Leg extension while sitting in a machine. Leg extension in a simulator: overview of the technique and useful tips for beginners Leg extension in a sitting simulator technique

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Today we will talk about how to properly perform leg extensions while sitting in a machine. The exercise is aimed at developing the front surface of the thighs - quadriceps. “Quad” means four, quadriceps means four bundles of muscles.

Seated leg extension - how to do it

Leg extension in a sitting machine is an isolated exercise, the peculiarity of which is the ability to focus on individual muscle groups.

Despite the targeted nature of the load, when exactly the muscles that are needed work, you should not expect a noticeable increase in the volume of the leg muscles from seated leg extensions. The fact is that all isolated exercises are built on the principle of turning off the stabilizer muscles from work.

Therefore, they are more suitable for building large volumes. Due to the work of a whole layer of muscles, the total strength developed allows you to perform the exercise with much heavier weights. Those. and more muscles are involved and the load is higher, hence the mass-gaining effect of basic exercises.

Seated leg extensions are good for:

  • Warming up joints and muscles before hard work.
  • Final muscle fatigue after basic exercises.

Extension occurs only in the knee joint, while the hip joint is fixed. It is due to this nature of movement that the quadriceps are isolated.

Execution Features

First– do not chase very heavy weights. Use the pyramid principle to approach your working weight. Those. at first a little weight, then a little more, even more, etc.

Because The load in this exercise goes through the knee joint; it is important to gradually progress in weights, and do not forget to use the working weight before using it.

Second– by turning your toes, you can emphasize the load on the outer or inner part of the quadriceps. By turning the toes inward, the nature of the load shifts towards easier inclusion of the outer part of the quadriceps in the work.

When the toes are turned outward, it is easier for the inner part of the quadriceps to engage in work, which means a greater load on this area. Beginners should not worry about turning their toes. For them, it is best to choose a neutral position when the feet are parallel to each other.

Third– do not drop the weight at the lowest point. By losing tension in the quadriceps at the bottom of the amplitude, you give your muscles the opportunity to rest a little, i.e. You're simply making things easier for yourself. In bodybuilding, it is IMPORTANT, on the contrary, to try to complicate the work of your muscles, for better destruction of muscle cells.

Fourth– peak contraction at the top point. Lifting the weight up for a second, then linger at the top point for another. This is the moment of peak contraction of the quadriceps. This way you will use the entire possible amplitude of the exercise to the fullest, which again makes it possible for deeper muscle exhaustion.

Fifth– for better concentration on muscle work, seated leg extensions can be performed with one leg. All attention in this case will be directed to the control of one muscle. For more advanced athletes, this option may come in handy.

Sixth– do not neglect the partial amplitude at the end of the approach. When you no longer have the strength to perform repetitions at full amplitude, you can finish off your quadriceps by performing partial repetitions. The muscles will burn with fire - this is what is formed during prolonged high-intensity work.

However, if you are going to finish off your muscles with partial repetitions, do it without pushing and jerking, so as not to injure your knee joints (do not overload them with excessive load.

Technique for performing leg extensions in a sitting machine

First of all, set up the simulator for yourself. Adjust the reach of the backrest so that it is convenient for you to perform extensions. The edge of the seat should be ideally located in the bend of the knee.

The support roller for your feet should ensure comfortable work for you. It should not be placed too high on the shin bone or too low on the toes. The roller should rest in the area just above the ankle joint.

Grab the handles and lean against the back (the more motionless your body, the more effectively you can contract the necessary muscles). The pelvis must be firmly fixed. When the pelvis is pressed against the seat, this allows you to use the most convenient vector of force and contract the quadriceps.

Place your legs under the roller and, as you exhale, gently and without jerking, press it up, achieving full extension of your legs at the knee joint. At the moment of peak contraction, hold for a second and slowly lower the roller as you inhale, against the force of its gravity. Don't lose tension at the bottom of the amplitude - don't drop the weight. Without pausing, press the roller upward powerfully.


Seated leg extensions are an excellent exercise for warming up the knees and quads before heavy squats, as well as for final fatigue of the thigh muscles after heavy base work. Do not get carried away with heavy weights and high-intensity work in this exercise, because... the load on the knee joint in extension is increased.

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Greetings, my dear comrades! Despite the funny date, but today 1 April, we won’t joke or joke around (well, maybe just a little), but let’s look at such a training exercise as seated leg extension. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, kinesiology of movement and the correct technique, and we will also consider some practical information.

So, everyone clung to their gadgets and let's go.

Seated leg extension. What, why and why?

Almost every gym, even the most shabby and mossy, has a machine for seated leg extensions. And, of course, if it exists, then exercises are performed on it, and it enjoys a certain popularity. Well, if so, then you and I have food for thought regarding how to use it correctly. You say: what can I do there, I sat down and went to stretch my legs. And you will be right, but only partly, because everyone who attends strives to bring something of their own to leg extension. In order to understand whether some kind of gag is needed here and how to generally use this extension iron machine in leg training, we will talk in this article.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

Seated leg extension is an isolation exercise aimed exclusively at developing the muscles of the front of the thigh - the quadriceps. There is no need to maintain balance, and for this reason, stabilizer muscles are not involved in the work. The machine itself has a seat with a backrest to support the spine, which makes it safe for those who have back problems. The machine also has a specific, predetermined trajectory of movement, which reduces the risk of injury from loss of control or falling weight.

The main working muscles are:

  • targeted – quadriceps femoris muscle;
  • stabilizers - trapezius (top/middle), levator scapulae, biceps, brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

The complete muscle atlas looks like this:

Quadriceps has 4 heads, i.e. consists of four independent muscles: the rectus muscle is the longest biceps muscle, which stretches from the pelvis to the kneecap. She flexes the thigh at the hip and extends the lower leg at the knee joint. Under the straight line lies the intermediate wide one, which pushes it outward during hypertrophy. On the sides of the thigh are the vastus muscles of the thigh - medial and lateral. To achieve teardrop-shaped thighs, you need to have well-pumped “outside” thigh muscles.

When performing the exercise, the knee joint is extended, as a result of which the lower leg is moved away from the thigh. The rectus and intermedius muscles of the quadriceps are responsible for this movement. To increase the efficiency of the movement, it is necessary to “tighten” these two muscles by tilting the body back. The medial and lateral muscles complete the extension movement.


To a certain extent, the exercise is ambiguous, and later you will understand why. The benefits obtained from doing it include:

  • isolated and accentuated work of the quadriceps;
  • development of hip strength;
  • provide good detail, “striping” of the muscles of the front of the thigh (fiber separation, separation);
  • strengthening the patella ligaments;
  • improving performance/results in other sports - football, hurdles, long and high jumps;
  • increasing working weights in “leg” exercises (,);
  • used as a rehabilitation exercise after knee injuries;
  • ease of implementation.

As you can see, there are quite a sufficient number of advantages for such a simple exercise.

Execution technique

Despite all the fitness of the exercise, it requires compliance with clear instructions. The step-by-step technique for performing seated leg extensions is as follows.

Step #0

Go to the extension machine and set the working weight. Place your “wife” deeply in the seat, place your feet under the bolster and grab the side handles with your hands. This will be your starting position.

Step #1

Inhale, as you exhale, using the strength of your quadriceps, straighten your legs as much as possible. Linger on 1-2 count in a compressed position and then slowly return the projectile to the IP. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

In motion like this...


The optimal extension machine is one with a seat parallel to the floor. In this position, the hamstrings do not interfere with the full extension of the quadriceps, and this is extremely important for their stimulation.


In addition to the classics, there are the following variations of the sitting leg extension exercise:

  • alternately sitting with one leg;
  • alternately with one leg half standing.

By the way, the last option is very exotic and is used extremely rarely.

Few people know, much less apply, different positions of the toes when performing extensions. In total, there are three positions that are designed to solve different problems:

  • classic - straight toes, general development of quadriceps;
  • toes out - heels together, toes apart, emphasis on the inner thigh;
  • socks inward - emphasis on the lateral/medial parts of the quadriceps, the outer surface of the thigh;

A technically simplified, but even more effective option due to the “unloading” of the knee joint and putting more stress on the quadriceps, is the following exercise. Attach a cable from the lower block to your ankle, bend your leg at the hip to an angle 45 degrees, without changing the angle, straighten your leg.

Secrets and subtleties of implementation

Despite all its simplicity, it is necessary to remember the following technical features:

  • adjust the position (height) of the rollers - they should fall on the bottom of the calf muscles (8-10 cm above feet), not lifting the foot;
  • make sure the angle between the bottom and top of your legs is 90 degrees (i.e. the knee should not extend beyond the toes);
  • Make sure that your feet are not tucked under the seat when starting;
  • To reduce the stress on your knees when lowering the weight, do not put your shin under the seat;
  • do not hang at the bottom point and do not bend your legs completely, leaving the load on the quadriceps;
  • keep peak contraction 1-2 seconds at the top of the trajectory;
  • Every time you rise, strain your feet and pull your toes towards you - this will force the vastus medialis muscle to contract as much as possible;
  • press your back firmly against the support of the bench seat;
  • your back thigh should rest completely on the bench, so keep an eye on it and don't let your knees droop;
  • firmly secure yourself in the “saddle” and do not move your body while performing the exercise;
  • use extensions at the end of leg training as a finisher with a high number of repetitions 10-15 ;
  • at an advanced level, you can use extensions as a pre-exhaustion and then do the main leg training.

Leg extensions: bad for my knees?

To a certain extent, we can say that yes, especially for the fair sex, and “women are in favor”... The thing is that the anatomically surrounding ligaments and tendons of the knee areas in women are much weaker than in men. And therefore, any deviation of the weight load from the norm can lead to knee injuries. These standards are different for each fitness person, so when “saddled” with a leg extension machine, you must remember to gradually “step” increase the weight and read the knee feedback after completing the approach.

In general, when performing seated leg extensions, there is constant tension on the anterior cruciate ligament. There is also an increased risk of lateral deviation of the kneecap and increased stress against shear forces. Doing leg extensions on a machine with heavy weights dramatically increases the likelihood of knee injury due to the forces involved. Remember that when the quadriceps muscle is stronger than the hamstrings (especially in women), the knee loses stability and the risk of injury increases, so the back hip also needs to be pumped and not “launched” it.

Well, that’s all I’d like to talk about, let’s summarize this chatter.


Today we learned about the seated leg extension exercise. This means that leg exercises have now arrived in your arsenal.

All that remains is to run it in practice, so we blow into the hall and start “rolling”. I say goodbye to you, good luck and see you again!

PS. Do you use extensions when training your legs?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Good day, friends. In today's episode, I will tell you about an exercise aimed at working the quadriceps femoris muscle (i.e. the front part of the thigh - QUADRICEPS) - leg extension while sitting in a machine.

In the article, I will tell you about this exercise from A to Z, i.e. about all its subtleties and secrets, what it is, what exactly it is aimed at (the muscles involved), what VARIATIONS there are for performing this exercise, and in general how to perform it correctly (technique of execution), I will also tell you about the PLUSES (advantages) and MINUSES (disadvantages) of this exercise, I’ll also tell you about the main mistakes most people make when performing this exercise... well, etc. those. along the way, I will try to raise all sorts of questions regarding this exercise (and accordingly give full answers to them, without lies and falsehood). Well, let's get started.

I’ll immediately demonstrate this exercise in reality (so that you understand what I’m talking about):

This exercise is ISOLATING (I REPEAT), this also means that IT DOES NOT GROW MUSCLE MASS (i.e. it will not make your legs bigger, many people try it in the hope that their legs will grow, but they won’t grow), because that’s what they exist for heavy BASIC EXERCISES, for example, squats with a barbell, leg presses, deadlifts, etc.), seated leg extension is a FORMATING exercise, its purpose is to improve the detail and relief of the front part of the thigh (i.e. quadriceps), it is also drawn rectus femoris muscle (front part of the quadriceps), give it a distinct, convex shape along its entire length, especially striking when looking at the thigh from the side. In addition, leg extensions allow you to achieve a clear separation between the rectus and lateralis muscles of the thigh.<= Все это конечно же, будет видно когда в вашем теле будет низкий процент подкожного жира в организме (т.е. когда вы залитые как свиньи, вы нихрена никакой прорисовки не увидите)) сколько бы вы этих разгибаний не делали).

Seated leg extension technique

In terms of the technique of performing the exercise, everything is quite simple... because it is very difficult to do something wrong, but there are still many nuances, which we will talk about now.

Firstly, before sitting on the machine and performing extensions, you need to CORRECTLY ADJUST it (the machine) and actually take the correct position behind it! What I mean? => first of all, place (set) the WEIGHT (with which you will work), it is vital for your knee joints to start with a small weight (put just a little, then the next set add more weight, then more and more), the next important point is, it is your pelvis (body) that should press tightly against the back of the machine throughout the entire movement (so adjust the back of the machine bench all the way up, so that you sit down and press your back against the bench), after which you need to adjust the ROLLER (or bar, whoever calls it ) in height (which is located at the bottom of your legs, with the help of it you do extensions), so, the roller should be located (during extensions) LOW ALMOST NEAR THE UPPER PART OF THE FOOT (for some people it is high, right on shins, this is not correct, it should not be like this), and thirdly, your hands should hold on to the handles of the machine (to stabilize the body), in general, see the explanatory photographs below:

Well, or here’s a photo (so to speak CLEAR) demonstrating the incorrect placement of the ROLLER (PLATE):

I repeat, we have correctly ADJUSTED the EXERCISER, set a small weight to begin with (in order to stretch the knees), then we sit comfortably in the leg extension machine, our feet (in the upper part) rest against the rollers (NOT THE SHINS, BUT THE FEET RESIST), the hips do not climb over the edge of the seat (where you sit with your butt), the angle in the knee joint is 90° or a little more, the WHOLE BACK (especially the lower back) is tightly pressed against the back of the machine bench, and your hands hold on to the handles of the machine (on the sides of the machine seat or the edge of the bench - this makes it easier to keep your back straight and motionless).

Next, we take a deep breath, and holding our breath, fully straighten our legs at the knee joint, at the top point when you have fully straightened your legs at the knee joint, AND STOP IN THIS POSITION for a couple of seconds and strain your quadriceps with all your might (we achieve peak muscle contraction, this is very a good technique especially in this exercise, be sure to pause at the top point for 2-3 seconds)!!!, then smoothly under control (i.e. not THROWING, BUT UNDER CONTROL) lower (legs with a roller) DOWN (to the bottom point, i.e. we return to the starting position, but we do not throw the weight (we do not fully extend the legs at the bottom point), we do not specifically throw the weight at the bottom point, we leave the knees slightly bent + so that the load remains in the quadriceps, then immediately, without stopping, we begin the next repetition (flexion). Yes, as for the number of repetitions and approaches, everything, as always, is individual, ESPECIALLY IN THIS EXERCISE!!! Now I will explain.

The trick is that this exercise can be used BOTH AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF TRAINING THE LEGS MUSCLES (to warm up the knee joints), and at the VERY END OF TRAINING THE LEGS MUSCLES (after the basic exercises, in order to finish them off completely), so the standard 6-12 repetitions are not here roll in no way, in both cases (at the beginning of the workout or at the end in order to finish off tired muscles) you need to use a large number of repetitions, at least 12-20 (but not less), see the number of approaches yourself (personally, specifically in this exercise, I recommend 4-5).

Is it better when I do extensions at the beginning or at the end?

Friends, if you have problems with the knee joints (knees), then I definitely recommend that you start with extensions (start with a small weight, and gradually, using the “pyramid” principle, add weight, approach by approach), when you complete the planned count -in approaches and repetitions (you know my opinion on this), move on to the main basic exercises (SQUITS, LEG PRESS) but do not forget that in these exercises you need to warm up (it is impossible to warm up thoroughly in leg extensions while sitting, and then immediately do a 100 squat or however many kilograms you can do, gradually warm up in all exercises, WARM-UP is the KEY to longevity in bodybuilding).

By the way: I highly recommend purchasing and studying my books:

If there are no special problems with your knees, then you can start right away with basic exercises (squats, leg presses, etc.), but again, GENERAL WARM-UP OF THE WHOLE BODY + Warm-up in each exercise is MANDATORY (i.e. let’s say you squat first The exercise is going on, your worker is 100 kilograms, what do you roughly do? General warm-up (whole body) according to how you feel (5-10 minutes), after which you squat with an empty bar, add 10-15 kilograms each, in the end it’s already 50 kilos and squat with him for 15 repetitions, then add another 10, in the end it’s already 70 kilos for 12 repetitions, then we add 80, 95, 100... well, you understand? It’s very important to warm up (you can’t immediately take heavy working weights) because it’s very It’s easy to get injured, and not only injury, there are VERY MANY ADVANTAGES of warming up in an exercise (you get psychologically adjusted, the exercise is easier for you, in general, this is a long topic).

P.s. For example, at the moment I don’t do preliminary fatigue (with extensions), I immediately start with basic movements, and then finish with extensions at the end. But this does not mean that you should do like me, see for yourself how you feel. Previously, I did pre-exhaustion, and then basic ones = I really liked this option too (I don’t need so much weight on the leg press anymore, because my quads are already tired), I also did a superset of seated leg extensions + leg press = this is generally a hell of a pain (the legs generally barely survived), here you need to decide for yourself based on your feelings, well-being, + take into account your training experience, health (knees), etc.

More tips (recommendations) for the leg extension exercise while sitting in the exercise machine

The first nuance that I remembered concerns the position of your feet (socks) under the roller. Those. in the classic version (what I described above), it meant that your LEGS and TOES ARE PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER. But there are also other options, for example, you can TURN YOUR TOES IN (towards you) and then you will focus on the outer surface of the thigh, or you can TURN YOUR TOES OUT (away from you) and then you will focus on the inner surface of the thigh. Well, these are the nuances, at the initial stage, I don’t recommend you to worry about it, so don’t even TRY (you don’t fucking need it), do the classic position of your feet + toes (i.e. parallel to each other), this is just information for you for informational purposes, but mainly for more advanced athletes.

The second nuance is that LEG EXTENSION SITTING IN A SIMULATOR CAN BE DONE WITH BOTH LEGS AT ONCE, OR WITH ONE LEG (i.e., first the left one was worked, then the right one). What does this give? Working on one muscle (one leg) allows you to better MENTALLY focus on it (the muscle).. well, this is such info (again, purely for informational purposes), I do not recommend doing it with one leg (at the initial stage), this is for advanced athletes.

The third nuance (I already talked about it above), I repeat, its essence is that leg extensions put too much stress on the knee joints (because that’s the only thing that works, the knee joint, and nothing else works). so, to minimize this stress (load on the joints), do not allow your shins to go under your hips - at the bottom of the exercise, the angle in the knees should be 90° or a little more (but not less!) (this is what I mean I told you, you can’t throw weight at the bottom point, your legs should be slightly bent at the knees so that tension in the quadriceps is maintained), and at the top point of the exercise, be sure to fully extend your legs - this is the only way to achieve maximum contraction of the medial (middle) and lateral (external) ) quadriceps muscles that fix the kneecap.

The fourth nuance concerns the third nuance (load on the knees) , that is why when you are going to do this exercise (start with a small weight, literally a few tiles, usually 20-25 kilograms and gradually add), eat more quietly - you will progress further.

The fifth nuance, which I also spoke about above in the article, concerns the POSITION OF YOUR BACK. It should be firmly pressed against the back of the machine bench; do not allow the body to tilt forward, because firstly, this will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, and secondly, you can get a lower back injury. Do you need it? ..draw conclusions.

The sixth point is to perform the exercise slowly under control without sudden movements. (we lift up more quickly, pause for 2-3 seconds, achieve a peak contraction, and slowly, under control, lower down, but not all the way, i.e. do not throw the weight).

The seventh point is to sit so that your back, hips and ankle joint are motionless throughout the entire exercise.- all movement is concentrated only in the knee joint.

Eighth point - in this exercise, work in the FULL AMPLITUDE OF MOVEMENT, but when your quadriceps begin to clog (as if they are burning with fire), and you can no longer fully perform them in full amplitude, I RECOMMEND YOU TO CONTINUE TO DO IN PARTIAL AMPLITUDE(in my opinion, this loads the muscles very well, tires them even more), and many people stupidly give up and that’s it (they say why do it at random, it’s better not to do it), in my opinion it’s better to do a few more partial repetitions (to the floor amplitude), BUT DO IT!!! It is also important how you do it, it is very important that you do all these partial repetitions SMOOTHLY UNDER CONTROL (without jerking your body, without cheating).

The ninth nuance concerns BREATHING. Do not forget to breathe correctly, BREATHING in other matters as in other exercises, as always, i.e. EXHALE WITH EFFORT. So we raised our legs to the top point (extension) WE EXHALE, when the legs with the roller fall to the bottom (to the lowest point) we INHALE.

Well, friends, this is where I end this issue, I hope you found it INTERESTING and EDUCATORY.

For dessert, a video: a visual demonstration of this exercise:

Best regards, administrator.

Sometimes, while playing sports, you notice that the muscles grow unevenly, or that asymmetry is initially very visible. Everyone wants to build ideal proportions, and isolation exercises are a great help in this, when it is possible to work on one specific area. Today we will talk about just such an exercise - leg extension in the simulator.

What muscles work when doing leg extensions while sitting in a machine?

The muscles targeted during leg extensions are the quadriceps or quadriceps muscles, which are located on the front of the thigh. They are called quadriceps because they consist of four heads:

  • rectus muscle - the longest
  • medial broad
  • broad lateral
  • intermediate wide

The knee joints also work.

Well-developed quadriceps protect the knee during lunges and squats.

The function of these muscles is to extend the leg at the knee. The rectus muscle is also involved in hip extension and flexion.

Very often you can meet girls on this simulator. Those of them who are thin in build will benefit from this exercise. It will protect the knee from injury when doing squats and improve the performance of some basic leg exercises.

However, for girls who do not engage in professional sports and do not have a fragile physique, this exercise will be superfluous, since the quadriceps work very well in most basic exercises and do not need additional load. As a result, they may end up with excessively enlarged hips.

Leg extensions in the simulator are more suitable for men - both those who seek to improve performance and build muscle mass, and those who achieve thigh definition and quadriceps symmetry.

What does the trainer look like?

A machine that can be used to pump up your quadriceps can look different.

This can be a very simple design with a chair and a bolster to support the legs, and the weight can only be adjusted by adding weights.

If it is a more expensive machine that also takes up significantly more space, it has a block with weights for more convenient weight adjustment.

But in terms of the principle of performing the exercise, the simulators are no different.

The leg bolsters are adjustable to suit the athlete's height. In addition, the backrest is often adjustable for a more comfortable fit.

Basically, exercise equipment is made of artificial leather, since the leather quickly deteriorates with high traffic in the gym.

Some simple simulators provide a division into two supports, that is, you can alternately extend your left and right legs. In block versions, the roller is solid, but in general this does not interfere with alternating legs or straightening only one leg.

Benefits of leg extensions in a machine

As we indicated earlier, this is an isolating exercise, which allows you to work only the quadriceps muscle area, without involving other muscles of the thigh, buttocks, and so on.

This is convenient if:

  • this is your lagging muscle, and you want to “finish” it;
  • you have had a knee injury and need rehabilitation;
  • you have had some other injuries that do not require basic leg exercises, and you can only do isolation exercises;
  • your body type is ectomorph or you are a beginner and you need to strengthen your muscles to perform basic exercises more effectively.

Technique for performing leg extensions in a simulator (with photo)

Before performing the exercise, you need to adjust the leg roller to your height. It should be on the top of the foot. Some install the roller in such a way that it ends up somewhere almost in the middle of the lower leg (see photo 1). It is not right.

Adjust the backrest of the machine so that your back is fully supported and you can sit comfortably.

And the third preparatory point is the weight of the burden. Whether it's hanging weights or rearranging a handle on a pulley, start with a light weight to avoid damaging your knee joints.

After the preparation is completed, you can proceed directly to the exercise.

  1. We sit comfortably on the seat. We press our backs against the back, but this does not mean that we relax and begin to slouch. The back remains straight and rigid.
  2. We place our legs under the bolster.
  3. You can grab the handles on the sides of the machine or the seat with your hands.
  4. We inhale and slowly, as we exhale, raise our legs until the knees are straightened.
  5. At the top point we feel contraction and tension in the quadriceps. Let's hold this position.
  6. We lower our legs slowly down, but do not relax them. Do not lower the roller all the way.
  7. After this, immediately repeat the exercise without stopping.

Since the exercise is not aimed at building muscle, it needs to be performed for a large number of repetitions, about 15–18 in 4–5 approaches.

Technique for performing single leg extensions in the simulator

If you have very noticeable asymmetry of the thigh muscles or have had an injury to one leg, you can perform this exercise with one leg. To increase the load, you can also do extensions alternately.

  1. Having adjusted all the necessary elements of the simulator, we take a comfortable position with a straight back.
  2. We place our foot under the bolster. If the machine has separate leg supports, we simply work with one leg. If there is only one roller, then you should move your foot to the center.
  3. As you exhale, extend your leg until your knees are straight. We hold the position for 1–2 seconds, after which we smoothly lower it down.
  4. Either we change the leg, or we repeat the required number of times.

If you do not have the appropriate indications, it is still undesirable to do the exercise on only one leg. You can do different numbers of sets and use different weights for each leg, but still work both.

The most important thing when performing this exercise is to protect your knee from injury. This can be done if you perform the extension under control and slowly: you do not need to jerk your legs up and you should not throw them down.

Since we straighten the leg with a weight (sometimes quite heavy) on the knee completely, it can easily lead to injury if the correct technique is not followed.

This exercise is great for starting a workout if you are doing a basic leg exercise and want to tone your knees, and for finishing a workout when you want to “finish off” your quadriceps.

If you cannot straighten your leg, then you should reduce the weight; working at half the amplitude is ineffective.

Also, do not bend your knee at an acute angle (less than 90 degrees).

People often have various problems with their knee joints - age-related, as a result of various diseases, or simply from lack of mobility. They often cannot exercise fully because they experience pain and discomfort in their knees. If this is your case, adopt this exercise, start with the smallest weights and repeat it regularly. This will improve the condition of muscles and joints.

Almost every bodybuilder someday faces such a nuisance - knee pain. Sometimes it’s not even pain, but just an unpleasant sensation in the knee joint that goes away on its own after a week or two, and sometimes it’s the most severe pain - a sign of an injury that can end an athlete’s career.

Fearing such an outcome, many coaches recommend that their players refrain from barbell squats and leg presses, which they consider the main traumatic factor, and replace these exercises with leg extensions. What mistake! Indeed, from the point of view of science, it is leg extensions that are dangerous for the knee, and not squats and presses!

To better understand how leg extension injuries occur, we'll first introduce you to two scientific terms that describe different types of movements: open kinetic chains (OCC) and closed kinetic chains (CLC). In OCC movements, the end of the limb is not fixed, but is in a free state, like, say, a hand during a stone throw, or the leg of a football player kicking a ball. The same type of movements includes running and knee extension (a more scientifically correct name for leg extension). In movements of this type, only one joint and a very limited number of muscles work, which is typical for all so-called isolation exercises. In ZCC movements, both ends of the limb are loaded and fixed, such as in squats and leg presses. The movements of the PCL are, as a rule, complex, involving several joints and large muscle groups: some stabilize the movement, others work in counteraction mode. During squats, for example, more than 200 muscles are activated.

Debunking the myth

Rarely can an exercise boast so many praises in its honor as leg extensions: they warm up the knee, pump up the quadriceps, and at the same time minimally stress the knee joint. At least that's what it seems. Then why do many people experience knee pain over time when doing this exercise? And why do athletes who prefer leg extensions to squats rarely boast powerful hips? There are no more or less reasons for this, but four.

Rupture vs Compression

As you know, human bones are designed by nature mainly for compression, and are very sensitive to tensile loads. Research conducted at the renowned Mayo Clinic has shown that CC movements, such as squats or leg presses, produce far less “breaking” loads in the knee joint than CC movements, such as leg extensions.

Almost all the forces in the ZCC exercises are directed along the bones and work towards compression, while in the OKC exercises the “breaking” forces are very strong. They are three times higher than similar loads in the exercises of the knee joint and pose a direct threat to the tendon of the knee joint.


An additional danger to OCC exercises is that they usually work only one joint. Well, in the ZKT exercises, two or more joints are involved, which is very important, since most muscles, especially the lower body, are biarticular (that is, attached to two different joints). This means that in CC exercises the muscles take the load as if together, even if some of them act in the opposite direction.

In this sense, squats are very indicative. The hamstring tendon is also a powerful extensor; when moving the body upward from a squat, the load on it is twice as much as when bending the knees. The thigh biceps are also active during extension - their task is to keep the body in balance. But on the other hand, they seem to work against the movement, making efforts to, on the contrary, bend the leg at the knee.

At first glance, such a multidirectional effect on the knee joint of the quadriceps and hamstrings may seem harmful, but in fact it is very useful, because it has a stabilizing effect and allows the articulation of the tibia and femur to work normally.

Thus, ZKT exercises, being multi-joint and involving large muscle groups, enable the knee joint to work in a stable and more natural mode from an anatomical point of view. OCC exercises, such as leg extensions, on the contrary, cause increased stress in the knee joint, which ultimately leads to injury.

Patellar tendon

Nothing scares an athlete more than a patellar tendon injury. The mere mention of it gives any bodybuilder goosebumps. And this is understandable. A strained quadriceps tendon, located on the front of the knee joint, is one of the most horrific and painful injuries.

The function of the patellar tendon is, in a way, protective. The tendon serves as a guide for the movement of the femur and tibia in relation to each other. Due to the previously described anatomical unnaturalness of the OCC exercises, the patellar tendon experiences enormous loads during leg extensions.

Meanwhile, leg extensions are recommended to bodybuilders as the main element of rehabilitation after a knee injury. How would you like to understand this? Here is what the sports physician, MD R. Polmitier writes: “Despite the repeatedly proven fact that in the process of isolated extension of the knee joint the patellar tendon experiences dangerous overloads, many experts still continue to insist on the inclusion of this exercise in rehabilitation programs.”

Joint stimulation

It's one thing when you do bodybuilding just for health, and quite another when you are a serious muscleman. In the latter case, by leaning towards OCC exercises, you are making a mistake. To achieve anything, you will have to repeat them countless times. After all, remember the last time you left the gym after doing some extensions, feeling the blissful exhaustion in your leg muscles? Well, if you regularly work with squats or leg presses, I think you won’t have to dig into your memory for long. Indeed, during the basic exercises of the ZKTs, a huge number of muscles are simply forced to engage in work.

To do or not to do?

Doesn't everything that theorists have said mean that we should categorically abandon leg extensions and concentrate entirely on squats and leg presses? Not at all. It is not that simple. After all, when combined with CC exercises, if done correctly, leg extensions are not lethal at all. But is it worth the risk?

Just remember: leg extensions are not as good as they are made out to be. Therefore, avoid them and instead load your quads with squats, especially if you have knee pain or have recently had an injury. And also if you really want to tone up your thighs.
