Lesson notes for stuttering. Educational portal Stuttering correction classes

Individual lessons with a child who stutters.

"Journey to the Land of Short Answers."

TOPIC: Travel to the land of Short Answers.

Correctional and educational:

Consolidating the technique of correct speech in the mind of a preschooler. Education of independent, smooth and rhythmic speech.

Muscle relaxation in contrast to tension; the impact of words on the will and consciousness of the child, inducing calm, balance, and confidence in one’s speech.

Training long speech exhalation on individual sounds, words, short phrases.

Development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis, syllabic structure of words: isolating the stressed vowel sound from words, dividing words into syllables.

Development of processes of word formation and inflection: the use of nouns in the instrumental case of the singular; formation of names of baby animals, relative adjectives from nouns

Correctional and developmental:

Development of auditory, visual attention, memory, thinking.

Correctional and educational: developing interest in the activity.

Equipment: Set of animal figurines, houses; subject pictures: baby animals, food; plan and streets of the city of Beautiful speech; set of words: names of animals; letters to form a word.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Our eyes look well and see everything.

Our ears listen well and hear everything.

What does our tongue want to do? (That's right, talk). But first we must relax, and for this we will do exercises.

2. Relaxation exercises to contrast with tension.

We sat down on a chair. Hands on knees. Calm down. Listen and do as I do.

Exercises: “Fists” (relaxation of arm muscles).


“Sunbathing” (relaxation of leg muscles).

“Barbell” (-/- muscles of the arms, legs and body),


“Ball” (relaxation of the abdominal muscles).

“Curious Barbara” (-/- neck).

“Proboscis” (-/- muscles of the speech apparatus and lips),


“Angry tongue” (relaxation of the tongue muscles),


3. Suggestion “Magic dream”.

Now you know how easy it is to speak when there is no tension. If you feel that some word is not coming out, you need to stop, relax, take a calm breath and continue speaking smoothly, clearly, without tension.

Let's repeat the commands of correct speech.

We are always calm!

We always speak beautifully

Boldly and leisurely!

We speak clearly,

Because we're in no hurry!...

4.-And here is the city of Beautiful Speech. What kind of streets are there in this city?

(Reading street names: Gromkaya, Chetkaya, Pauz, Leisurely streets;

highlighting the stressed vowel sound; dividing words into syllables; finding the same words on the city plan).

The most important square of the city is the Square of Vowels, because in speech the vowels are the most important.

And there is also Lake Tranquility on the plan.

We are always calm.

5. -We are going on a trip to the country of Short Answers. Here, all residents speak briefly, answering questions with only one or two words.

This is how we play today - we always answer briefly,

We are in no hurry to speak, we think more and remain silent.

What type of transport will we use? (By train, by bus, by plane, by boat, etc.)

Development of speech breathing.

The child imitates the movement of a train (chu-chu-chu).

On a long exhalation he says: “oo-oo-oo” (the locomotive hums), etc.

6.-It seems that we are approaching the zoo. Animals were brought to the zoo from different places. Let's help animals find their homes?

(Reading the names of the houses. We resettle the animals).

Deer Fox

Game: “To whom what?” (feeding animals - cards with the name of the animals’ favorite food, subject pictures).

Soon the animals had cubs. Game “Who has who?”

7. And now we’ll go to the “Sweet Tooth” cafe.

In a cafe, the seller treats those who can answer the questions correctly and leisurely.

What is sold in the cafe “Sladkoezhka”? What sweets? (Child's answers)

Various fruit and berry juices are also sold here:

Grape juice - grape,

-//- from pears –

-//- from tangerines –

-//- from peaches –

-//- from apples – etc.

Counting cards. (Chips are given for correct answers and smooth, clear pronunciation of words).

8. Our journey has ended. We will return to kindergarten.

All the letters on the sign are scattered. And in order to return, you need to make a word from the letters. (Determining the sequence and number of sounds in a word, reading a word).

9. Summing up the lesson.

This material will help all specialists working with people who stutter.

Having studied in detail various methods for correcting stuttering, I came to the conclusion that one of the main aspects in working with the preparatory stage is the correct speech breathing. I developed author's breathing exercise system, which allows the child to master the correct inhalation and long exhalation.

As a result of the use of these exercises in correctional work with children who stutter, an increase in the duration of exhalation is observed, and the vital capacity of the lungs has increased. This means that with the correct inhalation, the child will be able to draw in enough air, and when exhaling, he will have enough of it to pronounce the phrase. But the most important thing is that this system allows you to properly get air during a conversation, without causing stuttering in speech.

Author's system of breathing exercises

Consists of nine exercises.

Breathing exercise system:

1 week - exercises 1 and 2 are performed - 2 times a day for 5 minutes.
Week 2 - 1-3 exercises - 2 times a day for 5 minutes.
Week 3 - 2-4 exercises - 2 times a day for 5-10 minutes.
Week 4 - 1- 4 - 5 exercise - 2 times a day for 10 minutes.
Week 5 - exercise 1-5 (hold your breath as long as possible.)
Week 6 - 1-6 exercise - 2 times for 15 minutes.
Week 7 - 1-7- 2 times for 10-15 minutes.
8-9-10 weeks - 1-8 exercises 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes.
Week 11-12 – 1-7-8-9 exercises 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes. Let's connect speech. For children, we first select short words, then long ones (instead of counting).

Summary of an individual lesson with a child who stutters at the preparatory stage using breathing exercises

Cause relaxation of the muscles of the legs and arms in contrast to tension and relaxation,
- master the technique of diaphragmatic-costal breathing using breathing exercises;
- development of articulatory motor skills;
- develop the ability to use correct speech techniques;
- improving non-verbal communication methods.

1. Relaxation exercises:

For the hands: relaxation and tension of the hands, forearms, shoulders: “Fists”, “Pendulum”, “Crane”, “Deer”, “Swimmer”.
- for legs: “Bends forward, to the sides”, “Mill”, “Sagging”, “Weightlifter”.

2. Breathing exercises. Perform exercises 1 to 4.

3. Massage of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

For lips: “Smile”, “Pipe”, “Bite the lower lip”, “Bite the upper lip”.
- for the tongue: “Watch”, “Bumps”, “Fish”, “Tasty jam”, “Chatterbox”.
- for the lower jaw: lowering, raising, moving left and right.

Making the sound "r".

5. Pronouncing vowel sounds (a, o, u, e, y, i): after inhaling, while exhaling smoothly, stretch out the vowels one by one.

6. Consistent pronunciation of two vowels: aaaaoooo, aaaauuuu, aaaaiii, etc. Three-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand in different combinations.

7. Work on the rhythm: clapping the rhythmic pattern at a medium tempo, first up to 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. up to 10. Stepping to the count: walk to the count at an average pace.

8. Exercises to perform expressive movements and gestures: facial gymnastics (show joy, evil, sadness, shyness).

9. Development of lexical and grammatical categories on the topic “Autumn”.

Summary of individual work at the main stage using breathing exercises

Cause relaxation of the muscles of the neck and speech apparatus in contrast to tension and in presentation;
- use of breathing exercises;
- use correct speech techniques when pronouncing phrases;
- Development of phonemic awareness;
- Development of articulatory motor skills;
- formation of expressive speech;
- consolidate new speech skills in communication (dialogical speech)

1. Relaxation gymnastics:

Perform neck exercises:

A) sitting, lean on the table with your elbows bent, put your head on your hands and completely relax.

B) while sitting, slowly turn your head without raising it, from right to left and from left to right (with maximum amplitude);

C) standing, raise your arms, clasp your fingers at the back of your head, spread your elbows and shoulders to the sides. Smoothly, without jerking, move your head back, overcoming the resistance of your hands. Feel the tension, throw your hands down and relax. Return to starting position.

D) standing, move your head as far back as possible, fix your palms on your forehead, spread your elbows to the sides, slowly tilt your head forward, overcoming the resistance of your hands, and tense up. Return to the starting position and relax.

D) while sitting, slowly tilt your head forward so that your chin rests on your chest and back until it stops.

2. Breathing exercises 1-7-8 exercises for 10-15 minutes. Let's connect speech. For children, we first select long words (instead of counting and short words).

3. Articulatory gymnastics for making sounds. Automation of delivered sounds.

4. Pronouncing phrases with their gradual lengthening.

5. Development of phonemic perception: sound analysis of a word consisting of three sounds.

6. Game “Tricky Questions” - development of thinking, memory, imagination.

Summary of individual work at the final stage using breathing exercises

Cause relaxation of the muscles of the body, legs in contrast to tension, relax these same muscles according to the idea.
- complicate and expand verbal communication at home and in public places: increase the volume and duration of statements in various situations;
- build confidence, speech courage;
- develop coherent speech;
- practice sounds in speech, be able to differentiate them.

1. Relaxation gymnastics: for the torso, legs.

a) sitting straight, elbows on hips. Lean forward freely, head down, relax, arms freely fall down. In a relaxed position, perform light rocking of the body from side to side.

B) turns of the body with circular rotations of the arms (“mill”).

C) sitting on the edge of a chair, tilt your torso slightly forward, freely swing your arms, body, and shoulders down.

D) standing, freezing in a stretched position, complete relaxation of the whole body, “sagging.”

D) standing, imitation of lifting a barbell with tension and relaxation of the whole body after lowering it.

E) sitting, body straight, while inhaling, tighten your abdominal muscles and hold in this position for several seconds, exhaling and relax as much as possible.

G) Exercise “Pull the rope.”

2. Breathing exercises -1-7-8 exercises for 10-15 minutes. Retelling the text in your own words.

4. Differentiation of difficult to pronounce sounds (if necessary).

5. Sound synthesis of words, work with patterns of syllables, words, sentences.

6. Development of coherent speech - compiling stories based on a series of paintings, and then based on the painting.

7. Development of mental processes game “Remember and name”, “What is superfluous”.

Zhgutova Irina Vladimirovna,
teacher speech therapist.
Municipal budget
preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 1 compensatory type

Lesson No. 1


  1. Relaxing movements.
  2. Breathing exercises.
  3. Voice exercises.
  4. Speech exercises, games for coordinating words with movements.

Introductory conversation with a speech therapist.

The speech therapist tells the children his name and why they will come to the group. Usually children answer like this: “get treatment”, “learn to speak.”

The speech therapist explains to the children that in the group they will learn to read rhymes, count, play lotto, dominoes, and learn to tell stories.

The speech therapist says that some children hesitate in their speech, that this happens because they are in a hurry, are in a hurry, are worried, but here they will learn to speak slowly, calmly. To do this, they will count with a counting rhyme, read poetry, clap, play ball games, and will not hesitate in speech.

So calmly and slowly, you will have to talk at home, and with your mother, and with everyone else.

Now let's stand in a circle and play.

Benefits: rubber ball, candle, object lotto.

Relaxing movements:

  1. Flapping your arms like a bird's wings.
  2. Wave your hands as if saying goodbye. The hands are relaxed.

Breathing exercises:

  1. Children are asked to put out the candle (inhale calmly through their nose, without raising their shoulders high or throwing their heads back), and then exhale slowly onto the candle through their mouth, making a long whispered sound f-f-f-f (collectively).
  2. The same is individual.
  1. Onomatopoeia of a locomotive whistle, the howl of a wolf ooo-oo-oo. The speech therapist demonstrates correct articulation (collectively).
  2. The same is individual.

Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing rhymes.

Counting game held in a circle. One child says it in a circle, in the center. He pronounces each word slowly, clearly, while simultaneously touching each with his index finger:

One two three four five…

Measured movements of the fingers regulate the pace of the reader and make the pronunciation of the text of the rhyme accessible to the child.

The counting table is pronounced 4...5 times.

Ball game.

Target: cultivating a calm pace of speech.

Standing in a circle at arm's length, each player takes turns pronouncing the first syllable of his neighbor's name as he swings the ball up, and throws the ball at his feet on the second syllable.

The person who catches the ball, in turn, throws it to the person standing next to him, saying Zhen-nya (repeated 4...5 times).

Speech board games:

Cultivating a calm pace of speech in a three-word sentence.

Subject lotto (any). Children will say:

I have a cockerel.

I have a fish.

I have a squirrel.


  1. Learn to catch the ball.
  2. Repeat the counting rhyme.

The speech therapist shows how to say goodbye smoothly and slowly: “Goodbye.”

Lesson No. 2

Benefits: candle, ball, lotto for kids.

Relaxing movements:

Wave your arms like a butterfly's wings.

Breathing exercises:

Blow a candle on your index finger.

Articulation "A". Game "Echo". Children stand in two rows, opposite each other. One party says “a” loudly, the other echoes “a” a little more quietly.

The articulation of “U” is the same.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

When counting from 1 to 5 under the ball, children accompany each word by throwing the ball to the floor. The game can be played as a competition (who will never drop the ball).

Repeat the game with naming names and throwing the ball at the same time (Zhen-nya).

Speech board games and activities.

Target: cultivating a calm pace of speech in answering questions: “Who has a butterfly?”

“I have a butterfly.”

Lotto "Baby".

The story "Frightened!" - education of a calm pace of speech in the story “Three boys went into the forest. There they collected nuts. Suddenly someone jumped out of the bushes. The two boys got scared and ran. They fell, dropped their baskets and scattered nuts, but the third boy was not afraid. He stood calmly and looked, who jumped out? And it was not a wolf, but a hare.”

Plan for working through the story until the 8th lesson.

  1. Reflected collective reading.
  2. Retelling the story about the ball.

Lesson No. 3

Benefits: a piece of cotton wool, a ball, lotto “Sun”.

Relaxing movements:

  1. Chalked rotations of the hands in front of you.

Breathing exercises:

  1. Repeat previous exercises.
  2. Blowing cotton wool from the palm of your hand “Who’s next.” The exhalation should be long (collectively, individually).
  1. Aucania, game “Echo” (collectively, individually).
  2. How the locomotive hums o-o-o-o-o:
  • Horn?
  • Wolf?

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech by pronouncing counting rhymes

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

What did you bring us as a gift?

I brought colored books

Let the kids read

I brought pencils

Let the kids draw.

Then play the counting rhymes from the first lesson.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech. First, we repeat the completed exercise (counting to five under the ball), and then learn a new game:

Children stand in a circle at some distance from each other. The first one, swinging the ball, pronounces the first word “Vova”, then smoothly throws it at the neighbor’s feet on the stressed syllable of the word “lo-vi”. The one who catches the ball throws it to the next one, etc. (several circles).

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing short sentences in the game “Sun”.

We take any subject lotto and draw a sun on one of the cards. Children take pictures, as in the previous game, from a pile and calmly and slowly name the image on it:

I have a doll.

I have a duck.

I have a “sunshine” - let’s call it “sunshine”.

Children, turning to him, say:

Sunshine, sunshine,

Look out the window

The kids are waiting for you

The youngsters are waiting.

“Sunny” smiles.

The game repeats itself.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working through the story “The Brave Blackbird.”

Vaska the cat saw a nest on a tree. There were chicks in the nest. Vaska the cat climbed a tree. As soon as he crawled to the nest, an old blackbird flew in. He began to peck the cat both on the nose and in the eyes. The cat got scared and ran away.

After working through the story, several children take turns passing on this story, and the rest take turns passing on the previously memorized story under the ball.


Tell it to mom and dad.

Task No. 4

Benefits: flower, ball, pictures “What does it do?”

Relaxing movements:wave your relaxed hands above your head.

  1. We repeat the hand movements of the first lesson.
  2. Let's learn this.

Breathing exercises:

  1. We repeat previously learned exercises 1-2 times.
  2. When inhaling, we smell a flower, perfume, artificial flower, lemon, etc.

Onomatopoeia crying baby in the game "Echo" a-a-a-a, then wa-wa-wa.

Each new exercise is learned first collectively and then individually.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a rhyme accompanied by clapping: first in chorus, then individually.

"Verbochki": Willows, willows!

Snow on the fields.

Willows, willows,

You're cold.

We must ensure that children pause at the end of the line.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the ball game “I throw - catch!”.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in questions and answers using pictures “What does it do?”

One of the players, the presenter, shows a picture of the action and asks in turn:

What is the boy doing?

The boy feeds the fish.

After a few questions, the role of facilitator can be transferred to the child.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working through the story “The Incident of the Squirrel.”

The speech therapist should ask who will tell the old story and who will tell the new story to avoid overwork.

“In the spring, the entire meadow was flooded, only the tops of bushes and trees remained sticking out of the water. Grandfather sailed on a boat between the bushes to set the nets for the fish. Straw and twigs hung on the bushes. Some kind of wet rag was hanging from one branch. Suddenly this “rag” jumped into the grandfather’s boat. She turned out to be a squirrel. Grandfather took her to the shore. Then the squirrel jumped off the boat and ran into the forest.”


Repeat the story at home.

Lesson No. 5

Benefits: bottle of perfume, ball, board game “Quartet”.

Relaxing movements:

  1. Repeat exercises from 3-4 sessions.
  2. “Rinse clothes” - swing your relaxed arms near the floor.

Breathing exercises:

As you inhale, smell the perfume from the bottle.

  1. Repetition of onomatopoeia at the request of the children.
  2. Onomatopoeic hissing of a goose sh-sh-sh-sh. The teeth are closed, the lips are gathered into a tube, the warm stream is controlled by the palm. Collectively, individually.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you start galloping to?

The pronunciation of each word is accompanied by throwing the ball into the floor.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a phrase under the ball. Children, standing in a circle, take turns saying their name: “My name is Zhenya,” “My name is Kolya,” etc.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a four-word phrase. Game "Quartet". Each child selects four identical pictures: four mushrooms, four flowers, four pieces of dishes, shoes, etc. They say: “Vova, give me a flower.”

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working through the fairy tale “The Ringed Hen.”

“Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. They had Ryaba chicken. The hen laid an egg. The egg is not simple, but golden. Grandfather beat and beat, but did not break. The woman beat and beat, but did not break. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, and the hen is clucking: “Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman, I will lay you not a golden egg, but a simple one.”

After working through the fairy tale, the speech therapist agrees with the children about who will tell the new fairy tale and who will tell the old story.

Lessons No. 6-7

Benefits: ball, picture dominoes, outline pictures.

Relaxing movements:

  1. Imitation of rinsing clothes.
  2. Relaxed drop of the arms from the position of the arms to the sides.

Breathing exercises:

  1. Repeat one or two old exercises.
  2. As you exhale, blow on handfuls of hands, on hot tea f-f-f-f.
  1. Repeatedly: the hiss of a goose sh-sh-sh-sh.
  2. The buzzing of a bee, w-w-w-w (lips, teeth, stream of air, like sh-sh-sh-sh).

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a rhyme accompanied by clapping:

Oh, doo-doo, oh, doo-doo,

The shepherd lost his dudu.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing sentences under the ball. “My last name is Utkin,” accompanying the words with a ball throw.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Picture Dominoes”: “I put a plane and a bus.”

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working through the story “Starling”.

“Seryozha opened the door to the hallway. At this time, a cat ran into the room. He had a starling in his teeth. Seryozha screamed loudly, and his mother came running. She grabbed the cat and took the bird away from him. The starling was breathing heavily. Seryozha put him in a cage. A few hours later the starling recovered, and Seryozha released him into the wild.”

Working through questions and answers and alternating in the stories of all previously learned ones.


Repeat the story at home.

In the 7th lesson, instead of working through the story, its content is conveyed and coloring of “outline pictures” is given.

Lessons No. 8-9

Benefits: ball, object blade, outline pictures.

Relaxing movements:

  1. Repetition.
  2. “Water splashes” - shake with relaxed hands.

Breathing exercises:

  1. “Cooling hot tea” - blow on objects.
  2. Fanning coals in a fire, iron, blowing on objects.
  1. Onomatopoeia for a goose: sh-sh-sh; to the bug: w-w-w.
  2. Onomatopoeia for a mosquito, a fly: z-z-z-z.

As you exhale, smile + make a loud sound, first collectively, in chorus, then individually.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

One, two - blue,

Three, four - the sun in the world,

Five, six - there is a river,

Seven, eight - we'll take off our shirts,

Nine, ten - we sunbathe for a whole month.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing the sentence “I am five years old.”

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in a four-word sentence.

Game "Picture Dominoes". At the beginning, we offered three-word sentences: “I have a fish.” Now - from four words: “I have a goldfish” (gray bunny, little fox sisters). First, the speech therapist prompts the “gray” bunny. Then the children must make their own definitions.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the story “Varya and the Chizh.” (Collection p. 56).

“Vary had a siskin. The siskin lived in a cage and never sang. Varya came to the siskin: “It’s time for you, siskin, to sing.” “Let me go free, in freedom I will sing all day long.”

Plan for working through the story until the 20th lesson:

  1. Reflected individual reading.
  2. Questions and answers about what you read.
  3. Retelling what was read under the ball.

Alternate with previously learned ones. In the 9th lesson, children are given outline pictures to color.

Lessons No. 10-11

Benefits: ball, game “Wonderful Bag”, thin rubber ball, contour pictures.

Relaxing movements:

  1. Repeat two or three learned exercises.
  2. “Let’s fall asleep standing” - falling the head down slowly to the signal “Down!”, “Up!” - slowly raise their heads.

Breathing exercises:

  1. Repeat: onomatopoeia from lesson 7 (blowing the coals in the iron).
  2. As you exhale, inflate the rubber ball, which makes a “udi-udi” sound when inflated. Everyone should have their own ball.
  1. Repeatedly: onomatopoeia for a beetle, mosquito.
  2. Onomatopoeia for a bursting bubble - s-s-s-s, but without the participation of the voice.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when reading poetry accompanied by clapping:

Oh, the water is running like a stream!

No snow, no ice!

Oh, water! Oh, water!

No snow, no ice!

After the collective reading of poems, several children repeat individually.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in outdoor games. First collectively, as shown by the speech therapist, and then at the signal of individual children. Children in a circle perform movements according to the text: “Hands to the sides, in a fist, unclench and on the side!”

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Wonderful Bag”. The bag contains as many toys and aids as there are children in the group. The child recognizes and names the object by touch, and then shows the children: “I have a book with pictures.”

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the story “Peter helped.”

“There was a swallow’s nest above the window. Four chicks looked out of it. Suddenly one chick fell out. The swallows circled above him and squealed, but could not help. Petya saw this. He picked up the chick and put it in the nest. The swallows chirped cheerfully and began to feed the chick.”

Several children retell this story, and the rest - any previously memorized one under the ball.

Lessons No. 12-13

Benefits: cotton wool, game “Riddles”, outline pictures.

Relaxing movements:

  1. Repeat the relaxing head drop.
  2. “Turning mill wheel” (slow. Smooth, circular movement of the hands).

Breathing exercises:

Inhale - children rise on their toes, smell a branch (flower) from the hands of a speech therapist.

Exhale - lower.

  1. Repeat several onomatopoeia “Echo”.
  2. Onomatopoeia for the howling of the wind - v-v-v-v (show correct articulation).

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

Cultivating a calm pace of speech when reading poetry under the ball. First in chorus, then individually:

Cheerful friend, my ball,

Everywhere, everywhere you are with me,

It's good to play with you.

You can give each person one line to read the poem, then repeat it two or three times.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Riddles”.

I show you a picture with a riddle on the reverse side. Then I read the riddle. If the children know the answer, they name it, if not, a picture is shown.

The speech therapist slowly reads the riddle, then asks one of the children to repeat it. Select short, easy to remember riddles. For example:

Red paws pinch the heels. (Goose).

Antoshka stands on one leg. (Mushroom).

During subsequent games of riddles, children recite the memorized riddles based on the picture shown.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the story “The Fooled Bear.”

“Sometimes, although rarely, bears attack people. Once a shepherd met a bear. He stood up on his hind legs and roared. The shepherd started to run. He hears that the bear is about to catch up with him. Then the shepherd took off his hat and threw it straight into the bear's face. The bear stopped, grabbed the hat in his paws and began to tear it. And at that time the shepherd ran out of the forest and escaped.”

The transmission of this, and previously memorized stories, is done at the choice of the children themselves.

Lessons No. 14-15

Benefits: ball, colorful pictures.

Relaxing movements:

  1. Repeat exercises from lessons 10-12.
  2. At the speech therapist’s signal “to the right”, children slowly tilt their heads to the right, at the signal “to the left” - to the left.

Breathing exercises:

Inhale through the nose, exhale onto an imaginary bruised area of ​​the arm, finger, palm, etc.

  1. Repeat several times other voice exercises of the children’s choice.
  2. Onomatopoeia to the cry of geese ha-ha-ha (several times in one breath, first collectively, then individually).

Children themselves check each other’s correct articulation.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in outdoor games “Hands to the sides.”

Children stand in a circle. The speech therapist shows movements corresponding to the text:

We stomp our feet


We clap our hands


We raise our hands

We give up

And we run around.

Then the children do it on their own.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in sentences under the ball: “I live on Nansen Street (Pushkin, etc.).” Children stand in a circle. Everyone names their own street or alley.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in sentences of five words: “Vova, give me a red riding hood.”

Teach children to divide sentences into two segments according to their meaning, as indicated in the sample. Otherwise, the exercise will be difficult and cause stuttering.

In this game, children match four pictures of the same color (red dress, ball, etc.). In addition to the speech moment, acquaintance with flowers.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the story “Geese”.

“The hostess came out and beckoned to the geese: “Tesh, tesh, tesh, gray geese, white geese, go home.” Do the geese stretch their necks, flap their wings, open their beaks? “We don’t want to go home, we’re happy here too.” The hostess saw that you couldn’t get anything good out of the geese, so she took a long twig and drove the geese home.”

Lessons No. 16-17

Benefits: scented scarf, ball, game “Children's dominoes”.

Relaxing movements:

  1. Repeat the exercises from lesson 6.
  2. Smoothly raise relaxed arms in front of you to shoulder level and freely fall your arms down.

Breathing exercises:

As you inhale, smell the scented handkerchief, and as you exhale, as slowly as you exhale, say: “Okay.” Fine.

Onomatopoeia for the cuckoo: ku-ku-ku. 2-3 times on one exhalation, first in chorus, then individually.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing poetry under the ball:

Leap - sideways,

Sideways - hopping,

Jackdaw jumps

Past the windows.

Children squat in a circle and say the text of the game in chorus:

Knock-knock with a hammer (knock on the floor with a fist),

We build and build a new house (stand up, raise their hands, connect them in the center, as if forming a built house),

Knock-knock with a hammer,

We are building and building a new house.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in sentences: “I’m putting up a Christmas tree and a flag” in the game “Picture Children’s Dominoes.”

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the story “In the Forest.”

Lessons No. 20-21

Benefits: scented scarf, ball, pictures with poems.

Relaxing movements:

  1. Exercises from lesson 5.
  2. “Mowing grass with a scythe” - freely stretching your arms to the right and left.

Breathing exercises:

While inhaling, smell the (flowers) perfume from the bottle:

“Oh, they smell good.”

“They smell very nice.” Several different offers

"Very good smell."

Game "Whose house?" Each child finds a corner-house for himself. The presenter approaches the house and asks: “Whose house?” Children respond with onomatopoeia (beetle, goose, cow, cuckoo, etc.). Presenter: “This is the house of a beetle (goose, cow, cuckoo, etc.).

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when reading rhymes accompanied by clapping:

The trumpet is blowing!

The trumpet is singing!

People are walking down the street.

The trumpeter blows his trumpet for a reason,

Today is October holiday.

Repeat under the poems “Verbochka”, “Oh, the water runs like a stream” from the 4th and 10th lessons.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in outdoor games.

  1. “Vova, catch” and “I’m throwing - catch!”
  2. The version of these games “One, two, three - catch” is repeated 2-3 times.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in poetry and games.

Poems by A. Barto, Chukovsky, Mikhalkov, Marshak are familiar to children.

The speech therapist shows the picture and slowly, smoothly reads the first line: “Our Tanya is crying loudly.”

Children also read the second line slowly and smoothly.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the story “Kostya.”

“Kostya was riding on a tram. He sees a man on crutches get on the tram. It was difficult for him to stand. Kostya stood up from his seat and said: “Please sit down, citizen. I'll stand." The citizen said, “Thank you,” and sat down on the bench.

  1. Reading of the entire story by a speech therapist.
  2. Questions and answers about what you read.
  3. Retelling the story without the ball until the 30th lesson. We are moving away from exercises in reflected individual reading. After the questions - an independent story.

Let's move away from the retelling under the ball. If there are children in the group with severe speech difficulties, then we continue retelling the story with the ball.

Lessons No. 22-23

Benefits: a bottle of perfume, flags, the game “Wonderful Bag”.

Relaxing movements:

Smoothly raising relaxed arms above your head and freely falling them, followed by swinging to the sides, like a pendulum.

Breathing exercises:

As you inhale, say: “My favorite perfume is lily of the valley (lilac, poppy, forget-me-not, familiar to children).

The speech therapist gives the children a scented handkerchief.

  1. Repeat exercises from previous classes.
  2. Onomatopoeia of a crow's caw (carrr-carrr).

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

Cultivating a calm pace of speech in an outdoor game with flags. Children stand in a circle, holding a flag in each hand. First, children perform the appropriate movements at the signal of the speech therapist, and after memorizing the text of the game, at the signal of the children. Right up, down

Left down, up, etc.

To the sides


Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Wonderful Bag”. You can diversify. Instead of toys, you can put boxes of candy.

“I have a box, and in it there is toffee (Bee candy, Cow candy, etc.).

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the story “Quarrel between Bugs and Cats.”

“There was a fight between Bug and the cat. The cat began to eat. The bug has arrived. Cat Bug - with his paw on his nose. Bug a cat by the tail. Cat Bug - in the eyes. Bug the cat by the neck. Aunt walked by, carried a bucket and began pouring water on the cat and Bug.”

When working through this story, it is good to show children on soft toys how they fought, etc.

Lessons No. 24-25

Benefits: bubble, ball, game “Where does it grow?”

Relaxing movements:

  1. Repeat the movements from lessons 10, 14 and 18.
  2. Walking in a circle with a staggering gait, relaxing your head in your hands.

Breathing exercises:

Exhale into the bubble. When exhaling for a long time, a noise and whistle is formed in the bubble, which means that the children take a full breath. Everyone has their own bubble.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech. First, the children repeat the text in chorus, then individual children take turns, and the rest perform the appropriate movements, instead of a toothbrush, they move their index finger in front of their mouth.

Wash your neck, wash your ears,

We wipe ourselves dry,

Slowly, slowly.

Cleanliness is more valuable to everyone -

We brush our teeth too

Powder, powder.

B) Repeat the outdoor game from lesson 22 (right up..., separate the flags).

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Where does it grow?”

You can select drawings of plants or fruits of a forest, garden, field, or vegetable garden, 4 cards each. Children take turns taking a picture from the pile, calling it and saying:

I have a mushroom, it grows in the forest.

I have a turnip, it grows in the garden.

I have rye, it grows in the field.

I have a pear, it grows in the garden.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the story “The Lion and the Mouse.”

“The lion was sleeping. A mouse ran over his body, he woke up and caught it. The mouse began to ask him to let her go. She said: “If you let me go, I’ll do good to you.” The lion laughed and released the mouse. One day, hunters caught a lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard the lion's roar, came running, gnawed the rope and said: “Remember, you laughed, you didn’t think that I could do good, but now you see for yourself that I can do good!”

Lessons No. 26-27

Benefits: apple, ball, plastic toys (rubber, soft) for the game “Guess what’s missing?”

Relaxing movements:

Children stand in a circle in pairs. At a signal from the speech therapist, they shake their fingers at each other. Then, at the signal from the speech therapist: “Once. Two three!" turn 180 0 , and shake a finger at the now new couple. Then they perform this exercise at a signal from one of the children.

Breathing exercises:

As you exhale, smell the apple. As you exhale, say: “Very fragrant apple,” “Very fragrant apple,” “Very pleasant smell.”

  1. Repeat the onomatopoeia of the crow.
  2. Onomatopoeia for a kitten: meow, meow.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in a counting rhyme:

Cockerel, cockerel.

Show me your skin.

The casing is on fire,

How many feathers does it have?

One two three four five,

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in outdoor games.

According to the speech therapist's signal:

“We raise our hands higher” - the children raise their hands.

“And then we lower them” - the children give up.

“One (raise), two (lower),

Three (raise), four (lower).”

Then the exercise is repeated at a signal from one of the children.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Guess what’s missing?”

The speech therapist puts 3-4 toys or pictures and asks you to remember and close your eyes, and then guess what is missing.

“There is no horse on the table.”

Then you can remove two toys at a time.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working through the story “Bug.”

“Bug’s legs hurt. Yes, she lay in the kennel hungry for a day. Everyone forgot about her. And Misha remembered about the Bug and brought her a bowl of soup and a piece of bread. The Bug was delighted and wagged her tail. Every day Misha fed the Bug. Soon Zhuchka recovered and ran with Misha for a walk.”

Lessons No. 28-29

Benefits: tangerine or orange, ball, short poems, illustrations.

Relaxing movements:

  1. Repeat the exercises from lesson 22.
  2. Slowly raising and lowering your arms from the starting position: one hand down, the other up.

Breathing exercises:

As you exhale, smell the orange, and as you exhale say: “Orange (or tangerine) smells very good.”

Repetition of all onomatopoeia in the game "A Walk in the Woods" ⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪ ⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪




The children saw a large pond, and in the pond and along its banks there were geese. The geese saw the children and began to scream loudly.

Tanya, how do the geese scream?


The children got scared and quickly ran into the forest. And it was quiet in the forest. All you could hear was the treetops swaying.

Kolya, how is the forest noisy?


The children chose a clearing and sat down to rest from the road. Suddenly a mosquito rang in a thin voice above Zhenya’s ear.

Zhenya, how does a mosquito ring?


And Lenya saw a bee sit on a flower. She crawled along the flower and buzzed.

Lenya, how is the bee buzzing?


Soon a cuckoo began to crow in the distance.

- ...how does the cuckoo crow?

Cuckoo, cuckoo.

The children listened to the cuckoo for a long time, rested and went to look for mushrooms, berries and pick flowers. The children were afraid to be left behind in the forest and often called out.

- ...how do they sound in the forest?

Aw, aw.

The children walked in the forest for a long time, had a good rest and went home.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Repeat the outdoor game from lesson 18 “Legs together!” Legs apart!

B) Game "Flag". Children stand in a line at a distance of approximately 7 meters from the flag on the floor. Children take turns jumping towards the flag on one leg, saying the words of the game text for each jump. With the last word “flag”, the player must be at the flag.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Here's my flag.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when repeating from memory one or two lines of a poem read by a speech therapist with an illustration. For example:

The duck quacked in the pond:

I'll find food for myself.


House with a chimney on a red roof.

The house turned out very good.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working through the story “The Fox.”

“The hunter set a trap for a wolf in the forest. He put the meat in the trap. A fox walked past. I smelled meat. She wanted to eat meat. She went to the meat, but fell into a trap. The fox sits and thinks: “The hunter set a trap for the wolf. Why did the trap catch me?” “Don’t go, fox, along wolf roads!”

Lessons No. 30-31

Benefits: flags, ball, game “Where does it grow?”

Relaxation movements, breathing exercises, voice exercisesNow they are carried out in the form of short exercises of 1-2 exercises from previous classes.

In subsequent classes, pay more attention to speech work with the texts of articles, fairy tales, dramatizations, etc.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in outdoor games.

Children follow the speech therapist’s commands:

Spread your arms wider (arms to the sides),

Then bring them together again (hands bring together).

Once (to the sides),

Two (come down)

Three (to the sides),

Four (reduced).

Then repeat at the command of one of the children.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in outdoor games. The children say in chorus:

We will raise the red flag (raise the flags and hold them until the end),

And let’s all shout: “Hurray!”

Long live my dear

Soviet country.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Where does it grow?” from lesson 24.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the story “The Eagle and the Monkey.”

“Far, far away in a dense forest lived monkeys. There were many of them. They lived together. They climbed trees and swung on branches. One monkey climbed to the top of a tree. An eagle saw her, grabbed her with its claws and wanted to carry her away. The monkey screamed. Then the other monkeys surrounded the eagle. They beat him, bit him, and the monkey held tightly to the branch. And the eagle could not lift it. He let go of the monkey and flew away. This is how the monkeys saved their friend.”

Plan for working on big stories and fairy tales until the 52nd lesson:

The story is divided into paragraphs with vertical bars. The speech therapist reads the story, the children retell it first in parts, then in its entirety. Children with speech difficulties should only be given a retelling of individual paragraphs.

  1. Reading a story.
  2. retelling in parts.
  3. Retelling the whole story.

Lessons No. 32-33

Benefits: ball, game "Quartet".

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a rhyme under a ball, at the end of the line throwing the ball to the floor in order to instill in children the skills of pausing at the end of the line. This also achieves expressiveness in the pronunciation of the verse.

The bird flies (ball throw)

The bird is playing (throwing the ball),

The bird sings (throw the ball).

The bird flew (throw the ball)

The bird was playing (throwing the ball)

The birdie is gone (ball throw).

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Yasha and Masha.”

Children stand in a circle. Two children are selected. They walk in a circle blindfolded and call each other: “Yasha!”, “Masha!” The game ends when Yasha catches Masha. Then another pair of children is chosen. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm tempo of speech in the game “Quartet”. In this game, children select a quartet of animals, birds, mushrooms, vegetables, food, etc. They take turns turning to the presenter: “Ira, please give me the red fox,” a phrase of 6 words. The game ends when one of the players collects 4 pictures.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working through the story “Four Butterflies.”

“Four butterflies lived in a clearing in the forest. One is white, the second is yellow, the third is red, the fourth is black.

Once the butterflies flew for a walk. They flew and flew, played and played, and suddenly they saw a big black bird. The butterflies got scared and began to hide.

A little white butterfly saw a daisy, sat on it and became invisible. A yellow butterfly found a yellow dandelion and sat on it. A little red butterfly sat on a red carnation and also became invisible.

Only the black butterfly could not find the flower. She flew and flew, searched and searched. No black flower. The little black butterfly was very scared because it had nowhere to hide. Suddenly she saw a pine tree. It flew towards her, clung to the black bark and became completely invisible.

A large black bird has flown here, looking for butterflies, but they are nowhere to be seen.”

In the 33rd lesson, convey this story in action. Children hide near objects of similar color.

Lessons No. 34-35

Benefits: ball, flag, game “Merry Musicians”, colorful pictures.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Repeat the outdoor game “Raising our hands higher...” from lesson 26.

B) Raising and lowering flags under the slow count of the speech therapist. Children sit in a circle. On the count of “one,” raise the flags, on the count of “two,” lower them, on the count of “three,” raise them, and on the count of “four,” lower them.

C) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a verse while throwing the ball at the end of the line:

The boat is sailing, sailing!

The ship is golden!

Lucky, lucky gifts!

Gifts for you and me!

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Colorful Pictures” from lesson 14. Children select four identical pictures. The game is complicated by a phrase of 6 words: “Vova, please give me a blue dress” (blue cap, blue ball, etc.).

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working through the fairy tale “The Rooster and the Paints.”

“Vova drew a rooster, but forgot to color it. The rooster went for a walk. “Why are you walking around so unpainted?” - the dog was surprised. The rooster looked into the water: “And that’s right, the dog is telling the truth.”

“Don’t be sad,” said the dog, “go to the paints, they will help you.” The rooster came to the paints and asked: “Paints, paints, help me.”

“Okay,” said the red paint and painted his comb and beard. And the blue one colored the feathers on its tail. Green is the wings, and yellow is the breast.

“Now you are a real rooster,” said the dog.”

Children tell this tale for several days, and the rest at this time consolidate the skills of a calm pace of speech from previous stories.

In the 35th lesson, depict the fairy tale in action.

Introduce a game element.

Lessons No. 36-37

Benefits: ball, plasticine, game “Merry Musicians”.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

Cultivating a calm pace of speech in outdoor games.

Children stand in a circle at arm's length on one right leg. The left one is slightly set back. Children pronounce the words of the game text (first collectively, then individually):

It's very difficult to stand like that

Keep your arms at your sides,

And don't fall, don't sway,

Don't hold on to each other.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm tempo of speech when playing the game “Merry Musicians.” Children take turns taking pictures from the pile and talking about its contents:

“I have a cat in the picture. She plays the balalaika."

“I have a dog in the picture. She plays the pipe."

You need to collect four identical pictures. For example: a cat plays the balalaika, pipe, accordion, drum, etc.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the fairy tale “Friendship.”

“In the summer, a squirrel and a bunny became friends. The squirrel was red, the bunny was gray.

Every day they ran to a small clearing and treated each other there. The squirrel brought mushrooms and pine cones, and the bunny brought carrots and cabbage.

But now summer has passed. Winter came. White snow fell. The squirrel hid in a hollow, and the bunny hid under a thick spruce branch.

Once a squirrel poked its head out of the hollow. She saw a bunny, but did not recognize him because the bunny was not gray, but white.

And the bunny also saw the squirrel, and also did not recognize her. After all, he knew a red squirrel, and this one was gray.

But in the summer they get to know each other again. Why do you think they recognize each other in the summer?”

In the 37th lesson, make mushrooms, nuts, carrots, cabbage.

Lessons No. 38-39

Benefits: pictures for making riddles.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Heron”.

The child should go for the pie, jumping on one leg, and return - jumping on the other (to develop motor skills of both legs).

1 child: “Heron, heron, let him go into the corner.”

Heron: “Jump on your leg

Along that path

Bring me a pie

I’ll let you go into the corner!”

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in independently composing riddles based on pictures. A speech therapist teaches children to write riddles. For example, he shows a cat: “Grey, fluffy. Mice are afraid of her,” “Cunning, red-haired, steals chickens,” “Walks around the yard, crowing.” Give three examples. Then the children are given pictures so that they do not see each other's pictures. Children make up riddles.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working through the story “That’s how the crib is.”

“Olechka ran all day, jumped all day and was very tired. By evening, the eyes began to stick together on their own, as if eyelashes were caught on eyelashes.

The rooster saw that Olechka was rubbing her eyes with her fists and crowed: “Come on, Olechka, come up to the roost. It’s very comfortable to sleep here.” “No, cockerel, what are you talking about! I’ll fall off my perch.”

Then the cat Kisai came up and began to rub against Olechka’s legs and purr: “Mr, mr, mr, lie down, Olechka, on the bench, curl up. That will be good. I always sleep like this.” “What are you talking about, Kisai, the bench is narrow and hard. I’ll take care of all my sides.”

“Go, Olechka, to sleep in my kennel,” Bug barked. “What a bug! Do girls really sleep in a dog kennel?”

“Olechka, let’s go to my stall to sleep. It will be very comfortable for us to sleep standing up.” “No, horse, whatever you are. I can’t sleep standing up.”

At this time, Olechka’s mother called out to her: “Go, daughter, to sleep. I prepared a crib for you - white sheets, soft pillows, a warm blanket.”

“That’s the crib! - said the cockerel, the cat Kisai, the dog Zhuchka, and the horse. -Just for Olechka. Good night, Olechka."

Lessons No. 40-41

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a rhyme:

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

What did you bring us as a gift?

I brought colored books

Let the kids read

I brought pencils

Let the kids draw.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in outdoor games.

1. Repeat the game from lesson 26 “Jump-jump”.

2. All children stand in one column or line. One of the children stands opposite the line and turns to the one standing on the right flank: “Vova, come here. I found a butterfly,” “Gena, come here. I found a nest." The person called runs and, in turn, addresses those standing in the line: “Zhenya, come here. I found a porcini mushroom,” “Petya, come here. I found a hedgehog." The game continues until one person remains in the line. After this, the game repeats.

Speech board games and activities.

Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working through the fairy tale “The Bunny and His Friends.”

“One day, in good and clear weather, a bunny went picking berries. He walked and walked and came across a fox. The fox saw the bunny and was about to eat it. The bunny threw the basket and ran. He reached the edge of a dirty ditch, turned around and saw that the fox was already very close. Bunny crouched down to jump over the ditch, but it turned out to be very wide, and he fell into it.

The fox stood, stood at the edge of the ditch and left. No matter how hard the bunny tried, he could not climb out of the ditch. Two monkeys walked by. Seeing the bunny in trouble, they immediately climbed a tree that stood by the ditch, and, holding each other, extended their hands to the bunny. But the tree turned out to be high, and they could not reach the bunny. The monkeys quickly called the elephant for help. The elephant stretched out his long trunk as best he could, but he couldn’t reach the bunny.

Then they all came up with the following idea: two monkeys, holding hands, hung on a branch, and the elephant bent this branch with its trunk. So they pulled out the poor bunny.

The bunny was covered in dirt. His paws were stuck together and he could not move. Then the elephant took a trunk full of water from the reservoir and bathed the bunny. Clean, he jumped quickly.

It was already dark, and the bunny didn’t know where to go to look for his mother. What if I see the fox again? Luckily, a fawn came up and said to the bunny: “Sit on my back, bunny. I run very fast and I will take you home.” The bunny sat down and, holding his ears, cheerfully headed home.”

Lessons No. 42-43

Benefits: ball, plasticine, game "Shop".

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

Cultivating a calm pace of speech in an outdoor game. Children individually pronounce the text and perform the movements.

My ball is flying high

My ball flies far

Roll across the field faster,

Hit the floor quickly.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in independently composing sentences in the game “Children’s World Store.” You can use toys, manuals, picture books, lotto, dominoes, etc. in the game. The roles of the seller and buyers are children. Dialogue:

Hello, Aunt Olya!

Hello, Lenochka. Why did you come to the store?

I want to buy a big doll.

Don't you have a doll?

I have a doll, but I want to buy another one.

How many dolls will you have?

I will give this doll to my friend (mother, sister, etc.). She will have a birthday soon (March 8, etc.).

Each customer comes to the store once, so as not to delay the game.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the dramatization of “The Fox and the Mole.”

“The fox asked the mole: “Why are you, mole, digging such narrow holes?” “So that you, little fox, don’t come to visit me.”

Lessons No. 44-45

Benefits: game "Merry Musicians".

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Storks, Butterflies and Frogs.”

Children stand in a circle at arm's length. At a signal from the speech therapist or one of the children, stork children stand on one leg, butterflies flap their wings, and frogs squat.

B) Repeat the game “Let him go into the corner.”

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm tempo of speech in the game “Merry Musicians” from lesson 36.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”. At the 45th lesson, dramatize a fairy tale.

Lessons No. 46-47

Benefits: ball, game “Who does what?”

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in motion. Children walk in a circle and, counting out loud, raise the ball above their heads and lower it (on the count of one, two - raise the ball, on three, four - lower it).

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Vova, come here, I found a butterfly” from lesson 40.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Who is doing what?” from lesson 18.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working through the fairy tale “Why does the donkey bray?”

“In ancient times, a donkey, as the fairy tale tells, sang better than a nightingale. One day all the animals gathered for council and the lion, who was their king, asked:

Which one of you is the most beautiful?

“I, I,” the donkey immediately shouted.

Okay, you are the most beautiful. And who is the strongest?

“I, I,” the donkey shouted before the other animals had time to open their mouths.

OK. Who is the stupidest here?

“I, I, I,” the donkey brayed hastily, afraid that he might get ahead of him.

All the animals rolled with laughter, and the poor donkey lost his beautiful voice from shame. Since then, he can only roar: “I, I, I.”

Lessons No. 48-49

Benefits: toys for games "Guess what's missing."

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in outdoor games. Children stand in a circle and follow the commands of the speech therapist or one of the children:

“Up” - throw the ball up.

“Down” - hitting the ball on the floor.

“Right” - turn to the right and hit the ball on the floor.

“Left” - turn to the left and hit the ball on the floor.

“Back” - turn around and hit the ball on the floor.

“Forward” - turn in a circle to the starting position and hit the ball on the floor.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the outdoor game “Titmouse”.

Choose a “titmouse” and plant it in a high place, like on a tree branch. Children in chorus:

Where did you live, titmouse?

Where have you been, titmouse?

Titmouse with the expression:

Everything flew through the forests,

Everyone was sitting in the bushes.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Guess what’s missing?” from lesson 26.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the fairy tale “Zaikin’s Garden.”

“The bunny planted cabbage in the garden. Yes, here's food: birds flew in. “They will peck all the seedlings. Well, wait, birds,” the bunny decided, “I’ll kick you out.” A hare is running around the garden. He waves a stick and drives away the birds.

“Hey, gardener,” the hedgehog tells him, “you shouldn’t scare the birds. It will be worse." But the hare doesn’t want to listen. Satisfied. That there wasn't a single bird left. Silence in the garden. “Grow now, cabbage.” Huge caterpillars were eating cabbage.

“Oh, you stupid hare,” said the hedgehog, “didn’t you know that birds are friends of the garden? They eat caterpillars. But don't cry! You better dry your tears and save what’s left.”

“How can I save?” - asked the bunny.

“Here’s how” - and the smart hedgehog taught the hare.

The bunny made a large feeder and poured crumbs into it. The birds flocked to the garden again and pecked all the caterpillars.

Lessons No. 50-51

Benefits: plasticine, picture domino.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in sentences: “I’m putting up a green Christmas tree and a red flag” from lesson 16.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the fairy tale “Ryzhik.”

“In the forest, in the ravine, there was a large deep hole. A fox and her three little foxes lived in it. Two little foxes obeyed their mother. When the mother left the hole, they sat in the hole and did not get out, and the third little fox, Ryzhik, was not obedient.

One day, when his mother left, he crawled out of the hole and began chasing butterflies. Ryzhik did not even notice how he moved further and further from his hole.

Then he met a hedgehog and wanted to play with him. No such luck! The hedgehog curled up into a ball and stuck out his thorns, and when Ryzhik approached him, the hedgehog jumped and painfully pricked him in the nose.

Ryzhik whined and wanted to go back to his mother, but he didn’t know the way. It's bad to be naughty. Ryzhik is lost, his nose hurts, he is hungry. He wanted to eat the bird, but it fluttered and flew away.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a large black dog jumped out. She barked loudly and rushed to Ryzhik. Ryzhik got scared, hid under the roots of an old tree, trembling with fear. And the dog is jumping around the tree, trying to get the fox cub.

Then the guys came running. They drove the dog away, took out the little fox and took it home. At home, the children tied Ryzhik near the barn and gave him milk. But he did not drink milk. All day he screamed and called for his mother.

And at night, when everyone went to bed, the mother fox came to the village. She came to the barn where Ryzhik was sitting and wanted to take him away. But Ryzhik was attached. Then the fox gnawed through the rope, took him by the collar and took him home. Ryzhik never left his hole again.”

In the 51st lesson, mold any fairy tale character from plasticine: Ryzhik the fox, mother fox, bird, hedgehog, dog, etc.

Lessons No. 52-53

Benefits: game “Shop”, plasticine, flags.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Repeat the game from lesson 22 “Right - up, left - up.”

B) Game "Geese". Children are divided into two groups6 “children” and “geese”. The game is repeated 3-4 times, changing the roles of the children.

Children: Geese, you geese, gray geese.

Geese: Ga-ha-ha.

Children: Where did you fly, who did you see?

Geese: We saw a wolf, he carried away a gosling.

Children: Geese, you geese, pinch the wolf, save the gosling.

Geese: Ga-ga-ga (they pretend to be geese, flap their wings, fly away to save the gosling).

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Shop” from lesson 42.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the dramatization of “The Old Forester.”

1st: “Grandfather, my dear, make me a whistle.”

2nd: “Grandfather, find me a little white mushroom.”

3rd: “You wanted to tell me a fairy tale today.”

4th: “You promised, grandpa, to catch a squirrel.”

Forester: “Okay, okay, kids, just give me time.

There will be a squirrel for you, and there will be a whistle.”

The game is repeated several times with different compositions until all the children are involved in the game.

At the 53rd lesson, give the children the task of making a mushroom, a squirrel, and a whistle from plasticine.

Lessons No. 54-55

Benefits: plasticine, pictures for making riddles yourself.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the outdoor game “Stump, Christmas Tree, Elephant.” Children stand in a circle at arm's length. At the command of the leader (first the speech therapist, and then one of the children):

Stump - squat;

Elephant - raise their arms above their head;

Christmas tree - arms down to the sides (like branches of a Christmas tree).

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when independently composing sentences and riddles based on pictures (see lesson 33).

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in dialogue. We need to reach all the guys.

Where are you going, Misha, where are you going?

Mow hay.

What do you need hay for?

Feed the cows.

What do you need cows for?

Milk milk.

Why do you need milk?

Give small children something to drink.

C) Repeat dramatizations of the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Why does the donkey bray?”, “The Fox and the Mole”.

At the 55th lesson, invite the children to make any answer from the game.

Lessons No. 56-57

Benefits: pictures for the game "Seasons".

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Repeat the game from lesson 48.

B) Cultivating a calm tempo of speech in the game “Wattage”.

Children stand in a circle and read the first four lines accompanied by clapping:

Shadow-shadow, shadow,

There is a fence higher than the tree.

The animals sat under the fence,

We bragged all day long.

They squat down and read in their faces:

The hedgehogs boasted: “Our fur coats are good,”

The fox boasted: “I am the beauty of the whole forest!”

The bunny boasted: “Come on, catch up,”

The bear boasted: “I can sing songs,”

The goat boasted: “I’ll gouge out the eyes of all of you.”

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Seasons.”

Children are given large pictures of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. If the group is large, then one picture and two. Small cover cards are placed face down in a stack. The presenter takes a small card from the pile and asks: “Who has skates? When do they ride them?

Children: “I have skates. They ride them in the winter.”

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in a story based on a plot picture. Instructions for carrying out are given in the methodological note.

Lessons No. 58-59

Benefits: game “A, B, C”, flags, pictures for the story.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Repeat the game with flags from lesson 22.

B) Before the game starts, the children slowly agree among themselves about what movements they will perform. For example, you can depict washing your hands, the floor, dishes, reading a book, etc.

One: “Hello, children! Where were you, what did you see?

Everyone: “We won’t say what we saw, what we did, we’ll show you.”

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when repeating from memory several lines of a poem read by a speech therapist (lesson 28).

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when working on the painting “Friendship.”

Lessons No. 60-61

Benefits:ball, game "Wonderful bag".

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Repeat the game from lesson 42 “My ball, fly high.”

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Pass the Gate.”

Two children are selected - “gates”. They agree among themselves which of them will be the “Snow Maiden” and which will be the “Father Frost”. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk through the gate in a chain. Before the last person passing, the “gate” children lower their hands and ask: “Snow Maiden or Father Frost?” The child makes a choice and takes the side of the chosen one. After this, the cycle repeats. After all the children have passed through the gate, the gate changes and the game starts again.

For the game, you can choose other characters familiar to children from fairy tales:

"Little Red Riding Hood - Gray Wolf"

"Ivan Tsarevich - Gray Wolf"

"Goldfish - Golden Egg"

“Puss in Boots - Little Fox Sister”, etc.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Wonderful Bag” from lesson 10.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when composing a story on a free topic.


  1. What toys do you have at home?
  2. What do you like to draw?
  3. What do you like to sculpt?
  4. How did you spend your day at home or in kindergarten?

Give only two topics in class. The story should be short: 3-4 sentences. For example:

Soon it will be May 1st. Dad will buy me a 2-wheeler bike like my brother's. My brother and I will ride.

At the 61st lesson, offer to sculpt the characters of the game “Pass through the gate”.

Lessons No. 62-63

Benefits:ball, game "Bunny Bunny".

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm tempo of speech in the game “Weave” from lesson 56.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in playing with a ball from lesson 48.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Jumping Bunny.”

This game is played as a Quartet game. The child, who has the “Jumping Bunny” in his hands, comes out and jumps or dances.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when composing a story on a free topic (see lesson 60).

At the 63rd lesson, make a bunny with a carrot or one carrot if someone cannot make a bunny.

Lessons No. 64-65

Benefits:plasticine, flags.

Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game from lesson 22.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the game “Pass through the gate” from lesson 60.

Speech board games and activities.

A) Modeling from plasticine characters from read and learned fairy tales, stories and dramatizations.

The speech therapist should recall all these stories that were learned during the course of classes.

B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in the story. After each child makes something, everyone takes turns talking about what they depicted.

At the 65th lesson, the following topic is chosen for modeling and storytelling.

  • Frontal
  • Subgroup
  • Individual
  • Notes of individual lessons.

    For greater convenience, use Search.

    Biglova O.V. Sounds [w] and [s]. Automation and differentiation. Summary of an individual lesson using sand therapy.

    Zhambalova E.M. Automation of sounds “V”, “D”, “S” in syllables, words, sentences. Plan for an individual speech therapy lesson with a 4th grade student with severe intellectual disability, F71. (Special correctional general education boarding school of the VIII type.)

    Gorbunova E.F. Automation of the Ch sound in words and phrases.
    Dysarthria is the most difficult speech diagnosis found in preschoolers. In addition to the difficulty of articulation, there is also the problem of automating sounds in speech. This process is long and complex. Experience has shown that some children diagnosed with dysarthria do not easily automate the sound of Ch.

    Ivanova L.V. "Preparing for a flight to Mars." Summary of an individual lesson on automation of sounds [s] and [z].

    Ivanova L.V. “Journey to the land of “Correct Speech.” Summary of an individual lesson on sound pronunciation correction on the topic: sound automation [Ш].

    Kozionova L.V. “Winter's Tale” Summary of an individual lesson on automation and differentiation of the sounds “P” and “P”.

    Kuzmenko I.A. Goodwin's magic glasses. Summary of individual lessons. Automation of sounds “Зь” (“Ль”).

    Kuzmenko I.A. Adventure in the Chess Country. Summary of individual lessons. differentiation of sounds “R” - “L”

    Kuzmenko I.A. Journey to the yellow country. Subgroup lesson for older children.

    Kharchenko E.N. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Snake and Mashenka”. Elements of theatrical activity in a preschool speech center. Automation of sound [w].

    Sheptunova V.K. "Pets". Subgroup lesson in a preparatory group with a compensatory focus.

    Summary of an individual lesson on the correction of stuttering and sound pronunciation “Sound swing”. Topic: “Differentiation of sounds [w] - [zh].”

    Hurry up to take advantage of discounts of up to 50% on Infourok courses

    Summary of an individual lesson on stuttering and sound pronunciation correction

    Subject:“Differentiation of sounds [w] - [zh].”

    Goals: develop a long, smooth exhalation, differentiate the sounds [w] - [z], develop phrasal and independent speech on a smooth exhalation, continue to teach tension and relaxation of the muscles of the legs, arms, and body; continue to learn to conjugate verbs in the past tense, build common sentences, practice the perception and reproduction of three-syllable words, develop phonemic awareness, sound analysis skills, and develop fine motor skills; cultivate perseverance, observation, attention and self-control.

    Developmental environment: symbol pictures, subject pictures, plot picture, mosaic, letter box, pencil cases for sound analysis of words.

    The speech therapist shows pictures-symbols and the child pronounces the sound that corresponds to the object depicted in the picture. Goose: sh-sh-sh... Beetle: w-w-w... Snake: sh-sh-sh... etc.

    The speech therapist pays attention to the tactile sensation when pronouncing sounds.

    Game "Add a syllable"

    The speech therapist pronounces the beginning of the word, and the child adds the syllable -sha- or

    4. Game “What word did you get”

    The speech therapist suggests replacing the first sound in a word with the sounds [w] or [z].

    5. Relaxation “Boat”.

    The deck began to rock! Press your foot to the deck!

    We press our leg tighter. And let’s relax the other one!

    (The exercise is performed first for the right leg, then for the left).

    Hands on your knees again, and now a little laziness...

    The tension has flown away and the whole body is relaxed...

    Our muscles are not tired - and they have become even more obedient!

    Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

    6. Exercise “Change according to the model.”

    The speech therapist suggests changing each sentence according to the model. Aims at self-control over the pronunciation of sounds [w]-[z].

    Sample: I sewed a jacket.

    I'm knitting a fluffy scarf.

    I'm friends with Lesha.

    I sew clothes for the baby.

    The speech therapist pronounces sentences. The child remembers them and repeats them.

    Snowflakes are melting in Mishka’s palms.

    Centipedes have too many legs.

    I sew clothes and always weave fabric.

    Outside the window, Masha heard the sound of rain.

    Lyosha put the hedgehog in his hat

    Grandma Car lives on the sixth floor of a large house.

    There is fragrant jasmine on the lawn.

    8. Physical education lesson “I plant flowers in the garden.”

    I plant flowers in the garden. The child imitates the movements.

    I water them from a watering can.

    Asters, lilies, tulips The child “turns” into flowers.

    They grow higher, higher. The child is “growing”.

    9. Game “The supply is growing.”

    The speech therapist pronounces the first sentence. The child increases each subsequent sentence by one word (the speech therapist provides assistance as needed).

    I look out the window.

    I look out the window at the hedgehog.

    I look out the window at a funny hedgehog.

    I sit and look out the window at a funny hedgehog.

    10. Compiling a story based on the plot picture “Misha and the Hedgehog”.

    The child looks at the picture. The speech therapist suggests drawing up a story according to plan.

    2. Who is drawn?

    3. What's going on?

    4. What will Misha do?

    11. “I’m laying out the letter.”

    The child lays out the letters “W” and “F” from a mosaic of different colors.

    12. Game “Lay out the word.”

    The child chooses one from the proposed pictures. She clearly pronounces what is written on it. Lays out cut letters and performs sound-syllable analysis.

    13. Summary of the lesson.

    • Gordienko Tatyana Petrovna
    • 13.02.2016
    • Material number: DV-450367

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      Summary of individual speech therapy sessions for stuttering

      The student records the results of observations and analysis of classes in a notebook for laboratory classes in the following order:

      Date and time of observation (beginning, end), middle, high school, preparatory group No.___ for children who stutter.

      Title, topic, purpose, lesson plan

      For ease of observation and analysis of the lesson, the student keeps his notes according to the following scheme:

      An approximate diagram of the analysis of a speech therapy session

      1. Preparation of a lesson plan and notes, the use of consultations, literature, the degree of mastery of the notes, knowledge of the composition of the children in the group.

      2. Compliance with the topic, purpose and content of the lesson with the program, long-term work plan, speech profile and age of children in this group; dosage of new material, connection of the studied material with the previous and subsequent ones, correct selection of lexical material, unity of correctional, educational and educational tasks.

      3. Organization of the lesson: number of children, aesthetics of the environment, equipment of the lesson, quality of visual aids and didactic material.

      4. The structure of the lesson: the main stages of the lesson, their logical sequence, the clarity of the transition from one stage of the lesson to another, the duration of the entire lesson and its stages, the timeliness of physical education, summing up the lesson, the correspondence of the actual progress of the lesson to the planned one, deviations from the outline, their reasons.

      5. Methods and techniques of teaching: variety, interconnection, validity, methods of attracting the attention of children, ensuring emotionality and interest, methods of enhancing cognitive activity, relying on various forms of activity (auditory, visual, motor-motor) in order to prevent children from fatigue, methods of use equipment, a combination of individual and frontal work, educational aspects, the use of special methodological techniques, monitoring children’s speech, identifying and timely correction of mistakes, the adequacy of the requirements taking into account the speech capabilities and personality characteristics of each child, accessibility and clarity of wording of questions, leading questions, the suggestive nature of the questions, the inclusion of elements of rational psychotherapy.

      6. Quality of work, speech and behavior of children during the lesson, interest, activity, concentration, stability of their attention at the beginning of the lesson and at other stages, reasons for deviations in the behavior and activities of children, manifestations of stuttering and their causes, quality of knowledge, skills and abilities received and reinforced by children in class.

      7. Characteristics of a speech therapist. Contact with the group, the ability to organize children for work, increase their activity, interest and attention, the ability to find the right approach to individual children taking into account their individual abilities, persistence in achieving goals, pedagogical tact. The appearance and speech of the speech therapist (accessibility, logic, emotionality and brevity of the speech therapist’s speech, diction, voice strength, tempo, rhythm, intonation expressiveness of speech).

      8. Results of the lesson (implementation of the plan, achievement of the goal, effectiveness of the use of techniques).

      9. Pedagogical conclusions and suggestions (positive aspects and disadvantages of the lesson, suggestions for consolidating the positive aspects and recommendations for further improvement).

      Specifics of individual work with children who stutter

      Irina Alexandrova
      Specifics of individual work with children who stutter

      According to statistical data from a survey of children over the past 5 years at the time of enrollment in the group, the following were identified: indicators:

      55% of children with tono-clonic stuttering;

      30% of children with clonotonic stuttering;

      15% – with clonic stuttering.

      40% of children with severe severity, 51% with moderate severity, 9% of children with mild severity of the defect.

      Stuttering got worse

      60% of children have level 3 OHP;

      38% of children have FFND;

      All children are characterized by disturbances in the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech,

      There is a wide range of software and methodological complexes used for individual speech therapy work with children who stutter.

      "Speech therapy program working with children who stutter» S. A. Mironova

      Methodology of L. Z. Andronova - Harutyunyan "How to treat stuttering» ,

      Technology of I. G. Vygotskaya, E. G. Pellinger, L. P. Uspenskaya “Elimination stuttering in preschoolers in play situations”,

      V. I. Seliverstova "Speech games with children» ,

      S. Dubrovskoy ,

      M. Yu. Kartushina "Logorithmic exercises with children 5-6, 6-7 years old",

      N. Yu. Kostyleva "Show and Tell".

      I. A. Agapova, M. A. Davydova

      Having studied this methodological literature, the structure of speech disorders in children, the goal was determined individual classes – harmonious formation of speech and personality children who stutter.

      o develop and improve speech skills free from stuttering;

      o develop speech breathing, correct, non-strained vocal delivery and articulation;

      o develop gross, fine motor skills;

      o improve prosodic components of speech;

      o educate children to behave correctly in the team and society.

      Components show clearly specifics of individual work :

      Relaxation and relaxation training

      Normalization of general, fine and speech motor skills

      Smooth speech technique training

      Development of facial expressions and prosody

      Formation and improvement of correct general and speech behavior

      In accordance with the requirements of the Program, in groups for children with stuttering are held daily individually– subgroup lessons lasting 10-15 minutes.

      Individual correction work is divided into 3 stages:

      Formation of muscle relaxation in contrast to tension in individual parts of the body and the whole body per word - symbol "five".

      Establishing diaphragmatic breathing, learning to combine long exhalation with relaxation.

      Teaching smooth articulation of vowel sounds on a soft attack of the voice.

      Learning the correct movements of the fingers of the dominant hand.

      Cultivating a bold, unforced posture and a confident look.

      Observing a child during a seizure stuttering, Can see how all the muscles of the face, respiratory organs, body, arms, legs tense, as tense muscles "not manageable". When eliminating stuttering individually exercises are carried out that calm and relieve emotional stress.

      In sets of relaxation exercises, we use the generally accepted technology of I. G. Vygotskaya, E. G. Pellinger, L. P. Uspenskaya “Elimination stuttering in preschoolers in play situations.” The authors suggest teaching relaxation using preliminary exercises to tense certain muscles.

      At the beginning, children learn to tense and relax the most familiar, large muscles of the arms, legs, body, neck, and lower jaw.

      For example, children are asked to clench their fists forcefully, then relax, while explaining that only soft hands can easily perform any action we desire.

      In the future, when performing each exercise, attention is drawn to how pleasant the state of non-tension and calm is.

      When teaching children to relax, the speech therapist compares the body with a rag doll, the soft stomach with a deflated balloon, the neck and head with a ball in the water, etc.

      Scientists have found that with sufficiently complete relaxation of the muscles, the level of wakefulness of the brain decreases and the person becomes more suggestible. Successful mastery children muscle relaxation makes it possible to move on to targeted suggestion, i.e. influencing their will and consciousness with a word.

      U stutterers breathing is shallow, arrhythmic, inhalation and

      exhalation. The goal of training correct speech breathing is individual lessons - development long, smooth exhalation, clear and relaxed articulation. Speech breathing training, voice improvement and articulation refinement are carried out simultaneously.

      I. G. Vygotskaya, E. G. Pellinger, L. P. Uspenskoy,

      V. I. Seliverstova,

      S. Dubrovskoy “The famous breathing exercises by Strelnikova”,

      It has been established that the most correct and convenient for speech is diaphragmatic-costal breathing, when inhalation and exhalation are performed with the participation of the diaphragm and movable ribs. When establishing speech breathing, we teach children to inhale through their mouths, through slightly parted lips. (slit). An open mouth allows you to relieve muscle tension in the jaw and larynx and is a natural start to free speech. After inhaling, we teach you to take a short pause and then exhale long, smoothly. The duration of inhalation and exhalation should be the same.

      The child’s palm placed on the diaphragm area helps control correct speech breathing.

      Daily from children phonetic gymnastics is carried out.

      Sound massage, i.e. singing with hand movements, is the simplest and most accessible way to prevent, improve a child’s health, and eliminate uneven voice development.

      Sounds a – massages the chest area,

      and - vibrate the throat,

      s – brain,

      e o u – lungs, heart, liver, stomach,

      m – vibration of the lungs, bronchi, trachea,

      b d k – when pronounced on a solid attack, contributes to

      r in combination with vowels helps with asthma.

      Beautiful, flexible hands, active, wide movements, positive emotions - all this has a beneficial effect on the psychological and physical health of children.

      From the first individual lessons, work is being done to normalize

      general and speech behavior, the so-called "Pose five", pose of a brave man. It is explained to the children that such a person stands calmly, legs slightly apart, relaxed, mouth slightly open, boldly looking into the eyes. (Compared to a young tree)

      Various play situations are created where children can move, but at the teacher’s signal, when they hear a loud, drawn-out FIVE, they must take the appropriate position.

      Subsequently, before the beginning and at the end of the speech utterance, the teacher

      pronounces FIVE, thereby teaching children to control relaxation in the speech process.

      Finger movements help children relax, begin a speech act slowly and smoothly, highlight logical stress in a phrase, set the pace and syllabic rhythm of speech.

      For more efficient work teachers of our group a special simulator has been developed.

      At the beginning of the correctional work basic exercises are practiced individually.

      Stage 2 individual work.

      Consolidating the skills acquired by children.

      Learning to synchronize speech with the movements of the fingers of the dominant hand.

      Job over the expressiveness of speech on memorized texts.

      Nurturing bold speech behavior.

      Children's relaxation is carried out using the technologies of Vygotsky, Pellinger, Uspenskaya, as well as Agapova, Davydova “Fun psycho-gymnastics, or how to teach a child to manage himself”

      For children, relaxation is presented as a special game. Suggestion is carried out in the form of a rhyming text that is understandable and easy to remember children. Subsequently, many children use them independently.

      Experience shows that as a result of using relaxation, many children’s sleep improved and they became more balanced and calm.

      Stage 3 individual work.

      Automation of speaking skills with a hand in the classroom. Introduction of formulas for correct speech.

      Improving speech expressiveness.

      Conducting speech training with gradual complication of the communication situation.

      At the end of the first year of study, formulas for correct speech are introduced, which undoubtedly serves as a reminder for children to construct sentences and calm behavior.

      In the second year of study, more attention is paid to the prosodic components of speech in various communication situations, improving general and speech behavior. Individual training takes place in a speech therapist’s office, kindergarten groups, on the street, and in social institutions.

      Conclusion: Given specificity helps children with disabilities individually improve speaking technique without stuttering, contributes to the further normalization of speech expression, psychophysical state and social behavior of children.

      Questionnaire on gender education Dear parents! The survey is carried out in order to prepare for a parent meeting in our group on the topic “Boys and girls - two.

      Summary of a lesson with 1st grade students “Learning to be attentive” Lesson for 1st grade students on the topic: “Learning to be attentive” Goal: developing an idea of ​​the mental processes of attention.

      Independent website about stuttering

      Scheme of speech therapy work with children on an outpatient basis

      The proposed lesson plans indicate the main stages of the sequential speech therapy work. Without replacing the creative work of a speech therapist, they are a reflection of the same requirements for all people who stutter. These schemes serve to streamline, systematically and purposefully speech therapy classes.

      The proposed system of speech therapy work in outpatient settings takes into account the accumulated experience in modern speech therapy. At the same time, its features include the following:

      A) Speech therapy sessions for people who stutter First of all, they are built depending on the different speech capabilities of each stutterer, and not on the complexity of speech exercises alone.

      Reliance on preserved areas of speech in correctional work with people who stutter allows you to simultaneously use different systems of progressively more complex speech exercises developed over many years, as well as use the preserved speech capabilities of each stutterer separately.

      Identified threshold (level) of free speech for people who stutter allows you to determine the tasks of three stages of speech therapy sessions with them: preparatory (work is carried out on the existing intact, healthy areas of speech), training (gradual attack on “sick areas of speech”) and consolidation (consolidation of acquired speech skills in everyday activities with a gradual decrease in speech activities) .

      b) Along with the consistent complication of the actual speech exercises, a gradual increase in complexity is provided speech situations.

      Based on the knowledge of the factors influencing the manifestations of paroxysms of stuttering, our system provides for different aspects of the consistent complication of the actual speech exercises (the degree of its independence, preparedness of structural complexity, rhythm, loudness) and speech situations (depending on the social environment, situation, forms of activity) . System speech therapy sessions for people who stutter preschoolers is closely linked to the age characteristics of children and the objectives of their education program in kindergartens.

      c) In the proposed system speech therapy work The regular and mandatory use of a tape recorder is provided for, and the tasks and sequence of tape-recording sessions with people who stutter are determined.

      d) Taking into account the possibilities and necessity of speech therapy training for parents of a stuttering child, the system described below finds a place for certain and constant participation of parents at different stages speech therapy sessions with children.

      In speech therapy rooms and points classes with children who stutter are held 2-3 times a week for 40-60 minutes each. The course of classes is designed for 3-4 months. This amounts to 32-36 lessons. The examination and selection of children, as well as the initial tape recording, are carried out before the start of classes.

      The preparatory period is approximately 7-8 lessons. For the home, this is a period of gentle regime, when the most calm environment should be created for the child, the correct attitude of others towards him should be organized, a firm daily routine should be established, verbal communication with others should be limited if possible, and fixation on cases of stuttering should be completely eliminated. The speech therapist conducts all speech exercises in the office and at home, relying on healthy areas speech of a stuttering child.

      The content of the speech therapist's work will determine the following. Stimulating each child to actively work on their speech and behavior. To do this, the speech therapist invites several children from among those who have previously studied in a speech therapy room and were discharged with good results to the first lesson. Those who came talk about what their speech was like before, how they achieved the elimination of its shortcomings (perseverance, perseverance, obligatory completion of tasks and advice from a speech therapist, etc.). In such a lesson, a tape recorder can be used to demonstrate children’s speech before the start of a course of speech therapy classes and after its completion. For older children, excerpts from letters from exes can be read. stutterers. Thus, those who begin classes develop a strong desire to achieve beautiful, free speech through hard work and a system of special exercises; a feeling of faith in the strength of the speech therapist is evoked, and confidence in the favorable outcome of special classes.

      In addition, during the first or second lesson, the speech therapist introduces the children to the organizational features of the upcoming classes: informs them about the class schedule, the aids necessary for classes, introduces the children to each other, identifies the peculiarities of their behavior in the office, tells what the upcoming classes will consist of, what a beautiful, correct speech is, a demonstration of such speech is carried out (this can be a sample speech of a speech therapist or listening to records with performances by artists, masters of artistic expression; the material must be appropriate to the age of the children).

      From the very first lessons, speech exercises are learned: pronouncing vowel sounds, their combinations with consonants, learning poems accompanied by movements of the arms and legs, imitation of movements corresponding to the content of the text, pronouncing automatic series (counting, days of the week, months, etc.), memorization psychotherapeutic texts for morning (after sleep) and evening (before bed) recitation. For example (in the morning): “I slept well today. I had a good rest. I am in a very good mood. I am calm, cheerful, cheerful. Many interesting things await me today. I remember that I am learning to speak beautifully. I remember all the speech therapist's advice. Today I will try to speak beautifully and expressively. I’m sure I’ll learn to speak the way artists speak.” (In the evening): “I’ll sleep now. Today I had a very interesting day. I was in a good, joyful mood all day. I was calm and spoke well. I spoke the way I am taught in class. Now I will always try to speak correctly and beautifully. I'm going to sleep now. And tomorrow I’ll get up cheerful and in a good mood. An interesting day awaits me tomorrow too. I will watch my speech again. I will learn to speak beautifully, like artists.”

      The speech therapist composes texts for self-hypnosis depending on the age of the children; with some modifications, they can, anticipating a speech therapy lesson, set up children to complete the tasks of this lesson. Texts can be repeated by the child one or more times.

      Simultaneously with learning speech exercises for children, the concepts of beautiful, correct speech, what components it consists of: sonority, expressiveness, leisurely pace and smoothness, development of phrases, but without unnecessary sounds and words, correct behavior at the time of conversation (free, relaxed, calm, not fussy, without auxiliary movements).

      Children learn to watch how their friends and themselves speak. But at the same time, without fixating on possible hesitations! Attention should be paid only to the above-mentioned aspects of speech and behavior. Fixation on correct speech!

      Elements of correct speech are trained during this period in the child in healthy areas of speech. This allows him to minimize possible hesitations and at the same time pay full attention to speech therapy requirements for speech.

      During this period, the speech therapist has the opportunity to conduct speech exercises on conjugate-reflected speech, answers to specific questions, silent articulation, whispering, rhythmic speech(poems and prose). Correct speech training is carried out in different conditions: from different positions (sitting, standing, in motion, standing, coming forward, from a chair, etc.); in the process of various activities, various activities (modeling, drawing, counting, applications, native language); didactic games (lotto, dominoes, telephone, etc.). To complicate speech situations, outsiders are invited to speech therapy classes, who are only present at first, and then gradually join the classes. At the end of this period, a tape training session is conducted. Individual work with children with associated stuttering speech disorders, is carried out by a speech therapist simultaneously and from the very first lessons of the child in the office.

      Working with parents during this period is unique. The speech therapist conducts popular lectures and conversations with all parents about stuttering (essence, causes, methods of elimination), the meaning and direction of speech therapy classes (different levels of intact speech in children who stutter, tasks of the first period speech therapy work, speech therapy techniques to prevent and eliminate speech convulsions, etc.), about the role of parents in the treatment and pedagogical process (consultations and treatment of the child with doctors, home regime and the attitude of others, daily speech classes at home, keeping a diary, following the instructions of the speech therapist and etc.). General lectures do not exclude individual conversations about each child, the specifics of the approach and activities with him.

      In addition, during the preparatory period, parents must attend speech therapy sessions with children at least 2-3 times, where they are clearly shown methods of preventing and overcoming speech cramps, the principles of conducting speech therapy classes are shown.

      The training period on an outpatient basis is 20-22 sessions. Based on the concepts and skills of correct speech acquired by the child at the first stage, speech therapy classes during this period aim to gradually master difficult areas of speech stuttering child. The child is already accustomed to success in the classroom, he feels that he can speak freely and beautifully, so new tasks, which are also very gradually implemented by the speech therapist, will not be unexpected or overly difficult for him.

      At a speech therapy lesson, a new text of morning and evening self-hypnosis is learned. Material from previous speech classes is intensively used as speech exercises.

      During this period, they gradually train in all areas that are difficult to reach. stuttering child types of speech and speech situations: speech exercises (from answers to spontaneous speech, from quiet to loud speech); activity (from quiet activities to active and emotional ones, from describing one’s simple actions to talking about the upcoming complex set of actions); speech situations (from complications of the situation inside the office to complex life situations). In a speech therapy room, the complexity of speech situations occurs due to the child’s varied activities and forms of speech therapy classes. Modeling, drawing, appliqué, counting, native language, educational games, outdoor games and, finally, role-playing and creative games. The latter is especially important for a child, since the speech and behavior skills acquired in classes need to be transferred to life.

      During this period, two or three training sessions and one comparative tape recording session are conducted.

      The classroom environment is becoming more complicated due to the increasing activity of parents. Outside of the classroom, reinforcing new skills largely falls on parents. A speech therapist conducts several classes, and then he gives instructions to parents to practice their child’s speech on a walk, in a museum, in a store, etc.

      Working with parents during this period is to:

      1) conduct lectures and conversations for everyone about the tasks of the training period, about psychological characteristics of people who stutter, about different methods of treating stuttering;

      2) for those present at the classes, show the progress of the children and the effectiveness of speech therapy techniques, instruct parents to conduct the lesson or part of it with the children (the plan and sequence of the lesson are preliminarily thought out by the speech therapist and the parent);

      3) at home, parents must monitor the child’s compliance with the speech therapist’s instructions, carry out speech classes, keep a diary of observations.

      During the reinforcement period, the speech therapist is faced with the task of continuing to consolidate the child’s correct speech in difficult conditions, while at the same time gradually abandoning regular speech therapy classes. This period covers the remaining time from the mandatory cycle of speech therapy classes (6-9 classes). In speech therapy classes, intensive work continues on training correct speech (stories, conversations, spontaneous speech, etc.) in role-playing and creative games, rehearsals are held for the upcoming graduation concert, etc. Outside the classroom, speech training exercises in various situations are continued and intensified. The next element is introduced - a rehearsal at home with parents or peers for an independent concert. It is advisable that the child in the children's institution also take part in the preparation for the upcoming concert.

      The course of compulsory speech therapy classes in the office ends with a matinee or concert.

      During the placement period of work, parents also visit speech therapy sessions with children, take an active part in their implementation, follow the instructions of the speech therapist to consolidate the child’s new speech and behavior skills in public places and at home, and take part in the preparation of the graduation concert. Before graduation, the speech therapist discusses his characteristics with the parents of each child and gives recommendations on creating the necessary conditions for consolidating his free speech skills.

      Depending on the results of the classes, the speech therapist gives individual instructions. For children with practically healthy speech, daily speech exercises and speech classes at home, visiting a speech therapy room once every two weeks, then once a month, once every 2 months and, finally, once every 3 months are recommended.

      For children with minor residual symptoms of stuttering, daily speech exercises and exercises at home and visiting a speech therapy room once a week for 3 months are recommended. After a short break, repeat the course of speech therapy classes, starting with the training period. For children with significant residual stuttering, inpatient treatment or classes in special institutions is recommended. At home - daily speech exercises and repeated sessions with a speech therapist.

      IN AND. Seliverstov “Stuttering in Children”

      Good diction is the basis for clear and intelligible speech. Clarity and purity of pronunciation depend on the active and correct functioning of the articulatory (speech) apparatus, especially on its moving parts - the tongue, lips, palate, lower jaw and pharynx. To achieve clarity of pronunciation, it is necessary to develop the articulatory apparatus with the help of special exercises (articulatory gymnastics). These exercises help create a neuromuscular background for the development of precise and coordinated movements necessary for the sound of a full voice, clear and precise diction, prevent the pathological development of articulation movements, as well as relieve excessive tension in the articulatory and facial muscles, develop the necessary muscle movements for free use and control of parts of the articulatory apparatus.

    Summary of an individual lesson with a child who stutters (5-6 years old)


    I. Introductory part.

    1. Speech exercises - “Forest exercises”.

    II. Main part.

    1. Learning the new dialogue “The Fox and the Black Grouse.”

    2. Finger gymnastics – “Bunny”.

    3. Poem with a ball - “Ball in a circle.”

    4. Retelling of the fairy tale “Teremok”.

    III. Final part.

    2. Homework assignment.

    Progress of the lesson

    I. Introductory part.

    1. Speech exercise “Forest exercise”.

    Goal: Developing a sense of tempo and rhythm.

    Speech therapist: Hello, Milyausha! How are you? Let's start our lesson by learning a new speech exercise. I will read the chant, and you repeat the movements after me:

    One-squat, two-jump,

    And again squat.

    And then jump again -

    The bird flaps its wings.

    And takes off without looking back.

    This is a bird exercise.

    And when the little foxes wake up,

    They love to stretch.

    Wag your tail deftly.

    Well, the bear is clubfooted

    Spreads his paw wide,

    Either one or both are in place.

    He has been marking time for a long time.

    And when there is little charge

    Starts all over again.

    II. Main part.

    1. Learning a new dialogue.

    Goal: Development of fluency, unity of speech, development of vocal range.

    Speech therapist: Well done! Now let's try to learn a new dialogue. I will read phrase by phrase, and you repeat after me:

    - Terenty, Terenty! I was in the city.

    - Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo! It was like that.

    - Terenty, Terenty! I got the decree.

    - Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo! I got it, I got it.

    - So that you, black grouse, don’t sit in the trees, but all walk in the green meadows.

    - Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo! Walk like that.

    - Terenty, Terenty! Who's going there?

    - Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo! Man.

    - Terenty, Terenty! And who is running after the man?

    - Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo! Foal.

    - Terenty, Terenty! What kind of tail does he have?

    - Well, goodbye, Terenty, I don’t have time at home!

    2. Finger gymnastics.

    Goal: development of fine motor skills of the hands.

    Speech therapist: Now, let's play with our fingers. First I'll show you, and then we'll try it together.

    In one house (fingers turned downwards are lowered onto the table) with a large roof (“Roof”)

    Once upon a time there lived a bunny (“Hare”)

    In the morning he launched a boat in the river (“Boat”)

    And in the evening he closed the door in his house (“Door”) and went to bed (“Sleep”).

    3. Poem with a ball.

    Goal: Coordination of speech with movement. Consolidating the rhythm of movement and words.

    Speech therapist: Now let's play with the ball.

    Once! Once! Once! Once!

    Like this! Like this!

    4. Retelling of the fairy tale “Teremok”

    Goal: Developing correct, calm, coherent pronunciation, highlighting intonations, controlling the volume and timbre of the voice.

    Speech therapist: Now let you try to retell the fairy tale “Teremok”. First, I will read phrase by phrase, and you repeat after me, and then I will ask you questions, and then you will try to retell the fairy tale yourself.

    Flying through the forest, a fly saw a tower. I knocked, but there was no one there. And she began to live there. A mouse ran past. Knocked:

    - It’s me, the clicking fly, and who are you?

    - It’s me, little mouse, let me live with you.

    The frog-frog also knocked on their door, and they let her live with them too. A jumping bunny ran past and decided to knock:

    - Terem-teremok, who lives in the little tower?

    - It’s us - the clattering fly, the little mouse, the croaking frog, come and live with us.

    Soon the five of them began to live: a clattering fly, a little mouse, a frog, a jumping bunny, and a golden comb cockerel.

    One day a bear walked by - a clubfooted one. He also knocked on the door.

    - Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?

    - This is us - the clattering fly, the little mouse, the croaking frog, the jumping bunny, the golden comb cockerel.

    - Let me live with you too.

    They let him live too. The clumsy bear climbed onto the roof, could not stand the tower, and fell apart. Then they built a new mansion: big and beautiful. They began to live and live well and make good money.

    III. Final part.

    Goal: Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of the language, cohesion, fluency, expressiveness of speech.

    Repeat the new dialogue at home.

    Characteristics of a child who stutters.

    I started stuttering half a year ago. Parents complain of fatigue, lack of attention, and anxiety. Low degree of fixation on one's defect. A child without any special clinical peculiarities, with a mild form of clonic stuttering.


    Outline of a speech therapy lesson (senior group) on the topic:
    Summary of speech therapy classes for children of senior preschool age






    (first year of study)

    Compiled by a teacher-speech therapist

    Smirnova Tatyana Valentinovna

    MDOU No. 13, Rybinsk

    1. Strengthen the skills of smooth speech with movements of the fingers of the leading hand in its various forms.
    2. Expand the capabilities of the diaphragmatic costal
  • Improve the ability to pronounce vowels up to six sounds in one exhalation
  • Practice the ability to observe speech pauses
  • Improve the technique of expressive movements, coordination of syllables and rhythmic movement
  • Develop long speech exhalation.
  • Develop soft voice delivery and unified vocal performance
  • Develop prosodic components of speech (height, voice strength, speech rate, intonation expressiveness).
  • 10. Cultivate bold speech behavior

    EQUIPMENT: allowance for inflation for each child,

    pictures with different sounds,

    table with exercises by Peter Guberin,

    hats for staging a poem.

    Learning the poem “Joke” by V. Viktorov

    Dima – watch for a soft and smooth entrance into speech

    Vika – long speech exhalation

    Katya – observe speech pauses

    Vika – convey various emotional states using intonation

    1. Organizational point:

    I'm glad to see you.

    Maybe to each other

    We will extend our hands.

    Sunshine in the palm of your hand

    This is what happens in childhood

    Because in childhood

    Lots of sunshine in the heart.

    Today in class we will go on a magical journey along the river of “beautiful speech”. You will be sailors, and I will be your captain. Listen to me carefully, remember everything and repeat after me.

    2. Development of coordination and rhythm of movements.

    Say poems with your hands.

    I'm standing on the bridge and holding binoculars in my hands

    The waves splash slightly, the rocking is quiet for now.

    The waves suddenly became strong

    And everyone fell from the pitching.

    I hold on to the rope tightly

    Suddenly the wind blew off my cap.

    I began to catch with my hand

    Almost fell off the bridge.

    Sailors, repeat my commands.

    Gymnastics by Peter Guberin.

    I – HOP – TA – NA – SA

    In order for the sails to inflate on a ship, air and wind are needed. So we need air to speak.

    A white snowflake is flying,

    So pure, so brave. Children blow on snowflakes: calmly and

    What fresh air on the river. Let's breathe.

    “Reach to your toe” Tilt down – sharp exhale fff

    To ride on your back, pull your legs up to your chest - exhale with

    You need to turn into a ball. fff sound

    It’s not easy to pedal, exhale for every movement of your legs.

    If you go far. with sound fff

    Lying and standing, place your hands on your stomach.

    Here we are inflating the balloon, take a deep breath through the nose

    And we check it with our hands. (belly forward), exhale freely

    The ball bursts - we exhale (belly back).

    We relax our muscles.

    Bug, bug, buzz. Hands to the sides - inhale,

    Where are you hiding, going down - exhale

    Tell. With the sound "zh"

    Geese, you are geese. Slow lean forward -

    Red paws exhale “ha”, straighten -

    — These guys, real sailors, speak smoothly and coherently.

    “Your speech flows smoothly, seamlessly, just like water knows how to flow.”

    Rub and warm up your hands

    And we wash our face with warmth.

    Rake rakes away all bad thoughts.

    - Tap your forehead with your fingers from the middle to the temples. Make the sound "m"

    - Tap from the back of the nose to the ears. Make the sound “m” or “n”

    We stretch our lips to make them smile.

    - Tap the supralabial space with your fingertips. As you exhale, make the sound “v”.

    - Tap under the lower lip. We draw the sound “z”.

    We'll knock on the breast.

    - Tap the upper chest. We draw out the sounds “m” or “zh” as we exhale.

    And we flow down the neck to the shoulders.

    An exercise to relieve tension from facial and articulatory muscles.

    Fingers press behind the ears and open the mouth.

    “daom”, “gaom”, “baom”, “mais”.

    Guys, we received letters, but they were not written, but drawn.

    The first letter contains a lullaby. Let's sing it a-a-a-a.

    The next letter shows a boat. Let's give a signal

    Quiet oo-oo, loud oo-oo. Short y y, long y____________.

    Now let's send greetings to everyone.

    Singing sounds with gestures, string, hand. (together)

    Singing sounds with different intonations. (one by one)

    Exercises with traffic jams.

    Speaking at different paces, with different voice strengths: quietly, loudly; with reversal of logical stress.

    “Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.”

    6. Work on fluent speech skills. Poetic speech.

    Elements of auto-training. Music is playing.

    “We sat down comfortably and calmly, closed our eyes. Let's listen to the sounds of music.

    We felt our heels, tummies, heavy hands. I am calm/5, my whole body is calm. Breathing is smooth and calm./5

    I breathe in peace and breathe out peace /5.

    — Sailors also like to joke. Let's remember and tell the poem “Joke” (storytelling with gestures, with a hand in roles). I want to remind you of the rule: when talking, you need to look at the person you are talking to.

    “The boy goes to the doctor:

    - I have a stomach ache.

    — I ate a peach, it was green and not ripe.

    The doctor gave eye drops:

    - Let it be ten times a day,

    Maybe you'll understand better

    What are you putting in your mouth?

    Our journey has come to an end. Did you enjoy traveling along the river of beautiful speech? Think and tell us in full what you liked about the lesson.

    The speech therapist notes the positive aspects of each child’s work.

    1.Leonova S.V. Psychological and pedagogical correction of stuttering in preschool children / Ed. V.I. Seliverstova. – M., 2004.

    2.Andronova L.Z. How to treat stuttering. – M., 1993.

    3. Bakhmatova Z.N., Friedrich I.A. Smooth, slow, beautiful... - M., 2010

    Outline of a speech therapy lesson (middle group) on the topic:

    Summary of an integrated educational activity for children with neurotic stuttering

    Summary of a speech therapy session for preschool children with stuttering

    Middle group, neurotic form of stuttering

    Topic: development of the accompanying form of speech in the process of manual activity (flag application)

  • Formation of the ability to regulate tension and relaxation of the muscles of your body
  • Form the duration and smoothness of speech exhalation
  • Developing tempo, rhythm and fluency of speech
  • Development of question-and-answer, accompanying forms of speech with the help of visual support
  • Development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus
  • Development of a sense of rhythm
  • Development of coordination of speech with movement
  • Consolidating the skill of question-and-answer speech
  • Consolidating the skill of the accompanying form of speech
  • Introducing flag creation technology
  • Instilling skills of organized behavior and teamwork
  • Formation of positive motivation for classes
  • Equipment: balls, light objects (fluffs), pictures for articulation gymnastics, red rectangular leaves, glue, scissors, wooden sticks.

    Hello guys! Let's start our lesson!

    Now I will read poetry to you, and you close your eyes. The "Magic Dream" begins. You won’t really fall asleep, you’ll hear everything, but you won’t move or open your eyes until I give you permission. Listen carefully and repeat my words to yourself, no need to whisper, relax calmly with your eyes closed. The “magic dream” will end when I say: “Open your eyes! Get up!

    Attention, a “magic dream” is coming...

    We are resting peacefully...

    Our hands are resting...

    The legs also rest...

    The neck is not tense and relaxed...

    The lips part slightly...

    Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

    Everyone open your eyes and stand up!

    2. General motor charging

    Relaxation exercises:

    Stand in a circle, lower your arms along your body:

    • raise the right shoulder to the right ear, “throw” (lower to the starting position), the left shoulder to the left ear, throw, raise both shoulders, and then throw.
    • lower your head onto your chest, then slowly count from 1-4.
    • raise your arms up, relax your hands, elbows, throw them along your body (all counting 1-4)
    • with relaxed hands, imitate movements as when rinsing clothes
    • raise your leg, knees at hip level, left - right alternately
    • bend your torso, hang your arms like whips, slowly rise
    • 3. Speech exercise

      Formation of lower diaphragmatic breathing

    • Inflate and deflate the balloons
    • Deflating and inflating light objects

    Voice exercises are performed simultaneously with diaphragmatic breathing training:

  • Inhale and exhale, controlling your stomach with your hand, then as you exhale, make the sound -a-
  • Alternately stretch the vowels -a-, -o-, -u-, without a pause, one sound passes into another
  • -a- loud, -u- quiet, -o- moderate
  • Exercises to develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus and switchability from one movement to another:

    Tongue on the sports ground

    Open your mouth slightly. Stick your tongue out of your mouth as much as possible and pull it left and right.

    Although it's not easy

    Open your mouth and don’t close it. Reach your tongue towards your nose.

    Close to the chin.

    Open your mouth. Reach your tongue out towards your chin.

    Deftly made a bridge,

    Tucked his tail down.

    Open your mouth. Hide the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth. Curl the back of your tongue.

    And now the tongue is like a ball,

    Jumps from above for teeth.

    Keep your mouth wide open. Tap the tip of your tongue on the inner surface of the upper incisors.

    Hastened to the hippodrome

    He sat astride the horse.

    Open your mouth wide and smile. Slowly click your tongue, sucking it to the roof of your mouth. Stretch the hypoglossal ligament.

    It turned into a mushroom on a stalk.

    Keep your mouth wide open and smile. Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth and hold it in this position for 10 seconds. Pull the hypoglossal ligament.

    The tongue is now a gymnast.

    Spun up for us.

    Open your mouth. Raise your tongue by your upper teeth. Screw it up. Hold it with your teeth.

    And now he's turned around

    He lay down and curled up into a tube.

    Open your mouth slightly. Stick out your wide tongue. Fold the edges of the tongue inward.

    The tongue is a little tired.

    He lay quietly.

    Stick out your wide tongue. Relax your tongue muscles. Hold it in this position for 10 seconds.

    Dealing with Difficult Sounds

    AND - Glue - Glue - Glue - Glue



    4. Coordination of speech with movements

    In a water bottle

    And a cherry twig

    I'm quiet at night

    And in a jar of water

    What if with brushes

    Suddenly a banner will rise

    But mom saw

    She came and said:

    - It won’t grow! No! —

    Don't be sad, son!

    You're better off on your own

    You'll become like dad -

    And the banner is big

    You will carry it in your hands.

    The poem is read and the rhythm is beaten out, with a pencil on the table, or by clapping the palm.

    5. Speech work

    Now we will make a paper flag on a stick. I will distribute red rectangular leaves. In the previous lesson we learned how to fold pieces of paper in half. Do this now (during the work, the speech therapist asks each child questions):

    Katya, what are you doing now? (I fold the paper in half)

    What color is the paper? (red)

    What shape is the leaf? (rectangular)

    Now let's glue both halves together. Look, kids, I'm putting glue on one half. I spread the glue carefully, little by little. Now you do the same.

    Tanya, what are you doing? (I put glue on one half)

    Now, Andrey, tell me, what are you doing, but without repeating Tanya’s words? (I'm putting glue here)

    - and you Ilya (I smear half a leaf with glue)

    Now I'll show you how to glue a flag to a stick. Look carefully. Now do the same with your flag.

    What are you doing with your flag now? (I attach it to the stick), (I attach my flag to the stick)

    Well done, show your flags to each other.

    Now place your hands on your desks, take a deep breath and exhale.

    6. Homework

    Guys, you will do this work again at home and teach your parents how to create the same flags. And also think, find at home what other flags there are, and tell us about them.

    Everyone did well today, the flags turned out beautiful. We will continue to learn carefully, do crafts, and help each other.

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Goals: Activate vocabulary.

    This summary of an individual speech therapy lesson contains, in addition to material directly on the automation of sounds [s] and [l], material on the use of various games in speech work with children.

    Summary of an individual lesson for preschool children with mental retardation on the topic “Winter has come to visit us.”

    Forming readiness for school is one of the main tasks in the work of preschool teachers.

    Summary of an open lesson for preschool children with disabilities: “Friendly guys.”

    Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Insects”. Improving the skill of writing descriptive stories about objects according to a previously drawn up plan. Improving grammar.

    Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Red Summer”. Consolidating ideas about summer and its signs. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Improving syllabic skills.

    Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on stuttering correction on the topic: “Flower - seven-colored”

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    Summary of individual speech therapy sessions

    on the correction of stuttering on the topic: “Flower - seven-colored”

    introduce V.P.’s fairy tale Kataeva “Seven-flowered flower”

    train speech breathing;

    develop skills in recognizing the color of objects; develops attention to recognizing the color of objects;

    develop attention, thinking, imagination, expand vocabulary;

    promote a sense of kindness and responsiveness;

    consolidate the skill of hesitation-free speech at the stage of the question-answer form of speech;

    work on fluency of speech, tempo, rhythm;

    develop phonemic hearing;

    develop coordination of gross and fine motor skills;

    strengthen the skill of relaxation in contrast to tension;

    develop independent speech skills.

    Mirror, seven-flowered flower layout, images of clouds, a candle, an image of the outline of a candle on a sheet of paper, colored rectangles, multi-colored circles with numbers, a toy piano, paper butterflies on strings.

    Speech therapist: Look how interesting the clouds are above us. An unusual cloud came down to us.

    The speech therapist reads a poem:

    Facial exercises are performed with the child in front of mirrors according to the text and pictures (clouds).

    IN from a cheerful cloud

    Laughs at me:

    - Why are you squinting your eyes like that?

    How funny you are!

    A here's another cloud

    It's a breeze from mom

    Suddenly he took it far away.

    And suddenly there is a menacing sky

    And with a huge fist

    He threatens me angrily.

    A little cloud

    N hell floats like a lake,

    And a cloud of surprise

    Speech therapist: Before we go to the main part of the lesson, we need to relax and therefore we will now play the game “Magic Dream” with you. With your eyes closed, listen carefully and repeat my words to yourself and follow my instructions.

    We rest peacefully... (Twice)

    We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

    Our hands are resting...

    The legs also rest...

    The neck is not tense

    The lips part slightly...

    Everything is wonderfully relaxing. (Twice)

    Long pause. The child is brought out of the “Magic Sleep”:

    We rested peacefully.

    We fell asleep in a magical sleep...

    Louder. Faster. More energetic:

    It's good for us to rest!

    But it's time to get up!

    We clench our fists tighter,

    We raise them higher.

    Open your eyes and stand up!

    Speech therapist: The game is all over. You rested a little, calmed down, your arms, legs, and whole body relaxed. The lips and lower jaw also relaxed.

    Speech therapist: Today, I will tell you a wonderful fairy tale by Valentin Petrovich Kataev “Tsvetik Semitsvetik”.

    So, the fairy tale begins. Once upon a time there was a girl, Zhenya. One day her mother sent her to the store to buy bagels. The girl bought some bagels and went home. But on the way, an unfamiliar dog unnoticedly accosted her. And while Zhenya was yawning around and reading the signs, the dog ate all the bagels.

    - Oh, a nasty dog! – Zhenya shouted and rushed to catch up with her.

    I didn’t catch up with the dog, but I got lost myself. The girl got scared and cried. All of a sudden. Out of nowhere, an old woman appeared. She took pity on Zhenya, brought her into her garden and picked a very beautiful flower from the garden - a seven-flowered flower, about the same as this one. (Showing a flower) The old woman gave the girl a flower - a seven-flowered one and said that it could fulfill any of her wishes, all she had to do was pick one of the petals, throw it and say:

    Fly, fly petal

    Through west to east,

    Come back to the circle again.

    As soon as you touch the ground,

    Commanded that this or that should happen. And this one will be done immediately.

    Zhenya politely thanked the old woman, who suddenly disappeared somewhere, then she tore off a yellow petal, threw it and said: (Words)

    Tell me to be at home with the steering wheels!

    Speech therapist: And starting from this place, I will allow myself to make changes to the fairy tale.

    But our seven-flowered flower will not immediately fulfill the girl’s wishes, but only after we complete the task written on the back of the petal.

    Speech therapist: And so we begin our journey through the fairy tale.

    The child picks a petal from a flower and says the words:

    Through the north, through the south,

    To be, in my opinion, led.

    Speech therapist: Now turn over the petal and read what is written on it. Mysterious.

    This means that you must guess the item based on the description of the color combination.

    Round, not a month, yellow, not butter, with a tail, not a mouse. ( Turnip)

    The scarlet itself is sugar, the caftan is green, velvet. ( Watermelon)

    White carrots grow in winter. ( Icicle)

    Speech therapist: Well done. I guessed all the riddles.

    And at that very moment Zhenya found herself at home, and in her hands was a bunch of bagels!

    The girl wanted to put such a wonderful flower in her mother’s favorite vase. But she accidentally broke it into small pieces.

    Zhenya quickly tore off the red petal, threw it and whispered.

    Speech therapist: And so tear off the red petal. And read its title. Rainbow.

    This means that you need to name all the colors of the rainbow in order. (I remember the hint sentence “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits”)

    (Lays out rectangles by color).

    Before she had time to say the cherished words, the shards crawled towards each other and began to grow together.

    Zhenya went into the yard. And there the boys play: they pretend that they are at the North Pole, on ice floes. The girl asked the boys to take her to the game, but they did not agree and drove Zhenya away.

    - And it’s not necessary. I’ll be at the North Pole even without you now. Just not on one like yours. But really. – she tore off the blue petal and said.

    Speech therapist: Take off the blue petal. Read what it's called Computational.

    Exercise:“Decipher and solve the example.” Using the code, you need to replace the multi-colored circles with the corresponding numbers and solve the resulting examples.

    And the girl ended up at the North Pole. How she was, in a summer dress, with bare legs, and there it was a hundred degrees below zero! And then seven polar bears came out from behind the ice floes! Zhenya was scared. She cried, but the tears turned into icicles and hung on her nose. Like on a drainpipe.

    Not remembering from fear. The girl grabbed a flower with icy fingers - a flower of seven, and tore out a green petal and screamed at the top of her lungs... (Pronunciation of words)

    Veli. So that I can be in my yard again!

    Speech therapist: Take off the green petal and read what is written on it. Air.

    Exercise:- Trace the outline with a pencil, point by point, and you will find out what object is depicted.

    The child runs a pencil along the dots.

    The speech therapist asks questions along the way:

    What color is your pencil?

    In which direction are you connecting the dots?

    Which way did you turn the pencil? Etc.

    What item did you get? (Candle)

    Speech therapist: This candle is drawn on a sheet of paper, and with the help of magic words we can turn it into a real one. Close your eyes and say the magic words:

    At this time, the speech therapist places a lighted candle on the table.

    Speech therapist: Open your eyes and see what happened. Let's blow on the light to make it dance. If we blow harder, the light will waltz; if we blow less, the light will dance quietly.

    (Child does the exercise)

    Speech therapist: And with our help, Zhenya found herself back in the yard. The boys didn't believe it. That she was at the real North Pole. The girl was offended by them and went to play in the neighboring yard.

    She came and saw that the girls had different toys. Who has a stroller? Some have a ball, some have a jump rope, some have a bicycle. Here Zhenya became so annoyed. That she tore off an orange petal and said...(words) led to all the toys. any that exist in the world were mine!

    Speech therapist: And you take off the orange petal. And read what it's called. Musical.

    Now we will compose short melodies. I play and you repeat. Let's start with the key indicated by the letter... (the child names the letter on the key. The task is performed 5 times.)

    These are the unusual melodies we came up with.

    Speech therapist: Toys came to Zhenya from all over the world. There were so many of them. Traffic in the city stopped. The police officers climbed onto the lampposts and did not know what to do.

    - Enough, enough! And she screamed in horror. Zhenya, clutching her head.

    - I was joking! I don't need so many toys at all. I'm afraid..

    “And then the girl tore off the purple petal. She threw it and quickly said...

    Order all the toys to go back to the stores!

    Speech therapist: Pick a purple petal. What is it called, read it. Respiratory.

    Exercise: Blow on the butterflies and exhale and say another name for the colors that we didn’t name today in class (For example: cornflower blue, turquoise, crimson, etc.)

    And immediately all the toys disappeared.

    Zhenya looked at her flower and saw that there was only one petal left.

    - That's the thing! It turns out I spent six petals, and no pleasure. That is OK! I'll be smarter in the future.

    Speech therapist: What would you spend your last petal on?

    Probably, Zhenya would have spent the last petal uselessly. If I hadn't met one boy. The boy was very cute. He had big blue eyes, and it was immediately clear that he was not a fighter. His name was Vitya. And he was lame, so he couldn't play with the other children. “This is for life,” said Vitya.

    - Oh, what nonsense you are talking about! – Zhenya exclaimed and tore off the last blue petal, pressed it to her eyes for a minute, then unclenched her fingers and sang in a thin voice, trembling with happiness... (words)

    May Vitya be healthy!

    Speech therapist: Take off the last petal and read what it says Fairy.

    Assignment: “Name fairy tales whose titles contain any color, and show the corresponding rectangle.” (“Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Grey Neck”, “Blue Beard, the Scarlet Flower”, “Cockerel the Golden Comb”, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”.)

    And at that very moment the boy jumped up from the bench, began playing tag with Zhenya and ran so well that the girl could not catch up with him, no matter how hard she tried.

    Speech therapist: Tell me what does this fairy tale teach? (Doing good to good people is much more pleasant than thinking only about yourself. You need to learn to be sensitive and responsive.)

    Speech therapist: Our journey has ended. You completed all the tasks very well. Please share your impressions.
