Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk. Facebook building: exercises for a thin face by Evgenia Baglyk. Exercises for the lower part of the face

If not everyone, then very many have heard about bodybuilding and wumbildig. But what can cause a puzzled look in most people is facial gymnastics - face building. Facial exercises at home are an invaluable alternative to visiting a plastic surgeon or expensive sessions with professional facial tightening trainers.

During conversations, expressions of emotions of sadness or joy, the muscles on the face actively work. When the moment of relaxation arrives, complete removal of the activity of each individual muscle occurs after a different period of time.

Face building - facial gymnastics at home helps rejuvenate the skin and eliminate wrinkles in all parts of the face.

Constant load on certain groups of tissues leads to their overstrain, which is further expressed by changes in the oval of the face, sagging and sagging skin.

The principle of Facebook building is manifested in:

  • systematically performing a cycle of exercises to strengthen muscles;
  • alternating dynamic and statistical load of facial muscles;
  • correcting the shape of the face by controlling muscle tension;
  • restoration of muscle tone and restoration of skin elasticity.

Rules for performing facial gymnastics at home

Face building will help you cope with the first signs of aging in the form of loss of skin tone. It is very important to do facial exercises at home correctly, since the effectiveness of the entire process depends on it.

Before performing facial exercises, you need to cleanse the skin of your face and hands.

The basic rules for performing facial exercises using the face-building technique at home are:

  1. Gymnastics should be performed while focusing on the mirror. This will allow you to monitor the correct functioning of the muscles.
  2. Cleanliness of skin and hands.
  3. A systematic approach to performing exercises. Each action must be repeated at least 15 times. For the shortest possible period of results, facial exercises must be carried out every day in the morning and evening.
  4. Combination with accompanying procedures, the essence of which is tightening and smoothing the dermis of the face.
  5. Warm up before the main load. Pre-warming the muscles is a prerequisite for proper face-building. For this task, puffing up the cheek area and moving the lips, simulating extinguishing candles, are suitable.

Effective exercises for facial modeling

Facebuilding - an effective set of exercises for the face performed at home. Undoubtedly, you should not expect a quick effect, but regular implementation will speed up the process of seeing results.

Cheek lift exercises

One of the most common and at the same time one of the easiest exercises is to lift the cheek area.

The movement of the lips extended into a tube helps to raise the cheeks.

These include:

  • massage movements using a soft towel in the direction of raising the cheeks;
  • turning the head alternately to the right and left, having previously stretched it in front of you;
  • moving the lips clockwise and counterclockwise with a preliminary turn of the head in both directions;
  • inflating and resisting the cheeks with the palms;
  • stick your tongue out through tense lips in a tube position and after 10 seconds return to the opposite position.

Exercises for facial contours

When performing exercises aimed at correcting the oval of the face, you must repeat each of them 30 times.

Pronunciation of vowels. In addition to correcting the shape of the face, the exercise has a lifting effect on the skin area around the lips. When pronouncing vowel sounds, it is necessary to monitor the maximum work of the facial muscles.

To correct the oval of the face, it is necessary to pronounce vowels.

Movement of the lower jaw forward and backward. The exercise lifts the lower part of the face and removes the double chin. Without moving your tongue, move your jaw forward and back.

Exercises for the muscles of the face and neck

Performing face-building exercises for the face at home will not be difficult. Below are easy, but at the same time very effective exercises to tone the muscles of the face and neck.

To correct the muscles of the face and neck, these exercises should be performed daily.

Control of facial muscles. Open your mouth, take out your tongue and look up. Hold the position for a minute, repeat after 30 seconds.

Removing the double chin. Tilt your head back, press your tongue on the palate, then turn your head to the right and left sides alternately. Repeat the exercise on each side 15 times.

Exercises for losing weight on the face and cheeks

The set of exercises is aimed at restoring muscle tone, the decrease of which is caused by internal processes in the body.

These exercises for losing weight on the face and cheeks help eliminate sagging skin and restore muscle tone.


  1. During a deep breath, close your lips tightly, while continuing to try to draw in air. Place your fingers on your ears and press on your cheeks. Hold the position for 10 seconds, repeat 5 approaches with an interval of 20 seconds.
  2. Press your lips tightly to your teeth and open your mouth. Apply pressure using your tongue first on one cheek, then on the second. Keep the muscles tense for 20 seconds, repeat 5 approaches with an interval of 20 seconds.
  3. Opening your mouth in the same way as the previous exercise, use your index fingers to apply pressure to the lower border of the orbit. The location of the thumbs should be behind the earlobes.
  4. Clenching your fists, support your chin with them, and with your thumbs perform pressing movements on it. Keep the muscles tense for 15 seconds, repeat 7 approaches with an interval of 15 seconds.

Exercises for cheekbones

Using face-building exercises at home, you can not only achieve a slimming effect on your face, but also train your cheekbones.

You need to perform exercises for the cheekbones of your face 8 times in a row.

Exercises for cheekbones:

  1. Positioning your lips as if before a kiss, outline the intended circle with your lips in the air. Perform the exercise 1 minute clockwise, 1 minute counterclockwise.
  2. Putting your thumbs behind your cheeks near the upper gums, make a pulling movement, while simultaneously tensing your facial muscles.
  3. Sit on a chair, clench your teeth and throw your head back. Lower the shoulder girdle down until you feel tension in your cheeks. Stay in this pose for 15 seconds, completing 8 repetitions.

Exercises for nasolabial folds

The classic approach to gymnastics of the nasolabial area includes a number of exercises, which after a short time you can notice visible results.

Cheek puffing is an effective exercise for correcting nasolabial folds.

These include:

  • Puffing and relaxing the cheeks.
  • Pronouncing vowel sounds without closing your lips.
  • Folding your lips into a tube shape and stretching them forward in this position.
  • Pushing forward the lower jaw, squeezing the lips.
  • Rolling of air inside the oral cavity.

Exercises for the oval face from sagging cheeks

The set of exercises should be performed as follows:

  1. Starting position: half squat, give your hands support in the knee area. Bringing your neck muscles into tension, take a deep breath and try to exhale as much air as possible. Stopping your breathing, push your jaw until your muscles tense. Stay in the position for 20 seconds, perform a cycle of repetitions 5 times with an interval of 30 seconds.
  2. Raising your head, move your hands behind you. Raising your head high, look towards the ceiling. Stay in position for 10 seconds. Pain in the neck and face after the first few sets is normal, since the muscular system rarely responds to training.
  3. Pursing your lips into a circle, look at the ceiling, opening your eyes as wide as possible. Keep your lips tense for 30 seconds.

Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles

Exercise against wrinkles in the forehead area. Open your eyes as much as possible and relax your forehead muscles as much as possible. Hold the tension for 10 seconds, repeat after 30 seconds.

Exercises to smooth out wrinkles in the forehead should be performed daily.

Exercise to combat vertical wrinkles on the forehead. For prevention and reduction, it is necessary to make stretching movements of the problem areas with the middle and thumb of both hands. Hold the position for 30 seconds, repeat after 15 seconds.

Removing horizontal wrinkles on the forehead. Place your index fingers so that they follow the shape of the eyebrow arch, while providing resistance to it as it rises up. Hold the position for 30 seconds, repeat after 15 seconds.

Anti-aging facial exercises

For maximum effect and long-lasting results facial rejuvenation exercises should be done daily for the first 3 months. After this time, the complex can be repeated every 4 days.

Exercises for facial rejuvenation can be performed both daily and at short intervals.

As with all of the above exercises, it is important to perform the complex regularly and consistently to maintain muscle tone. A prerequisite for anti-aging exercises is a preliminary warm-up.

It works like this:

  1. Placing your thumbs in the temporal zone, raise your eyebrows, overcoming the resistance of the remaining fingers. Hold the position for 10 seconds, do 15 approaches with an interval of 15 seconds.
  2. Raising your eyebrows, open your eyes as wide as possible. Hold the position for 5 seconds, do 10 approaches with an interval of 20 seconds.
  3. Place your palms on your forehead and roll your eyeballs with your eyes closed. The head is at rest at this time. The exercise is performed 1 time and counterclockwise.

Facial rejuvenation systems popular in the world from professionals

The stereotype of facial skin care makes people think that for a beautiful appearance it is enough to use high-quality cosmetics, take vitamins and periodically visit a cosmetologist.

Face building exercises for the face at home will help rid the skin of wrinkles and give it tone.

However, with time comes the understanding that deep wrinkles, flabby cheeks and sagging skin cannot be hidden by any cosmetic product.

Following the example of professionals, the process of withering and loss of tone of the epithelium and muscular system of the face can be postponed for a long time.

Facial gymnastics Carol Maggio

The Carol Maggio complex allows you to sculpt the oval of your face without resorting to the help of plastic surgeons. With regular gymnastics, already after six months the tone improves, elasticity returns.

Gymnastics for the face by Carol Maggio allows you to get rid of deep folds and wrinkles after just half a year.

The Maggio system has a lifting effect, forms the expressiveness of the face in terms of raising the eyebrows, increasing the openness of the gaze - and all this without leaving home!

Carol Maggio's gymnastics allows you to:

  • adjust the line of the eyebrow arch;
  • increase the level of the corners of the mouth;
  • tighten the facial contour;
  • fight wrinkles of various sizes in the area of ​​nasolabial folds;
  • give tone to aging skin.

So, about the exercises themselves:

  • To combat puffiness under the eyes, tighten and strengthen the lower eyelid area. Apply resistance with your index fingers on the outer corners and middle fingers on the inner corners while you squint your eyes strongly. Repeat 10 times.
  • Toning aging skin. Place your lower lip behind your teeth and open your mouth slightly. In this position, smoothly close and open your mouth, as if scooping up air. The chin should be raised. Repeat 10 times.
  • Smoothing wrinkles in the neck area and tightening sagging skin. Lie on the floor face up. Squeezing your neck slightly to provide resistance, lift your head 3-4 cm from the floor until the muscles tense. Hold the position for 5 seconds and relax. Do 10 approaches.

Facebook building by Evgenia Baglyk

The TOP most popular exercises included:

  • Working on nasolabial folds. Starting position: with your mouth wide open, lower your jaw until the skin on your cheekbones is stretched. Freeze in position for half a minute. Repeat 5 times.
  • Exercise against sagging cheeks. Having assumed the position from the previous exercise, use your straight index fingers to press on the middle of your cheeks, as if pushing this area inward, while relaxing and maintaining the shape of your lips. Hold in tension for 20 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Facebuilding using the method of Evgenia Baglyk is included in the top 5 most effective methods of facial rejuvenation.
  • Removing the double chin. Sitting on the edge of a chair with a straight back and shoulders, raise your chin until you form an angle of 90 degrees with your neck. Exhaling, lean toward the back of the chair, hold the position for 5 seconds, and return to an even position. Repeat 5 times.

Gymnastics for the face of Anastasia Burdyug

The complex is designed to tone all facial muscle groups.

Gymnastics for the face according to the method of Anastasia Burdyug is aimed at all muscle groups of the face.

It is done like this:

  1. Correction of the oval and contour of the face. Directing your gaze to the ceiling, place your lips behind your teeth, lifting the corners of your mouth until you feel tension. Hold the position for 10 seconds.
  2. Strengthening the muscle tone of the neck. Sitting comfortably on the floor, apply resistance to your neck with your hands, while trying to rise above the floor. Perform until you feel discomfort for 10 seconds.
  3. We tighten the chin. Starting position: sitting straight on a chair, pull in your stomach, raise your chin to the ceiling without raising your head. Smile without showing your teeth, relax.
  4. We contour the area of ​​the lower jaw. Hiding your lips behind your teeth, move your jaw 10 times using scooping movements.
  5. Smoothing wrinkles in nasolabial folds. Place your lips in an oval shape. Use your index fingers to massage, starting from the corners of the mouth and ending with the area of ​​the wings of the nose.
  6. Work on eliminating bags and hollows in the eye area. With your lips and teeth tightly closed, open your mouth in an attempt to pronounce the letter “O”. Wrinkle your nose and pronounce the letter “E.” Return to starting position;
  7. We add expressiveness to the face. Having given your lips a strong tension, press them to your teeth, placing your fingers at the level of your cheekbones, tense and relax your muscles.
  8. Exercise to lift eyelids. Use your index fingers on the bridge of your nose and your thumbs under your lower eyelids to provide resistance when trying to close your eyes.
  9. Fighting wrinkles on the forehead. Place your fingers on your forehead over your eyebrows and clasp your little fingers together. When raising the eyebrow arches up, resist them by lowering your fingers down.
  10. Correction of the lower eyelid. Using your index fingers on your lower eyelids, squint your eyes and look at the ceiling.
  11. Working on the shape of the nose. Place your index finger on the tip of the nose and press on it with a supporting movement. Using your other hand, use your index finger to press on the same area. Having taken this position, lower your lower lip.
  12. Lip exercise. Tighten your joined lips as much as possible. Use your index fingers to gently lift the corners of your mouth.
  13. Enlarging lips. Wrapping the lower lip to the level of the gum behind the teeth, massage the central part and corners of the lips with patting movements.

Gymnastics for the face of Elena Pyatibrat

Do all the following movements in sets of 5 times:

  • Make a smoothing movement with your fingers from the center to the temporal area.
  • Using the tips of your thumbs, feel the inner corners of the eye socket and use light pressure movements to massage the entire upper contour of the eyes.
  • Do a similar movement with the lower contour of the eyes, only with your middle finger.
  • Using the index fingers of both hands, make longitudinal strokes of massage lines along the nose area.
  • Spreading the index and ring fingers apart, use the resulting “fork” to massage the corners of the lips one by one (moving from the corners to the central point of the lips).

Gymnastics for the face of Galina Dubinina

Delay the aging process for as long as possible looking young and attractive is one of the main women’s desires. And with the help of regular performance of facial gymnastics by Dubina, it is quite feasible.

The technique of facial rejuvenation using facebuilding by Galina Dubinina contributes to the complete delay of aging.

Exercise against the formation of nasolabial folds . Straighten the nasolabial folds with your thumbs placed on your teeth and apply pressure to them using your upper lip. Using the thumb of the right hand, placed on the canine on the left side, we smooth out the circumlabial wrinkles.

Exercise against double chin . Place your lips behind your teeth. Smile and count to 10. Sticking out your tongue, apply pressure to the upper lip, leaving the muscles relaxed. Further starting position: the upper lip is positioned behind the lower lip in a covering motion. The head is thrown back. Count to 15 and relax all your muscles.

Exercise against folds between the eyebrows . Place your middle and index fingers at the base of your eyebrows. Move your eyebrows together, resisting the formation of folds.

Gymnastics for the face of Margarita Levchenko

Slow skin renewal can occur as a result of regular lack of sleep, various diseases, and from elementary stress. Yes, you can try to correct the situation by taking medications and using high-quality cosmetics, but you need to approach solving this problem from the inside.

To get the effect of Margarita Levchenko’s face building, you must complete a minimum course of 21 days.

If you perform Levchenko’s gymnastics for 10 minutes every day, after 21 days you will see noticeable results in improving the condition of your skin.

Gymnastics is performed like this:

  1. To reduce wrinkles in the forehead and relieve fatigue, perform circular movements with your palms over tense areas of the face. Do three approaches to perform the exercise.
  2. To reduce wrinkles in the eyebrow area, you need to massage in a circular motion using your thumbs, starting from the bridge of the nose and ending with the temporal area.
  3. To increase the tone and elasticity of the cheeks, starting from the area between the eyes and heading towards the lips, massage in a circular motion, pre-warming your fingers.

Gymnastics for the face from Larisa Verbitskaya

Exercises must be performed by repetition, 10 times each.

Gymnastics for the face of Larisa Verbitskaya consists of warming up the facial muscles with heated palms.

The exercises should be performed as follows:

  1. Warm up the skin of your palms by rubbing against each other and apply to the skin of your face to transfer heat to the facial muscles.
  2. Warm the skin of your palms by rubbing against each other and apply to your closed eyes. Perform 10 movements in a clockwise direction.
  3. Hide the thumb of both hands, making a fist. Using the middle phalanges, rub the facial muscles starting from the chin and ending with the ear area.
  4. Place your right palm on your forehead and place the palm of your left hand on top. Using rubbing movements, warm the skin of the forehead.

Shiatsu - a complex of quick gymnastics for facial rejuvenation

Before describing the method of implementation, you should definitely mention the effect achieved after performing a massage using the Shiatsu technique:

  • The facial muscles become toned after the first 4-5 courses of massage.
  • Metabolic processes improve and the circulatory system is activated.
  • The problem of facial swelling goes away.
  • The massage system returns youth to the skin, an even complexion, and makes it more stress-resistant.

First of all, cosmetologists and massage therapists mention that the maximum effect of exercises can only be achieved if the correct sequence is followed.

The main criterion when performing Shiatsu facial gymnastics is the correct placement of the fingers.


  • Using the ring, middle and index fingers, apply a pressing movement to the central point of the forehead area. Moving from the center to the temple area, perform slightly spreading movements of the fingers. Repeat the exercise with both hands.
  • By placing the above-mentioned fingers above the brow ridges, massage the sub-brow area with palpable movements.
  • Using your ring, middle and index fingers, apply very light pressure movements to the lower eyelid area.

The effectiveness of face building for the face after 50 years

Performing a set of exercises using one of the above face-building techniques after 50 years, you can easily achieve the effect of rejuvenation, returning muscle tone, smoothing wrinkles, correcting the double chin and correcting the oval of the face as a whole.

By applying face-building techniques at home to women over 50 years of age, you can achieve a significant improvement in skin quality.

The main rule is a systematic, regular approach and adherence to the methodology and sequence of exercises.

What cosmetologists and doctors think about facial gymnastics

Having conducted a survey among cosmetologists and systematized their answers, we can note the following in their opinions:

  • Face building is indeed extremely useful for strengthening facial muscles.
  • The methods of implementation are quite varied both in time and in complexity, and it will not be difficult to choose exactly the approach that will be useful in each individual case of age-related changes in the face.
  • Sets of exercises are beneficial even for those who have no time for sports at all, since they can be performed, for example, in traffic jams, or while relaxing in the evening while watching your favorite TV series. By doing them at least 2 times a week, a trip to a plastic surgeon can be eliminated from your plans for the near future.

Doctors and cosmetologists recommend doing facial exercises to all women.

To summarize, it can be noted that people who want to look beautiful, young and well-groomed without extra costs should definitely pay attention to face building. Facial exercises at home are highly effective and will not make you wait for visible results to appear, and the results themselves have a long-lasting healing effect.

Interesting videos about Facebook building

From this video you will learn about what face-building is and what basic exercises you can do at home:

The video will help you understand what face building is - facial gymnastics, and what facial exercises you can do at home:

Exercises or fitness for the face is a special set of exercises aimed at tightening, rejuvenating and improving the appearance of the face and neck. Women at all times strive to prolong youth and preserve beauty. Our contemporary woman has a huge number of different helpers in caring for her facial skin. Let's look at the basics of facial exercises from leading fitness trainers.

Evgenia Baglyk “Facial Fitness” is the name of the author’s course, which is very popular among the fair sex and gives an amazing rejuvenating effect. Manufacturers of cosmetics offer various care products that have a beneficial effect on moisturizing and cleansing the skin, but specially designed gymnastics for the face and neck or fitness will help to cope with more complex problems associated with age-related weakening of facial muscle tone.

The main tasks of facial fitness:

  1. Getting rid of existing wrinkles and preventing their premature appearance.
  2. Getting rid of puffiness under the eyes.
  3. Increased elasticity and firmness of the zygomatic muscles.
  4. Elimination of double chin, sagging cheeks.
  5. Strengthening skin tone, improving complexion.
  6. Strengthening the neck muscles.
  7. Creating a beautiful facial contour.

The exercises are aimed at increasing the tone of the facial muscles by enriching the skin with oxygen and natural muscle function.

When performing exercises, Evgenia Baglyk recommends adhering to the following rules:

  1. Gymnastics classes should be carried out regularly.
  2. For massage, use oils only with natural ingredients, without flavors or fragrances.
  3. The face and hands must be absolutely clean.
  4. Gymnastics and massage should not cause pain.
  5. To avoid exacerbation of skin diseases, before starting a fitness course, consultation with a dermatologist and cosmetologist is necessary.

Exercises and massage for swelling and wrinkles around the eyes

  1. Warm up for the eyes. Intense blinking with maximum opening and closing of the eyes, without the participation of the eyebrows. Circular movements of the head several times in both directions.
  2. Gymnastics for the eyes. “Drawing” a vertical figure eight with your eyes in one direction and the other several times, the head remains motionless. Then draw the same circle with your eyes clockwise and back with maximum grip.
  3. Gymnastics for the upper part of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Place two fingers on the outer and inner corners of your eyes, press the corners and close your eyes as tightly as possible and open them wide. Do this several times. The eyebrows remain motionless.
  4. Gymnastics for the lower part of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Place two fingers on the outer and inner corners of the eyes. Press the corners of your eyes and, opening your eyes as much as possible, look at the top of the room, while simultaneously pulling up the lower part of the eyelid. The lower eyelid should be pulled up and down several times, while the eyes continue to look at the top of the room.
  5. Gymnastics to enlarge your eyes. Open your eyes as wide as possible (bulge), hold for 15-20 seconds and relax your eyes. Repeat several times a day. The result will become noticeable within a week.

Gymnastics to improve the shape and raise the corners of the mouth

  1. Warm up. It is necessary to spank your lips several times, pronouncing the sound “P”. Continue the exercise 7-10 times with slightly relaxed lips.
  2. Exercises to enlarge and improve the shape of lips. Place your palms on both sides of the corners of your mouth, pressing your cheeks and corners of your lips tightly. Perform the “air kiss” exercise, fixing your cheeks and corners of your lips with your palms. The lips should not be strained too much; the upper part should not form a fold.
  3. Exercise to lift the corners of the mouth. In front of the mirror, without using your fingers, try to slightly raise the corners of your mouth (without smiling). Fix with your fingers the place where the corners are raised, and then lift the corners with force, providing muscular resistance to your fingers. There should be a feeling of nodules under your fingers; the center of your lips should not tense.
  4. An exercise to improve the tone of the orbicularis oris muscle and smooth out wrinkles above the lips. You need to open your mouth into an oval and fix the corners with your fingers. You need to make a movement with your lips that imitates a fish (tighten your lips and release). It is necessary to work only with the upper and lower lips, without straining the muscles of the cheeks. There should be a feeling of muscle tension above and below the lips.

Gymnastics for smoothing the contour of the face, beautiful cheekbones

  1. Exercises to improve the tone of the cheek muscles. Lower your lower jaw and extend your mouth into an “O” shape. Straightened index fingers must be placed in the mouth over the entire lower row of teeth. By tensing and retracting your cheeks, move your fingers to the center. Move and release several times, tensing only the muscles of the cheeks, the lips are not involved. In order to prevent nasolabial folds from appearing, it is necessary to slightly stretch the upper lip.
  2. Exercises to train the zygomatic muscles. Lower your lower jaw and extend your mouth into the letter “O”. Place straightened index fingers under the upper lip at an angle of 45 degrees. Use the muscles of the upper lip to press and lower your fingers. The tension in the area around the nose should be well felt. Repeat several times and relax the muscle of the upper lip through the usual inflation of air.
  3. Exercise for the zygomatic major muscles. Lower your lower jaw and extend your mouth into an “O” shape. In front of the mirror, without using your fingers, using the force of the zygomaticus major muscle, you need to pull the muscles up to the eyes and lower them. This can be done by pronouncing the short letter “O” or feigning a feeling of disgust (wrinkling your forehead and the crease between your eyes). In this exercise, the corners of the mouth are not worked.

With a serious approach and regular facial fitness exercises, a positive result will be noticeable within a week.

Face culture from Galina Dubinina

Any woman dreams of prolonging her youth as much as possible. Every woman, regardless of age, can feel the effect of facial fitness with Galina Dubinina. All it takes is a little time and patience. Facial fitness is gaining popularity as a safe and effective way to maintain youth and attractiveness. Facial gymnastics includes a set of exercises for each problem area.

As you know, the reason for facial aging lies in the sagging of the muscle corset. With age, muscles lose tone and elasticity, causing sagging eyelids, cheeks and chin. Few ladies want to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. In order to look younger, they resort to a set of exercises for the face of Galina Dubinina.

Exercises for a tight and smooth face

Facial gymnastics, performed for 10-15 minutes a day, will give a unique effect in just 2-3 weeks. You can see how the skin tightens, fine wrinkles disappear and the face becomes smoother. Regular implementation of simple procedures will be the key to a youthful face.

  1. Removing wrinkles on the forehead. Place the index fingers of both hands on the eyebrows, hugging the fingers and pressing them tightly. Palms are placed on the temples. Pressing your fingers tightly to your forehead, you should try to raise your eyebrows, as if in surprise. Eyebrows should be raised smoothly, without sudden movements. Do the exercise until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles of your forehead. It is worth increasing the number of approaches gradually. For starters, 5 times for 8 seconds will be enough.
  2. We remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. Place the middle finger of each hand at the beginning of the eyebrow. Place your index fingers a little higher. In this position, we begin to wrinkle our eyebrows. The fingers are positioned strictly one above the other. We perform the first 2 approaches slowly. And 2 more approaches - quickly.
  3. We remove the border between the cheek and the eye. You should relax your face, neck and shoulders. We blink widely and often. Next, we make an oval with our mouth, roll our eyes up and blink widely. We devote 8 seconds to this exercise, do 4 approaches.
  4. Removing the double chin. The upper part of the face is relaxed. We try to reach the nose with the tip of the tongue. If this exercise is difficult to perform, you can lightly press the upper lip with the tip of your tongue. We perform this exercise for 8 seconds, do 2 approaches.
  5. Getting rid of sagging chin. We prop up the jaw with our fist and try to open it. Every time we try to press our chin onto our fist. Overcome resistance for 8 seconds. Do 3 sets slowly and 3 sets quickly.
  6. We tighten the chin. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck and chin. Using the middle of the tongue, press on the upper palate. If you look at yourself in the mirror during the exercise, you can see how your chin tightens. We perform 2 approaches for 4 seconds slowly and at a fast pace for the same amount.
  7. We tighten our cheeks. This exercise trains the zygomatic muscles. We smile widely, raising the corners of our lips. If folds form under the eyes, you should press your upper lip to your teeth and smile in this position of your lips, allowing the corners to rise. This exercise should be done for 8 seconds, 2 slow and fast approaches.
  8. Raise your upper lip. We smile, showing our upper teeth. Let's feel the tension in the upper part of the cheeks. After this, we stretch our mouth, pronouncing the sound “O”, leaving tension. Next, we raise our cheeks and blink. Performed in 4 sets of 8 seconds.

Facebook building: beautiful eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes appear earlier than all others and very well reveal a woman’s age. Thanks to Galina Dubinina's exercises, you can tighten the skin around the eyes and make your eyes radiant.

We tighten the upper eyelid. You should open your eyes as wide as possible. After this, four fingers of each hand, except the thumb, should be placed on the forehead. So that the little fingers touch the eyebrows. With tension, we try to open our eyes as wide as possible and raise our eyebrows as high as possible. Next, open and close the upper eyelid. The tension remains. About 5 approaches of 4 seconds are done to fix the open and closed eyelids.

Removing bags under the eyes. We place our index fingers at the outer corner of the eye, and the middle fingers at the inner corner on the bridge of the nose. In this position, you should squint as hard as possible, raising the lower eyelid. This exercise is performed for 10 seconds, 2 approaches. Next, we leave our fingers in the same position, and our eyes look at the ceiling. Raise the lower eyelid first at a fast pace, then at a slow pace for 8 seconds. Then we do the same exercises, but with our eyes closed.

These simple facial exercises will help you look younger and get rid of wrinkles.

It does not take much time and does not require costs. Galina Dubinina's facial fitness is the best alternative to facial plastic surgery.

Facebook building - facial gymnastics from Carol Maggio

Gymnastics for the face by Carol Maggio also refers to facebuilding (Facebuilding is a literal translation from English - face building).

The worldwide popularity of the set of exercises is explained by its high efficiency. Facebuilding is considered an excellent alternative to surgical facial plastic surgery. When performing gymnastics Carol Maggio works 57 facial muscles. Thanks to the use of exercises, it became possible to achieve the following results:

  • improvement of the oval contour of the face;
  • getting rid of a double chin;
  • raising the eyelids;
  • reduction of bags under the eyes;
  • alignment of nasolabial folds;
  • increase in lip volume;
  • raising the corners of the mouth;
  • skin elasticity;
  • narrowing and shortening of the nose.

Before starting the exercises, you need to identify problem areas for yourself and pay closer attention to working on them.

The main goal of face building is to reduce the signs of aging and create beautiful facial contours.

Freshness and elasticity of the skin is possible at any age, provided that the complex is followed taking into account all the author’s recommendations. After all, for proper anti-aging care, it is not enough to just have a beautiful, toned body. Achieving harmony in appearance is possible through a combination of correction methods for both the face and body.

Carol Maggio, a practicing cosmetologist from America, has been studying age-related changes in women's faces for many years on herself and on her clients. Avoiding anti-wrinkle injections and surgery became possible thanks to her recommendations.

Effectiveness is achieved by performing exercises for 11 minutes twice a day at least 5 times a week. To achieve a lasting effect, facial exercises must be performed for about 6-8 weeks.

To track the results, the author of the set of exercises suggests taking photographs of your face from different angles before starting training. After 10 days, you need to take the same photographs and compare the results. The cosmetologist is convinced that regular exercises will definitely give visible results.

In order to quickly achieve the desired improvements, an express complex is provided for convenient execution in the car or at work.

There is also an enhanced complex of 9 exercises of increased complexity. To avoid unwanted results and facial deformations, it is not recommended to use it without first mastering the initial level, as well as without familiarizing yourself with video tutorials.

Gymnastics at home

Many face-building instructors use Carol Maggio's recommendations as the basis for their training. Changing the proportions and contours of the face is possible subject to regular loads on certain muscle groups.

At home, achieving visible results became possible after a cosmetologist wrote a book with a detailed description of the exercises and other recommendations. There are video lessons on the use of gymnastics. Studying materials with step-by-step instructions will allow you to rejuvenate and improve the condition of your facial skin without outside help.

Regular training can, if not completely eliminate, then significantly reduce the following signs of skin aging:

  • sagging chin;
  • sagging skin in the neck area;
  • drooping cheeks;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • changing the shape of the nose;
  • wrinkled lips.

Don't underestimate the role of home face building. Every well-groomed woman can create a beautiful face at home to complete her look. The author's technique provides for the work of even the smallest facial muscles, taking into account age-related changes in the skin. Gymnastics from a practicing cosmetologist will help you effectively resist aging without surgical intervention.

We want to always remain young and attractive. But the fact remains: over the years, the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles appear on it. Is it possible to stop age-related changes on the face or reverse them - find out from this article.

prerequisites for the emergence

The skin on the face is thinner than on the rest of the body. For this reason, she begins to age earlier. Over the years, the production of collagen and elastin decreases and then stops altogether, and the oval of the face begins to “slide” down. In addition to physiological changes, ultraviolet rays, bad habits and incorrect facial expressions age the skin.

It has long been noticed that the skin on the body of an athlete and a person who regularly experiences physical activity remains elastic and taut for a long time. Following this logic, people thought: what if the facial muscles can be trained like the muscles of the body?

It is known that under the skin the skull is completely entangled with muscles that are responsible for closing/opening the eyelids, chewing, speech and facial expressions. If at a young age they are elastic and of normal size, then later the muscles shorten and become thinner, and some atrophy. To avoid this, facial gymnastics was invented.

a brief excursion into the history of facial gymnastics

Now it is not known for certain when exercises for the facial muscles were first invented. There is evidence that the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt practiced facial gymnastics. Scientific study of the effect of exercise on the condition of the skin began in the second half of the 19th century, when it was already known in detail about the anatomical structure of the person.

One of the first books devoted to facial exercises was Sanford Bennett’s book “Gymnastics in Bed,” published in 1907, in which the author detailed 35 exercises that he personally developed and tested over 20 years.

Then, in 1912, he published another creation - a book called “Old Age, Its Causes and Prevention,” which also talked about facial gymnastics.

Another researcher into facial exercises was Katherine Murray, who published several books on the subject over several decades of the 20th century, including “A System of Exercises for Facial Beauty,” as well as newspaper articles.

1906 Illustration from a newspaper article “Make faces to preserve beauty”

1937 Newspaper publication by K. Murray “How to look like a young girl”

Speaking about the history of facial gymnastics, one cannot fail to mention Senta Maria Runge, who published the book “Facelift with Exercises” in 1961, on the basis of which many facial techniques are based.

1961 Illustration for the book “Facelift with Exercise”

Currently, several dozen different practices for the facial muscles are known. The most popular of them will be revealed in the following sections of the article.

what is the essence of facial gymnastics

A young face can be mentally placed in an inverted triangle with the apex at the bottom: the muscle frame is strong, the skin is elastic. Over the years, under the influence of the earth's gravity, the facial features move downwards, and the triangle becomes the top at the top. Facial gymnastics is aimed at slowing down this process by strengthening the muscle frame.

Whatever technique you choose, they are all aimed at working the facial muscles through exercises. They need to be followed every day throughout your life. Depending on the type, a set of exercises takes from 15 to 30 minutes per day. But for beginners at the beginning of the journey it will take much longer to master the exercises.

Each technique contains exercises for different groups of facial muscles: forehead, neck, area around the eyes and lips, cheekbones, etc. One exercise trains one muscle, sometimes using neighboring ones.

With the help of facial gymnastics you can:

  • tighten the skin and oval of the face as a whole;
  • remove wrinkles or make them less noticeable;
  • eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgery;
  • restore the functioning of facial muscles after injury or stroke.

The main advantage of exercises for facial muscles is their versatility: they are suitable for both women and men.

To perform them for the first time you will need a mirror. Later, once you have mastered the technique, you can do them in the car or while lying in bed.

Is it possible to look 10 years younger by doing facial exercises? Quite! Many women who practice it note an improvement in their skin's condition and overall appearance. For some ladies, the difference between “before” and “after” is colossal. But to get a good result, the correct choice of technique and its implementation, as well as consistency of practice, are important.

what you need to know before starting classes

First of all, you need to decide whether you currently need facial gymnastics or not, because... If you start doing exercises, you will need to exercise for the rest of your life to maintain and improve the results. Examine your face carefully in good lighting. If you have pronounced wrinkles and folds, or you notice that your skin has lost its elasticity and tone (for example, with sudden weight loss), or you want to eliminate/reduce the consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgery/rhinoplasty, or restore the functioning of your facial muscles after an illness, you can Feel free to choose a method that is convenient for yourself and practice according to it. But if you have a toned face and no wrinkles (even if you’re over...), then it’s better to wait with the exercises. Please note that we do not recommend starting classes at any specific age, but only when needs are identified. Everything here is individual: you can be a young girl, but have far from “fresh” skin, and vice versa, there are women of Balzac’s age with an ideal face.

Further, if you open a book by any author on facial gymnastics, you will see that at the beginning there is always a theoretical part about the anatomy of the face and neck. And it’s not easy: you can’t work on what you don’t know. The exercise will give the best effect if you clearly understand which muscle is involved in it. This will help avoid runtime errors in the future.

You also need to know that when training one muscle, you need to block the work of others. For example, if you are doing an exercise to strengthen your chin, then make sure that your eyebrows do not rise and the nasolabial fold area does not tense.

Facial exercises by Carol Maggio

California cosmetologist Carol Maggio developed a set of exercises for herself to improve the condition of her skin after the scorching sun of Arizona, where she spent her youth, and also to reduce the defects of unsuccessful rhinoplasty. But unexpectedly for the author, her technique became widespread and helped many women around the world literally turn back time. Now Carol is over seventy, but looks much younger than her age, assuring that this is largely due to gymnastics.

In the 80s of the twentieth century, she published a book entitled “Aerobics for the muscles and skin of the face,” containing the theory of facial muscles, a set of exercises for beginners, a set of exercises for advanced levels and for training while driving, as well as useful recommendations for skin care . It was first published in Russia in 2002.

In 2011, Carol released a new book of advanced facial exercises called The New Facial Aerobics.

To perform the exercises you need to remember 4 rules:

  1. Pose: sitting on a chair, back straight, stomach pulled in, buttocks squeezed, forming the so-called. "anchor".
  2. Visualization: you need to imagine how energy flows through the muscle and how the latter rises during work.
  3. Lactic acid burning. During exercise, feel the burning sensation in the muscle that occurs as lactic acid is released as a result of exertion.
  4. Relaxation: After each exercise, pass air through closed lips, making a sound like a horse snorting.

Having learned the rules, let's start doing the exercises!

Having mastered the basic course, you can move on to advanced level exercises.

Finally, we can’t help but highlight a few more points:

  • Facial aerobics from K. Maggio is really very effective when done correctly. However, according to the author himself, 70% of beginners do the exercises incorrectly, as a result of which their results are either zero or negative.
  • Despite their apparent simplicity, the exercises are difficult to master, so before you start practicing them, it is better to master simpler techniques from other authors in order to learn how to feel and correctly use the facial muscles.
  • Due to its high effectiveness, the complex is best used by older women or those who have serious muscle dysfunction as a result of illness. For the rest, it is advisable to start with simple techniques.
  • Those with thin faces should be careful with these exercises, because... As a result, the face may begin to lose even more volume.

Video: aerobics for facial muscles

Facebook building for the face Evgenia Baglyk, Facebook building with pictures

The term “face building” appeared in the late nineties of the twentieth century and means a facelift by pumping up the facial muscles. In Russia, one of the first founders of the face-building school is Evgenia Baglyk, who developed her own set of exercises for the face, with which you can achieve:

  • tightened oval face;
  • young and plump lips;
  • reducing wrinkles;
  • disappearance of edema;
  • highlight cheekbones beautifully.

Initially, Evgenia developed a set of exercises for herself and, having achieved excellent results, began teaching them to other people.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with ten simple face-building exercises that can be performed from the age of 25.

Do the exercises daily, and within a couple of weeks you will see the first results.

Video: face building for the face Evgenia Baglyk

Effective exercises for the face, exercises with pictures, photo comparison results

If you don’t have time to attend a face-building school and study practices, we offer simple but effective facial exercises.

1. To eliminate a double chin

Many people develop a double chin before wrinkles, making them appear older than their age. The reasons for its occurrence may be excess weight, loss of skin elasticity, or a physiologically small chin. By doing 5 minutes a day according to the scheme below, within a week you will notice the first results.

2. Gymnastics for all facial muscle groups

If you need to tighten your face, reduce wrinkles around the eyes, add volume to your lips and tone your skin, we recommend doing the following exercises daily.

A noticeable result will be noticeable after 1-2 months of regular training, and you can feel an improvement in complexion and skin appearance after the first days of training.

Before the first lesson, take a profile and full-face photo, next time take a photo two weeks later and two months after the start of training. This will help you see the result in comparison.

And here are the photographs of the above-mentioned Evgenia Baglyk.

As you can see, by spending 15-20 minutes daily, you can slow down the aging process or even reverse it.

Video: Anastasia Burdyug face building for the face

Another popular face-building teacher is Anastasia Burdyug. After training with facial gymnastics guru Carol Maggio, Anastasia opened her own school, where she teaches the art of extending youth to those who wish.

Irina Belskaya face building for the face

Irina Belskaya is a face-building instructor from Odessa. She conducts her classes within the framework of Evgenia Baglyk’s school, both in person and via Skype.

Irina does not yet have her own methodology and teaches through systematic Facebook building courses.

According to her, regular training of the facial muscles will allow:

  • improve the oval of the face;
  • give elasticity and tone to the skin;
  • maintain a youthful face for many years.

Video: face building for the face Irina Belskaya

Gymnastics for the face Galina Dubinina

At the beginning of the 2000s, former fitness instructor Galina Dubinina began trying to use exercises to train her facial muscles. Having studied a lot of literature on this topic and using the experience gained, she created gymnastics for the facial muscles, which she later began teaching at her own “School of Youth”, opened in St. Petersburg.

In addition, Galina Dubinina is the president of the International Association of Professional Facial Gymnastics Trainers.

One of the few, Galina Dubinina, created sets of exercises for different ages. In terms of effectiveness, her gymnastics is comparable to plastic surgery, but much safer than the latter.

Galina Dubinina is categorically against “beauty injections”, the consequences of which are difficult to correct. In her opinion, the facial muscles atrophy as a result of Botox injections; accordingly, the muscular frame of the face weakens, and the skin, without support under the influence of gravity, will steadily “creep” down.

Gymnastics, on the contrary, helps strengthen the muscle frame, as a result of which the skin will remain tight and youthful for a long time.

Below we have presented Galina Dubinina’s exercises for the muscles of the face and neck, as well as her recommendations.

By doing the exercises daily, within two weeks you will notice improvements in your skin condition.

Video: face with Galina Dubinina

Fitness for the face Alena Rossoshinskaya, essence

Alena Rossoshinskaya’s path to creating her own method of training facial muscles began with the desire to eliminate the appearance of a double chin. By studying various facial practices, Alena not only achieved a beautiful oval face, but also developed several other effective exercises. She reflected all her knowledge in her first book, “Face Culture,” released in 2014. Later, Alena wrote 4 more books on facial fitness.

The main principles of the Rossoshinskaya technique are:

  • regular use of all facial muscles by performing exercises;
  • self-massage;
  • control over facial expressions and posture.

After warming up, you can begin exercises for each muscle group, videos of which are in the next chapter.

Video: facial fitness Alena Rossoshinskaya

Revitonics Natalya Osminina, essence

Revitonics is based on influencing the skin through manual and hardware therapy, as well as through a set of exercises for the facial muscles. Revitonics was developed by Natalya Osminina, a former plastic surgeon, specialist in facial and musculoskeletal restoration.

The essence of revitonics is to prevent skin aging by performing sets of exercises designed for different groups of facial muscles. You can master the course yourself by watching training videos.

As a result of practicing revitonics, many people experience:

  • restoration of a clear oval face;
  • reduction of wrinkles;
  • definition of cheekbones;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • disappearance of edema.

Although reviews about revitonics are quite contradictory, it is nevertheless very popular.

Video: revitonics Natalya Osminina

In our article, you got acquainted with some methods of facial gymnastics and now know about the true causes of skin aging. Of course, these are not all authors, but the essence is clear: you can and should fight old age by strengthening the muscular corset with facial exercises. Add here proper skin care and the use of sunscreen, and you will get a formula for youth and beauty.

Botox injections, contouring, laser therapy, facelift... Many women over 30 have to become familiar with these cosmetic procedures. Time flies inexorably, leaving its imprint on the delicate skin of the face. But how you want to preserve your natural youth and beauty! Plastic surgery is one of the fastest and most effective methods of combating age-related changes. But this pleasure does not come cheap. What to do if the family budget does not allow you to spend a lot of money on surgical or cosmetic surgery? It's very simple: do Facebook building. Don't forget that the face, like the rest of the body, also has muscles. And if you keep them in good shape, you can say goodbye to early aging. Fitness trainer Evgenia Baglyk offers an effective method of facial gymnastics.

Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk

Kiev resident Evgenia Baglyk has always been on friendly terms with a healthy lifestyle. For many years she worked as a trainer in one of the capital's fitness clubs, helping girls stay in shape. One day Evgenia overheard a conversation between her regular clients. Two women aged 25–30 complained to each other that this month they spent almost half their salary on correcting wrinkles on their faces. And then the coach came up with an original idea: why not fight age-related changes on the face with the same methods as on the body. That is, using a special system of exercises.

Evgenia began to collect bit by bit information about gymnastics for the face. She studied the anatomy of the skull, the location of bones, muscles and nerve endings, tested on herself a huge number of existing techniques and, as a result, developed her own face-building system. The first “test subjects” were the author and her close friends, whom Evgenia asked to participate in the experiment. When, after a few months, women saw amazing results, Baglyk patented her method and began to bring it “to the masses.”

Advantages of the technique

Evgenia Baglyk’s technique has many advantages:

  • Firstly, anyone can find her exercise course on the Internet and take it for free.
  • Secondly, facial gymnastics is universal. It is suitable for both women and men. After all, the strong half of humanity sometimes cares about their appearance no less than women.
  • Thirdly, face building allows you to get rid of both small, just emerging defects, and serious shortcomings. All you need is your desire and a responsible approach to the course of exercises.
  • What effect can you get?

    By practicing Evgenia Baglyk’s method regularly, you can:

  • “erase” several years from your face at once without surgical intervention;
  • make lips plumper without injections;
  • say goodbye to double chin;
  • remove wrinkles from the forehead, around the lips and eyes;
  • reduce the depth of nasolabial folds;
  • “outline” cheekbones;
  • tone the facial muscles;
  • smooth out bags under the eyes;
  • improve complexion by stimulating blood flow.
  • Indications and contraindications

    Anyone who wants to correct their appearance without resorting to plastic surgery or the services of a cosmetologist can engage in Facebook building. But this simple gymnastics still has a number of limitations.

    Face building is contraindicated for people who have undergone plastic surgery in the last two years, those who have diseases of the facial nerve, as well as hypertensive patients. In these cases, additional consultation with a doctor is necessary.

    Women and men over 40 may lack the natural muscle strength to completely remove wrinkles. Therefore, an important condition for obtaining the maximum effect from gymnastics is sufficient rest and good sleep.

    The main rules of Facebook building

    You don’t need to prepare in any special way for face-building activities. Since only the face “works”, and the rest of the body rests, general physical training is not important.

    Spend time doing facial exercises every day. Don't be lazy and don't skip classes. Even in a busy work schedule, you can “carve out” 15 minutes for your loved one. Beginners are advised to start with six repetitions of each exercise. Gradually increase the number of repetitions, bringing up to twenty.

    All exercises in this course require the active participation of your hands (namely fingers). They will need to hold the skin on the forehead so that only the muscles are trained. If you ignore this rule, the wrinkles will not disappear, but, on the contrary, will become even more noticeable and deeper.

    You can do the exercises at any time. But if you want to get the desired effect faster, do them in the evening, before going to bed. First, wash your face thoroughly with a scrub and wipe your face with a cleansing tonic. When you start doing gymnastics, listen to your body’s reaction. If you did everything correctly, you will feel a slight burning sensation. Do not forget to periodically relax your facial muscles: exhale through closed lips (so that they vibrate slightly). At the end of the session, moisturize your face with serum or cream.

    Video: how to perform face-building exercises

    Basic exercises for different facial muscles

    Let's move from words to action! Have you already determined which part of your beautiful face requires correction? Then don’t put off starting a beauty course from Evgenia Baglyk and remember simple exercises.

    Video: the most popular exercises from Evgenia Baglyk

    Find more videos from Evgenia Baglyk on how to make your lips plump, “tighten” your cheeks and cheekbones, and remove a double chin on the official YouTube channel of the author of the technique.
