Exercises for the face from Eugenia. Center of the face. Exercises from Evgenia Baglyk. Basic exercises for different facial muscles

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If you have a thin or narrow face and you want it to get better, do special exercises. Again, if you don't have this problem, you can still do them and strengthen your muscles this way.

The first problem that women and men with thin faces face when they start doing face-building is that when they often do eye exercises, a hole forms under the eye.

Why is this happening? Because with intense exercise, the entire fat layer “dries out”: the muscle seems to thicken, but a gap is formed very often. To avoid this, you need to exercise regularly and do the exercises correctly, and not overdo it.

Lower eyelid exercise

The first exercise is for the lower eyelids, because part of this muscle is responsible for the depression under the eye.

You place your fingers at the corners of your eyes. It is important here that your index finger is positioned correctly. The finger should be at an angle. Find the place where the bone makes a bend. You place your finger in this bend and bevel it towards the middle of the face, at approximately 45°. Then you will squeeze most of the muscle, exactly the one that will contract in this exercise. This will give us perfect fixation, your muscles will be pumped very well, and not a single extra wrinkle will appear.

Fixed it, making sure to place your fingers completely on your cheekbones. We remember this, our fingers don’t stick out, they don’t fly anywhere, we put them completely on our cheekbones. Our middle fingers are in the corners.

Raising the corners of the lips

Therefore, in order to maintain facial volume, be sure to train this muscle - this is the time. Secondly, in order for us to have a beautiful outline of our lips, in order for our corners to be up and not down, we also need to work with this muscle. Now we will try to smile correctly. Look in the mirror now, try to make a grin, raise the corners, remember, only up, only up!

Very important: if you see that you are getting wrinkles and dents here, it means you are stressing the wrong area. You need to mentally, firstly, try to relax and lift the corners only up, as if they were taking your threads and lifting them.

Now that we have caught this movement - lifting up, we will fix the muscles so that we have a safe exercise, and so that we have a load, and the muscle works with effort. Let's hold it with all our palms. We place the ring finger in the place where the corner is supposed to rise, somewhere here: do not stick your finger down, not into the corner, but above the corner.

You place your middle finger higher and your index finger near your nose. It turns out that you are completely pinching the entire line from the nose to the corner of the mouth. It is very important! You can’t hold it any way you want, you will have creases here, you have to completely fix everything.

Remember the rule: if during the exercise we get any wrinkle or crease, the exercise is not correct.

We place our fingers correctly, press and hold. You may not press very hard at first, because your muscle may still be weak and it will be difficult for you to overcome strong resistance. Feel that the muscle knows where to move, and then you can gradually add load by pressing harder.

So, let’s try, we’ve recorded everything, and now we’re doing exactly the same movement that we did with you – a slight, beautiful upward smile, everything is relaxed here. You and I have mastered the technique. This means that at first you should feel tension in the corners, as if such nodules were appearing, some kind of tension.

Then, if you concentrate well and focus your attention, the tension will gradually rise higher under your eye, you will feel a vibration, a twitching. This will be very correct and good. This will indicate that your muscle understands what you want from it.

Adding volume to the cheeks

And now, in order to add volume to the cheeks and make a thin face fuller, we will do it again in 4 counts as we did in the previous exercise on the cheeks. How will we do it?

We raised the corners a little, raised them almost to the end, you understand, that is, you will simply break the upward movement into 2: raised - raised, lowered - lowered, again and do it slowly. In this way, you will feel the muscle even more strongly, you will slowly pump it up, and this area will be so full.

Let's try. We hold for 4 counts: 2 – tense, 2 – released. The muscle will tremble even more strongly and again. Now blow through your lips, inflate the right and left corners of your mouth.


  • firstly, maintain lip volume;
  • secondly, in order to leave this area voluminous, so that it does not dry out, the corners do not fall in, so that we do not end up with any unpleasant lines or wrinkles.

We will pull our lips forward, as if for a kiss, but we will fix it, because otherwise there will be a lot of creases. We press our palms completely to the face so that only the center of the lips remains free. Everything is closed right up to the nose.

You also press your palm well against your chin. Our lips are together, we don’t separate them, and now you make the same movement: stretch your lips forward, as if for a kiss. Your lips themselves will tense, your entire orbicularis oris muscle will tense here in a circle, you will feel everything. We do it slowly again and make sure that we don't get vertical wrinkles above the lips. The lip should fill out, you will see it immediately, but there should not be a “chicken butt”.

Press down and do it, again, do it slowly. This exercise, by the way, is not difficult to perform, so I think that you all succeeded in it. A very effective exercise! It holds the lips perfectly, they grow larger, and the whole area turns out to be well-developed!

Now blow through your lips, pouting your upper and lower lips. You don’t clench your lips very tightly, you press them just enough so that the air doesn’t escape. If at first you don't succeed, you can hold it with your finger and try it.

Lower face and neck

So, we still have one last exercise left with you. Even if you have a thin face, you may have . The double chin is not a fat accumulation, but simply sagging. It is not fat deposits that sag, but simply flabby muscles. You can see this in Victoria Beckham, for example, sometimes in some angles it is very noticeable on her, even though she has a thin face.

This means that we don’t have this, and that our facial contour is also clear, because even with a narrow, thin face, it happens that the contour is quite flabby and blurry.

This is an exercise for the hyoid muscles, to tighten the entire lower part of the face. Imagine, imagine your language. You have spread it out evenly and now your task is to press it to the upper palate, press it not with the tip of your tongue, but press it with the entire plane upward, especially the center and root of the tongue.

You pressed - you let go, you pressed - you let go. When muscle contractions occur, the entire lower part is pulled in as if by a vacuum, plus the neck tenses.

If you fail, it is similar to the movement of swallowing, that is, swallow - swallow. Now try to swallow, not just like that, but with force, as if you have something stuck there, or you are trying to swallow something hard and as if you are trying with all your might to push something down your throat.

This will be the right movement. But you don’t need to just swallow, because this will be an idle movement of the muscle, you need to do it with force. They tried: they pressed and let go, they pressed and let go. The more you do this, the more naturally you will tighten here, you will have more elasticity in this area, and you will feel it.

If you don't get it right away, try it a few times, you'll probably catch it.
I’ll tell you this association: “like scratching the upper palate with your tongue.” Now, if you understand what it is to scratch the upper palate with your tongue, then you will certainly understand how to do it.

Besides the fact that this exercise tightens your chin, it really shapes the entire lower contour of the face well. Remember we are doing things at a slow pace. And several more times: they pressed - they let go, they pressed - they let go, and they pressed again - and they let go. Now move your jaw, relax everything.

These exercises will help make thin or narrow bodies visually wider and fuller. And it will make a normal and full face more prominent and toned.

Evgenia Baglyk, a face-building coach, was with us

Correction of facial contours involves surgery or contouring through injections from a cosmetologist - the procedures are expensive and have a lot of contraindications. Opponents of radical methods practice facial gymnastics (facebuilding) and note a lasting positive effect.

Facebook building against a wrinkled forehead

Emotional people are more susceptible to the formation of wrinkles on the forehead due to active facial expressions. The habit of wrinkled forehead when applying eye makeup also harms the skin. Special exercises will help tone the frontal muscles and tighten the skin. The classes are based on the usual movements of the eyebrows with the creation of resistance with the fingers. The training is led by Evgenia Baglyk, the founder of an international online school for Facebook building.

How to remove nasolabial folds

The wrinkles formed by the nasolabial folds are the deepest. The causes of “nasolabial rash” are lethargy and muscle strain. The online lesson contains 3 exercises for cheeks and lips, plus relaxation techniques. The face expert gives recommendations on the frequency and intensity of training.

Exercises for an ideal face shape

Online fitness for a toned face. The class is designed for simultaneous counting exercises. The equipment you will need is your own hands and a simple pencil. The complex is convenient to perform at home or in the office.

How to make lips bigger and plumper

Lips like Jolie's are ideal for many women. There are exercises to add volume to your lips. The point of the lesson is to increase blood flow and gradually pump the orbicularis labii muscle. Funny names of the exercises - “duck”, “horse” - indicate the ease of implementation. As a result of training, lips are filled with bright color, wrinkles around the mouth are tightened.

Nose exercises

Beginning face builders usually get fixated on problem areas and forget to train their nose. At the beginning of the lesson, the facial gymnastics trainer dispels myths on the topic of correcting the shape of the nose and gives two effective exercises. At the end of the lesson, viewers will learn about the prospect of regular training and the positive effects. The advantage of the lesson is a detailed demonstration of hand actions during gymnastics. Correct finger position prevents the appearance of creases and wrinkles.

Basic facial exercises

The forehead, eyelids, lips, chin and cheeks are problem areas that need correction and tightening with age. The set of exercises from the video is designed to work on all problem areas in one lesson. A warm-up is shown to increase blood circulation and prepare muscles, performed before class. The lesson talks about precautions and contraindications.

Facebook building from bulldog cheeks

Sagging cheeks are caused by loss of muscle tone with age or as a result of sudden weight loss. The classes shown in the video lesson are quite difficult for beginners. When performing, you need to control the nearby muscles and not automatically engage them in the work - this is the difficulty. The video also provides interesting exercises for working out the nasolabial area.

How to remove a double chin

A double chin can appear early and significantly spoil the appearance, giving the face extra age and fullness. To prevent and remove wrinkles, you need to strengthen the neck and chewing muscles. The training video provides exercises using resistance to arm strength and shows rotational movements with a stretching effect. The complex is simple and suitable for daily practice.

How to pump up your cheekbones and tighten your face shape

A large number of muscles are responsible for lifting the oval. This exercise tones the muscles of the face and neck through tension, stretching and relaxation. The author of the lesson combines exercises with self-massage. Massage movements along the right lines in the right direction allow you to deceive the laws of gravity and keep your face toned for a while.

Mimic muscles of the face - a detailed review

For a deep dive into the topic of face fitness, we suggest taking a closer look at the muscular structure of the face. The video lesson clearly demonstrates the anatomical structure on a 3D model. The author talks about the functions of each muscle: moving the eyebrows, lowering the corners of the mouth, etc. Having an idea of ​​the muscles being trained makes it easier to perform the exercises correctly.

Gymnastics for facial rejuvenation

Regular face exercises improve the color and general condition of the skin. You can diversify your workouts by purchasing special facial exercise gadgets in Chinese online stores. Choose any of the complexes you like or create individual ones based on those proposed in the article.

Most of our readers probably devote enough time to training their own bodies. But many of you probably forget about the face. No, we are not talking about skin care with creams and masks now. We are talking specifically about training the facial muscles, the so-called facial gymnastics, which can and should also be done. No cream can adequately combat the appearance of wrinkles, bags under the eyes, sagging cheeks, double chin and other “charms” of aging. But they can!

This technique is called face building. It includes fitness classes for various muscle groups, as well as massages - both lymphatic drainage and plastic. In order to successfully engage in face building, you do not need special training or any special conditions. Additional devices and equipment are also not required. All you need is desire, patience and a little free time every day. Not such a big price to pay for beauty, is it?

There are many exercises for training the facial muscles, but the most popular in our country is the “Facebuilding with Evgenia Baglyk” course. Today we will talk about this wonderful fitness trainer, as well as about the wonders that face-building and exercises from Evgenia Baglyk can do for the face.

One day, a talented and experienced fitness trainer, Evgenia Baglyk, thought: why can the signs of aging of the body be fought with the help of sports, but to correct the shape of the face and get rid of wrinkles, as a rule, they use the heaviest artillery - beauty injections or, even worse, plastic surgery? After all, most of these procedures are quite unsafe, and they do not guarantee eternal results, quite the contrary.

Evgenia decided to collect information on this issue and carefully study it. She studied in detail the structure of the bones of the facial part of the skull and the muscles that are attached to these bones, the location of the lymph nodes and nerve endings. So, as a result, a system of exercises developed personally by Evgenia appeared. But the fitness trainer didn’t stop there either - she personally tried all the exercises on herself, eventually choosing the most effective ones. Now a video of facial fitness with Evgenia Baglyk is available on the Internet - the author has long been running her own channel on Youtube, where she shares her experiences with everyone.

How will the video “Facebuilding with Evgenia Baglyk” help?

To motivate you to do simple facial gymnastics, we’ll tell you why face-building is good and what problems it can solve.

Like any other muscles, facial muscles can also be pumped up, made more elastic, dense and strong. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid that your face will become covered with the same bulges as a bodybuilder’s body: the facial muscles are very thin, so it is simply impossible to bring them to a similar state with the help of exercises. Besides, we wouldn’t lift heavy weights with our faces, would we?

So, if you do it regularly, the effect will not be long in coming:

  • The tone of the facial muscles will improve.
  • The oval of the face and the cheekbone area will be tightened and visually corrected.
  • The complexion will become healthier - due to improved blood supply to the skin and tissues.
  • The swelling will go away, and with it the bags under the eyes.
  • The double chin will disappear.
  • Wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead and around the lips will disappear, and nasolabial folds will smooth out.
  • Lips will become brighter and plumper.
  • Excess fat on the face will disappear, the skin will tighten after losing weight.
  • You will become visually several years younger without plastic surgery or beauty injections.

As you can see, it’s easier to list what Facebook building cannot do to your face than the other way around. Therefore, if you still doubted whether the game was worth the candle, the answer is unequivocal: yes!

Facebook building for the face: video with Evgenia Baglyk

Now let's move on directly to the exercises. But here it’s worth making a reservation right away: for the technique to work, you need to do this regularly. That is, every day - approximately 20-30 minutes, depending on the course. The first results will appear no earlier than in a couple of weeks - you also need to be prepared for this.

Evgenia Baglyk's course includes many different lessons for all parts of the face. We will not provide all the video tutorials - they are on Evgenia’s official channel on the Internet. We will bring to your attention the most common and effective ones - so that you do not waste time and can immediately start training.

Let's start with heavy artillery. And this is, of course, “The most popular exercises. Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk” is an eighteen-minute lesson compiled according to user requests. Includes the five most requested exercises: against nasolabial folds, for tightening the neck and double chin, for correcting the cheekbone area, for eliminating puffiness under the eyes and “crow’s feet”.

If you want to work not on the entire face, but only on a specific part of it, you should take a closer look at other video tutorials from Evgenia Baglyk. For example, for those who “suffer” from wrinkles on the forehead, there is an excellent video “Facebuilding with Evgenia Baglyk. Correction of the forehead area.” Just eight minutes daily - and wrinkles are gone!

Need to correct the lower part of your face? The next video from Evgenia Baglyk is a facelift, nothing less. Jokes aside: the result from such a “lift” will be no worse than from the plastic surgery of the same name.

Another cool short video lesson from Evgenia is “Universal exercises for any face.” Suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, age and scale of tragedy:

As you can see, it is possible to look younger without plastic surgery if you take the matter seriously and responsibly. Try it - and be sure to share your opinion in the comments!
