violation of the above requirements. The final decision on the protest is made by the Chief Referee of the competition.

85. Protests are submitted within the time limits specified in the Terms or Conditions.

86. The judge's expert assessment cannot be a reason for protest.

87. The decision on the protest is documented in writing and communicated to the representative and, together with the protest, is attached to the competition report.

Part 3. Group of disciplines “distance”

Goals, objectives and nature of the competition

1. Competitions in the “distance” group of sports disciplines (hereinafter referred to as competitions) are held with the aim of identifying the strongest athletes and improving their technical and tactical skills.

2. The goal of the competition is for athletes to complete a sports distance without violating the Rules and in the minimum possible time, containing both natural and artificial obstacles, to overcome which it is necessary to use technical techniques and methods.

3. The main objectives of the competition are to practice and improve technical and tactical techniques when overcoming obstacles.

4. The passage of sports distances is carried out using special tourist equipment, which facilitates and speeds up movement, ensuring safety and the implementation of technical and tactical tasks.

Competition classification

5. Competitions may vary:

6. On the interaction of athletes:
individual (each athlete (team, crew) has an individual start time); ­
group (team members have a common start time).
Competition in group sports disciplines means that participants of one group start at the same time and go through the distance, interacting with each other, using tactical and technical techniques that ensure that all participants complete the distance together.
Competition in sports disciplines with the participation of “teams” means that two (three) members of the team start at the same time and go through the distance, interacting with each other, using tactical and technical techniques that ensure that they complete the distance together.
Competition in sports disciplines using watercraft (vessels) “kayak”, “catamaran-2”, “catamaran-4” means that the participants (crews of the corresponding watercraft) start simultaneously and go the distance, interacting with each other on the watercraft, using tactical and technical techniques that ensure they can cover the distance together.
Competition in team sports disciplines (team race) means that all crews’ watercraft simultaneously start and complete the distance, interacting with each other, using tactical and technical techniques that ensure that all watercraft complete the distance together.
In other cases, team members start and complete the distance individually, using the technique and tactics of solo (personal) completion of the distance.

7. By the nature of scoring results:
personal (results are counted separately for each participant (team, crew));
personal-team (results are counted for each participant and teams);
team (results are credited to teams (based on the total start time of team members)).

8. By distance length:
short (distance of minimal length, high intensity of technical stages and special complicating tasks);
long (a distance of considerable length, with the passage of technical stages and stages of terrain orientation).

9. Competitions may include a different number of types of programs within one group of sports disciplines.

10. Competitions are held in sports disciplines included in the All-Russian Register of Sports.

11. Technical issues of holding competitions by type of program are stipulated in the Regulations for holding competitions in sports tourism, approved by the all-Russian federation for the sport “sports tourism” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

12. The main competition criteria are:
Competition status;
Distance class;
Qualification rank of the distance.

13. The status of competitions is determined in accordance with the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification.

14. The class of distances depends on the number, category of difficulty and variety of obstacles or factors. Each distance class must have its own minimum set of defining technically complex obstacle elements (requiring strictly defined special technical skills for the athlete to complete them), the requirements for which are given in the Regulations.
Distance classes (from 1 to 6), from easy to difficult, depend on the intensity of the tasks and the requirements for the technical and physical preparedness of the participants:

15. The classification of distances and features of judging are given in the Regulations.

16. Competitions of all-Russian status are held at distances of 4-6 classes; championship and championship of the federal district - at distances of 3-5 classes; championship, superiority, cup and other official competitions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - at distances of 2-4 classes, competitions of municipal status - at distances of 1-3 classes.

17. All-Russian competitions in the age group “juniors/juniors” can be held at 3rd class distances, in groups “boys/girls” and “boys/girls” - at 2nd class distances. The championship of the federal district and the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the age groups “juniors/juniors”, “boys/girls”, “boys/girls” can be held at distances of 1-2 classes.

18. Preliminary approval of the distance class is made by the inspector-judge before the start of the competition, final approval is after the distance is set, but no later than the first start.

Competition location

19. Competitions can be held both in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

20. The competition venue is a section of terrain (platform) for setting the distance, containing the necessary set of natural or artificial obstacles.

Competition distance

21. The course must be planned so that:
its successful completion required physical and technical preparation in equal measure;
equal conditions of struggle were observed for all participants; ­
participants did not cross dangerous places (railroads, roads with heavy traffic, etc.), did not move through areas prohibited for traffic (crops, forest plantations, etc.), through environmentally unfavorable areas (landfills, sewage treatment tanks structures, etc.).

Electronic marking system

22. At official all-Russian competitions, as a rule, an electronic marking system is used.

23. When using an electronic marking system, the athlete must complete the preparatory procedures required for this system (cleaning, activation) and must have the opportunity to practice with the mark.

24. A special device included in the electronic control system must be issued no later than one hour before the start.

Applications for participation in competitions

25. A preliminary application for participation in competitions is submitted to the organization conducting the competition, and the Application is submitted to the commission for the admission of participants within the time limits established by the Regulations.

26. The application for participation in the competition contains at least the following information:
last name, first name and patronymic of the main and reserve participants;
date and year of birth;
sports qualification;
medical clearance;
last name, first name, patronymic of the representative and coach.
The word “APPROVED” and the doctor’s signature are placed opposite each name. The doctor also verifies the total number of participants admitted to the competition and the names of those not admitted to the competition. The doctor's signature is certified by the seal of the medical institution. Instead of a doctor's visa, the Application may include a certificate signed by a doctor and stamped by a medical institution, authorizing participation in specific competitions.
Applications for participation in competitions must be signed by the executive authority in the field of physical culture and sports and the head of the accredited regional sports tourism federation or the regional branch of the all-Russian federation (sports club). The Application form is given in Appendix 2 to Part 3.

27. If the competition regulations do not stipulate the number of reserve participants, then it should be no more than two.

28. At any competition, a participant can be entered into only one group (team), unless otherwise specified in the Competition Regulations.

29. A re-application (application to change the Application) is submitted in writing to the Chief Secretary no later than an hour before the start of this type of program. Repeated applications to change the composition of participants in this type of program are not accepted.

30. A change in the Application is considered to be the transfer of a reserve participant to the main team or the inclusion in the number of participants of an athlete who was not previously declared for this type of program, but was included in the Application.

Competition participants

31. Participants included in the Application, having medical clearance, the required sports qualifications, meeting age restrictions and having the necessary equipment are allowed to participate in the competition.

32. The minimum age and sports qualifications of competition participants must meet the requirements of the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification and Regulations. The age of the participant is determined by the year of birth.

33. When holding competitions by age groups, an athlete’s belonging to a particular age group is determined by the calendar year in which he reaches the corresponding age.

34. The composition of teams (crews) can be either male and female, or male and mixed. The composition of the groups can be either male and female, or mixed. In one discipline it is allowed to conduct competitions in no more than two types of programs. The results of the competition are summarized separately for each type of program.

35. Along with the application for each competition participant, the following documents are presented to the admission commission:
document proving the identity and age of the athlete;
medical admission to competitions (if the Application does not contain a mark on admission to these competitions);
athlete's qualification book.

36. To ensure the safety of participants, additional requirements for participants may be specified.

37. Disqualified participants are not allowed to compete during the period of disqualification.

38. Competition participants are required to:
comply with generally accepted standards of athlete behavior, be disciplined and polite;
know and comply with the Rules, Regulations, Regulations and Conditions of the competition. Ignorance of these documents does not relieve participants from liability for violations;
observe safety measures,
if necessary, provide assistance to injured participants and report what happened at the finish line; ­
observe the order of starts and arrive at the start on time; ­
start with a number determined by lot; ­
choose and implement your path of movement in accordance with your physical and technical training, using safe techniques for overcoming obstacles.

39. Participants (groups, teams, crews) who leave the race must immediately inform the senior judge at the finish line about this personally or through their representative, and if this is not possible, the judge at the race.

40. Competition participants are prohibited from:
take doping in any form;
make attempts to familiarize yourself with the terrain in the planned competition area in advance, unless this is permitted by the organizing committee or the Ground Jury;
enter the starting area without the permission of the start judges;
after the finish, enter the competition area without the permission of the Chief Judge;
use any special equipment or technical means of transportation, other than those provided for in the Competition Conditions, including those prohibited by the technical commission (by the judges of the participants);
change the design and equipment of the distance;
interfere with the work of the panel of judges;
cross prohibited and dangerous areas of terrain;
use any outside help other than medical assistance (if necessary).

41. For unsportsmanlike behavior and violation of the Rules and Regulations, by decision of the Chief Referee of the competition, the result of a participant (group, team, crew) may be canceled, the participant (group, team, crew) may be warned or removed from the competition. The Ground Jury (GC) is obliged to inform the hosting organization and the relevant Federation about facts of unsportsmanlike behavior of a participant (group, team, crew) and may apply for disqualification.

42. In exceptional cases, by decision of the Chief Referee, the entire team may be suspended from participation in competitions for unsportsmanlike behavior of participants and officials.

43. Participants (groups, teams, crews) may be removed from the competition for:
gross violations of the Rules, Regulations, Regulations or Conditions as determined by GSK;
failure to comply with judges' demands;
the use of outside assistance (except for medical assistance) or actions that interfered with the members of another team during their performance;
obvious unpreparedness for competitions or ignorance of the struggle for the best result;
deliberately changing obstacles or their restrictions on the course;
late attendance at the start; ­
loss of equipment required for safety reasons;
unsportsmanlike or unethical behavior;
actions that pose a danger to participants, judges and spectators;
a participant receives an injury that requires serious medical care (at the request of the competition doctor or security service);
exceeding the control time;
use of faulty or low-quality equipment that does not ensure safety;
violation of rules for the protection of nature, historical monuments, etc.

44. Participants can receive all information regarding the conduct and results of the competition only through a representative of their team.

45. All competition participants must be insured against accidents.

Statements, protests

46. Applications and protests are submitted by team representatives.

47. If you disagree with the preliminary result due to a technical error, you must make an oral or written statement to the Chief Secretary or his deputy. If you disagree with the preliminary result associated with a fine, you must make a statement to the Deputy Chief Referee for Judging. If the decision on the application does not satisfy the representative, a protest is filed. If the protest is related to the result, it must be submitted no later than 1 hour after the publication of the preliminary result.

48. Protests about violations of the Rules and Regulations regarding the preparation or organization of the competitions themselves must be submitted no later than 1 hour before the start of the competition for a given type of program (distance).

49. Protests against the actions of judges, service personnel, resulting in a violation of the Regulations, Regulations or these Rules and affecting the team’s result, are submitted no later than 1 hour after the publication of the team’s preliminary result in this type of program.

50. A protest related to the admission (non-admission) of a participant to the competition must be submitted no later than 1 hour after the publication of the start protocols and must be considered before the start.

51. The protest is written to the Chief Judge with the obligatory indication of the points of the Rules, Regulations or Regulations that the protester considers to have been violated, and is submitted to the Chief Secretary. The Chief Secretary must mark the protest with the time of its filing and, as soon as possible, familiarize the Chief Judge with it, while simultaneously presenting the materials necessary for examining the protest.

52. The protest must be considered by the Main Jury before the approval of the technical results of the competition, but no later than 24 hours from the moment of its submission.

53. The final decision on applications and protests is made by the Chief Referee of the competition.

54. The decision on the protest is stated in writing.

55. The protest is submitted free of charge.

56. The panel of judges hears both parties to the protest, but if one of them fails to appear, a decision may be made in her absence.

57. For filing an unfounded protest, the representative who filed it may be removed by decision of the Ground Jury from performing his duties at the competition, with subsequent notification to the organization that sent the team.

58. Protests against the actions of the other team will not be considered.

Meeting of representatives, display of distances

59. Before the start of the competition, the Chief Judge must hold a meeting with team representatives, where they must be given the opportunity to ask questions to the Ground Jury and the Chief Inspector Judge. In other cases, the Chief Referee may choose a different form of interaction with team representatives.

60. At all-Russian competitions, a meeting of representatives is held on the day of arrival (on the eve of the competition day) and should begin, as a rule, no later than 20:00 local time. Only accredited representatives have the right to ask questions at the meeting.

61. During the competition, meetings of team representatives with the Ground Jury may be held, during which the daily routine and opening time of the competition are discussed. The place of each team in formation, the place and time of training, the location of the chief judge, secretariat and doctor during the competition. Location of information boards, time and place of the draw, as well as issues related to the competition (results and schedule of performances, consideration of protests, etc.).

62. Before the start of the competition, representatives (captains, participants) may be shown or demonstrated the distance (elements of the distance) by judges or athletes not participating in the competition. At the same time, explanations are given on any questions that have arisen and instructions are given on safety precautions for covering the distance. During the demonstration of the distance, explanations are given of the control time, start and finish conditions, actions of participants, restrictions, insurance points, etc.

Dress code and equipment requirements

63. Clothing and footwear, according to their sanitary and hygienic indicators, must ensure the athlete’s performance and not cause damage to the referee’s equipment, their own equipment, as well as the course equipment.

64. Competition participants must have a uniform flag of the represented subject of the Russian Federation.

65. The suitability and serviceability of safety equipment, as well as technical means of transportation, is checked by a technical commission. In some cases, the technical commission has the right to request a certificate of experimental testing of non-standard equipment.

66. The quality of referee rescue and safety equipment, referee technical means of transportation and other referee equipment used by judges, rescuers and participants when covering the competition distance and carrying out rescue work must ensure safety.

67. In case of equipment malfunction, athletes are not allowed to participate in competitions.

Control time

68. To limit the duration of the competition, a control time may be assigned for the entire distance or for individual sections of the distance. The control time is appointed by the Chief Judge and is communicated to the participants no later than an hour before the start.

69. It is allowed to assign and change the control time during or after completing the distance (elements of the distance) by the first three participants (groups, teams, crews). In this case, the control time must be communicated to the captains of the remaining groups, teams, and crews.


71. The method, procedure and place of the draw are stipulated by the Regulations or Conditions of the competition.

72. The order of starts of individual participants (groups, teams, crews) is determined by drawing lots. The draw for different age groups, men and women is carried out separately. The failure of a representative to attend the drawing of lots cannot serve as a basis for protests regarding its results.

73. Draws are allowed in competitions:
general, in which the starting order of participants (groups, teams, crews) is determined by a single draw for all, without distinguishing their sports qualifications and belonging to a particular team; ­
team, in which the starting order of the participants within the team is determined by the decision of the representative (coach), and the starting order of the teams is determined by drawing lots;
group, in which participants (groups, teams, crews) are divided into groups depending on sports qualifications, preliminary results or other indicators. The order of starts within the group is determined by drawing lots.
free start (participants (teams) start in turn when ready). Representatives (coaches) of teams may be allowed to independently distribute athletes into groups.

74. It is permissible to use a computer draw (by random number generation method).

75. At the end of the draw, starting protocols are drawn up, which must be published no later than one hour before the start.

Starting, finishing and timing order

76. Athletes arrive at the start site in accordance with the start protocols.

77. A participant (group, team, crew) who arrives late at the start is not allowed to participate in the race.

78. By decision of the Chief Judge, in exceptional cases, the start schedule may be changed, of which participants must be notified in advance.

79. When the start signal is given, only the starting participants and judges must be on the starting line.

80. The senior start judge must record the start time of the competition in the start protocol, and at the end of the start give the Chief Secretary a summary of the number of participants who started and a list of those who did not start.

81. The time to cover the distance is determined using chronometers (including electronic ones) or stopwatches and is recorded in the finish protocol.

82. When using an electronic marking system, it is possible to record the exact start time with a mark in the electronic station. The time of this mark is the official start time of the athlete.

83. The exact position of the finishing line (marker) must be obvious to finishing competitors.

84. The finishing time is recorded in hours, minutes, seconds or minutes and seconds. It is possible to record time to the nearest tenth of a second if appropriate equipment is used.

85. The closing time of the start and finish is determined by the Chief Judge depending on the established control time and the number of starting participants (groups, teams, crews).

86. If participants approach a stage overcome by other competition participants, the senior judge, if necessary, delays them until the stage is cleared, noting the time of their delay in the protocol. It is possible to record the delay time using an electronic marking system.

Basic principles for determining results

87. The result of completing the distance by a participant (group, team, crew) can be determined by:
transit time;
received penalty or bonus points (points);
the sum of the passing time and penalty points (points) reduced to a single unit of measurement.

88. The results are considered approved if no protests or statements are received within 1 hour after the publication of the preliminary results.

89. The time for participants to complete the distance (elements of the distance) is determined with an accuracy of 1 second. When using an electronic marking system in competitions, it is possible to determine the time with an accuracy of a tenth of a second.

90. The time it takes to complete a group distance is the time between the start signal and the finish time of the last group member.

91. The result of a participant (group, team, crew) at a distance consisting of separate stages can be determined by summing up the results shown in the stages. Results can also be determined by the sum of several attempts to complete the same distance under the same conditions or by the result of the best attempt.

92. The place of a participant (group, team, crew) is determined by the result of completing the distance. If several participants or groups (teams, crews) have the same result, they are awarded the same place, and in the final protocol they are recorded in the order in which they started. After the participants who showed the same result, there are as many unoccupied places as there are participants who have the same result, minus one. If a participant (team, group, crew) did not cross the finish line, exceeded the control time of the distance or was removed from the race, then a place is not awarded.

93. The places of participants (groups, teams, crews) in the team competition are determined by the sum of places occupied by them in certain types of competition programs (distances) or the sum of points received by them in certain types of programs (distances). If the sum of places (points) is equal, preference is given to the participant (group, team, crew) who has the best place at the distance specified in the Regulations or Conditions. If the team standings are determined by the sum of points, the Regulations stipulate the number of points assigned to participants (groups, teams, crews) for the place they occupy. The regulations may establish numerical coefficients by which the places of participants (groups, teams, crews) in certain types of competitions are multiplied before summation.

94. Participants (groups, teams, crews) who do not have a standing in any type of competition (distance, attempt, stage) in the team competition take places after the participants (groups, teams, crews) who have a more complete standing in accordance with the scores them by the sums of places (points), unless a different order is specified in the Regulations.


95. When holding competitions, measures and measures must be provided to ensure the safety of participants, judges, and spectators, including:
notification in technical information about the presence of dangerous places in the competition area;
appropriate safety measures on roads passing through the competition area, if it is not possible to plan the distance so that participants do not cross such roads;
warning team representatives and participants about unfavorable environmental conditions: unsuitability of water bodies for drinking and swimming, the presence of dangerous insects, etc.;
notifying participants about the need to observe certain precautions when passing certain sections of the distance;
notifying participants about actions in case of loss of orientation;
maintaining order and discipline during competitions;
organization of reliable communication between judges at a distance;
organization of sanitary and hygienic measures during competitions: disease prevention, proper organization of life in the field, nutrition for competition participants and judges, availability of medical personnel;
organization of fire prevention measures; ­
compliance of technical and physical training of participants with the distance class;
availability of safety (rescue) equipment, ensuring insurance and preparedness of each belayer (rescuer);
completing the distance with high-quality equipment that ensures the safety of participants; additional activities that the competition organizers deem necessary to carry out, based on the specific situation.

96. For beginner competitions, the area must be clearly demarcated by visible landmarks or markings (of which competitors must be informed).

97. Judges located in the competition area have the right to show clearly lost participants the way to the finish line. Controllers and judges must be informed to provide the necessary assistance.

98. In exceptionally unfavorable weather conditions and in the event of other unforeseen force majeure circumstances that threaten the safety of participants, the Chief Judge (in agreement with the Chief Inspector Judge) has the right to make changes to the competition program: postpone the start time, cancel the start or exclude a distance element from the program (distance). In this case, the entry (application) fees are not refunded.

99. If there is a threat to the safety of participants or conditions under which it is impossible to hold competitions, they must be postponed, and those already started must be interrupted. If it is impossible to hold competitions on the same day, then the decision on their further holding and the scoring of the results is made by the State Jury together with the Senior Judge-Inspector.

100. Ensuring safety during competitions is the responsibility of the GSK and representatives, captains and team members, within the limits of their responsibilities.

101. At distances where necessary, referee insurance should be provided.

102. The preparation of the course for the competition is carried out by a special team under the leadership of the head of the course. The head of the course is obliged to personally check the reliability of the equipment of the entire distance, constantly monitor its condition during the competition, and also take measures to eliminate the causes that could lead to an accident. At the end of the setting and before the start of the distance, the Head of the distance draws up a certificate of delivery/acceptance of the distance, containing its main characteristics. In addition to the Head of the course, the certificate is certified by the Deputy Chief Judge for Safety and the Judge-Inspector; the certificate of delivery/acceptance of the distance is approved by the Chief Judge of the competition.

103. The organizing organization is obliged to provide medical care for the competition and vehicles for evacuating victims. The organizing organization is obliged to ensure that an ambulance is provided with access to the start and finish areas.

104. Medical personnel with the necessary equipment must be present in the competition area.

105. When holding competitions at difficult distances, by decision of the Chief Judge, medical aid stations may be provided at the distance. The distance service, team representatives, and participants must be informed about the locations of medical aid points.

106. To ensure the safety of the competition, it is recommended to organize interaction with units of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Protection of nature, historical and cultural monuments

107. GSK and competition participants are obliged to comply with current legislation in the field of nature conservation and environmental management.

108. If field camps are created to accommodate participants, sanitary, hygienic and environmental requirements must be met.

109. When holding competitions, it is necessary to develop and implement measures to ensure the protection of nature, historical and cultural monuments.

110. Responsibility for the implementation of environmental protection measures rests with the GSK, as well as with representatives of teams or participants.

111. The movement of participants along the distance should not pass through sown fields, young plantings, plantations, or areas with historical and cultural monuments.

112. During the period of registration or passing the commission for admission of participants to competitions, team representatives must be informed of the requirements for the protection of nature, historical and cultural monuments (fire safety, prevention of littering of the area, damage to plantings, etc.).

113. Violators of these requirements are subject to disciplinary measures, including removal from competitions, and in some cases, administrative or criminal liability.

Distance grading system

114. The panel of judges for sports competitions consists of the Main Panel of Judges and judges (teams of judges) at the distance.

115. Direct assessment of the actions of competition participants at a distance is carried out by judges (teams of judges) at a distance.

116. Main panel of judges for the competition:
provides access to participants and technical equipment to competitions,
supervises the setting of distances,
manages the work of judges (teams of judges) at a distance,
carries out the collection of technical results and the formation of final competition protocols.

117. The composition, functional responsibilities and powers of judicial positions are specified in the Qualification Requirements for Sports Judges.

118. A detailed description of the system for grading the distance, including the correct execution of athletes’ technical actions at the distance, is indicated in the Regulations.

119. The Technical Commission monitors the compliance of personal and team equipment and technical means of transportation of participants with safety requirements, Rules, Regulations, Regulations and Conditions.

Inspection staff and commission for admission of participants

Senior Judge Inspector

120. A Senior Inspector Judge is appointed to monitor compliance with the Competition Rules. The senior judge-inspector is appointed by the relevant Board of Judges (for All-Russian competitions - the All-Russian Board of Judges) and can head the commission for admitting participants to competitions. A senior judge-inspector must be appointed no later than 3 months before the start of the competition.

121. In his work, the senior judge-inspector excludes situations in which personal interest affects or may affect the objective performance of his official duties.

122. The senior judge-inspector has the authority to cancel a decision of the Ground Jury that contradicts the Rules, Regulations or poses a danger to the health (life) of participants and judges of the competition. The senior judge-inspector is obliged to provide methodological assistance to the State Judicial Committee and to achieve the highest fairness in his decisions.

123. The senior judge-inspector submits to the relevant Board of Judges a conclusion on the competitions held and a proposal to evaluate the work of the Chief Judge.

Commission for admission of participants

124. To admit athletes to competitions, a Commission for Admission of Participants is created.

125. The commission for the admission of participants is headed by the Chairman of the commission, whose functions are performed by the Deputy Chief Judge or Senior Judge-Inspector. The Commission for the Admission of Participants must include the Chief Secretary and the competition doctor.

126. The Commission for the Admission of Participants checks the correctness of the submitted Application, medical admission and other documents for compliance with their Rules, Regulations and Regulations on the competition.

127. Based on the results of the work, the Commission for the Admission of Participants draws up a protocol (Appendix 1 to Part 3), which indicates the teams representing the territories, the sports qualifications of the participants, etc.
