A complete program for training large arms. Exercises and arm workouts for girls in the gym How a guy can build up a ton of arms

Increasing muscle volume for beginning bodybuilders is a priority. Particular attention is paid to the biceps and triceps, which are pumped first. It is the volume of muscles in the arms that demonstrate to others whether a person visits the gym or not. To build muscle mass in your arms, you need to not just exercise on machines, but select the most effective program. You should choose exactly those exercises that load the triceps and biceps the most, allow you to quickly progress and achieve your goals and objectives.

The proposed training program does not involve separating exercises for biceps and triceps, for which there is a rational explanation. The reason for training these muscle groups together is that they are opposite each other. Working through one antagonist leads to restoration and increased flow of blood rich in nutrients to the second, that is, the muscle opposite it. And if you train both biceps and triceps at once, you can achieve a powerful pump, which has a positive effect on the growth of muscle mass.

Effective exercises for pumping triceps and biceps

The training program for increasing muscle mass in the arms, performed in the gym, is almost entirely built on basic exercises, but there are also several isolating ones. This allows you to exhaust the muscle and achieve the maximum pumping effect.

The training includes two groups of exercises:

For triceps:

For biceps:

This complex is enough to completely deplete the muscle groups involved in the work. Basic exercises are performed first, and then the emphasis shifts to isolated movements. Such a training system is considered the most effective and efficient in the environment of modern bodybuilding.

The training program is aimed at working out antagonist muscles. Therefore, it is best to train biceps and triceps alternately. Performing all exercises first on one group and then on another is less effective.

To better understand how to pump up your biceps and triceps, you should adhere to the following sequence of exercises. So, the program is done according to the following scheme:

  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • + and alternately 3-4 approaches for each exercise.

The first exercises are performed at a pace that is familiar to many, but with the last one, beginners may not understand everything. The final stage of training in the given program involves moving to supersets. In other words, do one set for biceps first, and the next set for triceps. Then they take a short break. After rest, repeat the biceps-triceps ligament again. The presence of a superset at the end of the workout allows you to achieve a powerful pumping effect and bring the muscles to maximum exhaustion. Such sets should not be used every lesson, but periodically. Otherwise, the risk of overtraining increases.

Most athletes spend a lot of time training their arms for mass. This is not at all surprising, because every athlete wants his voluminous muscles to attract the attention of others. At the same time, they know all the nuances of such training, which are not available to people who have just started playing sports or are training at home. Especially for such athletes, the article describes the features and ways to increase the effectiveness of arm training for mass. A set of exercises will help you pump up your muscles to the desired size without using exercise equipment that is only available in gyms.

Hand training

Training arms for mass is considered an important part of the entire bodybuilding training system, but at the same time it is not key or primary. But still, to achieve the desired result, you need to know the main principles of the technique of performing various exercises, the place of arm training in the training split, as well as the secrets of working out individual triceps and biceps bundles.

Training for strength and mass of the arms can be performed both by professional athletes who do not have problems with lagging arm muscles, and by beginners who spent more time pumping up their legs or abs. The only difference in training for athletes of different levels is the weight used and the number of repetitions.

Key points

The arm muscles are subject to the same biological laws as other muscle groups, so in the case of training the arms for mass, it is also necessary to devote time to recovery. If you do regular isolation exercises every day without increasing the load, your muscles will not grow.

Muscle growth is a complex process of adaptation of the human body to regularly increasing load. When training arms for weight at home or in the gym, priority should be given to technique. Many experienced athletes can attest that, due to improper exercise execution, the arms can be weaker than the back, chest, legs and deltoids, even if trained several times a week.

The training should not be too long, but you need to exercise your arms more often, as they recover quite quickly. As a rule, the arms are trained more than once a week, and the remaining muscle groups are less stressed, but are always kept in shape.


In terms of arm mass training, the arm is divided into flexors and extensors. These muscles perform their work efficiently only if the athlete himself follows the technique.

The flexors are the biceps and radialis muscles. The biceps consists of only two bundles that need to be worked out equally well: internal (large) and lateral (small). It is recommended to pump them up with different exercises alternately. The radial muscle functions during flexion of the arm, but is more involved in the work at those moments when the hand is turned with the palm towards the floor or is in a neutral position.

The extensor muscle is a triceps muscle consisting of three heads, each of which differs in size and strength. The strongest head of the triceps is considered to be the medial one, the weakest is the inner one. Professionals strongly recommend spending more time on the inner part, because two muscles always have more strength than one.

Why are my hands lagging behind?

In some cases, even if the athlete knows the basics of the workout and practices them, the arms still lag behind. It’s all a matter of genetics, and almost none of the best arm workouts for mass will help solve the problem. In different people, the same muscle group can vary greatly in structure. Some athletes have long biceps, others have short ones. The same goes for the triceps. If the muscle is short, the tendon will be long, making it more difficult to engage the muscle. The body tries to do the work at the expense of other muscle groups, as it is easier to do. Therefore, the hands are not loaded to the maximum.

Following from the above, owners of short biceps/triceps need to properly isolate them. In the end, you will still be able to create beautiful muscles by gaining mass.

The second factor behind arm lag is muscle composition. Fibers are divided according to the criteria of ATPase myofibrils, as well as the number of mitochondria. Therefore, someone may have more slow fibers, and pumping will be more suitable for him, while someone will have a predominance of fast fibers, so he should pay attention to strength varieties of exercises.

The arm training program for mass must be selected individually. Experienced athletes recommend that beginners keep a training diary to better track progress.

Many novice athletes make mistakes when performing exercises. Because of this, of course, the desired effect is not achieved, and in this case, genetics or the individual characteristics of the body have nothing to do with it. The most common mistake is an incorrectly constructed split and further training. Training should stimulate protein synthesis and help progress, and not exhaust the body. If the muscle is overloaded, there can be no talk of its growth.

Both biceps and triceps must be adequately loaded and given the opportunity to recover normally. Before you start training, you need to consult with a trainer who will tell you how not to make mistakes when performing a particular exercise and how you can quickly achieve your main goal.

The best exercises for biceps and triceps

In bodybuilding, training your arms for mass does not guarantee quick results. A beginning athlete should immediately realize that he will not be able to get everything at once. To increase the size of your biceps, which is the dream of all men and even some women, you need to not only train regularly and not make mistakes, but also learn to wait. Only in this case, after a certain time, will you be able to be proud of yourself and your achievements.

Below is an ideal set of exercises that can be performed both in the gym and at home, provided you have the necessary equipment. It is perfect for men and women. The only thing you need to remember is that you need to start with small weights. This will help you understand how ready your muscles are for loads and exercises of this type.

Standing barbell lift

A basic exercise successfully used by all athletes, it perfectly pumps up the arm muscles. To perform it, you only need a barbell and a little free space around.

Standing straight, you should take the projectile with a normal grip, placing your hands shoulder-width apart. Initially, the bar should be near the hip - this is the starting position. While inhaling, you simultaneously need to lift the projectile up, bending your elbows. When the bar reaches shoulder level, you need to stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then exhale and slowly return to the starting position.

Lifting dumbbells with supination

Many people like exercises with dumbbells, because they can be easily performed at home, replacing the equipment with bottles of sand or some other weight. Lifting dumbbells with supination can be performed either with alternating or with simultaneous lifting of projectiles.

Sitting on a bench, you need to take dumbbells in your hands with your palms turned inward. As you inhale, you need to bend your arm at the elbow, lifting the weight. As soon as the forearm is parallel to the floor, it is necessary to begin to supinate, that is, turn the hand outward. When the dumbbell reaches the top point, it must be held there for a couple of seconds and returned to the starting position.

Barbell bench press

This exercise is basic for training the triceps. During its execution, you must definitely focus on this particular muscle.

Lying on a bench, placing your feet shoulder-width apart and resting them on the floor, you should grab the barbell with a medium grip from below. In the starting position, the arms should be extended upward so that the projectile is located clearly at shoulder level. As you inhale, you need to slowly lower the barbell down, touching your chest, and then immediately return to the starting position, but without making jerks. When lowering the projectile, the elbow joints should be spread apart, forming an angle of 45 degrees with the body.

This exercise should be performed 8-12 times. If you wish, you can perform 2-3 approaches, but do not forget about technique. If you can no longer squeeze the barbell correctly, then you need to give your hands time to rest.

We train our arms for mass with push-ups on parallel bars

A fairly effective and favorite exercise for all outdoor athletes. It will only require an apparatus that is present at all sports grounds in the city - uneven bars.

Having climbed onto the apparatus with straightened arms, you need to slowly lower yourself down, minimally tilting your body forward and pressing your hands to your body, and then smoothly rise to the starting position. There is no need to linger at the bottom point. The number of push-ups depends on the athlete’s capabilities - you should start with 5-8, and then gradually increase.

Exercises for arm muscles are an integral part of training for men. Working out the biceps and triceps increases the volume of the arms in general; such training can be done at home, the main thing is the presence of collapsible sports equipment, barbells and dumbbells. With only one apparatus, each exercise can be adapted for both barbell and dumbbells. The main thing is to observe the grip method and execution technique.

To train their arms, men need collapsible equipment - dumbbells or weight plates with a bar. This is necessary for constant progress, as well as for training according to the pyramid principle. Gradually increasing the working weight, while decreasing the number of repetitions, will stimulate nerve impulses, contracting the desired muscles at the low-weight stage, allowing you to maintain the correct contraction even with heavy weight. Such training gives a powerful anabolic boost.

1. Reverse push-ups

For this exercise, you need two supports of the same height, one under the arms and the other under the feet. To add weight, you need to use free weights, for example, placing plates on your hips. This is necessary for the growth of muscle mass, when the number of repetitions cannot exceed 12 times, while the muscles work to failure on the last repetition. Perform the first set of the exercise 15 times with your own weight without weights - this will be a warm-up approach that will warm up the target muscles and ligaments and prepare you for the straight pyramid (increasing weights).

  1. Sit on the edge of a bench and place a weight on your hips, rest your palms on your hands, forming a straight line with your arms.
  2. Place your feet on the second support, keeping your pelvis hanging.
  3. As you inhale, bend your elbows and lower your pelvis until the angle at your elbows reaches a right angle.
  4. As you exhale, push your torso out with your triceps force and fully extend your elbows.
  5. At the end of the approach, place your feet on the floor, sit on the edge and remove the weight.

Perform the first strength set with a lighter working weight, but do not exceed 12 repetitions. Not counting the warm-up, perform 4 approaches, adding weight to each set. Thus, push-ups are performed: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8-6.

2. French press with barbell or dumbbells

The barbell in this exercise can be replaced with dumbbells, also keeping the distance between the dumbbells equal to shoulder width. In this exercise, strictly follow safety precautions when lifting the apparatus. Each approach, increase the working weight by adding small plates.

  1. Sit on the edge of a bench with the barbell resting on your hips and grab a shoulder-width grip on top of the bar.
  2. Lift the bar from your hips, pushing the bar upward with your knees. Slowly lower yourself onto your back, holding the bar with straight arms.
  3. At the top point, the hands are located above the shoulder joints.
  4. As you inhale, leaving your elbows in place, lower the bar to your forehead with your forearms.
  5. As you exhale, use your triceps to straighten your elbows completely and bring your hands back over your shoulders.
  6. At the end of the exercise, raise your knees to the bar, pressing the barbell on your hips, roll your back along the bench to a sitting position.

Add working weight, perform 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8 times.

3. Extension of arms with a bar or dumbbells from behind the head

This exercise can also be replaced by lifting one or two dumbbells from behind your head. The technique affects the triceps in isolation; in this case, helping yourself to push out a large working weight with your hands will not work. So stick to the technique and don't lift huge weights.

  1. Sit on a bench with your back straight and grasp the bar at your hips with a close overhand grip. Raise your arms above your head, keeping them straight.
  2. As you inhale, begin to lower your forearms with the bar behind your head, without moving your elbows. At the bottom, stretch your triceps as much as possible.
  3. Exhale and lift the bar, straightening your elbows completely at the top point.
  4. In reverse order, lower the bar to your chest and return it to the floor.

Perform 4 sets of 12, 10, 10-8, 8 times.

4. Lifting barbells or dumbbells with a narrow grip

After working your triceps, move on to biceps exercises. Replace exercise You can do this by also placing your elbows on your stomach.

If you experience pain in your shoulders due to morphological features with a narrow or wide grip, replace the technique with a medium or neutral grip.

  1. Lift the bar off the floor with a straight back, first using a reverse close grip.
  2. For a more concentrated lift, place your back against the wall to avoid swaying. Place your elbows on your stomach.
  3. As you exhale, bend your elbows and lift the bar to your shoulders.
  4. As you inhale, straighten your arms, maintaining a slight angle at your elbows.
  5. At the end of the approach, lower the bar to the floor without rounding your back.

Increase the weight of the bar each set, performing 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8-6.

5. Alternating dumbbell lifts with supination

You can replace it with exercise, gradually increasing the weight. Alternating lifting helps to take a large working weight of dumbbells, since when bending one arm, the other has time to recover. The exercise can be performed standing or sitting.

  1. Take dumbbells, keep your arms along your sides, hands parallel to each other.
  2. With an exhalation, bend your right arm, without lifting your elbow from your body, turning your hand in the middle of the amplitude.
  3. As you inhale, lower the dumbbell.
  4. Repeat the movement on your left hand.

Perform the same number of repetitions on each arm. Total, 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8-6 repetitions.

6. Hammer Grip Dumbbell Raise

The exercise not only works the biceps, but also targets the muscles of the forearms. That's why You can replace this exercise by lifting the barbell with a reverse grip.

  1. Hold dumbbells along your torso, hands with dumbbells parallel to each other.
  2. Exhale and lift both dumbbells to your shoulders without turning.
  3. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells.

Do 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8-6.


In order to quickly pump up your arm muscles at home, you should not train this muscle group constantly. Remember that for the athletic shape of men’s arms, it is important not only the volume of the biceps and triceps, but also the deltoids and other muscles, otherwise the shape will look unaesthetic, and even comical. Do arm training 1-2 times a week, and train other muscles on the remaining days.


Constantly in search of the most effective methods for training my arms, and even against the backdrop of an elbow injury, I tried dozens of different ways to make my arms grow. I described the four most unusual of them in my article “. But analyzing the methods I have tested, I cannot say that any of them suits absolutely everyone and is unconditionally effective.

I firmly believe that in arm training, the main role is played not by a specific technique or program, but by their constant change. Having found a new arm training program, I test it for 3-4 weeks, and then mercilessly change it to a new one, even if it turned out to be very effective. After all, no one forbids me to return to the method I like again after some time. Getting the muscles used to the load is what I fear like hell, because stress, in my opinion, is...

This statement is not the ultimate truth, but this is how I train, and for me this system is the most effective. However, let's move on directly to finding the answer to the question of how to pump up your arms if you are not a “chemist” or a genetic monster. So…

Arm training method #1 | Arm workout with two dumbbells

I started bodybuilding at home. My arsenal of training equipment consisted of a spring expander and a pair of 6 kg dumbbells, which I got from a friend. The dumbbells were light for me, but when I tied them together, they turned into a unique 12-kilogram projectile with a shifted center of gravity, which I actively used for arm training at home.

Then I went to the gym and, fascinated by the abundance of barbells and exercise machines, forgot about my dumbbells for a long time. Until, many years later, I came across an unusual set of exercises for the arms, actively used in the US Army. Its essence is that the entire array of the arm: biceps, triceps and brachialis are worked out at once in one series of exercises combined into a triset.

And although soldiers used this method of arm training in ascetic field conditions, simply because they did not have access to more modern equipment, this technique has its tangible advantages:

  • In one exercise, the entire muscle mass of the arm is worked out with the same intensity.
  • Blood supply to the arms increases significantly, venousness and muscle detail improve.
  • The time that muscles spend under load increases. This is the strongest stress factor. By the end of the approach, a strong burning sensation appears in the muscles, which indicates an increase in the content of lactic acid in the blood. Which in turn (according to a study by scientists from Taiwan) promotes an increase in the level of testosterone and luteinizing hormone.

If we talk about a specific set of exercises for arms with dumbbells, it might look like this:

Brachialis exercise |/Spider curls

Having even one set of dumbbells at your disposal, you can create a very good set of exercises for the arms for mass. The main thing is to follow the basic rule: three exercises for biceps, triceps and brachialis must be performed without interruption.

I would like to add that in addition to these segments of the arm, the muscles of the forearms are also actively involved in the work, which makes this training technique even more universal.

Conclusion: training for mass using such a set of exercises for the arms is a very unusual load for them, which ultimately helps to move their volume off the ground. In addition, this is the best way to train your arms at home.

Arm training method #2 | You - for me, I - for you

This is a very old program for training arms for mass. Arnold Schwarzenegger described her in, talking about how he pumped up his biceps with Franco Colombo. But despite all its Old Testament origins, this method still works perfectly today, because they knew very well how to pump up arms during the “golden” era of bodybuilding.

This technique involves two people performing barbell curls, passing the barbell to their training partner after completing the set. I performed biceps curls - I handed the barbell to a friend, he did the exercise, and returned the barbell.
The method is simple but extremely effective. Its effectiveness lies not so much in the exercise itself (if desired, lifting the barbell for biceps can be replaced with another exercise for the arms), but in something completely different:

  • With each new approach, the rest between them is reduced, because the number of repetitions decreases, and fatigue, on the contrary, increases. Consequently, the load on the biceps does not decrease each time, but only increases. This savage technology is reminiscent of the reverse drop set method, very popular among professional bodybuilders, when the weight of the barbell increases with each approach.
  • Working with a training partner using the “You for me, I for you” method is also a powerful motivation. No one wants to admit defeat by completing fewer reps of barbell curls than their partner. This kind of competitive spirit helps you push yourself beyond the limits of what is possible and do much more repetitions in any arm exercise than when done alone.
  • Having a partner allows you to apply one of the most effective principles of training arms for mass, which is called forced repetitions. When you no longer have the strength to lift the barbell onto your biceps, dosed assistance from a training partner will allow you to perform another 2-3 repetitions.

This kind of mass training is a real shock. To cope with it, the muscles have no choice but to become stronger and bigger. If you have the opportunity to train with a reliable partner, I advise you to try training your biceps this way.

And most importantly, you can train not only the biceps; extending the upper block to the triceps in a similar manner also gives excellent results. And such an exercise as standing dumbbell flyes loads the deltoid muscles simply brutally.

Conclusion: Including the “You for me, I for you” scheme in your set of arm exercises is a real opportunity to stimulate the growth of arm muscle mass.

Arm training method #3 | System "21" for biceps

But this method is more modern than the previous one; in any case, this was the first time I saw biceps training in such an unusual way performed by Phil Heath himself. By and large, this is probably the most innovative scheme for performing arm exercises.

The essence of the method is as follows: the usual trajectory of movement of the projectile (for example, in lifting a barbell for biceps) is divided into 3 parts: lower, upper and full. The first 7 biceps curls are performed only up to an angle of 90°, this is the first phase of the exercise. The next 7 barbell curls are performed from an angle of 90° to the top point of the trajectory. And the last, final part of the exercise (the last 7 repetitions) is performed in the usual full range of motion.

A total of 21 repetitions is obtained, which is why this method of training arms for mass is called the “21 system for biceps.” I suggest watching a video that shows how to lift a barbell for biceps according to the following scheme:

system 21 for biceps video:

This technology is based on the theory that eccentric movements are effective for increasing strength and increasing muscle mass. It lies in the fact that alternating three different trajectories of movement instead of one leads to lengthening of the muscle under load. Simply put, the “21” system for biceps significantly stretches the muscles along their length, starting the process of their hypertrophy.

Naturally, this unusual method of mass training can be used not only for biceps, but also for other muscle groups. I really like using this arm training program for the close grip triceps barbell press on the Smith machine. With a regular barbell, it will be difficult and even dangerous to perform all three phases of the exercise equally effectively, but this barbell, which I consider the most useful exercise machine in the gym, is simply ideal for training arms using the “21” system.

Conclusion: The three-phase technology for performing weight-bearing arm exercises is based on the results of scientific developments, which makes the “21” system for biceps one of the most effective methods.

Arm training method #4 | Long breaks

I happened to learn about this way of training arms from my favorite Flex magazine. The author of the article, magazine editor Peter McGough, talked about how he watched one unusual bodybuilder train his biceps. He turned out to be an ordinary biker pumping his biceps on the famous “muscle beach” in California. True, this biker’s arms, according to Peter McGough, were no less than 55 cm in girth. But it wasn't the size of the biker's giant, tattoo-covered arms, it was the way he flexed them.

He did barbell curls, worked with a fairly decent weight and performed the required 8-10 repetitions per set. But! Between approaches, this knight of the night roads rested for 10, or even 15 minutes. He'll do a set of barbell curls, walk on the beach, drink some water, chat, and then go back to the barbell. During the three hours that McGough spent on the beach, the biker completed only 12 sets of barbell curls.

This method of training arms for weight completely refutes the theory that the duration of stay in the gym cannot exceed 50-60 minutes, since at this time the concentration of cortisol, the muscle-destroying hormone, in the blood becomes maximum. But the biker hardly heard, he simply spent time for his own pleasure, training as he liked and, apparently, the question of how to pump up his arms did not bother him at all.

I don’t presume to judge the genetic potential or pharmacological support that that biker used, but I was very interested in this method of training my arms. For all its absolute illogicality and “non-working”, the method of pumping up biceps for mass, taking breaks of 15 minutes, has a completely logical background.

This method of quickly, albeit briefly, increasing muscle size is often used by competitive bodybuilders before going on stage. A few hours before the start of the competition, the lagging muscle group, the lower leg, for example, is pumped in the same manner: perform 1 approach with the maximum working weight until failure every 30-40 minutes. And, as experienced athletes say, in this way, in a few hours, you can visually increase the volume of the muscle by 1.5-2 centimeters at once, which, you see, is quite a lot for a small shin.

I don’t know the scientific basis for this technique, but in my opinion, its effectiveness lies in increased blood flow and its retention in the loaded muscle group. This means that the concentration of nutrients (read, building materials) in it simply becomes peak. In addition, the maximum working weight is used in the exercise, since long rests between approaches contribute well to recovery.

If we talk about my personal experience of using this technology for training arms for mass, then during the normal off-season period, I do not use it, it simply does not suit me. I include supersets and trisets in my arm training program, so I don’t just have time to relax around the room and chat with other visitors. But during the period of getting rid of fat deposits, I use a similar technique regularly.

When I lose weight, both with the help and in the background, the muscle mass of my, already not the most powerful, arms rapidly decreases. And in order to maintain their muscle volume, while simultaneously reducing the amount of fat and water, I use heavy basic exercises, the same biceps curl.

Having done the usual 4-5 sets of barbell curls at the beginning of the session, I perform another 3-4 sets throughout the rest of the workout. I’ll press dumbbells to my chest, for example, and quickly return to barbell curls. This happens in one workout, and in the next, the same wandering exercise becomes a basic triceps exercise. This technology of insertion approaches helps me simultaneously burn fat and keep the muscle mass of my arms intact.

Conclusion: Using long breaks in arm training for mass is not suitable for everyone. But if you have free time to pump up your biceps or triceps in this way, it’s definitely worth a try.

Which guy doesn't dream of big, ripped triceps and biceps?

Do you want to look fit and in great shape to stand out from the crowd? Then read on and you will learn how to pump up your arms at home.

I am a long-time bodybuilder, and I want to say that arm workouts are my favorite.

If you don't have enough time or desire to go to the gym, don't worry. You can pump up your arms at home.

From my experience, arm isolation exercises are a great way to build muscle. You just need to plan your diet wisely; it must contain sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats so that the total muscle mass of the body grows, and with it the muscles of the arms.

Nowadays, you will find a wide variety of arm exercises at home to tone your biceps and triceps, but I want to tell you about the most productive ones. Thanks to them, I can show off the relief of my hands!

First of all, you will need sports equipment, these will be the most common basic exercise equipment, nothing supernatural.

  • Dumbbell set
  • Curved rod
  • Pull-up bar
  • Adjustable Press Bench

Fortunately, any equipment and exercise equipment can be bought in an online store with home delivery, you can find worthwhile things at a low price.

Training your arms takes time and dedication.

Exercises for training arm muscles are simple, they can be performed at home by anyone who wants to have beautiful, sculpted muscles. The main thing in this matter is to be patient and forget about laziness. Systematicity is very important: your training should become constant and should not be neglected.

If you are naturally thin, then you should exercise 4-5 times a week and eat heavily.

Be prepared that the result will not appear as quickly as you would like. 2 weeks is too short a time. I repeat, you will have to be patient.

But if you are persistent and consistent, your efforts will not be in vain. You will be proud of your hands!

Pump your arms 1-2 times a week

You shouldn’t stop at 1-2 simple biceps exercises and think that this will be enough. I recommend that you do 3-4 biceps and triceps exercises.

You must force your muscles to work at full strength.

I never tire of repeating that if you do not feel pain in your muscles after doing the exercises, then such training is ineffective.

Do you know the best way to do exercises? I'll tell you my secret now. One day I do biceps and pectoral exercises, and the next day I do triceps and back exercises.

Don’t be surprised, below I will explain what and how you will do.

If you have weak muscle mass, then you will need 6-8 weeks for more or less pronounced results.

Don't forget about other muscle groups: your body should develop proportionally. Otherwise, you'll look like Popeye the Sailor Man.

Hand exercises at home

Most beginners make one common and very stupid mistake - they train their biceps every day.

It is not at all surprising that such training does not bring them any results. Would-be bodybuilders get upset, quickly burn out and gradually reduce their physical activity to nothing.

Remember one important thing: in order for your muscles to grow, they need rest.

I can boldly tell you that both isolating and complex exercises give good results.

During the training process, I pay attention to both large and small muscle groups.

For example, as I already said, One day I work out my biceps and chest, and the next day I work out my triceps and back.

Of course, all people are different, but I’m talking about my experience, what helped me.

A set of exercises for hands at home

Biceps exercises

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Insulating arm bend on the block

4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Standing biceps curl

4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Seated dumbbell curls

4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Triceps exercises

Video: a set of hand exercises at home

Results on how to pump up your arms at home

It is not at all necessary to visit the gym to have sculpted, pumped up arms. If you have a standard set of weights, then it is quite possible to pump your arms at home.

All you need are dumbbells, a barbell and a pull-up bar. The arm exercises are very simple and will be easy for you to do! Put your favorite music in the background and go!
