Hand-to-hand combat according to the Kadochnikov Timiryazevskaya system. Kadochnikov style: The most famous in Russia

I can’t say that our communication was long and thorough: I was surprised to discover that Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov, despite his outward openness, is an extremely difficult person. He never says too much, he is quite collected, but smiling. At the same time, all attempts to talk to him turned into a one-sided monologue: I expressed my opinion and views on the topic of hand-to-hand combat, and he simply nodded his head and said that I was right about everything... This alarmed me terribly, and I decided to check the consistency of our communication: Approaching him, I said such obvious stupidity that I had a hard time holding back my laughter. At the same time, nothing even skipped a beat inside Kadochnikov himself: he enthusiastically began to say how great I was, and that everything was exactly as I had suggested in my stupid statement! After which I decided to go further and say that: “this is all very complicated, and no one here (this was at a seminar to which I came as a guest) understands this truth,” to which he answered me quite sincerely: “The main thing is what do you understand! And the rest, if they need it, will sort it out.” In a sense, I was shocked by the naturalness and acting that Alexey Alekseevich possessed... Despite the fact that the man standing in front of him was carrying a completely unimaginable blizzard, he did not give himself away in any way: when communicating with him, you will never understand him what he really thinks about you. Whatever you tell him, he will confirm with an absolutely sincere look, which will not make you doubt for a second that you are right! This struck me about him!

In fairness, it must be said that not everything is so bad: if Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov sees in you a sincere interest in his direction of hand-to-hand combat, he will share with you some aspects of his knowledge. But for this you need to be completely open to the perception of new information and treat what he says with special attention.

Another aspect that struck me about Kadochnikov Sr. was his strength of spirit. Those who know him know that his legs are broken, and it gives him terrible pain not just to walk, but even to stand. Despite this, he spends the entire seminar (8 hours) on his feet, walking, explaining and showing people the elements of hand-to-hand combat, without sitting down for a second. After the event is over, he is almost carried by the arms, since he practically cannot move on his own. Because of fatigue and pain in his legs, he moves extremely slowly and limps: only then do you remember that he is already over eighty years old.

At the end of the seminar, answering questions from participants, he periodically told stories about how his system was born. He recalled how people “died”, how scary it was at times..., but he never told any of the stories to the end - tears began to choke him.

I can safely say that as a person, Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov made an extremely strong impression on me.

From the personality of Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov and from my impressions of him, it’s time to move directly to the hand-to-hand combat system he proposes. Coming to visit the seminar, I could not help but try for myself what it is - the Kadochnikov system. To my surprise, Alexey Alekseevich did not refuse me: he demonstrated his work, so much so that I was in slight shock. Everything you see in the videos does not even come close to reflecting the real state of affairs. He hits! And he does it incredibly hard and quickly. He performed several techniques on me, and so decisively that my legs even left the ground.

This was real hand-to-hand combat, and not the slow, imposing ballet that we are used to seeing performed by its adherents: as soon as I lost my balance, a flurry of terrible blows immediately fell on me, from which I was dumbfounded for a while! In contrast to what we were all used to seeing from his videos and what was demonstrated at the seminar, this caused cognitive dissonance in me. In other words, Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov himself is a terrible person and a real fighter, whom I would not recommend anyone to meet in real hand-to-hand combat.

In view of all of the above, the reader naturally has a question: “If Kadochnikov himself is such a master, then why can’t any of his students demonstrate anything even remotely reminiscent of real hand-to-hand combat, and if they demonstrate, they turn out to be helpless against elementary attacks?”

During my short acquaintance with Kadochnikov’s hand-to-hand combat system, I noticed some features that horrified me.

The first thing that catches your eye is the zero level of preparedness of absolutely all participants in the seminar: no one can repeat even the elementary movements that they are offered to master. The most common question in this case is how to throw a punch correctly. In this situation, quite rightly, Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov advises mastering boxing techniques, calling it the basis for any type of martial arts.

During the seminar itself, the Kadochnikovs are helped by their instructors: guys who are absolutely zero in regards to hand-to-hand combat, but who, at the same time, are also ambitious! They, as it were, adapt themselves to the greatness of the master and indirectly bask in the rays of his glory, imagining themselves to be fighters and behaving defiantly, while being unable to do absolutely anything. Being an extremely calm and balanced person, I even wanted to teach some of them a lesson several times, but my friend, who brought me to the event, urgently asked me not to do this.

I am not surprised that representatives of the Kadochnikov system are so disliked on the Internet: with absolutely zero proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, they position themselves as fighters of the highest class, unequivocally hinting that in a “real fight” they will break anyone. Naturally, this myth collapses as soon as it is possible to catch such a “master” and fight with him, even with the slightest contact.

Alexey Alekseevich himself, at the same time, is a rather modest person. Where these gentlemen get their crown from is not entirely clear.

I think the understanding that they have no chance in a real fight oppresses particularly ardent adherents of Kadochnikov’s system, so they try to compensate for this deficiency with verbiage and myth-making, belittling others and praising themselves. Naturally, this state of affairs does not suit everyone...

And the reasons that they can’t do anything are banal. In order to master any system of hand-to-hand combat, you need to practice regularly, with a good master, giving yourself, shedding sweat and blood in training and in battles. There is no other way! Most of the adherents of Kadochnikov’s system learn from video recordings and wander around seminars, trying to enthusiastically master what is shown to them there. Almost none of them trained with Kadochnikov himself, like athletes train with their mentors. Moreover, they do not even train on their own, as is common among most martial arts practitioners. Basically, these are careless students of random seminar participants who go to the master once a year (or even less), without having any basis in any contact martial arts. After the workshop, they tend to watch YouTube and imitate what they saw. There is no question of any verification of the correctness of their technique and acquired information in contact battles: they immediately begin to teach people, at the same time not hesitating to pour slop and belittle all other areas of hand-to-hand combat, talking about how dangerous they are.

Another aspect is the lack of speed work and work with a resisting opponent. Here everything is much simpler: the fact is that at the seminars Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov shows the technique slowly, since no one understands anything due to the complete lack of any preparation among the participants. Everything is slowed down and exaggerated, to the limit, in order to somehow show the person who comes the features of the proposed hand-to-hand combat system.

Kadochnikov always asks seminar participants to take their time when performing the proposed technical elements, because, as with playing the piano, there is a very high probability of learning them incorrectly, or not mastering them at all. However, for a reason unknown to me, this principle was elevated to the Absolute: “we don’t have high-speed work, because at speed we will simply kill the enemy”... This is a blatant and cynical lie, and it is simply impossible to come up with anything more incompetent.

But not everything is so rosy on the part of the event organizers. Kadochnikov himself also takes part in forming a false image in the minds of students. For some reason unknown to me, he does not show real speed work in his seminars, he does not explain the intricacies of fighting, does not show striking techniques, series and combinations, and keeps people completely in the dark about how his system works in practice. This aspect causes me indignation and indignation: it remains unclear what exactly a person should learn and how to perform it in real hand-to-hand combat.

In the sections of the Kadochnikov system, striking techniques are not practiced, wrestling is not studied, fights are not practiced... I will say even more: there is no work with a resisting opponent. But the final chord in this symphony of absurdity is the complete absence of even elementary speed work. That is, everything happens extremely slowly. A logical question: how to learn to fight in this case? And the answer is no.

Many people who have practiced the Kadochnikov system and other types of Russian hand-to-hand combat are absolutely unsure of their abilities and are afraid of a fight like fire. This is understandable: they do not have a single reliable tool that they could use in real combat. There is just a lot of speculation on how and what should be from the point of view of science.

I must say, I really like the scientific component of Kadochnikov’s system. Alexey Alekseevich very competently and accurately approached the description of the process of hand-to-hand combat, and I would recommend to anyone who is in one way or another passionate about martial arts to master this particular part of his work.

But the strong scientific foundation underlying the system does not help people master Kadochnikov’s hand-to-hand combat: most of those who came to the seminar are not professional athletes, do not have a technical education and do not understand anything about biomechanics and physics in principle. At the same time, they are endlessly loaded with terms that they are not able to comprehend, shown techniques that they are not able to reproduce, accompanied by explanations that they are not able to understand. The overall usefulness of such an event, in my opinion, tends to zero.

Here is the paradox: Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov himself is, of course, a worthy person, professional, a fighter and a real warrior. However, what he teaches will never work for anyone who adopts it, since it is presented in isolation from real practice and outside the context of combat use. This is certainly a shame, since there is already an opinion that Kadochnikov’s system is charlatanism and profanity. In principle, this is not true in relation to the hand-to-hand combat system itself, but if we are talking about a commercial project called the “Kadochnikov system,” then this formulation is absolutely appropriate.

I would like to immediately make it clear that the author has nothing against making money: commercial interest must be present in any business. Any work must be paid. Training in martial arts is a very painstaking, energy-intensive and expensive task, but it is worth it if, as a result, a person is offered real algorithms for solving hand-to-hand combat problems.

The reason for writing this article was the difference in impressions regarding what I experienced myself and what is presented under the guise of hand-to-hand combat at seminars on the Kadochnikov system. Briefly, the difference can be described as follows: people come to a practical lesson in hand-to-hand combat, but end up at a theoretical lecture. Alexey Alekseevich says everything correctly theoretically, but in complete isolation from the practice of real application in battle.

The Kadochnikov system is one of the treasures of our people. Alexey Alekseevich himself is a brilliant person, a real master. However, the form in which his hand-to-hand combat system exists today makes it completely unviable. I would really like the true, practical knowledge and achievements of this person to see the light of day. To do this, it seems to me, requires work from two sides:

  1. The Kadochnikovs themselves need to realize that it is necessary to reconsider the way they present information to students.
  2. Trainees should make a list of those techniques that they would like to see at the seminar, and announce the requirements for the learning process and performers, clearly controlling the process and demanding direct, understandable answers to questions that interest them.
In the meantime, hand-to-hand combat according to the Kadochnikov system remains more of a sect than a real branch of martial arts.

I would really like the organizers to reevaluate their approach to teaching Kadochnikov’s hand-to-hand combat style and generate a new wave of interest in this area. But if this doesn’t happen, then that’s the way for him...

In 1995, the “A.A. Kadochnikov School” was created in Krasnodar. The President of the “School” is Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov, corresponding member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation, academician of the Academy of Geosciences. The goal of the “School” is the revival of Russian martial art, propaganda and popularization of its humanistic essence among the general public. To this end, she carries out scientific research into psychological, technical, biomechanical, physiological, spiritual and other aspects of Russian hand-to-hand combat.

This style, which became the basis in the Krasnodar school, traces its ancestry to V.A. Spiridonova. It’s impossible to say how Spiridonov really fought. His surviving books for NKVD officers represent modified jujutsu. But! This does not mean at all that he worked in this style for mass training (at a distance, at that); most likely, techniques were selected that were simple to perform and allowed one to master a certain practical minimum.

Little is known about Spiridonov himself - an officer of the Russian army, seriously wounded in the First World War and after the revolution he made his living as a shoemaker, in 1923 he suddenly became the chairman of the self-defense section of the s/o "Dynamo" of the all-powerful OGPU. He works in a completely combative style.

There are two common versions:

  • he studied jiu-jitsu from books. Immediately doubts - well, firstly, those books are transcriptions through third parties and the hands of Japanese masters. It is REALLY impossible to create something combat based on them.
  • he studied jiu-jitsu while participating in the Russo-Japanese War (while being a prisoner of war). Doubtful. As far as is known, he was not captured and did not capture much of the war.

He, as researchers of the issue write, “did not hide the Japanese roots of his art.” But the motivation here may be different, firstly, he declared his system “Japanese” for one simple reason - in the frenzy of post-revolutionary proletarian internationalism and the denial of all previous Russian history, for the propaganda of Russian martial arts one could quite easily get to the southern shore of the White Sea (that is, examples), it was not safe to declare oneself a follower of the Russian school - people were imprisoned on charges of chauvinism for much more innocent things.

Video: Protection against impact from an object from above

This style was tested by the war, but today’s level owes much to A.A. Kadochnikov. It was he who brought it to the highest perfection and reliability. Working in three planes is one of the basic rules of Russian hand-to-hand combat. Having mastered it, you will instantly gain an undoubted advantage in a duel, since you constantly throw your opponent off balance.

Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov himself studied the “Russian style” after the war in one of the special schools (where saboteurs were trained), where after the revolution the martial art of Russian soldiers was hidden. True, during the Great Patriotic War it was still used among ordinary soldiers - it was passed on as a craft from generation to generation. But after the war, the art of Russian hand-to-hand combat gradually began to be forgotten. The once combined arms training was classified as “Top Secret”. Thus, we were on the verge of losing our martial art.

By the way, looking for “carriers of style” in villages, as some did, is a fruitless task. At one time, all more or less famous masters were either destroyed, or went abroad, or were recruited to serve in one well-known department.

Kadochnikov system

We must not forget that hand-to-hand combat is only one component of the human survival system in extreme conditions. And sometimes you can win in single combat only by avoiding physical conflict. Assessment of the situation of the area, time of day and year is necessary in the “Russian style”. This is probably the main difference between hand-to-hand combat and sports that have largely lost touch with real martial art. Experiments have shown that if a person clenches his hand into a fist, even half-heartedly, and holds it like that, then after 74 seconds all his energy will dry up. So what kind of fighter is he after this? In the Russian style, only a quarter of the force is used, while representatives of other types of martial arts put maximum effort into a technique or strike. It’s only in the movies that they fight endlessly; in life they don’t last long. Mastering the Russian style, even the exhausted and wounded can defeat the enemy. At Kadochnikov’s school, old people “fail” healthy young people. Using the energy and strength of the attackers themselves, and spending a minimum of their own.

All techniques of Kadochnikov's style are based, first of all, on the laws of mechanics, knowledge of the system of levers, stability of rods and similar concepts. During training, students learn how to use a slight movement to benefit their opponent's efforts.

The main goal of the Kadochnikov system- preservation of health, vitality or, using the term of the masters of the Russian style, vitality. That is why issues of survival and behavior in extreme conditions are given so much attention in hand-to-hand combat of Kadochnikov’s style. The Kadochnikov system is not only a means of protection from violence, but also protection from natural disasters, as well as from disorders and diseases. All this is accomplished through the trinity of forces: intellectual, physical and spiritual.

Kadochnikov's style involves a purely individual approach to each person, which takes into account his characteristics. After all, each of us is a unique phenomenon in nature, and therefore the fighting style of each fighter is unique. All fighting techniques are based on the action of the greatest invention - the lever. Kadochnikov says that all parts of the human body act as levers, and, knowing the properties of this invention, it is much easier to perform techniques.

Kadochnikov himself believes that according to natural laws, a Russian person should engage in the Russian type of wrestling. After all, martial art is part of the cultural heritage of our people: it has its own history, long-standing traditions, and is based on the mentality of the Russian people. Kadochnikov considers himself part of the Russian land: “I am Russian, I live on Russian land, which teaches me, feeds and nurtures me. I am part of it. I have to raise it." The tradition of using one's own body as a weapon, a means of protection, has been known since ancient times. A memo to the Slavic warrior has been preserved, which said that the elephant belongs to the Arabs, the poison belongs to the Avars, the horse belongs to the Khazars, the blackthorn belongs to the Bulgars, the ship belongs to the Varangians, the shell belongs to the Friags, and the shell itself belongs to the Slavs.

We can say that at its core, Kadochnikov’s system is a system for training ancient warriors. Based on a holistic perception of the world and man, relying on the knowledge of various sciences, the system allows you to achieve maximum results with minimal energy expenditure. Using knowledge of the Kadochnikov style hand-to-hand combat technique, both an old man and a woman can cope with a healthy adult man. Such miracles!

All of the above concerns preparation for hand-to-hand combat. And there’s nothing to say about preparing for battle. When Kadochnikov begins to talk about air density, sea currents and water temperatures, the color of foliage and grass, it becomes clear that the Russian style cannot be practiced at leisure - it is a way of life, a way of thinking. And what a pity that traditions are practically lost. And how good it is that there is a person at the Krasnodar Rocket School who is helping to revive it.

From an interview with A.A. Kadochnikov: “…Suvorov also created the science of winning. What is happening now is a new wave. I simply raised the fallen banner of that time, as far as I could understand it in my mind. If it wasn't me, someone else would have done it. I don't do history or comparisons. The Russian people are very multifaceted. What I succeeded, I presented. I don't have the willpower to take credit for other people's achievements. I'm talking about Peter I, Suvorov, Nakhimov, Ushakov. Captain Leonov of the second rank with a dozen sailors defeated a Japanese army of six thousand. Why isn't anyone talking about this?..

I have my own land, I try to be with my people. We live in Rus'. We grew up in our families. The foundations were laid by our ancestors. We had to use the tool given to us, we threw it away and said: “We’d better go with our bare hands.” Knowledge requires a person: don’t throw it away, remember what you went through at school. They say we walked through a corridor. And you went through, took it, armed yourself. Our philosophy is to protect the Russian land.”

In the ARB to Popov A.A. got in the direction and recommendation of the “Spirit of Sports”. classes are held Tuesday-Thursday at 13.30 in the club “***”. The composition of the group varies in age, for example, I am 47 years old, but the team is friendly and welcoming. Physical abilities are also different for everyone. However, the coach finds a differentiated approach to everyone. If you want to become a champion, they will make you a champion. If you want to treat this as fitness, no one is against it either. It is immediately clear that classes are conducted according to a clear...

pre-developed methodology and you cannot skip classes. Moreover, expect to master hand-to-hand combat in a month. I won’t recommend that everyone quickly enroll in the army hand-to-hand combat section, it’s stupid. For many, a gym in a fitness center with loud club music and surrounded by girls is more suitable. But if, deep down in your soul, you feel a craving for martial arts, then you need to go and sign up for the ARB section or another section of your choice. I've been training for a little over a month. I began to get involved in work. Health deficiencies were discovered. You can correct it in the adjacent FOG room under the guidance of a doctor. And yet, the atmosphere in the club is almost homely.

Grade 5

Dmitriy, metro Taganskaya

Order services: Army hand-to-hand combat.


Pros: Punctual, responsible, loves his job, knows how to find a common language with teenagers. Cons: None Description: My son (16) studied hand-to-hand combat with Alexey. During the holidays I studied for a week every day, for two hours, twice already. Alexey is a unique coach and is personally interested in the student’s success. Alexey understands almost all martial arts and teaches the best of each martial arts. He tells you what to do in different situations, is not aggressive and...

adequate. In general, the training is very intense, but if you are ready to overcome yourself, then you will deliver a very strong blow and no one will hurt you. My son plans to continue classes in the future and especially recommends Alexey for classes with young people in their teens.

Grade 5+

Krasnoborov Oleg Georgievich, Mitino metro station, Pyatnitskoe highway


I had never practiced martial arts before, I knew absolutely nothing. In one training session in hand-to-hand combat, Sergei taught the basics: stance, movement, defense and basic striking techniques. He explained everything simply and clearly. I would also like to note that Sergey is a very pleasant person to talk to. I will continue to train under his leadership. I recommend to everyone!

Grade 5+

Sergey, metro station VDNKh

Order services: Hand-to-hand combat.


It’s not me who trains in hand-to-hand combat, but my child, but he’s happy with the training! The son continues to study. He plans to go even deeper. I saw Evgeny Valerievich and I can say that he is a real professional, just great! The coach was able to find an approach to the child and was able to interest him. Evgeniy Valerievich does his job perfectly. Training with him is great! The child enjoys studying!

Grade 5+

Svetlana, metro station Voikovskaya, Timiryazevskaya

Order services: Hand-to-hand combat.


I am 26 years old. I am not physically fit; I have never practiced such martial arts before. Once, I tried to take up this type of martial arts (hand-to-hand combat). I came to the section, without talking for a long time (because there was no time for talking - there were a lot of people), they put me in sparring with a fairly experienced partner, who mistook me for a punching bag and “marked” me in full. This is where the coaching work ended. I realized that it was more of a coaching club for...

improving already trained athletes. I had to start from the basics. Therefore, on the recommendation of experienced people, I turned to Marshall with a request to take up my training in martial arts. Here, I met a complete understanding of how to structure classes with beginners like me. The main attention was paid to the issue of technique and techniques used in martial arts. Most importantly, he took into account my peculiarities - poor physical fitness and other individual characteristics, patiently explaining and correcting my mistakes. From the very first lessons I learned a lot about the technique of defense and striking. This gave me confidence in my abilities and I believed in myself, which was not the case before. For all this I am very grateful to him and I consider him a very good, thoughtful coach, capable of teaching martial arts to any beginner (even someone like me - I’m a “nerd” :-))

Grade 5+

Andrey, metro station Dynamo, Maryina Roshcha

Order services: Hand-to-hand combat.


Sergei Nikolaevich is a Coach with a capital T. A true specialist and master of his craft. Polite, patient and friendly. And most importantly, helps to achieve amazing results. The trainer's experience, friendly atmosphere and individual approach are what you need. I take great pleasure in attending hand-to-hand combat training.

Grade 5+

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Having completed half my earthly life,
I found myself in a dark forest,
Having lost the right path in the darkness of the valley

Dante Alighieri

Again, a rather interesting mention about practicing the “pendulum” at the Krasnodar Kadochnikov school is in the article

According to the method of the Krasnodar school of Kadochnikov, in order to prepare the body for its mastery, one must repeat a certain exercise 150 thousand times. And if you interrupt for even a day, you will have to start all over again - “the speedometer is reset to zero.” The automatic use of the “pendulum” begins only after completing 300 thousand exercises!

As far as I remember in the “Kadochnikov System” - “the pendulum was not considered at all. (Perhaps if Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov was familiar with such an exercise, especially one that needs to be performed 150 - 300 thousand times, and at the slightest mistake “the speedometers would be reset to zero “We would, as they say, have known about it long ago.) And as expected, the “Kadochnikov pendulum” could not be found on the Internet, there are no mentions at all, much less a video, which is actually not surprising, of this type “ pendulum" apparently does not exist in nature - it’s just that the article probably contained such bravado: “Of course we know about the pendulum - and we do it, and everything turns out like Tamantsev, only it’s very secret and you need to train a lot - it’s not for everyone, and in general not everyone will succeed.

The only thing I could find was this video about the “Lavrov pendulum” - which I discussed in detail in a previous article called

Just in time, Alexander Lavrov talks in great detail about his “pendulum” and shows how to perform it. Moreover, we must pay tribute without hiding anything at all and showing several times various nuances and methods of practical application.

And in fact, this is the very “pendulum” of Tamantsev from Vladimir Bogomolov’s book “The Moment of Truth” - which was mentioned in the article

But I don’t know, I was interested in the “pendulum” only because, especially since I had figured out what it was, even when performed by such an authoritative specialist in martial arts as Alexander Lavrov, I would never have taken such a technique any seriously. And even more so, I wouldn’t practice it 150,000 times - what’s so surprising that could come from repeating 150 thousand times of walking to the side, obviously nothing. (And in fact, all of these only prove that in martial arts there are miracles does not happen. And it is much more rational to choose the very thing to study, or the benefits for learning martial arts will be many times greater. And the “pendulum” techniques, in the form in which Alexander Lavrov presents it, are an order of magnitude in boxing more developed.)

And such techniques, of course, but only with children under 10, maximum up to 14 years old - and they can be practiced, but of course very carefully - in a playful way, to develop the child’s sense of distance, “game fighting” skills, body awareness and the like .

P.S. (from 01/01/2018) And in the end I came across a “very rare video” according to what I understand as “Kadochnikov’s pendulum” - shooting and hand-to-hand combat. It is clear that shooting should be based on this very “pendulum movement”, which should be practiced these same “hundreds and hundreds of thousands of times.” And it seems that one of the best students of Alexei Kadochnikov, the legendary Sergei Vinogradov, is showing - but also absolutely no mention of the “Kadochnikov pendulum”; nothing could be found. He showed how to shoot a pistol - from a standstill, in motion and with such peculiar rolls. (I’m not keen on shooting, but it’s obviously too risky for me to use such things - they’ll shoot you. Probably suitable for films - but in reality I wouldn’t risk such experiments.)

Vinogradov S.S. — Kadochnikov system — very rare video — Shooting + melee

The issue of self-defense has been relevant at all times. And now, returning home late in the evening, we somehow think that such skills would be useful. Along with all kinds of Asian martial arts, there are also Soviet schools of martial arts, based on completely different principles. The Kadochnikov system also belongs to such combat disciplines. It was developed specifically for self-defense and allows a person to gain a significant advantage over almost any opponent, even if he is a stronger and more experienced fighter.

This system is often called Russian or Soviet hand-to-hand combat. The system was developed by V. A. Spiridonov, but Kadochnikov managed to systematize data about this martial art, making very important additions and bringing the system to perfection.

The main goal of this martial art is to prepare a fighter who can withstand any opponent. The system is based on the principles of mathematics and physics, which ensure victory by gaining a significant advantage over the enemy.

The training of US Marines is based on the Kadochnikov system.

Fighting style and techniques

Kadochnikov’s system allows you to train a physically unprepared person (weak, sick, wounded, woman, child) to stand up for themselves in the event of an attack

This is not just about hand-to-hand combat, but about a whole system of knowledge that provides a person with effective survival in any extreme conditions. This technique not only improves the fighter’s physical fitness, but also helps him achieve psychological balance, due to which a person begins to look at life in a new way, making the right decisions and soberly analyzing the situation.

Having completed training in the Kadochnikov system, a person begins to see the weak points of his opponents, realizing his superiority. But he will never point them out due to his restraint and prudence. In a sense, a fighter is able to control the actions of his opponent.

Such high results are achievable thanks to a special self-defense training system based on the following principles:

  1. Combat discipline teaches you to save strength. Each movement must be thought out as much as possible, taking into account the correct use of the enemy’s forces. Each movement is performed in a common combination of techniques aimed at obtaining a guaranteed result.
  2. This type of martial arts is not a sports discipline. There is a complete absence of competitive spirit here, and athletes pursue the goal of learning effective self-defense.
  3. The lessons are not monotonous and do not require the fighter to memorize various techniques. The system works on the principle of analyzing the situation and applying the techniques most suitable for specific circumstances. The Kadochnikov system is often called the school of life or survival.

This system is characterized by simplicity, reliability and naturalness. It is based on simple movements, which makes it accessible to all fighters, regardless of physical condition. This martial art includes a large number of fighting techniques and techniques.

The basic idea of ​​self-defense is to control the situation by controlling the opponent and using his power against him. Hand-to-hand combat theory is taught with an emphasis on psychology, physics and anatomy. During the learning process, a demonstration of an action is accompanied by an explanation of a physical law or mathematical formula. The main emphasis in the training process is on theory, while combat training is most often carried out by the student himself.

The very concept of techniques in Kadochnikov’s system is absent, and the process of confronting an opponent is characterized as control. An experienced and properly trained fighter truly controls his opponent, manipulating his every move and adjusting it to his own actions.


There are no strict requirements regarding clothing equipment

Since the Kadochnikov system is intended primarily for training the military, classes are most often conducted in military uniform. It should be remembered that this martial art does not belong to sports disciplines, and therefore tournaments are not held in it. Accordingly, there are no strict requirements regarding clothing.

Beginning fighters should understand regarding equipment that it should be:

  • loose (a tight-fitting shape is not allowed because it restricts movement);
  • comfortable – a person should feel comfortable.

Since the Kadochnikov system is positioned primarily as an effective method of self-defense, its practical application is most often carried out in everyday clothing. In real life, you will not be wearing a kimono, and in front of you will not be a sparring partner, but a real attacker who will not stop after you give up. Therefore, dress form is not given as much importance here as in other disciplines.

History of origin

In the mid-80s of the last century, the head of the laboratory of the Department of Mechanics, Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov, developed his own system of survival in difficult conditions. It immediately attracted the attention of the public, because it was based on the principles of anatomy, physics and mathematics, which allowed its creator to explain any of the proposed actions from a scientific point of view.

Hand-to-hand combat according to the Kadochnikov system came out of this survival system. In a sense, the new art of combat was a rethinking of the works of V. Spiridonov, but as a result of improvements, the system became more thoughtful and effective, offering the fighter greater freedom of action.

Kadochnikov often mentions at his seminars that he teaches fighters not only to look, but also to see. They gain the opportunity to predict the outcome of the battle, thinking through several actions in advance, which is capable of confounding any, even more experienced, enemy.

Differences from other martial arts

Kadochnikov's combat system is intended exclusively for self-defense

Kadochnikov’s system is unique in many ways. Differences from other disciplines are as follows:

  1. The system is not competitive, which is why tournaments are not held on it. It is intended solely for self-defense.
  2. The very concept of techniques is missing, and fighters learn to assess the situation, depending on which they perform certain actions. It is believed that the Kadochnikov system in real combat is significantly superior in effectiveness to other martial arts.
  3. The main emphasis is on physical and mathematical laws. Therefore, a person who is not familiar with them may not understand the very principle of building a defense according to the Kadochnikov system.

How to choose a trainer, approximate cost of training

Unfortunately, finding a good coach for this system is quite difficult. Alexey Kadochnikov himself is already at a fairly advanced age, although he continues to conduct seminars on the martial arts he developed. It will not be possible to sign up for personal courses with him.

Due to the fact that training is carried out at a slow pace, and traditional sparring in the discipline does not exist, many “masters” are not able to give their students real knowledge, having only attended seminars on the Kadochnikov system. Therefore, before choosing a trainer, it is recommended to read reviews about him on the Internet.

As Alexey Kadochnikov himself says, before direct training in his system, it is advisable to have basic boxing skills. He calls boxing the basis of hand-to-hand combat, and in this statement he is absolutely right. Online training on Kadochnikov’s official website costs about 25 thousand rubles. Sometimes there is a discount on the course. In this case, its cost is reduced to 10 thousand rubles.
