Why do my legs get fat? Full legs: how to visually make them slimmer What to do if you have full legs

No matter how slender and well-groomed the body is, full legs always spoil the overall picture. I really want to wear fashionable skinny jeans, come to a party in a short dress, and look fit in a swimsuit.

No matter what they say about genes and body types, there is always a way out, and everyone can achieve what they want. Why do legs lose weight poorly, how to speed up this process, what is most effective for correcting the lower body?

You can endlessly lie to yourself and others about your “big bones,” heredity and lack of time for your body. This is reassuring, but does not solve the problem. The moment when you need to take care of your legs has already arrived.

The reasons for fullness of the legs are varied.

Overweight and sedentary lifestyle

A woman is genetically prone to gaining weight in the lower body. For nature, we are animals, and we must be prepared for any difficult situation: survive during hunger, bear a child, and feed him.

It's the 21st century, and hunger has faded into oblivion, but instincts remain. The female figure preferentially gains mass in the lower part of the body, and if, on top of everything else, you are inactive, then this will add extra centimeters.

Edema, varicose veins

If the fullness of the lower extremities varies throughout the day, then most likely it is edema. In the absence of pathologies, the main cause of swelling is poor nutrition and disrupted metabolic processes. Most often, it’s a matter of dietary errors - salty snacks, foods with artificial flavor enhancers, preservatives, dyes, and alcohol are to blame.

Attention! With varicose veins, a noticeable enlargement of the legs and a quickly onset feeling of heaviness are signals that require an immediate visit to the doctor.

Varicose veins not only provoke unpleasant symptoms, but also hide danger - the surgeon talks about this in more detail.


Lymphostasis is a serious disease in which you need to be under the supervision of specialists - a violation of lymphatic drainage threatens not only swelling in the legs, but also other, more dire consequences. With such an illness often. Self-medication for lymphostasis is contraindicated.

Genetic trait

You can inherit not only beautiful blue eyes, but also massive legs, or a figure with a fairly heavy bottom. The pear, hourglass type is always endowed with lush hips, and often plump knees and loose ankles. Even with exhausting diets and active training, your legs will not become thin, but they can be significantly reduced. The main thing is a harmonious overall silhouette of the body.

Important! If your legs get tired quickly when walking, or there is even minor pain in the joints, muscles, and ligaments, do not start training. Consult your doctor, and only after receiving his permission, start exercising.

What to do if your body is thin but your legs are fat

Your upper body is toned, your waist is thin and your shoulders are narrow, but your legs still don’t fit into the overall picture? Start taking action and, in conjunction with proper nutrition, do basic exercises to reduce weight and volume in your legs.

The results will not keep you waiting if you do everything regularly, regardless of your mood and weather. Refusal from harmful products should be complete, since the whole reason may lie precisely in them. And hard training will definitely bring results.

Diet as the basis for women's slimness

Only in conjunction with a balanced diet will you achieve success in a difficult task, but the result will not be long in coming. Remember a few basic rules under which your legs will definitely lose weight:

  • Breakfast should be generous with complex carbohydrates and contain proteins.
  • Minimize the consumption of foods whose nature you do not know, such as fast food, sausages, rolls, cookies.
  • Avoid alcohol and sugary carbonated drinks.
  • Go to bed with a calm stomach - have dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink enough water throughout the day.

Don't starve yourself. The body must receive food consistently. The stress caused by fasting will “help” your body gain extra pounds twice as fast once you switch to a regular diet.

Regular cardio exercise

Daily running, cycling and other aerobic activity increases overall tone, strength of the heart muscle, and therefore the effectiveness of training for weight loss.

On a note! If you start working out and don't do cardio, you're losing 40% of your productivity.

A significant reduction in body weight - burning fat - occurs precisely from them. Increased heart rate, fatigue, and sweating are the first signs of fat burning. Alternate cardio, stretching and strength training, giving them 30, 50 and 20% of overall sports work, respectively.

Exercises: how to make fat legs thin

The beginning of any set of exercises should be stretching, as it will relax tense muscles and stretch them somewhat. Sit on the floor, place your legs straight in front of you and together, pull your toes towards your body. Lie as low as possible on your legs, trying to reach your feet.

  1. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along your body. Raise your straight legs to 90 degrees. Do the “scissors” exercise for 2 minutes, while pulling the toe up. After this, quickly and as widely as possible spread your legs for 2-3 minutes. Switch to scissors again.
  2. Steps turning into running. While standing still, begin your steps with your knees raised high and increase your speed by running in place. As soon as fatigue and breathing are at their maximum, reduce the pace and go to a walk. Repeat the acceleration up to five times.
  3. Get on all fours, place your hands on your elbows. Raise one leg back, bend at the knee. Swing your leg back and up. The tension should be in the buttocks and back of the thigh. Perform 35-50 swings with each leg. After finishing the exercise, do not get up from your knees, sit down on your heels, and slowly lie with your body back - stretch the anterior thigh muscle.
  4. Spread your legs wider than shoulder-width apart, place your palms on the floor, step your hands forward as far as you can without lifting your heels from the floor. Come back the same way, on your hands. Finish the exercise as soon as you realize that this is your maximum.

Let’s supplement the list of exercises with a video of a home complex for losing weight on your legs.

How to get rid of imbalance by training your upper body

Narrow shoulders and waist, thin arms - against their background, a full bottom looks inharmonious. But if you tone the muscles of the shoulder girdle, you will see your figure from a completely different perspective. At the same time, of course, do not forget about leg training and diet.

Important! Any strength training should be performed after a thorough warm-up, warm-up and stretching. Never do strength exercises without preparation.

Raising the bar from behind the head

The exercise can be done sitting or standing. All the muscles of the back and arms work, and as a result, the relief of the shoulder appears. If you don't want to put extra stress on your legs, you can choose the sitting option. The bar is a sufficient weight for weight loss exercises for beginners.

Sit with your back straight, buttocks slightly apart, bend back. Take the bar, place it behind your head, with your palms closed on it facing forward. Straighten your arms up as much as possible, fixate at the top point for a second, and lower them behind your head again.

For the first session, do 3 sets of 10 lifts, then gradually increase the number of repetitions to 15-20. Rest between sets should be no more than 30 seconds.

French press

Lying on a bench, grab the bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width away from you. The shoulders should be parallel to each other, the elbows should not move apart during the execution. Only the elbow works to bend, the back is relaxed.

Starting position – bar (or dumbbells) in your hands above your head, bend your elbows, placing your forearms behind the back of your head and return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Raising arms in the simulator

The exercise is aimed at working the arms, shoulders and increasing the tone of the pectoral muscles. Choose a load at which you can squeeze your arms 15-20 times with some effort. Increase the number of repetitions, not the weight of the machine.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Lie on your back, spread your elbows to the sides so that your shoulder is perpendicular to your body. Hold the dumbbells so that your palms face your feet, not each other. Fully extend and raise your arms up, pause for a second at the top point, and return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times. The weight of each dumbbell is from 2 to 6 kg, depending on preparation.

If you are the owner of short and plump legs, the most important thing is not to despair, since short stature has its advantages, and you can make your legs slender quite quickly. Without skipping workouts, choosing the right clothes and shoes, placing emphasis on the strengths of your figure, you will always be in an advantageous position.

Stretching exercises

Try to avoid putting too much force on your legs, otherwise you will make them look even bulkier. Give more of your training time to stretching. Proper stretching of the muscles and ligaments will relax and even dry out the legs somewhat. Include it in any .

The back part is stretched to its maximum when the toe is pulled up with straight legs. Front - when the torso is tilted back, sit on your knees and lie back on your feet. You can do them every day at home without getting out of bed. For this exercise use the splits, half-splits. An excellent way to stretch is.

Intensity and light weight in strength exercises

When doing strength training, always remember that maximizing the number of repetitions with light weights is important. Avoid training with heavy weights. They will pump up your legs excessively, and you need to burn fat first.

Any exercise you do with light weights should have at least 12-15 repetitions, and if you have difficulty reaching 15 on the first set, then the weight is incorrect and needs to be reduced.

Try to lengthen the silhouette - avoid horizontal cutting edges. Choose skirts and trousers without a low waist. When buying a dress, choose a model with a high waistline and a length just below the knee - your legs will appear much slimmer.

On a note! Jeans with a high classic rise will lengthen the bottom in relation to the top.

Women with short stature have one most important bonus - the ability to wear heels in any case. Find your ideal height, and with a confident step, with a straight back, go towards the upcoming changes.

Useful video

Cheerful complex from Elena Silka.


Any figure can be easily changed if your attitude is serious, and taking into account all the conditions, you carry out the created plan. Regardless of your age and weight, don’t be afraid to start changing your body for the better, and it will definitely respond to you with health and a harmonious silhouette in the mirror.

Long ones were and remain in price. However, not everyone gets such data by nature. If you are not very lucky with the length, you can make them visually attractive by working on problem areas. And then you will get beautiful chiseled legs, an example is Nicole Winhoffer, who devoted herself to fitness and is the best advertisement for her activities. But what to do if today you have thick legs?

Exercises aimed at creating chiseled legs will not see results due to the layer of fat, so it is useless to abuse yourself with strength training if you have too much fat in your body. Your difficult path to slender legs lies through running. The best way to help is running. But it will take quite a long time to get results. To burn 5 kg of pure fat, you will need 75 hours of running. Sounds sad? There is nothing you can do about it, if the initial weight is about 60 kg, then only 300 kcal will be consumed in a half-hour workout. The good news is that if you run, you will get exercise and they won't break down due to lack of energy.

Of course, you can’t do without a special diet. Don't buy into promises that yet another "thigh diet" will work. You will never guess where the body will get fat from in order to survive the next “crisis”, and this is exactly how it views your diet. Sooner or later it will reach the thighs, but due to the hormonal characteristics of the female body, it will be sooner rather than later. Therefore, prepare yourself mentally for serious and quite long deprivations in terms of food. The figure that works best is 1000-1200 kcal; if you eat less, the likelihood of hungry fainting and poor health increases. If you eat more, you will have to wait quite a long time for results. In addition, there is also the body’s adaptation to cutting spending, which is familiar to everyone who is losing weight. As a result, weight loss slows down sharply or even stops altogether.

What to do if weight loss and volume reduction have stopped, but are still with you? Surely you have heard about cheating, that is, a day when you eat enough, the body receives a lot of energy and the slowdown in metabolism stops? Yes, it's real. But there are some restrictions.

Firstly, you can’t eat anything, but only carbohydrates and proteins. Lots of carbohydrates and lots of proteins. Almost no fat. Therefore, the only meat you can eat is lean beef and chicken breasts. As for desserts, forget about anything with more than 3% fat. That is, ice cream and chocolate are not for those who want to get rid of the problem called “full legs.” You can have marshmallows, marmalade, lavash. But donuts need to be put aside. Sausages and sausages are also not allowed, ham is very limited.

Secondly, carbohydrates should not exceed 50 g in 2-3 hours, otherwise the process of fat formation may begin. This is especially true for those who were on a very strict diet.

Thirdly, the total number of calories for those who do not want to have thick legs on a cheat day should not be twice as much as on a regular diet day. That is, if you usually eat a thousand, you can eat two on a cheat day.

You should lose weight through aerobics and diet until your weight reaches the ideal minus 2 kg. Then you will purposefully gain two kilograms of muscle mass. To do this you will need to do special exercises. Contrary to popular belief, a gym is not required for this. For girls who do not want to become bodybuilders, their own body weight is quite enough.

But you will have to limit the amount of fat to 40 g per day for the rest of your life and drink special ones. Put in some effort - and you will forget about fat legs.

Women want to show off their slender legs, but, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this advantage, and most ladies have to hide this part of the body under long skirts and trousers. Many owners of thick legs are adorned with an elegant waist and beautiful breasts - nature gives them such a figure, taking care of procreation, because in order to bear a baby, it is necessary for fat to be deposited in the hips and on the butt.

Emancipated ladies do not want to put up with this, and on the eve of summer they dream of how to quickly lose weight in legs and thighs. Sadly, it will not be possible to quickly get rid of excess volumes; it will take at least a month. Let's try to figure out why the legs are a problem area for most women and it is so difficult for them to get rid of excess volume.

The reasons for the fullness of a woman’s legs are in her hormonal background. In women, most of the lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme responsible for fat deposition, accumulates in this area, which is necessary for childbearing.

Attention! The wider the hips, the greater the chance a woman has of getting pregnant and carrying a baby. Therefore, losing weight in these places is very difficult.

Those who want to lose weight sit down, change their lifestyle and increase physical activity. Is this enough to lose weight? If a woman’s legs are a problem area, and she can boast of her waist, then diet alone cannot do it. With this type of figure, it is not possible to lose weight in all parts of the body at once; first the face will lose weight, then the chest, stomach, and only then will it come to the legs.

To acquire ideal forms, you will have to work hard:

  • adjust your menu and go to ;
  • seek help from a fitness trainer to create an individual exercise program for a specific area so that your thighs or calves lose weight;
  • visit a beauty salon that offers hardware methods of figure correction.

You can, of course, try to lose weight even at home on your own, but it will be difficult. This will have to be done in 2 stages:

  • - everything is clear here, you need to get rid of extra kg.
  • - it is necessary to give a beautiful shape to your body through various exercises.

Diet for losing weight legs

In order to lose weight, you need to eat regularly with short breaks, giving the body the opportunity to process the food received to replenish energy reserves.

Tips on how to lose weight with diet:

  • As you know, every body equally requires proteins, fats and carbohydrates; if you exclude any component, the body will immediately respond by losing weight. Important! Proteins are the most important element, they are necessary for the growth of new cells and should not be used!
  • In order to lose weight, you need to reduce your calories by at least 20%. Moreover, the bulk of calories should be consumed in the first half of the day. We recommend reading the article in which we talked about.
  • Nutritionists advise keeping a food journal to record and analyze how much your diet has changed, as well as count the calories you consume per day.
  • Breakfast should not be neglected - it should be the most high-calorie meal of the day.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to ensure that toxins are removed from the body.
  • Fruits and vegetables should be consumed daily, because they contain the fiber and vitamins the body needs for proper metabolism.
  • Limit carbohydrate intake. You can do low-carbohydrate diets 2 times a week - this is a very effective way to lose weight.
  • Eliminate fatty foods that do not benefit the body. These include: animal fats, butter, coconut, palm oil, lard.

Exercises for weight loss

Special exercises for specific muscle groups are what you need to do to lose weight on thick legs, and you can do them at home. The main thing is to gradually increase the load and not be lazy.


Jumping not only strengthens your leg muscles, it increases blood circulation and helps you lose weight. For those who wish to correct their calves, they are recommended. You need to start with 10-20 jumps, then increase the load.

Attention! There are some restrictions for women over 35 years old: they are not recommended to do more than 50 jumps per day, so as not to damage the joints and ligaments, since at this age the cartilage and bone tissue becomes thinner.

Variants of jumping rope:

  • Jump on both feet and land on your entire foot.
  • If you need to lose weight in your thighs, it is recommended to jump, placing your legs forward alternately.
  • Jump, landing alternately on different feet.

You should not overwork, you need to take a break, during which you walk around the room, raising your arms up, and taking a deep breath.


Squats will help you effectively lose weight in your legs at home and strengthen the muscles of your thighs and buttocks. To achieve what you want, you need to squat correctly:

  • During a squat, the knees should be bent so that there is a right angle between the thighs and shins, as if the person is sitting.
  • The deep squat exercise, commonly called the “goose step,” is effective only for young people; in older people, such a load on the knee joint can damage it.

Many women want to speed up results by increasing the load and pick up dumbbells. In this case, you can achieve the opposite result: instead of losing weight, your legs will become thicker due to the increase in muscle tissue during this exercise.

Squat variations:

  • Exercise 1: Stand facing the chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart, leaning on the chair and squat 10 times. You need to do 3 approaches.
  • Exercise 2: Place your feet together, point your toes out to the sides. During this squat, your knees point out to the sides. This exercise is called “plie”, with its help the muscles of the inner thigh are strengthened.


This exercise will help you lose weight in your butt and thighs. It is performed lying down, legs are raised up, knees are bent, rotational movements are made, imitating riding.

Note! You can ride a real bicycle, and if you don’t have time to take long walks, you can use an exercise bike, which, by the way, can be easily adjusted to the desired load. The main thing is not to overdo it, because the goal is to reduce the volume of the legs, and not to increase them by pumping up the muscles!


Leg swings will help get rid of excess volume in the hips and buttocks. During this exercise, the muscles are stretched and strengthened. Swings can be done standing or lying down. It is recommended to perform at least 10-12 times.

Swing options:

  • Lying on your side, alternately swing forward with both legs.
  • Lie on your side, lift one leg behind your back, trying to touch the floor, turn on the other side, and do the same exercise with the other leg.
  • While standing, swing your legs to the sides and back and forth alternately.


Running is a good way to strengthen muscles and lose weight in your thighs. Proper running not only corrects your figure, it is also good for overall health.

Note! Doctors recommend running at speed to lose weight; if you just need to strengthen your muscles, then jogging will do.

The load should be increased gradually, starting with a fast walk, then moving to a gallop, ending with a jog. In order to notice the effect of losing weight after a month, it is enough to run 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

Leg slimming procedures

All salon procedures must be carried out after consulting a doctor. Leg slimming salons offer:

  • infrared sauna: during this procedure, adipose tissue is exposed to an infrared ray, increasing blood flow, thereby cleansing the body of toxins, tightening the skin, and reducing volumes.
  • wraps, which are made on the basis of fat-burning and anti-cellulite creams, which are recommended to be applied to clean skin; for strengthening, you can wrap the problem area with film.
  • anti-cellulite massage, which is good for getting rid of fat reserves, although this is not a very pleasant procedure, it is very effective, especially if the course of such therapy is accompanied by special gymnastics.
  • Vacuum massage is performed using a pneumatic suction cup; the procedure is effective, but painful.
  • vibration massage occurs due to the rotation of many silicone rollers.
  • LPG massage - adipose tissue is affected by rollers - a very effective procedure, 6 times are enough for a noticeable effect.

In order to achieve the desired result, desperate women even take radical measures, resorting to plastic surgery, but it’s worth considering that they might still try to become slimmer using simpler, cheaper methods, although their implementation requires willpower and a clearly defined goal.

What do they say about women? Either their chest is too small, or their butt is large and not firm enough, or their legs are short, or their ears are on their hips? How about we discuss our men in confidence? Let me describe those shortcomings of the male body that women don’t like so much... You don’t even guess...

1. General weight deficiency.
Often men with such a build say - I eat as much as I want, but I don’t gain weight. Always dry and toasty. Or they come up with some kind of stupidity. The most notorious braggarts even show off their six-pack abs. But alas, this is not the most favorite option among women. However, there are exceptions to every rule. For example me.

2. Excess weight.
Having added about 30 kilograms of fat since their student days, men begin to consider themselves seasoned creatures. They pat each other's fat parts encouragingly and feel even more attractive. But of course! Previously, he was a scumbag, but now he’s a seasoned hog!

3. Belly
Most often, excess weight is deposited in the abdominal area - that’s how men are made. Moreover, a man with this type of figure does not feel like a pot-bellied person at all. Many times gentlemen of exactly this appearance called women sows. Oh yes, yes. Well then, you, you... pig daddies!

4. Boobs.
To be honest, I can forgive men anything. Economic blunders, laziness and general instability. Criminal past and even treason. But not boobs. Boobs are my personal fu. When boobs start appearing, it’s time to lose weight! Well, I don’t like it when someone has bigger boobs than me!

5. Big ass.
Often, in addition to boobs, men also have a big ass. And I must say that such an ass does not appear on its own! This is usually preceded by sitting on it for years or decades. But its presence indicates a level of female hormones that can no longer be ignored!

6. Sunken chest
This is, of course, not the worst thing that can happen in life, but it’s not the most pleasant either. Still, a strong torso is the main decoration of a real macho. And then, if you lied about playing sports before the meeting, the last of which took place right before graduation, and the second one almost killed you, your sunken chest will give you away right away.

7. Thin hands.
Thin hands only look good on EMO boys. Everyone else can't look good. And they evoke associations with weakness. Well, how can you fell mammoths with such hands? Carry your beloved in your arms? Punch a bully in the face... Yeah...

8. Thin legs.
A guy's thin legs, if they are thin after all, should ideally look like this. Otherwise, they look awkward in shorts and create problems in choosing clothes. And yes, it’s difficult to run away from a mammoth on thin legs.

9. Small stature.
There's nothing you can do about it. It is stupid to reproach a person for something that cannot be changed. However, the fact remains. Most strippers, models, actors and other glossy characters are above average height. The rest are left to compensate for the shortcomings in other areas

10. Do you want the tenth point? Well, I won’t, I won’t...

Didn’t you write anything extra, didn’t you forget anything? A?

Are your top size 42-44 and bottom size 46-48, but your legs seem disproportionately full? And if you start to lose weight, then first of all your breasts become smaller and lose their seductive shape, which really upsets you? Stop fighting with your body - it’s your constitution and you can’t trample on it. In addition, there is a way that is 30 times more effective than running, swimming and massage - this is well-chosen clothing. But if a protruding belly can be easily hidden under a dress, then it is not clear how to hide thick legs, because you won’t walk around in trousers forever.

As strange as it sounds, your legs can also be made slimmer with this outfit.

A high-waisted dress will visually make your legs longer, and therefore slimmer.

A dress that makes thick legs look slimmer is a floor-length dress. But it should not be very fluffy, let it gently expand downwards, otherwise there is a high probability that you will look like a woman on a teapot.

The dress should be true to size, no smaller and no more. Mini dresses are not suitable for full legs. Therefore, choose the average length of the outfit: just above the knee, to the knee or below. The fuller the legs, the longer the dress. The hem of the dress must end at the narrow part of the leg (the curve below the knee or ankle), otherwise the legs will appear thicker.

It will help you grow visually, which means removing a few centimeters of volume from your legs - colors with any medium-sized vertical pattern. Solid dark colors also work well.

Choose a dense fabric so that it holds its shape, gently envelops the figure, and does not fit tightly, emphasizing all the imperfections.

Draw attention away from the legs by directing it to the top with an interesting piece of jewelry, a bright scarf or an openwork collar with rhinestones.

Accessories that form a vertical line will make your figure taller: long beads, a vertical row of buttons, a handbag with a long strap.

belt - this will also visually make your legs slimmer.

A V-neck will also help make the silhouette more neat - it elongates the neck, as well as a neatly fitting sleeve (should not end at the fullest part of the arm), which will lengthen your limbs. And these two tricks will add height to your body, and overall your figure will look slimmer.

Which tights slim your legs?

Undoubtedly, black color is slimming. In your case, black tights are the ideal option. But keep in mind: the maximum effect can only be achieved with thin tights, since stretching in the center, they become more transparent than on the sides, and dark lines visually cut off several centimeters of the width of the legs.

Shoes must be the same color as the tights in order to create the longest vertical line that will stretch your legs and make you look slimmer.

If, due to some circumstances, you need to wear nude tights (even if they are very thin 8 - maximum 15 Den and the color matches your skin), then the shoes should be in maximum harmony with the color of your skin (beige, cream, etc.) so that it extends the leg.

Avoid fishnet tights and tights of light shades of any density. But you can experiment with dark ones with a narrow vertical stripe.

Also avoid tights with bright and contrasting patterns. Don't wear tights with glitter. Not only is this bad manners, but your legs will also appear fuller than they actually are.

What shoes will make your legs more graceful?

Of course, you can't do without heels. Choose a stable heel that is not too high. Thin heels will make your legs even more massive.

Shoes with a pointed toe and a deep cut at the base of the toes will visually lengthen your legs and make you slimmer. Low-cut ankle boots have the same effect.

If you decide to wear shoes with ankle straps, then let them be a nude color so that they can blend with the leg and not “cut” it into pieces, thereby shortening it and making it thicker.

A shoe model that does not cover the arch of the foot will perfectly slim full ankles. The open toe of the shoe attracts attention and lengthens the leg.

Contrasting shoes take away a few centimeters of length and focus attention on full legs. If you want to show off in colored shoes, then let them match the color of the dress, then this will not add contrast and shorten your legs.

Low shoes that hug the ankle can accentuate full calves. But you also need to be careful with a wide boot. If your legs are very full, then the horizontal line of the boot will emphasize this. To avoid getting into trouble, wear such shoes with long dresses.

If you still need to wear a skirt just below the knee with low shoes, ankle boots or UGG boots, then be sure to wear such shoes with color-matched tights.

The ideal option for cold weather is knee-high boots, slightly covered with a skirt. They will create the longest vertical line possible. Mid-length boots and over the knee boots will make your legs look shorter and thicker.

Avoid various decorations on shoes: bows, flowers, large buckles. Don't draw unnecessary attention to your feet. Be careful with platform shoes, they weigh down your full legs and make them even bulkier.


You already know how to hide fat legs with dresses. Apply our advice and always be on top. And most importantly, love yourself as you are.

And to maintain your style, we advise you to go to our online store “Dresses Choose.rf” and treat yourself to new beautiful dresses.
