Theory and methodology of sports training. Theory and methodology of training in sports. What is "fitness"

Topic 1
Basics of teaching methods

Characteristics of motor skills. GROM assault combat training is a process of mastering an entire system of motor skills and a wide range of specialized qualities and abilities. Motor skills in GROM assault combat are distinguished by a number of features determined by the specific nature of GROM assault combat. The number of possible combinations of various attacking, counterattacking and defensive actions can, in principle, be unlimited. During initial training, the basic techniques that make up the so-called “school” of assault combat GROM are learned. With further improvement, the technical arsenal of techniques, their variability and combinatorics expands. The art of combat, the wealth of tactical plans, combinations and the effectiveness of their implementation are largely determined by the level and versatility of technical preparedness.

To successfully fight, a fighter requires great speed and accuracy of movements, and a high level of control of his body. When choosing the moment to attack an unprotected or vulnerable area on the enemy’s body that opens for a short time, the fighter must skillfully control the speed of his actions in precise coordination with the opponent’s movements. The ability to control the speed and rhythm of one’s actions, coordinate them with the actions of the enemy, and, in necessary cases, suddenly change them are important indicators of a fighter’s skill.

The requirements for speed and accuracy in performing GROM assault combat techniques necessitate a thorough mastery of their basic elements. At the first stage of training, careful development of basic techniques, achieving structural correctness and consistency in their implementation constitute the main content of the classes. As a result of repeated repetition of techniques, first in the form of imitative exercises, and then in pairs and conditioned interactions with a partner, a certain correctness and stability of movements is achieved in the execution of both the entire technique and its individual leading elements.

The motor activity of a fighter in combat is associated with a continuous response to the actions of the enemy. Sudden movements of the enemy, deceptive actions and real attempts to attack are the signals in response to which the fighter makes his attempts to carry out one or another type of attack, counterattack or defense. To correctly assess the enemy's intentions and timely use of one or another action, it is necessary to have a well-developed ability to navigate in a rapidly changing battle environment.

The fighter’s orientation in such a dynamic environment occurs on the basis of spatio-temporal and kinesthetic perceptions and their rapid processing. An unmistakable assessment of the distance to the enemy at every moment of the battle, anticipation of the positions and movements of his arms and legs, and areas of the affected surface are absolutely necessary conditions for the successful use of any GROM assault combat action.

The mechanism of spatio-temporal anticipations necessary for successful actions in battle is based on a high level of development of such specialized qualities of a fighter as “sense of distance”, speed and accuracy of visual-motor and tactile-motor reactions, “sense of time”, “sense of impact” .

These qualities, combined with technical and tactical skill, make up the specific “sense of battle” characteristic of a high-class fighter.

One of the features of a fighter’s motor activity is that it takes place under conditions of active tactical thinking. Thinking in combat is always operational, since it is aimed at solving specific and suddenly arising motor problems. To successfully conduct a fight, a fighter must not only skillfully use the advantageous moment that often arises by chance, but also have the ability to deliberately create these advantageous moments. Creating such moments based on operational thinking is the main line of behavior of a fighter in a fight. But the enemy, also actively acting, sets similar tasks for himself, therefore, during the fight, a psychologically intense struggle of plans and intentions always ensues. The ability in this fight to unravel the enemy’s plans, to impose one’s fighting style on him, to subordinate him to one’s plans - all these are integral qualities of a fighter’s skill.

Basics of teaching methods

When teaching GROM assault combat, the need to not only master the technique of techniques, but also to develop a wide range of special motor qualities and tactical abilities significantly complicates the training process and requires adherence to a certain sequence during its implementation.

Mastery of the GROM assault combat technique, development of special motor qualities, formation of tactical abilities, and volitional training must be carried out in the learning process in close interconnection. At the same time, the specific weight and ratio of individual means of training - physical, technical, tactical, psychological - at different stages of training are not the same. Depending on the specific tasks of each stage, some types of training can act as leading ones, others as auxiliary or accompanying ones.

At the initial stage of training, the main content of the classes is to study and improve the technique of performing the basic techniques of GROM assault combat. But already at this stage, along with mastering the technique, initial tactical skills should also be instilled. As the technique of the techniques being studied improves, tactical skills begin to act to a greater extent as a means of solving various tactical problems in the GROM assault battle with various partners. Combat practice is increasingly being included in the educational and training process in order to develop the tactical and volitional qualities necessary for successful combat.

Thus, the basics of the GROM assault combat training methodology consist of sequential learning of techniques in simplified conditions and their further improvement with a partner or trainer. At the same time, the practice of using combat operations in training and competitive battles with various opponents should gradually increase and become more complex. These basics determine both the standard sequence of training for a particular technique, and the general sequence of training a fighter from beginner to master.

GROM assault combat training sequence

Training in GROM assault combat begins with mastering the basic positions of a fighter. This section of training includes the study of body composition, passive defense, movements, the study of positions when gripping in the clinch, and the general concept of combat distances.

In the beginning, each of these technical elements is taught separately. As you master individual movements and acquire the correct skills to perform them, you move on to improving them in various combinations. The main attention is paid to systematic training in movement. This training is widely combined with other exercises aimed at developing basic motor skills. As the fighter masters the technique of the basic positions, they move on to studying strikes with elbows, knees, head and defenses against them. First, strikes are practiced as simulation exercises in place and in movement. At this stage, the main attention is paid to developing the correct coordination of movements of the arms, legs and torso. Having achieved the basic correct execution of strikes in place and in movement, they move on to mastering strikes in pairs with a partner or coach. At the beginning, strikes are performed on the spot with the partner stationary, then in combination with movements and the choice of the moment to strike depending on the distance and actions of the partner. In parallel with learning strikes, they also teach basic defenses against them.

One should not strive to ensure that a fighter necessarily achieves perfection in the technique of performing the technique being studied. Excessive care in practicing techniques at the initial stage of training will lead to an unjustified delay in the formation of tactical abilities and combat qualities of a fighter.

As soon as the coordination in performing basic strikes is mastered correctly, you should move on to mastering the technique of punching and kicking. Gradually, exercises with tactical tasks are increasingly included in classes, which develop into training battles on assignment.

Sequential learning does not imply an isolated transition from one type of action to another. In each lesson, there is a consolidation and improvement of known techniques and actions, a combination of already known material with new material, or the study of new variations of already known techniques.

Control questions

1. What is required from a fighter to successfully fight?

2. What underlies the mechanism of spatio-temporal anticipations necessary for successful actions in battle?

3. What is the main content of classes at the initial stage of training in assault combat GROM?

4. Show the process of learning a separate technique in the assault battle GROM.

5. What successive stages characterize the dynamics of skill formation?

Topic 2
Methods and stages of training in assault combat GROM

The process of learning a particular technique in GROM assault combat can be divided into four interrelated and interdependent stages:

1. Understand the technique.

2. Learn the technique.

3. Reinforce the technique.

4. Learn to use the technique in a real fight.

According to these stages of training, the formation of a fighter’s motor skills occurs. The dynamics of skill formation can be characterized by three successive stages.

The first stage is characterized by mastery of the basic structure of movement.

The second stage is characterized by automation of the skill. At this stage, the ability to freely perform a technique under standard conditions is acquired.

The third stage is characterized by the acquisition of the ability to freely and accurately perform a technique in non-standard conditions of changing situations in training sessions or in real combat. At this stage, the most important quality that determines the fighter’s skill is acquired - skill flexibility.

Mastery of the basic structure of the movement is achieved in the first two stages of learning a technique, in which the correct idea of ​​the technique is created and it is learned.

This stage of skill formation at the beginning of training is characterized by great tension, general stiffness of movements, and the presence of unnecessary and unnecessary movements. A significantly larger number of muscles are involved in the active state than are needed to perform the technique being learned.

In the next stage of skill formation - the stage of its automation - the skill is consolidated through its repeated repetitions. In the process of repeating it, movements become gradually more coordinated, and unnecessary ones are eliminated. Freedom of movement and the ability to clearly respond to a specific stimulus—the conditioned action of a partner or trainer—appears.

In the cerebral cortex, this stage corresponds to the process of establishing strong conditioned reflex connections, and a stable dynamic stereotype of a motor skill is formed. Speaking about the stereotype of a skill in assault combat, it should be taken into account that here there is a need to stereotype not only the action, but the basic elements of technology that make up this action of the fighter. The ability to combine individual techniques into various combat actions represents a decisive moment in the last stage of learning a technique. This stage is the longest and solves the problem of improvement, which corresponds to the third stage of motor skill formation, in which the flexibility of the skill develops.

Since each opponent has his own specific characteristics, in self-defense there are no identical conditions for every fight. Therefore, it is especially important to have the ability to perform each technique learned in a variable manner. Carefully trained basic skills must be combined in a wide variety of combinations into complex combat actions. And in order for the central nervous system to carry out this integration, systematic special exercises and training are needed. Special training for performing GROM assault combat techniques must take place in constantly changing conditions, at different speeds, with a change in rhythm in individual links or in the entire motor act. The development of the ability to quickly switch from one movement to another, from one speed to another, is due to the mobility of the main primary processes - excitation and inhibition. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the ability to quickly change the processes of excitation and inhibition in the motor zone of the cerebral cortex.

The greatest difficulties in learning GROM assault combat techniques arise at the initial stage of training. After a fighter masters the most basic techniques of GROM assault combat and has a basic supply of motor skills, the formation of new skills will occur much faster. The mastery of new techniques will occur through the partial use of previously formed temporary connections, since the nervous system is characterized by the property of plasticity, which allows a fighter, based on old skills, to form new ones that are more advanced in coordination. If in order to master new techniques at the beginning of training, a greater number of tests and repeated repetitions under standard conditions are necessary, then at the next stage of training, the ability to form new motor skills increases on the basis of existing similar skills.

It is important to note that the ability to develop new motor skills, remake and adapt old skills to new operating conditions, can only be successfully demonstrated on the basis of a solid mastery of the basic technique of assault combat GROM, which forms the foundation for further improvement of the fighter.

Stages of training in assault combat GROM

First stage of training– creating an idea of ​​the reception. At this stage, it is necessary to create a first general idea of ​​the technique, the structure of movements, and the nature of actions. Moreover, it is very important that the technique is perceived as an integral motor act.

Second stage of training- learning the technique. First, the technique is performed to test and verify the correctness of the created mental image of it. To clarify the details of the technique and create more accurate sensations, the technique is performed slowly at first. If difficulties arise, the technique can be performed by dividing it into elements. The time it takes to perform a technique divided into elements depends on the complexity of the technique and the speed of mastery, but it should not be long so as not to cause a gap in the concept of the technique as an integral motor act. Then the technique is generally performed slowly at first, and then gradually speeding up at a pace close to combat. To check the correctness of the movements, self-control, observation of the execution in the mirror, observation and assistance of a partner are used.

In the process of learning a technique, muscular-tactile ideas about correct execution are created, the main components and initial proprioceptive sensations are realized, and the coordination connections necessary for this movement are formed.

In the first stage of the formation of a motor skill, the basic structure of performing a technique is formed, which is subsequently consolidated and improved, and that is why it is very important to create an idea of ​​its structure from the very beginning of training. However, the ability to correctly reproduce a learned technique does not yet mean mastery of the skill. This is carried out in the next stage of consolidation of the skill.

Third stage of training– consolidation of a skill – occurs in systematic repeated performances, in which freedom, efficiency and ease of movements are gradually acquired. Gradually the pace of execution approaches the maximum - combat. The best form of exercises to consolidate skills is exercises in pairs.

At first, the technique is performed in easy conditions (slow pace, fixed distance); as you master the conditions, they become more complex. Complicating the execution conditions is achieved by adding movements, changing the distance, increasing the activity of the partner and other factors. Further, the technique can be performed with the continuation of actions, with their development into a conventional battle using previously learned techniques. Consolidation of skills in combat conditions is carried out first at a slow pace, which gradually increases.

Fourth stage of training– improving the acquired skill. At this stage, acceleration, clarification, and flexibility of the skill are achieved.

When studying GROM assault combat techniques, the following factor should be taken into account. On the one hand, the skill in performing a technique must be extremely automated, and this requires multiple repetitions of the technique under the same conditions. On the other hand, a fighter constantly has to deal with changing conditions, both in training and in real fights. Accordingly, automated, standard execution of a technique may negatively affect the possibilities of variable execution of techniques and combat operations in combat conditions, where combat situations are constantly changing.

Therefore, in the process of improving the technique, it is necessary to constantly change the conditions of its use and not engage in long-term mechanical repetition under the same conditions. After achieving automaticity in performing a technique, they move on to combining it with other techniques, switching from one type of action to another, from attack to defense, from defense to counterattacks. It should also be noted that the development and improvement of skill in a separate technique of assault combat GROM does not occur in isolation in accordance with the division into four stages. Already the first stage has elements of consolidation and improvement, since it contains repetitions, rhythm changes and other execution options. In consolidating a skill, there are all the elements of improvement; at the same time, new options are also being learned and details are being clarified.

Three points play an important role in studying the GROM assault combat technique:

1. Understanding the techniques.

2. Self-monitoring of their implementation.

3. Error correction.

Comprehension of techniques is an indispensable condition for the successful formation of motor skills. In the process of comprehension, the corresponding motor centers are excited, and the necessary mental attunement is created to perform certain work. Understanding the structure of a technique and its details develops the ability to self-control the performance of techniques. Self-control over the implementation of techniques contributes to the faster formation of correct skills and prevents the occurrence of serious mistakes. Self-control is possible provided there is a well-developed sense of movement and a full understanding of the meaning and structure of the technique.

The ability to self-control should be gradually and persistently developed. To do this, the following methodological techniques are used:

– performing techniques with division into component elements;

– alternating fast execution of a technique with a slow one;

– deliberately slow execution;

– stopping movement with recording its various moments for better analysis and sensation;

– performing parts of the movement at a given speed;

– execution in front of a mirror; execution under the supervision of a partner and observation of a partner.

The use of these methods will help develop critical thinking in a fighter, increase observation and self-demandingness, increase the ability to analyze movements, and develop interest in technical improvement.

Error correction. Errors are deviations that disrupt the mechanism of movement, distorting its structure, timeliness and appropriateness of actions.

All errors based on the special feature of GROM assault combat can be divided into technical and tactical, based on physiological characteristics - into automated and non-automated, and based on biomechanical characteristics - into local and chain.

Technical errors violate the basic correctness of movements and distort elements of movement. These are errors in coordination of movements. Even when tactically overcoming the enemy, they can hinder the achievement of victory, since they result in ineffective strikes or defenses.

Tactical errors are expressed in the discrepancy between the combat actions of a fighter and the actions of his opponent.

Automated errors arise as a result of repeated repetitions of incorrect movements, during which a stereotype of an incorrect motor skill is developed. Automated errors are difficult to correct and, in some cases, remain permanent.

Correcting these errors requires the logic of the resulting incorrect skill and the suppression of established reflexes.

Non-automated errors most often occur at the initial stage of learning and are an inevitable phenomenon caused by the unpreparedness of the neuromuscular system and psyche to perform new unusual movements.

They are associated with a lack of control on the part of motor analyzers in the work to establish complex conditioned reflex connections, or in other words, in the development of new coordination. When encountering a new movement, before the skill is established, there is active work in the nervous system associated with the need to establish correct relationships between body parts and organs. Perfect coordination arises only as a result of this struggle. And while learning is underway, the occurrence of a number of errors is an inevitable phenomenon. If proper attention is not paid to them, they can become automated and will pose a great obstacle to the development of a fighter's skill.

V.M. Zatsiorsky illustrates the complexity of this choice:

Imagine a group of young athletes who trained for a certain period of time with one exercise, exercise A, which is a barbell squat. Ultimately, their results improve. Let's assume that the improvement is the same for all athletes and is equal to, for example, 20 kg. What will happen to these athletes' performance in other events, such as standing vertical jump, sprinting, or freestyle swimming (events B, C, and D)? It can be predicted that performance in these exercises will improve to varying degrees. Improvement can be significant in standing jumps, relatively small in sprinting, and almost none in swimming. In other words, the transfer of training results from exercise A to exercises B, C and D is different.

...How to choose the most effective exercises, as a result of which the training effect is better transferred from additional to basic sports movements? Let's look at the following questions:

  1. Is long distance running a useful endurance exercise?
    for swimmers? For long-distance cross-country skiers? For those involved
    race walking? For cyclists? For wrestlers?

  2. To improve pitchers' throwing speed, the coach recommends that pitchers
    practice with baseballs of various weights, including heavy ones. What
    What is the optimal ball weight for training?

  3. A coach planning preseason training for receivers should
    recommend a set of exercises to develop leg strength. The coach can choose
    between different groups of exercises or combine exercises from different
    groups. These are the following groups of exercises:

  • isokinetic single-joint movements such as leg flexion and extension

  • similar single-joint exercises with free weights;,

  • squats with dumbbells;.

  • isometric leg extension;

  • vertical jumps with additional weights (weight belts);

  • running uphill;

  • running with parachutes.
Which exercise is most effective? In other words, when will the transfer of training results be better?

The transfer of training results can vary significantly even for very similar exercises. In the experiment, two groups of athletes performed isometric leg extension at different angles of joint flexion - from 70 to 130 degrees (full leg extension corresponds to 180 degrees). The maximum value of force F m , as well as the change in force ΔF m at different angles in the joint turned out to be different.

In the practice of fitness training, the range of tasks that a personal trainer will have to solve, and the range of means and methods for solving them can also be quite wide.

Let's consider an example when a client sets you a maximum goal related to increasing muscle mass. Let's try to analyze how we can break it down into several tasks.

We know that an increase in muscle mass as a result of training occurs due to the following factors: an increase in the level of capillarization, the number and size of mitochondria, an increase in the volume of sarcoplasm, the thickness and number of myofibrils, and an increase in glycogen reserves.

In addition to these, there are factors indirectly related to an increase in muscle mass, but they influence it quite actively. For example, adaptation to training,


Aimed at developing endurance, expressed in the development of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the mitochondrial apparatus and, as a result, improving the mechanism of ATP resynthesis due to oxidation, will significantly shorten the period of recovery and synthesis of protein structures after high-intensity training with weights. After all, it is oxidation that plays the leading role in providing energy for the energy-intensive synthetic processes initiated by these workouts.

The development of the above factors that determine muscle size will be the result of various adaptation processes, which, in turn, will be initiated by training influences that differ in the nature of the load. By devoting mesocycles to the primary solution of certain tasks and sequentially alternating them, it is possible to ensure sufficiently long and continuous progress in achieving the maximum goal.

Currently, in the practice of fitness training, periodizing training
program, mainly use two methods.

The first method involves a sequential change of training programs that have a completed form and clear boundaries for the beginning and end of classes in these programs. Each such program, which has a constant load value corresponding to the current functional state of the client, differs from others mainly in volume and intensity. The duration of each such mesocycle, during which your client is engaged in one program and, accordingly, influences the systems of his body corresponding to this program, as a rule, ranges from two to four months. At the end of each mesocycle, a week-long break follows, during which the client performs only low-volume, low-intensity aerobic training. The task of such periods is physical and mental restoration of the body, “self-healing” of microtraumas of muscle and connective tissue.

The dynamics of load changes within one mesocycle can look quite varied. The most common option is a linear increase in load, which occurs mainly due to an increase in the weight of the load. The athlete tries to put into practice the principle of overload, trying to increase the weight of the weights at each training session. At the same time, as Stuart Mac Robert rightly notes in his book “Think”, what is important is not so much the rate of increase in the weight of the weights, but the very presence of this progression. Therefore, it seems reasonable, when approaching your genetically given limit in the development of strength abilities, to use discs of the smallest possible weight (so-called weights) for additional weighting of barbells or dumbbells. The volume of load with this method of organizing training within one mesocycle, as a rule, does not change.

More effective are schemes in which, within one mesocycle, the dynamics of load changes have a wave-like shape, increasing at the beginning and middle of the cycle, reaching a peak level in the second half and decreasing towards the end of the cycle. In this case, we avoid stressful situations of a sharp reduction or increase in loads. The form of such a wave-like change in loads can be either smooth, with a gradual decrease or reduction, or stepwise, in which there is a change of microcycles with loads of different sizes. In the second case, microcycles can last from one to three weeks and be of a retractive, basic, shock or restorative nature. It should be noted that during the shock microcycle, both an increase in the level of the leading function (against the background, however, of accumulating overfatigue of the body as a whole) and its decrease as a result of training sessions in a state of under-recovery can be observed. This state is acceptable for a limited period of time, but the shock microcycle must be followed by a recovery microcycle, during which a reduced level of stress will allow one to get rid of these negative factors.

Sometimes the training process is organized in such a way that, while training according to the next training program, the training

^ Part 3. Strength training (weight training)

Impact on the factor dominant in the previous mesocycle, maintaining a minimum
the level of load required to maintain it. If this was a factor developed
high-intensity loads, the level of training influences is reduced,
increasing the rest period between them. If this was a factor developed
high-volume low-intensity loads, level of training influences
reduced by reducing their volume.

The second method involves the use of a shortened macrocycle with a gradual, from lesson to lesson, change in the nature of the load without a clear division into mesocycles complete in form and duration (Fig. 15). The nature of the load with this method of organizing the training process changes by linearly increasing intensity and decreasing volume. This method of periodization has been used for quite a long time, for example, in powerlifting. We will illustrate this method with one example of load cycling used in this sport.


In table Figure 3 shows a diagram of the organization of training sessions, in which each competitive movement (bench press, squats and deadlift) is worked out once a week. Sometimes on an additional fourth day a bench press workout with a small load is added.

The weight of the weight is given as a percentage of 1RM (one repetition maximum is the maximum weight with which an athlete can perform one repetition). Warm-up approaches, as well as auxiliary exercises, are omitted.

Table 3

| weeks

























































107%- 111%




^ Theory and methodology of fitness training

As we can see, the macrocycle, which aims to increase strength abilities to overcome the maximum weight in one repetition of a specific exercise, is quite short, its duration is fourteen weeks. There is no clear division into mesocycles, and the load gradually changes its character by increasing intensity and decreasing volume. In each training session, the load is characterized by a different volume and intensity. Accordingly, according to the principle of specificity, the emphasis in the impact is shifted from some to other structures of the body, providing an increase in strength abilities. To a greater extent, the focus on increasing strength due to hypertrophy of skeletal muscles (mainly along the myofibrillar pathway) at the beginning of the macrocycle changes to developing strength due to intramuscular coordination factors (the number and frequency of impulses, the synchrony of motor units involved in the work) towards its end.

It should be noted that an increase in load intensity throughout the macrocycle is ensured not only by an increase in the amount of weight, but also by a gradual approach to the state of “failure” when performing the last repetition in the approach. Increases as external, so and internal intensity. To overcome the weight in the specified number of repetitions at the beginning of the cycle, the athlete only needs to make very moderate efforts, which allows him to “leave in reserve” another two to three repetitions. Gradually increasing the magnitude of the burden confronts the athlete with the task of applying more and more effort to overcome it. By the end of the cycle, the need to perform the exercise with the specified number of repetitions forces him to demonstrate his psychophysical abilities to the maximum extent.

Once again, pay attention to the following fact: at the beginning of such a macrocycle, according to the principle of reversibility, the level of the developed function may decrease slightly (due to a significant reduction in loads), but it is possible that it is this detraining that is the stimulus for further progress. As they say: “one step back, two steps forward.” We seem to step back so that, with a running start, we can overcome the obstacle.

This method of periodizing the training process is also very productive for solving problems in the field of fitness and bodybuilding. The task of developing strength abilities due to coordination groups of factors fades into the background; the task of hypertrophy of skeletal muscles due to the widest possible range of factors becomes urgent. In accordance with this task, the nature of the training influence changes. It seems reasonable to leave the range of changes, for example, repetitions in an approach, in the range from 15-20 to 5-6. In addition to the amount of weight and the number of repetitions in the approach, you can also change the volume and intensity of the load by changing the number of working approaches, as well as the number of training sessions aimed at developing one muscle group in a weekly period.

An example of such an organization of the training process aimed at increasing muscle mass is the training program given by Stuart Mac Robert in his book “Think!” Let's contact the author:

... Let's take the squat as an example and let's say that before you picked up this book, you got to a weight of 105 kg for six repetitions. To start the cycle, let's choose a weight of 80 kg (about 75% *) and do two sets of 10 repetitions, although you could of course increase the number of repetitions much more without much difficulty. Remember: the cycle should start with obviously small loads, then they will increase until they reach a record level (this will happen in a few weeks), then there will be a break, and then the cycle can be repeated, and not necessarily in the same version.

*Weight is given as a percentage of 6RM, i.e. the maximum weight with which the athlete can perform six repetitions. (Editor's note)

Part 3. Strength training (weight training)

To begin with, since the load is light, training can be done twice a week. Then the frequency of training will decrease to three every two weeks. If this is too much for you and you don't have time to recover between workouts, start with three visits to the gym in two weeks, and after the sixth week, move on to one workout per week.

Here is an approximate program (bar weight is indicated in kg):

1st week: Mon. 80, 2x10; five. 82, 2x10

Week 2: Mon. 84, 2x10; five. 86, 2x10

3rd week: Mon. 88, 2x10; Friday 90, 2x10

Week 4: Mon. 92, 2x10; Friday 94, 1x10, 1x8

Now the sets are more difficult to perform.

5th week: Mon. 96, 1x10; Friday 98, 1x10

Only one set left.

Week 6: Mon. 100, 1x10; Friday 102, 1x10

The frequency of training becomes one and a half times less.

Week 7: Wed. 104, 1x10

Week 8: Mon. 106, 1x9; Friday 108, 1x9

Week 9: Wed. Software, 1x9

Week 10: Mon. 112, 1x8; Friday 114, 1x8

Week 11: Wed. 116, 1x7

The frequency is reduced to once a week.

Week 12: Wed. 118, 1x6

Week 13: Wed. 120, 1x6

Week 14: Wed. 122, 1x5

The duration of this macrocycle is also fourteen weeks, however, it should be understood that these examples are given to illustrate the construction of the periodization of the training process with a gradual change in the nature of the training load and are not absolute. We do not aim to give specific recommendations; training programs will be developed by you in relation to your specific clients based on an assessment of their individual characteristics.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the magnitude of the training load on the body increases quite slowly and gradually; an increase in the intensity of the load is accompanied by a corresponding decrease in its volume. This rule must be observed in any organization of the training process. Quite often you can see a mistake in which athletes or coaches, moving to a high-volume training program, reducing the amount of weight and increasing the number of repetitions, approaches and exercises, forget to reduce the “external” and “internal” intensity, continuing to perform “failure” repetitions, applying for This is a colossal psychophysical effort. The training increases in volume, maintaining a fairly high level of intensity, and in its magnitude ceases to correspond to the functional state of the athlete’s body. This error is associated with a fairly common situation when, upon transition to such a training program, an athlete begins to lose muscle volume (i.e., begins each subsequent training session during a period of under-recovery), making the incorrect conclusion that high-volume training is ineffective. Let us repeat that there are no uniquely effective and ineffective training methods. Each training program, characterized by its own volume, intensity or the nature of the exercises, influencing specific structures and functions of the body, will be effective (for a limited period of time!), subject to compliance quantities load on the state of the human body and compliance the principle of overload.

Part 4. Aerobic training

Aerobic training

Aerobic training is a set of types of physical activity necessary to increase the aerobic abilities of the human body.

Aerobic training goals

Positive changes caused by aerobic training largely determine human health, the state of the circulatory, respiratory, blood, and neuromuscular systems.

These changes (Table 4) are due to various adaptive responses to
aerobic exercise. Increasing the rate of fat utilization, reducing peripheral
vascular resistance and an increase in maximum oxygen consumption contribute to
reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This happens due to
reducing risk factors such as obesity, hypertension, increased levels
triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins.

A healthy cardiovascular system is about more than just getting in good aerobic shape. This is the condition of the heart muscle, its blood vessels and the blood circulation system. Aerobic exercise has proven effective in restoring the body after heart and lung diseases, treating sleep disorders, diabetes, pre- and post-natal complications, kidney disorders, eliminating stress and increased excitability.

Along with all of the above, aerobic training serves as the basis for other fitness programs. A healthy heart, lungs, blood vessels, the development of aerobic endurance, increasing the functional reserves of the body and human health in general are the main components of safety and good implementation of any training program. Clients with good cardiovascular fitness typically demonstrate greater stamina and vitality, resulting in less fatigue and a significantly lower likelihood of injury.

Table 4

Positive changes V human body,caused by aerobic exercise

  • Health improvements

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Increased high density lipoprotein

  • Reducing total cholesterol

  • Reduce fat accumulation

  • Increasing the ability to perform aerobic exercise

  • Decreased glucose-stimulated insulin secretion

  • Improved heart function

  • Reducing mortality among patients who have had myocardial infarction

  • Increased lactate threshold

  • Decreases heart rate at rest

  • Increased heart volume

  • Increases heart rate at rest and at maximum heart rate

  • Increase in maximum heart rate th emission

Theory and methodology of fitness training

Source: ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) Test Ordering and Administration Guide.

All of the above changes in the human body are associated with an increase in its
aerobic endurance. Let's dwell on the concept endurance more details.


Endurance- the ability to perform any work for a long time without reducing its effectiveness.

Endurance comes in two main forms:

  1. ^ In duration of work at a given power level until
    the first signs of severe fatigue.

  2. In the rate of decline in performance when fatigue sets in.
    Distinguish special And general endurance.
Special Stamina- This is the ability to endure long-term loads characteristic of a particular type of physical activity. Special endurance is a complex physical quality. By changing the parameters of the exercises performed, you can selectively select the load for the development and improvement of its individual components. Special endurance is specific.

There are several types of manifestation of special endurance:

  • endurance to complex coordination, strength, speed-strength, anaerobic
    or aerobic work;

  • static endurance, associated with a long stay in forced labor
    posture in conditions of low mobility or limited space;

  • endurance for prolonged work of moderate and light work

  • endurance to long-term operation of variable power;

  • endurance to work in conditions of hypoxia (lack of oxygen);

  • sensory endurance - ability for a long time quickly and accurately
    respond to external environmental influences without reducing work efficiency.
These types of endurance are of more interest to practitioners from elite sports. We will pay closer attention to the so-called. general endurance.

"Under general enduranceis understood as a set of functional
capabilities of the body that constitute the nonspecific basis for the manifestation
performance in various types of activities.
The main components of the general
endurance are the capabilities of the aerobic energy supply system,
functional and biomechanical economization” (1).

^ Aerobic capacity, as one of the components general endurance, relatively unspecific and little dependent on the type of exercise performed. Therefore, if you managed to increase your aerobic capacity in running or swimming, this will also affect the performance of exercises in other types of aerobic activity, for example, skiing, rowing,

Covers many aspects including social, psychological and scientific. This knowledge and taking into account the individuality of the athlete allows the coach to develop the most effective training programs. Sports training is not a pattern of repetition, but a creative process that unites the coach and the athlete. The scope of knowledge covered by training theory:

General philosophical laws. Of course, the correctness of the sports training process is determined by compliance with basic universal laws. There are three basic laws of dialectics: 1. unity and struggle of opposites; 2. transition from quantity to quality; 3. denial of denial. The law of unity and struggle of opposites is that everything that exists consists of opposite principles, which, being united in nature, are in struggle and contradict each other (example: day and night, hot and cold, black and white, winter and summer , youth and old age, in relation to the theory of sports training - fatigue during exercise (deterioration in quality, inhibition of the trained function), subsequently causes, in the recovery phase, an improvement in physical quality.

The second law of dialectics is the law of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones. Quality is a certainty that is identical to being, a stable system of certain characteristics and connections of an object. Quantity - countable parameters of an object or phenomenon (number, magnitude, volume, weight, size, etc.). The measure is the unity of quantity and quality. With certain quantitative changes, quality necessarily changes. However, quality cannot change indefinitely. There comes a moment when a change in quality leads to a change in the measure (that is, the coordinate system in which previously there was a change in quality under the influence of quantitative changes) to a radical transformation of the essence of the object. Such moments are called “nodes,” and the transition itself to another state is understood in philosophy as a “leap.” The transition of quantity into a fundamentally new quality can occur: abruptly, simultaneously; imperceptibly, evolutionarily.

The law of the negation of negation is that the new always negates the old and takes its place, but gradually it itself turns from new into old and is negated by more and more new things. Examples: “relay of generations”; evolution of the family (children are partly parents, but at a new stage); daily death of old blood cells, emergence of new ones. Negation of old forms by new ones is the cause and mechanism of progressive development. However, the question of the direction of development is controversial in philosophy. The following main points of view are distinguished: development is only a progressive process, the transition from lower to higher forms, that is, ascending development; development can be both ascending and descending; development is chaotic and has no direction. Practice shows that of the three points of view, the closest to the true is the second: development can be either upward or downward, although the general trend is still upward. Examples: the human body develops and grows stronger (ascending development), but then, developing further, it weakens and becomes decrepit (descending development);

Development rather does not proceed in a linear manner (in a straight line), but in a spiral, with each turn of the spiral repeating the previous ones, but at a new, higher level. The main principles of dialectics are: the principle of universal connection; principle of consistency; principle of causality; the principle of historicism.

Universal connection means the integrity of the surrounding world, its internal unity, interconnectedness, interdependence of all its components, objects, phenomena, processes. Connections can be: external and internal; direct and indirect; genetic and functional; spatial and temporal; random and natural. The most common type of communication is external and internal. Example: internal connections of the human body as a biological system, external connections of a person as elements of a social system.

Systematicity means that numerous connections in the surrounding world exist not chaotically, but in an orderly manner. These connections form an integral system in which they are arranged in a hierarchical order. Thanks to this, the world around us has an internal purpose. Causality is the presence of connections where one gives rise to another. Objects, phenomena, processes of the surrounding world are caused by something, that is, they have either an external or internal cause. The cause, in turn, gives rise to the effect, and the relationships in general are called cause-and-effect. Historicism implies two aspects of the surrounding world: eternity, indestructibility of history, the world; its existence and development in time, which lasts forever.

In modern sports practice, there is a contradiction among specialists regarding the primacy of genetics and methodology. There are those who still consider methodology to be a more important component of training elite athletes. In reality, in this case (training elite athletes), both methodology and genetics are important. Heredity is the basis of talent, which is revealed thanks to the right methodology. At a young age, hereditary talent determines success, and with the help of techniques, talented people are raised into champions. With unique genetics and poor methodology, the likelihood of ascending to the international level in a particular sport is problematic, but at the same time without the corresponding heredity (which largely determines the anthropometric and functional data: height, weight, maximum oxygen consumption, etc.) about the athlete there is no need to speak of the highest class, even with the most modern methods.

Training The process of systematically influencing an athlete’s body with specially selected physical exercises in order to increase athletic performance and achieve high athletic results. Correctly selected methods and a rational regimen of T. contribute to the promotion of health, the formation and improvement of motor skills, the development of certain physical and mental qualities, and the expansion of the functional capabilities of the body.

The law of overload and supercompensation (adaptive reactions of the body to load) The main components of training are the physical, technical, tactical, and moral-volitional training of the athlete, for which various means and methods are used. Their choice and combination, as well as the nature, volume and intensity of physical activity used, and the opportunity to participate in competitions depend on the age, gender, health status and level of preparedness of the trainee, the tasks and conditions of each stage of training. Those who train correctly experience good health, high performance, a desire to train, and good exercise tolerance.

During training, a state of fitness gradually develops, reflecting the athlete’s level of preparedness. Fitness is characterized by morphofunctional restructuring of the body, improvement of regulatory mechanisms, expansion of functionality, optimization of the response to physical activity, and acceleration of recovery processes. An increase in fitness is revealed during special observations by trainers, as well as during a comprehensive medical examination under conditions of muscle rest, physical activity, and during the recovery period. The principle of progressively increasing overload is the optimal improvement of sports training.

If the conditions and regime of training, as well as the applied loads, do not correspond to the age and state of health of the trainees, when athletes participate in training and competitions during illness or after a violation of the regime, overfatigue, overtraining, and overexertion may occur. At the same time, well-being worsens, adaptation to stress, general and sports performance decreases, and sometimes various pre-pathological and pathological conditions develop. Different training loads have different effects on the recovery processes of the athlete’s body.

The unity of pedagogical and biological aspects of sports training Sports training is a pedagogical process that affects the athlete’s personality, his mental and physical state. The starting points in the activities of a coach are the general principles of pedagogy, the principles of the theory and methodology of physical education, as well as the special principles of the theory of sports training. Reliance on the fundamental principles of general and sports pedagogy makes it possible to streamline the pedagogical content and educational orientation of sports training, to integrate its motivational, socio-psychological and psychological support into the system, and to orient the coach’s activities towards cooperation with the athlete as a developing creative personality.

At the same time, sports training in its specific manifestation has a pronounced biological basis. Sportsmanship is formed on the basis of long-term morphofunctional adaptation of his body to training and competitive influences. The predominantly biological aspect of training is revealed in such concepts as “performance”, “bioenergetic capabilities of the body”, “physical activity”, “adaptation to physical activity”. The psychological, pedagogical and biological aspects of training are in an organic relationship. This obliges the coach to deeply understand the biological mechanisms and patterns of development of sports skills, to comprehend them in the light of pedagogical tasks and the social essence of sports activity. Erik Tuuguud was recognized as the best coach in Norway in 2010. Tuuguud has no coaching education, apart from self-education, his own experience and courses for coaches. Eric is a molecular biologist by training, works for Norwegian Petroleum, and as a hobby trainer.

The concept of physical activity and its training effect Physical activity is a qualitative and quantitative measure of training and competitive exercises that cause pronounced functional changes in the athlete’s body and stimulate adaptation processes. There are “external” (indicators of volume, intensity of exercises, etc.) and “internal” (the body’s reaction to the exercises performed) sides of the load. The same load, specified according to external parameters, causes a different reaction of the body depending on the athlete’s condition and the structure of the training. The connection between the given load and the athlete’s condition is a central issue in managing the training process. Ultimately, the effect of training depends not on what exercises and in what volume the athlete performed, but on what changes in the body these exercises caused. It is customary to distinguish three types of training effect: immediate, delayed, cumulative. The immediate training effect is the body’s current reaction to the exercise being performed (for example, a 10x100 m training series) or the state of the body in the first minutes of recovery after the end of the load;

Delayed training effect is a state of the body observed after several training sessions; Cumulative (accumulative) training effect is the state of the body observed after a relatively completed cycle of training sessions, subordinated to solving a specific training problem.

The immediate training effect depends on the following five components of the exercise being performed: 1) the duration of the work, 2) its intensity, 3) the number of repetitions, 4) the duration of rest pauses between repetitions, 5) the nature of the rest. The delayed and cumulative training effects are greatly influenced by the organization of loads - their ordering within one or several sessions, the ratio of periods of training work and recovery after work.

Loads can be systematized on different grounds. For example, according to the depth of impact on various functions of the body, training loads are divided into: 1) compensatory (promote recovery and a more favorable and directed course of the adaptation process); 2) supporting (consolidate, maintain the achieved level of adaptive changes in the body); 3) developmental (stimulate adaptation processes in accordance with the new level of requirements); 4) debilitating (noticeably exceed the adaptation threshold and can lead to overstrain of the trained function and overtraining).

Generally accepted training volumes in Norwegian training of skiers by age category: summer – 250 hours summer – 300 hours 16 years – 380 hours summer depending on the actual biological age – hours 19 summer – 530 hours 20 summer – 580 hours 22 summer – 650 hours 25 summer – 750 hours Elite athletes about 1000 hours. The volumes take into account the immediate load, without warm-up or cool-down time. (Data from the head coach of Norway for cross-country skiing, Roste, from a coaching seminar in 2006).

Adaptation to physical activity According to modern concepts, the basis for the development of an athlete’s special performance is the biological mechanism of long-term individual adaptation of the body’s specific adaptation to physical activity in conditions of sports activity. Adaptation represents the reaction of the entire organism, aimed at: 1) ensuring intense muscular activity of the athlete; 2) maintaining or restoring the constancy of the body’s internal environment (homeostasis) and increasing its protective properties.

The 80/20 Intensity Principle Why is the 80/20 principle predetermining the development of extraordinary physical performance? Now one of the hot topics in research is gene expression under certain loads. Spanish experts suggested that in the course of evolution, man mainly obtained food for himself by collecting pasture: berries, mushrooms, etc. (80%), that is, staying for a long time in a zone of moderate intensity and hunting (20%) while staying in a zone of high intensity. intensity. Thus, Mother Nature laid down her code in genes that are expressed optimally in such a combination. (reaching a genetically specified level of development of physical qualities).

Intensity zones. Classification of the severity of physical activity by intensity zones. There are a number of ways to classify physical activity into so-called intensity zones. In some cases, zone boundaries are established without any particular reason, but it is more advisable to do this based on physiological measurements. If we classify the severity of cyclic load based solely on physiological parameters, then we can distinguish three main zones and a supermaximal zone.

The second zone, mixed, is above the aerobic threshold (first ventilatory threshold), but below the anaerobic (second ventilatory threshold). Energy supply at this intensity is provided both through the oxidation of fatty acids and with a progressive increase in the oxidation of carbohydrates. In the intensity range of the second zone, the lactate concentration reaches a level of 2-4 mmol/l. The third zone lies in the interval between the level of the anaerobic threshold and the value of the maximum oxygen consumption MIC. The third zone is a zone of high-intensity physical activity, where the main source of energy is carbohydrates obtained through the breakdown of glycogen. Competitive activity is close in intensity to the third zone. For highly qualified professional athletes, about 20% of the entire training load occurs in the third zone. Supermaximal load lies outside the MPC value where the anaerobic mechanism of energy supply predominates. This intensity is close to the maximum possible, and can be maintained by the athlete for a relatively short time. The first zone is the aerobic zone, which is at the level of the aerobic threshold and below. The upper limit of this zone is the first lactate threshold (LT1), which corresponds to a lactate concentration of 2 mmol/l. As a rule, it is in this intensity range that highly qualified athletes in endurance sports carry out the lion's share of the load. Energy, when loaded in this zone, is extracted mainly through the oxidation of fatty acids. Athletes working in this zone develop the body's ability to effectively use fatty acids as an energy source, which increases their performance.

Zones 4 and 5 lie above the anaerobic threshold and have narrow ranges. These zones are usually called the zone of medium and high severity. Anything above the intensity of the MOC level is in the supermaximal anaerobic zone. With this intensity, accelerations of short duration are made, and a long stay in this zone leads to fatigue or, in the worst case, overwork. Classification of the severity of physical activity is necessary for a more accurate analysis of the athlete’s training. With the growing popularity of different sports and their emergence as professional disciplines, the need for analysis and a scrupulous approach implies the presence of systematic preparation, in which the above tables help. The figure shows that the zone at and below the aerobic threshold is divided into two subzones 1 and 2, respectively. Zone number one is usually called restorative and zone number two moderate. As a rule, long training sessions are carried out in the temperate zone. Mixed zone, zone 3 is light in intensity.

Specific and nonspecific components of adaptation. The impact of physical activity on the athlete’s body is transmitted through receptors to the central nervous system, which controls adaptation processes. If the strength of the influence is small or if a stable adaptation to a given type of load has already been developed, the body responds with the usual specific homeostatic reactions that do not require strain on the adaptation mechanisms and significant energy costs using reserve capabilities.

As the load increases in the body, a shortage of energy substrates and plastic material may arise, and the constancy of the internal environment may be disrupted. Then the mechanism of general adaptation is activated. With the help of nonspecific homeostatic reactions (standard, independent of the nature of the load), the task of restoring the homeostasis of the body, mobilizing and redistributing its resources is solved in such a way as, on the one hand, to ensure high efficiency of current specific motor activity and, on the other hand, to create a structural basis for sustainable long-term adaptation to this type of physical activity.

Urgent adaptation represents the initial stage of adaptation to a new and fairly intense physical activity. It is expressed in adaptive changes that develop directly during exposure to load based on previously formed motor stereotypes and existing functional capabilities

Urgent adaptation Mobilization of a specific functional system responsible for performing a specific type of motor activity occurs; the maximum (for a given state of readiness) level is reached by the strength and speed of contraction of the muscles involved in the work, the activity of the respiratory and circulatory systems, etc. The functioning of the systems occurs at their limit physiological capabilities. Under these conditions, the body’s motor response is either not powerful enough, or shorter in duration, or not entirely accurate in the coordination and rhythm of movements.

With regularly repeated intense and long-term loads, a specific functional system is not able to fully satisfy the body's needs and maintain its homeostasis. The body finds itself in a state of tension (stress) and turns on a self-defense mechanism - a nonspecific stress reaction. Through the centers of neurohumoral regulation, the activity of the sympathetic-adrenal and pituitary-adrenocortical hormonal systems increases. These systems are activated only when the force of influence on the body exceeds a threshold level. As a result, large amounts of adrenaline, norepinephrine, corticoids and other hormones are released into the blood. Together with metabolites formed during the destruction of energy substrates and contractile proteins, they (through appropriate adaptive mechanisms) ensure the mobilization of energy and plastic resources of the whole organism and their selective redistribution to organs and tissues that bear the greatest functional load. This allows you to best ensure regular muscle work.

All reactions of urgent adaptation are coordinated within the framework of an existing or newly emerging dominant functional system (dominant) in the body, which is responsible for adaptation to a given type of muscular activity. The dominant system includes: 1) afferent link receptors, 2) the central link of the structure of neurohumoral regulation at different levels of the central nervous system; 3) executive link of the motor apparatus, 4) link of vegetative support. The presence of a dominant functional system is the basis for the deployment of short-term adaptation, which is unstable and insufficiently effective. However, the formation of such a system is not yet sufficient for the transition of adaptation into a sustainable and long-term one. It is necessary that pronounced structural changes occur in the cells and organs that make up the dominant system, increasing its power and at the same time economy and reliability.

The transition from urgent adaptation to long-term adaptation is associated with the formation of the so-called systemic structural trace. Due to the fact that there is a close relationship between the function of a cell and its genetic apparatus, prolonged intensive functioning of certain cellular structures activates the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in these structures. There is an increase in the mass of cellular structures in the form of hypertrophy of organs and entire functional systems. As a result, the power of those parts of the body that limit adaptation to specific muscle activity increases.

For example, adaptation to intense physical endurance exercise is characterized by the following structural changes: At the level of central regulation, reorganization of interneuron synaptic connections, direct hypertrophy of motor neurons, ensuring stable and effective implementation of specialized motor skills. At the level of hormonal regulation, hypertrophy of the adrenal cortex and medulla. At the level of the musculoskeletal system, there is moderate hypertrophy of skeletal muscles, an increase in the number and mass of mitochondria, the content and activity of oxidative enzymes and energy substrates, and the number of capillaries. At the level of the heart there is moderate myocardial hypertrophy, an increase in coronary capillaries and coronary capacity, etc. Such structural changes increase the power of the functional system, and therefore help transfer it to a less stressful and more economical mode of operation. The body restores disturbed homeostasis and enters a state of stable adaptation to this physical activity. And as noted above, the formation of a structural trace occurs against the background of a pronounced nonspecific stress syndrome, which plays an important role precisely at the initial and transition stages of adaptation. After a stable adaptation has been formed and the disturbance of homeostasis has been eliminated, the nonspecific stress reaction, having played its role, gradually fades away.

Sustainable long-term adaptation is characterized by a high level of special performance of the organism. The athlete gets the opportunity to effectively solve specific problems of technical-tactical, integral and other types of special training, rising to higher levels of sportsmanship.

The development and maintenance of long-term adaptation is associated with the systematic application of loads that place increased demands on the systems being adapted. With stable physical activity and stress, this process is inhibited. The body begins to respond to habitual loads with a habitual reaction; the developmental effect of loads disappears. The use of physical exercises that are not capable of maintaining the achieved level of adaptive changes, or the cessation of regular training leads to maladaptation.

In the process of maladaptation, the level of functional power of organs and systems decreases, and the systemic structural trace that formed the basis of sustainable adaptation gradually disappears. The speed of the deadaptation process is significantly lower compared to the speed of adaptation formation. For example, hypertrophy of muscle tissue, which is a consequence of strength training, disappears 23 times slower than it appears. It is also known that the faster adaptation is formed, the more difficult it is to maintain its level and the faster it is lost after stopping training.

Sports practice shows that maintaining the functional and structural foundations of adaptation through the use of optimal physical activity is an immeasurably more effective option than repeated repetition of adaptation-maladaptation-adaptation cycles. Frequent alternation of the processes of adaptation and disadaptation leads to excessive exploitation of the body and depletion of the systems responsible for adaptation.

There is another feature of the adaptation process that is extremely important for understanding the laws of sports training. The athlete’s body cannot continuously respond to deep training influences with positive adaptive changes. There is a limit to the body's adaptive reserve. The analysis suggests the following. At low loads, adaptive changes in the body do not affect cellular structures, and the increase in functionality is small. In the zone of optimal loads, the increase in special performance increases significantly and is directly proportional to the volume of special work performed. However, exceeding the limit of the body's adaptive capabilities can lead not only to a slowdown in the rate of increase in performance, but also to a failure of adaptation and depletion of the systems that bear the main load during muscle work.

In this regard, the role of scientifically based calculation of the optimal size and duration of use of training loads of a specific focus, planned for a certain period of training, is clear. The question of the permissible duration ("portion", "dose") of continuous training effects on the athlete's body, which he is able to withstand without the threat of adaptation failure, becomes of paramount importance. In relation to the preparation of well-trained athletes, when using a moderate load, the duration of the period of continuous training influences can be 5-6 weeks, when using a concentrated load intensity of a specific focus, no more than 3-4 weeks; after which a rehabilitation pause is necessary to activate recovery processes.

The body of a highly qualified athlete is able to perceive three such successive cycles of training sessions with intense loads, separated by short (7-10 days) rehabilitation pauses. Then a longer period of compensatory-supportive training is necessary, associated with the stabilization of functional changes in the body at a new level. As a rule, the time period objectively necessary for the full completion of adaptive changes (when using intense training loads) and the acquisition of a stable state of sports form is within weeks

The likelihood of the onset of the exhaustion stage increases in cases where intense physical activity is combined with intense stressful situations, competitive or everyday. Irregular (with long breaks) training can also contribute to failure of adaptation, when the systemic structural trace and especially its components in the motor executive organs can be lost during the process of deadaptation. Under these conditions, the ability of the genetic apparatus to activate the synthesis of more and more new nucleic acids and specific proteins may be exhausted. As a result, the renewal of protein structures in the dominant system is disrupted, and a transition from hyperfunction to functional exhaustion occurs. In such circumstances, priority in training is given to loads with a minimum structural cost. These include exercises in which adaptation develops primarily through the use of the aerobic reserve of the cellular structures of working organs and systems and, secondly, through an increase in the mass of these structures

Let us summarize what has been said about adaptation. At the initial stage of adaptation, in response to regular exposure to a specific physical load, a single functional formation (dominant) is formed in the body, which is the basis for the deployment of specific adaptive changes. The specificity of the restructuring is manifested in a predominant or exclusive increase in the level of leading energy systems, leading motor qualities and abilities, in improving the coordination of specialized movements, and in changing the biochemical status of skeletal muscles that bear the main load. The transition from short-term unstable to long-term sustainable individual adaptation is associated with the formation of a systemic structural trace. The latter constitutes the material basis of specific long-term adaptation. The formation of a specific structural trace and the development of a nonspecific stress reaction (general adaptation syndrome) are inextricably linked.

Within the framework of which any maximum task is solved. In the practice of sports, the macrocycle serves to prepare for the next major competition (for example, annual macrocycles or four-year macrocycles associated with preparation for the Olympic Games). In the practice of fitness training in general (and, for example, amateur bodybuilding, as its component, in particular), the duration of the macrocycle, as a rule, depends on the goal set by the client and the expected period of its achievement. The macrocycle, in turn, is divided into mesocycles to solve various specific problems. The duration of mesocycles is determined by the duration of adaptation processes occurring in functional systems corresponding to the loads applied during this period, which, in turn, depends on the reactivity of these systems and the dynamics of the training means used.

The choice of goals to be addressed in training within individual mesocycles, and, as a consequence, the methods and means used for this, depend on specific sports. The coach is required to have sufficiently deep knowledge in the field of sports physiology in order to accurately determine the totality of various adaptation processes, the implementation of which will lead to an overall increase in performance in a given sport.

When planning a macrocycle, one should take into account the different duration of adaptation processes that ensure the development of certain qualities, and the different duration of maintaining sports form in each mesocycle.

The mesocycle, in turn, is divided into microcycles, periods in which training loads of varying volume and intensity are applied. This is connected with this. As we know, to trigger the adaptation mechanism, the stressful nature of the training influence applied to the body is necessary. However, the desire to ensure such a stressful nature of the load at each training session with a high degree of probability can lead to inhibition or disruption of the adaptation mechanism as a result of overtraining - a condition largely associated with overstrain of cortical processes and disruption of the regulatory functions of the central nervous system. Alternating microcycles with loads that differ in volume and intensity will make it possible to most effectively implement the task set for solution within a specific mesocycle. More detailed recommendations for creating cycles when developing training programs will be given below.

Fitness training system

Fitness training means are a variety of physical exercises that directly or indirectly influence the solution of the tasks that a fitness trainer faces as part of his work.

Physical exercises used in fitness training are mainly borrowed from sports practice. (The exception is exercises for developing flexibility, partially borrowed from such a system of human health improvement and improvement as yoga). As a result, they are divided according to the classification used in the sport.

Exercises can be divided into:

According to the primary mechanism of energy supply (“aerobic” and “anaerobic”

Focused on the development of certain qualities and functions (strength
training, endurance training, flexibility training);

By the nature of execution (continuous, interval).

In this practical guide, we will use the division of exercises both according to their focus on the development of certain physical qualities, and according to the equipment used.

Part 1. Fitness training theory

Characteristics of training load

Training loads are determined by the following indicators:

a) load intensity;

b) load volume;

c) the nature of the exercises.

Load intensity

Intensity is a characteristic that reflects both the magnitude of the external load (the so-called external intensity), and the degree of human effort in overcoming it (“internal” intensity). “External” intensity is closely related to the power developed during exercise. The more power an athlete develops, the greater the intensity of his workout.

Power is the amount of work performed per unit of time. Power (R) can be defined as work ( A) divided by the amount of time (Δt), or as a product of force (F) and speed (v) (P=F·v).

Job- this is a quantity that characterizes how much an object can be displaced in
a certain direction when force is applied. (6) Work is equal to the product of force times
distance (A= d).________________________________________________________________

“Internal” intensity is associated with the magnitude of shifts in the functional state of various systems and organs caused by this load. It should be noted that in his practice, a fitness trainer, when determining the level of “internal” intensity, will have to rely on the client’s subjective sensations, which largely depend on his psychophysical abilities. For example, when explaining the impossibility of continuing to perform the last repetition by the onset of a state of “failure,” two different athletes may attach completely different meanings to this concept, reflecting significantly different magnitudes of their efforts when performing this repetition.

Let's look at examples of the manifestation of different types of intensity.

Suppose an athlete performs in one training session bench press with a barbell weighing 100 kg for 6 repetitions, and on the other with a weight of 90 kg for 12 repetitions. The pace, speed and other kinematic indicators are the same. However, the athlete was able to perform 6 repetitions with a weight of 100 kg quite easily, while 12 repetitions with a weight of 90 kg were performed “to failure”, using one “forced” repetition. The “external” intensity of the load will be greater in the first workout, and the “internal” intensity in the second. However, in most cases, these characteristics coincide, which allows us to simply use the term “intensity” in relation to individual training sessions or periods of the training process.

Load volume- job-related characteristic (A), performed by a person to overcome external resistance or to counteract it, as well as with energy (E), spent by him in demonstrating his strength abilities for this work. It is believed that the work performed by the system is equal to the change in energy in the system, i.e., doing work requires energy expenditure. The relationship between work and energy can be written as:


Doing 15 reps with a 80kg barbell will be a higher volume load than doing 6 reps of 120kg squats, but less intense. An example of the manifestation of the maximum volume load would be marathon competitions, and manifestations of the maximum intense load would be weightlifting competitions.

Greetings, dear readers! Often, gym goers think that it is enough to simply lift weights by themselves. If everything were like this and not otherwise, then a professional athlete would not need a whole team of coaches, methodologists and scientists.

The theoretical foundations of sports training originated more than 2000 years ago, when sports competitions called the Olympic Games began to be held in Greece. Treatises by ancient Greek scientists date back to this time, in which methods of sports training of athletes were already discussed.

Training is not as simple a process as it might seem at first glance. After all, it is not only a set of exercises and a specific program for their implementation. The basis of fruitful training also includes theoretical and psychological preparation, the principle of individualizing the load and adjusting the training process to specific goals.

Even if you create a good exercise program for yourself, you will come across the concept of sports training methods. They essentially determine the manner in which you will conduct your workout.

Modern methods, unlike the ancient Greek ones, have acquired a more formalized appearance. I will now introduce you to their classification.

General pedagogical methods

Verbal methods

The athlete's coach must first explain to the athlete the purpose and objectives of the training. Discuss points related to the technique of performing exercises, the style of performing movements and analyze the results already achieved. If necessary, motivate the athlete for the upcoming training.

Such relationships should be present not only in professional sports, but also in ordinary fitness centers, between a personal trainer and his client.

Visual methods

The expression is true here: “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.” For example, it will be difficult to explain the technique of performing an exercise to a beginner in the gym. In this case, the coach should clearly demonstrate the correct biomechanics of movement.

And every time in my articles I encourage you to use visual methods when I ask you to watch a video with the correct technique for performing an exercise.

Practical methods

Strictly regulated exercise method

This includes mastering exercise techniques and methods for developing physical qualities.

Mastering the exercise technique

Mastering the technique can be carried out by breaking up a complex movement into simple component parts and sequentially working on each part separately. But such methods are rarely used in fitness and bodybuilding.

Iron sports are characterized by working out the technique of the entire exercise in one fell swoop or replacing the basic movement with a similar one in the simulator. The last method is called simulation. For example, to better understand the movement of the barbell in squats, you can first perform the exercise on a Smith machine.

Methods for developing physical qualities

Methods for developing physical qualities, in turn, can be divided into the following.

Continuous uniform method

An example is cardio training. That is, continuous work over a certain period of time, aimed mainly at developing aerobic qualities and endurance for a specific sport. Moreover, it is important that the exercise is performed at a constant rhythm (slow, medium or fast). The disadvantage of this method is the body’s rapid adaptation to stress.

Continuous variable method

Here the load can vary during the exercise, which will make the training more interesting and varied. The body will not be able to quickly adapt to the load, since you can surprise it with every workout.

Interval method

It consists of alternating intervals of intense work and rest. Moreover, rest is strictly stipulated. An example would be interval cardio, which, as you know, burns calories efficiently, but at the same time is recommended only for trained athletes. Rest can last from 15 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the duration of the intense part of the exercise.

Repeat method

The main method used by bodybuilders. After completing a certain number of repetitions, rest until recovery. Rest time is not strictly regulated, but even if it is determined, this time is enough to replenish energy resources. In other sports, this method is used to simulate competitive loads.

Circuit training method

Introducing this method into your training schedule will allow you to increase your calorie consumption and diversify your training process. strict intervals of work and rest, individualization of the load, sequential use of different muscle groups.

Game method

Provides an opportunity to develop sports skills during the game. This method is popular in almost all sports and is actively used in preparation for competitions. Even in bodybuilding, you can apply this method, but only as a change and no more than once a month.

If you haven’t guessed how you can apply this method in the gym, then I’ll give you a hint. Find a training partner, choose an exercise and have a ladder competition. Choose a certain weight of the projectile and perform the exercise one by one, increasing the number of repetitions each time. The first person to fail to complete the required number of repetitions will lose.

Competitive method

When preparing for competitions, you need to give your body a load close to that of a competition. This causes serious changes in various systems of the body and stimulates its adaptive resources. It can also serve as a control method for the level of training of an athlete. Competition rules in training can be modified to emphasize specific skills.

What conclusion can we draw, friends? Training is a complex and multifaceted process, during which the athlete develops, but also psychological qualities. The variety of methods is proof of this.

And with this I say goodbye to you. Learn theory and apply it in practice. Don't forget to share articles with your friends. See you soon!

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