Duo of the Schumacher brothers. Schumacher brothers. Sports biography. Where it all began

The authors and residents of the “Evening Quarter” - “The Schumacher Brothers” will come to Vinnitsa for the first time on September 23 with a serious concert “100 minutes of humor”. The most famous forge of humor in Ukraine - “Studio Kvartal 95” recommends, which means there is no room for doubt: on September 23 at 19.00 in the House of Officers there will be so much humor and laughter that no one will find it enough!

“The Schumacher Brothers” are two gurus of branded humor: Sergei Tsvilovsky (left) and Yuri Veliky

Major League of KVN, Comedyclub, TV show “Evening Quarter”, “Fight Club”, “Evening Kyiv”, “What? Where? When?”, the Ukrainian “Brain Ring”, the New Year’s film “1+1 at Home” - no matter what TV project they take part in, the “Schumacher Brothers” instantly win the hearts of the public. Their main hobby is puns and wordplay. They skillfully turn an ordinary phrase into a masterpiece joke that makes millions laugh. And they never tire of coming up with truly legendary numbers that remain relevant after many years. “Yanukovych and chess”, “Titushki”, “Zadornov in an American restaurant”, “Kom betrays a separatist”, “March 8 in an ordinary family or the Basics of family economy”, “Surgeon Zaldostanov and the Polish border”, “Petenka”, a parody of the show “Zvazhenі and schaslivі” - these and many other numbers of “Schumachers” continue to break viewing records on Youtube.

- “The Schumacher Brothers” is an amazing tandem of humor and satire, reprises and puns, parodies and miniatures, complacency and bragging! - the actors of Studio Kvartal 95 say about their colleagues. - Sergei Tsvilovsky is married, raising a daughter and self-esteem. A cheerful, cheerful person who cares about poker. What does it have to do with Texas no-limit poker? Yuri the Great - loves skating, building model sailboats and the hero city of Odessa. He lives in Kyiv in order to miss Odessa... The guys graduated from the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers, which M.M. Zhvanetsky graduated from at one time. Therefore, they work not in the specialty of the university, but in Zhvanetsky’s specialty. The group's motto: "You can't over-pun all the puns, you can't over-pun all the puns."

The Schumacher Brothers write all their numbers themselves, admitting that the main source of inspiration for them remains life itself.

Any funny situation in life is deposited in the subconscious. Then, when you sit down to write a number, it “pops up” at the right moment, and all that remains is to carefully insert it into a new miniature, says Sergei Tsvilovsky.

For example, there was an incident on the train. Sergei and I were traveling to Odessa. I go into the compartment, and Sergei is talking to two girls there. I ask the girls: “Have you already met Sergei,” they: “Yes, already.” Sergei was not taken aback and said: “Which “zhid”? This joke was later included in the miniature that was in Kvartal. You can, of course, just come up with a joke, but when it’s from real life, it’s much more organic,” Yuri Veliky is sure.

From an issue of “Titushka”: “Do you know where the word “shnyaga” came from? There was a song in the 70s that went like this: “Choose me, choose me. The Bird of Happiness. Tomorrow. Shnyaga. Day"

The Schumachers invariably perform only together on stage. They joke that only Benyuk could be the third member of the duet, but he is busy. But seriously, the “Schumacher Brothers” began entertaining the public together 17 years ago - it was then that their duet was formed in Odessa. During this time, they admit that they have already developed one way of thinking, one principle for constructing jokes.

Everyone in Kvartal notices that we even use puns, that is, this is such a specific play on words. We use puns and get attached to words. This is such a principle - you said “play on words”, but I immediately got “donkey caviar”. This is our element, the comedians admit. - Everyone has their own audience. We work in the genre of pop miniatures. And we made the discovery that children like us most of all. In fact, this is a great achievement for an artist. Because a child is a spectator who cannot be deceived. It is impossible to explain why they laugh, apparently they understand.

Ralf Schumacher is not only the younger brother of the world famous racing driver. He is a sociable and cheerful person who is involved in business and tries to develop diversified.

Where it all began

In 1975, the youngest son, Ralf Schumacher, was born into the family of Elisabeth and Rolf, whose family lived in the German city of Hürth-Hermünheim. The boy's father worked as a mason. He built beautiful houses. Mom was a waitress, but with the birth of her second child she began to devote all her free time to her sons.

Ralf was closely related to his brother Michael from birth. He tried to imitate him in everything. And when the elder Schumacher started karting, his younger brother wanted the same.

Already at the age of 3, Ralph began skiing on the track of the neighboring city of Kerpen. Michael supported his brother in every possible way and gave him driving advice. But even then, Ralf Schumacher had an eccentric character and did not want to listen to anyone.

The parents of the future racers divorced in 1997. My father left for another woman, and my mother stayed to live in an old house right next to the karting track.

Elisabeth was ill for a long time and died in 2003 in a Cologne hospital.

First successes in auto racing

At the age of 19, Ralph began racing in Formula 3. A year later he was already second in the individual championship.

At the same time, a young German and his brother are racing through the streets of Macau. Here Ralph had his first serious success - he beat many venerable rivals and even Michael.

In 1996, Shummi Jr. took part in the Japanese version of Formula 1.

Royal race

Ralph became a professional racer in 1997. Participation for the Jordan team brought Schummi Jr. victory at Silverstone and second place at the Belgian Grand Prix. It is noteworthy that both times the weather conditions were not the best.

The move to Williams in 1999 was justified. In the new “stable” the German became the winner in San Marino. He also won two more races. As a result, he took fourth place in the individual competition.

2004 became a black streak not only in the German’s career. The entire “stable” was experiencing difficulties. At the Canadian stage, the younger Schumacher managed to finish second. But the result was canceled due to a violation of technical regulations. The race in America was generally unsuccessful - the guy had a serious accident and missed the remaining stages.

In 2005, the German signed a contract with the Toyota team for 2 years. During this period, it was not possible to win at least one of the stages. On October 1, 2007, Schummi Jr. announced his resignation from Formula 1.

Ralf Schumacher spent several more seasons in the DTM racing series for the Mercedes team. In 2013, he retired from racing racing.

After leaving the sport

Schumacher Jr. continued his involvement in the world of motorsport as manager of a team that competed in coachbuilt cars.

In addition, Ralph was an official consultant for Mercedes Benz.

An enterprising German decided to invest money in a profitable business. One million euros - exactly the same amount as Ralph’s investments in a chain of intimate goods stores. In addition to trading platforms in Slovenia, the business also operated in other European countries. Of the 200 stores, 80 are located in Germany.

The German's commercial sense did not fail. The company became the first to produce and sell intimate goods, and Ralph receives very good dividends.

Personal life

Ralf Schumacher, whose personal life was always discussed in great detail, was considered a ladies' man. His photos literally never left the pages of scandalous newspapers. All the more surprising for everyone was the news that the desperate German was getting married and would soon become a father.

His future wife, Cora Brinkmann, worked as a public relations assistant for a large company. They knew Ralph for several years, but the romance began suddenly and stormily, like their entire subsequent life together.

The couple legalized their relationship in 2001, and 18 days later their son David was born. It took a long time to choose a name for the child; journalists put forward a lot of options for who the child was named after. Ralph himself stated that his wife simply liked the name.

The Schumachers got married a year after the painting. At this event, Michael was his brother's best man, and all his family and friends were present. Ralph fans and a crowd of journalists gathered in the square in front of the church.

All 13 years of marriage were difficult for both parties. Ralph's explosive character and Cora's stubbornness caused a lot of scandals. A couple of times the neighbors even had to call the police.

As a result, Ralf Schumacher and his wife divorced in 2015. Cora received 6 million euros from the 100 that belonged to Ralph. The woman also received real estate in Bergheim and custody of her 13-year-old son.

Ralph and Michael

Ralf Schumacher, whose photo can be seen on the covers of many publications, is distinguished by his openness. His famous brother Michael always tried to keep a low profile with the press and hid details of his personal life from journalists.

Since childhood, the brothers were very different. Little Ralph got everything almost without difficulty, while Michael was born in difficult times for the family.

The competition on the race tracks was in favor of Shummi the Great and Ralph was always in the shadow of the champion. This upset him very much, but he strived to be first in other areas of life.

Thus, the younger Schumacher, whose fortune is 7 times less than Michael’s, bought a house in Austria larger than that of his brother in Switzerland. A private jet and yacht are also more expensive for the younger Ralph.

The brothers' wives - Cora and Karinna - were very different and did not get along with each other. The spectacular Cora often reproached her sister-in-law for being overly devoted to the family. Because of this, disagreements also arose between their husbands.

But whatever the relationship between them, when Michael had a skiing accident, Ralph tried in every possible way to help his brother and his family.

Ralph and Cora's wedding was practically a secret. Neither the groom's parents nor his brother were present. In order to avoid the attention of the press, Ralph ordered a magnificent banquet at the Salzburg palace, and celebrated the event in a close circle in Hallwang.

His ex-wife Cora was also a racing driver. She took part in the Mini Challenge series and competed equally with men.

Ralph's son, David, has followed in his father's footsteps and is already competing in the junior karting championship. And nephew Mick has been participating in German Formula 4 since 2015.

While still married, Cora told reporters that her husband did not know how to park. “Something always happens to him when leaving or entering a parking lot,” said Frau Schumacher.

This is how cocky and explosive, but at the same time kind and sympathetic, Ralf Schumacher is. His biography is replete with ups and downs, both in sports and in his personal life. But the always smiling Ralph looks great at 42 years old and tries to live for future victories and achievements.

10:44 06.06.2017

If we take it as an axiom that laughter prolongs life, then the Ukrainian TV viewer will be blessed with, if not immortality, then at least longevity. Most major channels have acquired their own comedy shows: “Kvartal 95” has been making jokes on “Plus” for many years, comedians from “Diesel Show” have registered on ICTV, viewers of “New” are desperately amused by Sergey Pritula and his “Var'yati”, and on STB humor is ruled by Dmitry Tankovich with the production “Vaverka” " Last weekend brought new additions to the ranks of jokers - the channel “Ukraine” permanently featured the duet “The Schumacher Brothers” with the weekly project “The Schumacher Brothers Show”.

Hoping for a long and joyful life, I couldn’t miss this debut, but after watching the first episode, I’m ready to explain why it’s better for you to spend an hour and a half of your life in some other way.

As you already know, the project is being produced by Star Media and Men’s Studio, which means everything should look respectable. And there’s nothing to complain about here: a beautiful stage with a rotating mechanism and a large screen instead of a backdrop, a hall full of satisfied spectators, high-quality filming and good scenery... In a word, the picture is really on the level.

Sometimes the stage turns into the president's office,

sometimes - to the supermarket,

but it can also become a swamp where the actors came to fish

Like any decent program, The Schumacher Brothers Show has its own style:

The logo can easily be seen as similar to the “Evening Kyiv” logo from “Kvartaltsy”, but no one has yet staked out the exclusive right to be inspired by neon signs

However, it would be quite appropriate to expect similarities between “Schumachers” and “Kvartal”: the main authors and actors of the new “Ukraine” - Yuri the Great and Sergei Tsvilovsky - are diligent students of the Zelensky school. But, surprisingly, with such initial data in terms of humor, the Schumachers are far from their competitors. However, let's talk about everything in order.

The main thing you expect from a comedy show is that it be funny, and this directly depends on its script. It would seem that Velikiy and Tsvilkovsky have been entertaining the audience for so long that they should understand what they will like and what they will not like. To be sure to achieve their goal, the authors chose an intriguing and, most importantly, a fresh move: the guiding thread of the concert is built around the relationship between men and women. You could rightly argue that even in a well-worn topic you can find unknown sides and nuances. But the Schumacher Brothers did not do this.

Take, for example, the line of leaders. Yuri here embodies an exemplary married man, and Sergei plays a carefree bachelor who proposes to hold a May Day (why, by the way, a May Day when it’s June?) in the company of three girls in swimsuits. The family man responds to this that for him these are three reasons for divorce (you have to laugh here), and at this point the rest of the participants and participants in the project join the presenters.

Some numbers are announced just like that, but from time to time the whole company comes on stage, reminding the audience that they are going into nature, and the outing must be organized so that it suits both men and women

I am ready to admit that it is most convenient to base jokes on stereotypes that male and female views on life are completely different. And such techniques work well, especially in sketch format. “The Schumacher Brothers” could also have succeeded, if not for the desire of the authors to make their characters impossibly stupid, not understanding the most basic things. In order not to be unfounded, here is an example:

- We need to do everything so that women enjoy being outdoors. What do they like?

- Romance!

- Then I know: you need to take small candles, light them and lay out a path from the fire to the toilet!

Or here’s another – a woman’s view of fishing:

- Google says that when fishing you need to cast a fishing rod and wait, watching the float.

- What do you mean, cast a fishing rod?

- What are you, a fool? This means approaching someone, testing the waters.

- Then I will probe the soil, and you cast the fishing rod and watch the float (bends down and begins to literally probe the ground)

And these are real jokes with serious acting out.

Even the audience in the hall reacted to them something like this

Just in case, let me clarify: the entire central line of the first issue was built on this level of ideas about gender differences. There were a couple of minor nuances. For example, in one phrase the hero addresses the interlocutor as “you”, and in the next he is going to drink rum with him in nature. And such inconsistencies in a different general impression would not have caught the eye, but here they only confirmed: the script was either written “on the knee” three hours before shooting, or its authors believe that the moves of “Comedy Club” are still working for a wide audience. 10 years ago.

But let’s say the main bet was still placed on the numbers, and not on the presenters. In one of the sketches, for example, it was said that the President of Ukraine has no one to leave his grandson to, since the guarantor had an urgent visit to Europe. Very opportunely, Andrei Parubiy appears in his reception room, and the president decides to leave the heir to him.

Fertile ground for political jokes? The Schumachers decided to go the original route - and the entire performance was based on the inarticulate speech of the BP speaker, who couldn’t even pronounce the words “biometric passport”

Another sketch was dedicated to Vitali Klitschko, who is trying to buy beer in a supermarket, and does it late at night. In principle, the idea itself is good, but the act was declared as a “parody”, and Klitschko in a tracksuit looked more like not the slow-witted fellow known to the people of Kiev, but the “quarter” gopnik Yanukovych. Yuri, there are so many directions in humor, choose any one for yourself, but stop with parodies - it’s not your thing

Also, as in a serious humorous concert, there were stars in the form of the Tik group. The musicians, however, did not interact in any way with the actors and spectators, they trumpeted two songs and left the stage as if they had never existed

I really want to believe that this was just the first damn thing, the guys were worried, and in the future their concerts will be more relevant and funnier. In the end, it was not completely bad: the jokes about Oleg Vinnik, for example, looked very appropriate, the actors, where they could, pulled out the numbers with their acting, and the picture, I remind you, was definitely pleasing to the eye.

And the viewers of “Ukraine” rated the new product very well: “The Schumacher Brothers Show” collected a share of 11.5% in the audience 18-54 (50+), 10.7% in the audience 18-54 (all of Ukraine), 14.2% - for 18+ (50+) and 13.7 0 for 18+ (all of Ukraine).

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