Sketch of boxing gloves tattoo. Boxing tattoo and boxing gloves. In what style should I make it?

A tattoo with an obvious meaning is “struggle.” Wrestling is not a specific type of martial arts, but in the broad sense of the word. Both physical and spiritual.

This tattoo shows a willingness to face difficulties head-on. Preparedness for daily difficulties that will temper and make you only stronger.

When deciding to apply such a tattoo, it is important to consider its significance in the world of sports.
Such an image on your body can be perceived as a distinctive sign of a professional athlete or a person who has dedicated his life to the ring.
© "Common Sense"

At the same time, a tattoo often has a symbolic meaning for a particular person. For example, a tattoo depicting boxing gloves hanging on a nail most often symbolizes the end of a career. If such a tattoo contains one date, it can mean both the most memorable fight and the date of completion of a professional career. If there are two dates, most likely the tattoo was made in memory of the “departed person.”

Who is it suitable for?
Tattoos are considered masculine. Having such a tattoo on a girl is rather an exception to the rule.
This type of tattoo is often done by people who are in one way or another connected with the world of martial arts. This could be a professional athlete, amateur or coach. Martial arts fans get such tattoos less often.
Places and style of tattoo.
The tattoo is often made small. And accordingly, such areas of the body as arms, palms, forearms, and feet are suitable for.
Previously, such a tattoo was applied schematically in black and white. With the development of the tattoo industry, tattoos in the form of boxing gloves are often done in color, achieving a “photographic effect.”


Contrary to stereotypes, let's look at the process of applying a tattoo depicting a boxing glove to a woman's leg:

Boxing tattoos are body images of boxers and fans of this sport. They can be either directly related to boxing or have a protective, protective meaning.

The most logical division in this category is boxer tattoos and fan tattoos.

Boxer tattoos are most often amulets. This tradition has its roots deep in antiquity, when the bodies of warriors were decorated with patterns and ornaments. It was believed that the more, the braver and stronger the fighter. Tattoos served two functions - to protect their owner and to terrify the enemy. The tradition of such tattoos is still alive today. Tribal designs occupy a special place among sports tattoos:

Tribal - body painting of Polynesian warriors. These ornaments are considered strong amulets, and the meaning is not so easy to decipher, because the meaning is hidden in the intricate geometric shapes. The most famous boxer with a tattoo on his face, Mike Tyson, couldn’t resist tribalism either. Other athletes are not so extreme and traditionally cover their arms and chest with ornaments. The pattern not only looks very impressive, but also well emphasizes the relief of the muscles, emphasizing the physical form of the boxer;

A special place among boxing tattoos is occupied by Thai boxing tattoos. According to Thai tradition, shamanic Sak-Yant tattoos are applied to the athlete’s body, which contain letters, symbols, and images of animals.

It is believed that such tattoos can change a person’s life, balancing it and directing energy in the right direction. Tattoos of Thai boxers often cover the entire body. The tradition of wearing Sak-Yant on the body was passed on from the Thais to everyone who practices Muay Thai.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the tattoo of boxing gloves. This tattoo is suitable for those who perceive life as a struggle. It can be seen both among boxers themselves and among fans of this sport. The meaning of boxing gloves tattoos is both to indicate one’s affiliation with the sport and to intimidate an opponent. After all, such an image characterizes a person as a professional fighter. You can often see dates next to such a tattoo - this symbolizes important victories, winning titles, etc. Boxing gloves with several dates look especially impressive and command respect. Most often this is a tattoo on the chest or back.

Boxing tattoo on shoulder blade

Fan tattoos about boxing also include portraits of boxers immortalized on the body. The most popular are Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson. This could be the athlete’s face or an important moment of the fight - the decisive blow, the announcement of the winner, etc.

Anyone can get a tattoo. You don't have to be involved in sports. A boxing-themed tattoo can be a good talisman that can help you achieve your goals. This tattoo speaks of a person’s desire to win.

One of the most popular options for old school boxer tattoos. Among the styles they choose, realism, .

Choosing a tattoo artist is very important. Although there is no hidden meaning in a tattoo, the aesthetic component is nevertheless very important. You should like the master's work.

Our ancient warrior ancestors believed that the number of images on the body directly determines the bravery of a warrior. Maybe this subconscious program is embedded in us to this day? However, nowadays we attach more importance to the quality (content) of the drawing than to the quantity. The tattoo sketch is done both in black and white and in color.

Consider the meaning of the boxing gloves tattoo. Tattoos in the form of boxing gloves are tattooed by people who cannot imagine their life without fighting. The struggle can be both physical and spiritual. Much more often, of course, the first. This tattoo is usually tattooed by boxers or their ardent fans. If there is a date stamped next to the gloves, then most likely this is the date of a significant victory in the battle for the boxer.

Also, this type of tattoo is tattooed to maximize the intimidation of the enemy in the ring. After all, the opponent will immediately feel that in front of him is a professional, a real boxer. Because only someone who has completely devoted himself to the ring will decide to take such a step as a tattoo in the form of boxing gloves. Gloves are depicted both in color and monochrome. Many professional boxing stars had similar tattoos.
