Victor Martinez: biography, training, steroids. Victor Martinez biography Training program from Victor Martinez

Victor Martinez was born on July 29, 1973 in the city of San Francisco de Macoris, Dominican Republic. Soon after the birth of their son, the Martinez family moved to New York and settled in the Washington Heights neighborhood. Victor grew up there and went to school. Already in elementary school, the guy was involved in sports: he played baseball, basketball and football. Victor was brought into bodybuilding by his first training partner, Stephen Dickerson, who saw Martinez’s athletic potential and later convinced him to connect his life and career with bodybuilding.

Victor first took part in the tournament in 1997, it was the New York Metro Championships show, in which he took first place. Until 2001, Martinez continued to compete in the NPC championships, in 2001 he became 8th in the IFBB Night of Champions. The following year, the athlete took 13th place in his first Arnold Classic tournament. In 2003, Victor won Night of Champions.
In 2004 he became 9th in the Mr. tournament. Olympia, a year later he was already 5th, in 2006 - 3rd and 2nd in 2007. In the same 2007, Victor took first place in the Arnold Classic.

In 2008, Martinez was unable to compete due to injuries and returned to the scene a year later, finishing second in the Arnold Classic, only 3 points behind winner Kai Greene.

In 2011, after winning Arnold Europe in Spain and returning to the United States, the athlete was arrested due to problems with his immigration card. Back in 2004, her license was suspended due to Martinez being accused of selling steroids. The athlete was released in April 2012.
Victor was the co-owner and face of Muscle Maker Grill. Due to the arrest, he was forced to leave the business.

Meal 2 - 340 g chicken breast, 1 cup rice

Meal 3 - 340 g steak, vegetables

Meal 5 - 12 g stack, vegetables

Meal 7 - Casein protein before bed

Training plan:

Monday - shoulders, biceps and calves

Tuesday - quadriceps and abdominal muscles

Wednesday - rest

Thursday - chest muscles, triceps and calves

Friday - back, hamstrings and abdominal muscles

Weekend - rest

Recent achievements:
2010 IFBB Mr Olympia, 8th place
2011 IFBB Arnold Classic, 3rd place
2011 IFBB Mr Olympia, 4th place
2011 IFBB Arnold Classic Madrid, 1st place
2013 IFBB New York Pro Championship, 2nd place
2013 IFBB Toronto Pro Supershow, 1st place
2013 IFBB Mr Olympia, 11th place

Victor Martinez anthropometry:
Height – 175 cm,
Competition weight – 118 kg;
Weight in the off-season – 131 kg;
Biceps – 56 cm;
Waist – 82 cm;
Thigh – 77 cm;
Shin – 51 cm.
First place at the Arnold Classic championship – 2 times.

Biography of Victor Martinez

Victor Martinez was born in a small town located in the Dominican Republic. When he was two years old, his family emigrated to New York, USA. Since they were poor, they settled in Washington Heights (a suburb of New York). In addition to Victor, their family had 9 more children, 7 sisters and two brothers.

Victor Martinez attended Washington High School. He loved sports and played on the school football team. To increase his strength, he goes to the gym. It is here that Victor finds his new hobby, bodybuilding.

Soon, Victor Martinez met Stefan Dickerson, who saw great potential in him. Stefan motivates Victor to take bodybuilding seriously and trains him for some time.

In 1997, Victor Martinez competed for the first time at the amateur championship “New York Metro Championships” and confidently won it, taking 1st place. A year later, Victor begins training with a new coach, Victor Munoz, as a result of which he progresses even faster.

In 2001, Victor Martinez received the IFBB PRO card. The first professional tournament in which he performed was the “IFBB Night Of The Champions”, taking 8th place.

From 2000 to 2004, Victor Martinez was involved in the illegal sale of steroids. In 2004, he was caught and faced up to 10 years in prison. But the jury, looking at his achievements in sports, commuted the sentence to 90 days in prison and 5 years of probation. As Martinez himself recalls, during these 90 days he lost about 10 kilograms of muscle mass, despite daily training. When Victor Martinez was in prison, the legend of world bodybuilding visited him.

2007 turned out to be a very successful year for Victor Martinez, as he won the 2007 IFBB Arnold Classic and took 2nd place at Mr. Olympia". But according to many experts, who won the Olympia looked significantly worse than Martinez.

In 2011, Victor Martinez took 1st place at the IFBB Arnold Classic Europe championship, which was held in Spain. After his plane landed in the United States on October 9, 2011, he was arrested for violating immigration laws. Because his emigration card was not renewed after his release from prison for selling steroids, he was taken into custody without bail. On April 27, 2012, after a retrial, he was released with the right to remain in the United States.

Today, Victor Martinez continues to perform on the professional stage, creating worthy competition for top athletes.

Our translation of Peter McGough's (Muscular Development) article on Victor Martinez:

Victor Martinez won his professional card in 2000 and is currently one of the longest-lived players on the scene. Victor had a wonderful competitive career, but off the stage he experienced more drama than happened in any episode of The Sopranos. This is the first part of an article about Victor that we originally published in the August 2012 issue of our magazine. I will publish the continuation on July 28, 2015. In the time between these dates, we again reviewed the events and problems that Victor faced; found that he emerged stronger and recovered more quickly from each subsequent episode; figured out why no one ever, I repeat, NEVER called him “Lucky.”


04/27/2012, Jacob K Federal Building.Javits, New York.

Standing in immigration court, he knew his passionate life had reached its most decisive crossroads. Having lived on this Earth for 38 years, he had previously encountered numerous and serious troubles. In most cases, Martinez overcame the challenges that fate threw at him, and each barrier that arose replenished his emotional baggage, which accompanied him further in life.

And here he stood before a judge at 9:25 a.m. after serving seven months in prison. The judge was deciding whether Martinez would be released or deported to his homeland, the Dominican Republic. If he is deported, then his bodybuilding career will essentially be over, because... he will never be able to set foot on U.S. soil to perform. But Martinez was even more concerned that he would lose face-to-face contact with his four children, who lived in America. The judge scolded him for the felony Martinez committed in 2000, which brought Victor here. The defendant's head was full of dark forebodings, but at that moment, as he perceived the judge's instructions and thought about his children and fatherhood, the thought slowly arose in his mind that he had already been here before, and something almost magical, otherworldly and divine happened in this place...

Misadventure #1: Old days, old troubles.

Victor Martinez was born on July 29, 1973 in San Francisco de Macoris in the Dominican Republic. His birthplace was a city of 175,000 souls, described as a "secluded paradise" due to its location in a valley, which allowed it to be unaffected by the hurricanes and extreme hot weather that plagued the rest of the island. Until Victor was 6 years old, he lived in a suburb called Campo, whose residents were mainly engaged in agriculture.

Martinez remembers those days: “The main noise we heard there was the crowing of roosters. I spent a lot of time with my grandfather, who cut sugar cane. I rode with him when he delivered milk in a horse-drawn cart. I went to a small school, and my sister bribed me with bananas to get me there. The coolest thing was going to the Jaya River to swim and fish.”

A few years earlier, Victor Martinez's father had moved to New York to prepare the base for the rest of the family, which included his wife, seven daughters and two sons, to move there. In the summer of 1979, the family joined their father, settling in Washington Heights in northern Manhattan.

The hero of my story talks about this move: “Before this, I was running around the farm with bare feet, and now suddenly I’m wearing shoes and walking along the streets of a big city, looking at the skyscrapers in awe. Me and my four sisters lived in one bedroom. When a few years later we were able to share two bedrooms between us, it was simply huge.”

Victor's relationship with his father was contradictory. When they moved to New York, Victor was 6, and his father was in his fifties: “He didn’t really communicate with me, there was never a close relationship. My father worked in the kitchen at Woolworth, and I knew he was very concerned about making ends meet. The main means of communication between us were his fists. If I was an hour late home, he beat me; if I got a bad grade, the same thing. I was like a punching bag."

As a teenager, Victor Martinez vowed that he would not treat his children like his father: “I wanted to be their mentor. I didn’t want them to learn life from friends or TV, like I did. Learning by trial and error on the street is not the best way of education. I didn’t have a dad who would say: “Listen, son, don’t do that. This is how it should be done." My father would just wait for me to mess up and then beat me.”

Tired of the beatings, Victor Martinez left home at the age of 17, starting to take care of himself. However, when his father was terminally ill in 2008, it was his punching bag son who looked after him in his final months. Victor recalls his father’s last days: “We never discussed our previous relationship.”

Misadventure #2: This is when the real trouble started.

The year 2000 was a very turbulent year for Victor, it was a rollercoaster of ups and downs. He decided to become a firefighter with the FDNY (New York City Fire Department): “I am an adrenaline junkie. I love the idea of ​​walking into a burning building and carrying a person, woman or child out in my arms. It must be a great feeling to save another person's life."

In late March of that year, Victor Martinez completed all physical and written tests and was awaiting confirmation of his acceptance into the FDNY. A green card holder, he was at the same time in the process of processing his application for US citizenship. At that moment, he didn't think he was good enough to become a professional bodybuilder, although he was preparing for the Junior USA competition in Hackensack, New Jersey, scheduled for April 29. This date came, and Martinez won the heavy weight category and the absolute. Shortly thereafter, Victor received notice that, out of tens of thousands of applicants, he was not one of the 900 selected to serve in the FDNY that year. The high of his victory at the US Championship was replaced by a black streak of refusal to work. To boost Martinez's spirit, his coach Victor Muñoz invited him to compete at the NPC Nationals, which were to be held in November in New York.

On the evening of June 13, 2000, there was a knock on Martinez's door. It was a knock that changed Victor's life forever and almost buried his career. It was a knock that echoed for almost 12 years. Opening the door, Martinez saw a group of NYPD officers with a search warrant. The reason for their visit was that a few weeks earlier, Victor had sold steroids to a young bodybuilder, who then got into trouble, resulting in his arrest and the discovery of the chemicals. Bargaining with the police, the guy told them that Victor sold him the steroids.

After searching Martinez's apartment, police found steroids, as well as some types of drugs used in clubs at parties, as a result of which he was charged with the sale and possession of controlled substances. Victor wasn't a dealer, he just helped the guy, but this favor was the detonator of a twelve-year nightmare for Martinez.

Due to this case, Martinez's application for American citizenship was denied. The process lasted for 3 years. Victor pleaded not guilty because he was not a dealer, and if convicted of selling, he would have been extradited. The lawyer protested the search warrant as incorrectly executed, and in December 2003 a deal was proposed under which, if Martinez admitted guilt, his sentence would be reduced - he only had to serve 3 months. He agreed and was detained for 90 days until February 2004. But the charge was a felony, and non-US citizens with criminal charges were required to appear in immigration court at some point for deportation consideration. It could be years before immigration officials summon a person to court on the issue. It is not clear what causes such a delay - the system clearly has many shortcomings. Be that as it may, for Victor this decisive trial date did not come until 04/27/2012.

Misadventure #3: One door closes and another opens.

After knocking on the door in June 2000, Victor Martinez still continued to prepare for the Nationals, where he eventually won the heavyweight and absolute divisions to earn his pro card.

The new National champion was on top of the world, ready to join Weider's cohort of athletes. But, for a reason that never became known, the world of the athlete budding to sign a contract with Vader collapsed, and with long-term consequences: “Master Blaster (translator’s note: Joe Vader’s nickname) paid attention to me, but nothing happened. I always doubted whether I could be a professional, and when I didn’t get a contract, I thought: “Maybe I’m really not good enough for this?” This had a negative impact on my attitude and my first 2 years as a professional were not very good.”

Victor's placings in his first three professional tournaments after the Nationals were as follows:

  • 2001, Night of Champions, 8th place
  • 2002, Ironman, 9th place
  • 2002, Arnold Classic, 13th place.

Then, at the Night of Champions 2003, the “real” Victor Martinez came out and won a resounding victory. The astute Steve Blackman (translator's note: owner of Muscular Development) quickly signed a contract with Martinez, and it was the best moment of Victor's entire career. By doing this, he gained a friend for life. Martinez has been with Steve since that time, and the owner of Muscular Development supported him through all the difficulties that Victor faced. Steve was also the intermediary in concluding a lucrative contract between Martinez and Gerard Dente (sports nutrition manufacturer MHP). In retrospect, it is clear that Victor Martinez benefited from not getting a contract with Vader.

Misadventure #4:

Victor Martinez's biggest disappointment in his competitive career was finishing second (behind Jay Cutler) at the 2007 Mr. Olympia. It was a decision of the judges that was widely criticized, as most thought that the Dominican Republic had produced its first Mr. Olympia this time. To say that Martinez was slightly offended is the same as calling beluga caviar just fish eggs. Even now Victor will tell you: “I was the first. I know that I have won. I know Jay knows I came first. People behind the scenes told me that I was the first. I could almost feel the Sandow figurine in my hands, and then I looked and Jay was holding it. I felt extremely sick.”

To discharge the pent-up emotional charge (and Victor is very temperamental), he used the rage of defeat as a source of positive energy to prepare for next year's performance in full force. He was seen as the Champion chosen by the people and he had to come back to take what was denied him in 2007.

On January 16, 2008, 6 weeks before Victor Martinez was scheduled to defend his Arnold Classic title, he saw a police officer about to stick a ticket on his car. Martinez ran towards him, slipped and tore a tendon in his left knee. He had had a slight twinge in that joint the day before while lunging, but he didn't think anything of it. It was a serious, career-threatening injury, and it was at this point that the chance to win the Sandow statuette in 2008 slipped away

Anthropometric data

  • Height: 175 cm,
  • Weight: 131 kg (off-season), 118 kg (competition),
  • Biceps: 56 cm,
  • Hip: 77 cm,
  • Chest: 150 cm,
  • Waist: 82 cm,
  • Shin: 51 cm.


Victor Martínez was born in the relatively large city of San Francisco de Macoris (Dominican Republic) on July 29, 1973. When Martinez was still very young, he and his family moved to New York. There Victor began to go to school, learn new things, and take some first steps in sports. He was interested in football, basketball, baseball and tried to compete in small competitions. In general, since childhood he was strong and even did a little weight training, because the sports that he liked required good physical preparation.

Stefan Dickerson's role in Victor's life was enormous. After all, it was this man who once convinced a young athlete to start working out in the gym, already having a specific goal - to compete in competitions, and, perhaps, to become a professional bodybuilder in the future. Stefan made the right decision; he correctly assessed the young man’s potential. Dickerson became a good friend to Martinez. Victor progressed quite quickly and gained muscle mass well, and he was quite proportional, which is very important. Since 1998, Vic's coach has been Victor Munoz.

After some successful performances in smaller tournaments, Victor Martinez set himself the task of gaining even more meat in order to look worthy in comparison with other athletes at the professional level. Before that, he competed with a weight of 100 kg, and soon another 7.5 kg of lean muscle mass was gained, which gave another advantage, also taking into account the fact that Martinez had gained a lot in his back muscles. His back became his calling card, and it was how he stood out from the general crowd of athletes on stage. Pronounced and huge trapezius and well-developed lats predominated over other muscle groups, but this did not deteriorate the overall condition and proportions.

Few people know, but bodybuilder Victor Martinez also has a bad criminal past. In 2000, he was arrested for helping athletes prepare for competitions using steroids. For some reason, it seemed to the police that Vic was a big shot in the trade of anabolic steroids, so they kept surveillance on him until 2004, when he was arrested. He faced up to ten years in prison, but for his success in sports, the sentence was commuted: 90 days in prison and 5 years probation. During the time he was in prison, Victor lost about 10 kg of weight, although he could have lost even more, thanks to the guards who sometimes brought Martinez protein shakes, Vic was still able to eat and train somehow. Victor Martinez trained there every day in order to maintain at least some form. The food, naturally, was poor, the products were of poor quality, and only the cocktails saved the day. It was very difficult to sleep due to the constant noise at night. But, most importantly, there was support from loved ones, from his family, even he himself came to visit Victor. Martinez made a conclusion for himself: under no circumstances should he return to prison. He found strength in himself and again began to train hard and compete in tournaments. It is worth noting that he did not resume training immediately; for some time (quite a short time) he ate very poorly, he had about 1000 calories a day, and he ate them largely from bread and other not the best foods.

Best Achievements

Victor Martinez had his first worthy victory at a high-level tournament in 2000 at the Nationals competition; he then took first place in the Heavyweight category and also won in the absolute category. Vic took part in the Arnold Classic tournament (the second most popular bodybuilding competition after Olympia) for the first time in 2002, he did not show the best shape, the volumes were also not yet sufficient and, as a result, he took 13th place. The following year, he won the rather significant “Night of Champions” tournament, and a year later he won the “Pro Power Show” competition. The first Olympia (2004) for bodybuilder Victor Martinez turned out to be very successful; the first time he took a respectable 9th place. A year later he was already fifth in the same tournament. At the 2006 Olympia he took third place, behind only Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler. 2007 was a very successful year for Victor, because... he won at Arnold and finished second at Olympia. The next winning tournaments for Victor Martinez were only: the European “Arnold Classic” 2011, “Toronto/Montreal Pro” 2013 and “Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Tampa” 2014. Unfortunately, the athlete did not take first place anymore, but I think there is still more to come .

Nutrition for Victor Martinez

Let's look at Victor's nutrition plan during the mass gain period. It's also worth noting that he always recommends drinking plenty of water - this is very important. Vic himself drinks up to 4 liters of water a day.

  • Meal 1: Oatmeal, egg whites and orange juice. After breakfast, Victor is scheduled to do a 45-minute cardio workout.
  • Meal 2: a special dish of traditional Dominican cuisine - pancakes with bananas and cheese, a protein shake. This meal is followed by a workout.
  • Meal 3: Chicken and Turkish sandwiches.
  • Meal 4: Protein shake, then cardio.
  • Meal 5: turkey (most likely fillet) and rice.
  • Meal 6: A good steak and plenty of rice and turkey.

As you may have noticed, at the end of the day, even before bed, Victor allows himself to eat a sufficient amount of carbohydrates in the form of rice. He is allowed to do this, because... The metabolism is quite high and fat will be deposited in minimal quantities. Martinez also eats vegetables at some meals.

Victor Martinez training program

Day one (deltoids and trapezius)

  1. Dumbbell lateral raises: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  2. Seated barbell press: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  3. Raising dumbbells in front of you: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  4. Shrugs with dumbbells or barbell: 4 sets of 10 reps.

Day two (legs)

  1. Leg press: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  2. Single leg press in the machine: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  3. Stiff-legged deadlifts: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  4. Barbell squats: 4 sets of 10-15 reps.

Day three (chest)

  1. Dumbbell bench press with a positive incline: 4 sets of 6-20 reps.
  2. Dumbbell bench press: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  3. Pullover: 4 sets of 10 reps.

Day four (rest)

Day five (back)

  1. Barbell rows to the chin (trapezius): 4 sets of 15 reps.
  2. Bent-over dumbbell rows: 4 sets of 8-15 reps.
  3. Deadlift: 4 sets of 8-15 reps.
  4. Shrugs (for trapezius) with huge weight: 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
  5. Bent-over T-bar rows: 4 sets of 10-12 reps.

Day six (hands)

  1. Toy barbell curl: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  2. Barbell curls on a Scott bench: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  3. Close grip barbell press: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  4. Bent-over dumbbell extension: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  5. Hammer: 4 sets of 10 reps.
  6. One-arm dumbbell overhead press: 4 sets of 10 reps.

Day seven (rest)

What I would like to say about Victor Martinez’s program: naturally, all these exercises are not performed every week, each workout is always somewhat different from the previous one. Viktor always uses heavy weights, and tries to work in refusal, as well as with a partner, so that he can help at the right moment, insure him and cheer him up before the approach.

Video with Victor Martinez

Victor about his performance at Olympia 2007:

Master class from Victor Martinez. Back muscle training:

Chest workout from Victor Martinez:

Basic physical data

  • Heavyweight weight - 118 kg (competition period), 131 kg (between seasons).
  • Height characteristics – 1 m 75 cm.
  • The volume of the sternum is 1 m 50 cm.
  • The girth of the narrowest part of the body is 82 cm.
  • Femoral part - 77 cm.
  • The size of the biceps brachii muscle is 56 cm.
  • The indicator on the lower leg is 51 cm.

Basic facts from the biography

An athlete from the Dominican Republic, Victor Martinez, is considered to come from the rather large city of San Francisco de Macoris, which is located in a picturesque place in the province of Duarte. The future bodybuilder was born on July 29, 1973. However, not even the athlete’s entire childhood was spent in his homeland. At a very young age, Victor’s family changed their place of residence. Now the Martinez couple has settled in New York. In this metropolis, the boy went to school for the first time, and also began to play sports diligently. From that moment on, his love for sports began to develop. At first, like any young man, he was attracted to sports such as football, basketball and baseball. Victor showed good results, so he easily became a participant in local competitions. For this, the young man needed excellent training, so he often worked out with weights. Although his natural physique was already beyond praise - strong and beautiful forms, sculpted, toned muscles.
A special place in Victor’s life is occupied by a person who helped the young athlete strengthen his training in the gym. It was Stefan Dickerson. It was he who considered Victor’s genetic talent, which could be used with maximum effect for bodybuilding. In principle, his educated guesses on this matter will, subsequently, really bring the bodybuilder to the level of a professional. Martinez wanted only one thing - to quickly begin active training and positively establish himself in relevant competitions. In addition to the wonderful relationship between the coach and his ward, a very friendly understanding has developed. Martinez respected Dickerson's opinion and followed his instructions impeccably, which helped him achieve enormous athletic progress, which was clearly expressed by a magnificent increase in muscle mass, which was represented by stunning proportionality. This is very important for this type of competition. In 1998, there was a change of coach. Now Martinez’s sports performance has become supervised by Victor Munoz.
The first successful steps at a higher level of sports simply “infected” the novice bodybuilder with the idea of ​​gaining the necessary muscles and fully competing with professional heavyweights. To do this, he naturally sought to acquire a decent appearance in order to adequately compete with experienced bodybuilders. At his first performances he weighed 100 kg. However, intense training allowed him to add about 7.5 kg of high-quality “lean” muscle volume. This result gave him a certain advantage. So this is despite the fact that Victor’s back muscles have significantly increased. Subsequently, bodybuilders will note that it is Victor Martinez’s back that will become his trump card, which will always very effectively emphasize his individual beauty and thereby distinguish him from the general mass of bodybuilders who are trying to most advantageously demonstrate the development of their muscles on the podium. Victor's trapezius and latissimus muscle groups were particularly large and had excellent development. But this did not spoil his figure at all; it maintained a certain balance and proportions.
This weightlifter in his youth, as it turned out, was not only interested in sports. Almost no one knows about this. But, nevertheless, Martinez still has a criminal past. In 2000, he was taken into custody for distributing anabolic steroids to athletes. Law enforcement officials were sure that Victor was seriously involved in the steroid business. Based on these considerations, the police kept him under their radar at all times. Until 2004, when Martinez was finally arrested. At that time, they predicted a rather unpromising future for him - imprisonment for up to 10 years. However, the judges softened their verdict due to Victor's high sporting achievements. The final sentence contained the following information - 90 days of serving the sentence in custody and a suspended sentence of five years. Being in prison had a negative impact on his weight, which he began to rapidly lose. But this figure did not exceed 10 kg, because Victor was supported by guards who periodically supplied him with protein shakes. This was enough for the bodybuilder to resume daily training and maintain his gained shape. After all, government food was terrible and of low quality.
The athlete had to train in difficult conditions. Victor was constantly disturbed by strong night noise. However, in this trouble the bodybuilder was not abandoned and rejected. He was always supported by his family and friends. It is known that even the legendary bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman visited Martinez during this period. This “bitter” experience allowed Victor to draw his conclusions. He decided that he would never go to jail again. Having pulled himself together and determined to win, Martinez gradually returned to serious regular training and continued to compete in tournaments.

Most successful results

The bodybuilder’s first serious achievement took place back in 2000. Then he took part in “Nationals”. Victor was remembered as the winner in the heavyweight group and the absolute category. Two years later, the bodybuilder presented himself for the first time at the international Arnold Classic tournament. Only professionals participate here, because this competition is second only to Olympia in its importance and popularity. However, he did not achieve great success, he still needed hard work on his forms, nevertheless, he took 13th place. Next year, luck really favored him, because it gave him victory in a very respectable “Night of Champions” tournament. A year later, the bodybuilder noticeably increased his pace. He was again recognized as the best in the “Pro Strength Show” competition. This is how it came to Olympia. Martinez tried himself there for the first time in 2004. For a newcomer, the result was more than successful - a prestigious 9th place. And in 2005, at the same tournament, he was able to climb several steps higher, thanks to which he became a worthy winner of fifth place. Literally a year later, his name appeared among the Olympia medalists - an honorable third place. He had to let only Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler go ahead. The ladder of success led Martinez to victory at the Arnold Classic tournament in 2007 and second place at Olympia.The most successful competitions that took place after for Martinez were the following - in 2011, the Arnold Classic at the European level, in 2013, the Toronto/Montreal Pro, and a year later, the Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Tampa. Since then, the bodybuilder has no longer won the competition. Although his fans are convinced that the situation will soon change dramatically.

Martinez's daily diet

During a mass-gaining course, an athlete’s nutrition is always special. Victor advises drinking as much water as possible during this period, which is always important. Personally, a bodybuilder drinks about four liters of fluid a day.

A bodybuilder's meal plan, which consists of six stages:

1. For breakfast, oatmeal, orange juice and egg whites. After this, regular cardiological exercises. Intense, but short - up to 45 minutes.

2. The athlete loves to treat himself to the traditional national dish of his homeland - pancakes, filled with bananas and cheese. The diet also includes a protein shake. Exercises in the gym.

3. Turkish sandwiches are ideal for daytime meals; they are deliciously accompanied by tender chicken meat.

4. Protein shake. After it there are cardiological loads.

5. Towards evening, turkey fillet with rice is perfectly digestible.

6. Steak is good for dinner, accompanied by turkey and rice in large quantities.

  • Dumbbells are spread to the sides.
  • Seated barbell press.
  • The dumbbells are raised in front of you.
  • Muscle work when using a shrug with a barbell/dumbbells.
2. On the second day, leg training occurs (each exercise is designed for 4 sets with 10 repetitions):
  • Leg press.
  • A single leg press is performed on the machine.
  • With straightened legs, we do deadlifts.
  • Barbell squats can be increased to 15 reps.
3. On the third day, chest work (each exercise is designed for 4 sets with 10 repetitions):
  • Bench, positive incline, dumbbell press. Repetitions - 6-20.
  • Horizontal bench, dumbbell press.
  • Half-ver.
4. On the fourth day there is rest.

5. The fifth day is focused on training the back muscles (each exercise is designed for 4 sets with 15 repetitions):

  • Barbell row to the chin.
  • Dumbbell rows occur while bending over.
  • Deadlift.
  • Shrugs with significant weight.
  • T-bar row performed in a bent-over position.
6. For the sixth day, arm training is provided (each exercise is designed for 4 sets with 10 repetitions):
  • A barbell is lifted onto the biceps brachii muscle.
  • On the bench. The barbell is lifted onto the biceps brachii muscle.
  • Narrow grip. Barbell bench press.
  • Dumbbells are bent over.
  • Hammer exercise.
  • One-arm dumbbell overhead press.
7. The seventh day is a long-awaited and necessary rest.