What to anoint your feet for fatigue. Causes of tired legs and ways to solve the problem. method – cosmetics

Greetings to all readers! How to relieve tired legs after a hard day at work? Remove swelling and improve blood circulation without doctors and at home? Read about all this further in our article.

How to improve your feet

Every mother knows firsthand about tired legs. Working on your feet, shopping, running around with a baby - there’s no time to even sit down and take a break.

As a result, by the evening your legs are so tired that you simply cannot do without emergency help. And with such a constant load on the legs, the outflow of venous blood and lymph is completely disrupted, which leads to more serious problems.

If problems such as varicose veins already exist, you should consult a doctor. And we’ll talk about prevention – about quick help recipes for tired legs after a hard day.

1. Foot massage for fatigue

  1. Apply massage oil (cream) to the feet and massage the soles in a circular motion, from the heels to the toes and back. For each foot – at least 10 minutes.
  2. Next, massage your legs with your palms from ankles to knees. Then we bend/extend our toes. After the massage, we stand on the floor and rise on our toes several times – as high as possible.

If your medical record contains a mention of dilated veins, then you need to consult a doctor - he will tell you which massage is contraindicated and which is most useful.

2. Contrast baths

We place two basins next to each other: one contains hot water (39-30 degrees), the other contains cool water.

We lower the legs alternately - first into one basin (for 10 seconds), then into another.

We repeat about 20 times and finish the procedure in a basin of cold water.

3. Simple exercises

Good old exercise Bicycle. We lie on our backs, raise our legs up, stretch our arms to the sides and “pedal.”

Exercise will not only help relieve leg fatigue, but will also be beneficial for capillaries and blood circulation.

After the exercise - a foot bath or massage, for complete happiness.

4. Healthy walking

Don’t rush to jump into slippers after work - get used to walking barefoot to stimulate the nerve endings in your feet.

We buy a special massage mat for the feet and after work we trample on it for 5-10 minutes.

Of course, it is impossible to walk on the grass and sand in the apartment, but the pebble home beach is accessible to everyone.

Pebbles are sold in every store that sells fish. We take only large pebbles. Pour boiling water over the stones, lay them out on a towel and walk on the pebbles, massaging the soles of your feet.

With blue clay. We dilute 2 tbsp of clay with warm water (the consistency of sour cream), apply the mixture to the soles of the feet for 25-30 minutes. We wash off with warm water, massage the feet, smear the legs with cream and throw them higher for 15 minutes. The mask perfectly relieves tired legs and treats sweating.

From bananas. We don't regret bananas! Grind the banana in a blender, mix with 50 g of kefir, add corn flour for thickness. First, lower your feet into the bath (recipes below) for 15 minutes, then apply banana mixture for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, massage your feet and rest.

Cabbage leaf and garlic – help relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs.

  • Roll the cabbage sieve with a rolling pin until the juice comes out, apply it to the feet, secure with bandages for 25-30 minutes. Afterwards – a bath or foot massage.
  • Grind the head of garlic in a blender or on a grater, pour boiling water (a glass) over the pulp, let it sit for half an hour or an hour, and spread the mixture on the feet. Next, rinse off with warm water, dip your feet in a cool herbal bath, massage and go to sleep.

6.Baths with essential oils

Ice cubes (in a basin) made in advance from herbs, mix 2 drops of Peppermint essential oil with a tablespoon of milk and add to the water, along with a little lemon juice. We lower the legs into the bath for 10 minutes, then massage, cream, rest.

Place 3 drops of lavender oil in a bowl of warm water, mixed with a tablespoon of regular sea salt. The procedure takes 10 minutes. You can replace lavender oil with fir oil, juniper oil, cypress, geranium, lemon or chamomile.

Remember: the optimal number of drops is 3-4, no more; oil is not added to water in its pure form - only mixed (with sea salt, milk, soda or regular vegetable oil). Use during pregnancy is not recommended.

7. Herbs for tired legs

Herbal ice

Ice, of course, needs to be prepared in advance. Brew pharmaceutical herbs (leaves, mountain arnica, yarrow and navel tincture in equal proportions), cool, pour into After work, wipe tired legs with pieces of ice. You can use lemon balm and.

Herbal baths

  1. Brew one of the herbs (horsetail, wormwood, St. John's wort or string), infuse, cool, and add to the bath. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt there. Water temperature is a maximum of 37 degrees. Lower your legs for 15 minutes.
  2. For the decoction, choose linden blossom and 2 tbsp chamomile. Add tbsp honey. The procedure takes 15 minutes.
  3. For the decoction – mint and nettle (1 tbsp/l each), leave for 10 minutes, for the procedure – 20 minutes.
  4. To relieve swelling of the legs, fatigue and pain, brew rowan, wormwood and calendula (1 tbsp per 0.2 l), leave for 10 minutes, per liter of water in the bath - 1 tbsp of infusion.
  5. Brew a glass of citrus peel (any) in 1.5 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes, cool, add to the bath, lower the legs for 20 minutes.

8. Alcohol

An effective and quick remedy is regular alcohol. We take it out of the refrigerator, rub the soles of our feet with alcohol - efficiently, with feeling.

Helps quite quickly. And then - legs up. We lift them above our heads, place them on a comfortable cushion (the back of the sofa) and rest for 15-20 minutes.

The woman has only one legs. Nobody will give out others, and there are no spare ones. Therefore, we take care of what nature has given us and do not forget about comfortable shoes with flexible soles. It is also recommended to change the height of your shoes 5-6 times during the day - barefoot, slippers, low-heeled shoes, slippers again, barefoot again, etc.

And the very last thing. Check out these wonderful recommendations from the program Everything will be fine. This may be exactly what you are looking for

Many residents of big cities and megalopolises come home in the evening and feel heavy legs and fatigue. The reason for this is most often the high pace of life, the need to walk a lot in uncomfortable or tight shoes.

If such a phenomenon torments a person every day for a long time, then such a symptom may be a harbinger of serious health problems. Today we will talk about how to relieve fatigue from your legs.


One of the most common causes of a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs in the evening is prolonged standing in an upright position during the day. This results in a disruption of the circulatory process in combination with a deterioration in the outflow of venous blood and lymph. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, swelling in the legs may occur, which is usually accompanied by severe pain and other unpleasant sensations. Also, the following factors can often be to blame for evening leg fatigue:

  1. High-heeled shoes are perceived by many women not as a detail of an outfit for a formal appearance, but also as everyday shoes that are used for going to work and evening walks. However, such shoes do not have the best effect on the condition of the feet, provoking the occurrence and development of various diseases.
  2. Too frequent and difficult physical training, as a result of which the body does not receive enough time for proper rest and recovery. Overly fanatical fitness enthusiasts and professional athletes often have to face a similar problem.
  3. Flat feet, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and a number of other congenital and chronic diseases can cause severe pain in the legs in the evenings.

It is important to know that a feeling of heaviness and increased fatigue in the legs can be symptoms of various ailments of the vascular system, muscles, joints or spine. If such a problem is accompanied by tingling or pain in the heart area, it is worth doing a cardiogram.

Bringing strength back to your legs

How to relieve tired legs at home? One of the simplest and most accessible solutions to the problem, which many people resort to, is raising their legs for 10–15 minutes. As a result, the swelling subsides and temporary relief comes.

However, as soon as you lower your legs, the feeling of heaviness immediately returns again. Since most often the causes of this problem are hidden in various disturbances of local blood flow, this method does not perform any therapeutic function. Therefore, it is worth using the following methods to get rid of leg fatigue, which are more effective.

  • Foot baths. Thanks to the regular use of various baths, you can achieve not only temporary relief, but also significantly improve the condition of blood vessels, stabilize blood supply processes and saturate damaged tissues with microelements. Here is a good and effective recipe: take 1 tbsp. l. sage, mint, chamomile and nettle, pour into a glass container and pour 2 cups of boiling water. As soon as the infusion has cooled, strain it and pour it into a bowl. Add the required amount of warm water and take a foot bath for 15–20 minutes.
  • To prepare such baths, you can use various essential oils, orange zest or sea salt. You should not expect that this method will relieve severe pain in the legs, but noticeable improvement occurs after just a couple of weeks of regular use.
  • Massage is an excellent way to relieve tired legs and reduce pain. You can do it either with your hands or using a massager specially designed for such purposes. For manual massage, it is best to take olive or any other vegetable oil, preheating it. Using this method, you can significantly reduce stress levels and leg fatigue. The massage should be carried out in a circular motion, carefully stretching the legs from the heels to the very tips of the toes. This method is also great for relieving leg swelling during pregnancy, but it must be carried out with low intensity, starting with stroking and clapping. Since not all creams can be used during pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to use natural oils that do not cause side effects or allergic reactions.
  • How to quickly relieve fatigue from your legs using folk remedies? You can use blue clay or bananas with corn flour and kefir as a base to create special foot masks that relieve pain and fatigue, and also significantly reduce foot sweating. A paste of ground garlic is applied directly to the problem area for 15 minutes, after which it is completely washed off. It’s a good idea to have special ice in the refrigerator, which is not at all difficult to make yourself.

To do this, you need to make a decoction of yarrow, mountain arnica, sage and nettle, pour into special molds and freeze. The resulting cubes can be used to wipe your feet in case of heaviness or in the morning for prevention. Some prefer contrasting baths to this method, for which two basins are taken: one contains cold water, the other, respectively, hot. The feet should be held in turn for 5–10 seconds in each container.

  • If your feet begin to get very tired in the evenings, then you should not rush to put on slippers when you come home. Walking barefoot, even within your own apartment, can have a very positive effect on stabilizing local blood circulation, since such walking stimulates a lot of nerve endings located on the feet.

It is very useful to walk barefoot on sand, pebbles, and grass. Of course, such “travels” should be undertaken in the warm season. Keep your feet clear of debris, broken glass and sharp stones that could injure your feet.

Take care of your feet, regularly care for your feet, do special exercises, massage and contrast baths. After some time of regular procedures, your legs will forget about fatigue and swelling.

Symptoms such as fatigue and heaviness in the legs can occur as a result of a variety of pathological conditions and under the influence of unfavorable factors. Fatigue is most often felt in the evening, which is associated with high physical activity during the day. This problem also affects people who are overweight and spend most of their time “on their feet” or lead a sedentary lifestyle. Often, tired legs are one of the first signs of the development of varicose veins.

Before starting treatment for this problem, it is recommended to undergo an examination by a family doctor and, if necessary, consult a phlebologist. There are many different remedies that can be used to alleviate the condition and completely get rid of fatigue. Among the most popular methods are the use of various topical preparations in the form of creams, gels and ointments, as well as the use of various methods of traditional medicine.

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Why do tired legs occur?

You can relieve the symptoms of fatigue, bloating and heaviness in the lower extremities quite quickly with the help of baths, cooling gels or massage, but first you need to figure out what the cause of this condition is.

Leg fatigue occurs for the following reasons:

  • improperly selected shoes - tight shoes made from artificial material deprive a person of comfort, an uncomfortable instep or too high a heel contribute to poor blood circulation, after which fatigue, heaviness and discomfort develop;
  • high physical activity – quite often leg fatigue occurs in professional athletes, people who visit fitness centers and gyms;
  • deterioration of blood circulation - the cause may be pathologies such as diabetes mellitus, atherosclerotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels; high levels of cholesterol in the body and the presence of bad habits also contribute to the deterioration of blood circulation;
  • flat feet - in addition to fatigue, cramps and soreness may occur;
  • varicose veins – accompanied by swelling, discomfort, heaviness, and the appearance of spider veins;
  • joint diseases;
  • pathological changes in the spinal column;
  • CVS pathology – pain in the sternum area is added.

Use of medications

Most ointments and gels can be purchased at pharmacies at affordable prices. Such drugs have an analgesic and venotonic effect, help improve blood circulation and relieve swelling, and effectively and quickly eliminate fatigue.

The most popular means to quickly relieve fatigue are:

  1. – the main active ingredient is troxerutin. The drug has a tonic effect on blood vessels, strengthens their walls, eliminates swelling, fatigue and discomfort, improves trophism, thereby preventing congestion.
  2. – the main active ingredient is leech extract, additional components are sea buckthorn and olive oils, beeswax. The drug normalizes the outflow of lymph and venous blood, promotes its dilution. After using the cream, swelling, fatigue and a feeling of fullness disappear. When used regularly after physical activity, it prevents the appearance of spider veins and the development of varicose veins.
  3. Sabelnik gel - balm - is made on the basis of marsh cinquefoil and red hot pepper. The medicine has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and warming effect. When used, it relieves fatigue from the legs, eliminates swelling, promotes healing of wound surfaces, and strengthens vascular walls.
  4. Antistax - made from an extract of red grape leaves. Used as a complex therapy for venous insufficiency. It has a cooling and analgesic effect, increases the tone of the vascular walls and their elasticity.
  5. Cream-gel with a cooling effect of Virta - the composition includes extracts of horse chestnut extract, hop cones, hazelnuts, essential oils of mint and menthol and other natural ingredients. The product has a pleasant aroma and is quickly absorbed, restoring lightness to your feet.
  6. – a combined product based on heparin, dexpanthenol and troxerutin. The gel helps normalize local blood flow, improve metabolic processes, reduces the fragility of surface capillaries, eliminates fatigue, swelling and has a bactericidal effect.

Ointments and gels for relieving leg pain

How to get rid of tired legs at home?

Using fairly simple methods and affordable means, you can easily and quickly eliminate unpleasant discomfort in your legs. One of the most effective and suitable for use at the end of the working day is taking contrast baths. Basic rules:

  • you need to prepare two basins - cold water is taken into one, warm water into the other (not higher than 40 degrees);
  • first, the legs are lowered into a basin with warm water for 20-30 seconds, after which the legs are moved into cold water;
  • the procedure is carried out for 10-15 minutes;
  • When finished, rub the legs thoroughly with a towel and rub a venotonic agent or nourishing cream into the skin.

Ice baths will help you quickly and effectively cope with the problem of increased leg fatigue. To do this, you should prepare a concentrated decoction based on medicinal plants - chamomile, mint, lavender, calendula. The cooled solution is poured into ice molds and sent to the freezer. The cubes are added to a container of water; foot baths should last up to 20 minutes.

You can alleviate the condition with self-massage. The procedure is carried out after taking a bath or shower. For the best effect, use a special cream that has a warming effect. The massage begins with the feet and toes, gradually moving higher. Daily procedures will help tone blood vessels and normalize blood flow, thereby reducing fatigue.

Self-massage for feet

Alcohol rubs will help effectively cope with discomfort. To do this, you need to thoroughly rub the leg muscles with ethyl alcohol, starting from the feet, toes and moving up to the knee joints and further to the thigh. After rubbing with alcohol, it is recommended to lie down for 15-20 minutes and place a cushion under your feet. This will help improve blood circulation and reduce fatigue.

Baths and rubbing of tired feet

Baths to eliminate fatigue, discomfort and heaviness in the legs

Body baths or foot baths are a great way to relieve fatigue in your legs and throughout your body. There are many different recipes that can normalize blood circulation, eliminate congestion, eliminate swelling, discomfort and pain. In addition, taking baths helps reduce psycho-emotional stress.

Recipes for the most effective and popular baths:

  1. Add 3-4 drops of pine extract and 2 tbsp to 1 liter of water. l. natural sea salt. The duration of the procedure is at least half an hour, during this period the muscles of the legs will relax and fatigue will go away. When the water cools, you can add boiling water.
  2. Herbal baths - first prepare a decoction of dried chamomile and linden flowers, for this, 2 tbsp. l. inflorescences are mixed and poured with hot water, put on low heat and brought to a boil, left for another 10 minutes. After removing from the heat, cover with a lid and leave for another 15 minutes. The resulting broth is poured into a basin and diluted with warm water. The duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes.
  3. Using apple cider vinegar - add homemade vinegar to a bowl of water, 3 tbsp per 1 liter of water. l. solution. The bath lasts for 20 minutes.
  4. Baths with the addition of various essential oils and 1 tbsp. milk. The procedure lasts 30 minutes, after which it is recommended to massage the legs and rub the muscles with a nourishing cream.
  5. Using mint and sage - pour boiling water over the plants, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Mint has a particularly beneficial effect in the evening, before going to bed, and has a calming effect.

How can women cope with leg fatigue during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women experience increased stress on their legs, swelling, fatigue, heaviness and discomfort. As the baby develops, the load increases and the likelihood of the appearance of vascular networks, as well as the development of varicose veins, increases.

Tired legs during pregnancy

To avoid the development of pathological changes and eliminate fatigue, women during pregnancy are advised to follow some recommendations:

  • A light, relaxing massage - it is better if the procedure is performed by a relative or a qualified professional, since performing a massage on your own will be difficult; During the procedure, products with a cooling effect are used, but first you should consult your doctor for possible contraindications.
  • The problem of fatigue very often occurs in pregnant women due to calcium deficiency, which is responsible for bone tissue; To do this, it is recommended to use vitamin complexes prescribed by a gynecologist to avoid such problems.
  • During pregnancy, women should avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes, in particular high heels; In this case, flat-soled shoes made from natural materials are suitable.
  • If fatigue is accompanied by severe swelling of the legs, it is recommended to reduce fluid intake and consult with your doctor.

Being on your feet all day is a guarantee that they will be very sore in the evening. Significant discomfort manifests itself already during the day, when your legs seem to be clamped in a vice, and increased sweating does not allow you to feel confident. How to relieve tired legs after work - there is an answer to this question, and it is much simpler than one might think.

3 Baths

This method of dealing with tired legs is considered one of the most effective. Its significant advantage is that it is able to cope with unpleasant sensations in the shortest possible time. About half an hour of relaxation - and your legs are like new again, full of energy and strength.

On herbs With essential oils
You need to brew one of these herbs - horsetail, wormwood, St. John's wort or string. After this, let it brew, cool, add it to the bath, the role of which can be played by an ordinary basin. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt there. The water temperature should not exceed 37-40 degrees; it can be measured with a regular thermometer. Lower your legs for about 15 minutes.

Another option - for the decoction, choose linden blossom and 2 tbsp chamomile. Add one tablespoon of fresh honey there. Next, you need to immerse your feet in the resulting mixture for about 15 minutes.

The next recipe is a decoction of mint and nettle. You need to take one tablespoon of ingredients. We insist for 10 minutes, for the procedure – 20 minutes.

To relieve swelling of the legs, fatigue and pain, you can resort to this recipe - brew rowan, wormwood and calendula (1 tbsp per 0.2 l). After this, let it brew for 10 minutes. Add the resulting decoction to warm water at the rate of a glass of product per liter of water.

You can also choose this option - brew a glass of citrus peel (any fruit will do) in 1.5 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes, cool, add to the bath, lower your feet for 20 minutes.

Place ice cubes (previously made from herbs) in cool water (in a basin), and then add a few teaspoons of mint essential oil. Next you need to add 1 more tablespoon of milk, as well as one more ingredient - a little lemon juice. Place your feet in the bath for 10 minutes, then massage, cream, rest.

The next option is to take a bowl of warm water and add 3 drops of lavender oil, pre-mixed with a tablespoon of regular salt. The procedure takes 10 minutes. You can replace lavender oil with fir oil, juniper oil, cypress, geranium, lemon or chamomile.

It is important not to overdo it with the amount of essential oil. As a rule, three to four drops will be enough. Under no circumstances use the oil in its pure form - always first dilute it in water, milk, salt and other substances. During pregnancy, baths with essential oils are not recommended.

And most importantly, when you are at home, try not to wear shoes at all, not even slippers. Get used to walking barefoot, even without socks. This is good for the feet, and the hard surface can replace massage. You can also buy a special massage mat and walk on it in the evening for 5-10 minutes.

Nature has decreed that most often women’s legs get tired. High heels, not always comfortable shoes, pregnancy and other factors lead to leg pain, swelling and fatigue.

Any woman wants to look more attractive, her hands are drawn to elegant shoes, and heels not only visually lengthen her legs, but also give her confidence. True, when you have to spend the whole day on your feet, pain appears in the evening, your legs swell and feel tired. And there is a persistent desire to throw off the notorious heels and put on your favorite soft slippers. Do you know that feeling of high when you take off uncomfortable shoes on the threshold that you had to walk in for a long time? I try to take off uncomfortable shoes whenever possible))

Thanks to Olga Pisareva for the photo @solnce8, she is my photo fairy, only she can I trust with my camera.

Unfortunately, pain and heaviness in the legs are not only physical sensations, after uncomfortable shoes lead to pain, the mood also deteriorates, the desire to communicate good-naturedly with family members disappears, and what can we say about a walk before bed or going to visit. I just want to sit with my legs up higher.

To avoid becoming a victim of foot pain, we strongly advise you to choose comfortable shoes. First of all, you should evaluate the comfort of future shoes, and then their appearance, style and compliance with fashion trends, although now there is such a huge selection on the market that it is quite possible to find beautiful shoes with a comfortable last.

Help for tired legs: remedies for tired legs

With all the rational thoughts and understanding of the correct choice of comfortable shoes, we still cannot avoid moments when, after a difficult day, a holiday in high heels or an important event, we need to help our feet, relieve fatigue and pain. In addition, in the morning you need to look your best again in order to rush to work with a smile and a flying gait.

Modern women are much luckier; now there are a huge number of cosmetics that can alleviate and remove pain and heaviness in the legs.

The first rule for tired legs is to raise your legs as soon as possible so that the blood drains from your feet.

To do this, you can use the back of the sofa (throw your legs over it), or lie on the bed and put your legs on a pillow or a bolster from a blanket; I like to throw them on the wall next to the bed. If you lie down like this for 5-7 minutes, you will feel relief and less heaviness in your legs.

After first aid has been provided, you can begin comprehensive care. Well-known remedies and baths, proven since ancient times, can help here.

Folk remedies for tired legs

Foot bath with sea salt for fatigue

This warm bath is quick and easy to prepare. You will need a basin or foot bath, pour warm water into it up to 37 degrees and add 3-4 tablespoons of sea salt; regular salt will do if you don’t have sea salt at hand. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes.

Herbal baths for tired legs

If salt does not help much with swelling, you can use herbal remedies. Take two tablespoons of linden and chamomile, add a spoonful of honey, pour boiling water over everything and let it brew for 5 minutes. Dilute everything with warm water and soak your tired feet for 15-20 minutes.

Instead of linden, you can use nettle, flaxseeds, St. John's wort, string, calendula or wormwood. The preparation methods are similar - steep, dilute with water, soak your feet for 15-20 minutes.

Today you can buy any herb at the pharmacy, so finding the right one is not a problem.

How to relieve swelling

Pregnant women, women who are prone to obesity and those with poor blood circulation are aware of another ailment - swelling of the legs. Feet swell especially in hot weather. The ankles increase in size and do not look very aesthetically pleasing. But few people know that there is a simple garlic way to combat swelling of the legs. You need to take a head of garlic, crush it well, pour a glass of boiled water. Rub your feet, leave for half an hour, then rinse with cool water.

Cold showers are also a good way to relieve swelling and fatigue in your feet.

If you are lazy, then you don’t have to make decoctions for your feet yourself; now there are a large number of cosmetic products for caring for your feet and relieving pain and heaviness.

For me this is salvation. After 10 years of professional dancing, childbirth, fatigue in the legs is a fairly frequent visitor. And all this despite giving up uncomfortable shoes and switching to practical models. Therefore, I never stop trying new and new ways to deal with heavy legs, leaving my favorites and trying the next ones. And today I will share my reviews.

Creams and gels to relieve tired legs

Foot gels are an excellent tool in the fight against painful sensations and are more often found on the shelves than creams. They use cooling components, so the instant effect is immediately appealing. I had dozens of gels for heavy legs in my arsenal. Today there are persistent favorites:

  • Foot gel from ARAVIA Professional Easy step with toning mint essential oil. My impressions: lots and lots of mint gel. Always on my bedside table and is my must have foot care product. Thanks to the extract of mint, rutin and horse chestnut, the gel quickly relieves fatigue, tones and nourishes the skin, leaves no traces and is quickly absorbed. The disadvantage is that the jar is large; you cannot take it with you on vacation or a trip, but as a home remedy I am completely satisfied. Price – only 700 rubles for 550 ml.

  • Gel DUO GUAM Effetto Freddo is also a good cooling cream from the famous Italian brand. Cools well, convenient packaging, pleasant smell. The disadvantage is that it is not cheap, about 2000 rubles per 100 ml.

  • Compliment venotonic foot gel. Another discovery of mine from this budget brand. Insanely delicious fruity-herbal aroma, cooling effect. Contains extracts of horse chestnut, broom, grape leaves, Asian centela, ivy, and buckwheat. Strengthens blood vessels. The downside is that you need to wait until it is absorbed, but these are minor things, considering the sensations and smell. Price – 100 rubles for 150 ml.

Unfortunately, a frequent accompaniment of heaviness and pain in the legs is varicose veins and asterisks. This is no longer just a visual defect, but also a disease. Here simply cooling creams will not be enough; stronger artillery will be needed.

Anti-varicose creams and gels:

  • Lyoton. The famous pharmaceutical drug, unfortunately, stopped working for me. 5 years ago, during pregnancy, I was saved only by it, it relieved fatigue well. Now I don’t see such an effect.
  • The German foot cream Kneipp Joint & Muscle Intensive Cream Arnica also did not make an impression. The oily texture that takes a long time to absorb is only suitable for a mask under a sock. Otherwise you want to wash it off. I think it’s suitable for a foot massage after a hard day, but nothing more.
  • Azerneft-venoton is a very unusual specimen on my shelf. For 1000 years, Naftalan oil has been successfully used for medicinal purposes. If you put aside the specific smell (of course you shouldn’t pester your husband after this cream)), then overall the thing is worthwhile. It relieves swelling of the legs well, fights spider veins and reduces the appearance of varicose veins. 75 grams of cream will cost 175 rubles.

Foot massage for tired legs

Another effective way to combat leg pain is foot massage. This procedure is not only very useful, but also incredibly pleasant. In addition, you can use the other half. What could be more pleasant than the caring hands of a loved one, relieving fatigue in your body. We digress)) Well, foot massage with creams and masks is an excellent way that will help kill two birds with one stone - it will relieve pain and provide care for the heels and feet, provided that special products are used.

Eveline Cosmetics offers an interesting solution for such purposes - 2 in 1 treatments. These are one-time treatments consisting of a scrub and a foot mask. It is very convenient to use the scrub in the shower and then massage your feet with a mask. There were 3 treatments in my arsenal:

  • Ultra-nourishing care based on red wine Eveline Cosmetics. It regenerates the skin well, the scrub with silk extract gently exfoliates dead cells, and the mask with red wine restores even very dry skin well and improves skin microcirculation.
  • Moisturizing and restorative care based on Atlantic algae from Eveline Cosmetics contains a deep cleansing scrub with natural pumice and a moisturizing compress mask with Atlantic algae. Has a soothing and well moisturizing effect. Suitable for use once a month.
  • Intensive softening care based on coffee extract Eveline Cosmetics. Knowing my passion for coffee - this is my favorite. Suitable as a restorative complex once a week for a course of 3-4 weeks and as a prevention of cracked heels. Contains a skin-softening coffee scrub and a multi-nutritious foot mask with chamomile and natural betaine.

Foot cream from Compliment for the prevention of cracked heels is suitable for daily care. It is quickly absorbed and smells very tasty thanks to sea buckthorn oil and pine extract. The price, as usual, is pleasing - 69 rubles. The effect does not last long, but if you put on socks after the cream and apply it morning and evening, a good result is achieved.

And finally, one more experience of mine - Thai cosmetics: corn cream with banana and anti-varicose foot balm. Thai cosmetics are famous for their naturalness, reasonable price and good effects from use. I like their scents. You have to resist eating the banana cream, and even the oily base doesn’t bother me. And the balm envelops you with the oriental aroma of ginger and herbs, cools, relieves swelling, and fights fatigue and pain in the legs. The disadvantage is that you cannot buy them in Russia. Price in Russian money: heel cream about 200 rubles, varicose veins balm about 500 rubles. If you are in Thailand, buy it, you won’t regret it.
