Mudras for beginners, application. Practice. Mudras Mudra is the ruler of the solar plexus chakra

Yoga for fingers. Mudras of health, longevity and beauty Ekaterina A. Vinogradova

Mudra "Earth"

Mudra "Earth"

The main effect of this mudra is that you will learn to first feel the body like a spring, and then relax all the muscles. This will help you relieve fatigue and even replenish sleep if you have had little or little sleep.

According to the Eastern tradition, the world was created by the fusion of five primary elements or elements: Air (Vayi), Fire (Agni), Water (Jala), Space (Akash) and Earth (Prithvi). Collectively these five elements are called Panchamahabhuta in India. But the Earth is a special primary element, the personification of the feminine, maternal principle in the Universe. Performing mudra gives you the ability to make the right decisions, showing willpower and a positive attitude in the right situation.

If you're not on the go or in a public place, light a red candle (to make you feel special) or fill the room with the scent of lime (it helps you forget about a bad experience).

Turn around and face east. Tighten your entire body several times and immediately relax your muscles. If you lack clarity and clarity in your thoughts, it is best to turn to the method of clearing breathing. Take a normal, natural breath. Mentally move your life energy to the navel area. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds. Exhale – long and slowly. While meditating on this mudra, you connect to the energy field of the Earth and make a positive emotional and information exchange between natural forces and the depths of your subconscious.

Perform the mudra with both hands at the same time. Place your hands at chest level. Press the pads of the ring fingers and thumbs together, the remaining fingers are freely straightened and slightly apart. Mudra can also be performed with one hand (Fig. 39).

On the subtle plane, performing mudra increases the vibration of the Manipura chakra; on the physical plane, the healing effect of mudra is aimed at the vegetative, endocrine and lymphatic systems; On an emotional level, mudra relieves stress and restores physical and mental strength.

This mudra is used to concentrate vital energy in the solar plexus area. Its implementation allows you to take a fresh look at your place in this world and establish closer connections with others. Psychologically, mudra is suitable for purposeful people who are committed to career growth and are accustomed to judging people objectively, based on facts.

From the book of Mudras - finger yoga author S. Pankov (Author-compiler)

9. MUDRA OF THE EARTH According to Chinese natural philosophy, the Earth is one of the primary elements from which our body is built, one of the elements that determines the type of personality and the tendency to certain diseases. Indications: deterioration of the psychophysical state of the body, condition

From the book Asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha by Satyananda

Manduki mudra (frog mudra) Sit in bhadrasana and perform nasikagra drishti. Inhale and exhale slowly through your nose. Focus on the smells. Benefits of the practice: This mudra is a powerful means of awakening the muladhara chakra and perceiving psychic odors at deeper levels.

From the book Heart and Vessels. Give them back their health! by Rosa Volkova

Ashwini mudra (horse mudra) Stage 1. Take any asana for meditation. Relax your whole body. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Squeeze the sphincter muscles of the anus, hold them tense for a few seconds, and then relax. Repeat this as much as possible

From the book Yoga for Fingers. Mudras of health, longevity and beauty author Ekaterina A. Vinogradova

Yoga mudra (mudra of spiritual unity) Sit in padmasana. If this is impossible, then into vajrasana. Relax your body and close your eyes. Exhale slowly. Hold your breath as you exhale and focus on the muladhara chakra. Then inhale slowly, feeling at the same time how

From the book, 5 minutes of yoga without getting out of bed. For every woman at any age author Swami Brahmachari

Prana mudra (or shanti mudra) Take any asana for meditation. Keep your back, head and neck straight. Close your eyes, place your hands on your knees. Stage 1. Inhale as deeply as possible and exhale, drawing in the stomach to remove all the air from the lungs. Perform mula bandha,

From the book The Healing Power of Mudras. Health at your fingertips author Swami Brahmachari

Viparita Karani Mudra (inverted mudra) Perform viparita karani mudra. Relax your entire body and close your eyes. Then do ujjayi pranayama and khechari mudra. As you inhale slowly, feel your breath and consciousness moving from the manipura chakra to the vishuddha chakra.

From the author's book

Maha Mudra (large mudra) Sit on the floor with your right heel under your anus and your left leg extended forward. Lean forward and grab your left big toe with both hands. Relax your whole body. Take a deep breath. Perform mula bandha and shambhavi mudra.

From the author's book

Maha Bheda Mudra (Mudra of Greater Realizations) Sit on the floor with your left heel under your anus and your right leg extended forward. Lean forward and grab the big toe of your right foot with both hands. Take a deep breath, then exhale slowly

From the author's book

Yoni Mudra or Shanmukhi Mudra (Spiritual Source Mudra) Take any meditation asana that is comfortable for you, preferably padmasana or siddhasana. Inhale slowly and deeply. Hold your breath. Cover your ears with your thumbs, your eyes with your index fingers, your nostrils with

From the author's book

Pashini mudra (bent mudra) Simple form Take halasana. Spread your legs about half a meter apart. Bend your knees and bring your hips towards your chest so that your knees touch the floor, ears and shoulders at the same time. Wrap your arms tightly around your legs (along with

From the author's book

“Earth” Mudra It is believed that the Earth is one of the primary elements from which our body is built. This mudra is very useful for cardiovascular diseases, as it protects against the effects of stress and other external energy influences. The mudra is performed as follows:

From the author's book

Prithvi Dharana Mudra: contemplation of the elements of the Earth The ring finger represents the beginning of spiritual activity and moving energy and is responsible for well-being and general vitality. The traditional element for the ring finger is Prithvi (Earth). Thin

From the author's book

Earth Mudra The main effect of this mudra is that you will learn to first feel the body like a spring, and then relax all the muscles. This will help you relieve fatigue and even replenish sleep if you have slept poorly or little. According to Eastern tradition, the world was created by the merger of five

From the author's book

Mudra of “earth” Earth is one of the primary elements from which our body is built, one of the elements that determines the type of personality and the tendency to diseases. But in general, our beautiful planet Earth, together with the Great Cosmos, gives life to everything that lives on it. Indications: improvement

From the author's book

Wind mudra (vayu mudra) In Chinese medicine, wind is one of the five elements on which the health of the body depends. Its violation causes Wind diseases. In Eastern medicine, wind is understood as a damaging factor in the external environment - wind disease, as well as the primary element of the elements

From the author's book

Mudra of life (prana mudra) Prana mudra stimulates the root (Muladhara) chakra and both hemispheres of the brain, which is why it is called the mudra of Life. The purpose of using this mudra is to equalize the energy level throughout the body and increase its vitality.

Mudras (“seal, sign”) - hands placed in a certain way, are a ritual language of gestures, in Hinduism and Buddhism - symbolically located hands.

Mudras are a powerful way of influencing yourself, thanks to which you can find inner peace and health. This is one of the most proven, centuries-tested methods of self-improvement that can be practiced anytime, anywhere.

For healing, since ancient times, people have used various combinations of finger placement. Ritual finger placements were also used to enter certain states of consciousness and for meditation.

From one point of view, in accordance with the energy structure of a person, the main meridians (there are six of them) end on three fingers, with the help of mudras, the energy flow is closed, forming a certain configuration between the organs, which will directly affect the condition of the organs and health.

From another point of view, energy centers (chakras) and subtle bodies (aura and its layers) are projected onto the fingers. By acting through the fingers in a certain way, the functions of the bodies and energy centers are activated. That is, the impact will be on the physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies.

If you connect your fingers, acting on the fingertip or phalanx, the corresponding chakras and bodies will be activated, if you press your finger to the palm (closed finger) - this will lead to an inhibitory and calming effect of their functions.

Fingers that are not actively involved in the mudras onto which the corresponding energy centers and bodies are projected will not in any way affect the functioning of the chakras and bodies; the chakras and bodies will function as usual. There are a variety of mudras and many of them. Some affect health, some affect emotions, and there are mudras that affect consciousness.

Body position

When performing mudras, turn your face to the East. You can perform mudras in any position: sitting, standing, lying down or on the move. The main thing is to focus on the mudra and what you want to achieve with it. Performing mudras does not require a special setting or room; they can be performed while walking, at a meeting, or while watching TV. Although, it goes without saying, it is best to use Mudras during meditation. In this case, the classic “lotus” pose is traditionally recommended.

The body should be symmetrical, centered and relaxed. If you are sitting on a chair when performing Mudras, your back should be level with the back of the chair, and your legs should have good contact with the floor. If you are lying down, naturally, the position of your back will be most suitable if you use a sufficiently hard, flat and large surface for this.

If you practice Mudras while standing, then spread your legs shoulder-width apart and point your toes straight forward.

If you walk while performing Mudras, then the walking should be uniform, calm and rhythmic. In any case, it is important to be free and relaxed, since every distortion or any tension in the body interferes with internal energy flows and sharply weakens the impact of the Mudras.

Pay attention to symmetrical posture and the position of your hands, which should be at a distance of several centimeters from the body. Only this gives internal balance and regulates the activity of the nervous system and endocrine glands. The finger pressure is very light and gentle, and the hands are relaxed.

If a certain Mudra causes difficulty for you, then this signals a problem in the area of ​​the body or organ corresponding to this Mudra. In this case, spend more time on this Mudra, learning it and then further practice in order to quickly get rid of your problem.


With proper breathing, the effect of Mudras can be greatly enhanced. Knowing the principles of this mechanism, you will be able to influence the action of the Mudras according to your needs.

  • During deep breathing, in addition to carbon dioxide, we also give off “spoiled” energy on the subtle plane. Before starting classes, take a few deep breaths, making room for new energies.
  • Always take a short pause after inhaling and exhaling, just a few seconds. This is the most important thing during the breathing process. During these pauses, internal forces are adjusted to the desired level.
  • If you practice Mudras for calming, then slow down your exhalation.
  • If you practice Mudras for revitalization and vigor, then intensify your inhalation.
  • The quality of breathing is optimal if it is slow, rhythmic, deep, but not aggressive.

So. At the beginning of the lesson, you exhale forcefully several times and at the same time make your breathing deeper and slower. Now you have 3 options.

First: Breathe evenly and feel the contact of your fingers with equal force both when inhaling and exhaling.

Second: You can squeeze your fingertips a little tighter as you inhale and release the pressure as you exhale.

Third: You can squeeze your fingertips a little tighter as you exhale and release the pressure as you inhale.

Each opportunity has its own special action.

The first centers, brings the internal state into balance and, in general, organizes forces.

The second strengthens the will and refreshes.

The third promotes calm and relaxation.

Try these options and feel the difference for yourself! Find your optimal breathing rhythm and your optimal respiratory depth and observe for a few minutes. You can do Mudras and think about anything at the same time. But it’s better if you focus on your own breathing. Appropriate visualizations and affirmations serve as good support for the action of Mudras.

During the day, mudra should be repeated no more than 5-6 times for 5-10 minutes. The optimal time for one lesson is 45 minutes, but you can break it into shorter periods (10, 15 and 20 minutes).

If Mudras are used to eliminate problems or diseases, in fact as a medicine, then it is better to “take” them also as a medicine at the same time 3-4 times a day for 5-15 minutes.

If you take medications, it is better to do exercises half an hour before or half an hour after taking medications.


If, while performing this or that mudra, you feel any unpleasant sensations, stop the exercise immediately, and after a while try to perform another mudra with a similar effect.

One of the important ones. Easily connect the index finger and the pad of the thumb, straighten the remaining fingers, do not strain. This mudra will help stop the internal dialogue, improve thinking, memory will be activated, and potential opportunities will be concentrated.

The mudra is relevant for scientists, philosophers, thinkers and for those who want to activate the above abilities.

seventh (from below) – Sahasrara,
sixth (from below) – Ajna,
fifth (from below) – Vishuddha,
personal consciousness “I” is activated.

Connect the ring finger, thumb and little finger with pads, straighten the other fingers and leave them in a free position. Perform with both hands at the same time.

When performing this mudra, your performance will increase, your condition will become cheerful, your general well-being will improve, the energy potential in the entire body will be equalized, your vitality will increase, and endurance will appear. Performing this mudra equalizes the energy potential of the entire body and helps strengthen its vitality. Increases performance, gives vigor, endurance, and improves overall well-being.

Mudra should be used when exhausted and tired. In addition, it has a positive effect on vision, improves its sharpness, and helps in the treatment of various eye diseases. It also eliminates nervousness - a sign of weakness, since it has a beneficial effect on well-being by imparting vitality. Eliminates unwanted drowsiness.

The following chakras are involved:

seventh (from below) – Sahasrara,
third (from below) – Manipura,
second (from below) – Svadhisthana,
the first (bottom) is Muladhara. The whole body is activated.

Connect the pads of the ring finger and thumb, pressing slightly, straighten the remaining fingers. Perform with both hands.

Our bodies are built from the primary elements of the Earth. The tendency to diseases, as well as the personality type, can be determined by the elements, one of which is the Earth. Therefore, mudra is performed: if your psychophysical state of the body has worsened, during stress. When performing mudra, an objective assessment of one’s own personality occurs, a person begins to trust himself, and protection from negative external influences is activated.

The following chakras are involved:

seventh (from below) - Sahasrara,
third (from below) – Manipura

The astral body is harmonized and activated.

Connect the middle, ring and thumb fingers together with pads, and straighten the rest freely. Mudra of Energy is recommended for diseases of the genitourinary system and spine; helps cleanse the body of poisons and toxins. Has an analgesic effect.

Chakras involved:

seventh (from below) - Sahasrara,
fourth (bottom) - Anahata (responsible for the work of the heart and lungs),
third (bottom) – Manipura (responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract),
second (bottom) – Svadhisthana (responsible for the functioning of the genitourinary system)

Mudra "Staircase of the Heavenly Temple"

Press the fingertips of your left hand between the fingertips of your right hand, with the fingers of your right hand always down. Straighten the little fingers of both hands and place them upward in a free state.

It is recommended to perform if you are depressed or have mental disorders to improve your mood. Conditions of melancholy and hopelessness are relieved. The frequency of energy shells increases. Attention to the physical body weakens.

All chakras are activated, with the exception of Muladhara.

Mudra "Lifting"

Place both palms together and cross your fingers. Place the thumb of one hand and surround it with the thumb and index finger of the other hand. Perform, alternating, for 5-10 minutes on each hand, focusing on the thumb.

It is necessary to follow a diet while using mudra, it is advisable to lose excess weight. You should not use mudra for too long and too often, as it can cause apathy.

Mudra is recommended if a person suffers from colds, sore throat, pneumonia, cough, runny nose, sinusitis. Promotes rapid recovery, increases immunity, and the body's defenses.

The mudra opens the central channel of kundalini to connect to the system signal, the energy bodies are filled with energy.

Mudra Hakini (Hakini means the deity of the Ajna chakra)

The fingertips of both hands are connected to each other. Practice at your discretion, anytime, anywhere. Hakini mudra is used to train memory and concentration. The left and right hemispheres begin to interact.

All chakras, consciousness and subconscious are activated. It is another tool for activating the ajna chakra.

Another name for this mudra is atmanjali mudra. Mudra is indicated for depression, depression, loss of strength, and a general decrease in the protective functions of the body and psyche.

Technique for performing mudra for the Sahasrara chakra

  • Place your palms together at chest level
  • The tips of the fingers touch and point upward
  • Palms should be a short distance apart
  • Perform the mudra for 10 minutes.

All these mudras for the chakras can be used as a separate practice or as a component in the practice of asanas and pranayamas.

Mudra energizing. Can be used for fatigue, dissatisfaction, lethargy and depression due to nervous tension and constant stress. It can be used to ease any waiting. This Mudra speeds up the healing process, no matter what your illness is.

Place your right hand, slightly clenched into a fist, with the thumb pointing upward, on the cupped palm of your left hand. Keep the fingers of your left hand together. Place your hands at stomach level, and move your elbows to the sides and slightly forward. If necessary, as often as required or desired, or 2 times a day for 4 minutes.

Imagine that your left hand is a mortar and your right hand is a pestle. When you take your first breaths, mentally find the cause of your poor health, and let it fall like dark pebbles into your left hand. Using the edge of your right hand, rub all the pebbles into fine dust, and then blow them off your hand like sand. Remain in a sitting position for a while longer. Let the healing energy flow through the thumb of your right hand into the cup that represents your left hand, and your energy reserve is formed.

Vayu Mudra cleanses the blood, relieves arthritic pain, treats joints, paralysis, Parkinson's disease, works well against radiculitis, rheumatism, knee pain, trembling of the hands, neck, and head. Improves gas formation, relieves pain in the neck and back.

The purpose of this mudra is to weaken the “wind” (air) in different parts of the body.

When performing this mudra, you can notice a significant improvement in your condition within a few hours. For chronic diseases, mudra should be performed alternately with the Wise Life. Exercises can be stopped after improvement and signs of the disease begin to disappear (improvement in objective indicators).

Execution technique:
We place the index finger so that its pad reaches the base of the thumb. We lightly hold this finger with our thumb, and the remaining fingers are straightened and relaxed.

Protective Mudra against energy vampirism

Mudra arms us with protection from the negative influence of others, which can affect us in the most unfavorable way in the case when we are easily lost and succumb to the influence - often unconsciously - of our counterpart. By identifying with the feelings and thoughts of others - when, for example, we allow unacceptable intimacy or want to fix something, while going too far in a purely personal matter - we unconsciously allow our counterpart to connect to our energy and siphon it off.

If we do something not voluntarily and, frankly, to the detriment of ourselves, we are energetically devastated and may end up becoming energy vampires ourselves. Through this mudra we form a castle and thanks to it we protect our stomach, the softest and most vulnerable part of the body, as well as our emotional state from the influence of others.

Low self-esteem? Stress? Earth mudra will help to quickly normalize your mental state!

According to Chinese natural philosophy¹, every object in the Universe contains 5 elements:

  • Earth;
  • Water;
  • Fire;
  • Air;
  • Metal.

The earth element is a basic component of our body and determines a person’s personality type and susceptibility to certain diseases.

Earth mudra is indicated for:

  • deterioration of the psychophysical state of the body;
  • state of mental weakness, stress²;
  • low self-esteem³;
  • negative external influences.

The mudra of the earth in terms of spiritual self-development promotes activation and harmonization and replenishment of energy during nervous stress.

Regular practice of this ancient mudra improves an objective assessment of one’s own personality, increases self-confidence, and protects against negative energies.

The purpose of mudra on a physical level is to enhance the sense of smell, strengthen nails and bones, and improve the condition of skin and hair. In addition, this position of the fingers strengthens the vestibular apparatus and normalizes the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Earth mudra: technique of execution

1. The pads of the ring finger and thumb are brought together with slight pressure.

2. The other fingers remain straight.

3. The mudra is performed simultaneously with both hands.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Natural philosophy is a historical term that denoted (approximately until the 18th century) the philosophy of nature, understood as an integral system of the most general laws of natural science (

Mudra is an ancient way to help yourself. This is a special position of the fingers in accordance with certain rules.

Where to study? - It is better to find a secluded place for studying, but this is not a prerequisite. Mudras are gestures, so they can be performed at any time and anywhere.

How to practice? - Mudras are best performed while sitting. The only requirement is that your back is straight. You should not experience any tension or pain.

When to practice? -You can perform mudras at any time when you feel the need to replenish energy. But the most favorable time is morning or evening. You should not do mudras immediately after eating; you can start practicing no earlier than an hour later.

How often should you do mudras? - There are no restrictions in this matter, but the best option is to perform mudras twice a day.

How long to perform the mudra? - As you master the practice, the duration of performing the mudra increases from three minutes at the beginning to thirty minutes when you gain stable skills.

Most mudras give an immediate effect - you will immediately feel a surge of strength, clarity of mind, and peace. If you are faced with more serious problems, then discipline and perseverance will be required. The mudras you choose will need to be practiced for several weeks before you feel a deep change in yourself that will eliminate the problem that is tormenting you.

Mudra "Earth"

Execution technique.

The ring finger and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure.

The remaining fingers are free.

Practical use.

Strengthens and harmonizes the influence of the earth element in the body.

The earth element mainly consists of bones, skin, hair, and nails.

Improves the psychophysical state of the body, increases strength and endurance, relieves the feeling of mental weakness and stress.

Helps with osteoporosis, arthritis, diseases of the skin, teeth, hair.

Helps overcome greed, apathy, despondency and gross sensuality.

Improves an objective assessment of one’s own personality, increases self-confidence, and also provides protection from negative external energy influences.

Mudra "Water"

Execution technique.

The little finger and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure.

The remaining fingers are free.

Performed with both hands at the same time.

Practical use.

Strengthens the water element in the body.

It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, injuries, metabolic disorders, hypertension, and diabetes.

Favorable for urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, bloating, distributes moisture, etc.

Used for dysfunctions of the reproductive system. Helps sublimation of sexual energy.

Helps control feelings and harmonize desires, overcome anger, envy and irritability.

Mudra of "Fire"

Execution technique.

The middle and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure.

The remaining fingers are free.

Performed with both hands at the same time.

Practical use.

Increases the fire element in the body.

Warms the body and clears the belly.

Relieves drowsiness, hypochondria, depression, cures nasopharyngeal diseases, colds.

Improves vision, helps harmonize digestion, strengthen the immune system, and improve memory.

It cleanses and rejuvenates all body tissues and prevents the formation of tumors, helps normalize lipid metabolism, and increases sexual activity; protects against the destructive effects of toxins and premature aging.

Mudra "Air"

Execution technique.

The index finger and thumb are easily connected by pads; the remaining fingers are straightened (not tense).

Combine with belly breathing.

Practical use.

Increases the air element in the body.

Helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, insomnia, excessive drowsiness, high blood pressure.

Improves the functioning of the body's most important systems: immunity, central nervous system, liver.

This mudra gives strength and revives us again.

Helps overcome laziness, inertia, and depression.

Strengthens motivation and gives strength to intention.

Finger yoga for acquiring and maintaining health, vitality and inner peace.

More than 6 0 Mudras, their detailed description, connection with body and spirit, focus. Instructions for study and use.

Breathing, visualizations and affirmations to enhance the action.

Herbs, spices, combined with the performance of specific Mudras.

The material was prepared by Lydia and Peter Leiman, we thank Gertrud Hirschi for this opportunity.

Mudras for health, vitality and inner peace. (Continuation)

13. Prithivi-Mudra (Prithvi-Mudra)

Mudra of the Earth. According to Chinese natural philosophy, the Earth is one of the primary elements from which our body is built, one of the elements that determines the type of personality and the tendency to certain diseases.

This Mudra is necessary when the psychophysical state of the body deteriorates, when it is necessary to counteract mental weakness, hysterics, breakdowns, stress, physical weakness, as a consequence of all this and also to protect against negative, external, energetic influences.


Both hands: Apply light pressure to the top of your thumb and ring finger. The other fingers are extended without tension.

Do it if necessary or as a treatment daily 3 times for 15 minutes.

Earth mudra stimulates the root chakra*, thereby replenishing energy lost during nervous stress. This finger position enhances the sense of smell and is good for nails, skin, hair and bones, improves balance, instills confidence and improves self-esteem. In addition, body temperature, liver and abdomen are stimulated.

Breathing and Visualization:

Stand or sit on a chair. The legs are parallel, the soles of the feet are in full contact with the floor (ground). As you inhale, you imagine that you are receiving earthly energy with the soles of your feet, this energy rises from your feet through your body higher and higher, passes through your legs, torso, neck, head and goes further into space. Hold your breath for a few seconds. As you exhale, you imagine how the energy of the Cosmos washes you from top to bottom like a golden shower and flows down to the ground. After a short breath-hold, the cycle repeats.


The power of the earth gives me self-confidence and the ability to insist on my own, I am confident in myself.

The power of the cosmos gives me inspiration, desire and joy.

Plants, spices:

Teas made from calendula (Calendula officinalis L.), hawthorn (Grataegus), and motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca L.) are very soothing.

* You can learn more about chakras from “What does a modern Western person need to know about chakras?”

14. Varuna-Mudra (Varuna-Mudra)

Mudra of Water- mudra of God Varun. In Indian mythology, Varuna is the God of water.

Water is one of the five primary elements that form our body and planet. The element of Water gives a certain coloring to people born in the zodiac group of this element, as well as a tendency to certain diseases. In a general understanding, Water is the basis of life, without which all life on the planet is unthinkable.

The main purpose of this mudra is to remove unnecessary mucus and excess fluid from the body. It has a beneficial effect on the body with various “wet” inflammations, with a runny nose, liver disease, colic, and bloating.


Bend the little finger of your right hand so that it touches the base of the thumb, which, in turn, is placed on the little finger. With your left hand, clasp your right hand from below, while placing the thumb of your left hand with light pressure on the thumb of your right hand.

If necessary or as treatment daily 3 times for 45 minutes.

This Mudra should be used whenever excess mucus appears, anywhere: in the nose, frontal sinuses, stomach, intestines, bronchi, lungs, as well as for colds or allergic rhinitis.

Excess mucus, no matter where it occurs in the body, is necessarily associated with nervousness, internal tension and anxiety caused by overload, lack of time, frustration, fear, and the desire to control everything and everyone. Eliminating these causes will speed up recovery and prevent them from returning.


Normal, smooth.


Imagine that you are standing under a small waterfall, allow the water to wash away from the inside, wash away from the outside everything that carries negativity. See how the water under your feet is dark from your “dirt,” but a little further this dark substance brightens and is completely transformed. The water becomes spotlessly clean and transparent again.


I always have the desire and opportunity to free myself from unnecessary things and change everything for the better.

Plants, spices:

Horseradish, which you can also eat as a salad, helps against excess mucus.

15. Bhudi-Mudra (Bhudi-Mudra)

Mudra of Liquids.


Both hands: Connect together tips of the little finger and thumb. The remaining fingers are freely extended.

If necessary or for treatment daily 3 times for 15 minutes.

Doctors differ greatly when it comes to how much a person should drink. Of course, it's not good to drink too little, but it's probably also bad to drink too much (even if it's just water). On average, 1-1.5 liters is considered good. liquids for drinking.

It is good to combine drinking water with some ritual. For example, drink with your eyes closed in small sips, imagining how the water washes and cleanses the esophagus and intestines.

You should not drink water that is either too hot or too cold.

Water quality is important. If it is not possible to take water from a clean source, then use the so-called “charged” water.* The simplest way to charge water (liquid): with good thoughts, lovingly move the filled glass for a long time, as if writing the number 8 to it.


Breathing is normal and even.


Imagine a clear small mountain stream that gurgles merrily.


Immerse your feet and/or hands in the water, feel how the water caresses you.

Plants, spices:

Bearberry (bear's ear) (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi L.) is a disinfectant and diuretic for inflammatory diseases of the bladder and urinary tract, and Goldenrod or Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea L.) helps with inflammation of the renal pelvis.

* You can learn in detail how to charge water from “Everyone can charge water.”

16. Apan Vayu-Mudra (Apan Vayu-Mudra)

Life saving mudra(first aid for heart attack).

Use at the first sign of a heart attack or heart pain.


Relief occurs immediately, the effect is similar to the use of nitroglycerin. Regulates heartbeat, eliminates discomfort in the heart area caused by anxiety or melancholy. Treats heart diseases.

Both hands: Bend your index finger so that its tip touches the raised area at the base of the thumb. Hold your index finger with your thumb. At the same time, connect the ends of the middle finger and ring finger to the end of the thumb. Move your little finger to the side.

If necessary (until relief occurs) and as treatment daily 3 times for 15 minutes..

Everyone should learn how to perform this mudra, since its timely use can save your own life, as well as the lives of your loved ones, relatives and friends.

Mudra can be used for preventive purposes.

Heart diseases (like all others, by the way) do not appear just like that, but it is also harmful to consider them a punishment. They are a signal that it is time to change your way of thinking and attitude towards life.

Breathing and Visualization:

Imagine a red rosebud in your heart. Each time you exhale, one petal opens, and so on until finally the entire bud opens. The petals form a rosette, and with each inhalation the rosette will expand slightly until a large flower rests on your chest.


You can even feel the weight. As your chest rises and falls rhythmically, the flower also moves up and down. You can probably even imagine the scent of a rose.

I love, appreciate and approve of myself.

I am the love. Now I will love myself and approve of my actions.

Plants, spices:

I always have the time and desire to pay attention to beauty and enjoy peace.

Vitamins found in wheat germ and essential oils of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) have a relaxing effect on the heart.

Strengthening - hawthorn (Crataegus saraguinea Pill., Grataegus oxyacantha L.)

17. Prati-Mudra (Prati-Mudra)


Back-Mudra, Mudra for the back.

To solve back problems. First aid for spinal overload.

Left hand: Use the pad of your thumb to touch your index fingernail.

The remaining fingers are straightened without tension.

Right hand: Place the pads of the thumb, middle finger and little finger together, extend the index and ring fingers without tension. As treatment daily 4 times for 4 minutes, if necessary until relief occurs. Back pain can have a variety of causes. Most people have deposits and wear. Pain can also be caused by a diseased organ whose nerve pathways extend into the spine. Prolonged mental and physical work, excessive demands on oneself and others, fears, junk food, lack of sleep and lack of exercise - all these can be causes of back pain. Eliminate the causes, and Mudra for the back will help you easily eliminate the consequences.

Mudra helps to quickly unload the spine, especially in combination with

Breath: body position,


shown in the figure.


In this case, you need to slightly tense your chin in the direction of the arrow, which will help stretch the entire spine, from the tailbone to the base of the skull. You must remain in this position for at least 20 minutes.

My spine is strong, I am protected, I am safe.

Plants, spices:

A warming and relaxing massage for back pain is using olive oil, St. John's wort oil or poppy oil.

18. Kubera-Mudra (Kubera-Mudra)

Mudra for fulfilling desires. Kubera - God of Wealth

Opens and cleanses the frontal sinuses. Mudra gives inner peace, confidence and equanimity. Gives confidence in achieving a goal or fulfilling a desire. .


Both hands: Connect the tips of your thumb, index and middle fingers.

Place the remaining two fingers in the middle of your palm. To clear the frontal sinuses, when inhaling, inhale the air strongly, as if you want to smell the aroma of a flower.

If necessary (for prevention or for pain) and as treatment daily 3 times for 15 minutes.

Mudra can be used to speed up the fulfillment of various desires under various circumstances of life, from finding a parking space to..., to the most grandiose. In general, Mudra will help when it comes to goals that one wants to achieve or desires that should be fulfilled; health is no exception.

The strength of the Mudra's influence depends on the intensity. The important thing is not how long it is practiced, but with what intensity. Purposefully using this Mudra in everyday life is truly a pleasure. The practice is simple:

You formulate mentally, absolutely clearly and clearly, without denial, your desire or your goal, ask your heart whether the fulfillment of this will be good for you, for other people and for the world around you. If so, you put 3 fingers to each other, express your desire loudly 3 times, pressing each time on your fingers. Ready!


If we are talking about parking or new clothes, or similar little things, then the mental preparatory work (visualization) is not so important, but otherwise it is necessary. The following visualization meditation should be done daily 1 - 2 times for several days or even weeks in a row.


Normal, calm.


Draw to yourself mentally your goal, your future or your special desire, color these pictures in all colors. Develop a feeling at the same time as if it were already reality. Thought is a witnessing force, father; feeling is the determining force, mother. The target is the child. She needs care, nutrition and patience. As with plants, which, after planting the seeds, need a lot of care for a long time until they reach full prosperity - also with goals and desires. We must put a part of ourselves into them.

19. Kundalini-Mudra (Kundalini-Mudra)

on another page.

Mudra of liberation. Gesture of pouring out ambrosia*.

This Mudra stimulates colon emptying, sweating and cleanses the breath (as you exhale). Frees the body from spent (spoiled) energy.


Place your hands with your palms facing each other. Interlace all fingers except the index fingers. Extend your index fingers with their tips connected. The tip of the upper thumb in this position is in the hole between the thumb and index finger of the other hand. There is a small space between the palms.

The index fingers are pointed down towards the ground (towards the “filled vessel”). If the Mudra is practiced lying down, then the bottom will be in the direction of the legs.

After finishing, both hands completely relax and fall along the hips.

Performed, if necessary, for 7 to 15 breathing cycles, counting and concentrating on exhalation.


This Mudra cannot be performed longer, since after a few breaths it begins to remove pure energy from the body.


A person, when surrounded by many other people, often perceives too much negative energy, especially if his own energy level is too low. Kshepana Mudra helps to release spent or negative energy and then ensures the acceptance of new, fresh and positive energy. Mudra helps to release any kind of tension.


The first 3 breaths are deep, the rest are normal, calm, but with concentration on the exhalation.

Plants, spices:

Visualize the following picture: You are sitting on a stone protruding from a stream in the middle of a stream and practicing Mudra. While you exhale, sweat “springs out” from every pore of your skin in such quantities that it simply flows off you into the stream. At the end you wash yourself, cooling yourself with water from the stream. When you place your hands on your hips, imagine yourself drying in the sun. After this, you will be open to fresh energy again.

21 Everything that is used up in body, spirit and soul comes out of me and disappears, and I accept everything that refreshes me with gratitude.

Linden tea or elderberry tea after a warm bath or sauna will relieve tension.

Inhalations are also cleansing procedures, especially for colds.


Both hands: Connect the ends of the thumb, index and ring fingers. The remaining fingers are straight but not tense.

If necessary and as treatment daily, 3 to 6 times for 5 minutes.

The mudra activates the solar plexus chakra and, accordingly, the organs associated with this chakra: stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, muscular system. Energy imbalances in these organs weaken the flow of vital energy going to the head, which causes lethargy, heaviness of the head and even dizziness. Such states of weakness can be nullified with the help of this Mudra.

Imagine a huge, spinning wheel. If you are in the middle, close to the hub, the rotation of the wheel will not have any effect on you. However, if you leave the center of the wheel and move along the axle to the rim, then you will need tremendous effort to hold on. This applies to all life situations. The loss of the center, the golden mean, plunges us into difficult situations, infuriating us even more, which causes the emergence of all types of tension. Rudra Mudra, activating the solar plexus chakra, will bestow you with centering power.


If we are talking about parking or new clothes, or similar little things, then the mental preparatory work (visualization) is not so important, but otherwise it is necessary. The following visualization meditation should be done daily 1 - 2 times for several days or even weeks in a row.


You mentally see a white screen. On it you draw a wheel, rim, hub, spokes. The hub bushing has a quadrangular shape. In the very middle of the wheel, inside the hub, you see a yellow dot. By inhaling, you make this point larger and more luminous, and moving towards you, absorbing you. As you exhale, this yellow color retreats from you, decreasing and turning into a point in the middle of the hub. During visualization, all attention should be directed only to the middle of the picture.

You can draw a wheel with a yellow dot in the middle on paper and consider it as a Mandala.


I rest in my center and draw strength and joy from my center.

Plants, spices:

Angelica officinalis Hoffm. is good for exhaustion of the nervous system, acute and chronic neuralgia. Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium L.) helps with chronic pancreatic disease.

22. Garuda-Mudra (Garuda-Mudra)

Garuda- mystical bird.

Mudra relieves fatigue, gives strength, improves blood circulation and metabolism, facilitates breathing during shortness of breath, reduces menstrual pain and pain due to indigestion.


With your palms facing you, clasp (cross) your thumbs.

Spread the remaining fingers (in the form of bird wings). Place your hands on your lower abdomen, your right hand on top. 10 breaths of the hands remain in the lower abdomen, then move them with a sliding movement to the navel area. The hands remain in this place for 10 breaths, then move the hands even higher, to the pit of the stomach, and keep them there for 10 breaths. After this, move your hands to the sternum and only remove them from there in the direction of the shoulders, while leaving your fingers widely spaced.

If necessary or 3 times a day for 4 minutes.

Garuda is the lord of birds and air currents, the enemy of snakes and the carrier of Vishnu. This is an energetic and powerful bird. Birds have keen vision, a strong sense of direction and a strong survival instinct. Large birds have such a large wingspan and such great strength that they can afford to soar in the air for long periods of time.

Likewise, the influence of Garuda Mudra is very strong and therefore it should be used in good doses. By stimulating circulation and improving blood supply, it improves metabolism, revitalizes organs and aligns energies throughout the body, no matter in the pelvic area or chest area. It also helps with states of exhaustion and mood swings.


If we are talking about parking or new clothes, or similar little things, then the mental preparatory work (visualization) is not so important, but otherwise it is necessary. The following visualization meditation should be done daily 1 - 2 times for several days or even weeks in a row.


If you have high blood pressure, use Mudra with extreme caution! Never ever don't imagine

your life as a bird of prey, and yourself as a mouse!


Imagine, you are easily and elegantly floating in the air above the ground and looking at the landscape (your life). You see the mountains (challenges), but they are not that high and steep, they are passable, there are favorable roads everywhere. You have the clear gaze of a bird of prey and can easily see it, just as easily you can separate the important from the unimportant. You clearly see that you are getting something that you can easily overcome, and you can live in harmony with it all.

Plants, spices:

I am free and live in harmony with this world.

Ginkgo Biloba is the oldest plant species on Earth, surviving the Ice Age. Improves blood supply to the brain, memory and concentration. Provides elasticity and strength of blood vessels and capillary walls. Prevents the formation of blood clots. Slows down the aging process. Reduces bronchospasm. Improves blood flow to organs.

23. Suchi-Mudra (Suchi-Mudra) Mudra needle

, an indication of something.

This Mudra is necessary for constipation and for cleansing the intestines.

Starting position: Press the clenched fists of both hands to your chest. As you inhale, move your right hand to the right and slightly up, while simultaneously extending your index finger and turning your head. Maintain slight tension on your outstretched arm and finger. for 6 breaths, then return to the starting position. Do the same in the other direction. This will be 1 cycle.

For severe chronic constipation, perform 10-12 cycles 4 times daily; for mild constipation, perform 6 to 12 cycles in the morning and at noon. When traveling or if there is an urgent need, do it in the morning for 5-10 minutes, without getting out of bed, before getting up. After this, a few more minutes should be devoted to Mushti Mudra (number 24).

Suchi Mudra often helps to empty the intestines the first time after 2 hours.

Daily, good bowel movements are very important. Since one of the causes of general ailments, hostility, impatience, short temper, greed is often a full and stressed intestine.


If we are talking about parking or new clothes, or similar little things, then the mental preparatory work (visualization) is not so important, but otherwise it is necessary. The following visualization meditation should be done daily 1 - 2 times for several days or even weeks in a row.


Imagine that you are throwing everything old, everything bad, unnecessary over your shoulders.


I easily part with everything old, unnecessary, outdated thoughts, habits and views.

As I part with the past, a new, fresh vitality enters into me.

Plants, spices:

Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula) helps against constipation.

24. Mushti-Mudra (Mushti-Mudra)

Mudra fist. Mushti - fist, invader, demonstration of strength.

Activates the liver and stomach, promotes digestion and helps with constipation.


Both hands: Bend your fingers into a fist and place your thumb on your ring finger.

If necessary and as treatment daily 3 times for 5 minutes.

Often the main psychological cause of problems with the liver, stomach, and heart is aggression. Suppressing aggression is bad for the body; releasing it left or right makes your life more difficult. You can get rid of this problem using . Before that, there is a safe way to “let off steam” - this is to beat a pillow.


If we are talking about parking or new clothes, or similar little things, then the mental preparatory work (visualization) is not so important, but otherwise it is necessary. The following visualization meditation should be done daily 1 - 2 times for several days or even weeks in a row.


Imagine a scene, a situation that is common for you, where you show aggression or fearfulness. Using your imagination, remake the plot in such a way that it will be good not only for you, but also for all participants.


I am calm in every situation and free.

Plants, spices:

Eleutherococcus senticosus Maximowicz is a good remedy for reducing the effects of stress.

25. Matangi-Mudra (Matangi-Mudra)

Matangi- deity of inner harmony and dignity.

The mudra relaxes and harmonizes. It has a beneficial effect on the heart, stomach, liver, duodenum, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and kidneys. Activates breathing.


Close your hands at the level of the solar plexus, straighten both middle fingers and connect their tips. Focus your attention on your breathing, in the solar plexus area.

If necessary and as treatment daily 3 times for 4 minutes.

With the help of this mudra, since it affects two primary elements: wood and earth, the excited heart becomes much calmer, and internal tensions, for example, various cramps or fullness of the stomach, which impairs digestion, are relieved; relieves pain and relieves tension in the jaws.


If we are talking about parking or new clothes, or similar little things, then the mental preparatory work (visualization) is not so important, but otherwise it is necessary. The following visualization meditation should be done daily 1 - 2 times for several days or even weeks in a row.
