Hand after removing the plaster. Is it possible to avoid pain after a broken ankle?

After the cast is removed, life, it would seem, should return to its usual course - business, worries, running around. Well, that was not the case. Not only did the leg after the cast look like a pale thin stick sprinkled with flour with suspicious bruises here and there, but also when walking and in the evening it swells, begins to ache, and ache. What is this new misfortune?

Don't panic, an injury is an injury, nothing can be done. Besides, I didn’t know or see any air, soap, or physical activity. Therefore, it will be very useful for a start care for a freed limb - wash and scrub lightly with a scrub, apply nourishing cream, massage.

Physical activity after plaster removal

The second step to resuming former motor activity is strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations. And the doctor, as a rule, prescribes it as part of the rehabilitation course without fail. physical therapy .

Therapeutic exercise in this case is intended to restore the former mobility of the damaged bone and develop an overgrown callus. Your task is not to pay attention to the pain and inconvenience, but gradually, patiently and persistently, bring it back to life.

Leg exercises after casting

What to do after removing the cast? First of all - rotational, as well as flexion-extension. Joints that have been deprived of movement have lost their former properties, and simple exercises will help restore them. At any time when you are sitting, rotate your feet in different directions, bend and straighten them, collect your fingers, press your fingers on the half-deflated ball.

Exercise machines are very suitable for therapeutic exercises. “treadmill”, “elliptical”, “step”, exercise bike , that is, all those exercise machines that are available in modern fitness clubs. If you can’t sign up for a fitness club, you can just walk a lot, go up and down stairs, and jump off steps. Great if you can use it jump rope : It is advisable to jump for 10-15 minutes every day.

Foot massage

In addition, it will be necessary restore proper blood circulation in your leg . Due to intense stress, the leg naturally swells and hurts out of habit after a cast. Help will come here daily massage and intensive rubbing . After the load, the legs should rest in an elevated position, that is, above the level of the head. And before each new heavy load, it is better to bandage your leg with an elastic bandage in order to distribute the load and thereby avoid negative sensations.

Remember that movement is life! All our minor health troubles, and sometimes big problems that visit us, are largely due to fluid stagnation and insufficient load and work of muscles, joints and bones. The main rule here is to move as much as possible. And don’t spare any effort, time or yourself. Be prepared for the fact that sometimes your leg will ache after a cast, for example, during weather changes. But gradually the swelling will go away, the leg will straighten out, the main thing is to be patient and persistent.

Swelling occurs due to injury or tissue damage. Often it appears after a bruise or fracture, or removal of a cast. In order to speed up bone regeneration, it is necessary to promptly remove swelling. How to relieve swelling after a fracture? Doctors prescribe physical therapy and medications after a fracture. There are other ways to relieve swelling.

What follows a fracture

After injury to the limbs, blood flow is disrupted. Due to the large accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space, edema occurs. Along with this, there is increased fatigue and muscle stiffness. With the passage of time everything passes. Blood flow is restored.

In some cases, the swelling after removing a cast on a leg or arm is significant in size. In this situation, the doctor prescribes medications. For example, an ointment to relieve swelling after a fracture.

Causes of swelling

  • poor joint development;
  • decreased blood flow due to muscle atrophy as a result of plaster application;
  • decreased speed of lymph movement;
  • damage to the lymphatic duct;
  • improper use of bandages and plaster casts.

Clinical manifestations of edema

The swelling is visible visually: the skin is swollen, the leg or arm is heavy. A person feels a feeling of heaviness in the legs, especially in the area of ​​edema. In the swollen area, when you press on it, a dent appears. It doesn't straighten out right away.

How to relieve swelling after a fracture

Preparations and means for relieving swelling:

  • gels;
  • ointments;
  • droppers;
  • injections;
  • decongestants;
  • diuretics.

It is also necessary to limit the mobility of the swollen limb for a certain time. To do this you will need an elastic bandage. Swelling of the arm after a fracture is relieved by physical therapy. The most effective procedure is electrophoresis in addition to medications. In addition, the following applies:

  • electrophoresis;
  • muscle stimulation;
  • ultraviolet radiation.

Swelling after a fracture is removed at home using discs (magnetic, ebonite). They need to massage the fracture area for 2 minutes. The massage is performed twice during the day. Relieves swelling after a fracture.

Massage and physical therapy

Swelling after a broken arm can be relieved by massage, as well as therapeutic exercises designed specifically for damaged limbs. To do this, you need the help of an experienced exercise therapy specialist. The intensity of the exercises should be prescribed depending on the fitness of the muscles.

During therapeutic or massage procedures, the patient feels discomfort. If pain occurs due to an exercise, then you need to finish it and start doing the next one. Swelling after the cast is removed goes away quickly with these procedures.

How to relieve swelling after an ankle fracture? You need to use folk remedies. But before this, you should definitely consult a doctor. Swelling due to a broken arm is treated with folk remedies. Lotions and compresses are only an addition to conventional treatment.


One of the frequently used and effective means for relieving swelling is a drug produced in the form of an ointment.

  • Swelling after a fracture of the radius is perfectly relieved by Arnica ointment. It can be bought at a pharmacy.
  • Ketoprofen ointment helps a lot after a fracture. Its principle of action is aimed at creating a warming effect, improving blood flow and lymph outflow. You need to apply the ointment twice a day, gently rubbing it into the affected area, achieving complete absorption.

Folk recipes

We use clay. A flat cake is created from it. Clay is applied to the fracture zone. The procedure is useful after severe damage or sprained joints. After a broken ankle, fir oil will help. It successfully relieves swelling. Especially on your hands.

Compresses and baths

Swelling after an ankle fracture is relieved with compresses and baths. Arnica is effective in this regard. It is not difficult to prepare a medicinal bath. You need to take a liter of water, place 3 tablespoons of raw materials in it, and leave for 50 minutes. After this, the infusion must be strained.

If your arm in a cast swells, you should use this compress before going to bed for 20 minutes after removing the cast.

Removal of swelling after a fracture can occur through the use of calendula. An infusion of this plant is used internally and is prepared quickly. Add 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers to the water. Leave the solution for one hour.

In addition, swelling during a fracture is relieved by plants:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • valerian;
  • sagebrush;
  • aloe juice

Simple 9% vinegar perfectly relieves puffiness. The napkin is moistened with vinegar. It is applied to the affected area as a compress.

Infusion recipes

  1. Wash the unpeeled oats. Fill it with cold water in a volume of 1 liter. The infusion should sit for half an hour. The infusion should be consumed during the day, 50 ml.
  2. Unpeeled oats with the addition of lingonberry leaves. Making an infusion is not easy. But it has one advantage: it is effective against edema. Oats and lingonberry leaves are mixed together. Brew the infusion with the lid closed in 3 liters of water. You need to cook until the oats in the water are softened. Corn silk is added to the resulting mixture. After adding, it is necessary to cook the composition for another 10 minutes. Pour water into another container and add lingonberry leaves. You can add rose hips. The second composition should be cooked for 10 minutes. We combine two decoctions with each other. Mix everything well. The medicine should be taken 4 times a day for a week. The tincture can only be stored in a cool place and for no more than 5 days.

Measures to prevent swelling

While in a plaster cast

  • The position of the leg is horizontal, the limb should be placed on an elevation
  • It is forbidden to lean on your hand while moving or in a standing position.
  • Do not remove the plaster for a predetermined time.
  • It is necessary to wear an elastic bandage after removing the cast.

After removing the plaster cast

  • When moving, it is forbidden to lean on the sore leg until it heals.
  • After removing the plaster, it is necessary to remove stagnation in the damaged area using massage procedures in order to enrich the muscles with nutritional substances
  • Avoidance of stress after limb recovery
  • Start doing a set of exercises specially designed for such cases

Prevention of swelling after limb injury

There are no special preventive measures.

Edema is a normal physiological process that occurs in tissues that are injured.

After severe injury to the limbs, swelling may not go away quickly. But you need to try to remove it. To do this, you need to rely on your doctor’s prescriptions.

After an ankle fracture, swelling lasts for about 2 weeks.

  • after removing the plaster, you need to make sure that your fingers are warm;
  • after removing the cast, it is necessary to move your toes, if possible, move around more, but do not lean on the sore leg;
  • if a plaster cast causes discomfort, for example a feeling of excessive compression, or rubs the skin, you should immediately inform your doctor about this;
  • in the first days after removing the cast, you should move with the help of crutches, but do it yourself: this will help prevent muscle atrophy;
  • after 6 days, you can begin to work out the diseased limb: first you begin to move your fingers, then bend and straighten your knees;
  • gradually the patient should begin to sit down and lower his lower limbs;
  • if a person does everything correctly, then the swelling subsides after a few days, gradually decreasing in size.


With normal treatment of a fracture, swelling subsides after a few days. If swelling persists after a fracture of the femur for a long period of time, you should notify your doctor, as complications during the course of the disease are possible. In any case, you need to move more. This will help develop the sore leg.

Muscle tissue plays an essential role in the normal functioning of the leg, so it should always be toned in daily training.

In this case, the flow of blood increases, and with it oxygen and nutrients. If this does not happen for one reason or another, including as a result of damage followed by the application of plaster, problems begin.

Types of rehabilitation after a fracture and removal of plaster

Depending on the degree of complexity of the fracture, the rehabilitation period can last from 7 to 21 days; medicine offers the following rehabilitation conditions for a speedy recovery of the patient after an ankle fracture:

  • massages;
  • electromagnetic therapy (heating, electrophoresis, ultraviolet exposure);
  • hydrotherapy;

Treatment of an ankle fracture

Treatment of a non-displaced fracture involves standard immobilization. In this case, the risk of complications is negligible, but nevertheless possible.

The treatment of a displaced ankle fracture is based on repositioning the bone fragments and putting them in the right order.

After surgery, the lower limb is fixed with a plaster cast for 2-3 weeks. After this time, a control photograph is taken.

If the callus is clearly visualized, the plaster is removed.

Often this procedure does not cause complications, but in some cases they do occur. The main signs of complications are:

  1. Swelling of the leg.
  2. Aching pain in the foot.
  3. Change in skin color.

If after removing the plaster there remains a slight swelling, it means that blood circulation is slowly being restored. Because of this, the leg can not only swell significantly in the evening, but also hurt at night.

Alcohol lotions, which are given once every 2-3 days for a long time (5-6 months), have a good analgesic effect.

A lotion with dexamethasone, analgin and dimexide has an effective therapeutic effect against ankle swelling. To relieve inflammation and pain, diclofenac must be added to such a compress. Such lotions can be done an unlimited number of times.

When edema appears after a limb fracture, treatment includes medications, physiotherapeutic and traditional methods.

Ankle rehabilitation at home

Ankle rupture

To fully restore the ankle after breaking the integrity of the bone, it is necessary to perform rehabilitation not only in the hospital, but also at home. Most often they resort to physical therapy, massage, and nutrition correction.

Before conducting self-therapy, you must consult a doctor.


Physical education will help develop joints and muscles and restore them to motor activity. Thanks to it, the consequences of plaster are eliminated - swelling, impaired blood and lymph circulation, and the limb is strengthened, after which it will be easier for the patient to learn to walk.

Proper use of the leg after a broken ankle should be performed immediately after the cast. It is also recommended to start doing exercises at this time.

The duration of gymnastics on the first day should be 5-10 minutes, the load is minimal. As time increases, you should gradually increase your movements and try to stand on your leg with almost your full weight.

You can do the following exercises at home:

  1. Standing on your healthy leg and holding onto a chair or other support, you need to swing forward, backward, right, left. Movements should be carried out carefully, without rushing.
  2. Lying on the bed or sofa, we pull our socks towards ourselves, away from ourselves and move our toes.
  3. It is necessary to walk longer - on your heels, toes, walking barefoot on stones is useful.
  4. Sitting or standing with your bare foot, you need to roll the ball - to the side, forward, left, right, pressing on it with your foot.
  5. It is recommended to walk more in the fresh air. To begin with, train your step at home, under the supervision of family and friends.
  6. Starting position: standing, back straight. Holding onto a chair, you need to slowly lift your sore leg up. After doing 5-10 repetitions, you can rest.
  7. Lying on a hard surface, we raise our legs, stretch out our socks and begin to pull them towards ourselves - away from ourselves. During the exercise, we monitor our own well-being; if it becomes painful, we stop.

Complications after applying a plaster cast

Any immobilization of a limb causes changes in blood circulation, lymphostasis and changes in muscle tone. All this leads to complications that can be divided into several groups.

Complications caused by decreased muscle tone

This type of pathological condition includes swelling of the limb, changes in muscle volume and weakness of the foot when you want to step on it.

This complication has a bad effect on the course of the fracture, as it entails a decrease in the intensity of blood circulation and blood stasis due to dilation of the veins of the limb.

This condition must be corrected as soon as the first symptoms that can lead to this appear.

Signs of decreased muscle tone under a cast:

  1. Numbness of the limb.
  2. Itchy skin.
  3. Periodic muscle pain.
  4. Oncoming joint pain.

It is necessary to distinguish muscle pain from bone pain. When you move your leg, the muscle hurts. At rest, when the muscles are relaxed, the bones often hurt. If there is a tendency to experience pain of this nature, you should urgently seek medical help. Delay may have a negative impact on the future functioning of the limb.

The plaster may have been applied incorrectly and its position needs to be corrected. If the cast is removed after an ankle fracture several days ahead of schedule, then it is necessary to apply a tight bandage with an elastic bandage and try to limit the movement of the ankle and knee joint.

During the rehabilitation period, muscle tone should be restored by 50% within a few days, and by 100% over the next 10-20 days.

Complication caused by impaired circulation and lymphatic drainage

Very often the plaster cast is applied very close to the skin of the leg. This leads to compression of the superficial veins of the limb. Gradually, the blood that enters the leg through the arteries does not return to the heart through the veins.

This leads to blood stasis and oxygen starvation of soft tissues, and the skin and nails on the feet gradually begin to turn pale and blue.

Signs of circulatory failure in a leg under a cast:

  1. Numbness of the limb.
  2. Change in skin color on visible areas of the leg.
  3. Goosebumps crawling under the cast.

If there are 2 of the above signs, you must immediately contact a traumatologist at your place of residence, since poor circulation can lead to the formation of blood clots.

Sometimes complications have multi-layered causes, the treatment of which takes an integrated approach.

Sometimes, even after timely removal of the cast for an ankle fracture, the swelling persists for a very long time. The cause of such prolonged edema may be a violation of the blood supply in a separate artery or blockage of a superficial vein.

To identify the condition, an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the lower limb is performed. With this study, the cause of circulatory problems can be determined within a few minutes.

It is also necessary to check the correct healing of the fracture, because breaking an unformed callus can sometimes be almost painless.

If your leg hurts at the site of the ankle fracture after removing the cast, you should urgently take several x-rays in different projections. Using this study, you can easily determine the integrity of the bone.

Sometimes, even before the cast is removed, the affected leg hurts, the ankle visibly swells and the color of the skin of the leg changes. The cause of this condition may be infection of the wound.

Patients are often diagnosed with erysipelas, which is caused by group A hemolytic streptococcus. This condition can be treated exclusively with antibiotic therapy.

Prevention of re-edema

To prevent the appearance of swelling in the leg after removal of the cast and full recovery, it is necessary to avoid sudden and significant stress, beware of repeated injury, even minimal, eat foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, and also drink less fluid for some time.


You say, “What does nutrition have to do with it?” But the fact is that there are products that accelerate the healing of bone and cartilage tissue. These include foods rich in calcium - everyone knows that this is cottage cheese, sour cream, and all dairy products.

But not everyone knows that during and after fractures it is very useful to eat strong broths and jellied meat.

It is advisable to take vitamins containing calcium and vitamin D.

Long awaited moment - removal of plaster, but the leg (arm) is still weak and cannot be loaded. What lies ahead is the rehabilitation of her mobility and health, the restoration of her motor abilities.

First of all, the limb should be washed in warm water with gel and a washcloth. Along with the dirt, the old skin will begin to peel off, because during this time the epithelial cells could not exfoliate. If necessary, you can use a scrub, and after washing, wipe the limb and lubricate it with a nourishing cream.

Restoring mobility and circulation

To restore former mobility, a course of physical therapy is necessary. If it is not prescribed, you should develop the limb yourself. The most important, what to do after removing the cast– flexion-extension and rotational movements in the joints. It is advisable that home exercises complement physical therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

Restoring proper blood circulation is very important. , the limb is subjected to unusual stress and therefore swells. In these cases, simple rubbing helps. Extend and bend your fingers to disperse blood through the vessels. When swelling occurs, legs should be raised higher and elastic bandages should be used before long-term stress on them.

During rehabilitation after removing plaster from different places the main thing is to move, because problems during recovery are the result of fluid stagnation and poor work of bones, muscles and joints. You need to overcome all the unpleasant sensations, put in enough effort and spend a certain amount of time.

Gymnastics after removing the cast

You can do gymnastics directly in a bath of water, as it is very useful. Without sudden movements, bend and straighten the joint, performing its characteristic movements. You shouldn't be afraid of pain, but it's important not to overdo it. It is not recommended to do circular movements of the foot in the first days. After gymnastics, you can stroke the joint with circular relaxing movements, but without massage.

After sleep, the leg should be bandaged with an elastic bandage and removed in the evening. The traumatologist will tell you whether to bandage only the ankle joint or the entire leg. Low-heeled shoes should be worn.

What to do after fractures

After removing the plaster from the fracture site, it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium. These are fermented milk products, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, also lean turkey and chicken meat, and fish. Don't forget about vegetables and fruits. For more active regeneration of processes in cartilage, bones and ligaments, you should use strong meat broth. The menu includes additional products that contain gelatin - jelly, marmalade, jelly.

To speed up the healing process, you can mix crushed onion, 20 grams of oleoresin, 50 grams of olive oil, 15 grams of copper sulfate. Heat the mixture over low heat, without boiling, for 30 minutes. Lubricate the fracture site with the resulting product. A compress of raw grated potatoes on the sore spot will help relieve pain.

Removing plaster– a long-awaited moment, but it is also some stress. The contemplation of a healed but pale limb treated with talcum powder, dotted with indistinguishable bruises, and looking like nothing can bring satisfaction. In addition, the arm or leg is still weak and it is still impossible to load it normally as before. Ahead is the restoration of the motor abilities of the beloved limb, the rehabilitation of its original flexibility, mobility and health.

Cleaning the skin after casting

Naturally, if you spend so much time without air, light and washing. First of all, let her remember the beauty of water procedures, wash her with warm water with shower gel and a washcloth. Following the dirt, the old skin will begin to peel off in some places - and rightly so. After all, during the imprisonment they could not peel off normally. If necessary, use a scrub, and after bathing, thoroughly wipe the limb, lubricate it with a nourishing cream.

Removing plaster and pbody development

Appearance, but that's not all. It is necessary to restore former mobility and, if femme is not prescribed, develop the limb yourself. The most impact is exerted on the limb being restored, these are rotational movements in the joints and flexion-extension. It is advisable that home exercises are just an addition to physical therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

It is very important to restore proper blood circulation. After removing the plaster the limb begins to undergo unusual stress and swells. In such cases, massage or simply rubbing helps. Periodically bend and straighten your fingers to disperse blood through the vessels. If your legs are swollen, raise them higher and use elastic bandages every time before loading them for a long time.


The main thing during rehabilitation is not to skimp on movements, because all recovery problems are the result of stagnation of fluids and insufficient work of muscles, bones and joints. To develop these organs, you need to overcome unpleasant sensations, put in a lot of effort and spend some time.

For example, when recovering from a broken ankle, follow with warm baths at least twice a day for the damaged joint, and the water temperature should correspond to body temperature. The effectiveness of baths will increase by using a solution of sea salt - a tablespoon per liter of water.

What to do after removing the cast

Start gymnastics right in the water. Without making sudden movements, bend and straighten the joint, performing the movements most characteristic of it. You shouldn't be afraid of some pain, but it's also important not to overdo it. In the first days, you should not make circular movements with your feet.

After ten minutes of gymnastics, stroke the joint with relaxing circular movements, but do not massage it yet.

After sleep, immediately bandage your leg with an elastic bandage, which should be removed only in the evening; half a month is enough for this procedure. Your traumatologist can tell you exactly whether to bandage the entire leg or just the ankle joint. Wear stable, low-heeled shoes.

A proper diet is also important: you need food rich in calcium. These are milk, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, kefir. Strong meat broths help activate regeneration processes in bones, cartilage and ligaments.

To speed up the healing process, mix twenty grams of oleoresin, crushed onion, fifty grams of olive oil, fifteen grams of copper sulfate. Heat the mixture over low heat for half an hour, without bringing to a boil. The resulting preparation is used to lubricate the fracture sites. Grated raw potatoes can relieve pain; use it to apply a compress to the sore spot. The menu additionally includes products containing gelatin - marmalade, jelly, jelly.
