Relay races for the autumn holiday. "Scenario of sports festivals. Autumn starts." Outdoor game “Let's collect mushrooms”

Ministry of Education of the Komi Republic

State educational institution

With. Koslan

Methodological development

extracurricular activity

Sports festival for children and their parents

"Autumn Relay Races"

subject: “Physical education”

Completed by: Loginov Alexander Petrovich,

Physical education teacher

year 2014

Sports festival for children and their parents "Autumn Relay Races"

Competitions are held with purpose:

  • strengthening children's health, improving physical development, promoting a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers;
  • popularization of physical education and sports;
  • improving motor skills and abilities in preschool children;
  • finding real and effective ways to involve adults and children in physical education and sports;
  • attract children to actively participate in sports competitions.
  • improve motor skills, achieve physical beauty, strength, agility, endurance.
  • promote the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy.

Organizational conditions.

  • Venue: gym.
  • The duration of the holiday is 50 minutes.
  • Number of participants: 15 children, 15 adults.


  • Gymnastic bench 3 pcs.
  • Baskets 3 pcs.
  • Skittles 30 pcs.
  • Buckets 3 pcs.
  • Volleyballs 15 pcs.
  • Large hoops 6 pcs.
  • Flags 3 pcs.
  • Basketballs 15 pcs.
  • Bags 3 pcs.
  • Small balls 15 pcs.
  • Mugs Ø=30 cm 15 pcs.
  • Umbrellas 3 pcs.
  • Phonogram.

The progress of the holiday

A merry march sounds.

Children and parents enter the hall in sportswear. They stand in a column one at a time.

Presenter. Sport is the key to good mood and excellent health.

Exercising is useful, and physical exercise is doubly fun. After all, every minute of playing sports prolongs a person’s life by one hour, and every minute of fun physical exercise prolongs a person’s life by two hours and even minutes.

Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself! So, good luck!

Formation into a column of three.

Warm-up to the song "Radiant Sun".

Leading . The sports festival today is dedicated to autumn. Three teams participate in the Autumn Relays. We are pleased to welcome the friendly teams “Strela”, “Poprygunchiki” and “Lucky”.

1. Relay race “Falling Leaves”.

Each participant carries a leaf of a tree on his palm at arm's length, runs around the chip and passes the leaf to the next one. You cannot squeeze or hold the leaf with your fingers.

2. Relay race “For mushrooms”.

Each participant with a basket in his hands runs and collects one “mushroom” (pin) into the basket, runs around the chip and passes the basket to the next participant.

3. “Watermelon” relay race.Autumn is the time to harvest.

In this relay race we will collect “watermelons”. Each participant with a bag in his hands runs to the hoops on which “watermelons” (balls according to the number of participants) lie, puts one watermelon (ball) into the bag and returns to the team and passes the bag to the next participant.

4. “Pumpkin” relay race.Imagine that in my hands I do not have a ball, but a pumpkin, which we will pass to each other. The first participant runs with the pumpkin (ball), runs around the chip, returns to the team and becomes the last person in the column with the ball. He passes the ball under the feet of the person in front, who then passes it to the next one. The one who stands first in the column takes the ball, runs around the chip and returns to the team, becomes the last person in the column and passes the ball. The winner is the team in which all participants run with the ball the fastest.

5. Relay race “Reserves”.In the fall, all animals make provisions for the winter. So in this relay race we will portray animals storing up supplies for the winter. Each participant runs touching the floor with their hands and feet, belly up, carries the ball on their stomach, and reaches the chip. Returns to the team with a jump, the ball between his legs.

6. Relay “It seems like it’s starting to rain.”Remember, in the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh” Piglet said: “It seems like it’s starting to rain.” So in this relay race, each participant runs to the bench, takes an umbrella from the floor, stands on the bench with the umbrella and says: “It seems like it’s starting to rain,” leaves the umbrella on the floor and returns to the team.

7. Relay race “Crossing”.In the fall we collect cranberries that grow in the swamp. In order not to drown in the swamp, hoops will help us. Each participant, with the help of two hoops, crosses the swamp to the chip and returns back running with hoops in their hands.

8. Relay race “Planting and harvesting potatoes.”Each participant with a bucket in his hands runs to the hole (half a rubber ball - 5 pcs.), throws a “potato” into it (small ball - 5 pcs.), runs around the chip and passes the bucket to the next one. The next participant collects the “potatoes” in a bucket and overeats the next one.

9. “Tunnel” relay race.The first participant runs to the line and stands on his hands and feet, stomach down. The next participant climbs over the first participant and stands next to him in the same position, etc. When the last participant climbs over all the participants, everyone gets up and, holding hands, runs around the chip and returns to their place.


Teams are awarded certificates and sweet prizes.

Leading. Our holiday is over, dedicated to autumn. All team members showed their agility, strength, and speed. And most importantly, we received a boost of energy and a lot of positive emotions! Play sports, improve your health, develop strength and endurance! See you again!

Relay game for preschoolers “Autumn Fun”

Sports game-relay race in kindergarten outdoors in autumn

This relay race game can be useful in the work of kindergarten teachers, physical education instructors working with children of middle and older preschool age. The game can be used as a celebration of the arrival of autumn. It is advisable to spend it in the fresh air.

Necessary materials: costumes for heroes (Shustrik costume and Bystrik costume: bright pants and shirts, large caps of different colors), apples according to the number of participants, hoops according to the number of participants, two baskets, fake fruits according to the number of participants, handkerchiefs of 4 colors: red, orange , yellow and green (the number is one more than the number of participants), a music center, a recording of the song by the group “Barbariki” Friendship.

Progress of the event:

Presenter: Guys, it is no coincidence that we have gathered here with you today. We have gathered here for the “Autumn Relay Race”. I suggest you split into 2 teams. The first team will be called “Shustriki”, and the second “Bystriki”.

With a loud scream, Shustrik and Bystrik (disguised teachers) run out from around the corner.

Shustrik: Oh, oh, oh! How come we are late again…….

Bystrik: No, it wasn’t us who were late, but they didn’t invite us!

Presenter: Stop, stop! Who are you?

Shustrik: He is Quick.

Quick: He's Quick.

Presenter: Okay, where are you in such a hurry?

Quickie: How to go! Off to the competition!

Shustrik: For sports ones.

Presenter: Okay. You're almost there. Well, if you really want to participate in competitions, then join the guys.

Shustrik and Bystrik join the teams of the same name.

1 test.

For this test, pre-prepared dummies of fruit were laid out in a clearing near the game site.

Presenter: Guys, tell me, what is autumn rich in?

The children answer.

Presenter: Correct! Autumn is rich in various vegetables, fruits, and berries. She generously gives people her gifts, delighting us with various goodies. And people just have to collect them. Here is the first task for you: “You need to collect as many fruits as possible in the basket.” To do this, let's go to the clearing. You see how many fruits there are. Now, on my command, each player in turn will run up to the clearing as quickly as possible, pick up one fruit and run back to the team, throwing it into the basket. Then only the second player runs to the clearing for fruit. And so take turns. Once the clearing is empty, the test ends. Shustrik, Bystrik, line up one behind the other and, at my command, show the guys how to complete this task.

Reade set Go!

Shustrik and Bystrik complete the task.

Presenter: Well done! You did an excellent job. Guys, do you understand how to complete the task?

The children answer.

Presenter: That’s great. Reade set Go.

Children complete the task. As soon as all the fruits are in the children’s baskets, the presenter gives the command: “Stop the game!”

Presenter: The whole test is over! Let's calculate the results. Shustrik, Bystrik, this is the job for you.

Shustrik and Bystrik count the fruits in their teams' baskets.

The winners are announced. The score is given on the mark sheet.

Presenter: Congratulations to the winner, but we ask the loser not to be upset, the tests continue!

2nd test.

Presenter: Guys, autumn is a time rich in colors. Look around how many bright leaves there are on the trees. What colors are the leaves?

The children answer.

Presenter: Yes, they are red and orange, yellow and slightly green still left. Now listen to the task. Each team member will receive a scarf of a certain color: red, yellow, orange, green. As soon as I pick up a yellow handkerchief, guys with yellow handkerchiefs will run up to me. If I raise a red handkerchief, guys with red handkerchiefs will run up to me. Do you understand the task? Shustrik, Bystrik, let's try.

Shustrik and Bystrik take a handkerchief in their hands, wait for the leader's command and run up to the leader at the exact moment when the leader picks up the handkerchief of the exact color that is in their hands.

Guys, do you understand the task?

The children answer.

The presenter distributes handkerchiefs to the children and announces the start of the test, which will be controlled by Shustrik and Bystrik. The test is repeated several times. Those children who did not complete the task correctly remain next to the leader. The team that doesn't have any mistakes wins. If everyone completed the task correctly, everyone gets a point. Points are recorded on a score sheet.

Host: Guys, you are so great! I suggest you relax a little and dance with Shustrik and Bystrik.

The song “Friendship” is turned on, performed by the group “Barbariki”, and the children perform a dance, repeating the movements that Shustrik and Bystrik show them.

Presenter: Guys, you are all great. But we need to continue testing.

3 test.

For this test, hoops are placed in the clearing according to the number of children.

Presenter: Guys, what else is special about autumn? How does it differ from other seasons of the year?

The children answer.

Presenter: Guys, it often rains in the fall. This means puddles appear. So puddles appeared in our clearing. Now the music will start and each of you should just walk, but as soon as the music ends, each of you should take a free puddle. Yes, yes, you heard right, today you are allowed to walk through puddles! True, not for real. Shustrik, Bystrik, help the guys and show them how to complete the task correctly.

As soon as the music is turned on, Shustrik and Bystrik walk through the clearing. The music stops and they quickly take the hoop they like.

Presenter: Guys, you understand everything.

The children answer.

Presenter: To the start, attention, march.

The music turns on, the children are walking, the music stops and the children occupy the free hoops. The music plays again and the children walk again. Shustrik and Bystrik remove several hoops. The music stops and the guys take up the empty hoops. Those who do not have enough hoops are eliminated from the game. And this continues several times until one winner remains. That team gets the point.

Participants: a group of children of different ages with complex developmental disorders.


Learn to act together, develop basic movements, and improve children’s health.


  1. develop basic physical qualities in children: speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination of movement;
  2. instill a love of sports and physical exercise.
  3. cultivate endurance, coherence and mutual assistance in the team.

Inventory and equipment:

Rope, hoops, skittles, balls, arcs, dummies of vegetables and fruits, baskets, soft beams, yellow and red paper leaves according to the number of team members, imitation hummocks, magnetic boards, two sets of “cut sun”.

Educator: - Attention! Attention! Let's start our sports festival! We invite all participants to warm up (teams come out to music and line up to warm up).


Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, looking forward. Execution: tilting the head to the right shoulder, without raising the shoulders, return to the starting position, tilting the head to the left shoulder, without raising the shoulders, return to the starting position

Starting position: place your feet shoulder-width apart. Execution: raise your arms up, lower them down through your sides. Repeat the exercise 4 - 6 times, the pace is slow.

Starting position - legs apart, hands behind your back. Execution: tilt your torso to the right and then to the left. Do 4-6 times in each direction, breathing evenly, average pace.

Starting position - legs apart, hands behind your back. Execution: raise your arms to the sides: bend forward, touch the floor between your toes, straighten up, arms to the sides, return to the starting position, repeat (5 times).

Starting position: stand with feet as wide as your feet, hands on your waist. Execution: jumping on two legs in place, alternating with walking (3 times).

Initial position - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Performance: sit down, arms forward, clap your hands; straighten up, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

Educator: - Today two teams will compete: “Leaflets” and “Mushrooms”. The competition will be judged by a jury. Guys, what time of year is it now?

Children: - Autumn

Educator: - That’s right, autumn is a very beautiful time of year, and vegetables and fruits ripen in autumn. Let's help collect them.

Relay: “Harvest the Harvest”

The team players take turns jumping over the rope, then climbing through the hoop, taking one vegetable, returning to the team and putting what they got into the basket. The team that completes the task first wins.

Educator: - And then the watermelons are ripe. Look how big they are. Let's do a relay race with them.

Relay: “Funny Watermelons”

Team players take turns rolling watermelons (balls) with both hands between the pins. The winner is the team that is faster and does not knock down more than one pin.

(Music. Autumn is coming.)

Autumn: - Hello, friends, I'm autumn. I was in a very, very hurry to see you. I heard that you are having a holiday here. I want to check how fast and dexterous you are. I brought you different leaves: yellow and red, let’s play with them and put together a beautiful bouquet.

Educator: “We’ll go into the forest to get some leaves, and there we’ll have to climb over a log and bend under a branch.” Be careful.

Relay race: “Collect an autumn bouquet”

The team players, in turn, step over the log (soft beam), then crawl under the arc, take one piece of paper (each team has its own color) and return to the team. The fastest team wins.

Autumn: - Yes, you are indeed fast and dexterous, and now I want to check how attentive you are.

Game: "Rain and Sun"

Autumn: - It’s good here, it’s fun, but it’s time for me to leave, dress the trees in golden clothes and prepare the animals’ supplies for winter. Goodbye!

Children: - Goodbye!

Educator: - Well, the rain fell and passed, but the puddles remained. Let's jump over them and play, just be careful not to get your feet wet.

Relay race: “Don’t get your feet wet”

The team players, in turn, must walk along the impromptu hummocks through the stream and return to the team. The team that passes the obstacle faster and never stumbles wins.

Educator: - And now, so that the puddles dry up, let's collect the sun. Let it look out and warm everything with its rays.

Relay: “Collect the sun”

The team players, in turn, run up to the magnetic board and glue individual parts of the sun (the team captain glues the central part, and the rest of the team members glue the rays). The team that can collect the whole picture the fastest wins.

Educator: - Let's give the floor to the jury and find out whose team today became the best, the fastest, the most attentive, the most friendly and athletic.

The jury sums up the results of the competition. Certificates and prizes are awarded.

Children: - Thank you (teams leave the hall to the music)!

Sports game – relay race for children 4-7 years old “Autumn Adventure”.

Scenario of autumn entertainment for the middle, senior and preparatory groups.

Relay race game for preschoolers “Autumn Adventure”.

Sports game-relay race in kindergarten in the fall.
Author: Khokhlova Marina Vitalievna - teacher of MKDOU No. 26.
This relay race game can be useful in the work of kindergarten teachers, physical education instructors working with children of middle, senior and preparatory preschool age. Thanks to this game, you can charge children with energy and good mood, develop dexterity and attention in children. The game can be used as a celebration of the arrival of autumn.
Target: increasing interest in physical education and a healthy lifestyle for children.
improvement of motor skills, coordination of movements in space.
consolidation of the main types of movements in outdoor games
instilling a love for physical education
Organizational conditions.
Venue: gym.
The duration of the holiday is 50 minutes.
Number of participants – 24 children,
2 boxes with things (hats, raincoats, gloves, scarves, umbrellas),
cubes according to the number of children,
fruits and vegetables
Galoshes 2 pairs
2 trucks
Two teams are participating – the “Leaves” team and the “Droplets” team.

The progress of the holiday
Children enter the hall to the “March of the Sportsman”.
Teams are being built...

The leaves were filled with sunshine,
The leaves are soaked in the sun.
They got full and heavy.
They rustled through the bushes,
We jumped on the branches.
The wind swirls gold,
Sounds like golden rain!
Instructor: Guys, what time of year is this poem about?
Children: About autumn.
Instructor: Guys, I want to introduce the participants of the autumn games:
Team "Leaves" and Team "Droplets"
Greetings from the teams.

Team "Leafs" welcomes team "Droplets"- “Physical education - hello!”

The Droplet team welcomes the Leaves team- “Physical education - hello!”

Instructor: Guys, for each relay race you win, you will receive slips, at the end of the competition we will count your earned slips, whoever has more, that team wins...
Instructor: We wish you success!
Instructor: Attention, attention, we are starting our autumn competitions!
1. And the first warm-up task:“Whose team will line up first?” (Let's check the guys' reaction and organization.)
To the sound of music, children walk around the hall, with the last chord the teams must quickly line up. (whose team is the fastest to line up gets a sheet)
The earth and people need rain.
The rain has passed and there are puddles everywhere.
So that your feet don't get wet,
We put on galoshes
Let's play fun
Jump through puddles.
2. Relay race “Running in galoshes”
Guys, you have to run a distance with obstacles in ears, whoever runs forward gets a leaf.
3. Relay “Puddle Jumping”
Guys, now we’ll jump through puddles
(We jump from hoop to hoop).
Instructor: Autumn is a cold season, so...
4.In the next relay you need to run to the finish line, put on your headdress and walk from the finish line showing off your headdress.

Instructor: In autumn people harvest.?
5. Relay "Harvest"
We transport vegetables and fruits in wheelbarrows. Each child transports a vegetable by car; who can transport the vegetables the fastest?
6. This year's harvest has been great; there are not enough vegetable supplies to preserve it. What to do? ... That's right, build new ones. And who will build them? ...
"Builders" At the teacher’s signal, the first players run to the chair, take one cube each, carry it to their chair and stand behind the last player. As soon as a player comes running and places the die, the next player goes. All players, starting from the second, must place one die on another to prevent the “tower” from falling. The winner is the team that moves all the cubes and whose building does not fall.
7. Great! Vegetable bases were built. Now we will eat fresh vegetables and fruits all winter. Where do products leave the bases?......on store shelves. We have two stores. Shop "Vegetables" and shop "Fruits"
Relay race “Take the groceries to the store.”Children select the products they need and take them to the store.
Instructor: Dear guys, this was our last competition, now let’s count your earned leaves and sum up the results...
Teams are awarded sweet prizes
Instructor: Our holiday dedicated to autumn has ended. All team members showed their agility, strength, and speed. And most importantly, we received a boost of energy and a lot of positive emotions! Play sports, improve your health, develop strength and endurance! See you again! Sports festival
"Autumn fun!"

for 5th grade students

Goal and tasks: formation of healthy lifestyle, development of physical qualities through relay races, instilling a love of systematic physical exercise, development of willpower and creative abilities.
Teams must have: shape, name, motto, emblem.

The team must consist of 10 people

Jury: Kashkova O.G. head teacher of educational work

Logvin E.D. teacher - organizer

Lukyanenko I.V. teacher-organizer
Competitors enter the hall accompanied by a sports march.
Leading: Good afternoon, beautiful girls and good fellows!

Listen and watch!

Don't say you haven't heard of it

And we didn’t even see it!

We invite everyone to the sports festival: “Autumn fun!”

Leading: Victory is within the reach of the brave,

Great success awaits him

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will enter the battle one for all.

Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle

He will follow it without fail.

Who will be friendlier?

He will win in battle.
The presenter introduces the jury members.

First relay: "Homework" teams present the name, motto.

Second relay: "Warm-up" Participants, upon a signal, run around the racks and pass the flag to the next participant. The team that completes the task first wins.
We will strengthen the leg muscles

Let's run around the hall with the flag.

Third relay: "Ball over your head"

You need to stretch your hands

Raise it above your head.

Pass the ball at the end -

Having received it, run forward.

Competition for fans
"Make a Word" The guys must make other words (nouns) from the word SPORTLANDIA without adding other letters.
The jury sums up the results of the three competitions.
Fourth relay: "Bag Jumping"
What a miracle - hop and skip!

Look, the bag is jumping!

Hey! Grab him, catch him!

Hurry up and grab the bag!

Captains competition
Each captain has a balloon tied to the back of his belt. At the signal, the captains try to burst the enemy's balloon. The captain whose balloon does not burst or bursts last wins.
Fifth relay: " Ball in hole" The participants' task is to throw more balls into their opponents' holes in 2 minutes.
Sixth relay: "Loading vegetables" team members stand in lines; next to the first participant there are vegetables (balls), next to the last participant there is a bag in which the vegetables must be placed; at the signal, the guys pass the balls to the end of the line; the last team member, having put all the vegetables in a bag, runs around all the guys along the chain and must reach the finish line with the bag on his shoulder; The team that finishes the relay first wins.
Musical break (trio performance Leanovich Ekaterina, Rogozhkina Olga, Kolbasina Victoria)
The jury sums up the results of the past relay races.
Seventh relay: “Crossing (running in a hoop)”

Crossing - crossing.

Left bank, right bank...

But the ferry is the ferryman...

Eighth relay: "Tug of War"
Both boys and girls

We call you to the rope.

10 left, 10 right

Only the muscles are cracking.

Ninth relay: "Fast Walkers"
Everything is clear without question

All questions are ahead

Walking relay

The speedsters come out!

Tenth relay: "Combined Relay" each team member must overcome the stance, crawl along the gymnastics bench, somersault forward, run around the flag and return back to the team, pass the baton. The team that completes the relay first and without errors will win.

Musical pause

Leading : Holidays are a difficult task

May good luck follow you.

If everything is ready,

Let the jury have a say


The jury's word : We had a great time.

Everyone won by right.

Worthy of praise and awards

And we are happy to present you with medals!

Team awards.
Leading : We held competitions

And our parting wishes:

Strengthen everyone's health,

Pump up your muscles stronger.

We held competitions

And our parting wishes:

Strengthen everyone's health,

Pump up your muscles stronger.

Don't watch TV

Sweat more with weights.

Don't lie on the sofa

Run, jump and gallop!
Music is playing. The teams leave the hall.
