Exercises to develop the shoulder joint. How to develop the shoulder joint? Exercise therapy, gymnastics, exercises Physical therapy for the shoulder

Deforming osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is a complex disease; In order to control it, it is not enough just to take the necessary medications. This requires treatment, which includes both physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises.

In this article we will give examples of therapeutic exercises for the shoulder joint, which are important to perform for this disease, and also show interesting videos with examples of such gymnastic complexes.

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Who can do gymnastics and who can’t?

Remember: therapeutic exercises are the only method of combating the disease that will not require money, drugs, or nerves from you. Perform them regularly, and very soon you will see the long-awaited effect!

A set of exercises for osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

Ex. No. 1: pull your hands to your shoulder blades

ex. for shoulder arthrosis No. 1

The starting position (IP) looks like this: feet shoulder-width apart, the right arm is raised and bent at the elbow so that the fingers of the right hand touch the right shoulder blade. The right elbow is looking up at this time. Performed on a count of 1-8.

From a count of 1 to seven, place your left hand on your right elbow and, pressing lightly (with great care!), pull your right hand down so that the right palm lying on the shoulder blade can go as low as possible.

At the count of eight, return to IP and change hands. Then do the same operation with your left hand.

This movement must be repeated four times.

No. 2: hug yourself by the shoulders

To perform this exercise, you need to take the following starting position: standing with your arms down; legs are shoulder-width apart.

First, place your left hand on your right shoulder and your right hand on your left shoulder. In other words, hug yourself by the shoulders. At the same time, on the count of one to seven, try to keep your elbows as high as possible, and with your fingers you seem to be trying to reach the spine; on the count of eight you need to accept the ref. position.

Perform this movement 8 times and move on to the next one.

No. 3: tilting with support

Stand facing the back of a regular chair at a distance of 35-40 cm from it; Place your feet, as in the previous exercise, shoulder-width apart. This is ref. position.

From there, also on a count of one to seven, lean forward so that your straight arms rest on the back of the chair in front of you, and then begin to reach the floor with your shoulder joints. On the count of eight, carefully and gently return to the starting position.

This movement also needs to be repeated eight times (during one session of therapeutic exercises).


In order for therapeutic exercises for joint arthrosis to give the maximum effect, it is useful to combine it with magnetotherapy -

(don't forget to consult your doctor!)

No. 4: hand helps hand

IP: stand so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. Arms extended forward. From this position, on a one-seven count, bend your left arm at the elbow joint and make it point towards your right shoulder, as if reaching for it.

After this, place your right hand on the elbow of your left hand and, very carefully, smoothly, without jerking, pull your left hand to your right shoulder, as you did in a similar way in the exercise “pull your hands to your shoulder blades.”

On the count of eight, also very smoothly, return to the starting position, and then perform a similar operation with the other hand.

This movement, as well as “pull your hands to the shoulder blades,” must be performed 4 times.

No. 5: hands behind your back

Take IP: standing with feet shoulder-width apart; hands are behind the back, crossed and bent at the elbows.

From this position, on a count of 1-7, grab the elbow of your right hand with your left hand, and then, on a count of 8, carefully return to the starting position of this exercise.

After this, do the same action, changing hands.

This movement must be done eight times.

No. 6: “Gagarin”

To take the starting position, place your feet shoulder-width apart and interlace your hands behind your back.

1) On the count of one - seven, begin to turn your shoulders back so that your elbows behind your back begin to approach each other. On the count of 8, smoothly return to the starting position.

2) A small addition to the previous part of the exercise: do the same movement as in (1), but additionally raise the hands intertwined behind your back as high as possible.

This exercise, like most of the previous ones, must be repeated eight times in a row.

Ex. Read number 7 after the video.

And here is a video of another useful complex:

#7: Your friend is a towel

As the name implies, to perform this movement you will need a towel or some piece of fabric, such as a scarf (for the head). Starting position: standing; feet, as usual, shoulder width apart.

Grab the edges of the towel with your hands, then, on a count of “one to four,” raise your arms up and move them back so as not to bend your elbows. On the count of “five to eight,” you need to perform a reverse movement with your arms raised behind your back and moved forward.

The movement must be performed six times.

As you get better and better at this exercise with experience, you should try to do it so that the distance between your hands gradually becomes smaller.

Sometimes there is a sharp pain in the shoulder joint, which does not allow you to move your arm freely. This is not necessarily a disease, since painful sensations can arise due to physical inactivity, excessive physical exertion, provoked by incorrect body position for a long time, there may be swelling due to short-term compression of blood vessels, and injury can also remind of itself. But pain can also be a reminder of an incipient and or progressive disease that occurs due to poor lifestyle or metabolic disorders. Therapeutic exercises can stop and reverse negative processes, relieve pain and restore mobility to the shoulder.

Possible diseases

In addition to temporary phenomena, the shoulder may hurt due to problems in the shoulder joint, which can develop into a painful illness:

Features of the classes

Please note that the shoulder is the basis of the arm, and if the disease of this organ is not taken seriously, even healthy joints of the fingers, hand, and elbow can become useless and the person will lose the freedom of self-care, which will negatively affect his life. Therefore, you should not neglect the problem, consult a doctor, because in the acute phase of the disease, therapeutic exercises cannot be done, but you need medications, possibly painkillers (it is advisable to do without painkillers if you can tolerate the pain), anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, which can only be safely prescribed by a professional .

Gymnastics exercises for illnesses should be selected by a doctor, here is a general strengthening complex that will strengthen the shoulder joint, it is advisable to do it twice a day for ten minutes, from the complex you can take convenient and useful exercises in the right quantity. The main thing is that the movements create a therapeutic load and are not painfully difficult. Therapeutic gymnastics should continue for a long period, up to three months, after which they can be replaced with a more complex load.

Some contraindications for which you cannot exercise:


Gymnastics lying on your back

Gymnastics sitting on a chair:

Standing gymnastics

  1. Half squat with your hands on your knees, and when standing up, spread your arms to your sides.
  2. Wave your arms so that at the same time one hand is in front and the other is behind your back.
  3. Bend to the side, arm on the opposite side at the top.
  4. Walk, swinging your arms widely.

Severe shoulder pain, a feeling of discomfort, partial loss of arm mobility are symptoms indicating the development of pathology in the shoulder area. Upon diagnosis glenohumeral periarthritis a set of exercises is a necessary treatment measure that allows the joint to return to its previous functionality. Physiotherapy exercises are prescribed during remission or after complete cure of the disease. The patient must choose the appropriate exercises independently. Before making a choice, it is necessary to perform a full range of therapeutic exercises at least once.

Humeroscapular periarthritis– a pathology that affects not the joint itself, but the tissues located around it, including ligaments, tendons, and joint capsule. To combat the disease, the use of drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures and traditional methods is not enough. With their help, you can eliminate pain and inflammation. Therapeutic gymnastics will help completely restore the functionality of the affected joint.

Doctors recommend exercises for glenohumeral periarthritis, which were developed by the famous doctor Popov. To ensure that physical therapy (physical therapy) does not harm the patient and shows the best results, you need to follow some rules:

Gymnastics is performed during the period of improvement of the patient’s condition or during the period of healing of the pathology.

You need to perform the exercises smoothly, slowly, without sudden movements and excessive loads.

It is not necessary to perform the same exercise as many times as indicated in the instructions; it all depends on the patient’s well-being and preliminary training.

There should be no feeling of pain or discomfort when performing exercises. At the first signs, gymnastics should be stopped until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Gymnastics should be performed regularly and systematically, preferably in the morning and evening; if the patient wishes, it can be performed at lunchtime. The duration of exercise therapy is about 5–15 minutes.

Physical education according to the Popov method was developed for patients for rehabilitation purposes. It is used as a treatment and to support the health of the whole body. Has the same results physical therapy by Bubnovsky– a doctor specializing in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

For whom exercise therapy is contraindicated?

Not all patients suffering from glenohumeral periarthritis are allowed to do therapeutic exercises; there are contraindications to its implementation:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • diseases of an infectious nature, acute course;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diabetes mellitus with complications;
  • cardiac history with aggravating consequences.

A set of exercises for shoulder joint disease can be performed only when the patient’s well-being has improved significantly and there is no severe pain or other associated symptoms. You can do exercise therapy both in a hospital and at home.

Popov's gymnastics for the treatment of joints

Exercise therapy for glenohumeral periarthritis is an important step towards a complete cure.

Popov's technique is aimed at restoring the functions of the damaged area of ​​the shoulder and joint. The gymnastics that Popov developed involves performing simple movements aimed at warming up the spine. Basically, these are stretching, bending and bending. After several days of daily exercises at home, the patient will feel better, pain and tension in the affected joint and muscles will decrease. The doctor developed special exercises that should end physical education.

First lesson: “walking”, sitting on a chair.

An effective exercise is “walking” in place while sitting. To do this, the patient needs to sit on the edge of the chair, straighten his spine, and place his feet shoulder-width apart. In this position, you need to start “walking” while sitting on a chair. At the same time, you need to move your hands one by one along the thighs, from the top, moving smoothly to the knee. If there is no pain or discomfort during the exercise, the inclination increases.

Second lesson: relax.

To perform the exercise, you need to straighten your back as much as possible, relax your arms and smoothly make circular movements with your shoulders. Then bend over, round your back and continue to move your shoulders. At the end of the exercise, straighten your back.

Physical education for every day

Popov’s exercises for the development of pathology in the shoulder area are not only the easiest to perform, but also effective. The doctor suggests performing a set of exercises every day for glenohumeral periarthritis, consisting of the following movements:

Place your arms along your body and perform circular movements with your shoulders.

Raise your shoulders and draw figure eights with them one by one.

Stretch your arms in front of you, clasp your palms together, stretch forward so that you feel a slight tension in your spine and hip joints.

Starting position, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms hanging freely along the body. Inhale, cross your arms, push your shoulders forward, then exhale, return to your previous position, trying to close your shoulder blades as close as possible.

Place your arms, bent at the elbows, on the shoulder girdle. In this position with your elbows, perform circles slowly at first, gradually accelerating the pace.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, point your toes toward each other. Bend down, smoothly sliding your hands along your legs to your feet, while trying to close your knees as tightly as possible. Straighten your back, point your toes outward from each other, and press your shoulder blades together.

If exercises cause pain and discomfort, it is necessary to stop gymnastics with a “relaxation” exercise. The patient will be able to resume activities when the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear. Each exercise is performed about 10 times, but the number of repetitions depends on the form of the pathology, the severity of its course and the general condition of the patient.

Bubnovsky's gymnastics!

Bubnovsky’s joint exercises will help patients fully restore the functionality of their joints and return to their previous lifestyle. The famous doctor’s gymnastics are used in the field of neurology and orthopedics.

Unlike gymnastics Popova, Bubnovsky offers exercises which must be performed on special simulators. The results of gymnastics directly depend on the patient’s desire to completely recover from the disease. With its help, patients can not only recover from joint diseases, but also improve their body health. The advantage of Bubnovsky’s exercise therapy is that it can be performed by pregnant women, the elderly, and children. The choice of exercises for each patient is individual, depending on his condition and characteristics of the disease.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics, first of all, involves complete control of breathing. A set of various exercises will help develop the entire body. The main purpose of the exercises is to develop muscles and ligaments and increase their elasticity. A full course of gymnastics consists of 36 exercises, but after approximately 12 sessions the patient can feel an improvement in well-being.

Bubnovsky’s physical therapy is aimed at restoring the functionality of joints and improving the condition of muscles and ligaments. With its help, the patient can quickly get rid of back pain, strengthen the abs, and restore the functionality of the hip joints, lower and upper extremities.

You can start gymnastics using the Popov or Bubnovsky method using the simplest and most easily performed exercises, gradually incorporating other movements into physical education, increasing the number of their repetitions. Each of the methods of physical therapy will allow the patient to restore the functionality of the damaged joint, giving a feeling of relief and well-being.


Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint: a set of exercises

One of the most commonly diagnosed degenerative joint diseases is knee arthrosis. This chronic disease is characterized by a constantly progressive course, during which the sick person experiences serious changes in the cartilage and bone tissues of the knees.

A comprehensive approach to the treatment of this disease is indicated. This is the only way a person can normalize his condition and eliminate the inflammatory process. Thus, patients are recommended to undergo therapeutic exercises for the knee joints, dietary nutrition, drug therapy and physical therapy.

The mechanism of arthrosis development

As noted above, arthrosis of the knee joint, gymnastics of which will be most effective in the initial stages of the disease, leads to gradual dysfunction of the affected joint. At the same time, this process of joint destruction can be lightning fast (develop in six months or less) or last for years.

In most cases, patients experience a slow progression of arthrosis, which, in the absence of timely treatment, can lead to a complete loss of the ability to move without additional support.

Important! Exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint has not only a therapeutic effect, but also a pronounced preventive effect. It reduces the likelihood of severe damage to the joint, as a result of which the patient may require total knee replacement.

The following causes and factors are identified that can influence the development of arthrosis:



Excess weight in a person in this condition, a very strong load is placed on the patient’s musculoskeletal system, which provokes rapid abrasion of the cartilage tissue of the joint and further damage to the bone structures
Hereditary predisposition a genetic predisposition to arthrosis is due to a defect in a special gene that is responsible for the normal functioning of cartilage tissue. For this reason, those people whose blood relatives suffered from arthrosis should be extremely attentive to their health
Severe hypothermia exposure to low temperatures has an extremely negative impact on the condition of the joints. In the future, this can easily provoke the onset of an inflammatory process.
Acute lack of nutrients when there is a deficiency of useful vitamins, minerals and other substances, the elements of the joint do not receive enough “recharge”, which makes the knee weakened and prone to a number of degenerative pathologies and arthrosis, including
All kinds of joint damage this could be a fracture, blunt impact to the knee, dislocation or other injuries. At the same time, you need to know that even an old injury can easily make itself felt after a couple of years in the form of inflammatory arthrosis
The presence of serious metabolic disorders Such conditions are provoked, first of all, by developing gout and rheumatism. That is why people with these diagnoses should make every effort to keep their condition under control and prevent the development of arthrosis
Frequent stress on the knee This risk group includes people who engage in active sports, as well as workers who regularly lift weights

“Among the most common injuries that can further provoke knee arthrosis, damage to the meniscus takes pride of place. This is justified by the fact that in more than 80% of all cases, this joint injury provokes the first forms of arthrosis in the patient over the next few years.”

Symptoms of the disease

Before considering what gymnastics includes for arthrosis, it is worth pointing out the main manifestations of this disease. Characteristic signs of knee arthrosis are:

  • swelling and redness of the tissues of the knee;
  • severe pain in the knee, which can occur both while walking and at rest;
  • an increase in temperature occurs during an acute inflammatory process;
  • a strong crunching sound during movement, which occurs due to the friction of bones against each other;
  • a pronounced feeling of stiffness in the affected leg, which usually occurs in the morning.

The above-described manifestations of arthrosis can occur in one or both joints at once. Moreover, the nature and intensity of the symptoms of arthrosis directly depends on its cause and degree of neglect.

Exercise therapy rules

Therapeutic exercises for gonarthrosis of the 2nd degree, as well as other degrees of neglect, require the patient to comply with the following rules for proper implementation:

  1. The selection of exercises for patients should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician, who will combine the load for each person individually (based on the patient’s age, the advanced state of arthrosis and the presence of severe concomitant pathologies).
  2. All rehabilitation exercises should be performed slowly, avoiding sudden movements that could easily damage the joint.
  3. You should not continue an exercise that provokes acute pain in a person.
  4. The set of exercises should be performed following a strict regimen. Thus, it is advisable to carry out exercise therapy twice a day, without skipping.
  5. If you have arthrosis of the knees, it is prohibited to perform active loads on the joint (jumping, running, excessively sudden movements of the legs).
  6. Gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint should be practiced only during the period when a person’s disease is not aggravated, that is, in remission. Only at this time will exercises be able to improve joint mobility without causing acute pain in a person.
  7. The load on the joints should be applied in doses with a gradual increase in intensity.
  8. Immediately before starting training, it is important to monitor your blood pressure.

Prohibitions on exercise therapy

To ensure that physical exercise for arthrosis of the knee joint does not further worsen a person’s condition, it should not be performed in the following cases:

  1. Period of menstruation.
  2. Inguinal hernia in an acute condition.
  3. Increased body temperature.
  4. Exacerbation of severe diseases of internal organs.
  5. The patient has recently had a heart attack or stroke.
  6. The period after a recent operation.

With caution and only under the supervision of a doctor, exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree, as well as other degrees of neglect, must be carried out in the following patient conditions:

  • old age of the patient;
  • the patient's pregnancy;
  • presence of oncological pathologies;
  • infectious foci in the body.

Important! If, while performing exercise therapy for arthrosis of the knee joints, a person experiences sharp pain or spasms, he should stop the gymnastics and consult a doctor. You can also take an analgesic, but before doing this it is advisable to consult a specialist. Patients are prohibited from self-medicating.

Exercise therapy complex

A traditional gymnast, when identifying arthrosis of the knees, provides the following exercises:

  1. Lying on your back, bend the sore joint in your knee and pull it towards your stomach as much as possible. Return the leg to the starting position slowly, first touching the floor with the foot and then straightening the leg completely.
  2. Sit on a high chair so that your feet cannot touch the floor. Next, you need to perform circular rotations of the affected joint in one direction, and then in the other. A person must control the intensity of the load himself, based on his pain.
  3. Lying on your stomach, slowly lift your sore leg up without bending it at the joint. Hold your leg like this for a minute, then return to the starting position.
  4. Lying on your back, raise both legs and rotate them in a circular motion like the well-known “bicycle.” In this case, you need to “pedal” first in one direction and then in the opposite direction. This way the joints will be used as much as possible.
  5. Roll over onto your side and lift your sore leg up. Slowly lower it down. Repeat ten times.
  6. Lean on reliable support and pump from heels to toes.
  7. In the same position, perform slow half-squats.
  8. While standing, first raise your straight leg and then your bent leg as high as possible.
  9. Leaning on the back of a chair, bend the affected leg at the knee and move the heel back. Then do the same with the other leg.

All exercises must be repeated several times. As an additional load on the sore joint, you can perform self-massage and also go swimming.

Gymnastics results

Therapeutic exercise for arthrosis of the knee joint (with proper and long-term exercise) can help achieve the following therapy results:

  • general strengthening of the muscles of the diseased joint and toning them;
  • improvement of metabolism in diseased cartilage;
  • improvement of tissue permeability when taking medications together;
  • improvement of knee mobility;
  • normalization of blood circulation and relief of pain;
  • reduction of the inflammatory process;
  • slowing down the process of joint destruction;
  • general improvements in the body, which are accompanied by normalization of breathing and heart rate.

Remember! To make gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint more effective, a person must warm up before performing it. It includes breathing exercises, tiptoe walking and squats.

Diet principles

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint will be especially effective if it is combined with a parallel diet. This is justified by the fact that a specially selected diet will saturate the body with the necessary substances, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the affected joint.

During this diet, the patient’s menu should be based on the following products:

  1. Broths of fish, mushrooms and meat.
  2. Jellied meat and beef cartilage
  3. Greenery.
  4. Vegetables.
  5. Gelatin and dishes containing it.
  6. Not sour fruits.
  7. Nuts.
  8. Dried fruits.
  9. Kefir.
  10. Homemade juices.
  11. Hard cheese and cottage cheese.
  12. Milk.
  13. Seafood.
  14. Cereals.

In turn, the following products should be excluded from the menu:

  • sausages;
  • sweet pastries;
  • jam;
  • chocolate and candies;
  • alcohol in any of its forms;
  • salted or smoked fish;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • hot sauces or spices.

All dishes on this diet should be served boiled or baked. A person should have at least five meals a day, but the portions should be medium.

You should also definitely adhere to the optimal drinking regime, which involves drinking at least two liters of fluid per day.

You should know that, of course, gymnastics for the knee joints with arthrosis will help stabilize a person’s condition, but it will not completely cure the disease. In order to reduce the risk of the initial development of knee arthrosis, it is important to follow the following expert advice:

  1. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking, which have a negative impact on the human body and its metabolism in particular.
  2. Protect your knees from severe hypothermia. To do this, at sub-zero air temperatures, it is advisable to use special woolen knee pads or simply put on additional insulated pants.
  3. To promptly identify and then treat those diseases that are somehow capable of increasing the risk of arthrosis progression. These diseases include gout, diabetes and rheumatism.
  4. Take vitamin complexes regularly to saturate the joint tissues with all the necessary nutrients. Before doing this, you should definitely consult with a specialist.
  5. It is necessary to protect yourself from injury. To do this, you need to be extremely careful when engaging in physical activity and be sure to use protective knee pads.
  6. Control your weight and prevent obesity. In the event that a person has already been diagnosed with arthrosis, then the issue of losing excess weight should not only be considered, but also implemented. This will significantly make life easier for the person and slow down the progression of the disease.
  7. Avoid heavy loads on the knee joints. You should also always remember that you cannot carry heavy objects alone. It is better to ask for help, thereby reducing the risk of knee injury.

Important! In recent years, research has proven that a person’s mental state plays a significant role in the development of arthrosis, namely frequent stress, nervous strain and neuroses. That is why, to reduce the risk of arthrosis, a person should protect himself from all kinds of stressful situations.

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint are an effective way to treat this very unpleasant pathology. Exercise therapy is the basis of any treatment regimen for the disease, no matter what stage of development it is at. Doctors have accumulated vast practical experience in this matter, and the developed methods provide the necessary effectiveness.

An important condition for the correctness of the developed treatment program is that therapeutic exercises for knee arthrosis must be individual, tailored to the characteristics of the sick person’s body. Accurate diagnosis of the stage of the disease and taking into account all factors is the key to the fact that physical therapy will become a real medicine for the patient.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joints, or gonarthrosis, is a degenerative disease that causes destruction of cartilage tissue, articular deformation and dysfunction of the knee joint. The initial damage to cartilage tissue originates at the molecular level, followed by a change in the structure of the substance, which leads to clouding, thinning and delamination of the cartilage, as well as cracking in different directions.

In the clinical picture of the development of the disease, there are 3 main stages. In the first stage, slight abnormalities of the hyaline cartilage are noted, while the joint retains its shape. Fluid accumulates in its cavity, penetrating into the area of ​​the popliteal fossa with the possibility of developing a Baker's cyst. The pain syndrome manifests itself when walking and standing for a long time (especially noticeable when going down the stairs), but goes away at rest.

The second stage is characterized by significant thinning of the cartilage, up to the complete disappearance of the lining. Marginal growths of bone tissue and narrowing of the gap develop. Any movement is accompanied by pain, and long rest is necessary to relieve it.

The main signs of the third stage are the disappearance of cartilage over a significant area, obvious bone sclerosis, the appearance of numerous osteophytes, and severe narrowing of the joint space. The pain syndrome is expressed by increased intensity and does not go away at rest. There is some limited joint mobility, muscle wasting in the thigh and lower leg, and bone deformation begins. There is a change in gait and shape of the limbs.

The etiology of the disease includes the following main causes: hereditary predisposition at the gene level; old knee injuries; excess weight of a person, causing increased stress on the knee joint; excessive physical activity; metabolic disorders as a result of certain diseases, leading to intra-articular deposition of crystals (for example, uric acid); age factor associated with natural degenerative processes.

Treatment of pathology

At present, it is not possible to completely cure gonarthrosis, but it is possible to stop tissue destruction and ensure a person’s full ability to work by using an integrated approach to treatment. The modern treatment regimen includes the following areas: wearing special knee braces to relieve stress from the medial areas; prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; diet aimed at losing weight; physical therapy, including a special set of exercises; taking muscle relaxants; physiotherapy; injection of hyaluronic acid to replace synovial fluid; use of chondroprotectors; prescribing medications to normalize blood supply and improve blood rheology; PRP technique based on the introduction of a drug to restore cartilage tissue; surgical treatment if necessary (arthroscopy and joint replacement). The most important element of treatment is physical exercise for arthrosis of the knee joint, incl. special exercises for older people with arthrosis.

Exercise therapy for arthrosis is physical exercise that helps develop the affected joint, increase motor function, strengthen muscles and increase their tone. Charging should be carried out according to an individual program designed for a long period of systematic treatment. The program must take into account the person’s condition, stage and phase of the disease; Be sure to pay attention to contraindications. During the period of remission, exercises for knee arthrosis are performed more often, longer and with greater load, and during exacerbation of the disease, the intensity is reduced to a minimum.

The following basic principles are generally accepted: physical exercise should not cause pain; physical activity is initially prescribed to be minimal in size and duration with increasing intensity - exercises begin with simple movements with gradual complication; Physical education for arthrosis should be regular (without long breaks).

All schemes therapeutic exercises include basic rules that prevent overload and ensure maximum efficiency, but the main rule is do no harm:

  1. All movements are performed smoothly, at a slow pace, and their amplitude increases gradually.
  2. Exercises are carried out daily.
  3. The total duration of physical education during the day should not exceed 35-45 minutes, divided into 3-4 periods of 10-15 minutes each.
  4. Rest after each lesson should be at least 4 hours.
  5. The number of repetitions of one exercise in the initial period (12-14 days) is no more than 4-5 times, followed by an increase to 6-10 times if necessary.
  6. The lesson should begin by relaxing the leg muscles to improve blood flow.
  7. After each lesson, rest is provided - in a lying position with relaxed, outstretched legs, slightly apart to the side; bending your knees or resting while sitting is not recommended.
  8. A good way to consolidate therapeutic exercises is a light self-massage of the joint and the entire limb for 6-8 minutes.

Exercise therapy for gonarthrosis includes both very simple and more complex exercises, depending on the severity of the joint damage.

They are carried out from different starting positions (IP): lying, sitting and standing; Moreover, in the lying position on the bed there can be IP on the side, back or stomach.

Exercises in a lying position. The most common are exercise therapy exercises performed while lying on your back:

  1. IP: arms along the body; as you inhale, your arms rise and are pulled back a little while simultaneously bending your feet towards you; as you exhale, you return to the IP.
  2. As you inhale, pull your knee to your stomach on one leg with your hands, and as you exhale, return to IP; then the same exercise is performed with the other leg.
  3. The legs bend at the knees with the pelvis raised.
  4. IP: legs bent at the knees. First, one leg rises and lowers, then the same is done with the other leg.
  5. Abducting one straight leg to the side and returning; then do the same with the other leg.
  6. IP: arms along the body; on inhalation, both arms and legs rise, on exhalation, return to IP.
  7. Repeat with the other leg.
  8. Exercise “Bicycle” for 12-15 seconds.
  9. Exercise “Scissors” with raised legs for 10-12 seconds.

While lying on your side, exercises are performed first on the left and then on the right:

  1. The lower leg bends at the knee, and the upper leg, when straight, rises to a height of 25-30 cm.
  2. Alternately bending the legs at the knee joint.
  3. Alternately moving the legs forward and backward.
  1. IP: hands under the chin; The legs are alternately raised straight.
  2. On inhalation, the head and upper body rise without lifting the legs from the surface, on exhalation, return to the IP.
  3. Alternately bending the legs at the knee with lifting the lower part of the limb.
  4. Imitation of a swimmer's movements when swimming crawl.

Exercises in a sitting position (sitting on a chair). You can suggest the following exercises (IP - back straight, arms resting on a chair):

  1. “Legs dangling”: rapid alternating flexion and extension of the legs at the knee.
  2. Alternately straighten the legs to a right angle with fixation in the upper position for 2-3 seconds.
  3. Rising from a chair with arms raised and quickly returning back.
  4. Raise both legs at right angles and spread them to the side.

Exercises in a standing position are carried out using support on the back of a chair or table. The most frequently performed movements are:

  1. Hands cover the back of the chair; The legs are alternately moved as far as possible to the side.
  2. IP: standing sideways to the chair, hands on the back; alternate swings of the straight leg forward and backward.

Exercises according to the Hatha Yoga system. For gonarthrosis, several exercises included in the Hatha Yoga exercise complex are recommended:

  1. IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down; tilting the body with the hands reaching the toes while lowering the body slightly; breathing is uniform.
  2. IP: sitting on your knees, body upright, arms down; you need to smoothly sit on your heels and hold in this state for 1.5-2 minutes.
  3. IP: sitting on the floor, legs straight; slow tilt without bending the legs, exercise duration - 1.5-2 minutes.

Physical exercises should be combined with walks in the fresh air, swimming, bathing procedures, solarium, and also combined with physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic massage. Be healthy!

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Pain in the shoulder area is familiar to every person and is treated using the method of cumulative exercises according to Bubnovsky. But competent treatment is prescribed only after identifying the cause that caused the pain syndrome. Today we will look at what physical activities are designed to solve specific problems.

Causes of shoulder pain

Factors that provoke pain in the shoulder joint are as follows:

  • maintaining a passive lifestyle;
  • excessive load on the shoulder joint, which is permanent;
  • untreated shoulder injury;
  • not completed therapy;
  • pathologies of hereditary and genetic nature;
  • infectious diseases;
  • oncological formations;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • inflammatory processes in the connective bursa of the shoulder.

To get rid of discomfort and to develop the shoulder articulation, medical experts in the field of treatment of joint diseases advise performing special combinations of physical training.

The benefits of physical therapy

The positive effect of performing a complex of exercise therapy is obvious. Exercises are needed to avoid changes in the anatomical articulation of the shoulder.

Therapeutic gymnastics is useful for recovery and is aimed at maintaining muscle tissue in normal functioning, maintaining ligaments and tendons in working condition. When performing the complex, the flexibility of the shoulder joint improves.

Malakhov: joints will heal in 5 days and will be like they were at 20 again. There is a simple folk method

Preparatory procedures

Before performing the complex at home, it is important to ensure that the practice room is ventilated and the flooring is soft and non-slip. After ventilating the room, you need to close the windows tightly so that the lumbar area and shoulder are not blown through.

Before starting physical therapy, a number of rules are taken into account to avoid relapse of the disease or serious complications:

  1. Before starting a workout, do a warm-up complex to prepare the muscle tissue for the load and subsequent stretching. This is necessary in order to increase the flow of blood cells to the tissues.
  2. When performing gymnastics, avoid sudden movements, as this can lead to sprained ligaments and tendons.
  3. In the final pose, fix the body in order to slightly stretch the muscles and let them get used to it.
  4. Keep your breathing even to ensure sufficient oxygen saturation in the blood. Try not to hold your breath and follow the rhythm. This will allow you to achieve a relaxing effect and feel every cell of the body.

A set of exercises for the shoulder joint with arthrosis

The training begins immediately after waking up. Classes begin with raising part of the body to the top, then the hands are moved in opposite directions, pulled forward, and then raised above the head. This is a warm-up part, after which a set of sports activities is performed.

It includes movements with the arms, the simplest of which is lifting parts of the body with dumbbells from a sitting position. The choice of weight of sports equipment depends on the patient’s capabilities. You need to start the complex with 20 times per approach. To improve your well-being and get used to the muscles, the weight of dumbbells and the number of approaches increase.

A set of exercises after injury

Therapeutic exercise is performed under the supervision of the attending physician. The total exercises are done daily and begin within two days if the injury to the shoulder joint is not serious. If the ligaments are completely torn, then the period after which the recovery procedure begins is determined individually. After a fracture, classes begin after the plaster is removed.

The complex of treatment sessions is as follows:

  1. Performing pendulum-like rotations with a straightened, uninjured limb. The training is performed in a standing position, with the torso slightly bent forward. The injured part of the body is at rest;
  2. Move the extended hand towards the body and return to its previous position;
  3. Straighten your arm, stretch it forward in this position and make rotational movements with the elongated parts of your body;
  4. The patient lies on his back, takes the stick in his hands in front of him and moves the equipment to the right and left;
  5. Using a healthy part of the body, place the sports equipment behind the head from the same starting position;
  6. Exercise with a gymnastic ball. The patient, being in a standing position, throws the ball in front of him, holding the outstretched limbs above the head;
  7. The starting position is the same, but the ball is held at the chest with both hands. The patient throws the equipment and catches it back;
  8. Push-ups.

Each exercise is done 10 times. Monitor your well-being.

Gymnastic complex for capsulitis

This disease is accompanied by limited mobility of the shoulder, so with capsulitis it is important to do sports procedures aimed at restoring normal movement of the joint.

Before performing combined exercises, warm up the shoulder joint by taking a warm bath or shower for 15 minutes, or apply a hot compress to the affected area:

  1. . The patient bends down a little, lowering the painful part of the body down, relaxing it. Makes rotational movements with his hand clockwise and then counterclockwise. One approach includes 10-15 repetitions in both directions. The diameter of the circle increases as the pain syndrome of the shoulder joint decreases;
  2. Stretching with a towel. The patient takes the towel with both hands behind his back. With a healthy hand, you need to slightly pull the object so that the damaged limb is pulled upward. Do 10-20 repetitions, based on how you feel;
  3. Walking with your fingers. The patient stands against the wall, turning the front of his body towards it. Having bent the damaged part of the body at the elbow joint, he should touch the wall with his fingers and slowly take small steps as high as his health allows. The muscles of the shoulder joint are not tensed; only the fingers are involved in the work. Then the patient slowly lowers the lower limb and does the same exercise 10-20 times;
  4. Stretch across the torso. Perform the exercise both from a standing and sitting position. The patient lifts the injured part of the body by the elbow joint above the head and moves it out of the same position to the side, slightly stretching the shoulder joint. The patient remains in this position for about 15 seconds, then returns to the original position and performs up to 15 repetitions;
  5. Hand behind head. The training is performed in a lying position. The victim holds the injured limb by the elbow and pulls it up. Using the uninjured part of the body, lightly presses on the damaged part of the body, slightly stretching it. Fix the position for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times.

Physical therapy after a shoulder dislocation

To recover from a dislocation, sports activities begin with simple exercises, the effect of which is concentrated on improving the tone of muscle tissue. In case of a dislocation in the first stages of rehabilitation, it is enough to make light movements only with the hand and fingers of the injured limb.

  • Flexion and extension of the damaged part of the body at the elbow joint, extension of both arms to the sides, rotational movements of the arms for 5 minutes;
  • The patient stands opposite the wall and presses with the fingertips of the injured hand for 3 seconds;
  • For 5 seconds, the patient tenses the muscle of the sore shoulder, then relaxes it. The exercise is performed 5 times;
  • The patient alternately raises and lowers the shoulder joints. The exercise is repeated 8 times.

To relieve pain

If you have pain, you need to start a set of sports activities as early as possible to prevent the development of arthrosis. These exercises also work to strengthen the muscles of the back and arms, preventing the development of pathology:

  1. From a lying position, with your arms down along your body, make rotational movements with your palms without touching the floor;
  2. Also, in a supine position, move the limbs in opposite directions, lower the injured limb to the floor with the back side up. Inhale, return to the previous position and exhale;
  3. From the same position, take turns raising the limbs up and down;
  4. Lie on the uninjured side with your arms extended along your body. Stretch the damaged part of the body upward, bend it at the elbow and, if possible, place it behind the head. Inhale and take the starting position;
  5. Lie on your back, straighten your limbs along the body, bend the injured limb at the elbow joint, holding it with the uninjured part of the body. Move the joint to the side, inhale and take the starting position;
  6. Move to the bed, lower the injured limb down, relax and rock in opposite directions.

Repeat the complex up to 4 times a day. The duration of each approach is 10-15 minutes.

Gymnastics for periarthritis

The set of these exercises from Levchenko is simple to perform and effective in action. With periarthritis, the muscles are in an overstrained state.

The following gymnastics will help relieve this tension:

  • Clench your hands into fists, lower them along your body and rotate each hand in opposite directions. Then rotate your elbow joints. Do 8-10 repetitions;
  • Alternate movement of shoulders up and down. Do 15 reps;
  • Place your hands on your sides, then move your shoulder blades forward and try to close them on the back side, pick up a gymnastic stick and make a rotation simulating rowing. Perform 10 spins.

The optimal number of repetitions is determined by the attending physician.

Complex exercises according to Dikul also help to cope with the disease. The complex is of a general rehabilitation nature and includes the following exercises:

  1. In a standing position, rotate the hands of the limbs clockwise and back, extend the limbs forward. Do 10 repetitions;
  2. Get into the starting position, place your feet shoulder-width apart, swing your arms to the sides. Perform 5-10 repetitions, monitor your well-being;
  3. From the same position, pressing your limbs to your body, swing straight and back. The muscles are not tense. Do 10 repetitions on each arm;
  4. Walk slowly for one minute, while making wide, sweeping swings of your arms.

Additional treatment

The set of therapeutic exercises to relieve pain in the shoulders is complemented by a special therapeutic massage. In combination with exercises, it will speed up recovery and reduce pain.

The procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. Massage is done regularly by a massage therapist. It is advisable to consult your doctor.


Remember that with regular implementation of the complex, normal functioning of the shoulder joint is restored in two weeks, and pain disappears after two to three days. After an injury, the joints become fragile, so to prevent relapse, you should take a course of vitamins that strengthen the shoulder joints. Be careful when making sudden movements.

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The gymnastics complex for the shoulder girdle is designed to strengthen and develop the muscles and ligaments of this segment. Special exercises are used for rehabilitation/recovery after injuries/surgery on the shoulder joint.

In addition, with the help of physical therapy (physical therapy) for the shoulder, it is possible to cure many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For example, without special exercises it is almost impossible to relieve periarthritis or arthrosis of the shoulders.

1 Briefly about the anatomy of the shoulder muscles and their functions

The movers of the shoulder girdle are muscles, tendons (ligaments) and the shoulder joint itself. The latter has a typical spherical shape; its main elements are the head of the humerus and the scapular articular cavity.

The muscles of the shoulder joint are represented by several groups: supraspinatus, teres, infraspinatus, deltoid and subscapularis. Together they form the muscle capsule of the shoulder joint, which provides all movement in this area.

Their function: movement of the arm in the shoulder joint. And since this joint is the most mobile, it is the one that is injured quite often.

Training to develop strength and flexibility in the shoulder girdle is fundamentally different from developing it after injury/surgery or for the treatment of existing diseases.

2 General rules for gymnastics

There are general rules for exercise therapy for the shoulder joint, relevant for both men and women. It is imperative to follow these rules, otherwise, at best, you can reduce the effectiveness of training to zero, and at worst, only aggravate the situation.

General rules:

  1. A doctor, trainer or rehabilitation specialist should create a set of exercises. Your own initiative is dangerous to your health.
  2. Rotational elements (such as arm rotation exercises) should be performed as slowly and carefully as possible.
  3. Immediately before training, warm-up/warm-up of muscles and ligaments is required.
  4. No racing for achievements - gymnastics does not imply building muscles or increasing muscle strength. For such purposes, you need to visit the gym (provided you are not sick).
  5. Exercises with a stick, dumbbells or other devices are allowed only if the disease is mild or absent. No weights should be used for therapeutic exercises.
  6. Muscle stretching is carried out only after the end of the workout.

3 Why do you need to stretch a healthy shoulder joint, and when should you do it?

Let's assume that you do not have any diseases of the shoulder girdle. This is not a reason not to warm up this joint. On the contrary, to prevent various pathologies, gymnastics is what you need.

This is true even for those people who are engaged in constant physical labor. Experiencing constant stress on the shoulder girdle is not the same as making it titanium and resistant to any disease. On the contrary, if the load is constant, then the risk of injury/illness is higher.

What can we say about sedentary people who experience atrophy of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the shoulder girdle and impaired joint mobility. Therefore, it is recommended to warm up the shoulder joint daily at home, especially for sedentary people and those who have enormous physical activity.

It is enough to do 20-30 minutes of warm-up at home a day (it can be combined with general body exercises) to significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases in this area.

3.1 List of exercises for warming up and stretching a healthy shoulder joint

Each category of people has its own exercises for warming up or stretching the shoulder joint. It’s easiest for healthy people who have no restrictions on certain gymnastic elements. But how to stretch your shoulder joints?

List of movements for healthy people:

  • keep your arms parallel to any surface (for example, the floor), then bend your palms slightly towards you and begin to perform circular movements with your arms using the shoulder girdle (5 repetitions back and forth are required);
  • spread your arms in different directions, then close them tightly into fists and perform circular movements with your hand (5 repetitions back and forth);
  • raise your arms up, then bend them at the elbow joint; Next, you need to clasp your right elbow with the palm of your left hand and vice versa, then alternately pull your shoulders up (as high as possible), trying not to sag in the lower back;
  • Raise your arms so that they face each other with your palms, then stretch your fingers, rotate your palms forward and alternately stretch your arms while raising your shoulders (try to complete this exercise within 3-5 minutes).

4 After what illnesses and injuries is shoulder joint gymnastics needed?

It is impossible to restore the shoulder joint after an injury or illness through medications or physical therapy alone, and it is even more impossible to cure any disease in this way. Gymnastics is required, and specific one (gymnastic elements are selected by doctors).

Gymnastics is required for the following pathologies of the shoulder joint:

  1. Transition of the degenerative-dystrophic process from the spine (with osteochondrosis or spondylosis) to the articular capsule of the shoulder.
  2. Rehabilitation after a fracture.
  3. Rehabilitation after injury, dislocation or subluxation of the shoulder joint.
  4. Restoration of muscles or ligaments after injury (including injury with rupture of muscle/ligament tissue).
  5. The presence of arthrosis, arthritis or periarthritis.
  6. In some cases, training is prescribed to patients who have suffered a stroke and have partially lost mobility in their upper limbs.
  7. The presence of inflammatory diseases of the joint capsule, including the consequences of past infections of the musculoskeletal system and various autoimmune diseases.

4.1 List of exercises used to treat and restore the shoulder

Those gymnastic elements that are used in the treatment of existing shoulder diseases or to restore past diseases are distinguished by their specificity. This means that these are not at all the same exercises that are used to warm up or increase muscle strength/volume.

We will list an approximate list of such elements, but we insist on contacting your doctor to select individual exercises, which is much more effective than using general ones.

Gymnastics for shoulder treatment and rehabilitation:

  • sit on a chair, rest your hands on your pelvic bones and try to relax; now you need to perform smooth circular movements with both shoulders forward and then back (one and a half minutes on each side);
  • starting position, as in the previous element, shoulders relaxed; move your shoulders back, tense your muscles and try to bring them forward (everything should be done as slowly as possible), 5-7 repetitions are required;
  • lie down and move one arm to the side, then lift it and tense it for 10 seconds, at the end of the time relax it - with proper training, you can use weights, but you don’t need to use them for the first few workouts.

4.2 What shoulder exercises should not be performed after injury or illness?

There are gymnastic elements that should never be performed after injuries or diseases of the shoulder girdle. If you ignore such an instruction, you can expect a relapse of the disease or repeated injury to the soft tissues (and sometimes the joint itself).

List of prohibited exercises (gymnastic elements):

  1. Any elements that involve sudden movements. Remember - high speed of exercise does not lead to anything good, even if you are absolutely healthy.
  2. No lifting or raising your arms to the sides using weights.
  3. If you feel pain or discomfort while performing an exercise, do not do it. Under no circumstances should you, like Hollywood movie heroes, train through hellish torments.
  4. Never start exercising without first warming up the entire musculoskeletal system.
  5. Tug of war is prohibited (excessive physical stress on the joint), as is climbing.
  6. Start your training course with the simplest gymnastic elements, never start with the heaviest ones (your training will quickly end there).

4.3 Exercises for the shoulder joint (video)

4.4 Ready-made gymnastics complexes that include shoulder exercises

There are a small number of ready-made gymnastic complexes with exercises for the shoulder girdle. Their developers are doctors, former trainers and even scientists.

You can use them only at your own peril and risk (so be sure to consult your doctor first!).

Examples of ready-made complexes:

  • the Evdokimenko physical training complex is one of the most popular and effective, applicable in most cases, but a preliminary consultation with your doctor is still required;
  • the physical training complex of Alexander Ishchenko is focused more on the prevention of shoulder diseases rather than on the treatment of existing diseases;
  • Alexandra Sakhniy’s physical training complex is a less popular, but one of the most gentle gymnastic complexes, recommended for rehabilitation after injuries and diseases of the shoulders.

5 What projectiles can be used?

No apparatus should be used to warm up the shoulder girdle. In some cases, you can use dumbbells or kettlebells, but only if you do not have any problems with the joint.

In addition, projectiles are also prohibited in cases where the disease or injury is completely stopped (read: cured). And the ban is valid for several months (how long will be determined by the attending physician).

You can also practice on the horizontal bar and parallel bars. In fact, specifically for health, this is much healthier than lifting heavy weights. Why? Because there is no premature wear and tear of the musculoskeletal system. Also, the likelihood of injury during moderate physical activity is much less than when lifting weights (as in the gym).
