Vladimir Mineev took part in a massive brawl at an amateur MMA tournament (video). Vladimir Mineev took part in a mass brawl at an amateur MMA tournament (video) Highlander MMA VKontakte of group

18.03.2016 11:05:25


On March 12, the fourth Dagestan mixed martial arts (MMA) championship took place at the Gaidarbek Gaidarbekov sports complex, where the strongest representatives of the republic’s fight clubs competed for tickets to the North Caucasian Federal District championship.

The competition began early in the morning, so by the evening athletes in different weight categories had already reached the semi-final fights. The emotions of the fans who filled the sports complex named after Gaidarbek Gaidarbekov were overwhelming. The fighters entered the ring one after another. In terms of intensity, the competition would not be inferior even to Spanish bullfighting.

At some points, even the police had to calm down the fans who were overzealously rooting for the athletes.

“Yes, this is a pretty tough sport. But the fighters are very disciplined. The emotions of the fans are understandable, because at this tournament tickets to the championship of the North Caucasian Federal District, and then Russia, Europe and the world are being played out,” - noted the President of the SBE MMA Federation of the Republic of Dagestan Shamil Alibatyrov (championship winner Europe and the world in combat sambo, studentMusail Alaudinov. - Note "MI").

- Who helped organize the tournament?

- Helped us organize today's championship Magomed Valibagandovich (Suleymanov)(Director of the TFOMS of the Republic of Dagestan. - Note "MI"), for which I am very grateful to him. We decided to dedicate the tournament Rashidkhan Abdurashidov, who is not with us (former fighter of the Highlander fight club, who tragically died in a car accident on September 16, 2014. - Note "MI").

- Representatives of which clubs are taking part? Who would you single out?

- “Highlander” (Makhachkala), “War Eagle” (Khasavyurt), “Rodina” (Kaspiysk), “MMA Academy” (Makhachkala), “Scorpio” (Makhachkala) and others. Of course, the main warring parties are the Makhachkala clubs “Gorets” and “MMA Academy”, but I don’t presume to bet on anyone.

- Which regions of Dagestan would you highlight?

Of course, Makhachkala. The fighters performing in the world's best promotions come from the capital of the republic. You can also distinguish the Khasavyurt and Kizilyurt schools.

Indeed, drawing parallels with last year’s Dagestan MMA Championship, we noticed that then the gold medals were divided mainly between the students of the Gorets and MMA Academy clubs.

Alibatyrov’s words were confirmed by the head coach of the MMA Academy fight club. Rasul Magomedaliev, who, in a conversation with an MI correspondent, identified BC Gorets as his main rival:

“Definitely, “Highlander” is our main opponent in this tournament. The club has been around for a long time. The guys are very titled and experienced. The “highlanders” have the most serious lineup, which can create problems for the “MMA Academy” - noted Magomedaliev.

- How many of your athletes compete in this tournament? Any favorites?

About 20 of our fighters are performing here. There are contenders for the championship in every weight class, so I can't say that anyone will win. But so far mine are going without losing. Weighing up to 70 kilograms there is a very strong composition: Azizov Said, Sultan Abdurazakov, Huseyn Gadzhiev(are students of the BC "MMA Academy". - Note "MI"), they have equal chances for the championship.

Each fight of this tournament was full of spectacular moments. Sometimes the thought slipped through: “Are these really amateurs?” Yes, they were amateurs. It’s just that the level of Dagestani MMA fighters has grown so much in recent years that the line between amateurs and professionals has been completely erased.

But there was also a fight at the tournament that was reminiscent of a fight 17 years ago, in which Alexander Karelin(three-time Olympic champion, nine-time world champion in Greco-Roman wrestling. - Note "MI") dumped Akira Maeda(Japanese wrestler of Korean descent. - Note "MI"), like a cotton doll. Then, according to the rules of combat, Karelin had to use only Greco-Roman wrestling techniques. Karelin did not land a single blow during the fight, but for some reason the legendary Maeda needed help after the fight to move independently.

In our case, no one needed help. Two fighters from the MMA Academy Muslim Magomedov And Artur Aleskerov(93 kg) simply agreed not to “hit” each other. But no matter how indignant the judges were (and at some point they even wanted to disqualify the fighters. - Note auto), teammates finished the fight without landing a single blow. The victory was given to Muslim Magomedov, who, by the way, defeated Magomed Aliyev from the Highlander club not at all thanks to his wrestling skills.

At the end of the tournament, the champions in different weight categories were: Gadzhimurad Zavaev(61 kg, “Highlander”), Magomedrasul Magomedov(66 kg, “Highlander”), Sultan Abdurazakov(70 kg, “MMA Academy”), Magomed Sultanakhmedov(77kg, “Highlander”), Magomed Abdulvagabov(84 kg, “MMA Academy”), Muslim Magomedov(93 kg, “MMA Academy”), Usman Sheikhov(over 93 kg, “War Eagle”)

As a result, the Makhachkala clubs “Highlander” and “MMA Academy” confirmed the status of the strongest fight clubs in Dagestan, dividing the gold “fraternally” (3:3).

At the end of the tournament, he shared his impressions with the MI correspondent Maxim Divnich(Russian mixed style fighter, ex-champion of M-1 Challenge in the light weight category. - Note "MI"), who was present at the tournament as an honorary guest.

“Almost all the fighters showed very good and competitive fights. It’s clear that the guys want to fight, but the emphasis is still on the fight.

In general, in Dagestan the MMA industry is at a very high level. Firstly, there is high competition in Dagestan itself, and secondly, Dagestanis are exploring new horizons, leaving to compete for St. Petersburg, Volgograd, and Moscow. And if you look at the Russian mixed martial arts team, you can see that it consists mainly of Dagestan guys. That says a lot."

Nurmagomed Astarkhanov

Number of impressions:613

In this section

The players of the Makhachkala “Legion” had a fight with the Astrakhan “Volgar”, Magomed Ismailov refused a rematch with Vladimir Mineev, and the Dagestan fighters won 36 medals at the MMA World Championship. Read more in the MI sports review.

Revenge failed Ali Bagautinov lost to Zhalgas Zhumagulov in the title fight at the Fight Nights Global 95 tournament in Sochi. This fight was preceded by a meeting between Zhumagulov and Artur Bagautinov, Ali’s younger brother, and the elder Bagautinov’s main motivation was revenge for his brother’s defeat, but... after spending 5 rounds in the cage, Ali was unable to snatch victory from the organization’s champion. Read about what preceded the fight and why the refereeing at this tournament did not leave the best impressions in the material of Makhachkala News.

On the night of Monday to Tuesday in Dagestan, the head coach and founder of the famous sports club “Highlander” Musail Alaudinov was killed. The car of one of the founders and senior coach of a reputable fight club known throughout the republic was fired upon by unknown persons with firearms.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Dagestan, a black Toyota Camry was found in the camping area on the highway, and it was deprived of license plates. The body of the head coach of the Highlander club, Alaudinov, was in the car.

Unknown people shot at the coach's car in the area of ​​one of the campsites on the Makhachkala-Kaspiysk highway. In all likelihood, the attackers were driving the car or following it at the scene. An operational-investigative team from the Republican Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs urgently left for the scene of the incident. At the moment, investigative actions are being carried out at the scene of the incident, the purpose of which is to establish the identities of the attackers, as well as to clarify the picture of what happened.

According to preliminary data, the Gorets sports club, whose director and at the same time head coach was Musail Alaudinov, was financed by the former mayor of Makhachkala, Said Amirov, who is now in a pre-trial detention center.

Let us remind you that Said Amirov was detained on June 1 during a large-scale operation of the special services in Makhachkala. He was transported by plane to Moscow, where, at the request of the investigation, the Basmanny District Court of the capital arrested Said Amirov until August 1, 2013. Now he is being kept under special supervision in the capital’s Lefortovo pre-trial detention center.

It is known that Musail Alaudinov is the silver medalist of the World Combat Sambo Championship. He has climbed to the highest level of the Russian Pankration Championship more than once. In addition, he was the winner of the Mixfight World Cup.

Combat Sambo (previously only sports Sambo). The formation of the discipline occurred in the late 1990s - early 2000s. In combat sambo, sports sambo techniques are allowed to be used, as well as actions permitted by the competition rules of all existing martial arts (including striking techniques). In 2001, the first Russian Combat Sambo Championship took place. In 2002, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports issued a decree approving the new discipline “combat sambo”.

Pankration. Over the past two thousand years, the type of wrestling has developed in different countries as a combat section of various types of martial arts. The originality of the style directions of pankration was developed in such martial arts as: kung fu (China), viet va dao (Vietnam); capoeira and valetudo (Brazil); taekwon-do (Korea); boxing (England); karate-do, aikido, jiu-jitsu and judo (Japan); freestyle wrestling and savate (France); kickboxing (USA); classical wrestling (Greece); sambo (Russia).

The duration of a fight in Pankration is limited to two rounds of 5 minutes each with a 2-minute break in the main time. If during this time period a clear victory of one of the opponents was not registered, then after a 2-minute break the fighters are given another 3 minutes to continue the fight. If both athletes, while on the ground, do not carry out active technical actions, then the referee is obliged to stop the fight with the command “stop”, raise the athletes to a standing position and, having made comments to them, encourage them to actively conduct the fight. Athlete equipment: protective shell (bandage), mouth guard, open-fingered gloves, shorts.

Mix Fight (MMA - from the English. Mixed Martial Arts). Martial arts, which are a combination of many techniques, styles and areas of various martial arts. Mixfight is a full-contact fight that uses striking techniques, fighting both standing and on the floor. Some people also say – fights without rules, but this is not correct, since there are still rules here. In MMA, there are two main fighting strategies: striking technique - when an athlete uses strikes with his limbs to win, and wrestling - when an athlete uses throws, grabs, and painful techniques.

In December, Vladimir Mineev suffered the first defeat of his career, losing to Maikel Falcao by a majority of judges' votes. The Brazilian was unable to make weight and traveled to Vladivostok, spending at least 12 hours on the plane.

Just the other day a rematch was announced. A month and 9 days before the return fight, Vladimir Mineev performed at an amateur MMA tournament in Dagestan.

The Russian’s opponent was Aziz Jumaniyazov, a fighter from the “Highlander” club. Judging by the video, in the middle of the final (according to other information - the second) round, Dzhumaniyazov took Mineev to the ground. After the gong, rising, Aziz kicked Vladimir. Mineev was not taken aback and immediately hit his opponent. Well, then, as they say, away we go.

According to reports from both sides, after the battle the conflict was settled. The fighters met and shook hands. Vladimir Mineev himself announced this on his Instagram.

“Today was a bright and wonderful day! Our team, as part of the MMA Academy Makhachkala club, took part in the Dagestan Mixed Martial Arts Championship. The Dagestan Championship in any martial arts is, in principle, a very serious tournament in terms of the level of competition. In the situation that arose with my opponent after my fight, we put an end to it. This did not in any way affect my attitude towards the Republic of Dagestan and the Dagestanis, which had already become, in a certain sense, my native one. On behalf of the entire team, I express my gratitude to the SBU Federation of Dagestan for the opportunity to compete and exchange valuable experience.”

In the official group of the “Highlander” club on VKontakte also appeared comments.

“Oh sport, you are the world!” - says the famous motto. This is true, but sometimes athletes, in a fit of passion and emotion, do not always prevail over themselves. Such an incident occurred today at the Dagestan Open Championship of the MMA Union in a duel between the famous Russian mixed martial arts fighter Vladimir Mineev and our fellow countryman Aziz Jumaniyazov. At the end of the fight, when the fighters were already getting up from the floor, our athlete kicked Mineev and walked away. At that moment, Vladimir suddenly stood up and hit Aziz. After that, numerous supporters jumped into the ring from both fighters, and a small skirmish occurred. Little by little they were able to calm everyone down and reduce the degree of tension. Both fighters went into the tribune room, talked, apologized to each other and shook hands. Unfortunately, such things happen, this is sport, everyone wants to win, but this, of course, does not give anyone a reason for emotions to prevail over reason. And we, sports fans, should not be one of those who inflame the conflict and do not let it go out, much less transfer it to interethnic relations. We must, on the contrary, be one of those who call for good or remain silent.”

Despite the reconciliation of the parties, the result of the fight was annulled, and Aziz Jumaniyazov and his Dagestan Fighters team were disqualified, said Radmir Gabdullin, vice-president of the Russian MMA Union.

“I am personally involved in the creation of the Highlander club. At one time, I gave the way to the sport to its founder, Musail Alaudinov, of blessed memory, he trained in my club Red Devil, I sent him to training camps in Holland with the best coaches. When Musail left his sports career and focused on creating his own club, I supported him in this direction in every possible way. We have always provided the fighters of the Highlander club with fights, and all the famous athletes of this club have grown up before our eyes and at tournaments. It was in M-1 that fighters gained such fame today and a path to big-time sports. Musail was a wonderful person and we never had any disagreements. And when Musail Alaudinov was at the helm of the team - not once did any of the fighters of the Highlander club refuse a fight or try to somehow influence the choice of their opponent, the work was organized very clearly and professionally.

But what is happening now cannot be called anything other than a disregard for the fighters and coaches of the club. This decision was not easy, but I was simply fed up with the constant refusals of the leading fighters of the Highlander club to fulfill their contractual obligations under various pretexts and the constant problems that happened with their participation directly at tournaments.

It didn’t all start yesterday or last week. First, we were seriously set up during the M-1 Grand Prix 2016. All four participants and their teams knew in advance about the dates of the semi-finals and, most importantly, the final battle. However, after Shlemenko and Emeev reached the final, Ramazan’s team began to avoid in every possible way the fight, which was scheduled for June at a tournament in the official program of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. Then they gave their consent and withdrew a month before the tournament due to an injury, still without providing us with any documents or medical reports. And then we found out that two weeks later Ramazan had several fights at some hand-to-hand combat championship, and no “injuries” prevented him! M-1 Global lost several million rubles in that situation.

A couple of weeks later, at our other tournament, an even more critical situation developed - we were informed three days before the competition that the participant in the main fight of M-1 Challenge 67 in Azerbaijan, Magomed Idrisov, was seriously ill and was withdrawing from the fight against Ivan Buchinger. Again, no documents were provided, and after some time I heard rumors that the Highlander club fighter simply could not lose weight and the “illness” was just an excuse not to go to the tournament.

Then Rashid Yusupov was unable to take part in the fight scheduled for October due to extremely important performances at the hand-to-hand combat championship, which was associated with his work. In this case, our company even met him halfway and allowed him to fight not with us, but at a departmental tournament, but apparently our gesture of goodwill was once again not perceived correctly.

On the second attempt, Magomed Idrisov still came to the fight with Ivan Buchinger and again did not reduce the weight to the required category. He had the same thing before the fight with Max Koga and then he also came out with an advantage. It’s just that this time the superiority of the Highlander club fighter deprived the title fight of its status.

In December, we approached the management of Gorets with a proposal to organize the most long-awaited fight by all Russian fans in Moscow in March - Emeev-Shlemenko. But we were immediately refused; we were told that Ramazan was treating his injuries and had surgery. Two months later, Emeev himself unexpectedly stated in an interview that he personally had not received any offers for this fight.

Do we now need to negotiate with each fighter over the head of the manager, since they don’t tell their fighter anything? I don’t understand. Why then are these managers needed?

We made one more attempt and proposed to make the Shlemenko-Emeev fight at the tournament on June 1st. I personally proposed this fight to Ramazan when we met before the M-1 Challenge 74 tournament and was again refused. Then we offered him a rematch with Anatoly Tokov on other dates, but they refused to do this fight either. Despite the fact that both Tokov and Shlemenko were ready to fight at the first call. We always manage to find even more than worthy replacements, but all these stories still leave a big aftertaste.

The last straw was that the planned and pre-discussed April rematch between Buchinger and Idrisov again fell through due to “insufficient time for Magomed to prepare”, then we proposed to postpone the fight to May, and again received a refusal, this time due to the fact that that “the contract with M-1 expires in May.” That is, having jumped out of the fight several times, the fighter and his coach suddenly decided for themselves that they had fulfilled their contractual obligations and did not owe us anything. At the same time, a rematch between Rashid Yusupov and Viktor Nemkov was proposed at one of our May tournaments, and again there was a refusal from the coach of the Gorets club, he said that Rashid needed to undergo another operation.

My decision is final – the fighters of the Highlander club will no longer compete in M-1 Challenge tournaments.”

Based on materials: mixfight.ru

Apparently, Russian fans will never see the fight between Alexander Shlemenko and Ramazan Emeev. In any case, this battle will definitely not take place under the banner of M-1. Photo: M-1 Global

Today, a very informative statement by Vadim Finkelshtein was published on the official portal of the promotion, in which the president of the organization criticized the policy of avoiding fights, which, according to him, has been carried out for quite some time by the management of one of the largest domestic fight clubs - “Highlander”. There is no point in retelling this text; we invite our readers to read it in full.

Statement by Vadim Finkelstein about the Gorets club:

“I am personally involved in the creation of the Highlander club. At one time, I gave the way to the sport to its founder, Musail Alaudinov, of blessed memory, he trained in my club Red Devil, I sent him to training camps in Holland with the best coaches. When Musail left his sports career and focused on creating his own club, I supported him in this direction in every possible way. We have always provided the fighters of the Highlander club with fights, and all the famous athletes of this club have grown up before our eyes and at tournaments. It was in M-1 that the fighters gained such fame today and the path to big-time sports. Musail was a wonderful person and we never had any disagreements. And when Musail Alaudinov was at the helm of the team - not once did any of the fighters of the Highlander club refuse a fight or try to somehow influence the choice of their opponent, the work was organized very clearly and professionally.

But what is happening now cannot be called anything other than a disregard for the fighters and coaches of the club. This decision was not easy, but I was simply fed up with the constant refusals of the leading fighters of the Highlander club to fulfill their contractual obligations under various pretexts and the constant problems that happened with their participation directly at tournaments.

It didn’t all start yesterday or last week. First, we were seriously set up during the M-1 Grand Prix 2016. All four participants and their teams knew in advance about the dates of the semi-finals and, most importantly, the final battle. However, after Shlemenko and Emeev reached the final, Ramazan’s team began to avoid in every possible way the fight, which was scheduled for June at a tournament in the official program of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. Then they gave their consent and withdrew a month before the tournament due to an injury, still without providing us with any documents or medical reports. And then we found out that two weeks later Ramazan had several fights at some hand-to-hand combat championship, and no “injuries” prevented him! M-1 Global lost several million rubles in that situation.

A couple of weeks later, at our other tournament, an even more critical situation developed - we were informed three days before the competition that the participant in the main fight of M-1 Challenge 67 in Azerbaijan, Magomed Idrisov, was seriously ill and was withdrawing from the fight against Ivan Buchinger. Again, no documents were provided, and after some time I heard rumors that the Highlander club fighter simply could not lose weight and the “illness” was just an excuse not to go to the tournament.

Then Rashid Yusupov was unable to take part in the fight scheduled for October due to extremely important performances at the hand-to-hand combat championship, which was associated with his work. In this case, our company even met him halfway and allowed him to fight not with us, but at a departmental tournament, but apparently our gesture of goodwill was once again not perceived correctly.

On the second attempt, Magomed Idrisov still came to the fight with Ivan Buchinger and again did not reduce the weight to the required category. He had the same thing before the fight with Max Koga and then he also came out with an advantage. It’s just that this time the superiority of the Highlander club fighter deprived the title fight of its status.

In December, we approached the management of Gorets with a proposal to organize the most long-awaited fight by all Russian fans in Moscow in March - Emeev-Shlemenko. But we were immediately refused; we were told that Ramazan was treating his injuries and had surgery. Two months later, Emeev himself unexpectedly stated in an interview that he personally had not received any offers for this fight.

Do we now need to negotiate with each fighter over the head of the manager, since they don’t tell their fighter anything? I don’t understand. Why then are these managers needed?

We made one more attempt and proposed to make the Shlemenko-Emeev fight at the tournament on June 1st. I personally proposed this fight to Ramazan when we met before the M-1 Challenge 74 tournament and was again refused. Then we offered him a rematch with Anatoly Tokov on other dates, but they refused to do this fight either. Despite the fact that both Tokov and Shlemenko were ready to fight at the first call. We always manage to find even more than worthy replacements, but all these stories still leave a big aftertaste.

The last straw was that the planned and pre-discussed April rematch between Buchinger and Idrisov again fell through due to “insufficient time for Magomed to prepare”, then we proposed to postpone the fight to May, and again received a refusal, this time due to the fact that that “the contract with M-1 expires in May.” That is, having jumped out of the fight several times, the fighter and his coach suddenly decided for themselves that they had fulfilled their contractual obligations and did not owe us anything. At the same time, a rematch between Rashid Yusupov and Viktor Nemkov was proposed at one of our May tournaments, and again there was a refusal from the coach of the Gorets club, he said that Rashid needed to undergo another operation.

My decision is final – the fighters of the Highlander club will no longer compete in M-1 Challenge tournaments.”
