Lunar day online. Third lunar day: advice from an astrologer on the day of Active Actions of the Anahata Chakra. Moon in Taurus

The day is very energy-intensive, when sensitive people literally feel tension in the air, similar to the calm of nature before a thunderstorm. The day of freedom, struggle and risk, pressure and pressure. Apparently, this is what Goethe had in mind when he argued that “wanting is not enough, you must act.”

General characteristics of the third lunar day


A very difficult day for passive people.

If you are not busy with anything, then the energy of the day will inevitably result in irritability and nitpicking over trifles, and from here it is not far to causeless quarrels and conflicts with others.

The most destructive emotion of the third lunar day is fear. It destroys both physical health and psyche.

So try not to be afraid of anything and at the same time avoid aggressive intentions towards other people, even in your thoughts.

The most sensitive are the neck, back of the head, and hearing organs. The pineal gland and nervous system are also vulnerable.

A sudden deterioration in well-being may occur - slagging of the body will appear.

It is imperative to control negative emotions and thoughts, not to allow them to develop and transform into negative actions and deeds.

If you don’t do this, the back of your head, neck, and ears will hurt. Illnesses that arise on this day can be acute, and recovery will be difficult.

The day is good for intense physical activity and wellness treatments.

Plan a trip to the sauna and take a good steam bath.

It is undesirable to get married, draw up and sign wills, engage in scientific and research work, and enter into contracts.

Symbol of the day:


Leopard or leopard preparing to jump. From this day neomenia (new moon) begins, a crescent moon appears in the sky (the days of Hecate are over).

Conception on the 3rd lunar day

A child conceived on the 3rd lunar day has every chance of becoming a real warrior. This can manifest itself on different levels of life - both in the craving for martial arts or boxing, and in the desire to change the world around us.

The passion and activity that possesses a person conceived on this day can also manifest itself in his rejection of authority, hooliganism and mischief.

It is best to send children conceived on the 3rd lunar day to sports clubs, where their irrepressible energy will find a way out. In addition, they can achieve good results in the sports field.

Born on the 3rd lunar day


Children born on the third lunar day, if they are not influenced by the strong planets Jupiter and Venus, are often born sickly.

A person born on this day is often sickly and, moreover, under the influence of malefic planets, is not distinguished by longevity. He needs to pay more attention to his health and exercise.

He must learn to control astral energies and treat them consciously. If he allows himself not to restrain himself and shows vindictiveness, he thereby aggravates his own karma.

On this day, the body had already returned to normal after the stress of the new moon and began to absorb a large amount of energy: the process of “inhalation” began.

Under no circumstances should this energy be allowed to stagnate: we must immediately begin to “accelerate” it through intense physical activity.

On this day, our body is like a leopard preparing to jump: every muscle tenses and begins to vibrate under the pressure of increasing energy.

If this energy is not released, it can result in aggression towards other people or towards oneself, which leads to causeless conflicts, various self-destructive actions or illness.

To get through this day without problems, be as active as possible and give yourself a challenge. Such a load can be physical work in the fresh air, physical education and sports, or a bath.

Health on the third lunar day


A wonderful day for martial arts and strenuous exercise. You can practice yoga, karate and judo.

Wushu and qigong practices will also be appropriate. The main thing today is to learn to master your power, given by nature to every person.

Diseases of the day manifest themselves sharply, the symptoms are very clear and unambiguous, and therefore it is not difficult to make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

You can receive treatment either in a regular clinic or with the help of psychics. It is very useful to take a steam bath today.

There is no better day to say goodbye to bad habits.

Spilled oil is a bad sign. This means that you have gone down a “slippery slope” and have turned away from your “true path.”

Pain and aching in the back of your head indicate that you have not worked through your negative emotions and thoughts.

Diet and nutrition on the third lunar day

class="naz_lkal"> On these lunar days, it is good to eat dishes with a lot of hot spices (chili, black pepper, ginger, cloves, mustard, horseradish, garlic, asafoetida, basil, cinnamon and the like), and you can also for the first time during the lunar month, include meat dishes in your diet.

Moreover, the meat of “active” animals, for example, sheep, is preferable, but in no case beef (the meat of a “slow” animal).

With bird meat on the third lunar day, the situation is like this: if you feel the need for it, eat, and if not, it is wiser to abstain from it.

Due to the fact that this lunar period is a time of active actions, the implementation of any cleansing practices is strictly prohibited, since in order to perform them the body must be in a certain sedative state, while during this period it, on the contrary, is excessive (in some sense, even hysterical), active.

Prohibition: hot spices; meat.

Haircuts and hairstyles on the third lunar day


A haircut

Will bring you abundance!

For most people, cutting their hair on this day promises a beneficial renewal of their own energy potential.

The initial adjustment of the hair antennas has occurred, and now their activity can be stimulated.

Cutting your split ends will make your hair more receptive to subtle akashic signals; If you get a new haircut, it’s great: your hair will begin to download important information for you with renewed energy.

Even shaving your head on this day will provide you with an invaluable service: by removing all your hair, you will radically update your main antenna fleet, which will have a positive effect on noise immunity.

As a result, you will get excellent health, high self-esteem, high spirits, and a feeling of limitless possibilities. You can realize your potential in any field.

Whatever you undertake, everything will work out and delight you with quick, comprehensive results.

If you intend to start a wellness program, are starting a renovation, opening a new business or a new project, get your hair cut on the second lunar day.

If a haircut is not part of your plans, cut off at least a symbolic few hairs right in the morning.

After the current haircut, the hair will grow thicker and stronger.

Hair coloring

Let's go for a career breakthrough!

Anyone who radically changes their hair color on this day will surprise those around them and attract the positive influence of their superiors. This will be even worse if the coloring complements the haircut.

In this case, you are simply doomed to a career breakthrough. The promotion may be significant or insignificant, but its echoes in the future will bring excellent results.

If you have no desire to dye your hair, but want to make a career, in the morning, rub beetroot juice (or a mixture of beetroot and carrot) into the roots of your hair for half an hour, then rinse without soap, dry your hair with a soft towel.

Do not bleach your hair on this day! Synthetic dyes can be used, but be as gentle as possible.

What to do with your hair

We attract the energy of nature with spontaneity and spontaneity.

On this day, no matter what hairstyle you decide to do, it will certainly fall apart, curls will develop, straightened curls will curl again, braids will unravel on their own, hairstyles, even those fixed with strong varnish, will become disheveled.

Nature takes its toll: she stirs and tunes the hair antennas in her own way so that they are especially sensitive to the slightest fluctuations in energy.

Therefore, there is no point in depicting something complex on the head. The simpler the better.

Keep in mind: the more you try to maintain your hairstyle today, the more of your emotions and time you will waste. Avoid styling and hairstyles.

Let the wind play with your hair. Today the bird of luck will make a nest in them.

For what activities is the 3rd lunar day favorable?


Business and work on the third lunar day

The third lunar day is good for productive, intellectual work. Health reserves are limited, but are replenished from vigorous activity.

All undertakings of the third lunar day carry elements of risk, and they can only be carried out when you have no doubts about the correctness of what you are doing.

As in the wonderful “Motorist’s Memo”: “If you’re not sure, don’t overtake.”

This is the best day to make your ideas public, especially to your superiors, who are responsible for giving the implementation of your ideas the “green light” and a “way into the future”, a day of freedom and the foundation of new things, but only for those who are not afraid of change and ready for unexpected turns of fate.

Success comes to those who do not let go of the oars in the fast and winding stream of life, and the appearance of rapids is greeted not with fear, but with the joy of having the opportunity to show their “valid prowess.”

On this day you can promote risky projects and generally work with risks. “He who does not take risks does not drink champagne,” it is said about the third lunar day.

If they are trying to scare you today, do not act under the influence of fear.

Even if a business partner offers you extremely favorable conditions, but at the same time puts forward an ultimatum (“Either enter into an agreement today, or we will sell the product to our other client”), answer that you are ready to consider this offer and sign the papers, but tomorrow.

And you will surely win. If you find it difficult to resist pressure, remember Byron, who argued that “Doubt is the refracting prism of great truths.”

Personal life on the third lunar day

Try not to get annoyed once again with your loved ones and your partner, even if, in your opinion, they deserve it a thousand times over.

Don’t start arguments and quarrels, don’t say bad words to anyone (and if possible, don’t even think bad).

Esotericism on the third lunar day

Dreams are most often empty; only those that are vivid, memorable, and related to overcoming obstacles have meaning.

Those born on the third lunar day need to learn to master their strength and energy; it is not without reason that ancient treatises say that warriors and magicians are born on this day.

First of all, this concerns the astral army, whose purpose is to protect good and uphold justice.

To prepare yourself for this high mission, you must first free yourself from suspicion and aggressiveness, take control of your thoughts and emotions and not allow negativity in them.

Gardening on the third lunar day

Yoga for a person is a great opportunity to get to know yourself and your body in full, improve overall well-being and physical fitness, put your thoughts in order and relieve stress. Regular yoga practice always gives positive results and increases vitality.

There is an opinion that if you practice yoga according to the lunar calendar, its effect will increase several times, and this is no coincidence: after all, all people on Earth are closely connected with the Moon. Any of our activities, be it physical or mental stress, our biorhythms - everything is determined by the cycles of the Moon.

Moon yoga

Lunar yoga or moon yoga helps improve training results and at the same time makes it possible to achieve internal and external peace, to be in harmony with oneself and the world. Man is very closely connected with nature, which has a huge impact on all of us. Thus, the Moon, moving from one phase to another, constantly changes the internal processes of the human body. Such modifications must be taken into account when planning yoga training. In this case, we will be able to achieve the maximum effect from the training and achieve stunning results.

Ashtanga yoga

In the practice of Ashtanga yoga, one should avoid practicing on certain days, in particular on the full moon. This is explained by a simple physical factor: during the full moon, there is a huge gravitational attraction towards the Earth. Since all people are largely composed of water, the Moon has a great impact on their body as a whole.

Each phase of the moon is determined by its position in relation to the sun. Full moon days occur when all the planets of the solar system are in opposition to each other. On the new moon, on the contrary, they intersect with each other.
The position of the Moon and the Sun relative to each other has different energies, which can be compared to the cyclicity of human breathing.

The energy of the full lunar day in Ashtanga practice is personified with the completion of inhalation. At this time, the power of prana vayu is quite strong. Such power develops in each of us a sense of emotionality and energy. According to lunar yoga, the most important prana is located in our head. Therefore, on the days of the full moon, we become wayward and stubborn.

The energy value of the young Moon directs our forces downward and stabilizes our emotions, manifesting itself in gaining calm and mental balance. However, all physical exercises on such days are difficult and cause pain.

Full and new moons are great for meditation and self-discovery.

To calculate the most favorable period for your yoga practice, you should use a special calendar that can be found and downloaded on the Internet. It reflects all phases of the Moon and shows the constellations in which it is currently located. This factor should definitely be taken into account if your yoga is associated with lunar days.

Salutation to the Moon

When doing evening yoga, at the very beginning you must perform the greeting to the Moon - “Chandra Namaskar”. Performing this set of asanas helps preserve your vital energy, prolong your youth, and improve your quality of life.
Greeting Chandra Namaskar can cool your body and replenish your body with vital energy. Her 14 asanas represent the 14 lunar phases. In the lunar calendar, two weeks before the full moon are defined as “sukla paksha” (light 14 days), and two weeks after the full moon are “krishna paksha” (dark 14 days). Each lunar day is represented by a separate asana. All asanas should be performed slowly and measuredly. Spiritual mentors believe that only in this case can the maximum effect from the practice be achieved.

Chandra Namaskar asanas

All asanas should be performed sequentially, without jumping from one to another. Below are some Chandra Namaskar poses.

1. Greeting “Anjdali mudra”

Place your feet at pelvic level, turn your palms up towards the ceiling, connect the little fingers of both hands. Try to direct your attention as much as possible inside your consciousness, and then relax.

2. “Anahatasana in a standing pose”

Take a deep breath and spread your arms out to the sides. As you exhale, place your palms at the base of the sacrum. Then inhale, while pointing your heart and belly up.

3. Greeting “Moon Utanasana”

Bend your knees and lean forward. Bring your chest toward your hips, place your palms on the floor and turn them toward the ceiling. Relax your back and spine and try to feel all the tension leaving it.

4. "High Lunge"

Inhale deeply and move your left leg back and bend your right leg at a right angle. Place your hands next to your leg and carefully extend your entire body parallel to the floor.

5. Greeting "Samochandrasana 1"

Inhale and extend your right arm up above your head. At the same time, rotate both feet clockwise: the front one makes a right angle, the back one takes the position of a side plank.

6. “Samochandrasana 2”

Exhale and extend your arm along your side. At the same time, reach towards your back foot. Open your chest completely, align your shoulders so that they create a single line. You should actively work with your legs, making the transition from Samochandrasana 1 to Samochandrasana 2.

7. Salutation "Sahaj"

As you exhale, rotate your legs counterclockwise so that they are in a position with your feet wide apart, pointing parallel to each other.

  1. It is advisable that all asanas be performed in the moonlight.
  2. Before starting yoga practice, you should do meditation to tune in to the same wavelength as the Moon.
  3. When performing asanas, you need to silently read the lunar mantra “Om Somaya Namaha”.
  4. It is advisable to practice Chandra Namaskar in the evening.
  5. Do each pose consciously and slowly, feel every moment of practice.
  6. In this type of yoga, you don’t have to adjust to the exhalations/inhalations, but simply perform all the movements as slowly as possible.

In this article: 3rd lunar day - characteristics, features, aspects and tips of the third day of the lunar month.

  • energetically active period;
  • lucky number - 3;
  • element - tree;
  • colors - all shades of yellow;
  • stone of the day - aventurine, ruby, pyrite;
  • the occipital part of the head is most sensitive;
  • favorable direction – east;
  • The 3rd lunar day is harmoniously combined with Wednesday (the third day of the week);
  • symbols of the day - a leopard and a leopard preparing to jump;
  • The third lunar day is an ideal time for independent work and internal analysis;
  • Guardian Angel of the third lunar day - Sargo (helps to break into leadership positions and take your place in the sun; helps to establish strong and profitable relationships)

3rd lunar day: main characteristics

If you look into the night sky on the 3rd lunar day, you can see the young Moon for the first time this month. This appearance is symbolically connected with our actions - they first begin to bear fruit on the third lunar day, that is, plans turn into results. Gradually thoughts take on physical form.

A person’s internal energy actively circulates, which contributes to the maximum desire to create and act. You should pay close attention to your feelings and emotions, as they may be uncontrollable. As a result, both positive and sharply negative effects can occur.

The movement and accumulation of human energy is comparable to atomic energy. But, as you know, its correct use leads to significant advancement in the scientific field. At the same time, atomic bombs can destroy the entire planet. Direct all your actions in the right direction and implement your ideas productively. Move away from negative thoughts and communication with gloomy, envious people.

Creative potential awakens on the 3rd lunar day - this helps to make extraordinary but successful decisions.

As already mentioned, the third lunar day is a time for active activity. If you work actively, but at the same time get angry and experience aggression, then the result of all your work will not bring joy. Try to remain calm and listen to the advice of others. Don't give in to provocations.

Any evil message on the 3rd lunar day will take on enormous proportions. Gradually increasing, like a snowball, the negative clot of energy will spread throughout your entire body. Perhaps the unpleasant wish will not reach the recipient, but you will definitely suffer. This will affect your physical condition (various diseases) and mental health (irritability, depression, instability to stressful situations).

Experts in the field of astrology strongly recommend maintaining a good mood on the 3rd lunar day, so as not to create problems for yourself. The entire lunar month will be woven from continuous troubles, failures and failures.

It is better to practice self-control and control yourself during this period. Be more tolerant. Wish the people around you and the world goodness, happiness and success. Everything will come back in larger sizes.

What to do with excess energy on the 3rd lunar day?

The third lunar day is ideal for maximum impact. This applies to main work, homework, and physical activity. It's time to prepare a report, do some spring cleaning, and do weight training.

Even working at night will not harm your health. You have a chance to make the most of your inner capabilities. The main thing is not to allow any doubts, do not think about the futility of your work.

If completing the entire task is difficult for you, break it down into several small parts. The fear will quickly disappear because you will begin to cope with the problem step by step. In the end, you won't believe you doubted your potential.

All endeavors, all attempts to achieve new heights will be rewarded. The energy of the Earth's satellite protects everyone who is not lazy on the third lunar day. Move forward and don't think about anything!

3rd lunar day: do not give in to despondency and laziness

The moon gives a huge amount of its energy on the third lunar day. During this period, whether we like it or not, our body is filled with strength. As you know, all kinds of energy must be expended. That is why, if you ignore this process and simply do nothing, you can face huge troubles.

You should not be lazy on the 3rd lunar day - any activity will be beneficial. Even an ordinary trip to the supermarket or a simple walk in the park will give a positive result.

Energy will act on its own if you do not work with it. And in this case, no one knows what will happen in the end.

First, you built a detailed plan for your plans, then you took the first step in its implementation. Now is the time to get the most out of your business.

The whole world contributes to the success of your actions - do not miss this opportune moment. In Tibet, sages say that the third lunar day is an excellent time for construction.

The moon has a beneficial effect on any travel during this period. We are talking about traveling both long distances and not so long. If your work involves frequent business trips, the third lunar day will be the ideal date for business negotiations on the road.

Carefully monitor the thoughts that arise - it is possible that the third lunar day will give you some kind of non-standard solution to the situation. Or maybe the idea of ​​a new invention will light up your head - who knows!

All existing unsolved problems can be solved in an instant. To do this you just need to concentrate on them. Don’t try to get away from problems - this is not a solution at all. Your mental energy should be directed to the very center of the problem. Only such an approach will save the situation. The success of your first steps will give you confidence. And gradually you will reach the finish line.

Every minute, every second of the third lunar day is priceless. You shouldn’t waste such golden time on empty chatter, laziness and doubt. Use the given opportunity to act 100 percent.

Tip of the day on the third lunar day: “Fill your thoughts only with positivity”

When laziness overcomes a person, his thought process slows down. Energy stops circulating to the brain and, thus, many functions of our body are blocked. The result is constant migraines, chronic fatigue, and insomnia. The body perceives this state as a setting for a whole month. And the person is no longer able to resist the ongoing process.

Unfortunately, our thoughts are not always positive. In order for the 3rd lunar day to be productive, you need to get rid of internal negativity. Without regret, destroy all negative sensations in the bud. Don't let envy, anger, fear penetrate your heart. If you feel yourself getting irritated, try to move away from the cause. If this is not possible, use the old proven psychological method - count to ten.

Replace all negative emotions with good ones: anger with joy, gloominess with a smile, envy with a sincere desire for good to the whole world around you.

Even if you are one of the inactive people, forget about your usual state. Get involved in life to the fullest - the 3rd lunar day bestows only those who strive for maximum results. Use the energy of the Moon correctly.

Aspects of the 3rd lunar day

Social aspect

During this period, aggression begins to awaken inside each person. Our task is to completely eradicate it from our hearts. Once you conquer yourself, you will be rewarded.

The third lunar day is loved only by active people, those who know how to manage themselves and their own strengths.

Astrology experts do not advise formalizing relationships on the 3rd lunar day.

Household aspect

If the third lunar day coincides with a day off, spend it in the bathhouse.

Mystical aspect

During this period, you should handle the oil carefully so as not to accidentally spill it. Spilled oil indicates that you will encounter many different obstacles on your way.

The time is ideal for practicing martial arts and working with weapons. You can visit the shooting range.

People with developed intuition note that often on the third lunar day, insight comes to them, symbols are clearly visible.

Medical aspect

At this time, the back of the head is very sensitive, and you should also pay attention to the condition of the ears. If discomfort or pain is detected in these areas, immediate medical attention is indicated. Diseases that come on the third lunar day are insidious and long-lasting. Usually they are very acute, have negative consequences, and give complications to other organs.

Conception and birth on the 3rd lunar day

Those born on the 3rd lunar day have great inner strength. Most of them occupy leadership positions in the future. These are generals, bosses, ministers. Very often such people reach the top of sports (Olympic and world champions).

If conception occurred during this period, the native will be a very active person. But it’s unknown which path he will choose – a positive or negative hero. Often among such people there are famous warriors.

Business and work

Risk contracts concluded on the 3rd lunar day lead to the successful development of the company. But, the main thing is to sign such papers while maintaining confidence and inner strength. The business will definitely bring in a lot of money if you really devote yourself completely to the business on the third lunar day. If laziness wins, then profits are unlikely to increase. Yes, she won’t be there at all this month!

The energy of the Moon bestows only on those who strive to fulfill their dreams, and do not just dream about them.

Marriage and Marriage

Astrologers, having carried out a series of special calculations, came to the general conclusion that the third lunar day is not the ideal time for marriage. But this opinion also has its exceptions. Couples who dream of spending their entire lives in extreme conditions (hiking, in sports camps, endlessly traveling around the world) can calmly go to the registry office on the third lunar day and sign.

Active couples can experiment with holding a wedding - this will only benefit and strengthen the created family. Ordinary gatherings in a cafe can be replaced by extreme riding on motorcycles or sports boats.

Those who still prefer quiet family evenings by the fireplace or peaceful conversations in the kitchen are not recommended to formalize the relationship during this period.

Health and Wellness

Life in constant movement improves health. If you spend the third lunar day actively playing sports, this will have a positive effect on your general condition.

It’s very good if you decide to take part in some competitions on this day. This could be long-distance running, a football match, or a regular tug-of-war.

What happens to the human body? The energy of the Moon not only affects all organs, it renews them. It penetrates inside every cell, which significantly improves immunity and gives strength. By strengthening your body in this way, you can protect yourself from various diseases for a long time. No flu epidemic will force you to stay in bed.

But if you ignore the strong flow of incoming energy, you can, on the contrary, end up with poor health. Finding no way out, energy accumulates inside a person. It has destructive effects if not used.

Those who decide to devote the third lunar day to sleep will not feel rested when they wake up. Stagnation of energy and lack of proper movement lead to disruption of all vital systems. This applies to digestion, hematopoiesis, and the work of the heart.

Pay attention to the back of the head during this period. Since this area is very sensitive, its condition can determine what the body is currently lacking. If there is a dull or sharp pain in the back of the head, constantly disturbing and preventing you from thinking about anything else, then cleansing all energy centers is simply necessary. A large amount of mental trash has accumulated in the body, which needs to be disposed of immediately.

A bath on the third lunar day will help cleanse the body: along with sweat, excess energy will come out.

Intimate relationships

The intimate life of a couple in love on the third lunar day should be bright and unforgettable. A new position or an unusual place can add variety to sex. For example, you have never had sex outdoors. Now is the time to try this for the first time. Unusual sensations will reveal new subtleties of intimate life.

Make all your innermost fantasies come true and don’t be afraid that your partner won’t support you. During this period, all the secret dreams of lovers are harmonized and merge into a single whole.

Dreams and dreams

The night images seen on the third lunar day make it clear whether the right path was chosen. Dreams tell us about the full use of a person’s hidden potential. They help us understand how much energy is inside us.

Dreams tell you what needs to be done and how to act so that the inner strength gifted by nature is directed in the right direction.

During this period, it is possible to obtain information about your weaknesses. Dreams in the form of images show how to distribute energy resources with maximum benefit.

Dreams on the third lunar day should not be ignored. You will be able to find a way out of quite difficult life situations. In addition, the symbols received in dreams are directed precisely in the direction where the minimum number of obstacles will be encountered.

Esoteric and spiritual aspect

All cultures of the world know about the existence of these astral beings. The only way to completely exterminate them is activity, enjoyment of life and complete dedication to work. Each time, continuous human activity will activate energy centers. The energy will cleanse the cells of the body, and the “settlers” will have no chance.

Refined spiritual matter gradually becomes stronger and restored. We can say that the third lunar day is the ideal time for preventive measures against pests of the mystical world.

Magic rituals: 3 lunar day

This is the right time to get rid of negativity and mental clutter.

Practice “Astral cleansing”

Have you gradually come to the conclusion that negative emotions dominate inside you? Then the “Astral Cleansing” meditation technique is suitable for you. It will destroy the seeds of anger, fear, greed, and hatred in the bud.

The essence of the practice:

  • Calm down completely and begin to study your own body and its reactions. The body will tell you where the source of the problem is - it is in that place that you will feel a slight spasm.
  • Gradually you learn behavior, emotions and begin to separate from her.

Remember that constantly experiencing negative emotions within yourself can lead to a number of terrible problems. Therefore, you need to be able to get rid of them, drive them away from yourself and no longer fall under their harmful influence.

3 lunar day (video)

In this short video (05:27 min) practical esotericist Olga Stepanova will tell you about the esoteric characteristics of the third lunar day.

Alena Golovina



Saturday-Sunday – 3rd lunar day

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Symbol: leopard, cheetah.

From the third day a thin crescent appears in the sky, the moon begins to generously distribute its energy to earthly nature. The dark days of Hecate, which symbolizes the new moon and the first day after it, are over. The time is coming to fight for your aspirations, defend your plans and desires.

The symbol of the third lunar day is a cheetah preparing to jump, alert and aggressive. On this day you may become a victim of someone's anger or its source. The cheetah also symbolizes pressure, the desire for one’s goal, and the readiness to overtake it at any moment. Like him, you must prepare for the decisive jump - act actively, assertively.

On this lunar day, there is a tendency to display not the best aspects of human behavior, especially since due to the energy displayed, the strength of emotions increases. Anger, aggression, and cruelty may suddenly arise. The source of all these manifestations is energy, the power of which on the third lunar day is very high. And therefore, the third lunar day is characterized by outbreaks of conflicts, quarrels and disputes, which in no way improves relations.
On this day of the Moon, the manifestation of such character traits as self-control, control, awareness, attention, and concentration will have a beneficial effect. By listening carefully to yourself, you will be able to identify moments when another outbreak of aggression occurs and extinguish it in time.

Avoid negative emotions!
The feeling of hatred has a destructive effect on the functioning of the liver, in addition, it will be intensified several times by the growing energy of the Moon. Thus, your own body will receive very powerful stress, which will certainly affect your health.

During this period, intense psychological and physical stress will be useful.
Do not regret wasted time and effort, all your energy will return to you a hundredfold.


It is recommended to actively engage in sports. The day is favorable for practicing martial arts.
The third lunar day, as a period of active action, is associated with the organ responsible for coordinating our actions - the cerebellum, located in the back of the head. If your body is polluted, then on the third lunar day you may experience pain in the back of your head. If such phenomena are observed, it is necessary to immediately begin removing toxins from the body, and especially during this period when lunar energies are very active.

Today, the most vulnerable parts of the body are the back of the head and ears. Surgeries are not recommended; teeth should not be removed or hair cut. If you feel unwell, you should take immediate action, otherwise the illness may drag on for a long time. While being active, you still shouldn’t get overtired.

Love and relationships.

Remember that negative emotions should be contained. Help your loved ones cope with anger. Any disputes, conflicts, omissions can turn into a family disaster.

Work and creativity.

The third lunar day is very productive for those involved in business. Now it is very good to make some kind of “breakthrough” events in your business, to reach new frontiers, in a sense, you can even take risks, but very carefully.
The third lunar day should be filled with active actions, because during this period money comes only to those who “conquer” it, who not only dreams of material wealth, but does everything possible to make their dream come true.

On this day, it is better to carefully contact your superiors, refrain from disputes, even the most innocent at first glance, and showdowns with colleagues. Do not engage in real estate transactions, otherwise losses cannot be avoided.

The day is not favorable to the beginning of travel, change of place of residence, or work. You can't sow or plant. In general, gardening is not recommended.


on this day he becomes a warrior - at best, an uncontrollable bully - at worst. He is full of energy, aggression and pressure, so those born on the third lunar day turn out to be strong, passionate, active people. They become revolutionaries, oppositionists, defenders. However, such people have reduced immunity and a tendency to various diseases.


Marriages should be concluded on the third lunar day only by those who want their family life to be filled with adventures, constant travel, travel, and unexpected surprises (though not always positive). That is, the third lunar day is the day of concluding a marital union for those who intend to lead an active lifestyle.
For those who dream of a calm, measured family life, it is better for me to refrain from getting married during this period.


Better to put it off.

Dream images on the third lunar day show how correctly we use the energies provided by the Cosmos, that is, how adequately we correspond to our energy potential, to what extent we actualize the potential that was originally inherent in us.
Dreams during this period tell a person where his “energy” hole is, which is constantly leaking, and where he needs to increase his energy potential in order to get out of the current situation and raise his energy level necessary to accomplish new things.
Pay close attention to your dreams during these lunar days; they can very accurately show how to solve the problem facing you and remove obstacles in the way of lunar energy.
All dreams of the third lunar day must be interpreted only taking into account the movement of energy.

Moon phase: first quarter, waxing moon

Start: March 19 at 07:42
Ending: March 20 at 04:06
Symbol: leopard
Stones: jaspilite, ruby, pyrite, aventurine

Meditations: The energy of this lunar day helps to realize the tensions accumulated in the body that have arisen due to resentment, anger, irritability and other negative emotions. This is the day of cleansing the astral (emotional) body.

It’s good to practice relaxation today.

Relaxation of the body.

When you are ready to meditate, take a lying position. Start observing your breathing, move your attention to the toes of your right foot and observe this area, relax it. Gradually move your attention up your leg. If during the movement you feel tension somewhere and your leg doesn’t relax well, try to understand what kind of emotion lives there, breathe through this place and relax it with your breath, as if letting go of the old, accumulated. Having finished working with the right leg in the buttock area, move to the left leg and do the same. Then start working with your right arm, left arm, lower back, back, abdominal area, chest, head, paying special attention to the face area. Gradually feeling relaxation throughout your body, enjoy its lightness and freedom from accumulated tension.

The Vishuddha chakra, the throat center, is associated with the 3rd lunar day.

Characteristics of the day: From this day on, a crescent moon appears in the sky - neomenia (new moon) begins. The day is energetically very strong; today you can accomplish a lot. An increase in energy provokes pressure and aggression, so be prepared for self-defense and be vigilant so as not to fall among the victims.

Impact on personality: Today you are full of strength and energy. At this time, the events of the month are being laid out, so with all your might, tune in to the positive so that the events of your life will develop well in the near future. Be active - the energy spent today on the right thing will return a hundredfold.

Relationship: It is not recommended to sort things out on the third lunar day. The active energies of the day include an emotional battle for leadership. It is advisable to restrain aggression and show diplomacy and gentleness, remaining consistent with your opinion. The energy of this day is so great that words have powerful power, and any evil word can lead to unpleasant situations. Remember that he who sows evil will himself reap the bitter fruits of his sowings.

Business and money: Show determination and perseverance at work. Show fighting qualities in business. Today you need to be a leader, not a follower. But others may also have a belligerent attitude. Keep the negativity at bay. Nobody intends to give up their positions. On this day, the boss, clients, and partners most likely will not be friendly. Feel free to take on the most difficult tasks, do not give in to difficulties. You can get a lot done today! Trading activities will bring success, and new prospects may even appear. But with finances it is better to be careful - the day is not suitable for resolving financial issues, and, therefore, losses are possible.

Health: Illnesses that began on this lunar day and injuries received require immediate action. Today, a bathhouse is extremely useful. Physical activity will also be beneficial and can be quite intense. Nature itself will help the body cleanse itself of stagnant energy, saturate the blood with oxygen, and all this will have a beneficial effect on well-being and health. The day is good for practicing martial arts. It is especially useful to master aikido today - the day could not be more suitable for winning using the energy of the enemy (not only physically, but also psychologically).

Haircut: Set it aside - you don’t even need to trim your bangs.

Marriage: It is believed that it is not recommended to get married on the 3rd lunar day - this can bring troubled events and unpredictable situations into family life.

Birthday: Those born on the 3rd lunar day can become good athletes, soldiers, researchers, and also succeed in any professional field where drive and determination are needed. On this day, Sofya Kovalevskaya, Ilya Prigozhin, Alexander Lukashenko were born.

General recommendations: Today is a day of active action, so you can devote yourself completely to your work, with minimal breaks for food and sleep. Passivity is contraindicated and even dangerous. If you have been dreaming until now, today is the time to act. However, the first half of the day has a general unfavorable background; various troubles related to communication may occur. Contain negativity, and the second half of the day will bring worthy results.

Warnings: The day is filled with various dangers, so you should be careful. Let us remind you once again that passivity today is unfavorable. Use your powers for peaceful purposes. Sign of the day - spilled oil means that you have strayed from the true path. No, associations with Bulgakov have nothing to do with it, but it’s worth remembering about butter.

Dreams: Dreams of this day show how you waste the energy that the Higher powers give you. You can understand how your energy flows away, or, on the contrary, is harmoniously redistributed. Dreams on these lunar days rarely come true; they have meaning in themselves, and your behavior in it is important. As a rule, these are dreams that test a person’s inner strength. In life they do not matter, but in your inner world they carry out a certain hardening. Therefore, if in the dream there were elements of struggle or overcoming obstacles, resistance, and you did not give up, then everything is in order with your internal forces. If you wake up with a feeling of depression, loss, then mentally play out the dream, how you overcome an obstacle, resistance, and win!!! Dreams of this day can also be dreams - pointers that will show what needs to be overcome on the way when solving problems, where it is necessary to correctly direct energy so that it flows freely and does not fly into the “black hole” of the subconscious.
