What not to do before training. Pre-workout nutrition for bulking. Nuances of a sports diet

Physical activity is an integral part of a program for building muscle mass or combating excess weight. Nutrition before sports has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the training process.

Hours of effort in the gym will be useless for improving your figure if you consume certain foods or drinks the day before.

Correct Pre-workout nutrition will increase the intensity and effectiveness of training.

Let's find out what you need to eat before training in order to quickly achieve your goal, depending on the training program, and what foods it is better to avoid so that the efforts spent on losing weight or gaining muscle mass in the gym are not wasted.

Is it possible to eat before training?

Newcomers to sports (especially girls who want to lose weight) doubt the need to eat before physical activity. They think that if they don’t eat anything, then during training the accumulated fat reserves will be burned more efficiently. Therefore, let’s figure out whether it’s possible not to eat at all on the eve of fitness classes.

Experts say what to eat before training in the gym absolutely necessary, otherwise, due to a lack of glycogen during exercise, the body will use muscle tissue as an energy source.

The intensity of the exercises will be reduced, dizziness and weakness may occur during exercise, which will adversely affect the final result.

Eating a couple of hours before physical activity prevents catabolism (breakdown of muscle fibers) and promotes rapid recovery of the body after exercise.

  • on the purpose of training (losing weight or gaining body weight);
  • from the time of day at which the lesson takes place;
  • depending on your body type.

However, there are general rules for nutrition before training, following which you can count on a positive result in achieving your goals.

Basic rules for eating before exercise

  1. It is not advisable to train on an empty stomach. Food before training should be easily digestible, consisting mainly of complex carbohydrates and proteins (proteins).
  2. Before class, you should not eat too fatty foods, fast food and sweet confectionery (cakes, chocolate, cookies, buns).
  3. It is recommended to eat 1.5 - 2 hours before class. Eating later will cause reflux of food contents, nausea, and decreased performance during training.
  4. Do not forget about the drinking regime: an hour before the start of the lesson you need to drink 300-400 g of clean still water.

What to eat to gain muscle mass

The best foods for a pre-workout menu for an athlete looking to build muscle are:
  • porridge from whole grain cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice);
  • eggs (boiled or in the form of an omelet);
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • lean meats;
  • fish;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • nuts.

Pre-workout meals that contain at least 60% carbohydrates (40-60 g) and 30% (20 g) protein help increase muscle growth.

Fat should account for only 3-5 g. Fatty foods take a long time to digest and slow down the absorption of other nutrients.

Total caloric content of food and drinks taken – about 500 kcal.

  • For ectomorphs (people with a thin physique and a high metabolic rate) the caloric content of food taken before exercise can be increased to 600 kcal by increasing the proportion of fats to 20%. You need to eat it 60-90 minutes before class.
  • For endomorphs (people who are prone to obesity, with broad bones) the interval between food and training should be at least two hours, and the calorie content of meals can be reduced to 400 kcal.

Sample pre-workout menu for weight gain

The composition of meals and the set of products for a snack before training must be varied in accordance with the time of day at which it takes place.

If the lesson has to for the first half of the day, experts advise to cook for breakfast and eat in 1.5 – 2 hours before performing the exercises the following dishes:

1 option
  • oatmeal with milk (200 g);
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • a glass of orange juice with pulp.
Option 2
  • omelet of 3-4 eggs with vegetables;
  • 2 pieces of bread;
  • a handful of dried fruits or nuts.
Option 3
  • corn flakes with milk (200 g);
  • a piece of bread with peanut butter;
  • a glass of natural yoghurt with fruit.

For lunch
you can eat a serving of pasta (200 g) with boiled chicken breast (150 g) or a stew of lean pork and potatoes (300 g), adding bread and a fresh vegetable salad with a spoon of olive oil to the menu.

In the first half of the day, complex carbohydrates are allowed to be eaten in large quantities without fear that they will not have time to be digested during the day and will be deposited in the subcutaneous fat tissue (so that as muscle fibers grow, adipose tissue does not increase).

But if the training goes in evening time, the share of complex carbohydrates in the pre-workout menu (cereals, pasta, bread) is recommended to be reduced to 40 - 50% and the share of protein products to be increased.

For dinner A portion of steamed fish with boiled potatoes and an egg is suitable. As an option: baked poultry (chicken or turkey fillet) with vegetables sprinkled with grated cheese.

Serving size for each person individual. The main thing is that during the training process you do not feel heaviness in your stomach, and have enough strength and endurance to perform the exercises.

Nutrition plan for trainees in the form of a table

What to eat before training to lose weight

Let’s now figure out what to eat before training to burn fat.
  • those who want to lose weight should eat at least 2 hours before physical activity;
  • it is recommended to reduce the amount of protein in food to 15 g, carbohydrates to 20 g;
  • when losing weight, it is better not to include fats at all in the pre-workout snack;
  • The caloric content of dishes should be about 250-300 kcal.

There is an opinion among doctors and nutritionists that Exercising on an empty stomach helps you shed extra pounds faster, as they increase the mobilization of fatty acids and metabolism.

This statement is true for morning cardio training on an empty stomach (jogging) or when doing bodyflex exercises. If training takes place in the evening, fasting for the whole day is dangerous to health and will not significantly affect the process of losing weight. But weakness and dizziness when doing exercises are guaranteed.

To burn fat before training, it is recommended to eat foods high in protein and carbohydrates:

  • lean meat (poultry loin, pork tenderloin);
  • fish;
  • legumes;
  • products made from whole grain cereals (porridge, pasta, diet bread);
  • non-starchy vegetables: zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers;
  • fruits: green apples, oranges, grapefruit.

The ideal option is to eat a steamed portion.

You can make a sandwich from whole grain bread with boiled meat, lettuce and a slice of tomato.

For breakfast Before your morning workout, it’s good to eat a bowl of buckwheat or oatmeal with fruits and nuts, or prepare an omelet from egg whites.

Favorite dish from the menu of slender Hollywood beauties - bean salad . Incredibly light yet nutritious, this salad is perfect for an evening pre-workout snack.

It is prepared simply:

  1. Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands.
  2. Cut the boiled turkey (chicken) fillet into cubes.
  3. Add red beans (boiled or canned).
  4. Season with lemon juice and wine vinegar.

All products are taken in approximately equal proportions and mixed. You can add mustard or a couple of drops of olive oil to taste and eat the salad with a slice of wholemeal bread.

Can I have coffee?

For weight loss, it is useful to drink a mug 30-40 minutes before training strong coffee . The caffeine it contains, a natural energy booster, increases endurance, speeds up metabolism and has a fat-burning effect by increasing body temperature and producing adrenaline.

It has been proven that coffee stimulates blood circulation in the muscles, which also has a positive effect on the quality of training and prevents soreness (muscle pain) after it.

In addition, caffeine is also found in tea. Remember to drink caffeinated drinks before going to the gym without sugar and milk! You should avoid them if you are prone to arterial hypertension.

Ideal snacks

It often happens that the nutrition schedule goes wrong, and there is no opportunity to eat properly before physical activity. For training to gain mass, this situation is critical and should not be allowed.
  1. 3 hours before physical activity, you can eat a portion of cottage cheese (300 g), adding nuts and berries to it. Cottage cheese contains casein protein, which is slowly digested, so it will nourish the muscles for a long time (4-5 hours). In this case, such a snack is quite capable of replacing a meal before a workout.
  2. You can eat a couple of bananas half an hour or an hour before class. They will quickly fill the muscles with glycogen, as they contain quickly digestible carbohydrates (fructose and glucose), as well as potassium and magnesium, necessary for the normal functioning of the heart.
  3. If you were unable to eat at the appointed time, it is recommended to take a portion of a gainer (a high-carbohydrate sports drink) or a protein shake at least half an hour before physical activity. They are absorbed much faster - a feeling of heaviness in the stomach

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates enter the human body along with food. Let's look at what to eat before training and what to avoid.

Carbohydrates before training - the main source of “fast energy” necessary for the functioning of the brain and muscles.

Fats are contraindicated for consumption before training, as they significantly slow down digestion and are considered heavy food for the stomach.

Squirrels before training will not give us additional energy, but as sources of amino acids necessary for muscle growth and function, they will have a beneficial effect on protein synthesis immediately after training.

Pre-workout foods often include protein, which, due to its high-quality protein content, promotes effective muscle function and further muscle mass growth. Those who want to get rid of excess fat and get extra energy take L-carnitine, which has lipotropic properties, before training.

Is it possible to eat before training?

Eating before a workout is a necessary source of nutrients, without which there will be no full and effective work. Therefore, you definitely need to eat, but you need to know how long before training you can eat. The optimal time for eating is about 2-3 hours before the start, but depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the intake time can be increased. As for fitness nutrition, you can eat small amounts and the right combination of proteins and carbohydrates even 15-30 minutes before training, but not more than 25 g of food. For example, a piece of bread, a spoonful of raisins or a few crackers will give you a boost of vivacity and energy during physical exercise and will not do any harm.

What's the best thing to eat before training?

Food should be properly balanced and light, so you should avoid fatty and heavy foods, as well as limit volumes. On average, a serving should be 300-400g.

The best pre-workout food is lean meats and fish combined with carbohydrates in the form of boiled pasta, potatoes, porridge and bread.

There are a number of products that are often misleading when it comes to the benefits or harms of consuming them before a workout. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Sugar in the form in which we put it in tea, it has virtually no nutritional value for the body and is 99% nothing more than a simple carbohydrate and contains no minerals or vitamins. But! It is simple carbohydrates that give us quick energy, but their excess is stored by the body as fat. Of course, you can eat sugar before a workout, but it’s still better to replace it with some complex carbohydrate, for example, raisins or dark chocolate.

Banana– a source of good mood and energy. This fruit contains iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Bananas also contain sucrose, glucose, fiber and vitamin C. In addition, bananas contain tryptophan, a protein that is subsequently processed into serotonin, popularly called the “happiness hormone.” Bananas can be eaten both before and after a workout for an extra boost. energy and successful recovery.

Cottage cheese contains all essential amino acids and is popular among athletes as a source of protein and other useful substances. But do not forget that cottage cheese takes a long time to digest, so it is best to consume it after a workout. Before training, you can eat cottage cheese 4-5 hours before and not in very large quantities.

Eggs- An excellent source of protein, but raw chicken eggs increase the risk of contracting salmonellosis. Therefore, you should treat their use with caution. You can eat eggs before training, but it is better and more effective to do it after it. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that boiled egg whites are absorbed better than raw ones, and the yolk, on the contrary, is absorbed better in its raw form.

Raw eggs before training is a popular product among beginner athletes, but their benefits are too exaggerated. Eating protein is much more effective after exercise to increase protein synthesis and promote faster, more complete recovery.

When losing weight, it is very important to combine two main factors - a balanced diet and exercise. – this is not only the composition of the daily diet, but also compliance with the optimal regime. To burn fat intensively, you need to know what and when to eat before training.

Pre-workout food for weight loss

Exercising on an empty stomach is extremely unhelpful, since the body needs energy, muscles need amino acids to work, and without a sufficient amount of nutrients, blood sugar levels can change, provoking an attack of weakness and impotence. Sports nutritionists say that eating before training is necessary both to lose weight and to strengthen muscles.

To lose weight and create a beautiful body contour, you need to take into account the following recommendations from experts:

  1. It is important to combine the right diet before and after training. That is, it is important what to eat before training for weight loss and when is the best time to eat.
  2. Before training, the last meal should be at least 2 hours before it starts. Ignoring meals is also not healthy, as is overeating or eating right before exercise.
  3. A balanced protein-carbohydrate meal provides a boost of energy for active exercise. If the training is of a strength nature, then it is better to give preference to proteins; when doing fitness, aerobics, Pilates or yoga, the food should be predominantly carbohydrate. Fatty foods should be avoided before any workout, as fat takes a long time to digest and can cause digestive problems during exercise.
  4. During training and after training, you need to give up food for some time, but under no circumstances give up water.

When asked what you need to eat before training to lose weight, nutritionists advise eating whole grain porridge from buckwheat, rice, wheat or oats, bread with bran and wholemeal flour, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, cheese, vegetables and fruits, egg dishes or lean meat with vegetable side dish.

What to eat before strength training to lose weight?

Protein is necessary for powerful strength training, since actively working muscles also require proteins. Before the gym, it is good to eat various egg dishes, omelettes with vegetables, lean meat dishes from poultry or beef, hard cheese and cottage cheese casseroles. Half an hour before any workout, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or drinking yogurt. All kinds of sweets and desserts, too fatty, smoked and spicy foods are definitely prohibited before and after training. For an effective workout, you need a surge of strength, not belching and digestive problems.

In the article, I will tell you what to eat before training in the gym during the mass gain/weight loss stage.

At the stage of gaining muscle mass It’s impossible to eat full meals right before training. You need to eat a nutritious meal at least 1 hour before starting a workout in the gym, usually 2 hours is recommended (it’s different for everyone, on average I recommend 1.5).

The fact is that any physical activity slows down and even stops. In addition, a full stomach will significantly interfere with your ability to fully train, perform exercises, etc. because many problems may arise, such as: nausea, decreased stamina, reflux of food contents (movement content stomach in the opposite direction), etc. therefore, you need to eat food 1-2 (on average 1.5) hours;

You need to consume, first of all, of course, COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES(this could be rice or buckwheat, or both; I don’t recommend durum pasta, potatoes and oatmeal during this period of time; it’s best to choose from those three).


By the way, the reason is that you need to eat 1-2 hours before (because complex carbohydrates take a long time to digest). By the way, why complex carbohydrates? Because carbohydrates are energy. And you will need energy in order for you to give your all during strength training in the gym.

This is logical, you will agree :) In addition to complex carbohydrates, you can (should) also eat something protein (only light, and not something that takes 5-6 hours to digest: D), of animal origin, of course)) in small quantities. Ideally, boiled eggs are suitable (they are easy to digest and of high quality).

And of course, along with any protein, of course there must be fiber (i.e. vegetables, for example, tomatoes or cucumbers or both, cabbage, etc.);

I categorically do not recommend training on weight, on an empty stomach, because there is no point in it.

CONCLUSION: For mass before training, you need complex carbohydrates + easily digestible proteins + fiber.

OPTIONAL: SPORTS PIT before training

30 minutes before training, you can (if you have it) take a serving of protein or gainer. By the way, during this time before training it is permissible to drink sports nutrition, because proteins and gainers are absorbed much faster than regular food, so don’t be afraid.

For weight loss (fat burning) you need to look at the situation of a particular athlete. For the vast majority of people, the recommendations below are suitable (pros have their own schemes)…

When losing weight, there can be several workouts per day and different in type. In short, there are ANAEROBIC TRAINING (this is training with iron, in the gym) and AEROBIC TRAINING (running, walking, cycling, etc.). So, depending on the type of training, there are different recommendations...


When losing weight (BURNING EXCESS FAT, DRYING) = food should also be consumed 1-2 (on average 1.5) hours before starting strength training. But, the food NO LONGER CONTAINS CARBOHYDRATES and MUCH MORE FAT! It contains only PROTEIN + FIBER (VEGETABLES).

  • From proteins again, easily digestible protein, for example, BOILED EGGS;
  • From fiber these are CUCUMBERS or TOMATOES or CABBAGE (without mayonnaise dressings, etc.)

Why is that?

Because the lower your blood sugar level during training (the less carbohydrates you have), the more fatty acids are used as energy rather than glycogen (i.e., fat is burned more heavily). THAT'S WHY before your workout there are no more complex carbohydrates (rice or buckwheat), you ONLY have LIGHT PROTEIN (eggs and vegetables). Moreover, please note, PROTEIN IS IMPORTANT.

I don’t recommend working out in the gym on an empty stomach.

Protein will help you get a good amino acid profile, which will keep your muscles from being burned for energy during your workout, plus it creates a sugar deficit (which forces you to use more fat during your workout).

Basically, that's all. I have nothing more to say. All the best)).

Best regards, administrator.

To successfully and efficiently burn calories during exercise and subsequently build muscle mass, the body must expend energy. During exercise, energy reserves are quickly burned, and they need to be replenished before exercise.

Proper nutrition before cardio training

Before aerobic training, you need to stock up on glycogen, the so-called reserve carbohydrate. During cardio training, the glucose and glycogen reserves quickly disappear, and only then the fat reserves. If the body does not have the required amount of glycogen, metabolic processes will slow down and the level of endurance during exercise will decrease.

Also, half an hour before sports activity, trainers recommend drinking a smoothie, juice or milkshake, and eating a small portion of fruit. It is worth remembering that freshly pressed juice, which contains a large percentage of easily digestible carbohydrates, is preferable.

Carbohydrate foods provide the required amount of glycogen. According to nutritionists, this is an ideal fuel that gives strength and energy for sports activities. Thanks to this “fuel”, the body will not only endure cardio loads, but will also get rid of fat faster.

It is important to remember: food consumption before training should be reasonable, and work in the gym should not be grueling. Also, you should never come to class hungry!

  • Buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • Light fruit or vegetable salads (without adding banana or grapes);
  • Low-calorie bread or cookies.
Food containing protein is not a source of energy for the human body. But at the same time, the amino acids contained in it play a major role in the production of new muscle cells. Therefore, before class, professional trainers recommend including a portion of protein in your diet, the required amount of which is contained in kefir, an omelet, a piece of lean meat or boiled fish.

It is important to remember the list of undesirable foods that will only interfere with an effective workout. Under no circumstances should you eat fatty foods, as they will take a long time to digest in the stomach. And heaviness in the stomach will not contribute to a successful lesson. Carbohydrate foods such as cakes and pastries (fast carbohydrates) should also not be eaten, because apart from excess fat deposits, they will not bring anything else.

The pre-workout portion should be the same as what you usually eat at this time. The last snack should be taken no later than two hours before going to the gym. If you want to drink kefir or yogurt, then consumption of these products is allowed an hour before. If your trip to the gym is planned for early in the morning, then eat an apple, a small portion of cottage cheese or drink a cup of tea half an hour before the start of class.

Nutrition before strength training

The most optimal foods for the diet before this type of training: steamed steak with a small portion of potatoes, lean chicken or turkey with rice, wholemeal diet bread, oatmeal.

You can eat a serving of soup or salad two to three hours before class to ensure that the food is well absorbed. In an hour you can eat light cottage cheese or porridge.

If the main goal of your workout is muscle building, then an hour before it you can eat one pear or apple, as well as some strawberries. You can drink a drink based on whey protein: the calculation is 0.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

It is also useful to drink a cup of weak black coffee (without adding cream) before class - it will help the production of norepinephrine. With its help, the body will produce energy for strength training from fat deposits. Thus, during one trip to the gym, more calories and fat cells will be burned, and less glycogen and amino acids will be consumed.

You will feel physical fatigue less quickly, and you will perform strength exercises much more willingly and actively. You will feel the effect of the coffee drink for at least three hours. If you feel very hungry before training, it is better to satisfy it by drinking a glass of milk.

Avoid the most common mistakes made in your diet during physical activity:

  1. Unbalanced food intake: go to training hungry, but after it overeat.
  2. Eat anything, including fatty and junk food, using the excuse that you go to the gym and spend a lot of energy.
  3. Another mistake is not to eat anything after training, because there is a fear that all the calories lost so hard in the gym will immediately return. It's a delusion!
  4. Do not eat anything after six in the evening. If your workout is in the evening, then it’s better to forget about this habit.
If you work out in the gym for more than an hour, then you need to replenish your body’s water reserves in time. Only in this case will you feel good and want to continue working on your body.

Proper nutrition after strength training will help kick start the metabolic process. A balanced diet and regular workouts together will help you get in shape faster and get the figure of your dreams than grueling diets. In addition, you will become more resilient.

Nutrition for burning fat

In order to burn as many calories as possible during training, you need to eat three hours before it starts. The body must receive the portion of carbohydrates necessary for physical activity.

If the workout is planned for the morning, then an hour before you can have a light vegetable salad (without potatoes) or eat some fruit. 15-20 minutes before class, nutritionists recommend drinking cocoa, fruit drink or compote (without sweetener).

The diet for those who want to lose extra pounds should be balanced and nutritious. The stomach should not be overloaded before exercise; food intake should be strictly observed.

It is worth remembering that after exercise, the body continues to burn calories for another two hours. In order for muscle tissue to recover faster and better, before going to the gym you can eat a little boiled chicken, low-fat cottage cheese or steamed fish, salads, which should include cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, and sweet peppers.

You can eat pickled vegetables. Dairy products are good at maintaining the protein levels needed for muscles.

For whom what nutrition is suitable before training?

The diet of both men and women who work on their figure in the gym should be varied, healthy and include a variety of foods containing a full range of vitamins and minerals.

Pre-workout nutrition for girls

An obligatory element in the diet of women is meat and fish, which should be low-fat and cooked without oil. It is better to boil or stew such meat. These foods take a long time to digest, so it is best to consume them before lunch. Meat and fish contain the amount of amino acids necessary for the body. Of course, fried foods are extremely undesirable.

For girls who want to lose weight, a variety of soups are very important in their diet. You can use fish, vegetables or mushrooms as a base for the broth. Soups will help improve the functioning of the food system and speed up metabolic processes.

Nutritionists also recommend including porridge in your daily diet - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, or cooked with milk. To prevent the porridges from seeming bland, they can be supplemented with dried fruits or nuts. A serving of almost any porridge contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fiber, which provide the girl’s body with the necessary energy and help remove excess fluid and toxins.

Foods such as vegetables and fruits are required in the diet. They contain a huge amount of various minerals and vitamins. You need to consume only fresh foods. Steamed vegetables will be an excellent addition to the main dish. You can make jelly, juice or compote from fruits.

Dairy products are also necessary for a complete healthy diet. For example, give preference to low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, and yogurt. They are high in protein and calcium, which help restore strength after a workout and build additional muscle mass.

Pre-workout nutrition for men

Food containing carbohydrates will help the body during training, as it will provide amino acids to working muscle tissue. A so-called anabolic prerequisite will be created. On the contrary, there should be no fat in the diet before physical activity, because it will slow down the process of absorption of nutrients. Fatty foods stay in the stomach for a long time, are digested slowly, and during training can cause discomfort, heaviness and colic.

The diet before going to the gym is the correct and dosed combination of protein and carbohydrate foods:

  • Turkey or chicken meat + wholemeal bread + rice;
  • Steamed fish without oil + a portion of boiled potatoes;
  • Lean meat + durum pasta;
  • Several boiled eggs + any porridge;
  • A portion of low-fat cottage cheese + a small piece of bread.
It is important to remember: portions should be small. If at the beginning of the lesson you do not feel discomfort in your stomach, then the amount of food was correct. For men, the following proportionality is recommended: 30 grams of protein + 60 grams of complex carbohydrates.

Protein shakes are best absorbed by the body before a workout. A serving of a protein-whey drink an hour before class will be very useful.

Staying hydrated before and during exercise

When working out in the gym, remember that it is very important to drink regularly during exercise. Even with a small percentage of body dehydration, training becomes less effective. You shouldn’t wait until you want to drink, because intense exercise can dull the function of thirst receptors.

If you feel dry mouth, extreme thirst, headache, slight dizziness and fatigue, you should immediately stop exercising, drink plenty of water and rest.

You need to follow the following drinking regimen: before training - one glass of water, during exercise - drink a little, but every twenty minutes. The amount of fluid you drink is directly proportional to the amount of sweat that is released during exercise.

So, during strength exercises a person sweats less, which means the need for fluid decreases. During aerobic exercise and cardio exercise, more sweat is released - the volume of water needs to be increased.

How to eat before training - watch the video:

Only an individually selected diet and a set of physical exercises will help bring the body into the desired shape and improve the condition of the body. It is unacceptable to go to the gym with an empty stomach and fill up afterwards, or vice versa. The diet should be carefully thought out for both men and women.