Arkady Nikitich Vorobyov is the first rector of the Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture. Heavyweights need to be raised Heavyweights need to be raised

Arkady Nikitovich, even in his ninth decade, looks so much that other fifty-year-olds will envy. The strength in his hands is the same, and in terms of erudition and mental alertness, he can easily give odds to any of the “Club of Experts.” When Novye Izvestia came to visit Vorobyov in Malakhovka, he was preparing a report for a speech at the Academy of Physical Culture on the topic “Civilization and Postcivilization.”

– So, you are not one of those who quietly live out their retirement. Everyone work hard, write...

“I guess it’s in my genes to have such an ability to work, a desire to work.” Both physically and mentally. You know, I am proud that all my life I have worked for the good of our homeland, our people. I tell you sincerely.

- Yes, you had to work hard. How many tons of “iron” have you turned over during your sports career?! Not every crane can withstand such a load...

“So I’ve been a strong guy since childhood.” And before the war, almost all young people were fond of sports. Well, when the war began, I began to ask to go to the front, to join the infantry. And they took me to the navy. And even to a diving school! After the war, we demined the Odessa port, cleared it of debris and sunken ammunition. There, in the navy, I started weightlifting. And somehow I succeeded right away. After three months of training, he became the absolute champion of the Black Sea Fleet. He even beat heavyweights, although he himself only lifted 75 kg.

– Did life have a hard time for athletes in the post-war era?

- In principle, it’s normal. I remember I wrote an application to be demobilized and promised that in a year I would set a world record in the snatch. And he kept his promise. Won the USSR championship. At that time he played for Sverdlovsk, and lived, being already a family member, in the locker room at the gym. And other cities began to lure me away. Kyiv was calling. Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, who at that time commanded the Sverdlovsk Military District, found out about this. He respected sports. He says: if you stay, you’ll get an apartment. If you leave, then I won’t be friends with you. So I stayed, and two weeks later I received the promised housing. In general, athletes who performed at a high level lived normally. My salary was 3,000 rubles, which by today’s standards is more than $500. So our family of five was not poor, but not luxurious either.

– Today our weightlifters receive certainly no less than yours, but on the Olympic platform, with rare exceptions, they do not shine. Why?

Best of the day

- Well, at the Olympics in Athens, our athletes performed more or less normally - they won eight medals, including gold. Another thing is that they could have won two or three more, but here the coaches made tactical mistakes. After all, in the barbell you need to be able not only to lift the weight, but also to correctly assess your capabilities and the capabilities of your opponent. If we talk about what has happened in our weightlifting in recent years, then the situation, of course, was influenced by the frequent change of presidents of the national federation. Agree, not every Olympic champion can become a good leader.

– Are you talking about Yuri Zakharevich, who was removed from the post of president a year ago?

- Not only about him. Before this, there were figures who were mainly engaged in commerce. Imagine, over the past 15 years we have not had a single coaching seminar. It turns out that no one shared their experience with each other, and the knowledge accumulated over generations did not reach those who need it. Alas, most of today's trainers are not well-versed in theory; some of them have not read a single textbook or manual in their entire lives. Meanwhile, weightlifting training is a multifactorial process. Here you need to properly regulate the loads, know biomechanics, and pharmacology. I once showed a trainer a textbook with various diagrams and graphs on biomechanics, but he didn’t understand anything there. There is one more aspect that, in my opinion, affects the state of affairs in our barbell - nepotism. Look, Pisarevsky’s father, a famous athlete in the past, is training his son Gleb. Valentina Popova trains with her husband. What kind of objectivity is there in such a situation?! They say that relatives feel each other better and know the possibilities. That’s why I see that in Athens Gleb Pisarevsky barely escaped the “steering wheel” in the third approach.

– Our heavyweights do not have relatives among their coaches, but at the Athens Olympics, Russian athletes did not even compete in the weight that was once considered ours. What's happening?

- The situation is, of course, sad. The fact is that heavyweights are a special category. They need to be grown and given special attention. Here was Alexey Medvedev, two-time world champion. They dragged him like that for ten years, from 1948 to 1957. They were constantly called to training camps. Even when there were people on the team much stronger than him. And as a result, Medvedev became a champion and even set a world record. Now things are often different. If your business stalls for a year or two, you’re free.

– Even in China there is a “heavy” force that is stronger than many of ours. By the way, how do you explain this country’s rise to first place in world weightlifting?

- It's simple. China is using Soviet experience. Our technique has been recognized as the best in the world. When I worked at the international federation, I myself wrote a textbook that was actively used in many countries. Of course, the Chinese brought something of their own. First of all, strict discipline, without which you cannot achieve great victories.

– Probably, the famous oriental medicine also played a role?

- This is all a bluff. And in China everyone is on anabolic steroids. However, they are not the only ones. I remember watching a picture on one of my trips to Bulgaria. A boy of ten or twelve years old is working out, and there are pills lying on the windowsill nearby. The same hormonal ones. Moreover, the doses are twice as high as the therapeutic ones. And this is for boys! The consequences of taking them are terrible for health - the amount of hormones increases. In children, like in adults, the growth of tubular bones stops, they become stronger and turn into 12-year-old men. It's horrible!

– It turns out that all modern weightlifting is based on doping?

– Now the World Anti-Doping Agency has established strict control over athletes. But if you have money, then this problem can be solved. There is information that at the Olympics in Sydney, the Iranian heavyweight simply bought himself a sample for several tens of thousands of dollars. Of course, I would like everything to be honest and objective, but... Everything is bought and sold.

– Was there already doping in your time?

– I remember in 1968 we competed at the Olympics in Mexico City and already knew that the Americans and Finns were on hormones. Back in the late 50s, Americans began using drugs to fatten pigs and cattle. First in athletics. The same hammer thrower Harold Connolly talked about this himself. But in 1968, even in such a situation when our opponents were doping, we were able to take three gold medals in the barbell and several more silver and bronze awards.

– Is modern weightlifting possible without steroids?

- Hardly. Train has already left. Another thing is that in the near future tissue anabolics will become more widespread. For example, the same stem cells that are already used in medicine will now be used in sports. They are very difficult to detect. However, if the drug itself is developed, it means that they will definitely invent a technique that will help detect it. Another thing is that we are not talking about the athlete’s health here.

(1924-10-03 ) Place of Birth Date of death Sports career

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Awards and medals

Olympic Games
Gold Melbourne 1956 -90
Gold Rome 1960 -90
Bronze Helsinki 1952 -82,5
World Championships
Gold Stockholm 1953 -82,5
Gold Vienna 1954 -90
Gold Munich 1955 -90
Gold Tehran 1957 -90
Gold Stockholm 1958 -90
Silver Warsaw 1959 -90
Bronze Vienna 1961 -90
European Championships
Gold Paris 1950 -82,5
Gold Stockholm 1953 -82,5
Gold Vienna 1954 -90
Gold Munich 1955 -90
Gold Stockholm 1958 -90
State awards
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree
Order of Friendship The order of Lenin Order of the Patriotic War, II degree Order of the Red Banner of Labor
Order of Friendship of Peoples Order of the Red Star Order of the Badge of Honor Jubilee medal “For valiant labor (For military valor). In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"
Medal of Honor" Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" 40px 40px
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Arkady Nikitich Vorobyov (October 3 ( 19241003 ) , in the city of Tetyushi, which is approximately 170 kilometers from Kazan, on the border with the Ulyanovsk region. - December 22, Moscow) - Soviet weightlifter, scientist, writer. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1952), Honored Trainer of the USSR (1964). Olympic champion (1956, 1960), bronze medalist in 1952, multiple champion and world record holder (26 world records), Europe and the USSR in 1950-1959.

A street was named in honor of Arkady Vorobyov in Tetyushi


At the front, Arkady Vorobyov turned out to be a tenth grader. The strong young man was immediately sent to diving school, after which he entered service in the Black Sea Fleet. Arkady Nikitich went through the entire war, receiving many military awards, including the medal "For Courage", the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, and the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree. After the war, he participated in the restoration of the Odessa port. Member of the CPSU since 1954.

Died on December 22, 2012. He was buried at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow.


  • Badge of honor “For merits in the development of physical culture and sports” (1999)

see also

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  • - Olympic statistics on the website

An excerpt characterizing Vorobyov, Arkady Nikitich

Many years have passed since that wonderful warm breakfast, but these words of hers were forever imprinted in my memory and became one of the “unwritten” laws of my life, in which, unfortunately, I had to “fall” many times, but so far I have always succeeded rise. Days passed, I became more and more accustomed to my amazing and unlike anything else world and, despite some failures, I felt truly happy in it.
By that time, I had already clearly understood that I would not be able to find anyone with whom I could openly share what was constantly happening to me, and I already calmly took it for granted, no longer getting upset or trying to prove anything to anyone. . This was my world, and if someone didn’t like it, I wasn’t going to force anyone there. I remember later, while reading one of my father’s books, I accidentally came across the lines of some old philosopher, which were written many centuries ago and which then made me very happy and incredibly surprised:
“Be like everyone else, otherwise life will become unbearable. If you lag too far behind normal people in knowledge or skill, they will no longer understand you and will consider you crazy. Stones will fly at you, your friend will turn away from you”...
This means that even then (!) there were “unusual” people in the world who, from their bitter experience, knew how difficult it all was and considered it necessary to warn, and if possible, to save, people just as “unusual” as they themselves were! !!
These simple words from a man who once lived a long time ago warmed my soul and instilled in it a tiny hope that someday I might meet someone else who would be as “unusual” for everyone else as I was, and with whom I can freely talk about any “oddities” and “abnormalities”, without fear that I will be received with hostility or, at best, simply ridiculed mercilessly. But this hope was still so fragile and incredible for me that I decided to get carried away less when thinking about it, so that, in case of failure, it wouldn’t be too painful to “land” from my beautiful dream into harsh reality...
Even from my short experience, I already understood that there was nothing bad or negative in all my “oddities”. And if sometimes some of my “experiments” did not quite work out, then the negative effect now manifested itself only on me, but not on the people around me. Well, if some friends, for fear of being involved in my “abnormalities,” turned away from me, then I simply didn’t need such friends...
And I also knew that my life was apparently needed by someone and for something, because no matter what dangerous “mess” I got into, I always managed to get out of it without any negative consequences and always somehow... as if someone unknown was helping me with this. As, for example, what happened that same summer, at the moment when I almost drowned in our beloved Nemunas River...

It was a very hot July day, the temperature did not drop below +40 degrees. The white-hot air was dry, like in the desert, and literally “crackled” in our lungs with every breath. We sat on the river bank, shamelessly sweating and gasping for air, like overheated crucian carp thrown onto land... And almost completely “roasted” in the sun, we looked at the water with longing eyes. The usual moisture was not felt at all, and therefore all the children wildly wanted to plunge into the water as quickly as possible. But it was a little scary to swim, since this was a different bank of the river, not familiar to us, and the Nemunas, as you know, has long been that deep and unpredictable river with which it was not advisable to joke.
Our old favorite beach was temporarily closed for cleaning, so we all temporarily gathered at a place more or less familiar to someone, and for now everyone was “drying out” on the shore, not daring to swim. A huge old tree grew near the river. Its long silky branches, at the slightest breath of wind, touched the water, quietly caressing it with delicate petals, and powerful old roots, resting against river stones, intertwined under it into a continuous “warty” carpet, creating a peculiar lumpy roof hanging over the water.
It was this old wise tree, oddly enough, that posed a real danger to swimmers... Around it, for some reason, many peculiar “funnels” were created in the water, which seemed to “suck” the person caught into the depths and need to it was necessary to be a very good swimmer to be able to stay on the surface, especially since the place under the tree was very deep.
But, as we know, talking to children about danger is almost always useless. The more they are convinced by caring adults that some irreparable misfortune can happen to them, the more they are confident that “maybe this can happen to someone, but, of course, not to them, not here and not now”... And the very feeling of danger, on the contrary, only attracts them even more, thereby sometimes provoking them to the stupidest actions.
We, four “brave” neighbor guys and I, thought about the same thing, and, unable to bear the heat, we decided to take a swim. The river looked quiet and calm, and did not seem to pose any danger. We agreed to watch each other and swam together. At the beginning, everything seemed to be as usual - the current was no stronger than on our old beach, and the depth did not exceed the already familiar familiar depth. I became braver and swam more confidently. And then, for this same too much confidence, “God hit me on the head, but he didn’t regret it”... I was swimming not far from the shore, when suddenly I felt that I was being sharply pulled down... And it was so sudden that I didn’t have time to react to stay on the surface. I was spinning strangely and being pulled very quickly into the depths. It seemed that time had stopped, I felt that there was not enough air.
Then I still knew nothing about clinical death or about the luminous tunnels that appeared during it. But what happened next was very similar to all those stories about clinical deaths that much later I managed to read in various books, already living in distant America...
I felt that if I didn’t breathe air now, my lungs would simply burst and I would probably die. It became very scary, my vision grew dark. Suddenly, a bright flash flashed in my head, and all my feelings disappeared somewhere... A blindingly bright, transparent blue tunnel appeared, as if it were entirely woven from tiny moving silver stars. I quietly floated inside him, feeling neither suffocation nor pain, only mentally amazed at the extraordinary feeling of absolute happiness, as if I had finally found the place of my long-awaited dream. It was very calm and good. All sounds disappeared, I didn’t want to move. The body became very light, almost weightless. Most likely, at that moment I was simply dying...

October 21st, 2013

About articles and literature on strength training

In the process of forming theoretical knowledge, I, first of all, start from knowledge of the specifics of strength training and powerlifting, in particular. Of course, some of my knowledge was formed on the basis of reading some literature on the Internet, as well as on the basis of experience gained during sports activities, communication with athletes and coaches. Now we can highlight a number of literary sources, the study of which forms a holistic picture of the patterns of increasing the strength indicators of athletes in individual movements.

First of all, it is important to master the provisions that are common to all sports areas. This, of course, includes information regarding improving motor skills, increasing coordination, etc. This information in a summarized form can be found in the books of Yu. V. Verkhoshansky.

His book, called “Fundamentals of Special Physical Training of Athletes,” provides information regarding the development of sportsmanship in various disciplines. The formation of sports results is directly achieved through the so-called means of special physical training. Unlike general physical training, special physical training has a direct impact on the athlete’s athletic performance and the development of sportsmanship.

The book “Programming and Organization of the Training Process” reveals the features of constructing the training process, and also explains the process of managing and influencing training with the goal of the most optimal rate of increase in athletes’ results.

When an understanding of the general principles of constructing a sports result has been acquired, it is necessary to begin studying the provisions of strength training itself. It is better to do this with the help of Soviet weightlifting textbooks. In them you can find the most fundamental data on the formation of a motor skill in fairly complex exercises, as well as examples of load dosing and a description of the principles of the most optimal design of the training process. It is very important, in my opinion, to study the books, first of all, by Arkady Vorobyov, but, of course, other publications on weightlifting also deserve attention.

Weightlifting books are perhaps the most valuable literature when it comes to strength training. The methods presented in these books make it possible to progress very quickly, but they are certainly quite complex. The authors are not limited to individual recommendations, but form a holistic system that allows athletes to very quickly increase athletic performance.

Depending on sports preferences, which may be expressed in the desire to engage in strength training or, you can continue to study the theory with the help of relevant literary sources. In order not to clog your brain with unnecessary information, of which quite a lot has appeared recently, it is better to concentrate on the most complete and consistent literary sources.

For bodybuilding, this is Joe Wiader’s book “This is How the Stars Train.” It contains a description of everything necessary to effectively increase muscle mass and achieve optimal proportions. The book is distinguished by brevity and conciseness of presentation, there are no unnecessary discussions about the philosophy of sports and so on. Together with previous knowledge, acquiring specialized knowledge in the field of bodybuilding will allow you to effectively increase body weight.

Regarding powerlifting, we can highlight a very good book, authored by Boris Ivanovich Sheiko. The book is called "Powerlifting". Recently, more and more people have resorted to using B.I. Sheiko complexes to increase strength in powerlifting movements. Meanwhile, the complexes themselves must be modified accordingly to suit the goals of specific athletes. This book describes how to change the above complexes. In addition, the technical requirements for exercises used in powerlifting are outlined, which is very important, especially for beginners in this sports discipline.

It is also necessary to highlight the articles of Georgy Funtikov, which at one time were a real breakthrough in powerlifting. Funtikov offers a system for training individual powerlifting movements, as well as his unique method of dosing the load - macrocycling. Funtikov’s articles can be found.

The articles you see on my website are the product of combining the most effective principles of sports training with the tasks that athletes who train with weights often set themselves. Of course, this includes training to increase strength (strength training), as well as to increase body weight and maintain optimal proportions (bodybuilding).


Athlete (weightlifting), coach.

Honored Master of Sports (1952). Honored Coach of the USSR (1964).

Graduated from the medical faculty of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute (1957).

He started weightlifting in 1946 in Odessa at Vodnik. He played for SKA (Sverdlovsk) - since 1949 and the Armed Forces (Moscow).

Champion of the USSR (1950, 1951, 1952 - middleweight; 1953-59 - light heavyweight).

In the USSR national team - 1950-62.

Olympic champion (1956, 1960) in light heavyweight, 3rd Olympic medalist (1952) in middleweight.

World champion (1953-55, 1957, 1958) in middleweight, 2nd medalist of the world championship (1950, 1959) in middleweight, 3rd medalist of the world championship (1961).

European champion (1950, 1953-55, 1958) in middle weight, 2nd prize-winner of the European Championship (1959), 3rd prize-winner of the European Championship (1961).

In the middle and light heavyweight division he set 21 world records and 37 USSR records (1950-61).

Senior coach of the USSR national weightlifting team - 1962-69.

Among his students are Yu. Vlasov, L. Zhabotinsky, V. Kurentsov, D. Shanidze, A. Talts.

Head of the USSR Sports Committee Directorate - 1969-71. For many years he worked as a consultant to the Russian National Team Training Center, helping to prepare athletes for the Olympic Games (2004, 2008).

Since 1971 - head of the department of weightlifting at the State Center for Physical Fitness and Physical Education. Rector of the Moscow Regional Institute of Physical Culture (Malakhovka, Moscow Region) - 1977-91.

Under his leadership, more than 50 people became candidates and doctors of science in the field of physical education and sports medicine.

Since 1991 - Director of the Rehabilitation Center for Children of Chernobyl.

He was elected as a deputy of the Moscow City Council of the 5th convocation (1977).

Doctor of Medical Sciences (1970), Professor (1972).

Author of the books: “Modern Weightlifter Training”, “Weightlifting Sports”, “At Three Olympics” (1963), “The Powerful of This World” (1972), “The Iron Game” (1980), “Anatomy of Strength” (..., 1987 - co-author ), a textbook “Weightlifting” for sports universities, numerous scientific publications, more than 200 newspaper and magazine materials, 5 monographs, 3 works of fiction.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War. Awarded the Order of Lenin (1957), the Red Star, the Red Banner of Labor, the Patriotic War II degree (04/06/1985), the Friendship of Peoples, the “Badge of Honour”, the Russian orders “For Services to the Fatherland” IV degree, Friendship, the Honorary Badge “For Merit” in the development of physical culture and sports" (1999), "For services to the development of the Olympic movement in Russia", medals.

Inducted into the International Weightlifting Federation Hall of Fame (1995).

Honorary citizen of the cities of Lyubertsy, Moscow region (1994) and Tetyushi and Tetyushsky district of Tatarstan (2005). Honorary veteran of the city of Moscow (2009).

A street in Tetyushi is named after him.

Two-time Olympic champion, five-time world champion, five-time European champion, ten-time USSR champion, multiple world and USSR record holder, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Coach of the USSR, member of the Hall of Fame of the International Weightlifting Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, honorary citizen of the cities of Lyubertsy ( Moscow region), Tetyushi and Tetyushsky district of Tatarstan

Born on October 3, 1924 in the village of Mordovo, Tambov region. FatherVorobyov Nikita Yakovlevich. MotherVorobyova Praskovya Alexandrovna. SpouseVorobyova Elvina Illarionovna (1929–2005), sports medicine doctor, PhD. Daughters: Vorobyova Natalya Arkadyevna, Vorobyova Alena Arkadyevna.

In the Vorobyov peasant family, physical strength was respected. Father, Nikita Yakovlevich, and his brothers were famous fist fighters. From 1928 to 1933, the family lived in Baku, fleeing hunger. Then she moved to the Tetyushsky district of Tatarstan, where Arkady went to elementary school. Of three children in the family, he was the youngest.

In high school, a physical education teacher instilled in the boy a love of sports. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a military man, intensively strengthened his muscles, and devoted a lot of time to physical exercise. As a teenager, Vorobyov was the only local boy to swim across the Volga.

When the Great Patriotic War began, 17-year-old Arkady was eager to fight. Due to his age, he could not be sent to the active army, but, given his excellent physical shape, he was assigned to a diving school in Gelendzhik.

He joined the Marine Corps in the Black Sea Fleet in 1943. As part of the landing force, he was the first to lead a company into an attack from an armored boat at the mouth of the Danube River, and was awarded the medal “For Courage”.

In 1944, for completing a special task as part of a marine battalion under the leadership of Hero of the Soviet Union Kaganov, he received the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree.

After the war, Arkady Nikitich restored the Odessa port and participated as a diver in clearing mines in its waters. For Vorobyov, the war continued until 1949, when bombs that weighed up to a ton had to be searched for and neutralized under water. Several times he was on the verge of death.

Here, in the port, in 1946, Arkady Vorobyov became acquainted with weightlifting. The first competition of the future champion was the championship among seaport workers in weight lifting. Soon Arkady Nikitich became the absolute champion of the Black Sea Fleet. Competing in the weight category up to 75 kg, he managed to surpass the results of the heavyweights.

Intensive training began, I had to adapt to a harsh regime no tobacco or alcohol. This helped him win the title of USSR champion and set a new world record, surpassing the American Stanczyk, who at that time held the title of “Mr. America”.

Already in 1952 A.N. Vorobyov became an Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, and 12 years later received the title of Honored Trainer of the USSR. Between these honorary titles, Arkady Nikitich managed to twice win the title of champion of the Olympic Games (Melbourne and Rome) in the light heavyweight category. In addition, as captain of the USSR team, Vorobyov won 5 world championships, 5 European championships, 10 all-Union championships. He broke 21 world records and set 37 all-Union records.

From 1949 to 1962, Arkady Vorobyov was a member of the USSR national weightlifting team. During this period, he was one of the first athletes to receive higher education: he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute and became a graduate student in the department of physiology. In 1962 he defended his Ph.D. thesis.

As head coach, he led the USSR national team to victory at the Olympics in Tokyo (1964) and Mexico City (1968). His contributions to sports science are recognized throughout the world.

Until 1977, he headed the department of weightlifting at the Central Institute of Physical Culture. In 1970 he became a Doctor of Medical Sciences.

In 1991, Arkady Nikitich retired from the post of rector of the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture. Over the years of work at universities, Vorobyov trained about 50 candidates and doctors of science in the field of physical education and sports medicine.

Scientific developments carried out by an outstanding athlete and scientist were of great importance. Bulgarian, Hungarian, Cuban coaches and athletes studied using his training methods, cycles of changing loads and recovery processes, systems for bringing an athlete to optimal shape, translated into English, German, and French. Based on such developments, the first computer training options were created. Arkady Nikitich led the Scientific Council of the Russian Sports Committee for some time.

Arkady Nikitich was active in public life: he was one of the founders of the Rehabilitation Center for Children of Chernobyl, which he led since 1991.

His vast experience and knowledge were in demand by the Russian Weightlifting Federation and the sports training center for Russian national teams. He helped athletes prepare for the Olympic Games in Athens (2004) and Beijing (2008).

A.N. Vorobyov met with students, graduates and teaching staff of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. The academy hosted ceremonial events in honor of his 80th and 85th anniversaries.

He combined the talent of an athlete and a coach, a leader and a scientist. By modern standards, he remains one of the most decorated weightlifters in the world. In 1995, his name was included in the International Weightlifting Federation Hall of Fame. In 2004, the great athlete was awarded the Silver Order of the IOC.

Arkady Vorobyov Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Coach of the USSR, two-time Olympic champion (1956, 1960), Olympic bronze medalist (1952), five-time world champion (1953, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958), two-time silver medalist of the world championships (1950, 1959 ), bronze medalist of the World Championship (1961), five-time European champion (1950, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1958), silver medalist of the European Championship (1959), bronze medalist of the European Championship (1961), ten-time champion of the USSR (1950 1959), multiple world and USSR record holder, holder of the Silver Order of the International Olympic Committee, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, full member of the International Academy of Sciences, author of numerous scientific publications, more than 200 newspaper and magazine materials, monographs “Modern training of a weightlifter”, “Weightlifting sport” ”, “At Three Olympics”, “The Powers That Be”, “Iron Game”, the textbook “Weightlifting for Sports Universities” and many others.

Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, Friendship, Lenin, Patriotic War, II degree, Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples, Red Star, Badge of Honour, IOC Olympic Order, medals “For Courage”, “For Victory over Germany” ", Zhukov, an honorary badge of the Russian Olympic Committee "For services in the development of the Olympic movement in Russia", an honorary badge "For services in the development of physical culture and sports", anniversary medals and other awards.

In 2009, the Moscow City Council of War and Labor Veterans awarded Arkady Vorobyov the title “Honorary Veteran of the City of Moscow.” He was an honorary citizen of the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow region, as well as the city of Tetyushi and Tetyushsky district of Tatarstan.

On the CSKA Sports Glory Walk in Moscow there is a bronze bust of the famous athlete, coach, public figure, war hero Arkady Vorobyov.
