BodyLab blog about sports and proper nutrition. Enjoy healthy lifestyle: three tips from fitness model Ekaterina Lapteva How did you start performing in the fitness bikini category?

Total information

Sports achivments:
» MS in rhythmic gymnastics
» CCM in fitness
» Victory at the Arnold Classic in Madrid 2015
» 6th place at the 2015 World Championships
» 2nd place at Olympia Amateur Spain
» Vice-champion of Europe 2015
» Absolute champion of Moscow 2015
» Vice-champion of Russia 2015
» 3rd place Russian Championship 2016
» Overall champion Arnold Classic USA 2017
» Russian Champion 2017

" P personal and group trainer
» The face of Victory Distribution and Enhel Water
» BioTechUSA Team Members
» BodyLab project instructor
» Weak point: legs and back

Brief biography of Ekaterina Lapteva

Ekaterina was born in Moscow and graduated from the university with a degree in hotel and restaurant business and tourism management. For some time, a fitness bikinist even worked in her specialty.

Sports and intense training have been familiar to Katerina since childhood. Regular rhythmic gymnastics classes from the age of five brought Lapteva her first successes - the girl received the title of master of sports. At a conscious age, gymnastics was replaced by strength training. It was training in the gym with weights that awakened in the future champion the desire to participate in competitions in the fitness bikini category, to help other people improve and transform.

Ekaterina is married and has a daughter. After the birth of the child, the couple got identical tattoos - the inscription in Latin “The world has turned upside down.” The birth of her daughter taught Lapteva how to properly organize time so as to have time to prepare for championships, work and take care of the child. The model’s husband Oleg is also an athlete and it was he who brought Lapteva into fitness Over time, the fitness bikinist met Iveta Stetsenko, who became her personal trainer.

For two seasons, Lapteva performed in the free fitness program, which requires good body proportions, as well as choreographic and acrobatic skills. At the “Serving Russia” championship, the model fell and injured her hand, but she competed to the end and even did a successful handstand. The injury turned out to be a broken arm. After an injury and a long recovery, the model was forced to move into the fitness bikini category. He considers his greatest achievement to be winning the Arnold Classic in 2017.

Ekaterina’s coaching career began with rhythmic gymnastics classes with children. Later, after completing the courses, the champion received the right to engage in professional coaching. The champion teaches a class on recovery after childbirth, stretching, muscle strengthening classes and functional training. Lapteva maintains her professionalism at a high level, continuing her training at seminars, trainings and conventions. The model’s dream is to live and study in the USA.

Every loss and constructive criticism only provokes Lapteva. After analyzing and working on mistakes, the fitness model achieves even more outstanding awards. According to Catherine, to win you need faith and harmony in yourself, as well as a positive attitude towards life. The most powerful source of inspiration for the model is her family.

Principles of nutrition

Fitness bikini model Ekaterina Lapetva does not encourage restrictive diets or vegetarianism and prefers a healthy, balanced diet that takes into account the needs for essential nutrients based on body weight. Ekaterina does not use gadgets to count calories. However, the model advises installing applications to control the water you drink.

Lapteva tries to stay in shape all year round. The model's off-season weight differs from the competition weight by 3 kg. In the off-season, Ekaterina adds cottage cheese and fruits to her diet and increases the percentage of complex carbohydrates. Be sure to use sports supplements. Lapteva prefers Activlab amino acids and protein.

A fitness bikinist consumes 200 grams of complex carbohydrates, 1.5-2 g of protein per kilogram of weight and 50 grams of fat per day. During the competitive period, Lapteva reduces the amount of carbohydrates to 100-120 g and fats to 30 g.

Sample menu for the day:

» Breakfast: quinoa with broccoli, 1 egg and a piece of butter.

» Snack: a handful of almonds.
» Lunch: buckwheat with boiled chicken breast, cilantro salad with tomatoes and onions.
» Snack: Oatmeal protein cookies.
» Dinner: beans with baked cod.
» Snack: peach and kiwi smoothie.

Training program

A fitness model exercises for pleasure during the rest period. A mandatory element is cardio every day for 30-40 minutes. The strength training program changes every few weeks.

The model considers isolating loads on the buttocks and hamstrings to be the favorite type of exercises that Lapteva is ready to perform in any workout. The model emphasizes that muscle volume is, of course, important, but it is beautiful, proportional, high-quality forms that please the eyes of spectators and judges most of all.

Day 1: Legs + buttocks

1. Lunges with dumbbells.
2. Squats with a barbell.
3. Leg press.
4. Bulgarian squats with dumbbells.
5. Leg curls in the simulator.
6. Hyperextension.
7. Deadlift with a barbell.
8. Leg extension in the simulator.

Day 2: Back+chest

1. Reverse close grip lat pulldown.
2. Close-grip horizontal block row.
3. Dumbbell rows to the waist.
4. Bent-over block pull.
5. Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench.
6. Push-ups with narrow arms.

Day 3: Shoulders+arms

1. Seated dumbbell press.
2. Dumbbell lateral raises in a forward bend.
3. Dips with weights.
4. Triceps extension.
5. Bench press with a narrow grip on the triceps.
6. Lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting on an incline bench.
7. Lifting the barbell on a Scott bench.

Exactly a year ago, information appeared that the famous Russian model Ekaterina Grigorieva entered into a legal marriage. Photos began to appear on the Internet happy couple and an interview with a girl in which she claimed that she got the best husband. It would seem that this is an ideal couple, two halves united into one whole. But exactly a year later, the blond beauty could be seen in the arms of another man - the famous goalkeeper from Dynamo. What happened in the life of the “Russian angel”?

What made Grigorieva famous?

Ekaterina Grigorieva was born on September 15, 1989 in a small town located in the Murmansk region. Since childhood she has been studying ballroom dancing and was interested in fashion. She always wanted to have an individual style that was different from others.

At the age of 18, the girl began to dream of a modeling career. In 2010, she attended the first casting in her life for the Miss Russia competition. Unfortunately, Ekaterina Grigorieva did not manage to reach the finals, but everyone remembered the girl for her sincerity and optimism. The competition that took place two years later did not bring her success either.

In 2012, she and her sister took part in the reality show “Russian Top Model.” The girl easily completes all assigned tasks and deservedly takes second place. After this show, Grigorieva became famous, and she began to be invited to fashion shows in New York, Paris and Milan. In 2014, she was awarded the title “Best Model of the Season”

Angel's Form

From the photo of Ekaterina Grigorieva, you can see that she is a very charming girl with a sincere and snow-white smile. It was for such external data that her colleagues nicknamed her “Russian angel”.

This was facilitated by certain character traits. Ekaterina, unlike other models, always behaved quite modestly and reservedly. It’s not surprising, because her childhood was spent in fairly strict order, since she grew up in a military family. Over time, the model began to appear on stage in the guise of this fairy-tale character. There were wings behind her back, a halo above her head, and a mysterious smile hidden on her face.


Ekaterina Grigorieva grew up in a military family. She always chose men who were like her father. It was this criterion that her chosen one, Alexander, met. Currently he serves in Severomorsk. Catherine claimed that she got the most reliable, faithful and strong man, with whom she felt as if behind a stone wall. She was ready to travel with him to the most distant countries and cities, forgetting about everything in the world. The Russian model is sure that true happiness requires silence, so she never revealed all the information about her husband.

The young couple met long before Ekaterina Grigorieva appeared at the best world shows. The model claimed that Alexander became her talisman, who brought her good luck in life. The wedding took place in the city of St. Petersburg in a narrow family circle. A snow-white dress was custom-made for the young bride, designed by famous world designers. It favorably emphasized the ideal figure of the famous model.

Married life

In the summer of 2016, the happiest event in Catherine’s life took place. It was clear that the couple was really marrying for love, their eyes were filled with happiness, and the smile did not want to leave their faces throughout the day. All the guests were sure that the spouses had found each other and tied their destinies together for life.

The first month after marriage, the young wife felt like the happiest woman. With such a strong and strong-willed man, she felt weak and protected. However, after some time the girl began to get bored. The young husband was constantly at work, working day and night with one goal - to provide a decent life for his young wife. The model, unfortunately, did not need all these efforts; in the depths of her soul she dreamed of her own success and worldwide fame.

If Alexander dreamed of the long-awaited appearance of a child, of a calm family life, then Catherine had other plans. A year after the wedding, the couple divorces. The initiator of this event is Ekaterina Grigorieva. The husband has been making every effort for a long time to restore the family, but he fails to do this.

New chosen one

After a few months after the breakup On Grigorieva’s social network page, photographs of the spouses with another young man could be seen. It was clear from them that the couple were not just friends, there was a “spark” between them. As it turned out, the model’s chosen one was the goalkeeper of the Moscow Dynamo club Anton Shunin. The romance between the young people is just beginning, so the 28-year-old girl’s eyes are sparkling again and her sweet smile never leaves her face.

Behind the athlete’s shoulders was another long-term affair with the famous model Alena Shishkova. The famous couple had the kindest, most sincere and happy feelings. All the fans already thought that the most important event in their lives would soon happen, but the young people unexpectedly decide to break up.

Grigorieva now

Currently, Ekaterina Grigorieva is persistently trying to achieve success in her chosen profession. She performs at various shows, she can be seen in commercials and on the covers of the most popular magazines. Now the famous model has radically changed the attitude towards men and marriage. She claims that she will only marry a man who will not interfere with her career. The young girl is not thinking about children yet.

The life of Ekaterina Lapteva is a series of serious sporting achievements. At 26, she is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, Russian champion and European medalist in bodybuilding. The girl owes her success to hard work, perseverance and the desire to find her own path - she tries all nutrition and training systems on herself, offering her clients only the most effective ones. For those who are just starting on the path to achieving beautiful forms, three simple but effective principles from Catherine will help.

Don't get carried away with diets. They tend to have little to do with a balanced diet. Your diet must contain digestible proteins, complex carbohydrates and fats in a small percentage. Eat more fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, vegetables, or contact a nutritionist - he will create a healthy menu taking into account the characteristics of your health.

Determine your drinking regime. Lack of water can cause excess weight, but excess water can lead to swelling. Divide the total amount of food per day into six servings and drink 150 - 250 ml of warm water half an hour before meals - this way you can control the amount of liquid consumed.

Move on to training smoothly. Be patient - start with two hour-long classes per week, gradually increasing their number and level of difficulty. Ask your trainer to select a program to stretch your core muscles, control your breathing, and strengthen your core muscles: this is necessary for an easy transition to more intense exercise without injury or pain.

Ekaterina is 25 years old. Her height is 171 cm and her weight is 58 kg. Volumes: 88-63-92. She is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, champion of the Arnold Classic (Madrid 2015), vice-champion of Europe (Santa Susanna 2015), absolute champion of Moscow (2015) and vice-champion of Russia (2015). And she is also part of the team.

Ekaterina, we were looking for information about you, some interviews, but you didn’t talk much about yourself. Did you actually have a gymnastics background? Tell us - how did you get into fitness, where did you start, what mistakes did you make?

I have a really rich sports background, I devoted half my life to rhythmic gymnastics and became a master of sports. I think that a person who has been on the move and in sports since childhood will never turn away from physical activity. That’s how I came to fitness, where I realized my dream of being a trainer and transforming other people.

When I started training in a strength mode that was unusual for me, and became more familiar with dumbbells and barbells, all this smoothly turned into a desire to compete in the fitness category, to try myself at something new. Not to be confused with a fitness bikini! The fitness category includes not only building a beautiful body and posing, but also a free program with acrobatic and gymnastic elements.

I competed in this category for two seasons, and then I broke my arm and couldn’t recover for a very long time, but time passed and I wanted to compete. As a result, I decided that I would compete in the fitness bikini category.

Of course, at the beginning of my competitive journey I made a lot of mistakes, mostly related to nutrition issues. It never occurred to me that if you remove the water before the start, you can’t gnaw on the cucumbers and that, perhaps, you shouldn’t remove this water at all. I did everything according to certain schemes and, one might say, experimented on myself, but this is the experience through which I learned to feel my body well.

Judging by your VKontakte photo, do you have a child? How do you manage to combine family and hard work with competitions and travel?

Yes, I have a daughter and I am married to a very understanding and patient man. At first it was difficult to combine. A child, a husband, training, a strict diet and a lot of work - this is not a joke, it was not easy for me. But a person adapts to everything, finds strength in himself if he knows what he is striving for. Well, I’m doubly lucky; my husband supports me in everything. Probably also because the athlete himself knows everything from the inside, so to speak. So, my family is my fortress.

How did it happen that you started doing strength sports? What prompted it?

My husband pushed me, he was at least somehow familiar with this sport, but for me it was a dense forest, to be honest. Everything somehow came together on its own, like a puzzle, and I vaguely remember the details. One evening we just thought, why don’t I speak? My husband had some acquaintances with the world of bodybuilding, and all roads led to a trainer. Nobody dissuaded me, but there were warnings that it would be difficult, but we are not looking for easy ways. I did everything.

Were there any losses that were very frustrating and demotivating? Or, on the contrary, were they charged with sporting anger?

Of course they were! As a rule, I get angry, but I draw conclusions and correct mistakes. I try to take advantage of every situation and charge myself with even more energy.

How do you psychologically survive quite harsh discussions about your appearance and personality online?

Unfortunately, there is a lot of negativity on the Internet. Timid people with closed pages without a single photo write very bold and loud comments. I am a living person, and, like everyone else, when I am scolded, I get upset. I remember when the first video with my participation came out, after reading what some people wrote, I was very upset and could not understand how people can so easily throw out their negativity outside?

Now I think that this is probably due to the abundance of free time. I don't even have time to think about something like that. Now I prefer not to pay attention to such attacks, you won’t be nice to everyone. Although constructive criticism from professionals is very motivating, you need to focus on the positive.

It feels like all the top athletes work at Bodylab. Do you like doing this?

I really like this kind of work! In general, I love my job, coaching. Previously, I must admit, I was quite skeptical about online training, but now I see how great the girls are and what results they show. This kind of fitness is very honest. After all, no one is pushing you, if you want a result, you get a result, if you are lazy, you won’t get anything. We, the curators, try to motivate the girls in every possible way, but a lot depends on them. Well, you won’t get bored with such a friendly team; the guys are all very positive and will always guide you on the right course.

What education do you have?

My education is not related to sports, but related to the management of hotels and restaurants. My parents were against sports universities, but despite this, I still went into coaching. She started with children, then began working with adults.

I had a lot of excellent teachers, a lot of seminars, trainings and conventions, plus my own experience - this is better than any theories, in my opinion. By passing all the techniques through ourselves, we begin to feel people 100%. Now I dream of studying in America, I think they have run away from us for many years. After a trip to Los Angeles, I understood this very well, so I dream of living there and working there, gaining experience.

Where do you see yourself in 5-7 years?

I see myself as a mother of two children, a person happy with my life and who never stops learning and developing in what I love. I want to share my knowledge and experience with people.

How is your relationship with your own coach? What are your current fitness goals?

I was extremely lucky with my coach: the person knows how to guide, advise, and provide moral support, and not just write a program and look at the form. We are friendly and try our best to help each other. I don’t want to talk about sports plans yet. I’m not keeping secrets, it’s just that closer to the start it will be known and understood for sure, but now it’s work and more work.

I think that I still need to work on the quality of my leg and back muscles. I want to change my stage image a little, not globally, but quite fundamentally. There are no clear pictures yet, but there are sketches.

In general, what do you think is needed to win in a bikini? What data? Why did you think you were given first place?

To win you need harmony within yourself, I understand this for sure now. If you go out with the wrong attitude, the stage won’t accept you and the judges together. So, positive to the masses!

Is it true that blondes with long hair have a higher chance of winning than short-haired brunettes?

I dyed my hair long before the performances, immediately after giving birth. This is a state of mind! Being a blonde or a brunette is a matter of taste, it is important that your hair is beautiful and well-groomed, but I agree that long hair looks more advantageous on stage.

Some bikini athletes gain quite a lot of weight in the off-season. How are things going for you?

I found a weight at which I am comfortable, and it differs from the competition weight by only 3 kg, so the diet does not change much during different periods of preparation. In the off-season, cottage cheese and fruits simply appear, I eat more complex carbohydrates.

Maybe you use some sports nutrition?

I only drink protein and amino acids from the Activlab brand.

Do your workouts change depending on the season?

Now I have a period of rest and training, I structure it in such a way that it is purely for pleasure. I do cardio every day for 30-40 minutes, and during strength training I try to work as varied as possible. For now I left four strength exercises per week and divided them into muscle groups as follows:

  • Back + chest
  • Shoulders, arms
  • Legs (functional training)

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