Official fight between McGregor and Mayweather. Floyd Mayweather defeated Conor McGregor. How the legendary “battle of the century” took place. Is this really the fight of the century? Why

Mayweather defeated McGregor by technical knockout in a boxing match.

McGregor started the fight number one. Mayweather was cautious, giving the initiative completely to his opponent. From the second round a more spectacular battle began. The Irishman actively used “dirty” techniques from MMA. By the middle of the fight, Conor was noticeably tired and the initiative gradually passed to the American. Apparently, Mayweather expected to follow this plan. In the ninth round, McGregor did not even raise his hands, and Floyd continued to deliver powerful blows. And already in the tenth round the judge stopped the fight, awarding Mayweather the victory by technical knockout.

Thus, Mayweather won his 50th career victory, maintaining his undefeated status.

Note that for winning this fight, which caused an unprecedented stir, he receives a Money Belt made of 3,000 diamonds, 600 sapphires, 300 emeralds and 1.5 kilograms of gold.

Mayweather will receive $100 million and McGregor will receive $30 million. Additional bonuses are also provided.

A little over a year ago, legendary mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor posted online a crookedly Photoshopped poster of himself standing face to face with professional boxer Floyd Mayweather. The tweet caused a stir and left the world press wondering if this was really a planned fight or just another joke from the Irishman.

There were no specifics from both athletes, just continuous talk. The president of the largest mixed martial arts organization, the UFC, Dana White, said that he is sure: no one knows when, no one knows how, but the fight will take place. Without further ado, at the end of spring, quite routinely, the fighters and management officially announced: August 26, Las Vegas is the main event in the history of martial arts.

Conor McGregor is an Irish boy from a plumber's family who once put everything on the line and in a few years made himself one of the richest athletes in the world. Now he is the only holder of a championship belt in two weight categories in UFC history.

Standing against him is Floyd Mayweather Jr., who grew up in a boxing family and is an undefeated world champion. Mayweather retired back in 2015, but returned for one last fight of his career.

The biography of the fighters alone could become the plot outline of this battle, but there are too many questions about it.

Firstly, the fight between a boxing champion and an MMA champion will take place according to the rules of professional boxing. Whether McGregor will be able to cope with this is unclear. After all, no matter how excellent a hand-to-hand fighter he is, his opponent has more than 20 years of professional boxing career behind him (back in 1996, Mayweather became an Olympic medalist). And even the difference of 11 years will not help the Irishman much here.

Another thing is that McGregor has repeatedly proven how he knows how to set crazy goals and achieve them - even when no one believes in him.

The second point is moneyfight. From the very beginning, none of the fighters hid the fact that there was a lot of money behind the fight. It's hard to believe the importance of the fight when McGregor will receive $100 million just for participating, regardless of the outcome of the fight. But seasoned viewers know that despite all the pictures with towers of dollar bills, both fighters are always looking for a new challenge.

McGregor is used to setting monetary records only through sports records. Mayweather has achieved impressive statistics of 49 wins and 0 losses, amassing such capital that no amount of money will make him so easily give up the title of “invincible” and add one defeat to his asset list.

In addition to the financial records of both fighters, we are also talking about the financial records of the organizers. Tickets for the fight cost two to three times more than usual, and the entry threshold for advertisers started at $10 million. UFC President Dana White predicts a new record in the number of viewers of paid broadcasts (pay per view): the previous one belonged to the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight, which was watched by 4.4 million people for money.

Besides this, there is another story behind the “fight of the century”. The vast majority of representatives of the boxing industry, if they did not directly condemn the idea of ​​the fight, then gave preference to Mayweather, excluding even the possibility that McGregor could win.

Professional boxing turned a blind eye to the growing popularity of mixed martial arts for a very long time, but it came to its senses already too late. The number of viewers of top fights in the UFC is very close to the figures for professional boxing, and young people around the world are flocking to MMA gyms. Boxing has been in decline in recent years, despite stars such as Mayweather and Pacquiao. Obviously, this is not enough, because in previous decades professional boxing did not have any significant competition in the martial arts industry.

Considering how much money and people have stood behind boxers throughout the history of this sport, one can understand that someone clearly does not want to share a big piece of the pie. Hence the increased number of films about boxing in the last three or four years - this bears little resemblance to the naked enthusiasm of Hollywood studios.

Should I watch or not? One thing cannot be denied for sure - the event has already gone down in history, and a lot depends on its outcome.

If McGregor wins, professional boxing will seriously lose its position in the world, MMA fights will become even more popular, and only the Leprechaun knows what McGregor plans to do next.

If Mayweather prevails, he will leave as an undefeated hero with 50 victories in his arsenal, and McGregor with his pockets full of dollars. We will have to watch more dull parodies of this battle for a couple of years.

And these are only two of the possible outcomes: given the specifics of the fighters, the fight itself and the rules, anything can happen, including the disqualification of the Irishman for kicking. All the more interesting is the night of August 26, which will break all world viewing records, and on Sunday morning there will be no one left who would not be aware of the outcome of the battle.

In the fight of the century, which took place on August 26 local time in Las Vegas, Conor McGregor defeated Floyd Mayweather. The victory of the best boxer in the world, who entered the ring against a mixed martial arts fighter, did not come as a surprise, however, this fight really went down in history - and not only thanks to the unusual opponents. We'll tell you what's what.

The fight between Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather ended in a technical knockout of the former in the 10th round. The fight was conducted according to classic boxing rules. And it was difficult for McGregor, who is a mixed martial artist: by the tenth round he was desperate to survive his beating and simply hold out as long as possible.

McGregor started the first rounds quite briskly: he immediately went on the attack, while Mayweather rather studied his opponent’s tactics and was in no hurry to attack. This bore fruit: by the fifth round, Conor slowed down significantly, but Floyd, on the contrary, took on his opponent. Then McGregor became more and more exhausted, and even those rare blows that he still tried to inflict on his opponent fell into the defense. In the tenth round, the Irishman was close to falling to the floor, but the referee stopped the fight in time.

This fight brought Floyd Mayweather Jr., who officially retired back in 2015, not only a beautiful figure to his treasury of battles - 50 victories and not a single defeat - but also money: the boxer earned almost 200 million dollars.

The fight brought serious earnings to McGregor: he accounted for approximately $100 million. And this is another reason why the McGregor-Mayweather fight became the fight of the century - because of the record money collections.

The cheapest ticket at the Timobile Arena in Las Vegas, where the event took place, was $1,500 closer to the fight. For expensive seats near the ring one would have to pay up to 30 thousand dollars. In addition, in order to watch the fight on TV, viewers in the United States had to pay $99.99 for the broadcast. But even despite the wild price, the organizers expected that 50 million Americans, that is, every sixth resident of the country, would watch the fight.

It seems that both opponents were satisfied with the fight. Although McGregor, who famously promised at a press conference to take out his opponent before the second round, did not even come close to keeping his promise, he looked happy. Perhaps his soul was warmed by 100 million, or perhaps by the fact that he, a non-professional in boxing, managed to enter the same ring with the best boxer.

I was tired, but I didn't want the referee to stop the fight. I would like to fight further. There were only two rounds left. It was hard, I was close. Floyd was a little calmer than me and had better control of himself. I am proud of what I have achieved.

Mayweather, judging by his words, did not expect much from the battle with an unprofessional, but was still pleased. He also had his own goals: the boxer managed to break the record of Rocky Marciano, who ended his career with 49 victories without a single defeat.

Conor is a great fighter, he was better than I thought. I wanted him to be exhausted, so I allowed him to attack. It was about the honor of boxing, which I had to defend. I knew that after 25 minutes Conor would be exhausted. This was my plan. The 50th win means a lot to me, Rocky Marciano was a legend. Tonight was my last fight, that's for sure.

But many boxing icons had a low opinion of this fight even beforehand. Former world champion Lennox Lewis said: "There's a lot going on beforehand, there's hype, but I don't see it as a big fight."

Mike Tyson generally thought that McGregor would not survive this fight.

McGregor will be killed in boxing. I'm furious that they entered the boxing ring. These rules suck for McGregor. McGregor agreed to the most lame rules in the history of boxing and mixed martial arts.

Known for provocative antics, McGregor began to attack his opponent with the help of dubious tricks long before entering the ring. So, back in July, his jacket was noticed on the Internet, in which he came to a press conference with Mayweather. The jacket would be very cute.

In Las Vegas, everything is ready for a boxing match, which has already been called the highest grossing in the history of this sport. On Sunday, professional boxer Floyd Mayweather (he has not yet had a single defeat) and mixed martial arts star, fighter from Ireland Conor McGregor (he will have to compete under new rules) will meet in the ring. At stake, in addition to millions of dollars, is a unique belt made of gold and crocodile skin, which is decorated with almost three and a half thousand diamonds.

These eyes are opposite. They have sporting anger! It seems the fighters are ready to tear each other apart right now. The referee even has to hold them back. Later on Saturday, Conor McGregor will fight Floyd Mayweather. The fans are rejoicing - this will be the fight of the century.

“I’m ready for 12 rounds, I’ll break this old man. He made a big mistake. Mayweather won't last two rounds. No matter how he holds the block, I will break through him. I take the rules of the game seriously and will fight with all my skill. When it's all over, I'll even be sad because he shouldn't have touched me. He doesn't meet my level. I am confident that I will win the fight,” says Conor McGregor.

McGregor is an Enfant terrible, a brawler with tattoos. And this is not naked bravado. At 29 years old, he is the current lightweight champion of the Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts Fighting Championship. The most popular fighter in the world. 24 fights, 18 wins by knockout. He takes his opponents out of the ring.

Mayweather is ten years older. And this makes a big difference for athletes. But he's definitely not a whipping boy. Professional boxer, multiple world champion. He gives out knockouts like autographs. Not a single defeat. 49 victories. In the fight with McGregor, he is preparing to win his fiftieth anniversary.

“I prepared well. I've been in sports for 21 years. We will show the fans what they want to see. He is unbeatable in mixed martial arts. But in 21 years I have seen a lot. The 47 opponents I faced said that my hands were fragile and that I was scared. But I always won, my approach did not let me down. I use everything I was taught. I was born a fighter and I will die a fighter!” - Floyd Mayweather said.

McGregor and Mayweather have already met in the ring. But it was not a battle, but rather a battle, an exchange of verbal slaps. The barbs are on the verge of knockout. Say what you want, but don't touch it with your hands!

“Little bald weirdo. It’s good that you don’t hide your bald head from us now, otherwise you were always wearing a hat. I wanted to rip it off you. But it looks like you stuck it with glue,” McGregor told his opponent.

Mayweather doesn't care. He knows the value of such words, it’s not for nothing that he was nicknamed “Mani” - money. During his career, the boxer earned almost a billion dollars. A verbal duel always only fuels the excitement around the real fight.

The fight between the two titans will bring organizers, according to conservative estimates, $600 million. Athletes will receive fees with six zeros. And a status symbol is a unique “Money Belt”: three thousand diamonds, 600 sapphires, 300 emeralds, one and a half kilograms of gold. Who would hang it on the wall in their training room?

“I feel great. I look great. I'm invincible," says Mayweather.

“I just walk around my boxing ring. This is my boxing ring. I am boxing! - McGregor said.

By the way, the fight will take place according to boxing rules. That is, Conan McGregor will not be able to use either wrestling techniques or kicking. But he is Irish, a champion - they are persistent. Floyd Mayweather, although he has given up professional boxing, is also at the peak of his form. Bookmakers find it difficult to say who is better to bet on.

The fight in Las Vegas is causing unreal excitement. In the US, fans pay $100 just to watch the broadcast at home. You can watch the fight for free on Channel One.

The super fight will be shown live on Channel One on Sunday. Broadcast at 7 am. Boxing fans who will not be able to watch the fight at this time will have a replay on the same day, late in the evening - at 23.30.

40-year-old American professional boxer Floyd Mayweather defeated 29-year-old Irish MMA fighter, UFC champion Conor McGregor by technical knockout in a 12-round fight.

The fight was held according to boxing rules in the category up to 69.85 kg (first middle weight). Both fighters fit within the limits of this weight category. Under Conor McGregor the scales showed 69.4 kg, under Floyd McGregor - 67.8 kg.

The UFC champion stated before the meeting that the American would not last a round, and Floyd was aiming for a knockout. The last one was right. McGregor held on more or less evenly until the end of the fourth round, when he had the strength to both attack and defend. After the 4th three-minute period, the Irishman very quickly began to lose physically, which Mayweather regularly took advantage of, punching both the head and the body. Conor just hid in the clinch.

In the 10th round, Floyd was very fresh compared to his opponent and struck blow after blow, which is why the referee decided to stop the fight.

REFERENCE. Conor Anthony McGregor is an Irish mixed martial arts fighter who competes under the auspices of the UFC in the featherweight weight category. Current UFC lightweight champion and former featherweight champion. As of November 2016, he ranks second in the official UFC ranking among the best fighters, regardless of weight category. McGregor began his professional mixed martial arts career by competing in the lightweight division. Later, having earned ten wins with two defeats in his career statistics, he made his debut in the lower category, where in two fights he managed to win the featherweight champion title of the English organization “Cage Warriors”. Not stopping at one title, McGregor returned to his previous division, where he took the lightweight title from Ivan Buchinger, thus becoming a simultaneous champion in two weight categories.

Floyd Mayweather is an undefeated American professional boxer who competed in the welterweight category. Olympic bronze medalist (1996). World champion in the 2nd featherweight (WBC version, 1998-2001), lightweight (WBC version, 2002-2003), 1st welterweight (WBC version, 2005), welterweight (IBF version, 2006; IBO version , 2006; WBC version, 2006, 2007 and since 2011; WBA version, since 2014; WBO version, since 2015), 1st middle (WBC version, 2007 and since 2013; WBA, since 2012) weight categories. Winner of the titles Boxer of the Year (1998, 2007) and Comeback of the Year (2009) according to The Ring magazine. BWAA Boxer of the Year (2007, 2013, 2015).

Bookmakers accepted unusual bets on the fight between boxer Floyd Mayweather and mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor. It is proposed to bet 101.00 on the fact that Mayweather will follow Tyson's example and bite off his opponent's ear, 50.00 on a kick from the American, and 35.00 on a spit.
Ahead of the “fight of the century,” as the fight between 12-time world boxing champion Floyd Mayweather and current UFC lightweight champion Conor McGregor has been dubbed, social

The fight between McGregor and Mayweather is already a reality! All available information on the fight of the millennium in a summary from our website.

Rumors have been circulating for a long time that the McGregor-Mayweather fight is much more real than it seemed just a year ago. Over the past couple of weeks, what could be the most lucrative fight in the history of combat sports has been creeping closer to being officially announced. And finally, it happened.

Just in my instagram Floyd Mayweather (49-0 in boxing, website note) has confirmed that a fight with the UFC lightweight champion (21-3, 0-0 boxing) has been officially confirmed. A few minutes later, this information was confirmed by major media outlets like MMA Fighting. As before, the fight with the sign “Mayweather vs. McGregor” will take place on August 26 in Las Vegas. Most likely the fight will take place at the MGM Grand arena, but the option at the brand new T-Mobile Arena is possible. The fight will be broadcast by Showtime via PPV. More detailed information will be available soon.

Brief information about Mayweather

Mayweather officially retired in September 2015 after defeating Andre Berto. Floyd won by unanimous decision and scored his 49th victory in 49 fights. By the way, if the American defeats McGregor, he will win an anniversary and record 50th victory, beating the legendary heavyweight Rocky Marciano. Floyd is the richest athlete in the history of not only boxing, but all striking sports in general. His fight against Manny Pacquiao (took place on May 2, 2015, approx.) We can talk about Floyd’s titles and various records for a long time. Let’s just note that many experts in the world of boxing consider him the best representative of this sport in history.

Brief information about McGregor

McGregor last competed in November last year. At UFC 205, Conor became the first reigning champion in two weight categories in UFC history. To do this, the Irishman had to effortlessly defeat Eddie Alvarez (28-5) by technical knockout in the second round. After the victory, “Notorious” took a short break due to his girlfriend’s pregnancy and the birth of his son, and also began to promote a possible fight with Mayweather with renewed vigor.

At the moment, Conor is the most expensive MMA fighter. He holds the record for the largest fee in the history of mixed martial arts, and also led the most sold tournament in the history of this sport (UFC 202 was watched by 1.6 million people, website note).

McGregor vs Mayweather fight. Results

Let's summarize what is already known about the battle of the millennium:

  1. The date of the Mayweather-McGregor fight has been determined. It will take place on August 26, 2017. Broadcast of the fight
  2. The fight will take place in Las Vegas under the arches of the T-Mobile Arena stadium with a capacity of 20,000 people.
  3. The fighters will fight according to boxing rules; no titles will be at stake. According to Dana White, the fight will consist of 12 rounds, the athletes will wear gloves weighing 10 ounces.
  4. The fight between McGregor and Mayweather will be shown on PPV. The broadcast rights are owned by Showtime.
  5. The British tabloid Mirror believes that both fighters will receive a guaranteed fee of $100 million for the fight. Total income from the Conor vs. Floyd fight.
  6. The press tour dedicated to the fight will take place from July 11 to 14 in 4 cities. Promotion will begin in Los Angeles, then move to Toronto, then New York, and end in London. Video of press conferences in Russian.

Who will win in a super fight of not only two fighters, but also two sports? Can McGregor once again put the naysayers to shame and defeat one of the best boxers in history with a professional record of 0-0? There are many questions, and we will find out all the answers on August 26th. What do you think about this, dear readers?
