Skardino, Krivko, Alimbekova, Domracheva: who are they, Olympic champions? Belarusian biathlete Nadezhda Skardino: biography, career, personal life “Bronze” Olympic season

Country: Belarus
Date of birth: 03/27/1985

Biathlete Nadezhda Skardino- one of the most accurate and stable female shooters in modern biathlon. She has a bronze medal won at the World Championships in 2011 in the relay. Nadezhda Skardino is a European champion, twice winner and silver medalist of the 2007 Universiade. The athlete repeatedly stood on the podium at various stages of the World Cup.

Nadezhda was born into a large family (besides her mother and father, she has two brothers and four sisters) in the city of St. Petersburg (then Leningrad). At the age of seven she began training in the skiing section, but in 2005 she switched to biathlon, which fascinated her. But there was no opportunity to get into the Russian team, and that’s the only reason she agreed to the invitation to compete for the Belarusian biathlon team. Currently Scardino lives in Minsk. The biathlete spends all her free time from training camps and competitions actively - playing volleyball, rock climbing and traveling.

Nadezhda Skardino has repeatedly been a prize-winner of various competitions. She competed for the Belarusian junior team at the World Championships. Scardino took part in all races of the European Championship. She won her first prizes at the World Championships in the summer of 2005 - first place in the mass start race and twice was second in pursuit and sprint. In the 2005-2006 season, she competed in the IBU Cup, where she managed to win in her first “individual” race. Thanks to her consistently high results, she was selected to join the Belarusian biathlon squad to participate in the World Cup.

At the start of her participation in the World Cup, season 2006-2007, the athlete scored only eleven points and became seventieth in the overall standings. Nadezhda Skardino made it into the top ten for the first time in the 2009-2010 season. She finished eighth in the sprint at the World Cup in Pokljuka. And in the 2010-2011 season, as a member of the Belarusian women's team, she won two relay bronze medals at the stage in Oberhof and at the World Championships in Khanty-Mansiysk. Let us emphasize that at the World Championships, Nadezhda won a wooden medal in the individual race, taking fourth place, just one step away from the podium. And at the end of the entire season, she ended up 24th in the overall standings and for the first time in her entire career she rose so high.

In the 2011-2012 season, the indicators Nadezhda Skardino greatly decreased in comparison with the previous ones, even despite the fact that at the stage in Antholz the Belarusian team won silver medals. Scardino ran the first stage and was the only one on the team to make just one shooting penalty. The reason for the decrease in performance was the biathlete’s vision problems. In the off-season, the athlete underwent successful vision correction surgery. After this, Nadezhda Skardino very quickly regained the title of one of the most accurate biathletes in the world of our time.

Thanks to accurate shooting and quite good skiing in the sprint in the 2012-2013 season at the stage in Pokljuka, the athlete from Belarus managed to win her first personal bronze medal at the World Cup. It was then that Nadezhda Skardino felt the strength and readiness to fight for high places at the upcoming Olympics in Sochi!

At the same time, the athlete turned out to be such a sincere and interesting conversationalist that at some point the conversation with the AiF journalist deviated from the script and turned into a heart-to-heart conversation.

Nadezhda, the biathlon season was very successful, accept congratulations from AiF readers and gratitude for the Olympic medal! Now for a well-deserved rest?

Half of the vacation was gone: it was spent on recovery and treatment. We planned with Nastya ( Anastasia Duborezova, member of the Belarusian biathlon team.approx. ed.) to climb Elbrus, but now it won’t be possible. So I'll go to the sea.

- Tourism, if I’m not mistaken, is not the least important among your hobbies?

My dream is to visit all the capitals of the world. Unfortunately, there are trainings and performances all year round, and during the holidays I want to be with my family, so it’s not possible to leave often and for a long time. I love tourism and have been doing it for a long time. I remember, as a child, I went to tourist rallies, learned to pitch a tent in one minute, disinfect water collected from the river...

- Are you one of those who can light a fire with one match?

My skills disappeared over time, although I still remember some of them. For example, how to bandage a broken arm: this knowledge can be useful on a hike.

- What else are you interested in?

My sister is a rock climber. I tried to climb the rocks with her. In St. Petersburg there are Big and Small Rocks. But it turned out to be quite difficult. I love beach volleyball. I don’t live in St. Petersburg itself, but in the resort town of Sestroretsk, on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. In the summer, half of Sestroretsk plays volleyball.

I like to knit, for example, soft toys. For some reason I've been making them in pairs lately. However, I don’t have enough patience for big things. Recently I gave Dasha Domracheva a knitted hare. At the last stage of the World Cup, I got sick and stayed in the room, while the girls ran away. Dasha didn’t shoot very well, and it was necessary to cheer her up, although she is not inclined to get upset. Dasha thinks this way: if today it turned out bad, I’ll do it well tomorrow. I had the idea to give her a hare with a clover petal for good luck.

- Why a hare?

On a whim. And there was only thread left for something small.


- Do you often visit St. Petersburg?

I live in two cities: I come to St. Petersburg, where my family remains: brothers and sisters, and I begin to miss Minsk. I come to Minsk and am drawn to St. Petersburg. After the cultural capital of Russia, the Belarusian capital seems free and spacious. There are fewer people and cars in Minsk, wider avenues and streets. Although St. Petersburg seems spacious in comparison, for example, with Moscow. For me, St. Petersburg is the most beautiful and beloved city, but I tell everyone that I have two homelands and two homes. I don't share them.

- Where do they find out more often: in Minsk or St. Petersburg?

In Minsk people are more often recognized by sight. In Russia - more by last name, they say, they heard it somewhere.


- Your mother raised seven children. Yes, she should be given a medal for this!

She has! Medal “Mother Heroine”: in my opinion, it is given after the birth of five children. In our family it was like this: my brother was born first, three years later - my sister, two years later - my brother and I, two years later - another sister, two years later - another sister, and five years later - a sister again...

- Is your family friendly?

I don't remember any conflicts arising. Unless you count fights over who gets to clean the house or something like that. As a child, I picked up the younger ones from kindergarten and walked with them, because my parents didn’t have time. Dad worked, and mom was hanging around the house.

All my brothers and sisters have already grown up and moved away, but we still see each other, correspond and call each other, help each other.

- What did your parents teach you?

They gave the most important thing - love. There were difficulties with money. Dad, may he rest in heaven, said: “If you want a beautiful life, go for it! You can, I believe in you, daughter, you are strong.” He was always with me at competitions and supported me. Such moments from childhood give strength to reach the top.

Dad worked in an orphanage for many years. We often spent time at his work. When you see children who are left without parents, it instills love for people. They called my father their dad, it was very touching. Since then I have had a dream - I don’t know if it will be possible to fulfill it - to foster a child from an orphanage. When my friends hear about this, they say that the idea is crazy, but I don’t see anything wrong with it. Of course, I want my own children: four.

Purpose in life

- Why don’t you know if your dream will come true?

Depends on what my future husband thinks about this.

- How do you imagine him – your future spouse?

I want him to have similar views on spending time. If I have to sit at the computer for twelve hours, and I want active recreation with the children, we probably won’t get along. It is important that a person is interested in sports.

I like people who have goals in life and try to achieve them. At the same time, if something doesn’t suit them, they don’t sit still with their hands down: they say, this is how life is, but they are looking for opportunities, changing something. It is also important that the future husband loves children. I need a big family!

-You have many brothers and sisters, so you are definitely not selfish?

I think not, although all people are selfish.

- Can you be called an emotional person?

Yes, I'm very emotional. This manifests itself in some lack of restraint when I talk to someone or even quarrel. Of course, I can hold back my emotions depending on who I'm talking to, but more often than not they spill out of me. I won’t say that I’m easily pissed off, but if I’m really pissed off...

- What caught your attention the most?

I don’t remember situations where something made me very angry. There was something else: a feeling of hopelessness when dad died. We were then in Komsomolsk-on-Amur at the training camp before the World Championships in Korea. I had to train and be close to my family at the same time. This moment, when the heart was torn between one and the other, was the most difficult in life.

- What about happy moments?

The last one is, of course, the Olympic medal in Sochi. I did everything to get it, and I’m very glad that I succeeded.

- Do you feel like you have the strength to compete for medals of the highest standard in the future?

To be honest, I didn’t think about what would happen next. You have to separate sports and personal life. After an Olympic medal, you find yourself at a crossroads. But I promise to run for another four years. I believe that I am developing every season and achieving greater results.

"Dry" series

Nadezhda, your marksmanship has already become legendary. Never before in either men's or women's biathlon has anyone carried out such a long “dry” series. What's the secret? Maybe there were hunters in your family?

I really enjoy doing this. I practically never get tired of shooting, I enjoy it. Maybe our ancestors really were shooters, who knows!

- Judging by your last name, there were definitely Italians in your family...

My paternal great-grandfather is Italian. My great-grandfather on my mother’s side, by the way, was German. Mom's maiden name is Cyber. This is such an international family.

- After your outstanding performance at the Olympics, did you receive offers to move to Russia?

There were no proposals, but there were questions: why did they change the country? And I didn’t change the country or, say, the Russian team for the Belarusian one - I changed skiing, in which I started my career, for biathlon. They offered to try shooting - I liked it. No one thought then that I would have the opportunity to compete at the World Championships and Olympic Games.

Both countries are dear to me, I like Belarus, and I’m not going to move anywhere.

Nadezhda Skardino is a biathlete who managed to achieve fame as the most accurate woman of our time. The athlete not only won the titles of European and world champion, but also proved by her own example that nothing is impossible. Due to problems with her right eye, Nadezhda has to shoot from a rifle with a special butt, created especially for her. However, this did not become an obstacle for the purposeful biathlete.

Childhood and youth

The future champion was born in St. Petersburg on March 27, 1985. The girl grew up in a large family: Nadezhda has four sisters and two brothers. Scardino developed an interest in sports at an early age - already at the age of seven she was seriously involved in cross-country skiing and was planning a sports career. However, as it turned out later, life had something else in store for Nadezhda.

In 2004, during a sports training camp, Nadezhda met Belarusian biathletes. The athletes jokingly suggested that the girl try shooting. The proposal turned out to be fateful: Nadezhda Skardino no longer let go of the rifle and changed her sport, starting to engage in biathlon.

However, a surprise awaited the girl on her way to the Olympic heights. It turned out that there are too many biathletes in Russia who want to get into the national team. Therefore, Nadezhda, without hesitation, accepted the invitation of the Belarusian coaches to join the Belarusian national team. The athlete moved to Minsk, and a completely new page opened in her biography.


Scardino’s biathlete career began with youth competitions. The girl showed excellent results and already in 2005 brought the first medals to the national team: Nadezhda won a prize in the mass start race and two silver medals (in the sprint and pursuit). The 2005-2006 season was marked for Scardino with a victory in the IBU Cup, which allowed the athlete to take a place in the core of the Belarusian team.

Biathlete Nadezhda Skardino on the track

However, the first World Cup did not live up to Nadezhda’s expectations: the girl managed to score only 11 points and take 70th place in the overall standings. The failure did not upset the athlete; on the contrary, it forced her to train and improve. And two years later, in the 2009-2010 season, Nadezhda Skardino took 8th place at the World Cup (that year the competition was held in Pokljuka, Slovenia). And a year later, the girl brought two bronze medals to the Belarusian team.

The next sports season was unsuccessful for Nadezhda: the biathlete began to have vision problems. The girl had to undergo surgery. Fortunately, everything went without complications, and already in the sprint of the 2012 - 2013 season, Nadezhda Skardino won a bronze medal at the World Cup.

The heyday of the biathlete’s career was 2014, the year of the Sochi Olympic Games. This season, the girl climbed to the World Cup podium four times and took Olympic bronze, becoming third in the individual event. The name of Nadezhda Scardino became famous even outside the sports community, and photos of the athlete appeared in, perhaps, every sports publication.

In 2015, the Belarusian team won silver and bronze at the World Cup, and a year later, in 2016, Nadezhda Skardino received a gold medal, becoming the best in the pursuit race at the European Championships, which took place in Tyumen. In addition, the athlete won the title of best sniper in women's biathlon, having completed 17 races without a single miss.

2017 added to Nadezhda Skardino’s collection of awards: in the first stage of the World Cup (the competition was held in the Swedish city of Östersund), the athlete won gold, leaving behind her rivals in the individual race. Let us remind you: “silver” went to the Norwegian biathlete Synneva Sulemdal, and the third place was taken by the representative of Ukraine.

Personal life

The miniature athlete (Nadezhda Skardino’s height is 160 cm and her weight is 51 kg) has not yet gotten married. The girl admits that now the priority place in her life is occupied by sport, not her personal life. However, Nadezhda has planned a large family for the future: the athlete dreams of at least four children.

In her free time, Nadezhda Skardino loves to travel the world, discovering foreign countries. In addition, the girl is fond of knitting, however, laughing, she admits that she only has enough patience for a week at most. However, Nadezhda knitted mittens in the colors of the Belarusian flag.

Nadezhda does not forget about charity: the athlete devotes a lot of time to the public organization “Children. Autism. Parents”, communicating with “special” children and helping the parents of such babies.

Nadezhda Skardino considers the best relaxation, besides knitting, to be reading books, painting, as well as a bath and a relaxing massage. The biathlete admits in an interview that she is no different from ordinary people: the girl loves to devote time to family and friends, watch movies and walk in nature.

Nadezhda Skardino now

Now Nadezhda Skardino is preparing to participate in the 2018 Olympic Games, which will be held in Pyeongchang, Korea.

In an interview, the athlete said that perhaps this season will be the final one in her career. Nadezhda emphasized that she has reached the threshold age for professional sports and is already thinking about a dignified retirement from biathlon.

In the meantime, Nadezhda’s fans can only wait for the start of the Olympic competitions and hope that their favorite athlete will show enviable results, as well as follow the news in the media and on Nadezhda’s personal page in "Instagram".

Awards and achievements

  • 2007 - first entry into the points zone, 27th place in the sprint race in Pokljuka
  • 2009 - first place in the "flowers" (4-8 places) - 8th place in the sprint race
  • 2010 - 2011 - first “podium” in the relay (3rd place) in Oberhof; first “podium” at the World Championships (relay)
  • 2012 - 2013 - first “podium” in individual races (3rd place) in the sprint race in Pokljuka
  • 2013 - 2014 - second place in the pursuit race in Anterselva (Antholz), third place in the individual race at the Olympic Games in Sochi; world record for shooting accuracy
  • 2017 - 2018 - first place in the individual race of the first stage of the World Cup

At 32 years old, sports life is just beginning, and Nadezhda Skardino now knows this better than others. In the very first personal race of the Olympic season, at the World Cup stage in Östersund, Sweden, our Nadya shot zero at all four shooting ranges, showed very good speed on the track and came to the finish line with the best time. Before that, her career included third places, one second, and even bronze at the Sochi Olympics. But Scardino has never been the first. And so it happened!


Hope is an example of faith. And perseverance. She probably once had doubts about whether she did the right thing by changing her Russian citizenship to Belarusian and moving to our national team. Or maybe not - now it doesn’t matter. What is clear is that in Russia, where human resources force coaches and bosses to shuffle the roster almost after every season and not wait for the athlete to have rush hour, Scardino would hardly have been able to become a world-class athlete. But here they believed in her. They hoped for her. She was loved. And she paid everyone with the same coin, multiplied by diligence and labor.

Nadezhda Skardino was born in the town of Sestroretsk, on the northern shore of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea, near St. Petersburg. Their friendly family had seven (!) children, and Nadezhda herself has a twin brother, Gosha. Sister Sonya also did biathlon and was even on the youth team of Belarus, but then something didn’t stick together, she returned to her native land, graduated from the Lesgaft University of Physical Education, Sports and Health and is now coaching children. Another sister participates in regattas, and the other was at the Games in Sochi as a volunteer and saw Nadine’s bronze triumph there.

The most interesting thing in this whole story is that initially Nadezhda Skardino was involved in skiing, and got into biathlon completely by accident. Our coaches noticed her and invited her to Belarus. The girl at that time was only 19 years old, but she boldly decided to change not only her profile, but also her country. And now its most important combat quality is considered not to be skiing, but shooting. Although she picked up the rifle quite late. Nadezhda herself recalls it this way: “At the time of moving to Belarus, I began to seriously think about changing my life interests. I no longer enjoyed cross-country skiing. And when I moved to Minsk and took up shooting seriously, I felt: this is mine.”

After the Olympics in Sochi, it seemed to many that Scardino would slowly slide downhill, that her best years were behind her, that it was time to hang up her rifle and put her skis in the closet. Like, that’s it, I’ve shot, it’s time to leave the fair. And, to be honest, the athlete had nothing to complain about - the Olympic bronze hung with a pleasant weight on her neck, not everyone can boast of such success. It can be assumed that it was incredibly difficult for Nadezhda to motivate herself to work at full capacity for another four years. Moreover, fate seemed to suggest: enough, finish it. She had illnesses, her tonsils were removed, and then the ophthalmologist said that the vision in her working eye had begun to deteriorate and it was necessary to undergo a second correction operation. But Nadezhda continued to believe here and did not lose heart: she changed her aiming eye! It looks like science fiction, but her shooting didn’t worsen after that, but on the contrary! Nadya was pleased: “I’m left-handed, and my left eye took the innovation even better than my right!”

She plays beach volleyball well and knits in her free time. He says it's a great way to calm down. Having finished victoriously in Östersund, Nadezhda Scardino came out to the reporters with a wide smile: “I’m happy! These are all my magic mittens! Victory is a gift not only to me, but also to my mother. She celebrated her 65th birthday on November 28th. Thanks also to Valentina Semerenko, with whom we worked in tandem. She thanked me too. “Fifteen” is always concentration. It was important to get a “zero” at the shooting range, and I did it, even if I didn’t excel in my rate of fire. But that's my style. Everything is fine!".

Scardino wins, Daria Domracheva is gradually gaining her best condition and getting closer to the podium. Waiting for the start of the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang is becoming more and more interesting.

Belarusian biathlete, Olympic champion of Pyeongchang Nadezhda Skardino announced the end of her sports career. Nadezhda announced her decision on June 2 live on the TV channel "Belarus 1".

“I decided to end my career. I would like to say thank you to Belarus for giving me this opportunity, for allowing me to feel like a Belarusian, truly like a person here. This is very important to me. Belarus will always remain my country. I hope that I will also remain your biathlete.

I just want to say thank you very much and explain why. I understand that some steps need to be taken on time, and not after. And this day has probably come for me. I decided, and it’s very difficult for me - I love biathlon, I love competitions, but, unfortunately, I probably can’t find the motivation and strength to continue. And I understand that in order to show good results, you first need motivation. And, of course, strength for everyday training. But at the moment I understand that I probably don’t have it.

There were many factors that I thought about for two months. But the most important factor is probably that I just want to relax.

Thank you all very much for rooting for me and supporting me. All these 13 years that I have been here, I will remember with great love, I will root for our team. I wish her good luck and, of course, victories.

I understand that now is a very difficult time for our team, it will be for the girls. But I think that if I leave, then maybe I will make room for some young promising athlete who will find motivation and strength, and will want and will win.

So I think this is the best thing I can probably do right now.”

The now 33-year-old native of Leningrad was involved in cross-country skiing before moving to Belarus in 2004. It was in Belarus that she was offered to try herself in biathlon. And it is clear that both sides do not regret this decision.

Nadezhda Scardino is the Olympic champion of Pyeongchang in the relay race and the bronze medalist of the Sochi Olympics in the individual race.

At the world championships in individual races, the best result is 4th place, in relay races - bronze (both achievements were established in Khanty-Mansiysk in 2011).

At the World Cup, where she made her debut in November 2006, she stood on the podium six times in individual races (one gold, one silver and four bronzes) and six times in relays (three silvers and three bronzes).

The best result in the overall World Cup standings is 17th place (397 points) at the end of the 2013/2014 season, while the largest number of points in the World Cup standings - 478 - was scored a season earlier (18th place). At the end of the last season, Nadezhda Skardino became the winner in the individual races.

Scardino is an Honored Master of Sports, awarded the Order of the Fatherland and the Order for Personal Courage.
