Applique balls large and small. Notes on application nodes in the second junior group “big and small balls”. Collective application in junior groups of kindergarten - photo


Form stable ideas about size (big-small), quantity (one-many), location in space (top-bottom), colors (red, blue).
Continue to teach listening and emotionally perceiving the content of poems (A. Barto “Ball”).
Develop memory, sense of rhythm, fine and gross motor skills, eye, coordination of movements.


Balls of different sizes and colors, including tennis, massage, fitballs.
A wonderful bag filled with small balls.
Construction material, doll, handkerchiefs.
Basket (basketball or trash).
Magnets in the form of multi-colored circles.
Musical hammers.
Corrective path, “pipe” for climbing.
Sorter ball.
Salt dough, a piece of paper with red and blue circles drawn on it.
Drawing with a clown and white circles for balls, red and blue balls made of soft cardboard, glue stick.
Semolina on trays, wine corks.
Audio recordings of the songs “Merry Ball”, “My Merry Ball”.

Progress of the lesson:

"It's me" greeting

These are the eyes. Here. Here.
These are ears. Here. Here.
This is the nose. This is the mouth.
There's a back there.
There's a belly here.
These are pens. Clap. Clap.
These are the legs. Top. Top.
Oh, we're tired. Let's wipe our brow.

Surprise moment “Wonderful bag”

Our wonderful bag has prepared interesting toys for you. Place your hand in the bag, take it out and find out what it is.

The children take out the balls. They examine them: lungs, ball shape, rolling.

Didactic game “Where the ball hid”

The teacher places a ball and a cube in front of the child, then covers them with handkerchiefs. Where was the ball hidden? Find him, take off his handkerchief.

Construction game “Build a gate”

In front of the children, two bars are laid out parallel to each other, and the child must place a third bar across the top, so as to form a gate.

Didactic exercise “Roll the ball into the goal”

Push the ball so that it rolls through the goal. The child pushes the ball on one side, and the parent catches it on the other. Then the parent rolls the ball, and the child tries to catch it.

Didactic exercise “Find a place for the ball”

Children place round multi-colored ball magnets at the request of the teacher on a magnetic board.
Place the ball in the middle, on the edge, at the top, at the bottom.

Dynamic pause “My funny ball”

To the song of the same name, children walk along corrective paths, climb into the “pipe,” rolling a ball in front of them.

Application "Clown with balls"

The clown lost his balls. Collect them and put them in place. Now you can coat the balls with glue and glue them to the picture.

Finished work.

Preparation for the lesson.

Didactic game “Big and small balls”

We have balls. The balls are different. Here is a big ball, and here is a small ball.
Place large balls in a large basket and small balls in a small basket.

Outdoor game “Hit the ring”

Children try to hit the ball into a low-lying basketball basket.

Dynamic pause “Girls and boys”

Girls and boys,
Clap, clap, clap.
They bounce like balls
Jump, jump, jump.
They stomp their feet:
Top, top, top!
They laugh merrily:
Ha, ha, ha!
The ball jumps up.
Who will jump the highest?
Hush, hush, the ball is tired,
The ball stopped bouncing.
The ball rolled into place
Well, we sit down at the table.

Reading and dramatization of A. Barto’s poem “Ball”

Our Tanya cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.

Children are invited to feel sorry for Tanya (pat her on the head, hand her their ball with the words “here”, “take”)

Sorter ball game

Children insert the figures into the corresponding holes on the sorter ball.

Palm massage “I roll circles with a ball”

I roll the ball in circles
(between palms in a circle)

I drive him back and forth,
(up and down movements)

I will stroke their palm,
And then I’ll squeeze it a little.
I'll press the ball with each finger
And I'll start with the other hand.
And now the last trick -
The ball flies between the hands
(throwing the ball from hand to hand).

Modeling “Balls red and blue”

Children make balls from red and blue salt dough and press them with their palms to make flat cakes. Circles are cut out of them with a mold and applied to cardboard with a blue and red circle drawn on them. Press with your palm on top and decorate (make impressions with the end of a pencil).

Game “We hit the ball with our palm”

We hit the ball with our palm
Friendly, fun, together.
Ball - ball, my friend
Voiced, sonorous, sonorous side.
We hit the ball with our palm
Friendly, fun, together.

The child stands in front of the adult (or sits on his lap). Singing a song, we help rhythmically hit the ball with your palm.

I throw and catch the ball
I like to play with the ball
Ball, mommy, don’t hide it
Throw the ball back to me
I throw and catch the ball
I love to play with the ball.
We play ball.
(toss to each other)

Drawing “Many balls”

On a tray with semolina, the teacher draws a circle-ball with a wine cork. How many balls did I draw? One ball. And you draw a lot of balls.

Breathing exercise “Blow on the ball”

Balls are different. This ball is small and light. Blow on it and it will roll. Because it's very light.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Funny Ball”

Children listen to music and beat out the rhythm with musical hammers.

Exercises on a big ball

To relieve excitement, parents swing their children on fitballs.

Current page: 3 (book has 8 pages total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]


100% +

Class notes


Lesson 1. Drawing “Introduction to pencil and paper”

Program content. Teach children to draw with pencils. Learn to hold a pencil correctly, move it along the paper, without pressing too hard on the paper and without squeezing it tightly in your fingers. Draw children's attention to the marks left by a pencil on paper; suggest running your fingers along the drawn lines and configurations. Learn to see the similarity of strokes with objects. Develop a desire to draw.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show the children paper (landscape sheet) and pencils; Explain that you can draw on paper with pencils.

Show how to correctly hold a pencil in your right hand and hold the paper with your left. If the baby takes a pencil in his left hand, you should not reproach him; It’s better to invite him to draw with one hand or the other, without insisting that he take the pencil in his right hand.

Draw several different lines on a piece of paper pinned to the board.

Then invite each child to take a pencil correctly and draw with it on a sheet of paper lying on the table in front of him.

During the drawing process, watch how the children hold the pencil; If necessary, adjust the pencil in the baby’s hand.

Approach the children during the lesson, ask what they are drawing, what they did.

At the end of the work, praise all the children for their efforts.

Together with the guys, see how many drawings came out. Praise the children.

Materials. Colored pencils, album sheets (for each child).

Children's games; examining objects and toys, highlighting their shape, naming color; reading poems about objects familiar to children.

Lesson 2. Modeling “Introduction to clay, plasticine”

Program content. Give children the idea that clay is soft, you can sculpt from it, you can pinch off small lumps from a large lump. Learn to place clay and sculpted products only on a board (oilcloth), and work carefully. Develop a desire to sculpt.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show the children clay, tell them that it is soft and can be squeezed; You can pinch off small lumps of clay and flatten them with your palms.

Invite all the children to roll up their sleeves so as not to get them dirty, then take a lump of clay, knead it in their hands, pinch off a small lump, knead it in their palms, then knead it with their fingers.

Explain that clay must be used carefully, placing lumps on a board (oilcloth).

While working, draw children’s attention to what happened; asking: “What does it look like?”; offer to tell what they made.

Materials. Clay, boards or oilcloth (for each child).

Lesson 3. Drawing “It’s Raining”

Program content. Teach children to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing, to see an image of a phenomenon in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw short strokes and lines, hold a pencil correctly. Develop a desire to draw.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remember with the children how they watched the rain; how the drops fell, forming threads of water. Ask the guys: “Is the rain always the same?” If someone answers that there are different types of rain, praise them. If children find it difficult to answer, help with leading questions that activate their experience.

Remind children how to hold a pencil correctly. Show several techniques for drawing rain (short, long lines, dots). Invite the children to draw rain. As you work, make sure to use the correct drawing techniques.

At the end of the lesson, review all the drawings with the children. Offer to choose those works that depict heavy rain and drawings that depict quiet, light rain.

Praise the guys for drawing different types of rain.

Materials. Blue pencils, 1/2 landscape paper size (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Observations during walks, looking at illustrations. Singing a song about rain.

Lesson 4. Modeling “Sticks” (“Candy”)

Program content. Teach children to pinch off small lumps of clay and roll them between their palms with straight movements. Learn to work carefully and place finished products on the board. Develop a desire to sculpt.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Invite the children to make beautiful sticks (like candy, like counting sticks). Examine candies (counting sticks) with your children and make them want to make them for activities and games.

Show how to pinch off a lump of clay and roll it out using straight movements.

Invite all children to repeat the movement of rolling clay with their hands in the air. Show the guys who are unable to move by taking their hands in yours.

Place all objects fashioned by children on a common stand. Draw the children’s attention to how many candies (sticks) they made; Offer to wrap “candy” in candy wrappers in your free time.

Materials. Beautiful candies, counting sticks, candy wrappers for wrapping candies. Clay, boards (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. During a walk, collect (if possible) twigs that have fallen from the trees, divide them into short sticks and invite the children to run a finger over them, then two fingers.

Lesson 5. Application “Big and small balls”

Program content. Teach children to choose large and small round objects. Strengthen ideas about round objects and their differences in size. Learn to carefully paste images.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show children how large and small balls roll across the floor. Offer to circle the large and small balls with one hand, then the other.

Tell the children that they themselves can depict how large and small balls rolled across the floor.

Remind the children that they need to carefully spread glue on large and small circles and stick them on a plate - a circle made of paper (white or a light shade of any color).

During the gluing process, pay attention to how children apply glue to the circles and stick them on. Help kids who need help.

At the end of the work, place all the pictures pasted by the children on the board (on the table) and examine them.

Materials. Paper circles-balls, large and small, a circle of paper (white or a light shade of any color) - a plate (diameter 15 cm), glue brushes, napkins, glue (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Children playing with balls in a group, on a walk, in the gym during physical education classes.

Lesson 6. Drawing “Let’s tie colored strings to the balls”

Program content. Teach children to hold a pencil correctly; draw straight lines from top to bottom; keep the lines inseparably, seamlessly. Develop aesthetic perception. Learn to see the image of an object in lines.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show the children a sheet of paper with strings glued to it. Draw their attention to the fact that the strings are straight; run your finger along the threads.

Invite each child to take a colored pencil. Check that children are holding the pencil correctly; if necessary, adjust the pencil in the child’s hand.

Then invite the children to start drawing. Encourage changing pencils while drawing.

At the end of the lesson, draw the children’s attention to how many beautiful multi-colored threads they drew.

Materials. Balloons with bright strings tied to them, 1/2 of a landscape sheet with strings glued (bright, thick). Landscape sheets, colored pencils (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Consider with your children the balloons that decorate the kindergarten for the beginning of the school year; While examining, suggest circling the balls with a finger or the entire palm: with one hand, then with the other. Draw the children's attention to the strings with which the balls are tied; ask: “What color are the balls?” If children find it difficult to answer, name the colors; ask them to repeat the names of the colors so that the children remember them.

Lesson 7. Modeling “Different colored crayons” (“Bread straws”)

Program content. Practice sculpting sticks by rolling out clay using straight movements of your palms. Learn to work carefully with clay and plasticine; place the sculpted items and excess clay on the board. Develop a desire to sculpt, to rejoice in what has been created.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show the children bread straws (colored crayons) and examine them.

Invite the children to remember how they made sticks (candies) before, and show with their hands in the air how to roll out the clay. If necessary, use an individual display.

Examine all the sticks fashioned by the children, offer to name their shape, note that the sticks are long and even.


Lesson 8. Drawing “Beautiful stairs”

Program content. Teach children to draw lines from top to bottom; carry them straight without stopping. Learn to put paint on a brush, dip the entire bristles into the paint; remove the excess drop by touching the edge of the jar with the lint; rinse the brush in water, dry it with a light touch of a cloth to pick up paint of a different color. Continue introducing flowers. Develop aesthetic perception.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remind the children that they saw ladders on the site during a walk, in the hall during a physical education lesson. If possible, look at the climbing ladders with the children, pay attention to how bright and beautiful they are.

Tell the children that today they will draw beautiful stairs. Invite them to show with their hands in the air the direction of the lines of the ladder. Show on a piece of paper pinned to the board how to draw lines together with the entire bristle of the brush. Call one of the guys to the board and ask them to draw a ladder. Then show the children how to rinse the brush, dry it on a cloth, and only then apply another paint.

Place the finished drawings on the board (table) and examine them with the children. When viewing works, highlight beautiful color combinations.

Materials. Paper 1/2 landscape sheet size (or A4 size); gouache paints of four colors (for different tables, paints of two colors in different combinations, beautifully combined), jars of water, brushes, paints (for each child).


Vlad K., 2nd junior group

Connections with other activities and activities. Take a look at the ladders on the site and in the gym with your children. Pay attention to the even bases of the stairs and steps. Include hand movements in parts of the ladder in the process of viewing, emphasizing that they are straight and even.

Option. Drawing “Beautiful striped rug”

Program content. Teach children to draw lines from left to right, to move the brush continuously along the pile; put paint on the brush, rinse the brush thoroughly; paint carefully with another paint, without going into the places where it has already been painted. Develop color perception and consolidate knowledge of colors.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Attach 3-4 striped (two-color) rugs to a board or large sheet of paper. Draw children's attention to the direction of the stripes. Remove sample mats.

Show children how to draw a striped rug: first draw stripes of the same color from left to right, at a short distance from each other (emphasize the continuity of movement, timely dip the brush in the paint), then rinse the brush well, dry it on a cloth, dip it in another paint and draw stripes of a different color between the already drawn stripes.

At the end of the lesson, look at all the drawings, note the variety of color combinations, and say that the rugs turned out very beautiful.

Admire the works with the guys. You can beautifully arrange the pictures by color.

Materials. 3-4 striped two-color rugs. Square sheets of paper; gouache paints (two different, well-matching paints for each table); jars of water, brushes, rags (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Clarify children's knowledge about colors in educational games. Look at beautiful striped fabrics, runners, scarves.

Lesson 9. Modeling “Bagels” (“Baranki”)

Program content. Continue to introduce children to clay, teach them to roll a clay stick into a ring (connect the ends, pressing them tightly together). Strengthen the ability to roll out clay with straight movements and sculpt carefully. Develop imaginative perception. Create a feeling of joy from the images created.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Review the bagel with your children. Ask: “What shape is the bagel?”

Invite all the children to show the shape of a donut in the air with their hand (one, then the other). Invite them to make the same bagels.

Call one of the children to the board and offer to show how to first make a large thick sausage, then roll it into a ring and fasten the two ends, pressing them tightly together. Invite the children to start working. During the lesson, pay attention to the modeling techniques that children use.

Those children who quickly complete the task are given additional lumps of clay so that they can make one more bagel.

At the end of the lesson, put all the molded products on a common board and examine them; draw children's attention to bagels of different sizes.

Materials. Small lumps of clay, boards (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Collect sticks from the area, examine them, and draw the children’s attention to the fact that the sticks are long and straight. Examine rings and donuts with the guys.

Lesson 10. Application “Balls are rolling along the path”

(Option “Vegetables (fruits) lie on a round tray”)

Program content. Introduce children to round objects. Encourage them to trace the shape along the contour with the fingers of one and the other hand, calling it (round ball (apple, tangerine, etc.)). Learn gluing techniques (spread glue on the back side of the part, take a little glue on your brush, work on oilcloth, press the image to the paper with a napkin and your entire palm).

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show the children a “track” (paper strip) and roll balls along it. Then look at the finished strip with glued circles with the guys.


(2nd junior group)


Nastya Sh. (2nd junior group)

Nikita T.

(2nd junior group)


Karina R. (2nd junior group)

OUR LEGS WALK ON A FLAT PATH Vlad D. (2nd junior group)

Natasha M. (2nd junior group)

Lena K. (2nd junior group)


Misha S. (2nd junior group)


Olya Sh. (2nd junior group)


Ksenia L. (2nd junior group)


Misha A. (2nd junior group)


Veronica P. (2nd junior group)


Polina K. (2nd junior group)


Natasha K. (2nd junior group)


Tanya N. (2nd junior group)

Show children gluing techniques: place the circles with the colored side down on the oilcloth, dip the brush in a jar of glue. Remove the excess drop of glue from the edge of the jar and, holding the circle with the finger of your free hand, spread it with glue. Then place the brush on the stand, carefully take the circle with the fingers of both hands and place it glue side down on a strip of paper, cover with a napkin and press it on top with your palm so that it sticks well. Glue the other circles in the same way. This is not very easy for children: there is not sufficient coordination of finger movements, so during the lesson it is important to monitor whether the kids are acting correctly.

At the end of the lesson, display all the work on the board in a long strip. Draw the children's attention to how many beautiful balls are rolling along the long path.

Materials. Strips of white paper 15x6 cm, paper mugs of different colors for different tables (diameter 4 cm), glue, glue brushes, oilcloths (for each child). (Or apples, oranges, plums and other fruits (vegetables) cut out of paper by the teacher; paper circles-plates (diameter 15–18 cm) or a dish (diameter 30–40 cm) to create a collective composition.)

Connections with other activities and activities. Games with educational toys. Getting to know round objects of different colors. Modeling round objects.

Lesson 11. Drawing “Multi-colored carpet of leaves”

Program content. Develop aesthetic perception, form imaginative ideas. Teach children to hold the brush correctly, dip the entire bristles into the paint, and remove excess drops on the edge of the jar. Learn to draw leaves by applying brush bristles to paper.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remind children that autumn has arrived. Ask what changes in nature the children noticed on walks, on the way home and to kindergarten; what the trees have become. Say: “The colorful leaves are torn off by the autumn wind. They spin and fall to the ground, forming a beautiful multi-colored carpet on the ground.”

Invite children to look at beautiful autumn leaves of a simple shape, trace them along the contour with one hand, then with the other, and name their color. Then invite them to take brushes; check whether children are holding their hands correctly and correct them if necessary.

Ask: “Who wants to show how you can draw a lot of leaves flying and falling to the ground?” Call one child to the board and, taking his hand with a brush in your hand, dip the brush in paint and, applying it with its entire nap to the paper, depict flying leaves.

Place the finished drawings on the board and admire them. Tell the children: “How many leaves swirled and flew! Let's sing an autumn song!

Materials. Autumn leaves of trees. Paper 1/2 the size of a landscape sheet, gouache paints (yellow, red), jars of water, brushes (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Introduce children to autumn phenomena (leaves turn yellow, red and fall to the ground; the weather changes, it becomes cloudy and rainy; people collect vegetables and fruits). Look at the colorful carpet of leaves while walking. Read poems about autumn to children.

Lesson 12. Drawing “Colorful balls”

Program content. Teach children to draw continuous lines in a circular motion without lifting the pencil (felt-tip pen) from the paper; hold the pencil correctly; When drawing, use pencils of different colors. Draw children's attention to the beauty of colorful images.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show the children how threads are wound into a ball. Then ask them to show in the air the movement of their hands when winding the threads, and then draw a ball.

Call 2-3 children to the board and invite them to show how to draw, starting with a small circle and gradually increasing the circles, without lifting the pencil (felt-tip pen) from the paper. Invite the children, first with one hand, then with the other hand with a pencil, to show the corresponding movement in the air, starting with a small circle and gradually expanding the circular movement.

Invite the children to start drawing. Encourage drawing several balls of different colors.

Examine the finished drawings and draw the children’s attention to how many balls of different colors they drew.

Materials. A ball of thread. Colored pencils or crayons, felt-tip pens, album sheets (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Introduce children to round objects of different colors during games. By-

talk with the children about the fact that the hats and scarves they wear can be knitted from threads; show balls of thread. Ask: “Which of you has a grandmother or mother who knows how to knit?” Show how threads are wound into a ball to make knitting easier. Let the children wind the threads onto the ball themselves (one at a time) in their free time; draw their attention to the hand movements performed at the same time; then offer to show in the air how threads are wound around a ball.

"Colored balls"

Vika K., 2nd junior group

Lesson 13. Application “Big and small apples on a plate”

Program content. Teach children to stick round objects. Strengthen ideas about the differences in size of objects. Fix the correct gluing techniques (take a little glue on a brush and apply it to the entire surface of the form).

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show children large and small round apples, clarify their ideas about their size. Draw the children's attention to circles cut out of white paper - plates on which apples will lie.

Invite the children to stick large and small apples on their plates. Say that first you need to arrange all the apples (circles) in order (large - small) on a plate and see if they lie nicely.

Invite the children to start gluing. Ask how to stick correctly and carefully.

Materials. Apples big and small. Circles-plates cut from white paper (diameter 15–18 cm), paper circles of the same color (green, yellow or red) (diameter 3 cm and 2 cm) brushes for glue, napkins (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. In games and on walks, draw children’s attention to the different sizes of objects of the same shape. Games with large and small balls and balls, disassembling and assembling pyramids from rings, balls of different sizes. During the games, invite children to trace the balls and balls along the contour with one hand, then with the other.

Summary of direct educational activities
Nefteyugansk district municipal educational budgetary
institutions "Singapai Secondary School"
Glushkova Olga Valerievna
Topic: “Big and small balls” (applique) open.
Group: 34 years old
Duration: 15 minutes
Venue: group room
Date: 12/01/2017
Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of sticking.
learn to lay out ready-made figures on the background and stick them on, applying glue to
the paper is not on the colored side, but on the reverse side, press the part tightly against the paper;
develop practical skills, fine motor skills, eye;
mental processes;
cultivate accuracy in work; desire to help a friend.
Integration of educational areas: socialization, communication,
safety, cognition, physical education.
Preliminary work: playing with a ball while walking; reading the poem "My
cheerful ringing ball"; drawing “Big and small balls” (in free time
GCD time).
demonstration sample, display equipment, image of a gnome;
handout with background; preparing balls for work; equipment for
applications; balls according to the number of children.
Introduction to the game situation.
Foxes with a background lie on the tables in front of the children, colored side down.
Guys, do you like to play? (Yes)
Do you want to play now? (Yes)
Before we start the game, let's agree on how we will play: everyone must
participate in the game, play together, let each other have their say.
Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)
Then listen to my tale.

(Work with
didactic manual “Shall we play?”). In this fairy-tale forest there grew different
trees, flowers, lived little bunnies, bears, squirrels, birds and others
fairy-tale forest dwellers. But the most important inhabitants of this magical
forests there were little gnomes who never offended anyone, with
They worked, played and had fun with pleasure. But there was one gnome in this forest -
his name was Ai, who differed from others in that his work did not work out
In one fairy-tale country there was a small, magical forest.

as good as his friends. Because of this, the gnome Ai was upset and sick. AND
then his friends decided to help him. Having learned that our group is called
“Bees” and that all the kids are very friendly and cheerful, they decided to send
Dwarf Ay, come to us to study. Dwarf Ai happily agreed and now he has
visiting us.
Say hello to the gnome Ai. (Show the image of the gnome. A little
consider a gnome with children).
Are you ready to help our new friend?
Then sit down at the tables, close your eyes, and like in a fairy tale, the gnome Ai will come to
to each of you. (Remove the gnome image)
Turn over the sheet that lies in front of you, you see our new friend there,
gnome Ay? (Yes)
Gymnastics for hands “Magic glasses”:
To see our new friend the gnome Ai as best as possible, I suggest you
make these magic glasses from your fingers and look at the gnome through them.
(Children make rings from their fingers, put them to their eyes, and look
image through “magic glasses”)
Dwarf Ai loves to have fun, walk and roll different balls along the path.
Guys, it seems to me that our new friend is a little sad. How do you think,
Why? (The gnome has no balls, he has nothing to play with)
What to do? How can we cheer him up? (Give him balls)
Motivational game with the creation of a problem situation:
You have balls on plates. What size are they?
Take them and put them on the path: first the largest one, then the smaller ones.
But suddenly the wind blew and the balls rolled off the path. What to do, after all
It is not convenient for a gnome to play on grass.
Finding a way out of a problematic situation:
We'll have to stop playing.
What can be done to prevent balls from rolling off the path and onto the grass? (Need to
stick the balls on the track)
Step-by-step work of children together with the teacher:
Let's help the gnome Ai with me and stick balls on the path.
Take the largest ball and place it with the white side up. Take
brush, dip it into a jar of glue, remove excess glue on the edge of the jar and
Apply glue to the white side of the ball like this - from the middle to the edges. Then
place the brush on the stand. Take the ball with both hands and glue it

onto the track, blot off excess glue with a napkin. This is how we glued you and me
the biggest ball on the track.
While working, do not swing the brush to the sides, otherwise it may cause
hurt your friend; If you get glue on your fingers, don't put them in your mouth.
wipe with a napkin. After work, you will need to wash your hands.
Now stick the remaining balls onto the track yourself.
Independent work of children.
In the process of children’s independent work, the teacher ensures that
children used appliqué equipment correctly; of necessity
helps those children who have difficulties in work.
Physical education minute:
I will take
The ball is big
I'll pick you up
Over your head
I'll arch my back
I'll throw the ball.
To summarize:
Who did you meet today? (With gnome Ai)
What does the gnome Ai like to play? (In balls)
What balls did you give to the gnome? (Big and small)
Did you like the game? What did you like most?
You did your best, gnome Ai says thank you and will be very glad to meet you
by you again.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 27, Yurga”

Lesson in 1st junior group No. 5 “Dwarves”.

Artistic creativity. Application.


Prepared by: Solovyanenko L.Yu.

G. Yurga

Application "Ball"

Target. Strengthen the ability to stick multi-colored balls of different sizes and colors from colored paper. Arouse positive emotions from work.


Educational: consolidate the idea of ​​a geometric figure - a circle; consolidate gluing techniques.

Developmental: develop speech, memory, attention, thinking.

Educational: continue to instill in children responsiveness, sympathy for fairy-tale characters, and create a desire to help them.

Material and equipment:

balls large and small;

large and small basket;

a sheet of white cardboard with a pattern of a kolobok blank (for each child);

cut out circles from double-sided colored paper (for each child);

glue, brushes, napkins (for each child);


audio recording.

Preliminary work:

1.Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

2.Look at pictures and illustrations on this topic.

3. Didactic games to consolidate knowledge “Big - small”, “What color?”

4.Consolidate knowledge about the geometric figure “Circle”.

5. Introduce Pal/i “Ball”

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group. There are balls of different colors and sizes in a large and small basket. (Small balls are in a small basket, large balls are in a large basket).

Educator: Guys, what is this? (Balls ). There are so many of them. And how different they all are, so beautiful and colorful! Big and small!

(Children pick up a ball)

    Individual work:

Questions: What color is the ball? What is it, big or small?

(For a child who doubts the answer, I say what color and size of the ball it is and ask him to repeat.)

Do you want to play with them?(Yes).

    P/i “My funny ringing ball” is being held

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you start galloping to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

Children throw the ball and then catch it. I suggest collecting the balls. Place them in a basket of the appropriate size. Check with the children that all the balls are in their basket.

There's a knock on the door.

Educator: It seems that someone came to us.

(Opens the door and the “Kolobok” toy appears).


Hello guys! (Children greet the kolobok).

Educator: Kolobok, why are you so sad? The “Kolobok” guys told me in my ear that he wanted to play, but he didn’t have any balls. Shall we help him have fun? On your table there are multi-colored circles - balls and everything you need to stick them on. This must be done beautifully - so that the balls surround our bun. Then he will become cheerful.

    Shoot/and “Ball” is carried out

What a bouncy ball!

Clench your hands into a fist

He's ready to take off at a gallop!

It just begs to be played! It just begs to be played!

Rotate your fists in one direction, then the other.

It will be difficult to hold on!

Unclench your fists

The ball jumped and jumped,

It's in our hands again!

We connect the fingers of both hands alternately, forming a ball inside the palm.

Educator: Look guys, our bun is cheerful and smiling! Now he will have fun playing with balls. Says thank you for the beautiful, colorful balls. And he also has a surprise for you.

A game is played with soap bubbles and fun music "Alvin and the Chipmunks".

Kolobok says goodbye to the children.

Result: Who came to visit us today?(gingerbread man) What did we do for him?(balls). What shape does the ball resemble?(circle).


    E.A. Yanushko. Application for young children (1-3 years old). Methodological manual for educators and parents. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006-64с

    E.N. Lunkina. We are raising a 2-3 year old child. M., 2008

    M. D. Makhaneva. Play activities for children from 1 to 3 years old. M., 2008

    Internet resources.

Larisa Nikolaevna Meshcheryakova
Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the second junior group “Big and small balls”

Target classes:Develop children's imagination and creativity. Reinforce knowledge of colors, size and shape of a given object. Tasks:1) Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly in your hand. 2) Arrange the parts in the given order. 3) Develop color perception.

Handout. Landscape sheet A4 format. Cut out circles of different sizes - big,medium and small. Brush, liquid glue, cloth.

Progress of the lesson.

IN:- Hello guys! Today on our lesson we will be with you, study appliqué. And the theme of our classes are called:"Big and small balls"!Let's remember what shape the ball has? Children:round! IN:- That's right guys! What size are they? balls? Children:-big and small!IN: - That's right guys, what a great fellow you are, you know everything! Guys, please look at your plate there are circles of different colors and different sizes. Our task today is to arrange them on a sheet of paper in decreasing order. Just like I did! The teacher shows the children a finished sample of glued circles on a sheet of paper in decreasing order. Guys, before we go to our workshop and become creators of our common cause, let’s stretch our fingers a little!

Physical moment. "Bear Cubs"!

The cubs lived in the thicket,

They turned their heads,

Like this, like this, like this

The cubs were looking for honey.

Together they rocked the tree:

Like this, like this, like this.

And then they danced

They raised their paws higher,

Like this, like this, like this, like this!

IN:- Now guys, it’s time for us to put on our aprons and get to work!

IN:- Together with me, let's take it in one hand big circle is red and coat it on the other side with a brush dipped in glue. Let's glue it first on one side of the sheet, and now again, together with me, take a yellow circle, which is smaller big mug and glue it next to it. You see guys, our balls seem to be decreasing. Well, now guys, let’s take with me the last green circle, it’s the smallest of all the circles, now we’ll coat the circle with glue on the back side and glue it next to the yellow circle. Look guys, how interesting and beautiful we turned out! balls! Do you know what they look like? At the traffic light! Guys! Only in diminutive order!

IN:- Guys, did you like it? class?


IN:- I'm glad! And now guys, it’s time for us to return to our garden to tell other guys about our balls that we made together in our workshop!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the GCD “Big and Little Stars” in the second junior group Approximate outline of GCD. Topic: “Big and small stars” Priority area: cognitive development Integration of educational ones.

Summary of GCD for the application “Big and small apples on a plate” for the second junior group Goal: Teach children to stick round objects. Strengthen ideas about the differences in size of objects. Objectives: 1. Educational.

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the differences in size of objects. Fix the correct gluing techniques (take a little glue on the brush.

Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the first junior group “Eminent handkerchiefs” Goal: acquaintance with the folk toy - matryoshka. Objectives: 1. Teach children to recognize and name the popular Russian folk toy - matryoshka.

Summary of a lesson on applique in the second junior group: “Flower - seven-flowered” Purpose: To consolidate the ability to admire the beauty of spring nature.

Goal: Expand children's understanding of space and rockets. Objectives: - Teach children to compose an image from details. - Learn correctly.

Preliminary work on creating an application: Examining willow branches, observing the process of willow buds opening, reading a fairy tale.
