Choosing a crossbow - tips for beginners. A soulless crossbow versus a noble bow. Reality and legends: What shoots more accurately than a bow or a crossbow?

“Tsangra” is a type of early non-medieval crossbow, the specific features of which will be discussed below. But Utah’s “self-arrow” is something else. That is, judging only by this quote, it could also be a crossbow (in Rus' this weapon was called that), but other descriptions suggest that they meant something like an underwater - in this case surface - guns with a spring mechanism. And even multi-shot (Yutanov firmly vouches for the possibility of two shots in a row).

We’ll talk about such crossbows even more below. Well, at least because earthly reality did not know them (and was deeply right in this ignorance). For now - about crossbows. In the form they are familiar to the average reader (or viewer).

In historical novels and films, the attitude towards crossbows is ambiguous. Some authors (directors too) strive to very demonstratively separate the glorious old “world of high martial art” from the “world of machines” - and as a result, the crossbow turns out to be classified precisely in the machine world. This is quite enough to see in a crossbow not a bow with a mechanism for tension and release, but a “dishonest” weapon of a mechanical overkill. It looks especially good in the enemy's clutches: it is hardly by chance that during the Hollywood assault on Helm's Deep, crossbows were fired exclusively by the Urukhai - who, in addition, are themselves the product of ominously technical experiments. In this situation, the crossbowmen, of course, are simply bound to lose to the archers in the end. Which is what they do with success.

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Everything was clear before, but now it’s not so clear. “Before” is when both of these weapons were used for their intended purpose, that is, for combat or for hunting, and due to the specifics of each of them, difficulties with the choice never arose. And “now” is when both the bow and the crossbow have become just symbols and an echo of our history, and when both of them are used primarily as entertainment.

And a modern person who would like to plunge into the Middle Ages for a while is faced with a choice between a bow and a crossbow. And to ease the pain of choice, let's try to consider both of these weapons from some positions.

Firing range - bow

Undoubtedly, a lighter and thinner arrow fired from a more elastic bow will fly much further. And also, shooting with a canopy from a crossbow is practically impossible: due to the greater mass of the crossbow projectile - the bolt - it will not gain sufficient height to acquire the necessary energy reserve. The energy required to defeat the enemy.

Ease of learning - crossbow

In order to learn how to shoot a bow and hit at least a square meter shield from 15 meters, you will need at least a couple of months of training. Positioning your feet, turning your head, holding the bow correctly, gripping the bowstring with your fingers and releasing it smoothly, holding the bow after shooting... And these are just the basic aspects, and there are several times more subtleties.

But a crossbow, at its core, is a “lightweight” bow in terms of training in shooting. That is, the principle is the same, but to shoot you just need to aim and pull the trigger. Of course, there are many nuances when shooting from a crossbow, but there are fewer of them compared to a bow.

Shooting from a horse - bow

Surely no one has ever seen mounted crossbowmen, because such people never existed. After all, it is simply not possible to reload a crossbow on a horse.

Physical Fitness Requirements – Crossbow

Beginners who come to shoot in the archery section start mainly with bows with a tension of 16 kg. At competitions, bows with a force of up to 30 kg are used. But our ancestors were able to easily stretch bows weighing 40 kg or even more throughout the battle. Moreover, the bow must not only be stretched, but held in this position for several seconds in order to take aim. This will require a developed shoulder girdle, arm and back muscles, as well as tenacious fingers, which is developed after many trainings. By the way, the grave of a medieval archer could always be distinguished from others by the spine curved in a certain way...

A crossbow, on the other hand, does not require all this effort since, when cocked, it is held in place by a shackle that is connected to the trigger.

Reload Speed ​​– Bow

How long does it take to remove an arrow from a belt or shoulder quiver and place it on a bow? 2-3-4 seconds. And some masters even manage to do this in less than a second, keeping all the arrows ready in their hand.

But to reload the crossbow, you should insert your foot into a special stirrup, then, using a collar or a special hook on your belt, tighten the bowstring and secure it with a bracket. This will take about 10 seconds. Of course, you can find multi-shot rapid-fire crossbows on the Internet, but their accuracy, reliability and shot power are in doubt.

Weight and dimensions

Here the bow and crossbow are on par. On the one hand, the bow is longer and “oversized”, but it is lighter than a compact but heavy crossbow with a wooden stock.

Although there are lighter crossbow models or heavier bow models, we are comparing average generalized products.

destructive force

In this case, the bow and crossbow are also on par. The fact is that a crossbow is a melee weapon with a “stopping” effect. And it is completely useless when shooting, for example, with a canopy or at 100-200 meters.

On the other hand, a bow, unlike a crossbow, will not be able to stop and knock off a horse quickly rushing towards a rider clad in armor. However, with a bow you can hit a less protected enemy located much further away.

To summarize, we can say that in their historical development, the bow and crossbow were used for different purposes (for example, they went hunting only with a bow, and a crossbowman could be trained faster than an archer). And today, when every modern resident is free to choose the type of entertainment he likes, he can pay attention to either a crossbow that is easier to learn, but no less historical, or a bow, which requires a more thorough approach and a longer period of training.

And having already decided between a bow and a crossbow, other problems will arise: a recurve or compound crossbow, a compound, classic and traditional bow, how much tension to take, what arrows (bolts) to use, what material is best to take a bow from, what sight to install on a crossbow and other, other related issues.

You can ask questions to specialists and purchase bows, crossbows and accessories for them on the website

A crossbow is a type of throwing weapon in which the bow is rigidly attached to the stock in a horizontal position. This symbiosis allows the use of materials with a high coefficient of elasticity, thanks to which the crossbow became the first weapon with armor-piercing properties, and also significantly improves shooting performance. You can learn to use a crossbow much faster than a traditional bow.

A crossbow can be classified according to several parameters, but a more complete picture of it is given by their combination.

  1. Structurally crossbows come in recurve and compound crossbows.
    • The first ones work solely due to the elastic force of the bow's arms. They were called recursive for their double bend, which, when the bowstring is tensioned, work counter-currently - one for compression, the other for tension. Popular recursive models: Yarrow (,), etc.
    • The latter use the principle of a pulley system - a system of blocks and cables passed through them to overcome the elastic resistance of the shoulders. Well-known block models: , and , , and .
  2. By appointment. Crossbows for hunting, sports, and for entertainment.
  3. By type of ammunition used. Short arrows (16 to 21 inches), darts (8 inches or less), and steel balls used by schnapper crossbows.

We will talk below about what is more powerful and, in general, better for hunting and sports, a bow or a crossbow, and how they differ from each other in comparison.

The video below will tell you which crossbow to choose, block or recurve:

Comparison with bows

So, crossbow versus bow.

  • The main advantage of a crossbow is that learning to shoot from it is much easier. For the reason that the shooter does not need to do two things at the same time - hold the bowstring and line up the aiming line.

However, for this he had to pay with weight - together with the stock and trigger mechanism, it weighs at least twice as much as a classic bow.

  • When drawing a crossbow, various devices are used. From the stirrup in which the foot is placed to hold it, to the mechanical tensioners. Thanks to them, you can use a bow that is much more elastic, strong, capable of throwing heavy arrows (bolts) with great energy and penetrating ability. For comparison: the maximum tension force of a hunting bow does not exceed 60 pounds - 27.3 kilograms, and for a crossbow, which has a similar recurve design, in its basic version it is 43 kilograms.
  • Optical sights can be installed on crossbows - from collimator to diopter, which significantly increases shooting efficiency. In compound bows, the aiming line is much more complicated, using a pip-site (a ring in the string at the shooter’s eye level) and a scope sight. Classic and traditional bows do not have this set either. To hit the target with them requires great skill, acquired through long hours of training.

Read below about choosing a crossbow for underwater and land hunting, sports and entertainment.

How to choose a crossbow

In this matter, knowledge of the basics of mechanics and Newton's laws will be of great help. and first we’ll find out what and how to choose a crossbow for hunting (eg wild boar) and sports, what are the prices and reviews about certain models of weapons.

For hunting and sports

Let's make a reservation right away:

  • Firstly, hunting using throwing weapons is prohibited in Russia.
  • Secondly, none of the freely sold crossbow models has a pulling force exceeding 43 kilograms. Even if its cost is close to one hundred thousand rubles, and the manufacturer positions it as a hunting one. Anything above this value is subject to licensing as an assault weapon.

The stopping power of the arrow, due to its mass and geometry, is comparable to a 20 gauge bullet. Typically, hunting with smoothbore weapons takes place at distances of no more than 50 meters. Therefore, the term “hunting crossbow” refers to a weapon that is capable of throwing an arrow with such force that at a distance of 30 meters it loses almost no strength and can fly another hundred. To do this, it must have special technical characteristics, the main of which are the stroke of the bowstring and the tension force. Regarding the latter, we will assume that it is equal to the maximum permitted by law.

The stroke of the bowstring is the distance from the point where it intersects the upper edge of the forend to the holding tooth of the trigger mechanism. It ensures the duration of the force and sets the amount of energy transferred to the arrow. Directly depends on the arm span of the bow. For example, for a block crossbow, which is definitely capable of sending an arrow 100 meters and further, with a bow length of 61.5 cm, it is 37 centimeters. And the recurve Jaguar Interloper, which is used by many as a hunting weapon, has a bowstring stroke of 24.5 cm with a bow length of 67 centimeters.

The value of 24 cm should be remembered as the minimum that distinguishes hunting and sporting weapons from recreational ones.

In a compound crossbow, with a shorter bow length, the bowstring travel is greater. This is due to the design features - the high specific stretch coefficient of the cable system, which accumulates the bulk of the energy for the shot, and powerful arms that can be bent without fear of breaking.

But this is not the only difference. The diagrams of the force impulse during tension and release of the bowstring of recurve and compound crossbows are mirror opposite. With classic recurves, the force reaches its peak when the bowstring is placed on the tooth of the fighting mechanism. And it is spent almost immediately after descent. Blockers, on the other hand, experience a reduction in force by almost 70 percent, and it is consumed gradually, increasing to a maximum at the moment the arrow leaves the guide. Therefore, the flight speed of an arrow from recurves does not exceed 60; for blockers it reaches one hundred meters per second.

  • Since the “blocker” has less force on the holding tooth of the trigger mechanism, it can be kept cocked longer without the risk of breaking the bowstring. Similar to the gas spring of air rifles.
  • But recurve crossbows also have an advantage: they are simpler and lighter - the MK-380 weighs 4.5 kilograms, and the Jaguar Interloper 3.1.

The part of the stock, called the forend, of a hunting crossbow should be metal.

  • Firstly, this allows you to make the bow block massive, dampening vibration and residual tension in the shoulders.
  • Secondly, the trigger mechanism is attached to it and it should not dangle, which affects not only safety, but also shooting accuracy.
  • In addition, it is possible that the plastic guide may become deformed when the bowstring is pulled.

Optical sights must be installed on hunting and sports crossbows, for which profile rails are used - Weaver, Picatinny, dovetail. Therefore, a recurve crossbow, which has a tension force of 43.4 kg and a bowstring stroke of 24 cm, cannot be considered as a full-fledged hunting one. It has a plastic guide, and the sighting devices are only external - a rear sight and a front sight without fiber-optic threads.

Sports shooting is less dynamic, but the requirements for results are higher. Remember the axiom that “the barrel shoots, but the stock hits.” Therefore, choose models with the ability to adjust the shoulder rest and in the bullpup form factor, which are more balanced. For example, the “” model, which is equipped with other “goodies”: a bowstring stabilizer, adjustable arrow bar clamping force, and an adjustable weaver bar.

This educational video will tell you which is better for hunting and sports, a bow or a crossbow:

Crossbows for fun

Any throwing weapon with a bowstring stroke of less than 20 cm can be considered recreational. First of all, these are crossbows in the “pistol” form factor. Man Kung companies produce a whole series with letters from to. All of them are recurve, but the body and guide are made of both plastic and metal. Their shoulder span is 42, and the bowstring stroke length is 12.7 centimeters. Tension force 23 kilograms. Ammunition - short arrows (darts) 16.51 (6 inches) centimeters long.

Their effective firing range is no more than 15 meters, so they are not considered hunting, but at this distance a “toy” crossbow is deadly.

Schnapper crossbows, which shoot steel balls, stand apart. All schnappers are block-type, with a rifle stock. In any case, the ball does not fly further than 15 meters, so they are classified as recreational weapons. Even if the length of the bowstring stroke exceeds 24 cm, like “”.

Compact models are more common. Such as "Tiger". Its arc span is 42.9 cm, and the tension force is 25 kilograms. In addition to steel balls with a diameter of 8 mm, it shoots darts 6 inches long. The dart does not fly further than forty meters. Known and , as well as .

Arrow selection

Crossbow arrows are available in lengths of 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 inches. The recommended size is indicated in the operating instructions. It is acceptable to use a longer one. In any case, the arrow shaft should fit snugly against the guide along its entire length. Now they are made from the following materials:

  • carbon - carbon fiber plus a binder;
  • aluminum – hollow with replaceable tips;
  • fiberglass (fiberglass).


  • For hunting, heavy arrows are used, which fly slower but have greater penetrating power. These are full-bodied carbon (the heaviest) and aluminum, suitable for hunting small game.
  • For sports competitions, aluminum and, to a lesser extent, fiberglass are used, which, due to their low weight, are highly susceptible to wind.
  • Fiberglass, the lightest, is used for recreational shooting. In most cases, their use on serious crossbows is undesirable, since it is equivalent to a blank shot, leading to damage to the weapon.

Hunting arrows for ungulates have a massive metal tip, often with several blades. For better stabilization, their feathers are longer. For feather and small game hunting, a simple point is sufficient.

Arrows for compound crossbows have a moon nock at the end. They have two-color plumage - the stabilizer, which differs in color, is installed in the groove of the guide.

This video provides an overview of different crossbow arrows:

In connection with the noise that arose around the Amendments to the Law on Weapons, hunting with a bow and crossbow in Russia has firmly entered the circle of freshly discussed news. The recent case of the murder of 5 people with a crossbow in Germany at once added a lot of fuel to the fire. However, all this pandemonium has little to do with the realities of using bows and crossbows in Russia for hunting purposes. In fact, bows with a tension force of up to 27 kgf and crossbows up to 43 kgf are devices for sports, recreation and entertainment, and since the law does not have retroactive force, they will always remain so. To do this, you just need to always have with you the Forensic Examination Certificate and the Certificate of Compliance of your model with a device that was structurally similar to a weapon (CSO), but is not one, which was activated during testing.

What is the undoubted beauty of having a bow and crossbow of allowed force (poundage)? The fact is that you can be with them whenever and wherever you want, which is completely different for hunting weapons. Therefore, no one can forbid you to go shooting in the forest with CSO bows and crossbows at any time of the year in all publicly accessible places. And even if you are dressed like a hunter, if you do not have a trophy in your hands, you are not violating any legislative norms or by-laws, and you do not need to have anything with you other than the Act and Certificate. At the same time, since you do not have a weapon in your hands, no prohibitions on weapons apply to this device, since the prohibitive norms of even the Hunting Rules apply exclusively to weapons, even if it says specifically about bows and crossbows - it is written about bows and crossbows which are weapons, in the weapons section, and you have in your hands a KSO - a device that is similar, but is not one.

The best crossbows and bows for hunting

Moreover, in legislation where the main norm is the Presumption of Innocence, everything that is not prohibited is permitted. This means that if the ban is not expressly stipulated by local legislation, or the permission in the local Hunting Rules (Order for the hunting season) is not specified by the type of weapon (device) used, no one can prohibit you from hunting with a bow and crossbow
. There is no such article either in the Hunting Rules or in the Law on Weapons, which you violated, therefore the hunting inspector cannot write anything down in the act, even if you have a trophy, as well as a license (permit) for hunting. The hunt is open, you have a permit and a hunting ticket, there is no prohibition on the type of weapon (device), the permit part does not indicate how, which means you have not violated anything (you just need to not violate the specified method of hunting, the number of trophies, and the places allowed for hunting ).

Therefore, if local legislation and orders “hunt is open for...” and it is not specified with what (smooth-bore rifled hunting, traps...), - nothing stops you, having a hunting ticket, and having legally acquired the appropriate hunting permit (by purchasing a license from a private owner) - to hunt with a bow or crossbow that is not a weapon, unless otherwise expressly stated in local legislation (and it cannot be stated directly, since local legislation cannot contradict the federal one, and the federal one does not contain prohibitive norms of this nature. The only one The instrument of the local licensing authority is a direct prescription of not only the timing of the hunt and the objects of the hunt, but also the method of production, as well as the weapons and equipment used, which is often limited to indicating only the terms and objects of the hunt.

And absolutely nothing can prevent hunting in private enclosures that provide such services for bred and released animals and poultry, with the exception of agricultural standards for the slaughter of farm animals and standards for the humane treatment of them, however, these are no longer your problems, but the matter of who provides you with such a service, because it is not you, but he, who is obliged to comply with them when breeding and selling them. Therefore, hunting with a bow and crossbow in Russia has always been and will always be, despite any conflicts occurring in the minds of Russian legislators.

Crossbows for Hunting - Buy a cheap crossbow for hunting

Since a hunting crossbow is the simplest device for silent hunting, and does not require any special skills from the owner to handle it, and can also serve as an excellent means of self-defense (not only from humans, but, for example, from mad foxes and stray dogs) , and also perfectly serves the purposes of survival in the wild, - the popularity of hunting crossbows in the segment of throwing devices is highest(they do not require any permission to purchase and carry, nor special storage rules). It is most advisable to purchase crossbows from the largest Chinese (Taiwanese) manufacturers, which are often sold in America, Europe and Russia under the guise of locally localized brands. The highest quality inexpensive products are produced by PoeLang, known in Europe as EK Archery, and in Russia as Interloper crossbows. Since up to a distance of 15 meters an arrow fired from a hunting crossbow can be considered straight-flying, we will list the most optimal solutions for hunting with a crossbow for aiming distances from 15 to 65 meters after 10 meters (70 is the maximum distance for shooting at ungulates with a bullet from a smooth-bore hunting weapon , so we will focus on it). Accordingly, depending on the slaughter distance for large ungulates, the price of these crossbows will also change.

Modular crossbows and pistol crossbows - Cobra System R9 EK Archery - hunting distance 15-25 meters

The most popular, that is, the most widely sold, crossbow in 2018-2019 in the USA and Europe is modular lightweight crossbow with lever cocking Cobra System R9 from EK Archery, in Russia its sales volume in 2019 exceeded the sales of all previously most popular crossbows. Crossbow Cobra System R9 EK Archery in Russia- this is really the most compact and convenient crossbow for the most widespread hunting of small game, that is, any bird, animal, even roe deer and gilt at distances of 15-20 meters. You can buy a crossbow using the link - Modular crossbow Cobra System R9 EK Archery - 16500 rub. In addition to the standard configuration, this crossbow can be purchased with a Weber coolant sight - Complete set of Cobra crossbow with VEBER collimator- 19,000 rub. Additionally, you can purchase 130 lb. tension arms. This is the most convenient crossbow for hunting birds and small animals, as a crossbow for self-defense and survival. You can purchase a magazine for semi-automatic dart feeding, as well as a bowfishing kit. The crossbow can be used as a crossbow pistol. Recommended hunting distances are 15-25 meters. But here we cannot consider large ungulates and large predators as targets of destruction. As a rule, these are deer up to the size of a fallow deer, and predators up to the size of a dog.

Lightweight cheap hunting crossbows - EK Archery (Interloper) BLADE

These are full-length hunting crossbows with a minimum price level, but the ability to use full poundage on any animal. Optimally, this is a Block Crossbow Blade 43 kgf - Buy Block crossbow Blade 43 kgf + reinforced rails 185 lbs + Additional forend and arrows - 20,000 rub.. The blade is aimed at hunting all large ungulates, including elk. Hunting large predators with its help is not recommended, although it is possible, since the recommended hunting distance is 15-35 meters. This is the cheapest reliable crossbow for hunting in Russia; you can easily install full-length rails yourself by simply unscrewing 2 bolts and removing 4 cotter pin washers. Whatever standards you set, that’s what you’ll get. However, they will sell you the same thing in another place for 23,000 rubles, calling them EK Archery BLADE (they do not differ in anything except the pasted tag). At the same time, Blades marked Interloper have a trigger safety device like the latest EK Archery Accellerator, which distinguishes them from the Reapers-390, 410, which have a trigger control system of the previous modification. The slight difference in the length of the guide between the Blades and the Reapers and the supposed impossibility of attaching the shoulders from the Reapers-410 (Accelerators) to the Blade is nothing more than a technological nuance that you can easily solve with the help of two metal cylinders, just by trying it. From the point of view of sports, recreation and entertainment, Interloper Blade is generally an unsurpassed hit for the niche of organizing outdoor shooting ranges, shooting games, competitions, corporate events, gifts, and teaching children. But most importantly, with full-length rails, this is more than a hunting crossbow at the lowest price. Crossbows with such characteristics 5 years ago were sold for the price of a car, but today they are only 20,000 with three arrows and a modern forend. Changing slats for crossbows of the PoeLang family has a stepwise change in the speed of arrow departure for each rating of the slats by 20 fps: the original Blade slats with winding cables and bowstrings give - 350 fps, slats from the 390th give 370 fps, from the 410th - 390.

Optimal hunting crossbows - Interloper Reaper-390 (Poelang Ballistic)

Interloper (Poelang) crossbows are the best practical crossbows in the world in terms of price-quality-performance ratio, and that is why dozens of global brands buy up these fairly advanced models of hunting crossbows, selling them with minor modifications and accessories under their own name. At the same time, not everyone even redoes anything at all. For example, the American Carbon Express produces Interloper Tactic (Torpedo) under the name Carbon Express Interceptor of various modifications with the largest number of upgrades and attachments, masking the original product as much as possible. At the same time, the European Southern Crossbows does not change anything at all in the original Tactics, selling it under the name Raven. This also applies to the new Ballistic family, of which the Ballistic-390 model is optimal. Being slightly longer on the rail than the Blade, having an improved shoulder system, a wider and stronger stock, and a full-length tactical stock and body kit, the Reapers can be classified as the most practical solution for a hunting crossbow.Recommended hunting distances are 15-45 meters. Buycrossbow for hunting Zhnets-390 individual tuning, with maximum shoulders at 390 fps- 27,000 rub.

Maximum hunting crossbows are cheaper to assemble yourself - Interloper Reaper-390 with shoulders at 410 FPS (Poelang Ballistic) - hunting distance 15-55 meters

The unique adaptability of components produced by PoeLang for its crossbows allows you not to necessarily buy all new and older models of these crossbows. And it is not at all necessary to first buy a basic model with default shoulders with a force of up to 43 kgf. It is quite possible to buy a separate cradle for the Reaper-390 and separately arms for the Reaper-410. By combining them together you will get the cheapest version of the most powerful crossbow for the smallest money. However, the 43 kgf version can easily be converted into a full-length version with 185 lbs if you purchase reinforced replacement bars separately. This configuration will cost you a little more than the standard one, but will be much more effective. Recommended hunting distances are 15-55 meters. Buy Reaper-390 (410) individual tuning, with maximum shoulders 410 + to 185 lbs pull weight- 30,000 rub. This configuration is the most optimal and in terms of lethality it is not surpassed by any existing crossbows in the world that are even close in cost. This configuration can be called the maximum fishing crossbow.

Maximum hunting crossbows with reverse arms - MainHunter DOOM with shoulders at 43 kgf and 205 lbs (JunXing) - hunting distance 15-65 meters

The best crossbow with reverse arms on the Russian market of hunting and tactical crossbows in 2019 - MainHunter DOOM - was created in 2018 by order and under the leadership of the Moscow company MAINHUNTER, on the basis of the barnett-shaped prototype M85, the famous company for the production of archery products Linyi Junxing Sports Equipment Co . Ltd.These are the world's first reverse arm crossbows that can accommodate arms up to 205 lbs. In general, according to the design scheme, the new crossbow MainHunter DOOM repeats all the main technical solutions of the world-famous top model crossbow with reverse arms BARNETT Buck Commander® Revengeance, embodied by JanXing in the M81 model, which were modified to the M85 model with the participation of Russian MAINHUNTER specialists, but this crossbow entered the Russian market with a whole series of exclusive upgrades, on which the customer insisted, therefore the result for the buyer will be completely different than similar products available for purchase either from the manufacturer of the batch (production agreement for 1000 units) or from other distributors.Long reverse arms parallel to the guide give the crossbow ideal balance and smooth operation. Real minimum price in stores: 44,000 crossbow with shoulders up to 43 kgf + 6,000 night sight with monitor, connected to a computer = 50,000 rubles.Buy crossbow for night hunting Main Hunter DOOM with reverse arms - the developed speed of an arrow from a crossbow is up to 120 meters per second- 50,000 rub. Recommended hunting distances are 15-65 meters.

Bows for Hunting - Buy cheap bows for hunting

Bow hunting is the highest skill of hunting, if only simply because it is one of the oldest types of hunting, where the hunter does not use anything against the animal other than the strength of his own hands, skill and eye. The chances of the animal and the hunter are significantly equalized, and the hunter requires maximum skill to approach the animal at a short distance. However, modern technology has made bowhunting much easier because recurve bows are now made of high-tech composites, and compound bows allow the bowhunter to use much greater string tension. Bow hunting distances for recurve bows range from 15 to 25 meters on average, for a compound bow they only start with these values, and for compound bowmen it is difficult to determine the real limit, since official hits in the scoring field for serial bows at a shooting distance are currently registered above 273 meters, not to mention the fact that the one launched upward at an angle A 45 degree arrow retains its lethality even when dropped at distances of 450-650 meters. That's why,

Recurve hunting bows

Recurve hunting bows use only the elastic properties of the limbs to impart energy to the flying arrow, so all their design wisdom lies in the shape and material of these limbs, as well as the presence of an aiming system. Bows that do not have an aiming system and are used with an intuitive method of aiming, as a rule, are traditional bows, and the best of them are produced individually by private craftsmen in the traditions of various schools of archery craftsmanship, often using modern technologies. Bows that do not have recurve, that is, bending of the arms (there is no lever to help the shooter draw the bow in the second phase of the draw, are called straight, or long bows, that is, long bows. Such bows are larger in size, more difficult to draw, but shoot further and More precisely, sporting bows are usually recurve bows and have an aiming system.

Lightweight Folding Cheap Hunting Bows - Take Downs - Samick Sage- hunting distance 15-35 meters

Korean Samik bows are the most popular sports bows; they are used by all beginning archers. However, Samik himself calls all his bows hunting, and for good reason. The ability of Samik take-down bows to fold, dividing into 3 parts, makes them very convenient to transport. The traditional (classic) Samik Sage custom hunting bow is covered in snake skin in two shades, individual order, hunting tuning, poundage 45-60. Double leather wall, black bowstring, Trophy Ridge shelf guard, on request nest +300 rubles, magnetic tendril shelf +300 rubles. For bow buyers, carbon arrows with plastic tails are sold for 350 rubles and a 3,000 rubles discount is provided on NEC System sighting systems. Shooting chute, bowstring Dynaflight-97. Bare 20 tyr, with a sighting beam system based on the NEC Leupold LCO 30 tyr collimator. With a full NEC BOW KIT Maxima with a laser target designator and a flashlight, a collimator for 4 sights in two colors - 40,000 rubles. A bowfishing reel, a stabilizer for securing it, arrows, harpoons, all assembled for 50 thousand rubles. Samick Sage Take-Down Snake Skin- 20,000 rub.

Compact Folding Bows for Survival - Howling Wolf- hunting distance 15-35 meters

The metal handle and composite straight limbs of the Howling Wolf bows allow them to be folded into a compact, unobtrusive straight stick that does not look like a bow in any way. This is an ideal bow for concealed carry, car storage, and backpack carry as a survival bow. When unfolded, the Howling Wolf turns into a fairly large full-length straight bow, which is not afraid of any storage conditions. Lightweight, reliable, simple, fits in a backpack. Unfolds into working order in less than 10 seconds. Black with full milling 60 pounds - 30,000 rubles with postage, camo with non-through milling 45 pounds - 25,000. Bowstring Dynaflight-97. All bows come with a stabilizer with a bowfishing reel mount. Large metal reel with two handles for bowfishing - 5,000 rubles. Howling Wolf Retractable Survival Bow- 25,000 rub.

Traditional custom piece hunting bow by Alexander Kryazhev - Turkish multi-layer semi-carbon - hunting distance 15-45 meters

The family of Belarusian historical reconstruction masters Alexander and Alexandra Kryazhevs have been well known for many years not only in Belarus itself, as the organizers of the Minsk Archers Club, and not only in Russia, as the best craftsmen in the manufacture of custom traditional bows with artistic decoration, but throughout all countries CIS and neighboring countries, as unique specialists in the use of modern technologies in the manufacture of professional bows.For more than ten years, Alexander Kryazhev has been developing his own technology for manufacturing traditional reflexive bows, which he produces using composite matrix technologies based on individually manufactured silicone punches with subsequent pressing of an individually selected composite. Newest Bow of A. Kryazhev 2019 semi-carbon Turkish bow 30,000 rub.

Classic recurve hunting bow in the body kit of a compound bow - F177 JunXing- hunting distance 15-60 meters

Classic folding hunting take-downs from JanXing are among the highest quality hunting bows in this segment. The entire variety of the F177-187 model range and others differ only in the shape of the handle. The maximum draw force and large shoulder span allow these bows to shoot at maximum hunting distances in the forest - up to 60 meters, an arrow from this bow is absolutely lethal against large animals. Therefore, the optimal body kit for them is a standard body kit for a compound bow, that is, with a brush shelf, a sight, a stabilizer, a pip-site - all this makes shooting from these recurves not only lethal, but also very accurate. F177 from JunXing in black color handle, with all holes for installing stabilizer, shelf, sight (3 pairs of holes) - the optimal folding hunting bow that is in maximum demand catfish The maximum attachment for a compound bow is a sight, a brush shelf, a stub, a shako, a tie, 3 arrows, a pip-site, a D-loop, a socket. Funtazh 45-55, bowstring Dynaflight 97. Custom hunting body kit. The price for the entire assembly is 40,000 rubles with arrows. With an sighting system based on the Leopold LKO collimator on a separate installation + 10,000 rubles. Additionally, carbon arrows +400 per piece, stabilizer with bowfishing reel mount +1500, large metal two-handled bowfishing reel +5000.