History of martial arts. What is kickboxing? Features, history, advantages and interesting facts Kickboxing athletes

Kickboxing(English kickboxing, where kick is “kick”, boxing is “to box”) is a type of martial arts in which punches and kicks are allowed. The equipment must include boxing gloves. There is men's and women's kickboxing.

Major international kickboxing federations:

  • World Karate and Kickboxing Association (WKA).
  • International Sports Association of Amateur and Professional Kickboxing (IAKSA-IAKSA PRO).
  • World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (Professional) (WAKO-PRO).
  • International Sports Karate Association (ISKA).
  • World Kickboxing Network.
  • International Kickboxing Federation (IKF).

History of the origin and development of kickboxing

The birthplace of kickboxing is considered to be the USA and Western Europe, and the year of birth is the 60-70s of the twentieth century. The name of the sport was invented by Chuck Norris, and he is usually called the “father” of kickboxing. Initially, kickboxing combined karate and English boxing. A little later, Thai boxing and taekwondo techniques joined him.

Already in the early 70s, many schools were created in the United States teaching different styles of martial arts. Due to the fact that each type of martial art had its own rules and it was impossible for representatives of different directions to compete with each other, it was decided to organize general competitions. Initially, such competitions were called All Style Karate or Full Contact Karate.

Official competitions in compliance with all kickboxing rules were held in September 1974. Athletes competed in four weight categories.

1974 - 1985 saw the active development of kickboxing in America and Europe. Championships and tournaments were held in many countries and cities. And 1985 is considered the year of the birth of women's kickboxing.

1990 - official recognition of kickboxing in the USSR. It was marked by the creation of the All-Union Kickboxing Federation and the entry into WAKO.

Kickboxing rules

Initially, the rules of kickboxing allowed everything: any strikes, grabs, sweeps, throws, trips. Over the years, the rules of combat have changed. So, first the “eight kicks” rule appeared, and then the “six” rule, which regulates making at least six kicks during the round. Another innovation was the appearance of weight categories. The winner in each weight category is determined by participating in rating battles. The one who wins the most number of times gets the highest rating and has the right to fight the current champion.

Victory in kickboxing is determined by:

  • advantage on points;
  • clear superiority;
  • the opponent's inability to continue the fight;
  • disqualification of an opponent;
  • knockout;
  • failure of the opponent to appear;
  • refusal of the opponent or his second to continue the fight;
  • resolution of the main panel of judges.

Duration of the fight and number of rounds

The number of rounds in kickboxing and their duration are determined based on the age and qualifications of the athletes:

The fights take place in the ring. There is a 1 minute break between rounds. If we are talking about a fight for the championship title, then it lasts 12 rounds.

Permitted and prohibited blows in kickboxing

Kicks and punches are allowed in kickboxing, but they must meet the following requirements:

  1. The blow should only be delivered with a gloved fist.
  2. You can strike with kicks and punches only to the side and front parts of the body above the waist.
  3. Blows delivered to the sides and front of the head, covered by a helmet, are considered to have reached the target.
  4. Strikes to the shoulders and arms, as well as techniques performed in violation of the rules, are considered invalid.
  5. Hooks are only allowed to the foot area at foot level.

It is prohibited to strike:

  • an open glove or its inner side;
  • wrist, forearm;
  • head;
  • knee, legs;
  • in the back, below the waist and on the back of the head;
  • the side of the fist;
  • the top or bottom of the fist;
  • the inside of the hand.

The last three positions are allowed only in semi-contact fights. You cannot perform any actions after the “Stop” command. You cannot push or step on your opponent’s feet. You cannot attack an opponent who is knocked out.

Kickboxing strikes

Kicks in kickboxing:

  • back kick - back kick;
  • jumping kick - a jumping kick;
  • Crescent kick - reverse side kick;
  • low kick - a circular kick with the shin to the opponent's thigh;
  • round kick - a circular kick, usually to the head;
  • side kick - side kick;
  • ex-kick - blow from above;
  • front kick - direct blow;
  • hook-kick - hook kick;
  • cuttings.


  • uppercut - a blow from below with the left or right hand;
  • backfist - a spinning blow with the right hand;
  • jab - a direct blow with the hand closest to the enemy;
  • punch - a direct blow with the hand farthest from the enemy;
  • swing - side kick from a long distance;
  • hook - a side blow with the left or right hand to the head;


Kickboxing is divided into two types, each of which has its own directions:

  1. American

Presented by:

  • full contact, characterized by full-power strikes and knockout movements;
  • full contact with low kick - similar to the previous direction, but with the addition of kicks to the legs;
  • seven-contact or limited contact, in which full contact strikes are prohibited;
  • light contact, characterized by light strikes without the use of force and without knockouts.
  1. Japanese

It is characterized by one format - K-1, which has gained the greatest popularity due to its entertainment value. Fights last three rounds, each lasting three minutes. If the winner is not identified, a decisive round is assigned. A draw is declared only if both athletes fall simultaneously. K-1 also has a three-knockdown rule, which means winning by technical knockout.

Also, a separate area of ​​kickboxing, called solo compositions, has gained wide popularity. They represent elements of martial arts techniques accompanied by music in the form of an imitation of combat with an enemy. The compositions last from half a minute to a minute.

Kickboxing equipment

Each athlete must be equipped with protective equipment:

  • a helmet on the head, protecting the top and back of the skull, ears, jaws, cheekbones, temples, eyebrows, cervical vertebrae;
  • kickboxing gloves = 10 oz boxing gloves for weight classes up to 75 kg and 12 oz for other weight classes;
  • elastic bandages on the hands, which should have a length of no more than 2.5 m and a width of no more than 5 cm;
  • foot - a special device for protecting the foot, covering the heel and instep and having a thickness of no more than 1 cm;
  • pads or guards for kickboxing (shin protection) without the use of hard materials;
  • mouth guard and teeth protection;
  • groin protection;
  • chest protector for women.

As for the clothes athletes wear, only shorts or kickboxing pants.

Kickboxing ring

The kickboxing ring has the following parameters:

  • each side of the ring should be 5-6 meters;
  • its area should be limited by ropes 3-5 cm thick, stretched between four pillars;
  • the floor of the ring should be without excessive elasticity, well reinforced and level;
  • in the corners of the ring for kickboxers there should be a stool, a container with water, and an urn;
  • Spectators can be located no closer than three meters from the ring ropes.

Weight categories in kickboxing

Type of kickboxing

Any martial arts is a beautiful, exciting, spectacular spectacle. Boxing and kickboxing are no exception. Only the names are similar in these martial arts. The fighting technique and rules here are completely different. Both one sport and the other have their fans and admirers. Let us note that boxing and kickboxing are not just a fight, they are a real sport. You don’t just enter the ring in either boxing or kickboxing. Entering the ring is preceded by many years of intense training.

Boxing and kickboxing require full dedication. Without this you cannot be an athlete and you will never enter the ring. To understand the difference between these types of martial arts, you need to talk about the rules of each of them separately. And then it will be easy to point out the differences between one sport and another.

Boxing concept

Boxing is a classic sport that originated and developed in England. Some mentions of him go back centuries. Literally translated from English this word means ring, box, box. In this sport, everything is subject to the rules and strategies of fights. There are many combat tactics. The judge always monitors compliance with the rules in boxing and the strategy of the fight. This is the referee. Typically a fight consists of 12 rounds. The referee can stop the fight early. He usually does this when one or two fighters are unable to continue the competition.

If the winner is not determined after 12 rounds, then the judges have their say. After all, during each round they tirelessly monitor the progress of the fight. A round in boxing lasts 3 minutes with a break of 1 minute. On this basis, they assign points, which are then added up to determine the winner. Victory in a boxing match can be awarded by knockout, knockdown, or the sum of the scores in each round. It should be noted that each country has its own type of boxing, but classic boxing is present exclusively in England.

Kickboxing concept

Kickboxing is a combination of classic English boxing, Thai boxing and taekwondo techniques. Kickboxing has become known since the sixties of the twentieth century, while references to boxing have come since ancient times. Its development took place on the wave of popularity of all martial arts, without exception. There are American and Japanese schools of kickboxing. The Japanese school works in the following areas of kickboxing: full contact, semi-contact, light contact, kick-light.

In the American school, they first worked towards full contact. But full contact did not limit the force of blows in any way and blows to the head were allowed. Therefore, later other areas of kickboxing began to be practiced there. The Japanese version of kickboxing contains many elements of Thai boxing. In kickboxing, as in boxing, a fight is given up to 12 rounds. But the duration of the round here is 2 minutes. The break between rounds is 1 minute. The referee also performs his functions.

What is the difference between boxing and kickboxing?

Boxing arose on its own. Nothing in this sport is borrowed from anywhere. Boxing is subject only to its own set of rules. In kickboxing you can find signs of many martial arts, and something new is constantly being added there. There are many federations in kickboxing. In classical English boxing there is one federation, which dictates the same rules for everyone. Mentions of boxing can be found in ancient history. Kickboxing arose and began to develop not so long ago. Therefore, boxing has better organization than kickboxing.

The frequency of punches in boxing is much lower than in kickboxing. In boxing, many strikes are prohibited. Kickboxing has gained a lot of freedom in this regard. After all, the main difference between boxing and kickboxing is that a boxer uses exclusively his hands in a fight, while in kickboxing athletes also use their legs, they can use their knees and elbows to strike. Accordingly, a flurry of blows falls on the enemy from all sides.

In boxing, punches can only be thrown to the head or body of your opponent. Boxing punches are divided into straight, side and uppercuts. Each blow in turn has several more subtypes. In kickboxing, you can hit a wide variety of areas of the body and with full force.

Kicking is prohibited in boxing, all punches below the belt, wrestling techniques are prohibited, roundhouse punches are prohibited. In kickboxing, you can’t only intentionally hit the knee (you can hit it unintentionally), the groin area is prohibited. You can't make grabs, just like in boxing. In all other respects, kickboxing is characterized by the technique of all kinds of kicks, borrowed from a wide variety of martial arts. Such a mixture of features of a wide variety of martial arts, as in kickboxing, cannot be found anywhere else.

In some cases (by agreement), head strikes at the opponent's waist level may be allowed in kickboxing. In boxing, no head strikes are allowed.

Uniform and equipment, that is, ammunition. Gloves, a helmet, a groin protector, and a boxing mouth guard (a plastic device that an athlete puts in his mouth to protect his teeth and gums) are present in both boxing and kickboxing. In kickboxing, shin guards and feet are added to the equipment, and boxers perform in lightweight athletic shoes called boxers. The athletes' clothing also differs. Different types of kickboxing allow for differences in equipment and clothing.

A little conclusion

Boxing doesn't give you the freedom that kickboxing does. Boxing is more predictable. In a boxing match it is always easier to follow the athletes. In kickboxing, keeping track of athletes is much more difficult. People looking for entertainment should, of course, be advised to watch a kickboxing match. Boxing will always attract fans of the classics.

Kickboxing (kickboxing) The name of the popular sport comes from two English words: kick - kick and boxing– boxing. Accordingly, blows are delivered with both hands and feet. A fairly young combat sport that appeared in the mid-70s. World contact karate championships were held in the USA and Western Europe, laying the foundation for the development of a new sport. And in February 1977 G. Brückner created WACO– World Association of Kickboxing Organizations.

But let's go back to basics. Where does kickboxing come from? I know of two popular versions, which one is more legendary is up to you!

According to the first version, development originated from karate. Martial arts were interesting, but not very common in Europe and America. Popularizing karate, representatives dared to challenge boxers and enter the ring against them to prove their advantage. However, receiving serious problems, the representatives of karate were defeated. And yet, the sacrifices they made were not in vain: most martial arts experts agreed that it would be nice to combine boxing and karate into one, taking the best from each type and thereby creating the perfect form of fighting. Thus, by rationally combining boxing techniques with karate techniques, modern kickboxing arose.

The second version is no less interesting. More than 1,000 years ago, Thai boxing or Muay Thai, which originated in Siam (modern Thailand), helped popularize kickboxing. This is especially noticeable in the Eastern part of the planet. In Europe at that time, Muay Thai was considered barbaric, so French boxing (Savat) had a direct influence on the formation of modern kickboxing in the Western world. By the way, “la savate” means “old shoe.” This was the name of the punishment that the soldiers in Napoleon's army came up with. The punishment was carried out in this way: one group held the offender, and the other kicked him in the backside. Today, French boxing is an endangered form of kickboxing that can only be found in France.

Modern kickboxing is perceived as a sport that is a synthesis of various martial arts. Yes, indeed, he borrowed some techniques from several types of martial arts at once. But unlike them, it is not burdened with intricate whimsy and deep philosophy. Instead, kickboxing offers a simplified but effective sport based on toughness, strength, power, flexibility and determination to win.

Kickboxing appeared in Russia in the late 80s of the last century. The very first meetings with foreign fighters showed that our kickboxers are in no way inferior, and in most cases even superior to their opponents.

The popularization of kickboxing was also greatly facilitated by Hollywood films featuring former kickboxers: Chuck Norris, Benny “Jet” Urquidez, Don “Dragon” Wilson (10-time world champion). We should also not forget the stars of the first magnitude, unsurpassed masters Bill Wallis “superfoot” and Morris Smith, who not only won the world champion title, but also held it, remaining invincible, for 15 long years!

Kickboxing - what is it? This sport has absorbed many elements of the classical English school of boxing and traditional karate, becoming a kind of “fusion” of these types of martial arts. A little later, some elements of techniques from Thai boxing and taekwondo were added to this type of martial arts. Characterizing kickboxing in general terms, they say that these are a wide variety of striking martial arts, the rules of which do not prohibit kicking and punching when using boxing gloves. It is necessary to take a closer look at this type of martial arts to answer the question: “Kickboxing - what is it?”

The formation of a sporting event

The birth date of this type of martial art is considered to be the early 70s of the twentieth century. It was at this time that the first kickboxing section appeared. Places of origin - Western Europe and the USA, where kickboxing appeared almost at the same time. martial art perfectly combines traditions and experience that have developed over many centuries in the West and the East.
The “father” of kickboxing is considered to be Chuck Norris, who came up with the name for this type of martial arts.

By the beginning of the 70s, America had a sufficient number of schools where a variety of styles of martial arts were taught, such as wushu, taekwondo, karate, etc. However, each type of martial arts was subject to its own rules, which means that a representative of one type could not compete in skills with a representative of another type of martial arts. Then the idea arose to organize competitions in which both fans of wushu and fans of karate, taekwondo and other martial arts common at that time could compete against each other.

Initially, such events were called All Style Karate or Full Contact Karate. The first such kickboxing competitions were held in September 1974. Participants competed in four weight categories, and the winners were a resident of Mexico and three Americans. From this date, kickboxing competitions became regular. At first they were carried out only in the USA, and then migrated to other countries. Athletes who became role models began with a variety of types of martial arts (Korean martial arts, wushu, karate, etc.).

European kickboxing

In Europe, the first kickboxing section arose at the suggestion of Dominic Valera. As a result of his disagreements with the management team of WUKO, Dominic decided to abandon his sports career on the tatami and try to build it in the ring. By the late 1970s, he became the founder of the National Full Contact Committee, which eventually grew into the National Federation of American Boxing. By the early 1980s, professional French boxing had ceased in France, and many athletes, looking for a better place to train, chose kickboxing.

What is the situation with such a sporting event in Japan?

In the East, namely in Japan, the greatest interest in kickboxing was noted in the mid-70s. At that time, the country had approximately 6 thousand athletes of this type of martial arts. In the process of active development of kickboxing, 3 organizations emerged that became the main ones - the All-Japan Kickboxing Association, the World Kickboxing Association, and the Kurosaki League, headed by Kurosaki Kenji.

Japanese kickboxing had its own rules: for example, a round lasted not 3 minutes, but 2. For some time, the Americans and the Japanese acted together, concluding an agreement that talked about popularizing kickboxing and holding international competitions. It is clear that the rules of one type of martial arts could not be different, so Japan had to make concessions. This was partly due to a decrease in interest in kickboxing among spectators. In the early 80s, after a huge scandal in which Japanese athletes were involved, mass interest in kickboxing began to disappear, and Japanese organizations completely disappeared into the American one. Only the All-Japan Association remained intact, where in the early 90s a completely new sports phenomenon was created - “mixed martial arts” under the code name K-1.

Goals of a sporting event

The immediate plans of all countries that promote kickboxing (including Russia) are: the spread of this martial arts among the population and, most importantly, joining the IOC, which means that kickboxing will receive the status of an Olympic sport.

You can't do without equipment

To start kickboxing, you should buy yourself equipment, since this sport has clear rules. One of the points states that the athlete must have protection. Before an athlete takes part in a fight, the referee is obliged to check the availability and suitability of protective equipment on him. What should an athlete wear?

What to buy

The first step is to buy a helmet specifically designed for kickboxing. It differs in greater protection of the top, since kickboxing has a large number of elements such as high kicks. In addition to the helmet, there must be a mouthguard, i.e. an insert that protects the teeth. The athlete must wear boxing gloves that correspond to the section in which the athlete fights (it can also be called a fighter). In addition to boxing gloves, the athlete's hands must be protected in the form of bandages of a specifically measured length.

Male fighters are required to have a “bandage”, but girls are recommended to have a protective cuirass. Some sections of kickboxing talk about obligatory pads for the athlete. Footwear with a closed heel is worn on bare feet.

The athlete may be disqualified

If the referee discovers that an athlete is unprepared for any criterion, he is given time, no more than one round, to bring himself into proper shape. If a fighter is not ready after this time, then he will simply be disqualified. Such strict requirements are due to the fact that the risk of injury in kickboxing is extremely high. And in order to reduce it to a minimum, while maintaining the entertainment nature of the sport, similar measures have been developed over the decades to protect the athlete’s health. This should be understood when answering the question: “Kickboxing - what is it?”

Main types of sporting event

Kickboxing competitions are held in 6 main sections. They include sections with full, limited and light contact, Thai kickboxing (or oriental) and solo compositions - a rather interesting variety of this type of martial arts, in which the fight takes place to music, often with the use of additional objects.

Kickboxing can be divided into several types. What does it mean? In other words, there are Japanese, American and European types of martial arts. In the last two the rules are the same.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

28 Mar 2017


Many people who are not too familiar with boxing believe that kickboxing for girls is not a feminine activity at all. However, female kickboxers claim that regular training and practicing punches help them not only have an athletic figure, but also teach them self-defense.

What is kickboxing for girls

The combined techniques of martial arts such as karate, boxing, taekwondo, and Thai boxing for women are called kickboxing. Kickboxing literally translates as “fighting with legs and arms.” Women's kickboxing today is not much different from what it was originally - back in 1985, however, new rules have been introduced into the regulations, for example, the mandatory wearing of a protector that protects the chest.

Girls began to get involved in “male” sports more for the sake of self-defense, because there may not always be a man nearby who is ready to protect a defenseless lady in an unforeseen and life-threatening situation. Some ladies crave self-development, so they prefer to engage in sparring - this helps them look at their abilities differently and strengthen their character. According to the regulations, in one round of a female fight there can be up to 8 blows, so girls for sparring choose bulky gloves with which they can deliver a crushing blow.

Types of kickboxing

It is known that kickboxing comes in several types, which differ from each other in the content of competitive activity:

  1. Full contact (full contact) - when punches or kicks are delivered to the opponent without limiting force.
  2. Full contact with a low kick means that during a fight you can kick the outside and inside of the thigh.
  3. Light contact (light) is a type of kickboxing when accented strikes are prohibited not only with legs, but also with hands. Due to such restrictions, the pace of battle becomes higher than in full contact. In light contact, the athlete who demonstrates the best technique with his arms and legs wins.
  4. Semi-contact (limited) is characterized by the prohibition of too strong impacts. In such a fight, strikes delivered while jumping are valued the most.
  5. Solo compositions. At competitions, compositions can be performed in a “hard” or “soft” style and with objects - a sword, sickle, knife, nunchucks. This type of kickboxing includes fragments of complex exercises of martial arts: karate-do, taekwondo, wushu, etc.

Kickboxing for girls - benefits

More and more girls and women have become interested in this sport, because the advantages and benefits of kickboxing are obvious:

  1. In each workout, strength exercises are combined with cardio exercises, and their impact is evenly distributed throughout the human body. For this reason, the system has become popular among those who want to get rid of extra pounds and build beautiful muscles.
  2. Thanks to regular exercises, you can strengthen your back corset, improve your posture, pump up your abdominal muscles, upper shoulder girdle, legs, and buttocks.
  3. Due to the intensive work of muscle fibers, joints and ligaments, the girl’s risk of injury is reduced and her body is strengthened.
  4. Training normalizes blood circulation and respiratory functions.
  5. Kickboxing helps strengthen reflexes and improve coordination.
  6. Thanks to constant movement, every girl or woman can get rid of cellulite and stretch marks.
  7. With every lesson and victory, the girl gains physical strength, determination, and endurance.

What does kickboxing give to a girl?

Kickboxing promotes the development of perseverance and determination. In order for the training to be as effective as possible, a girl kickboxer must think through it before throwing a blow, and only then hit: first with her feet, then, having correctly run away, with her hands. In addition, girls who practice kickboxing are more confident in themselves, because their body becomes an object of admiration, and they can also stand up for themselves.

Kickboxing classes for girls

This sport combines strength exercises and cardio exercises that involve the entire body. Kickboxing classes are largely aimed not at practicing any specific blows, but at ensuring that a girl can master her body to perfection. Depending on what you want to get from kickboxing, you should choose how you will practice - with a personal trainer or first visit a fitness center where kicks are practiced in dance.

For beginners

It is worth noting that beginners are not allowed to train until they have thoroughly studied all the rules. Thus, kickboxing for beginner girls prohibits any pushing, and all strikes must be practiced - clear and technical. Before training begins, female fighters are divided by height and weight so that the opponents are on equal terms in the ring. A prerequisite for beginners or professionals is to warm up on a skipping rope.

Individual training

It is necessary to engage in almost any sport regularly and efficiently, but not often, so three workouts per week would be the best option. Even individual kickboxing classes are not worth attending more often. Every girl will get any desired result from kickboxing in just a month if she alternates individual classes with group training. Both of these types are beneficial, for example, group classes teach you to work in pairs, clearly show why you need to know the technique, why cover your face with your hands.

For weight loss

Like other sports, kickboxing helps not only build muscle, but also get rid of extra pounds, loose body, and cellulite. By choosing the type and intensity of training, a girl will be able to burn 300-500 kcal in just an hour. Kickboxing for weight loss and slender legs is an ideal option, because such active movements “dry” the body, without increasing muscles, but making them elastic and dense.

Kickboxing - techniques and strikes

The basic kickboxing techniques and stances are similar to those in English boxing, but they have a number of differences:

  1. Kickboxing uses kicks - sweeps: with the instep and the inside of the foot. You can see in the photo how beautiful the hook with a turn looks.
  2. The main kicks are delivered while jumping, with a bent knee or a turn. These include a hook kick, a circular kick with either leg. An overhand strike is no less effective, when an athlete raises his leg over the opponent’s head and delivers a distracting blow with his heel, because it is difficult to knock out an opponent in this way.
  3. Punches include such as an uppercut, a jab (with the hand closest to the opponent), a punch (with the hand farther away from the opponent), and a swing (from the side from a long distance). Also in kickboxing there is such a blow as a backfist: by hitting from a turn with the back of a half-bent arm, you can immediately knock out your opponent.

Prohibited tricks

This kind of martial art for girls also has some limitations in combat. So, prohibited blows in kickboxing:

  • side, bottom or top side of the fist;
  • the inside of the glove or an open glove;
  • pushing, hitting with the wrist or forearm;
  • elbows, blows to the joints, collarbone or spine;
  • blows to the chest or kidneys.

Fitness kickboxing for girls

If you decide to take care of your body and get rid of those annoying pounds, then believe that with the help of kickboxing it will be very easy to do this. In the fitness club you can try cardio kickboxing, where elements of combat are added to aerobic exercises - this will not only improve coordination, but also make you stronger and slimmer. It is worth noting that even in a fitness center, kickboxing for adults is not only body shaping, but also teaching the basics of self-defense.

Kickboxing equipment for girls

Before going to kickboxing training, you need to purchase the necessary equipment, because this type of boxing has its own clear rules. Gloves, clothing, protection - the main positions. It is better to buy three sets of gloves at once: training, projectile, combat. Clothing for kickboxing should be special: a top and trousers (or shorts) that do not restrict movement. Protection includes boxing bandages, helmet, mouthguard, ankle pads, shins. For girls and women there is also a bandage to protect the chest.


The main action during kickboxing training is throwing kicks and punches. For this reason, some girls are prohibited from engaging in this type of sport in a club or fitness center. So, contraindications for kickboxing:

  • problems with joints and spine;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • severe obesity.

Kickboxing video lessons for beginners

If you are still wondering whether to sign up for a kickboxing class, then this collection of videos will prove to you that many girls like this sport. It is also worth noting that representatives of the fair half of the population do not become “masculine” from boxing; on the contrary, as a result of training, their figure becomes more feminine, fit and beautiful.
